Department of Management Services

People First team

University Conference Call

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|Description |Meeting Notes |

|Date |January 31, 2008 |

|Time |10:30 a.m. to noon |

|Facilitator |Verla Lawson |

|Note Taker |Verla Lawson |

|Attendees |Dr. Joyce Ingram, David DiSalvo, Linda Lieblong, Keith Young, James West, Carol Broome, Romeo |

| |Castillo, Jimmy Cox, Lydia Stafford, Mindy Rudd, Dani O’Quinn, Verla Lawson & Dave Snyder |

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Opening and introductions

• Participants introduced themselves.

• Joyce asked David to consider conducting the conference calls on a monthly basis. David expressed how committed we are to providing excellent customer service to our partners and would do everything possible to make sure the universities’ issues are addressed and resolved as quickly as possible. He said that we would reestablish the open dialogue that was previously in place.

• The Colleges and Universities Human Resources Executives Organization (CUHRE) asked Joyce to serve as the liaison for 2008, so she will be the initial contact person concerning university issues.

Benefit Issues

• Issue: Universities are continuing to have major issues with Health Savings Accounts (money not being posted properly). (FSU) The lag time from depositing to posting appears to take more than three weeks. James West, Convergys, said that problems often arise because employees have not properly established their bank accounts. He mentioned on going meetings with DSGI to work on solutions for the future. He also mentioned they are currently working on the HSA reversals and cleanup. Additionally, employees will be given time to send in additional information to establish their account and get everything corrected. (Update: DSGI is establishing a process to assist in research and 2007 reversal letters were sent to all who were affected.)

• Issue: Universities would like to see the service level reports. (USF) Universities used to receive reports specific to the university population outlining utilization, types of calls to the service center, average wait time on calls, number of cases assigned, number of emergencies, etc. Can these reports be reinstated? Keith Young, Convergys, mentioned that he was very familiar with the reports and that Convergys currently provides service level reports to the DMS and other state agencies. He also mentioned that he would look into the possibility of providing these reports for the State University System. David asked if the university information is separate and if there is a possibility of separating this information in a report just for universities. Could it be separated by role code as well? Jimmy Cox and Keith Young mentioned that a new format was implemented a few months ago and Joe Cotton is the person coordinating this effort. Jimmy said that they need to look into providing access to Joyce so that she will have the opportunity to review the type of information available and make a determination on what the universities actually need. Keith Young mentioned that he would take the lead in determining if Joyce can have access and would provide us with a follow up to this request. (Update: Suzetta requested Convergys to provide Joyce with a password to access these reports; however, we are waiting on an update from Keith to confirm if these reports can be tailored as university specific.)

• Issue: Why is a case assigned to all calls to the service center, especially when some calls could be resolved on the phone? (UCF) Keith, James & Carol mentioned they want cases assigned to the incoming calls as a means of tracking the kinds of issues and categorizing requests to create a more timely response. Joyce wanted to know if there is some course of action to rectify this or if a recommendation could be offered for Convergys to revisit these procedures. James asked if the universities could provide examples. Keith mentioned they are reviewing all processes and are trying to streamline activities. (Update: Keith, Joe Cotton and other Convergys staff have met on this issue and are developing a new process over the next 60 days. They are targeting all A & H role codes. Keith or Joe will provide monthly updates.)

• Issue: Some employees are contacting lawyers to resolve their issues. (UCF) James asked Linda if the universities provided any examples of their issues and could she share those ID numbers with them. Linda provided James with ID numbers. These two employees have health savings account issues. She mentioned that there were more ID numbers available and would provide them after our meeting. (Update: These issues are currently under review.)

• Issue: Why have there been no benefits calls in months? Also, who is the point of contact to send issues for the call? (USF) David explained that this was a temporarily situation; primarily, the time commitment to Amendment 10 will provide fixes to many of the system issues identified over the past year. Verla Lawson is the university liaison. (Update: University Conference Calls will resume on April 10, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.)

• Issue: Universities would like to participate in the RFP for the vision product in the fall. (UF) Dave Snyder will get with Michelle Robleto on this issue and provide us with an update. (Update: DSGI is willing to consider participation of a university representative.  Final determination rests solely with DMS.)

• Issue: Convergys is not posting EFTs promptly on employees. Some get posted and some are not. (FGCU) James wasn’t aware of any delays in posting premiums. He asked if Linda could contact FGCU to provide examples. He also said that if it was a manual payment, then there’s a possibility of a slight delay. He said that those universities who use Banner may have more manual payments. (Update: We have not received any examples from FGCU.)

• Issue: BNI_123 processing problems – coded employees to show that they have previous month’s coverage. Some premiums are posted to wrong month and some premiums are not posted at all. The agency is not contacted about outstanding monies not posted from the BNI_123. (FGCU) James reviewed this information with Convergys’s IT staff and everything has been posted. He said universities are provided an over/under report. If universities worked these reports when received, it would be helpful in assisting them with their updates and discovering errors early. Romeo, Convergys’ IT staff, confirmed that there are no problems with the BNI_123 files. James mentioned he would provide Verla a direct contact for universities to use when they experience any payroll issues. (Update: James provided Verla with a direct contact for universities to use when they experience payroll issues. Verla emailed this information to all universities on February 28, 2008.)

• Issue: Zip Code errors – new zip codes are not entered into the People First system. No one seems to know the proper process to update the codes. When updated information is sent for an employee with one of those zip codes that have not been updated, they error out. This includes pay changes, etc. Also there are issues with foreign addresses not being able to be loaded into People First through the files. (FGCU) Carol Broome said that Convergys is aware of the problem and Romeo has created an assignment to submit to Org. Management. Foreign addresses should be worked through Org. Management. Linda provided additional ID numbers as an example. Convergys will review and get back with the group. (Update: The current process to add a new zip code is for the agency/university to submit the new zip code on an HR Action form. Once the HR Action Form is received, an assignment is opened for IT to work on getting the new zip code entered into the system. There is no process for Convergys to automatically receive new zip codes through any other means at this time. Foreign address changes should also be submitted on an HR Action Form for manual updates if they get rejected on the normal file transfer for any reason.)

• Issue: Open enrollment issue – supplemental insurances are not carrying over to January’s coverage for new hired employees enrolled during the open enrollment period. (FGCU) Dave Snyder explained that any new hires coming on board after the enrollment file ran were prompted by the People First system to re-enroll into a dental plan for 1-1-08. James mentioned any appeals to this point for new hires with a November 1, 2007, effective date have been denied because they did not utilize their window of opportunity to enroll. Any new hires with an 11/1 or 12/1 effective date were given an opportunity to enroll into one of the new dental plans offered in 2008. Those individuals received a letter and had 60 days to elect a plan. Dave Snyder was asked to discuss this issue with Michelle Robleto and provide us with an update as to whether these employees would now be allowed to enroll in a dental plan. (Update: Dave responded with the following answer: Employees hired 11/1/07 & 12/1/07 received a system message while they were enrolling in dental informing them that they also needed to enroll under the open enrollment icon if they wanted to continue coverage.)

• Issue: Problems with employees transferring. Benefits don’t get transferred and are terminated instead and then you can’t get the case corrected by the service center timely. When an employee on the spouse program terminates, the service center terminates the spouse’s benefits also (even though the employee is picking up family coverage). Must have other agency contact the service center with dates they sent over the information about the transfer so it can be corrected. (FGCU) Jimmy explained this issue will not be resolved until DMS and Convergys sign Amendment 10 and the work items in Amendment 10 are implemented. David DiSalvo provided a complete overview of Amendment 10. Linda recommended devising a better manual process to assist with the HR Action process. James asked if all universities would send their outstanding issues to Verla and we will work towards a resolution. Jimmy and David spoke on the PAR focus group meeting previously held and explained that this issue and its resolution were discussed during that meeting. We are working on this issue to be implemented in the future; many of the details are directly related to Amendment 10. (Update: Several universities have submitted outstanding issues. James and Verla have worked through each with positive results.)

• Issues: Inconsistencies with service center staff: (FGCU)

1. Why is a case assigned to every call when some issues can be taken care of during the initial telephone call?

2. The service center has told us that there are problems with the system and they will fix the problem of employee benefits disappearing in January. Then another will say that because it’s a new employee the benefits will not show up until it is January.

Keith responded to issues by requesting that FGCU provide Verla with examples of the situations. They are currently working with the Operations Team to improve training for service center staff. Please inform all universities in the future to get a rep’s name so that they can deal with these issues immediately. (Update: Verla has not received any examples to review.)

• Issue: It was a major issue for us to hear we would receive the OE files so late this year. In terms of payroll processing, it has made it very difficult to get everything processed timely this year. David explained that the time changes were out of our control due to all of the upgrades to the People First system, as well as the procurements DSGI had going on at one time. We had to develop and test new enrollment screens for the system, new premium tables had to be developed and user acceptance testing had to take place. Once DMS finalized the contracts, new providers had to aggressively prepare themselves for the open enrollment period and DSGI had to work with them to ensure their processes were correct and all interfaces with them and Convergys were correct. David & Jimmy both emphasized that timing is the key and we will review all of these issues prior to the 2008 open enrollment. James mentioned that the interface between the Universities’ IT and Convergys IT staff transitioned very well and if Linda could get some examples and send them to Verla, he would have his staff investigate and report on what happened. (Update: No examples have been provided.)

• Issue: There seems to be a different process for everything. (Fax escalation forms, emails, HR action forms, reinstatements, etc…) (UCF) Keith said they are working on new procedures and will provide an update during the next call. (Update: Convergys is currently developing a new process for assigning faxes as they are received. No final plan is in place at this time. Process review continues.)

• Issue: Life insurance details: There was a lack of communication on the amounts for the employer, employee and the date/rate of this change. (UWF) Dave Snyder mentioned that he would get with Michelle on this issue, but he thought we provided very in depth information to all universities. Verla agreed with Dave by stating we provided all universities with spreadsheets of the life rates as soon as DSGI finalized them. (Update: Dave has forwarded this information to Michelle and we are waiting on a response.)

• Issue: Identity compromised: (UWF & FAU) Verla transferred this to Tommy Wagner months ago and this issue has been resolved. (No update required; issue closed.)

• Issue: Who will be the university liaison now that Tom Lockridge has retired? (UWF) Verla Lawson is currently the university liaison. (No update required; answer provided during conference call.)

• Issue: There was a lack of IT calls to test Open Enrollment Changes. (UWF) Jimmy recommended that we would look into developing a plan for testing periods between Convergys and the Universities prior to the next open enrollment period. James asked Linda to provide Verla with examples from those universities who experienced interface issues. (No examples have been provided.)

• Issue: Discussion on returning Military QSC details: return date vs. losing access to military insurance. (UWF & FSU) Keith asked Linda to provide Verla with examples. James, Carol and Keith felt that this may be a training issue and they would check this out and report back. Linda was asked to inform the universities that if an employee on military leave was coded improperly, it would result in a mix up upon the employee’s return. (Update: No examples have been provided. Carol suggested that universities should provide examples of issues Convergys should address with specialists, and then Convergys would be able to provide appropriate training. They can also look into incorporating these examples into a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document as needed.)

• Issue: Frustrating having to fax things two, three or even four times for something to be resolved. When a case is created, we have to follow up about 90% of the time, even though they say they’ll call us back. (All universities) Keith mentioned developing new procedures. They know that the current system isn’t working up to par. (Update: Keith and other Convergys staff are reviewing this issue.)

• Issue: Retirees: retiree insurance is not a smooth process. There are many times a retiree will be dropped from coverage the first month, and we will continually have to call to ensure the retiree is reinstated. Additionally, is it possible for the retirement process to be more automated? (All universities) Jimmy mentioned this upgrade is a part of Amendment 10. For this process to work similar to the State’s previous system of enrolling retirees, it will require Convergys to reprogram the system. To automate the retirement process would require a rule change. DSGI is currently updating the 60-P rules and there will be changes to the retiree enrollment process. Linda asked when agencies will be allowed to see terminating employees’ records for the first 60 days following their departure. This is part of Amendment 10 negotiations. (Update: The 60-P Rules are currently being reviewed. Amendment 10 work items will address viewing terminated employee records.)

• Issue: New Hires: there should be a smoother process for a newly hired employee to enroll with the next month’s effective date. (FSU) James and Jimmy both mentioned that the current system updates will allow an employee to enroll with an early effective date; however, the process is not always smooth. James mentioned that he would look into a simpler process and report back to the group. (Update: Under review.)

• Issue: The move money process should be automated. (All Universities) James mentioned this process was designed by DSGI and he would report at the next conference call if there was a possibility to change the process. (Update: The current process will remain in place.  DSGI needs verification of premium amounts, coverage months and certification that the warrant will not be cancelled.  The move-money process is only needed when universities are out of sync with the official payroll schedule set by Bureau of State Payrolls.)

• Issue: Convergys’ staff continues to give out incorrect information to nine-month faculty relating to the payroll double deductions. They also need to be more knowledgeable of the 60-P rules. Keith & Carol both agreed to look into this situation and report on a plan design for training during the next conference call. (Update: Carol Broome recommended reviewing the frequently asked questions and updating those documents to assist the representatives on the telephones.)

• Issue: When will employees be allowed to reset their passwords? Jimmy responded by saying they were very close to implementation and that he would provide a timeline for the User Acceptance Testing process before its implemented. (Update: The scheduled release date is April 12, 2008.)

Data Warehouse Issues

• The university system wants access to the same data that they had during the days of COPES. Jimmy stated that once Amendment 10 is signed, many of the data and reports issues would eventually be worked out over a period of time.

Payroll Issues

• Now that all universities are processing their own payroll, IT calls for this particular group should be reinstated to make sure all issues remain minimal and continue smoothly. James said that he would look into the possibility of reinstating the university IT calls on an as needed basis and get back with the group.

Training Issues

• Service center representatives need additional training on the rules, policies and procedures established by the State of Florida.

Closing Remarks:

• David and Joyce expressed their sincere commitment to maintaining an open dialogue between the State University System, DMS People First Team and Convergys.

• David mentioned many of the university concerns have been discussed and we are very much aware of these problems. Unfortunately, many won’t be resolved until Amendment 10 is finalized and work items are implemented. He felt DMS and Convergys have been working very hard to iron out all of the logistics of Amendment 10, because everyone involved wants to raise the level of customer service the employees of the State of Florida are receiving.

• Joyce asked David to consider reinstating the university conference call because they feel these calls provide an invaluable service to the universities. David agreed to keep her recommendations in mind and would respond following a review of everyone’s work effort over the next 12 months. (Update: Conference calls have been reestablished to take place every other month and will begin April 10, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.)

• Joyce asked if we would maintain a takeaway log of issues as previously existed. David told Joyce he wanted more time to review this request and would get back with her on this issue. (Update: Verla will maintain the takeaway log of issues, follow up on pending issues and provide a spreadsheet to all participants before each conference call allowing everyone time to review before the call.)

• In closing, they both felt that this conference call was very informative and provided a service for everyone. They both felt that this was a very positive meeting.


• DMS & Universities: David will get back with Joyce on a meeting schedule for the future.

• Convergys & DSGI: James West will get back with all after his meeting with DSGI on the best course of action to remedy the enrollment issues with Health Savings Accounts.

• Convergys: Carol mentioned republishing how to enroll in a Health Savings Account, on Convergys’ system. Carol also mentioned the need to reeducate their customer service representatives. She would get back with us on a new timeline.

• Convergys & DMS: James mentioned HSA reversals and those employees would be given an opportunity to update their records.

• Universities & DMS: Linda to provide Verla with examples of all situations once the universities forward them to her.

• Convergys & Universities: Keith would look into providing the universities with a Service Level Report.

• Convergys & Universities: Keith mentioned that he would take the lead in getting Joyce access to view university reports on line.

• Convergys & Universities: James was provided with IDs and he was to get back with the status of these employees’ health savings accounts.

• DSGI & Universities: Dave Snyder will get with Michelle Robleto on the universities’ request to participate in the upcoming vision RFP process and provide us with an update.

• Convergys & Universities: In reference to posting EFT’s timely, James will get back with us on the process and Linda will get with Florida Gulf Coast to provide us with examples.

• Convergys & FSU: Foreign address: Linda provided James with ID numbers and James was to get back with her to make sure the records are corrected.

• Convergys & DSGI: Supplemental Dental Issues: Dave Snyder was asked to speak with Michelle to determine whether she would allow those new hires with 11/1 & 12/1 effective dates the opportunity to enroll in dental coverage.

• DMS & Convergys: Transfers from agencies to the university and vice versa should be smoother. Jimmy mentioned that this will not be worked out until Amendment 10 is finalized.

• Universities, DMS & Convergys: James asked Linda to provide examples to Verla of any universities that had an interface problem.

• DSGI & Universities: Life insurance communication or the lack thereof: Dave Snyder was to get with Michelle on this issue and report back.

• Universities: Linda was asked to update all universities to check the coding of their employees on Military Leave. If incorrectly coded, they will have problems upon returning to active employment.

• DMS & Convergys: If the password reset process were automated, it would reduce the number of calls to the service center. Jimmy would look into a timetable.

• DSGI: The retirement process should be more automated. This would require a rule change. DSGI will reply with an updated timeframe for rule revision.

• Convergys: There should be a smoother process for a newly hired employee to enroll with the next month’s effective date. James West mentioned that they would look into this process and report back to the group.

• Convergys: It is imperative to have a better system in place to verify faxes other than the right fax system because it’s obviously not working. Keith will provide an update during the next conference call.

• DMS, Convergys & Universities: Effective dates for new hires who want the next month’s coverage should be worked out. James will look into a simpler process and report back to the group.

• DSGI & Convergys: Move money process should be automated. James mentioned this function is in place by order of DSGI Finance & Accounting and would not be changed unless DSGI changes the process; however, he would look into a simpler process and report back to the group.

• Convergys, DMS & Universities: Convergys’s staff needs additional training as to how they should process nine-month faculty. Convergys employees need to become more knowledgeable of the 60-P Rules. Carol & Keith both agreed and mentioned developing a new training plan. They would report on the progress of this plan during the next conference call.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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