Summary of Head Start Oral Health Follow up Activities - …

Summary of Head Start Oral Health Follow up Activities

(From ASTDD 04 -05 funding)

Two rounds of Follow Up Funding were provided by ASTDD in fall 2004 and fall 2005 to states that had held Head Start Oral Health Forums and completed their action plans. 26 states received funding from these two cycles and 16 have returned reports.

5 have received extensions on their use of funds and 5 reports are still being compiled.

The activities in the Follow Up Reports related directly to goals and objectives found in the State Head Start Oral Health action plans developed at the Head Start Oral Health Forums held throughout the country from 2000-2006. Oral health education, disease prevention and access to care were addressed in the Forums and specific activities were planned to meet the challenges and support successful strategies to improve the oral health of Head Start children and families.

The list below is an example of the activities reported as being accomplished through the provision of ASTDD follow up funds:

• Follow up meetings of the stakeholders who attended the initial Head Start Forums to assess progress on action plans and make revisions as needed

• Development/dissemination of two CD ROMs and a Tool Kit on oral health (Arkansas and Montana)

• Distribution of oral health packets with resources on educational materials and oral health training to Head Start centers

• Development of oral health coalitions to support Head Start oral health activities

• Support for educational programs including implementation of the Washington Dental Foundation Cavity Free Kids and California’s First Five oral health projects

• Surveys to assess action plan progress and to evaluate educational projects

• Training of staff, parents and teachers on oral health

• Training for non dental providers

• Adoption of Head Start Centers by oral health consultants

• Initiation of fluoride varnish projects in Head Start Centers

• Development of websites for communication around oral health and Head Start

• Support for and endorsement of legislation for improving oral health of pregnant women and children

• Support of collaborative efforts between organizations and programs such as CA Head Start Program and the CA CHDP Program and support of collaborative efforts between HS Oral Health Programs and State Head Start Collaboration Offices

• Resourcefulness in finding additional funds and in kind services to support oral health action plan

The ASTDD Follow up Report requested a budget explanation on the use of funds. This request reported the following funded activities supported by ASTDD but also supported with additional funds from various organizations.

|Activity |ASTDD Funds |Additional Funds |Contributing Organizations |

| |$2,500.00 per state |( approximates in matching or | |

| |(16 states included in this |additional funds ) | |

| |table) | | |

|1. Follow Up meetings/focus |5 states | $2,607.85 |State Dept. of Education and |

|groups (travel, lodging, meeting| |$2,311.00 in-kind |Early Dev. Head Start, Head |

|rooms, conf.calls ) | |$3,355.54 |Start Associations |

| | |$4,680.00 in kind | |

|2. Develop and disseminate oral |6 states |$ 2,250.00 |Collaboration Project, Head |

|health educational materials for| |$ 943.05 |Start Association, Dept of |

|dental and non dental | |$ 4,235.00 |Health and Human Services Oral |

|professional ,and non | |$ 2,500.00 |Health Unit, School of |

|professional | |$ 500.00 |Dentistry, Office of Oral Health|

|3. Provide curriculum training |3 states |$20,000.00 |Head Start Association, |

|including materials for staff | |$1,500.00 |Dept. of Health, |

|( Cavity free Kids) | |$2,000.00 |Collaboration Project |

|( Regional Training) | |$ 400.00 | |

| | |$ 600.00 in kind | |

|4. Data Collection |3 States |$1,149.00 |Head Start Association |

|Surveys, marketing and research | |$1,050.00 | |

|5. Salaries of staff and |3 states |$1,200.00 |Apple Tree Dental, State |

|coordinators, planners, | |$ 250.00 |collaboration Office, Head Start|

|consultants | |$1,280.00 |Association |

| | |$ 600.00 in kind | |

|6. Conduct educational sessions |1 State |$4,500.00 |Oral B Products, Patterson |

|for parents/staff | | |dental, Assoc. of Clinicians for|

|( Puppet Shows) | |$ 3,000.00 pledged for 2007 |Underserved,, Coalition, HS |

| | |activities |Assoc |

There are 16 state reports included in this collection of information. Some of the states conducted activities in more than one area in the table above. Also some in kind services such as professional time, use of equipment, space and supplies were not given a dollar amount.

16 states (in this report) funded by ASTDD at $2,500 each= $40,000

Contributed funds by other organizations = $60,911.44

ASTDD Head Start funds provided to the 16 states in the first two cycles of Forum Follow up funding were used to secure matching funds and financial contributions 1 and 1/2 times over the amount provided by ASTDD. This is a demonstration of the commitment of organizations to partner with ASTDD in their goal of improving the oral health of Head Start children and families throughout the country.

The question/responses on the need for additional resources reported the following:

• Limited funds limit the number of persons reached by surveys and programs, continued financial support is needed

• More start up funds are needed for new projects such as the AZ pre-natal Oral Health Advisory board’s project to educate pre-natal providers

• Funds are needed to travel to rural areas and to disseminate/share program models

• Identification of other grant resources to sustain programs is needed

• More funding to share models and funds for marketing and promoting new strategies

• Additional funds for strategic planning and coalition development

• Funds for additional market research to address the access to care issue

• Funds to continue training and education of both Head Start personnel and health care providers

A third cycle of ASTDD Follow Up Funding is presently being offered to support the action plans of the states who have not yet received follow up funding to support their Head Start Action Plans. The RFP requests applications be submitted to Kathy Geurink, ASTDD Head Start Project Coordinator by Oct.16, 2006.

Submitted by Kathy Geurink RDH,MA

ASTDD Head Start Project Coordinator

Oct. 2006


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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