Lesson Plan Summary Sheet

Lesson Plan Summary Sheet

Teacher: Howerton

Subject: Forensic Science

Topic: Death Investigation: Forensic Pathology

|Date |Essential Question(s) |Activities: |Vocabulary |Summarizing Strategies |

|10/13 |What information is gained |Students will visit the links below to learn about autopsies and answer the questions 1-9 |Autopsy |B1. Write a brief job description for a |

| |during an autopsy? | |Coroner |medical examiner |

| | | |Pathology | |

| | | | |

| | |csi-sci.html |Rigor mortis | |

| | | (graphic) |Algor mortis | |

| | | |Livor mortis | |

| | | | | |

|10/14 |How does anthropometry |Students will complete Lab 7:Measurable You? |Anthropometry |B2: Describe what anthropometry is and |

| |differ from an autopsy? | | |how it was used to identify a person. |

|10/15 |How are traumatic deaths |Students will visit the link below to learn about autopsies and answer the questions 9-17 |Asphyxiation |B3: Describe a crime scene that might |

| |categorized? | |Exsanguinations |include all four causes of traumatic |

| | | |Ligature |death in it. |

|10/16 |How do you perform an |The Human Body Experience Activity |Y-incision |B4: List 3 things you learned. 2 things |

| |autopsy? |Students will work in groups to complete Lab 8: pig dissection (autopsy) |Inguinal |you didn’t like and 1 thing you would |

| | | |Thoracic |like to learn more about. |

|10/17 |What have you learned about | Students will write a 1-2 page paper describing the job of a | |none |

| |forensic pathology? |forensic pathologist. Use what you have learned to explain the | | |

| | |what, how, and why they do what they do. | | |

| | |Turn in summarizing strategies today | | |

| | |Students will take a quiz on forensic pathology | | |

| 10/20 |What have you learned about |Students will wrapup and review for test tomorrow |none |None |

| |death investigation? | | | |

|10/21 |What tools are used in |Students will receive a case study in which they must determine the mode of death, cause of |none |None |

| |forensics for the |death, and the time of death. Students will have to use all the skills learned in this unit to | | |

| |investigation of a death? |complete the assignment. | | |

| | |Turn in summarizing strategies today | | |

| | |Students will take a multiple choice test on the unit | | |

Teacher: Howerton

Subject: Forensic Science

Topic: Death Investigation: Forensic Entomology

|Date |Essential Question(s) |Activities: |Vocabulary |Summarizing Strategies |

|10/2 |How is forensic entomology used to |Students will visit the following links to learn about forensic entomology. |Entomology |B5. Write a job brief description for a |

| |investigate a death? |Answer the Forensic Entomology Questions. |Maggot |forensic entomologist. |

| | | |Instar | |

| | | |Pupa | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

| | |anket/5210/ | | |

|10/3 |How can the life cycle of a insect |Students will do Exercise 13: Forensic Entomology in lab book |Post mortem interval |B6: Draw the life cycle of a blow fly. |

| |help determine the PMI? |Students will do Exercise 2: Deductive Reason Exercise in lab book |Oviposition | |

| | | |Migration | |

| | | |Pupation | |

|10/6 |How do you determine the |Students will complete the Entomology in Action lesson at |Accumulated Degree Houirs |B7: Explain the relationship between |

| |Accumulated Degree Hours? | |Ambient |climate data and entomology. |

| | | |Climatology | |

|10/7 |What features help you determine |Students will complete the Lab 14: Forensic Entomologist Lab Kit |varies |B8: Explain what you learned from |

| |the stage of insect development? | | |today’s lab |

|10/8 |What challenges does a forensic |Students will use their entomology skills to determine the time of exposure of |none |B9: Write your personal opinion on the |

| |entomologist face at a crime scene?|a “real body” in Lab 15 | |job of a forensic entomologist. |

|10/9 |What have you learned about |Students will write a 1-2 page paper describing the job of a forensic |none |none |

| |forensic entomology? |entomologist. (summarizing strategy) | | |

| | |Take a quiz on Forensic Entomology | | |

Teacher: Howerton

Subject: Forensic Science

Topic: Death Investigation: Forensic Anthropology

|Date |Essential Question(s) |Activities: |Vocabulary |Summarizing Strategies |

|9/22 |What bones make up the human|Students will become familiar with the human skeletal system by completing Lab 8. |Comparative |B10: Make a list of the major human bones. |

| |skeleton? | | | |

|9/23 |What can a skeleton tells us| Student will complete a paper activity using anthropology tables |Anthropology |B11: Describe the bones used to tell us about |

| |about its owner? |Students will summarize the Case study on page 60-61 |Osteology |race, gender, age, and height. |

|9/24 |How is forensic anthropology| Students will visit the following links to learn about |vaires |B12. Write a brief job description for a |

| |used to investigate a death?|forensic anthropology. | |forensic anthropologist. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|9/25 |What is forensic odontology?| Students will learn about forensic odontology in Lab 9 |odontology |B13: Write a brief job description for a |

| | |Students will view the powerpoint on forensic anthropology | |forensic odontologist. |

|9/26 |What is forensic archeology |Students will visit the following links to learn about forensic archeology. |Archeology |B14: Write a brief job description for a |

| | | |Excavation |forensic anthropologist. |

| | | |Clandestine | |

| | | |graves | |

| | | | | |

|9/29 |How do you excavate a buried|Students will use their archeologists skills to locate and excavate a “clandestine grave” in |none |B15: Describe the challenges of excavating a |

| |body? |Lab 10 | |clandestine grave. |

|9/30 |How do you use the |Students will view the powerpoint on forensic archeology |none |B16: Write a summary about this process. |

| |information collected at a |Students will use their anthropology skills to identify the skeletal remains of a human body in| | |

| |burial site to identify the |Lab 11 | | |

| |body? | | | |

|10/1 |What have you learned about | Students will write a 1-2 page paper describing the job of a | |B17: Write a reflection about this unit. What|

| |forensic anthropology? |forensic anthropologist/archeologist. Use what you have learned to explain | |did you like? What did you not? How could it |

| | |the what, how, and why they do what they do. | |be improved? How could you improve your |

| | |Students will take a quiz on forensic anthropology and archeology | |performance? |

|10/16 |What have you learned about |Students will wrapup and review for test tomorrow |none |None |

| |death investigation? | | | |

|10/17 |What tools are used in |Students will receive a case study in which they must determine the mode of death, cause of |none |None |

| |forensics for the |death, and the time of death. Students will have to use all the skills learned in this unit to | | |

| |investigation of a death? |complete the assignment. | | |

| | |Turn in summarizing strategies today | | |

| | |Students will take a multiple choice test on the unit | | |


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