Where will you spend your health care dollars

Where will you spend your health care dollars?

Place an X next to the names of the people your health system chose to provide care for.


Janet Stanley _________

Janet is 28 year old divorced mother who is working and going to college with a small child. The child is turning 5 and has not had the vaccines needed to enter school which includes hepatitis, diphtheria, pertussis, haemophilus influenza, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, and pneumococcal. The total cost for all of the required series is $22.00.

Nick Barzellone __________

Nick is a 40 yr old construction worker who has had hepatitis and is in serious need of a liver transplant. He is working part time despite his illness and has been given a year to live without the transplant. He has never been unemployed and has 3 kids and a wife that depend on his support. His transplant will cost $4,384.13.

Monica Ramirez __________

Monica is a 23 year old who is in her first pregnancy. Her doctor suspects that she may be carrying twins and recommends that she have an ultrasound to confirm this which will be important for decisions regarding her ability to carry to term. The ultrasound will cost $124.93.

Sheila Austin __________

Sheila is 35 and has been experiencing symptoms such as unexpected bleeding between menstrual cycles and pain during sexual intercourse. Web MD suggests she may need a Pap smear. Her own mother died of cervical cancer at age 42. The cost for a Pap smear is $25.42.

Frank Gorman __________

Frank is 11 years old and is terminally ill with cystic fibrosis and needs a lung transplant. It has been shown that a double lung transplant provides an increase in life expectancy for the majority of children that undergo the procedure. With this risky procedure Frank could add years to his life. It costs $3,596.64

Johnny Utah __________

Johnny Utah was out skydiving for his 30th birthday. Needless to say his landing did not go as planned and Johnny shattered his femur upon impact. He will need serious surgery to save his leg. The procedure is an open treatment of a femoral shaft fracture with implement and screws; this will cost $1,521.72

Margarret Mooney__________

Margarret is an 82 year old woman who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease several months ago. Her condition has progressed to such a point that 24-hour care has become necessary and her family can no longer give her the kind of care she needs. The cost of nursing home care for Margarret is $150/day.

Swee-Ling Lim____________

Over the past couple of years Swee-Ling’s eyesight has progressively worsened. As a result of her worsening eyesight, Swee-Ling has not been able to perform the essential functions of her job and has been threatened with termination if the quality of her work is not improved. Upon visiting an ophthalmologist it is determined that she has myopia and will need corrective lenses; this will cost $112

Jake Baker__________

Jake is a 7 yr old boy from an under-privileged family. Due to his family’s inability to pay for regular dental care Jake has developed an abscessed tooth. Left untreated, the abscess may compromise the immune system and in some cases may become life-threatening. The only treatment for Jake is the excision of this tooth; this will cost $143.55.

Martin Elisondo____________

Martin is an overweight 68 yr. old man with hypertension. Without proper medication Martin’s condition puts him at increased risk for myocardial infarction and may lead to heart failure; the cost of high blood pressure medicine is $207/month. Martin is on a fixed income and cannot afford this additional expense.

Mary Muntaba____________

Mary is a nine-month old infant and has been stricken with a violent bout of diarrhea. She has become increasingly ill from dehydration and the inability to absorb essential nutrients. The excessive diarrhea has also caused a painful rash to develop that has left Mary in constant pain. Left untreated her diarrhea could prove to be fatal. The cost for a physician office visit to treat her diarrhea is $75.50.

Costs for most of these services were determined by using the Medicare physician fee schedule look up at


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