[pic] Marco Ferrari, Secretary ADM November 2004

Message from the President

First of all, I would like to thank you all for having entrusted me with this responsibility. I can only promise to strive to maintain the standards set up by former Presidents such as Susanne Scherrer, Jim Drummond, and Jack Ferracane, and do everything I can to ensure that the objectives of the Academy (listed below) are met:

• to provide a forum for the advancement of the science of dental biomaterials in both basic and applied aspects of the physical and chemical properties, the biological interactions, the clinical applications, and the techniques associated with the utilization of materials in the field of dentistry;

• to encourage research in the development of materials applicable to the art and science of dentistry through exchange of ideas;

• to enhance communication between industrial researchers, institutional scientific investigators, and the professional dentist with an interest in research;

• and to promote the health of the general public through advancement of the art and science of dentistry.

Respectufully submitted,

N. Dorin Ruse (

Message from the Past President

Dear members,

It has been a pleasure to serve the Academy in the past two years finishing my presidential term at the annual ADM meeting last October in Geneva (Switzerland). This meeting went extremely well with a total attendance of 172 participants (92 posters) coming from 24 countries worldwide. My deep gratitude is expressed to David Watts, co chair of the scientific program for assembling an attractive combination on the insights of ceramic and photo-polymer networks. Many thanks are expressed to the speakers Horst Fischer, Janet Quinn, Urs Brodbeck, Ewa Andrzejewska, Anne Peutzfeldt, Claus-Peter Ernst, Jack Ferracane, John Wataha, Tony Smith as well as the moderators Bob Kelly, Ron Sakaguchi, David Watts for their great scientific contribution. The financial success of the meeting was guaranteed by the tremendous support gathered from 10 sponsors contributing to a total of 44,000 Euros (US$58'000). The Academy is expressing it's sincere gratitude to VITA Zahnfabrik, 3M-ESPE, Kuraray, Nobel Biocare, Ivoclar Vivadent, Dentsply DeTrey, Kerr Hawe, Sun Medical, GC Europe, Straumann.

I would like to thank all the board members for their continuous support and effort in leading this society and wish Dorin Ruse all success as the new President of this Academy.

Sincerely yours,

Susanne Scherrer

2004 ADM Paffenbarger award

During the reception, the Paffenbarger price was awarded to Andre F Reis for his poster presentation entitled “Long term TEM analysis of the nanoleackage patterns in resin-dentin interfaces produced by total- and self-etching adhesives”. Reis received the congratulations of the jury, a 500$US cash award, and free registration for the 2005 ADM meeting in Lake Louise, Canada.

Change in the ADM Board

ADM want to deeply thank the membeers of the Board that served it, AnneMarie Neme as Secretary, Mike Bagby as Treasurer, Reinhard Hickel as Board Member, David Sarrett as Board Member and Transaction Editor and George Cowperthwaite as Corporate Liaison.

DDDD The following persons were appointed new board & board at large members: Isabelle Denry, Jeff Thompson, Carlos Francci, Sharukh Khajotia, Lawrence Mair, Paulo Cesar


The composition of the Board is presented at the end of this section and can be viewed on the ADM web page at: .

Officers/Committee Members of the ADM

President (2004-2006): N. Dorin Ruse (

Vice-President (2004-2006): Jason Griggs (

Secretary (2004-2006): Marco Ferrari (

Treasurer (2004-2006): Tom Hilton (

Past President: J Susanne Scherrer (

Board at large:

Richard Curtis (2002-2006) ( (Fellowship & Student award)

Isabelle Denry (2004-2008) (

Carlos Francci (2004-2008) (

Norbert Hofmann (2004-2008) (

Sharukh Khajotia (2004-2008) ( (Web master & Paffenbarger award)

Lawrence Mair (2004-2008) ( (Transactions editor)

Paulo F. Cesar (2004-2008) ( (Membership)

Editor Dental Materials: David Watts (

Associate Editor Dental Materials: Ron Sakaguchi (

2004 ADM Meeting Transactions

A limited number of transactions of the 2004 ADM meeting in Geneva is still available for purchase (25$US). Requests should be made by email to and check or credit card information should be forwarded to:

Dea Dea Hilton

21 Grouse Terrace LakeOswego, OR 97035, USA

FAX: +1-503-675-880 E-mail: admtreas@

Upcoming meetings of the Academy

As decided by the Board of the Academy almost two years ago, the next two ADM meetings (i.e. 2005 and 2006) will depart from the traditional pattern. Thus, the 2005 meeting of the Academy will be held between October 30 – November 4 in Lake Louise, Canada, in conjunction with the well-established and prestigious Composites at Lake Louise meeting (CALL) (). This would give our members the opportunity to attend besides the ADM-organized sessions outstanding and diverse presentations related to the broad field of composites. The ADM sessions will be scheduled on two of the five days of the CALL meeting under the title “New materials, Old tests” and will focus on new bio/dental materials/processes developments and on the relevance of in vitro testing to the in vivo performance of bio/dental materials. Details of the meeting as well as a link for the CALL meeting are posted on the Academy web site at . Please visit our web site once in a while since the ADM program will be finalized in the next several weeks and the web site will be updated accordingly.

The 2006 meeting of the Academy will take place in São Paulo, Brazil. Details will follow.

Treasurer's Report

After several years of dedicated service to the Academy, Mike Bagby has decided to step down as Treasurer. This is a position with a great deal of responsibility and one that requires a significant time commitment. Our sincere thanks goes to Mike and his contribution to the success of the Academy.

Tom Hilton has assumed the position of Treasurer. In order to keep the financial matters of the Academy co-located, DeaDea Hilton has agreed to take on the accounting functions for the Academy. There will be a transition period as the various operations are transferred to Portland. While we will attempt to keep problems to a minimum, we ask for your patience during this time.

Thanks to the efforts of the ADM board and Mike Bagby’s work as treasurer, the finances of the Academy are stable. The annual meeting in Geneva was a great success and should result in a net gain for the Academy. Therefore, the Board has decided to maintain dues at $175. Current membership numbers will be provided in the next newsletter, after Tom and DeaDea Hilton have had the opportunity to have all membership information transferred to them.

It is so important to the success of the Academy to have current contact information. Dues notices will come out shortly. If you do not receive one, or you are not receiving each issue of the journal in a timely manner, please let us know.  Please send your current address to: Academy of Dental Materials, Deanna Hilton, 21 Grouse Terrace, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 USA, or email: admtreas@; or phone: (503) 636-0861 or fax: (503) 675-2738

Tom Hilton, Treasurer (2004-2006) (

Fellowships and Awards 2004

Jason Griggs has passed the office of membership recruitment chair to Dr. Paulo Cesar.

Each year, the members of the Academy of Dental Materials, at various dental schools around the world, present awards to the most outstanding students or student researchers in the field of Dental Materials. The award consists of an engraved plaque, a copy of which may be found on the ADM website. The Fellowship and Awards Committee dispatched 31 Student Award plaques in 2004 to dental schools around the world. The list of Student Awards for 2004 can be found on the ADM website at .

Members are reminded that requests for Student Award Plaques for 2005 can now be made in writing or by email direct to Richard Curtis at King's College London, UK ( The form at should be completed so as to provide all the information required to dispatch your award as efficiently as possible. Where possible, please give six weeks notice in advance of your Award Ceremony so that the plaque may be ordered and shipped in plenty of time.


The Fellowship and Awards Committee also welcomed six new Fellows into the Academy this year. Our congratulations go to them and we look forward to their active participation in the Academy in the years to come.


These Fellows are:

Garry J.P. Fleming, Birmingham, UK; Jason A. Griggs, Baylor College of Dentistry, USA; Sanjukta Deb, King's College London, UK; Paul Brunton, Manchester, UK; Juey H. Lai, LAI Laboratories, Inc., USA; and Nick Silikas, Manchester, UK.


New applicants for Fellowship are invited for 2005. Academy members in good standing may apply for Fellowship in the Academy. Applications must include a current c.v. and two letters of recommendation from current Academy members with Fellowship status. An engraved plaque is awarded to each Fellow. The criteria for Fellowship and mailing information are available on the Membership page of the ADM website.

The Committee also honored its recent officers standing down from their Board positions this year with an ADM plaque and cheque, kindly sponsored by Elsevier. Presentations were made to these officers at the ADM Conference Meeting in Geneva in October 2004. The Officers are warmly thanked for their work in recent years, that contributes to the success of the activities of the Academy. 

These Officers are:

Susanne Scherrer: President (2002-2004); Mike Bagby: Treasurer (2000-2004); Ann Marie Neme: Secretary (2002-2004); David Sarrett: Transaction Editor and Board Member (1999-2004); Reinhard Hickel: Board Member (2000-2004); and George Cowperthwaite: Corporate Liaison Officer (2002-2004).

Journal News (Dental Materials reached a high impact factor, 2.064)

Dental Materials will be introducing electronic submission later in 2004. The web-based submission and review system will enable authors to submit papers online and the Editor to manage the peer review process via a web-based submission and editorial system.

The journal currently has an impact factor of 2.064 (see table). The impact factor of the journal increased considerably and now it is one of the highest in the Dental Journal Rank. It is ranked as number 3 both in listings of all biomaterials journals and of all dental journals. Consequently, submissions to the journal have risen. The number of issues is now increased to 10 per year. This encouraging situation owes much to the efforts of reviewers to send in timely and discriminating reviews so that the quality of papers can be maintained. Laboratory-based materials research is essential to the genesis and development of new and improved biomaterials for dentistry. The number and complexity of questions requiring resolution far exceeds the worldwide resources available for Randomised Clinical Trials, valuable as they are. Hence, careful and appropriate laboratory modelling is also needed to replicate key features of the oral environment, including its biomechanical, thermal, optical, chemical, biochemical and cellular aspects. Recent publications in Dental Materials address all of these dimensions of research, and contribute to an enhanced mechanistic understanding of biomaterial behaviour.

| |

| |

|Journal |1999 |2002 |2003 |

|Dental Materials |0.884 |1.912 |2.064 |

| |27/45 |4/49 |3/46 |

|Operative Dentistry |1.305 |1.168 |1.136 |

| |14/45 |19/49 |17/46 |

|Biomaterials |1.486 |3.008 |2.903 |

| |- |- |-  |

|J Dent Research |4.556 |2.956 |2.702 |

| |1/45 |1/49 |1/46 |

|J Prosthetic Dentistry|0.767 |0.568 |0.527 |

| |33/45 |45/49 |44/49 |

[pic] David Watts Editor JDM

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