New Dentist Committee - Pennsylvania Dental Association

New Dentist Committee

May 20, 2011

Leadership Symposium, Holiday Inn East

Harrisburg, PA

Committee Members Present

Dr. Robert Delie (2), Co-Chair

Dr. Brian Schwab (4), ADA Consultant

Dr. Sara Haines (5), Co-Chair

Dr. Ross Pineo (9)

Dr. O. Basil Aboosi (10)

Dr. Beth Troy (10), Vice Chair

Committee Members Absent Staff/Guests/Consultants/Others Present

Dr. Shabnam Sedaghat (1) Dr. Thomas Petraitis (8), Trustee Liaison

Dr. Amy Cravath (3) Ms. Nipa Thakkar, Temple ASDA Representative

Mr. Jordan Bower, Temple ASDA Representative

Ms. Tori Rineer, staff liaison

Dr. Charles Weber, ADA Trustee

Districts 6, 7 and 8 are vacant.

Joint Meeting with the Membership Committee

In addition to the New Dentist Committee (NDC), the following members and guests of the Membership Committee (MC) attended the joint meeting: Dr. Kevin J. Klatte (Chair), Dr. Nicole Stachewicz Johnson (Vice Chair), Dr. Joshua Greenberg, Dr. Louis Vermillion, Dr. Theodore Rockwell, Dr. Brian Christian, Dr. Wade Newman (Trustee Liaison), Dr. Nancy Rosenthal (ADA Consultant), Ms. Mary Donlin, director of membership, Ms. Jessica Forte, component relations manager and Ms. Kristin Belleson, ADA Membership Services Outreach Manager.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 11:30 a.m. by Dr. Kevin Klatte.

ADA MPG Program

The Membership Program for Growth (MPG), established by the ADA’s Council on Membership (Res. 48H-2010), provides a process for identification and support of those membership activities that lead to an increase in overall market share. The 2010 ADA HOD approved funding in the amount of $500,000 to implement the MPG program. In late March 2011, ADA requested constituents to submit applications for MPG funding. Criteria for entries included collaborative tripartite membership growth activities that demonstrate return on investment and lead to increased membership market share and meet eligibility requirements of being a new or expanded program for existing recruitment and retention activities across the tripartite. ADA Council on Membership’s Opportunity Review Committee was responsible for reviewing and selecting the entries. 


Based upon discussion at previous PDA Membership Committee meetings, PDA’s submission for the MPG was an electronic revamp of ADA’s in-person Field Representative Training Program into a 30-45 minute interactive webinar aimed at training volunteers on how to effectively and confidently communicate the value of membership, address membership concerns and ultimately recruit and retain members. To optimize technological resources, the training webinar will feature short video clips and ability for online interaction. The online format allows for greater flexibility and customization of program content. If approved, ADA funding in the amount of $14,600 will be used to hire a consultant to assist with developing the webinar, video clips and promotional material. PDA’s “Get a Member Get $100” will be used as a complementary tool to motivate volunteers to attend the webinar. Staff was directed to have a draft of the webinar complete and ready for the Membership Committee’s review at its September 23, 2011 meeting (05/11MC/NDCDA1).

Dr. Nancy Rosenthal informed the committees that pending approval of the 2012 ADA budget, MPG funding will again be available next year and requested committee members begin brainstorming on submission ideas to be discussed at their respective September meetings (05/11MC/NDC2).

Strategic Plan

The committees reviewed assigned objectives from the 2011-2015 Strategic Plan (SP) and discussed actions, definable measures and efforts to complete these tasks. The following objectives were not yet completed and required in-depth discussion:

M1: Develop methods to increase category membership.

• Develop a recruitment tool that reports annually on the financial advantages or return on dues for new dentists.

o Limit number of non-renews – the committee reviewed the retention trend for members enrolled in the Graduated Dues Structure, which offers reduced dues to new dentists up to four years out of dental school or residency. Because these categories see a significant drop in membership due to non-renewal or moving out of state, the committee discussed possible ways to address this issue:

a) Expand content presented during Lunch and Learn programs and ADA Signing Day initiatives to address issues pertinent to fourth year dental students, such as how to find a job, increasing speed of productivity, practice management and office operations (05/11MC/NDCDA3).

b) Personal outreach at the local level is vital to welcoming a new dentist to the area. Continue to encourage local leaders to personally invite new dentists to a local meeting for free (05/11MC/NDCDA4).

c) Survey members in the Graduated Dues Structure to determine the number of personal contacts made by local leaders and level of engagement (05/11MC/NDCDA5).

d) Investigate the idea of sending topic-relevant information to members in the graduated dues structure (05/11MC/NDCDA6).

e) Highlight first year out members on the new dentist reception invite list to increase engagement (05/11MC/NDCDA7).

M2: Utilize social networking contacts with dental students, new graduates and dentists within five years of graduation at various dues-payment levels.

• Develop awareness program to improve welcoming diverse members.

o Consider a diverse member spotlight in PDA publications (05/11MC/NDCDA8).

In addition to reviewing completed SP actions, the committees discussed allowing dental students to access the PDA Social Network for networking and mentoring purposes and helping to convey the value of membership. Because this initiative has logistical and financial implications, the committees agreed to survey dental students to determine the level of interest for wanting access on PDA’s Social Network in order for staff to determine the feasibility and cost of this endeavor (05/11MC/NDCDA9).

The joint meeting concluded at 2:00 p.m.

New Dentist Committee Meeting

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by Dr. Sara Haines.

Approval of Minutes

The committee unanimously approved the January 14, 2011 meeting minutes.

Student Initiatives

The committee discussed ways to address concerns of dental students, such as practice management, hiring and firing of office staff, book keeping and business management practices by featuring more panel discussions during Lunch and Learn or ADA National Signing Day events (05/11NDCDA1).

New Dentist Events

The committee agreed it is important for new dentists to receive local dental society exposure and engagement and discussed hosting new dentist orientations for newly licensed dentists and new members as part of the role of the newly formed new dentist officer position on local boards. These events could also address the drop in membership for members moving from complimentary membership to 75 percent reduced dues in the graduated dues structure. Due to limited time, the committee agreed to table this discussion until the September 2011 meeting (05/11NDCDA2).

2011 Goals

The committee reviewed its goals for the 2011-2012 association year and assigned metrics to measure the results of achieving these goals:

|Goal |Action |Metric |

|Become more involved with advocacy efforts |Encourage new dentist participation in Day on |Recruit at least 1 new dentist to attend |

| |the Hill | |

| |Encourage support of PADPAC | |

|Encourage new dentist participation on the |Post topics to engage discussion |Committee members agreed to login once a week |

|Social Network | | |

|Establish a new dentist officer position at the|Draft expectations, define role |Host local orientations for new dentists to |

|local level | |meet area vendors, suppliers and to foster a |

| | |referral network |

|Continue the Statewide Mentoring Program |Review numbers at each meeting |Further define mentoring numbers by creating |

| | |parameters for mentoring matches, such as |

| | |adding an expiration date to populate only |

| | |current participants |

Endorsed Vendor participation

The committee decided at this time to exclude additional PDA Endorsed Vendors from participating in new dentist receptions or advertising in NDC publications, including Consider PA! and Practicing in PA: A Guide for the New Dentist; PDAIS and TDIC will continue to be offered exclusive sponsorship (05/11NDCDA3).

New Dentist Receptions

The following committee members volunteered to host upcoming new dentist receptions and will work with staff to implement (05/11NDCDA4):

• Dr. Ross Pineo (9) – fall 2011, Erie; will also invite District 8 new dentists

• Dr. Robert Delie (2) – spring 2012, in conjunction with the Valley Forge Dental Conference

ADA Update

Dr. Brian Schwab provided a brief update on ADA activities, including a summary of the special 2011 promotional dues campaign targeted to non-member new dentists out of dental school 5-10 years. To date, six new members and seven reinstated members joined because of joint efforts made by ADA and PDA.

Transitions Extra articles

Committee members volunteered to contribute articles for future issues of the student e-publication, Transitions Extra (05/11NDCDA5).

• October 2011 – Dr. Delie, Evidenced Based Dentistry

• January 2012 – Jordan Bower, Update on PDA Resolution HD 11-17, which examines instituting a non-patient based licensure process in Pennsylvania

• April 2012 – Dr. Haines or Dr. Pineo

Future Meeting Dates

Committee members selected and reviewed future meeting dates:

• September 9, 2011, in conjunction with the Philadelphia student outreach event

• January 13, 2012, in conjunction with the Membership Committee meeting


The meeting was adjourned at 3:57 p.m.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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