TITLE OF THE MANUSCRIPT: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………To be an author, a person must have made substantive contributions to the study by fulfilling at least 3 of the criteria presented in the following table.It is mandatory for all authors to prepare the outline of the manuscript or to intellectually review or criticize the content of the manuscript.It is of all authors’ responsibility to approve the final version of the article before publication.All authors are to fulfil the conditions specified in the above-mentioned first 3 items.Those who do not fulfil the specified number of contributions and conditions are to be mentioned in the final “Acknowledgements” section of the article.The terms set forth here in have been arranged in accordance with the guidelines of the Council of Science Editors (CSE) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). For further details please see: ethical_1author.htmlTYPE OF CONTRIBUTIONDESCRIPTIONCONTRIBUTORSCONCEPTIONConstructing an idea or hypothesis for research and/ormanuscriptDESIGNPlanning methodology to reach the conclusionSUPERVISIONOrganising and supervising the course of the project orthe article and taking the responsibilityFUNDINGSProviding personnel, environmental and financial support and tools and instruments that are vital for the projectMATERIALSBiological materials, reagents and referred patientsDATA COLLECTION AND/ORPROCESSINGTaking responsibility in execution of the experiments,patient follow-up, data management and reportingANALYSIS AND/ORINTERPRETATIONTaking responsibility in logical interpretation andpresentation of the resultsLITERATURE REVIEWTaking responsibility in this necessary functionWRITERTaking responsibility in the construction of the whole orbody of the manuscriptCRITICAL REVIEWReviewing the article before submission not only forspelling and grammar but also for its intellectual content.OTHERCORRESPONDING AUTHORSIGNATUREDATE……………………….....…………………………..………………….This form should be signed by correspending author and submitted during the initial submission with the rest of the manuscript files. ................

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