Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool


Parent Handbook:

Policies and Procedures

2015 - 2016

5175 South Old State

Lewis Center, Ohio 43035


Our Philosophy:

Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool offers a Christian preschool program consisting of classes for three, four and five year olds. The administration and staff of our preschool take very seriously the responsibility for teaching the children entrusted to our care. Our goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment as well as to enhance (through the use of a developmentally appropriate curriculum) the spiritual, physical, emotional, and cognitive growth of children. Knowing that each child is uniquely made by God, we strive to meet the needs of the whole child and to build self-esteem through positive reinforcement. Classroom teachers emphasize the theme of “respect for one another” to promote thoughtful and kind behavior. Teachers also provide fun and stimulating activities to create a pleasant atmosphere for learning.

Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool program works closely with public school curriculum. It prepares children to enter either public or private elementary school, and kindergarten screening can be given upon request.

Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool functions under the authority and guidance of the governing body of Berlin Presbyterian Church. The preschool is licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and is subject to that Ohio Department’s rules and regulations.

Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool staff welcomes you! This handbook contains information regarding our program. Please read it carefully and use it as a reference. Thank you.


A. Administrative Information

1. Staff

2. Classroom Ratios

3. Enrolling/Withdrawing a Student

4. Tuition Fees

5. Class Directory

B. School Schedule

1. Days of Class

2. Daily Activity Schedule

3. Outdoor Play

C. Highlighted Activities/Events

1. Scholastic Books

2. Culture and Customs Study

3. Food Pantry Project

4. Community Helpers/ Firefighter Visit

5. Thanksgiving Feast

6. Jesus/Christmas Celebration

7. Spring Music Program

8. Field Trips

D. Procedures:

1. Drop-Off Procedure

2. Pick-Up Procedure

3. Holidays/Snow Days/Bad Weather

4. Conferences

5. Parent Participation

6. Classroom Discipline Policy

7. Safety:

a) Incident/Accident Reports

b) Field Trip Procedure

c) Fire and Tornado Evacuation Plan

d) Lock Down Procedure

e) Miscellaneous

8. Medical and Dental Emergency Plan

9. Management of Communicable Disease

10. Toys

11. Personal Items

12. Snacks

13. Children with Special Needs

A. Administrative Information

1. Staff:

a. Director:

Responsible for the daily operation of the preschool and for communication with families and community members; heads the church Board of Trustees over the preschool

b. Assistant Director:

Responsible for daily attendance and monitoring of

physical activities in the preschool as well as

serving as Director in the Director’s absence

c. Teaching Staff:

Responsible for the education and safety of each

child in their care

d. Teaching Assistants:

Responsible to help teachers with daily activities

e. Music Instructor:

Responsible for music and musical movement


f. Art Instructor:

Responsible for creative art instruction

g. Spanish Instructor:

Responsible for Spanish instruction

g. Specialty Instructors:

Responsible for special teaching

(ex: Chapel with Pastor Rick Negley)

2. Classroom Ratios:

BBCP State

3 year-olds (younger but potty-trained) 1:8 1:12

3 year-olds (older) 1:9 1:12

4 year-olds (younger Pre-K) 1:9 1:14

5 year-olds (older Pre-K) 1:12 1:14

Kindergarten Enrichment 1:8 1:18


Ratios at BBCP are lower than state requirements. Group size may double for physical education and/or music instruction. No child will ever be left alone or unsupervised. Children shall be within sight and hearing of preschool staff members at all times. Staff/child ratios shall be maintained at all times.

3. Enrolling/Withdrawing a Student

a. Enrollment:

Children may be enrolled at any time. Classes will be filled on a first come first served basis. The required paperwork including all enrollment forms is due before the first day of each school year. Any changes in this information must be updated immediately so that current information is always on file. A medical form signed by a physician or a certified nurse practitioner must be on file at school by orientation. BBCP will not discriminate in the enrollment of children based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

b. Withdrawing a Student:

In the event a child is being withdrawn from preschool, a thirty-day notice is required. Fees are non-refundable.

4. Tuition Fees

The tuition for our three-day a week program is $1,900.00 for the year. The tuition may be paid in full at the beginning of the year or in ten payments of $190. The tuition for the PreK four-day a week program is $2,450.00 for the year, or $245 for 10 payments. The Kindergarten Enrichment tuition is $1,200 for the year, or $120 for 10 payments. Fees must be paid whether the child attends or is absent. Fees are due the first day of each month, with the 1st payment due at registration. Please make all checks payable to Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool. If you choose to pay with cash, please put the cash in a sealed envelope with the child’s name on it. A $25.00 fee will be charged for any returned checks, and the parent will be required to pay in cash until the account balance is secure. Please check with the director if you need a Tax ID number.


• We provide a 5% discount off tuition for second siblings.

• We provide a 5% discount off tuition for members of Berlin Church.

• Discounts may be combined for a maximum of 8% off tuition.

Tuition Payment Schedule:



Payment #1 $190/$245/$120 At Registration

Payment #2 $190/$245/$120 1st Day of School

Payment #3 $190/$245/$120 October 1st

Payment #4 $190/$245/$120 November 1st

Payment #5 $190/$245/$120 December 1st

Payment #6 $190/$245/$120 January 1st

Payment #7 $190/$245/$120 February 1st

Payment #8 $190/$245/$120 March 1st

Payment #9 $190/$245/$120 April 1st

Payment #10 $190/$245/$120 May 1st

5. Class Directory

A class directory is available to families associated with BBCP. Parents may choose whether or not to participate in this directory by filling out a directory form at the beginning of the school year.

B. School Schedule

1. Days of Class

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00-11:30 AM class - 3’s and 4’s

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:30-3:00 PM class - 3’s and 4’s

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00-11:30 AM class – PreK

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 12:30-3:00 PM class – PreK

Thursday or Friday and every other Wednesday. 12:30 – 3:00 PM

Kindergarten Enrichment Class

Reminder: We will follow the Olentangy Local Schools Calendar

• The first day of class will begin after Labor Day.

• The last day of class falls before Memorial Day.

2. Daily Activity Schedule (sample only) posted in classroom

**(Kindergarten Enrichment does not include MWF Specials)**

A.M. P.M._________ACTIVITIES___________________

9:00-9:20 12:30-12:50 Greetings, center play/sensory activity upon arrival

9:20-9:25 12:50-12:55 Clean up, transition

9:25-9:50 12:55-1:20 Circle time, prayer, calendar, pledge, weather, name recognition, birthdays, memory verse, etc.

9:50-10:00 1:20-1:30 Bathroom break, wash hands

10:00-10:20 1:30-1:50 Outdoor fun/ Indoor large motor activities

10:20-10:40 1:50-2:10 Wash hands, snack

10:40-11:00 2:10-2:30 Theme activities: lang. arts, science, math

11:00-11:10 2:30-2:40 Fine motor skills, manipulatives

11:10-11:20 2:40-2:50 Clean up, transition

11:20-11:30 2:50-3:00 Story time/Songs/Prepare to go home


9:00-9:15 12:30-12:45 Chapel Time (all students together)

9:15-11:15 12:45-2:45 Spanish (Each class has 20 minutes of instruction.)


9:15-11:25 12:45-2:55 Art (Each class has 20 minutes of instruction.)


9:15-11:25 12:45-2:55 Music & Movement (Each class has 20 minutes of


3. Outdoor Play

Research has shown that children stay healthier when they have regular outdoor play. Outdoor play will be included daily in our program. Please send proper clothing for outdoor play. The staff will be aware of the weather conditions, and if the children cannot go outside they will go to the large motor room for recess or gross motor activities. Please do not send children to school in flip-flops or dress shoes.

If a staff member is outside alone with a group of children he/she must be able to summon help without leaving the group. All teachers and administrators have walkie-talkies and are able to communicate with one another from anywhere in or around the preschool.

C. Highlighted Activities and Events

BBCP will conduct various activities designed to stimulate different aspects of the students’ development. Some examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. The children will be offered an opportunity to participate in the Scholastic Book Club. These books are all wholesome reading that include classics as well as modern books.

2. The children will be “traveling” to other parts of the world in their studies to learn about various cultures, languages, and cuisines. The preschool teachers will use a webbing technique so that language arts, math, science, music, art, physical activity, and food fun blend together for vigorous and animated learning. During this unit, parents of various cultural backgrounds are invited to the school to speak to the children about their cultures.

3. Starting before Thanksgiving the children will experience what it means to give

by bringing food for a local food pantry.

4. In the fall, community helpers will come to school to share with the children about their jobs. Fire fighters will also visit in the fall.

5. In the fall, students will learn about the first Thanksgiving and participate in a school wide Thanksgiving feast.

6. In their individual classrooms, children will celebrate Jesus’s birthday at Christmas with a classroom celebration. The children will also have the opportunity to participate in a service project intended to help someone in need during the holiday season. Before the Christmas break parents will also enjoy a schoolwide musical performance presented by the children.

7. The children will perform in a spring program for families and friends.

8. A minimum of two field trips are scheduled for the preschool in the fall and spring.

All activities and events at BBCP are designed to stimulate every area of the student’s development. The foregoing is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Additional activities will likely be added during the school year, and we always encourage parent input. Please feel free to communicate any questions, comments, and/or concerns to the staff at any time.

D. Procedures

One of the responsibilities of our staff is to ensure the health and safety of each child in our care. Staff persons will be attentive to the safety needs of the children, will anticipate possible hazards, and will take all necessary appropriate precautionary and preventative measures.

1. Drop-Off

Parents will drop-off their child at the child’s classroom and make the teacher aware of their child’s arrival. Parents/guardians should always call the office if their child is absent and state the reason for the absence.

NOTES: (1) Starting in early October, we will provide drop off services for parents. Please refer to drop off procedure information below. We will let you know when we are ready to begin the drop off line. Parent volunteers will be needed in order to provide this service. (2) There will be no drop-off on Thursdays.

For Drop Off Line:

1. Enter on the NORTH driveway and drive around to back entrance. A volunteer (wearing an ID badge) will be waiting there.

2. Drop off is 8:55 to 9:05 (AM)/ 12:25 to 12:35 (PM). If you come after 9:05(am)/12:35(pm) and don’t see a volunteer, you must park and bring your child to the classroom.

3. Pull up quickly and move forward so two cars can be unloaded at one time. Please sit your child on the RIGHT. NOTE: Children may be on the left IF they are still able to easily exit on the right.

4. Drive around the playground and exit from the SOUTH driveway.

NOTE: If your child refuses to go with the volunteer or gets upset during drop off, you will need to park in the front and bring your child inside.

For Bring In (if choosing not to do the drop off line):

1. Please enter the front parking lot by the NORTH driveway.

2. Park and enter the building through the right front doors.

3. Walk your child to the classroom. (Wait with your child until the teacher is ready to receive the children.)

4. At 8:55(am)/12:25(pm), you may leave your child with the teacher and exit out to the front parking lot.

5. Exit the parking lot from the SOUTH driveway.

Volunteer Responsibilities:

1. Sign up to volunteer at Charlene’s desk. In order to provide drop off, we will need TWO volunteers EACH week in BOTH sessions.

2. Arrive at 8:50(am)/12:20(pm) and park in the back parking lot.

3. Drop your preschool child off at the classroom. *Teacher must be in the room.*

4. Get your volunteer badge (on Charlene’s desk) and stand outside.

5. Help the child(ren) out of the car and bring to the staff member at the door. Return to the next car and repeat the process.




2. Pick Up

Parents/guardians will always pick up their child at the child’s classroom. No child will be released to anyone other than a parent/guardian without written permission, and a picture ID which will be requested by the teacher. The preschool staff will honor all legal custody agreements of which they are made aware. A copy of the legal document will be included in the child’s permanent file and will be noted on the student’s pick-up form. Names of all authorized people must be on the child’s official pick-up form. This policy is strictly enforced for the protection of your child. A copy of the child’s pick-up form will be on the back of the classroom door in a pocket marked “pick-up forms.” Parents are responsible for the supervision of their child before and after school while on the premises.

3. Holidays/Snow Days/Bad Weather

BBCP follows the Olentangy Local Schools calendar for all holidays and special recesses. Parents/guardians should listen to the radio and television for school closings in bad weather. If Olentangy Schools has a 1 or 2 hour delay BBCP will have a 1 hour delay. Classes will begin at 10:00 and end at 11:30. The PM classes will meet at the regular times. If Olentangy preschool has early release due to weather, we will not have PM preschool. If Olentangy schools are closed, BBCP will be closed as well.

4. Conferences

BBCP offers a parent/teacher conference in February. However, parents/guardians may request a conference at any time throughout the year. If there is a concern that requires a conference, please follow this procedure: 1) Meet with the classroom teacher; 2) if you are not satisfied with the results of that meeting, contact the director. A meeting in person may be scheduled or a call/email can be made to the teacher or director. Please check the directory for phone numbers/email addresses. Please do not send verbal messages of importance with the children. In addition, teachers have been advised not to talk to parents or guardians in front of the children. An interim report will be sent home in December for each child.

5. Parent Participation

Parent Participation is always welcome! There are opportunities for parents/guardians to volunteer in the classrooms, and they are welcome to attend birthday celebrations and other special events. Parents/guardians are also required to attend field trips. During the 2012-2013 school year, Bright Beginnings PTO was started. This is another area where parents/guardians can get involved with their preschoolers at BBCP.

6. Classroom Discipline Policy

The teachings and attitudes in the classroom emphasize being thoughtful, kind, and considerate of others and their property. The children will always be treated with respect, both in times of praise and in times of conflict. Such modeling of respectful behavior, in turn, will help the children learn how to show respect to their friends and teachers. In case of a conflict, students will be led (in problem-solving conversation) to solve the conflict amongst themselves. For example, the teacher may ask particular questions in order to help the students make better choices. If this method fails to correct the problem the following brief outline, or part of it, will be used:

1. Redirect

2. Remove

3. Explain in more detail

4. Allow child to join the group when ready

5. Help child with re-entry into group and activity

The following is a list of techniques that will never be used at Bright Beginnings by any staff member:

• Abuse, neglect, or endangerment

• Cruel, harsh, or extreme techniques

• Any form of corporal punishment

• The use of physical restraints

• Restraining children by any means, other than holding the child, for a short period of time, in order to help them regain control

• Placing children in locked rooms or confined space

• Withholding snacks

• Subjecting children to verbal abuse

• Isolating or restricting children from all activities for an extended

period of time

Parents/guardians will always be informed of any action that is taken. If a situation arises where a child is consistently endangering himself, other children,or staff, it may become necessary to permanently withdraw the child from school. The administration, of course, will be in constant communication with the parents/guardians throughout this entire process. The above policies apply to all staff members and children at BBCP.

7. Safety

a) Incident/Accident Reports

An incident/accident report will be completed any time your child is injured in any way, including bumps and bruises to the head. Parents will sign the incident report and leave it at the school for the child’s file. The parent will receive a copy. A staff member is always present who is trained in First-Aid, Communicable Disease and CPR. In case of minor accident/injury, a staff member will administer basic First-Aid and TLC and the parent will be notified.

If an accident or illness is serious and requires a professional evaluation, the emergency squad will be called. A staff member will accompany the child for emergency care and will wait with the child until the parent arrives.

If an unexpected event or environmental threat jeopardizes the safety or health of children and staff, everyone will be evacuated to the basement of the house next door to the church. Parents will be called to pick up their child at this house.

b) Field Trip Procedure

• Permission slips must be filled out by parents/guardians and given to the staff before attending a field trip.

• A person trained in First-Aid and CPR will attend the trip.

• A First-Aid kit will be taken on each trip.

• Emergency authorization and health records for each child will be taken on every trip.

• Parents will provide transportation for all field trips, and child restraint laws will always be enforced.

• Each parent will be in charge of their own child on the field trip. Each parent will make arrangements

for their own child if they are unable to go on the field trip.

• All children will wear name tags while on the trip.

• Incident/accident reports will be filled out in case of injury,

and the child’s parent(s) or guardian(s) will receive a copy.

• Field trips will be offered in the fall and spring for all

preschool students.

• Attendance will be taken at the beginning and end of the field trip.

• Children will never be left alone or unattended in a vehicle.

c) Fire and Tornado Evacuation Plan

An evacuation plan is posted at each classroom door and throughout the building for weather and/or fire emergencies. The staff and children will participate in monthly fire drills. Tornado drills will also be conducted in March, April and May.

In the unlikely event we would need to evacuate, we will take the children to the basement of the house next door. Parents will be called immediately, and a sign will be put on the front door of the church as to where the child can be picked up.

d) Lock Down Procedure

In the rare event that the school would need to be locked down, the following protocol will be followed:

1. All outside doors will be locked and no one will be permitted to enter the building or exit the building until the director gives the “all clear”.

2. All teachers will be notified via walkie talkie of the situation. Teachers will lock their classroom doors and will not allow anyone to enter or exit the classrooms until the director gives the “all clear”.

3. In extreme cases of imminent threat, children will also be directed by their teachers to go under tables and keep away from the doors and windows.

e) Miscellaneous

Children will be supervised at all times during the school day.

BBCP staff members are required by law to report to the local children’s services agency any suspicion of child abuse or neglect.

8. Medical and Dental Emergency Plan

A medical/dental emergency plan will be posted in each classroom and by each telephone in the facility.

The preschool director shall obtain a written Emergency JFS 01234 (Green) Form for each child from the parent/guardian by the 1st day of school.

The child’s medical records will accompany the child to the place of emergency treatment. A staff member will remain with the child until a parent or guardian arrives. Staff members will not transport children in their vehicles. Only parents or EMS will provide transportation.

The incident/accident report will be completed when an accident or injury occurs. The report will be given to the parent or guardian. A copy will remain on file in the office.

Accidental Poisoning: If a child has ingested a poisonous substance we will call the Poison Control Center @ 1-800-222-1222 and follow their instructions.

9. Management of Communicable Disease

All staff members have been taught proper hand washing methods and will teach the children this technique.

The staff is trained to recognize common signs of communicable disease and other illnesses. The teachers will observe each child as the child enters each day.

All of the staff members are trained in first-aid and communicable disease. Information pertaining to first-aid and communicable disease will be posted on the door in the hallway across from the large motor room.

BBCP will follow the Ohio Department of Health’s disease chart for appropriate management of a suspected disease. This chart will be posted on wall across from the large motor room

Please do not send your child to school if he or she exhibits the following symptoms:

fever, diarrhea, vomiting, severe cough, difficult or rapid breathing, yellowish skin or eyes, redness of eyes and/or obvious discharge from the eye, unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool, stiff neck, evidence of lice, skin rash (if contagious), sore throat or difficulty swallowing, severe cold symptoms

If a child becomes ill at school, a parent or guardian will be called and the child will be isolated from the other children and will remain with a staff member until the parent/ guardian arrives.

If a communicable disease occurs in your child’s class, a sign will be posted on the door of the child’s classroom and/or a note will be sent home to the parents.

A child experiencing a mild cold who is able to play indoors or outdoors may attend preschool. However, a parent/guardian may receive a call if the child is not able to participate.

The staff will not administer drugs unless there is a unique, on-going need that requires medication to be given during school hours. (Most medications can be given around the two-and-a-half hour preschool schedule).

In the rare possibility that a medication would have to be given, a Request for Medication Form must be signed by the parent/guardian. If directions are not appropriate for the child’s age on the over-the-counter medicine, the form must be completed by the doctor. The medication must be stored in a designated area out of the reach of children. Staff members would be trained in administration of the medicine.

All children who have health conditions which may require that a medical procedure be performed must have a detailed written medical plan completed on file. This includes health conditions such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, and cystic fibrosis.

In case of illness, staff members will follow the same guidelines as the children, and a qualified substitute will replace the teacher in the classroom.

At the discretion of the director, a child who has been absent because of illness may be readmitted to school when he or she shows no more signs of the illness for at least twenty-four hours.

10. Toys

Toys from home are not permitted unless told by a teacher that it is a “Share Day.” For example, on National Teddy Bear Day, the children may be asked to bring in a bear to share with the class or to participate in a teddy bear parade.

11. Personal Items

It is important that children wear comfortable and casual play clothes and shoes* that they do not need to worry about getting dirty. Please send a change of clothing with the child in his or her backpack and dress the child for outdoor play. It is always best to be prepared for whatever may happen. Also, please label all items that you send to school with the child (Ex: boots, book bag, school box, coats, etc.). Make sure that you periodically check the change of clothes to ensure that they are appropriate for the weather and still fit the child.

*Please do not send your child to school wearing flip-flops. Flip flops tend to come off easily and do not protect children’s feet when playing on the playground. Thank you.

12. Snacks

Throughout each month, the children in the 3’s classes will take turns providing snacks for their classmates. The 4’s classes take donations from parents and provide the snacks to go along with their teaching themes. The 5’s class brings their own snacks, which are optional. We provide the snack list (see below) which enforces that fact that our school is a peanut-free facility, and ask that parents strictly follow this list, whether providing an “every day” snack or a special birthday snack. Parents/guardians will be notified when it is their child’s turn to bring in a snack. BBCP will always be prepared for snack in case someone forgets.


The following snack choices are PEANUT FREE. Please note some items are listed with a specific brand name. Please choose ONLY from one of the following snacks when it is your child’s assigned snack day.

Fruits and Vegetables

• All Fresh Fruit (pre-packaged fresh fruits include Chiquita brand apple slices or apple slices with grapes—also bananas, oranges, grapes)

• All Fresh Vegetables- baby carrots, celery sticks, cauliflower, broccoli—ranch dip

• Applesauce or Fruit Cups

• Sun-Maid Raisins (not chocolate covered)

• Clif Kid Organic Twisted Fruit- Strawberry, Mixed Berry

• Annie’s Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks- Sunny Citrus, Tropical Treat

• Good Health or Sensible Portions- Veggie Chips, Stix or Straws


• Cheese—cubes, slices or string

• Cottage Cheese Cups—any brand but NOT with fruit

• Danimals—Dannon

• Simply Gogurt—Yoplait (frozen preferred)

• Yogurt—any brand (Organic is a good choice)

• YoKids Squeezers—Stonyfield Farms

Crackers, Pretzels, Rice Snacks, and Popcorn

• Annie’s Homegrown Cheddar Bunnies or Chocolate Grahams

• Keebler Scooby-Doo Graham Cracker Sticks

• Nabisco Teddy Grahams or Honey Maid Graham Crackers

• Pepperidge Farm goldfish—cheddar or pretzel

• KeeblerClub,TownHouse, or Ritz Crackers (plain only, not sandwiches)

• Wheat Thins,Triscuit, or Cheez-It Crackers

• Rold Gold Pretzels—NOT SYNDER’S BRAND

• Utz Pretzel Rods or Thin Pretzels

• Quaker Quakes Rice Snacks

• Good Health Natural Foods-Half Naked Popcorn

• SkinnyPop- Popcorn

• Utz or Wise Popcorn-Butter or White Cheddar

Jellos and Puddings

• Jell-O gelatin Cups or Tubes

• Jell-O pudding Cups

• Dole Fruit and Gel Bowls

• Delmonte Fruit and Gel To-Go Bowls

Nutritional Bars, Cereal Bars, and Toaster Pastries

• Kellogg’s Pop-tarts or Go-tarts

• Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats—pre-packaged only

• Nutri-grain cereal bars— apple, strawberry, blueberry, or vanilla yogurt

• Special K Cereal Bars (Kellogg’s)— blueberry, strawberry, vanilla crisp

NOTE: Please double check labels as they can change. Let us know if you find an item that has peanuts in it. THANK YOU!


If your child has a birthday during the school year and you would like to bring in something special for that day, we encourage you to celebrate with non-food items. Some examples include pencils, stickers or small novelty toys. Please DO NOT feel that you need to bring in anything extra for your child’s birthday. If your child, though, wants to bring in a special birthday treat, you may choose from the following peanut free list. (Please only choose from this list):

Candy Cookies

• Starburst Candy * Barnum’s Animal Crackers- Original only

• Tootsie Rolls or Tootsie Pops * Chips Ahoy- regular or chewy chocolate

• Skittles * Fig Newtons- Original, Strawberry

• Smarties * Keebler- Fudge Striped Cookies

• Sour Patch Kids * Keebler Vanilla Wafers

• Twizzlers * Oreo brand cookies (not mint-crème)

• Nerds * Lorna Doone Shortbread Cookies

• Dum Dum Suckers * Nabisco Iced Animal Cookies or Oatmeal

• Hersey Kisses * Newton’s Fruit Crisps-Apple Cinnamon

Gummy Fruit Snacks Frozen Treats

• Fruit rollups * DelMonte Fruit Chillers

• Fruit By the Foot * Dole Fruit Bars

• Gushers * Edy’s Fruit Bars

• Shark Bites * Popsicle brand popsicles

• HI-C Fruit Snacks

• Scooby Doo Fruit Snacks

• Clif Kid Organic Twisted Fruit- Strawberry, Mixed Berry

• Annie’s Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks- Sunny Citrus, Tropical Treat

Homemade items and other store bought bakery items are NOT permitted at Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool.


Peanut free bakeries that we recommend:

No Ifs ands or Nuts (will deliver within 10 miles of Polaris Mall if you order $20 or more) (614) 849-2065 or noifsandsornutscolumbus@

Nut Free Sweets (must pick up in New Albany)

(614) 245-5162 or

Krispy Kreme Dounuts (614) 841-7760

13. Children with Special Needs

BBCP will enroll any child requiring special help as long as the staff is informed and properly trained in that area of need. Enrollment may be delayed if extra training is necessary to properly care for the child.

As stated above, BBCP is a PEANUT FREE facility. We have children with peanut allergies. This can be very serious. DO NOT send foods that are not on the above “approved snack list”.

Parents of children with allergies must fill out a special form that will alert all staff members to the allergy. The form(s) will be kept on file in the office and a copy will remain with the teacher.

In conclusion, the administration and staff would like to welcome you to Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool! We look forward to working with you and your child and know that we will all have a wonderful learning experience!


Everyone exits

(SOUTH driveway)

Everyone enters

(NORTH driveway)







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