Josiah Van Kirk Thompson Uniontown, Pa Family Record Book No 7

Josiah Van Kirk Thompson

Uniontown, Pa

Family Record Book No 7.

[There seems to be a descendant chart written on the inside front cover of Vol 7. The only part not cut off reads:] of Rev James

9. Alice Maria , B. May 14, 1870 living Seattle, Wash. M. L.L. Kaylor

Bernice Kaylor m. to Ivan W. Burnham. Live at Morrisville Vt.

13. Hattie May B May 15, 1876 ob Sept 1894 D.Y. unmarried

[bottom of page reads:]

..a O. Moore, single. Teaches at Leavenworth, Kan.

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June 11, 1922

Continued from Book 6 page 574.

Received the 9th day of Sept 1800 of Joseph Sproat, the sum of three dollars & forty three cents, Direct tax for the current year.

Benj. Wells, collector

on back of this is another:

April 7th, 1803. Received of Joseph Sproat one dollar and twenty five cents for direct tax. Benj. Wells

But neither give any location.

Received first day of Jany 1816 from Joseph Sproat, the sum of thirteen dollars fifteen cents for the direct tax of 1815, upon the property of Sd Sproat in the County of Fayette, in the 15th collection Dist in the State of Pennsylvania.

Thos Wilson, Deputy Collector for the 15th Collection District in the State of Penn.

Inventory of property appraised by us, the undersigned appraisers this 2th day March 1838 Shewen to us by Sarah Sproat & Robert Boyd, executors of the last will & testament of Joseph Sproat late of German Tp, Fayette Co, Decd.

1 Eight day brass clock & case $30.-

6 Windsor chairs, Brown coulour [sic] 3.-

6 Windsor old chairs 2.-

2 Rocking chairs & a split bollom [sic] Do. 1.50

6 Fancy Windsor Chairs 2.50

1 Settie [sic] 4.-

1 pair falled leafed [sic] tables & covers 6.-

1 candle stand & cover 1.-

1 dineing [sic] table falled leaf 2.-

1 Beadsted, [sic] bed & bedding in the front room 30.-

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1 corner cupboard, contents, waiters &c &c $12.-

Carpeting in the back room & entry including some old upstairs 5.-

4 Window curtains downstairs 2.50

1 large Bible & books of different denominations 3.-

1 small bed upstairs in the entry & bedding 15.-

1 case of drawers & contents containing the Decd

waring [sic] apparel 10.-

1 bed in the front room upstairs 8.-

A lot of bedcloaths [sic] consisting of 3 coverlids

[sic], 2 calico quilts &c 10.-

1 old chest .50

Contents of Kitchen Cupboard tin buckets candle-

sticks &c 28.-

6 Iron Kittles [sic] from ten to 15 gallons each, old

copper do, small pots etc. 20.-

1 old kitchen table .50

A lot of Beacon containing 41 pieces supposed to be

400 lbs 28.-

A part of a barrel of salt 2.-

8 burlled [sic] bags old 3.-

1 big wheel .75

1 old loom & tacklings 2.-

1 old cosscut saw, foot adds, grubing how, pichforks

etc. 3.-

1 pair of stilyards 1.

1 old waggon 8.

2 old axes & iron wedg 1.25

1 grindstone 2.-

A lot of corn in the crib 1.-

A lot of old horse gears 4.-

1 old windmill 3.-

1 old sleigh 1.-

1 old cutting box 1.-

A lot of old tubs 1.-

A lot of old Rye supposed to be six bushels 2.50

A lot of wheat supposed to be 26 bushels of a

middling quality 15.-

1 wire sive

1 grey mare supposed to be seven years old 50.-

1 old grey mare supposed to be 20 years old 10.-

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1 old brown horse $15.-

1 small strawberry roan horse, old 25.-

1 black & white cow 12.-

1 read [sic] & white cow 10.-

1 brown & white cow 10.-

1 Red & white cow, with a white belly & white on the

face 11.-

1 Read heffier [sic] with a white face & belly 10.-

1 speckled heffier 10.-

1 two year old red steer 12.-

4 two year old cattle, 2 steers & 2 heffiers 25.-?

5 yearlen [sic] calves 20.-

8 hogs, 3 soews & 5 shoats 20.-

13 pigs 10.-

1 sorrel coalt called Elijah's (a coulered [sic] boy) 10.-

1 fontplough [sic] 5.-

1 brown plough doubletrees 8.-

1 field of wheat next the Morgantown Road sup to be

15 A. 37.50

1 field below the house sup to be 8 A 16.-

1 field by the house 2/3 of it, the other 1/3 to

Magill sup to be 6 A. 4.-

30 sheep at $1 each 30.-

1 three square harrow 2.-

1 shovel plough _____.50

Total $625.-

We the undersigned appraisers after having been sworn and affirmed as the law directs do certify that the within scheduell of property shewen [sic] to us by the above named executors is a true valuation according to the best of our judgement and abillitey as witness our hands & seals the day & year above written.

Saml Dunlap (seal)

William Boyd (seal)

Joseph Defenbaugh (seal)

A statement of all debts due the estate of

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Joseph Sproat, late of German Tp, Decd as far as they have come to our Knowledg [sic] up to this date April 18, 1838.

Cash on hand at the death of the Decd $64.37 1/2

Amount of Judgt on Esqr Wilson's docket against

Harvey Grove for $25 with interest on same up to

this date:


One bill on Perry Grove for $5.67 5.67

Ballance of an account with Mr Ranshaw 2.68

A note of George Gilaspie of Green County dated

Apr 18, 1838 for rent 75.83

Recd of Asbury Struble for rent of the farm he lives

on for 1837 & to the 1st of Apr 1838 ___101.-____ __$283.61 1/2

June 12, 1922 8:31 AM Oak Hill continuing

I am recording first, some old papers mainly receipts that are signed or bear the signatures of early relatives, or preachers or men of note or importance then in the community & which I told Mr & Mrs Huston I wanted to keep & they s'd I could. I am entering them in the order of their dates:

No. 1. This is certify that I received an obligation of Samuel Sproat bearing date the 23d day of October, 1773 & due the first day of November 1780 for which obligation I do promise to pay an obligation of S. Sproat to Thos Wilson & signed to Thos Dunwidy bearing the date the 26? day of August 1773 & due the first day of November 1780. Witness my hand & seal this 29th day of October 1781. William Adair (seal)

Witness prest:

Jas McElhiney, James Thompson

No. 2. Feby 28, 1816. Received of Joseph Sproat forty eight dollars to pay for the use of James Thompson Senr and 33.00 for the use of James Thompson Junr by me. Ebenezer Finley

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No. 3. April the 10th, 1816 Recd of James Thompson Seventy dollars on an article between me and Samuel Sproat now in the care of Wm Lawney. Recd by me. John Vorheis

No. 4. Recd of Samuel Sproat for collection, a note dated 6th September 1815. Calling for £70.12.7d in favor of Sarah Sproat and on Sam'l Wilson

March 14, 1817 Wm Kennedy for J. Kennedy

No. 5. Joseph Sprott & wife vs Samuel Wilson} Recd of Joseph Sprott by the hand of Sam'l Sprott, six dollars in full of my fees for attendance as witness on the part of the Plffs. May 22, 1819. James Wilson

No. 6. On or before the first day of August next, I promise to pay Joseph Sproat or his assigns, one hundred & three dollars for value recd.

April 4th, 1820 George Vance


James Burgess

Catharine Rabb (probably A.J. Gilmore's mother or her mother on the back.) Recd March 30th, 1822 of Geo Vance on settlement of Book a/c $3.93 3/4 Joseph Sprott.

No. 7. Nov 10, 1821 Sir, please to pay Joseph Sproat four dollars & 80 cts & this will be your receipt for same. Alex. A. Wilson

Mr John Latchaw

No. 8. Recd 30th Dec 1826 of Mr Joseph Sproat one dollar twelve & 1/2 cents in full for serving citation on Alexander Wilson administrator of the good & chattels of Alexander Wilson deceased. G. Craft, late sheriff. $1.12 1/2

On back is holographic writing by Judge John Kennedy

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The costs within ought to be charged to Alexander Wilson in as much as eighteen months had elapsed from the date of the letters of administration without having settled his account. The citation therefor [sic] became ___________ Jos Sproat ought to have a set off for it.

No. 9. Waynesburg, June 5, 1830 Recd of Sam'l Hudson, a deed of conveyance from John Hollingsworth to Joseph Sproat for 311 acres of land in Greene County. Deed to be recorded. Jesse Lazear, Recorder.

(This is the father of my old friend Thomas C. Lazear).

No. 10. October 8th, 1833. Received of Joseph Sprout, through the hands of Samuel Hudson, six dollars which is said Sprout's Stipend in full to the 1st of Aprile 1833. William Johnston

(This is Rev Wm Johnston, father of my friend Jas G. Johnston, born 1835 & now living in the Skyscraper.)

No. 11. Amount of plank saved for Jacob Moss about the first of June 1837: 1015 feet of Oak inch boards & 475 feet of Walnut scantling. The scantling turned out very poor.

This taken from the sawmill book.

June 13, 1837 by me, Robert Boyd

(This is Judge Robt Boyd, son of Wm Boyd & his wife, Ann Jack) No. 12. Received Aug 13, 1840 of Mrs Sarah Sproat & daughters, five dollars of Stipend on their subscription for the current year. Sam'l Wilson.

No. 13. Recd Jany 23d, 1843 of Mrs Sarah & Miss Margaret Sproat, the full amt of their stipend for the year ending on the 1st of April next.

(This is Rev Sam'l Wilson D.D. of Dunlaps Creek Pres Ch) Saml Wilson

No. 14. Mrs Sarah Sproat Dr.

July 21, 1842 to carding $2.98 1/2

Dec 31, 1842 to fulling 5.65

July 22, 1843 to carding 1.02

Feby 20, 1844 to fulling _1.37 1/2


& on the back is: __.47____

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April 19, 1844 Received the amount in full of within account. Robert Boyd.

No. 15. Received of Sarah Sproat, seventeen dollars & eighteen cents in full of hur county, state & school tax for the year 1844 Recd by me May 1845. James Wilson, Col. (This is son of James 1764-1841 & father of Morgan S. Wilson)

No. 16. April the 9th, 1852. Settle up to this date with Sarah Sprout for Smith paid in fool. Alfred Funk.

No. 17. You will take a small teaspoonfull 2 or 3 times a day in sweetened water. McClelland Town Aug 9th, 1862 Received of Mrs M. Thompson, one dollar in full. Dr G.M. Miller

Shake the vial before taking out. (This is father's first cousin)

No. 18. See Book 6 page 331 about Dr L.S. Thompson's statement & book 5 pages 168 & 169 of Joseph Sproat her father.

September the 12, (yr omitted)

I take this opertunity to let you know that we are well at presant hoping that these few lines will find you the same. Madison & Mariah is a going chool and the learn very well. Maria can reed. I have got into our hous I have nothing strang to writ to you. The paper money that I took from your cuntry, I bought a young cow wi. I paid ten dollars & the other dolar for books for the children and i have the other five. I want you if you pleas get from under Enoch Frenches hand, what mony i recvid? from him and send it in writing with Joseph Finley. I have got noy mony sinc i came hear, whare plenty of grain thais noy mony in our cuntry, as regar to our Stat mony i canot tell. if i was thar i could tel what i think. try John Peaxler for mony and send it with Joseph Finley. We had a very good garden and plenty and we do very weell, the times is midling gard in this part of the world for mony. I think som of our grait lords is cuming down.

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pleas to send a leter with Joseph Finley. I add no mor at presat

Debby Thompson

Joseph Sproat, Fayatte County.

No. 19. Amount of cash paid Alexander Sproat $320.

1 Receipt 100.

Pd as per receipt 30.

paid to Geo Craft as per receipt _210.

Hugh Thompson Total 660.

No. 20. July 11, 1848. Received of Sarah Sproat Co Exr Fifteen dollars in full of all servises rendered to the estate of Joseph Sproat late of German Tp, Fayette Co. Decd, which is to be settled between the said Sarah & me in our private accounts between us. Robert Boyd

It is noon & I am quitting to go in town.

Oak Hill June 13, 1922 8 PM

No. 21. March 27, A.D. 1839 Received of Sarah Sproat executrix of Joseph Sproat deceased, the sum of three hundred and twenty dollars. By me Alexr W. Sproat. This is Alex W. not Alex H.

No. 22. Oct 20. A.D. 1840. Received of Sarah Sproat, the sum of thirty dollars executrix of Joseph Deceased. by A.H. Sproat.

No. 23. June the 1, 1843. Received of Sarah Sproat, executor of Joseph Sproat deceast [sic] one hundred dollars (this is plain "W" not "H") by me Alexander W. Sproat.

No. 24. McClellandtown Oct 28, 1857. Received of Margaret Thompson executrix of the last will & testament of Sarah Sproat late of German Tp Decd fifty dollars being money willed to me by said Decd Alexr H. Sproat. Attest: John Wilson, Receipt written by John Wilson.

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No. 25. On Sept 6, 1859, James Darby, clk, certifies that by order of Orphan's Court, that day made Margaret Thompson exrx of Sarah Sproat pays $100 into court for Samuel Sproat in payt of legacy bequeathed to him.

No. 26. Recd Dec the 27th, 1823 of Samuel Sproat by the hand of John Laughlin, Agent for Samuel Sproat $5.93 in full of tax charged on my duplicate on the S.W. qr of Sno 4 T8R8 & the N.E. qr of Sno 4 T8Rno8 & N half of Sno 25 T2R1 in full for 593 acres of 3d rate land in Guernsey County. Fore Barns C:G:C:

No. 26. [This is the way JVT has numbered the entries. CW] Received Union Town Apr 23, 1808 of Joseph Sproat, one hundred dollars on account of a bond signed by the said Joseph Sproat and drawn in favor of Samuel Sproat now deceased and dated the 24th day of January 1800 conditioned to pay "unto the heirs of the above Samuel Sproat fifty pounds lawful money of the State two years after the decease of said Samuel" which said Samuel died on the 24th February 1806 - and by his last will & testament duly proved, nominated & appointed us the subscribers executors of his said last will and testament and also the guardian of his children. $100

James Thompson, James Brown

Attest: [1]*Thomas Meason No. 27. February 21 day, 1831 Received this day of Samuel Hudson, the assignment of one note on Alexander Dunlap dated the twenty third day of January 1833 (in very plain figures)

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which was given for the sum of fifty seven dollars and fifty cents, the assignment of which I accept of & waves all opputunity of recorse which I might otherwise be intitled unto Andrew Dunlap

On the back of same is written:

November 18, 1833

Settled all accounts with Joseph Sproat except the grain in the barn and ground together with 66 bushels which is set down in another place and deed? to him S_____ cents. Samuel Hudson.

No. 28. Thomas S. Harn. Sir: I have purchased at Sheriff's sale, the land on which you reside which was sold as the property of Jacob Moss - you will therefor surrender up the possession of so much thereof as you occupy within three months from this date otherwise you will be proceeded against according to the Act of Assembly in such case made & provided.

N. Ewing Aug 12th, 1823 [day may be wrong, hard to read. CW]

Endorsed on the back:

Saturday, Aug the 16th, 1823 served a true copy at Thomas S. Harn's dwelling house by giving it to his wife by me. Thomas Malaby

No. 29. Oct 1. 1842. Received of James Renshaw two hundred eighty dollars in part of a judgment I have on the Prothonotaries docket at Uniontown. Received of him the day & year above written. Margaret Sproat.

No. 30. Recd July 28, 1856 of John A. Moore the sum of tenn dollars for intrust. Margaret Thompson.

Another receipt Sept 26, 1857 for five dollars signed Margaret Thompson.

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No. 31. Recd 11th Feby 48 of John Moore five dollars interest H. Thompson $5.

No. 32. Andrew Jackson Seventh President of the United States, born in South Carolina March 15, 1767 elected President 1828. In 1831, the Bank of the United States sought for a recharter, but voted (means vetoed) by the President. The Bank closed in 1836. Government deposits were removed from Bank of United States, the public debt paid off.

Oak Hill June 14, 1922 6:33 AM


33. A two page letter from "S.J. Struble" (later Mrs Hellen) to her aunt. "Mrs Margaret Thompson upper Middletown, Fayette Co Pa" dated Steubenville Female Seminary 1848 (evidently Dec for she wishes her aunt "a happy Christmas" says: "Mrs Beatty is my teacher in drawing and I love her dearly. She will read us funny stories and laugh & talk as merry as any of us." also "Maria Dawson is here this session & I think a great deal of her indeed." "I have not written to grandmother yet but think I will soon" xxx & says "she hates" to part with her, she look so old & frale that I think here time is not long in this world". (She lived almost 9 yrs to age of 91).

34. A two page letter from "J.S. Struble" (Joe) to his Aunt "Mrs Margaret Thompson" dated "Canonsburg July '49" in which he notes the "change from a farmer's life to a college life" & says "I am verry much obliged to you for your good advice; which you advised me to come here in prefference of going to Wilson or Carmichaels town

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which I have done & I think I like this place much better than either". Says school ends Aug 1 & he starts home 2d & in closing says "Give my bes respects Uncle & Elizabeth" (Elizabeth Thompson whom I knew).

35. A two page letter from Asbury Struble to Mrs & Mrs Thompson dated Apr 6, 1860 saying he had received a letter from Alexander H. Sproat & advised him to favor the return to Mr Thompson of the $600 & int he paid for the David Huston int in the Sproat farm & let the $300 pd by Samuel Sproat take care of itself. The letter strongly advises amicable settlement & to keep out of court & is very creditable thoughout. A second one page latter from same dated June 4, 1860.

36. A foolscap one page letter from Joseph S. Struble to his Aunt Mrs Margaret Thompson dated "Uniontown September 29th, 1866 asking her to take $250 (& advising her to do so) for her interest in the pasture lot rented to Mr Roddy & says: "then I will see if Hugh, James and Elizabeth will all sell their shares". Says thinks Elizabeth to whom he has written will sell for the same if she does "as her interest ceases in the property at your death when it goes to Hugh & James". "Please give me the address of Hugh & James."

37. Half page letter of B.F. Hellen to Aunt Margaret Thompson, Menallen Tp dated "Uniontown Pa 8th Feby 1853" informing her "that my Dear little Emma is no more. She died after lingering nearly three weeks this morning 1/4 after 11 o'clock" & will be buried tomorrow at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

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38. A one page letter from B.F. Hellen to Aunt Thompson dated "Collage Hill February 12th, 1859" refers sends her "Daniel Collier's note for $100, which is for the money you sent me by Samuel Thompson". Speaks of being disappointed they did not come to see them Christmas, but supposes it was on acct of Mr Thompson's health & says: "I see Wilson Hill's farm is to be sold again next court at the suit of W.G. Patterson. The first sale was set aside by the court".

39. A four page letter from "Samuel Thompson" to Dear Aunt (Margaret Thompson) (He may be the son of James, a brother of Hugh) dated "Millsborough, Washington Co Pa, March 23d 1862" says you will be surprised to hear from this place & that we moved here two weeks ago & later says they are moving away in a week or ten days. The entire letter is about a string halt mare he bought from her, says that when he was going away with her "you were standing on the porch of Liges (Elijah Smith?) house you told me that she walked lame" also "when I took her to sock (Plumsock) every one" etc.

40. "State of Ohio, Guernsey Co, January ye 17, 1821 Respective Friend, these fiew lines is to let you know that we are all well and I hope you & your family is in the same state of health. the Buisness you told me to enquire about conserning your deed and other things, I expect is all safe as far as I can understand and I have searched all my old books for the items that Mary Sprot got to make up that recipt of 72 Dollars & 50 cts which you thought there might be a mistake and I could not find the account of the items but I found a piece of paper

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in my book where i had reconed up in pounds, shillings and pene an account against Mary Sprot that answers the exact sum of the receipt and the receipt I know to be just and expect you will not try to hinder the estate to be settled in the manner that James Wilson and Charles Porter agreed on. Remember us to Debby & her children and tell her that as far as we know, all her things is safe that she left here. David Shaterthite is taking care of her cow, Shaver is going to leave the place this Spring and it is not rented yet for the next year. We expect Debby and her children down this Spring. She can live on her own place if she chooses there is nothing to hinder her. her grain is all safe, all our friends here is well excepting Robert's wife. She had a young son the time I was up there in the fall and about two weeks after she had it she got entirely deranged and out of her sences but she is getting better and we expect in a short time she will be as well as common. I sent Robert Boyd a letter some time ago to send me a tun of iron whether he got it or not i cannot tell. please to tell him if he intends to send it, to send soon or not at all, tell him to send me a letter. Remember us to Joseph Mays and his family and to James Brown and his family and to all enquiring friends.

(To) Joseph Sproat James Thompson

N.B. I spoke to Wm Israel for the ten dollars that he owned Debby he says he will get it as soon as possible.

The above letter is written on one side of a large sheet 7 1/2 by 11 3/4 inches & is very closely written being 34 lines entire & is the size of this sheet to here to the right of the numbers upright line to the left.

On the back, it is directed to "Mr Joseph Sproat, living in Fayette county, Pennsylvania" 12 cts & is postmarked "Washington Ohio Jany 31" 12 1/2 cts.

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41. February the 6th A.D. 1855. Dear Grandmother, I take the preasant opportunity of sending you a few lines we are all well at present except Mother & Joseph. Mother has not been well for sometime. She has had the erecypelas. Joseph has been sick with his old complaint. he has got better and is able to walk about the house. we moved into our new house on the 26th day of December '54 and left the worst house in German Tp, Harrison Co, Ohio and moved in to the best farm house in township - father only paid William Phillips $1536.00 for his labor and paid one hundred dollars for paper & carpet and paid $25 for putting the paper on the walls 8 rooms. there is twenty three doors to house thirteen pair of venetion window sutters and 6 windows without shutters. Feed is very scarce in our neighborhood. we are feeding 4 hundred head of shep, 4 work horses and 3 colts and 18 hed of cattle, 21 head of hogs. Joseph Jones & part of his family was to see us not long since and they was all well enjoying good health, the health of our County is cood at preasant. we have had a fine snow for about two weeks and very cold weather.

as I have not much time to write at preasant, I will bring my letter to a close. Excuse bad writing and mistakes for i have not got a very good pen and have not takeing any time as I should of to write u nice letter. Write soon. No more at preasant. I still remain your grandson Samuel Sproat Jr.

To my grandmother Sproat

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42. Washington (Ohio) July 21st, 1855

Dear Grandmother, This is a long three page letter & says "Though since my recollection I never knew such oats crops in "old Guernsey" as we will have to commence cutting soon. Corn is promising "potatoes, peaches & apples multiplyed". much of thankfulness & religious fervor, Kentucky & Maysville RR is building through their McWilliam's farm & says "Aunt Laughlin is enjoying pretty good health this summer though old age is fast coming upon her there is a great many infirmities come with old age". Reports much typhoid fever. Your grandson, Joseph Sproat

43. Letter dated Sept 12, 1842 from Alex H. Sproat to his mother "Sarah Sproat, McClellandtown, Fayette Co, Penn" postmarked "Washington, O". Refers mainly to his claim against David Huston & postscrip winds up saying: "Sarah is a big girl and can read" signed Alex H. Sproat

44. Letter dated Washington (Ohio) Jany 3d, 1860. To Aunt Margaret Thompson Refers to his recent visit to Fayette Co & says his mother is in poor health & his father in pretty good health. Refers to having recently heard of the death of Thomas Wilson. Joseph Sproat

It is now 10:10 PM June 14, 1922 & I will quit & get ready for my trip in the morning down the Monongahela River.

continued on Page 91 JVT June 23, 1922

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At residence of Ed D. Morse, Donora Pa 9:22 AM No 740 McKean Ave June 15, 1922

Mrs Margaret D. Elliott who is here with Mr Morse who married her niece phoned to her sister, Mrs Lou Rabe No 853 Thompson Ave, the next parallel street above this & she sent down their father's family Bible which was published in 1848 by John B. Perry Phila. Miss Margaret says the mother of Goodloe H. & Nelson B. Bowman was an Elliott, a relative of Commodore Elliott as they told her & they always claimed relationship & visited her father's house often.

She says her Uncle John Conwell got up some Conwell records that his son Nat E. now has. The Conwells trace descent from Alfred the Great. The first ones out here were John & William who were brothers. John's son, Yates S. Conwell, was the father of her mother, Eliza Jane & also Margaret who married a Davidson & of John S. Jehu, David C. George W. & James B. John S. was father of James, Will, Albert D. & W.B. Conwell & Jehu was father of Nat E. & Wm E. "Polly" Ewing a sister of Margaret's grandfather Yates Stokeley Conwell was the wife of William Ewing & mother of Judge Nathaniel & Major John H. Ewing. The original William had a daughter Sallie who married a Robinson of about Uniontown & a great granddaughter Miss

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Stella Robinson Fox of Lafayette Ind has recently written Margaret. Margaret's grandmother Conwell was Anna Craft, a sister of cousin Elijah Craft. Margaret says the main record in the Bible was written by her father & that he had no F in his name, it being plain William Elliott as he wrote it in the Bible & as I always knew him to write in in business. Some of the recent records in the Bible are written by Margaret herself. I copy here form the Bible record.


William Elliott, Eliza Jane Conwell on 12th day of Aprile 1837 Robert Rogers Abrams, Anna Mary Elliott 9th day of May 1861

William Sharpless Craft, Myrtilla Florence Elliott April 1867

William Patterson Allen, Virginia Bell Elliott 28th day of March 1877

Frank Vandewort Jeffries, Sarah Emma Elliott 5th day of October 1879

Joseph Edwin Nutt, Louesa Searight Elliott 18th day of April 1882

(Joseph Edwin Nutt died Dec 22, 1894 & was buried Christmas day & was buried at Brownsville, but removed to Monongahela Cemetery, Monongahela City, Pa. He was a son of Stephen R. Nutt whose mother was a Randolph.)

Mrs Nutt married second Nov 1898 to William Thomas Rabe & live now at 853 Thompson Ave.


William Elliott, 1814 Aprile 5th

Eliza Jane Conwell, 1818, Feby 25th

(Their children)

1. James Stokley Elliott, 1838, Dec 16th

2. Anna Mary Elliott, 1840, Augst 29th

3. George Craft Elliott, 1842, September 3d

4. Margaretta Davidson Elliott, 1845, May 11th

5. Myrtilla Florence Elliott, 1847, Aprile 16th

6. Virginia Belle Elliott, 1849, May 3d

7. Sarah Emma Elliott, 1851, Augst 20th

8. Louesa Searight Elliott, 1858, May 16th


George Craft Elliott 1862 May 10th aged 19 yrs 9 mos & 7 days

(Margaret says was drowned in Redstone Creek on their old farm near where Braznell now is while washing sheep. He was a very good swimmer, but think he took cramps.)

William Elliott 1878, July 21st aged 64 years 3 months & 16 days

Sarah Emma Elliott Jeffries died May 22d, 1880 age 28 yrs 9 mos & 2 days

Eliza Jane Elliott died May 29th, 1900 aged 82 yrs 3 mos & 4 days.

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[Descendant Chart]

William Elliott, born in Jefferson Tp, Fayette Co Pa April 5, 1814. Died in Jefferson Tp Fayette Co Pa July 21, 1878. Eliza Jane Conwell, born in Luzerne Tp, Fayette Co Pa Feby 25, 1818. Died in Monongahela City, Pa, Wash Co Pa May 29, 1900. They were married Apr 12, 1837 in Luzerne Tp at home of her father, Yates S. Conwell by Rev. William Johnston


James Stokeley Elliott, Born Dec 16, 1838 died Aug 26, 1905 & is buried in Brownsville Cem. He was married Nov 1860 to Miss Jane Wood, dau of John? Wood & niece of Nathan & Amos Wood. She was born on Jany 25, 1838 & died Jany 24, 1914 in Tarentum Pa but is buried in Brownsville Cem. Had but one child.

Georgia Craft Elliott, Born July 27, 1862. Married Apr 4, 1892 to Thomas Newton Gummert, born in Sept 8, 1862 son of Thomas C. Gummert & live in Tarentum Pa. He died Jan 27, 1923 see Book 12 pages 299 & 300.

Jane Gummert, B Feby 19, 1893 married Aug 28, 1919 to Carlos Echivirria, a Spaniard, from Mexico & is connected with the Government. No issue. See Book 12 p 300.

Juanita Echevarria, B Nov 12, 1922

James Stokely Gummert, Born Nov 1st, 1895 married Dec 26, 1921 to Mildred Buck of Tarentum Pa. He is in the shoe business with his father, T.N. Gummert & son.

Anna Mary Elliott [dau of William & Eliza Jane] Born Aug 29, 1840 married May 9, 1861 to Robert R. Abrams, son of Judge Eli Abrams. He was a steamboat captain on the River & was born May 14, 1831 & died in Monongahela City, Pa Dec 4, 1919 & is buried there. He was a brother of Lou H. & Elisha Decatur Abrams. She lives at 600 Meade St Monongahela City Pa. They had but four children.

Estella Florence Abrams, Born Sept 14, 1862 married Dec 3, 1884 to Wm Hall Sherwood born in Lyons NY Jany 31, 1854, son of Rev Lyman Hinsdale Sherwood, an episcopal minister of Alliance NY & his wife Mary Bagles. He was a great musician in NY & died in Jany 7th, 1911 in Chicago, Ill. She lives at NO 3146 Lake Park Ave Chicago Ill but is now in Europe with her dau & her sister Eliza. Have but one child.

Ruth Elliott Sherwood, Born Dec 21, 1889 is unmarried. She was born in Chicago, Ills.

Eliza Elliott Abrams, Born June 15, 1867 married Feby 27, 1894 to Harry Winter Edwards, my engineer from Woodstown NJ. They live at Morsemere NJ. No issue. He is son of Barclay Edwards & his wife Kitturah Wood Moore. He was born in Woodstown NJ July 31, 1859.

Leland Von Abrams, Born Aug 24, 1874. Is unmarried. Live in Chicago, Ill with his sister, Mrs Sherwood since she became a widow. Was bookkeeper for Gypsum Co.

Julia Howe Abrams, born July 15, 1877 married Oct 25, 1906 to David Campbell Herron, son of J.S. Alex Herron & wife Mary Campbell & live at 600 Meade St Mon. City which Julia got as her share of est. He is in the Diamond Coal Co at Black Diamond. Have but one child. He was born in Monongahela Pa Oct 28, 1879.

Marjorie Anne Herron, Born Jany 15, 1912

George Craft Elliott, [son of William & Eliza Jane], born Sept 3, 1842 died May 10, 1862.

Margaretta Davidson Elliott, Born May 11, 1845 my informant for this record. Apr 30, 1923 11:55 PM. She died of pneumonia at the residence of her sister, Lou S. Rabe in Donora Pa Saturday morning Apr 28, 1923. Funeral tomorrow 2 Pm May 1, 1923 interment at Brownsville, Pa.

Myrtilla Florence Elliott, Born April 16, 1847 married April 1867 to William Sharpless Craft, son of Dr Newton Craft (a bro of Elijah) of Merrittstown Pa whose wife was Edith Nichols Sharpless. He was born Mch 15, 1844 & died Nov 22, 1920 at Woodward, Dallas Co, Iowa & is buried there where she now lives. He was a merchant.

1. Fannie Edith Craft, died unmarried aged 21 & is buried at Woodward, Iowa.

2. William Patterson [Craft], Born April 1870, died Nov 22, 1918 with the "flu". Married to Addie Smith of Woodward, Iowa. She died Nov 1915 & are both buried at Woodward, Iowa. She was dau of Oliver Smith.

Mildred Craft, Born July 22, 1899. She is in a sanitarium in Iowa at Clarinda & gets $150 per mo. unmarried. Educated at Ames, Iowa.

Malcolm Oliver Craft, Born Dec 24, 1904 just through high school. Is going to college at Ames, Iowa.

4. Alfred Newton [Craft], Born Nov 24, 1872 died Dec 1897 married Dec? 1892 or 3 to Susie Opal Conger, dau of Samuel Conger, a Banker of Woodward Iowa. She mar 2d Geo Powlison of Des Moines, Iowa.

Anita Craft, B say Feby 1897? M. Apr to Eugene McCammon of Perry, Iowa. No issue.

5. Bessie Clyde, born Jany 11, 1876 married Apr 1904 to Anthony Milroy McColl of Woodward, Iowa. He was born May 19, 1858. He was State Senator. Both living.

Jean Milroy McColl, She was born Feby 11, 1906.

6. Mary Elizabeth [Craft] B Jany 24, 1878 died June 27, 1915. Was unmarried.

3. George, died an infant.

Virginia Belle Elliott [dau of William & Eliza Jane], born May 3, 1849 married March 28, 1877 to William P. Allen son of Alva Allen of Jefferson Tp & his wife Eleanor Patterson, sister of Wm G. He was born Apr 3, 1846 & died Jany 28, 1915 at Rockwell City, Calhoun Co, Iowa. She lives at Churdan, Greene Co, Iowa. See Page 22.

Sarah Emma Elliott, Born Aug 20, 1851 married Oct 5, 1879 to Frank V. Jeffries son of James Jeffries of Brownsville Pa. She died May 22, 1880. No issue. He married twice after & died in Apr or May of 1922.

Louesa Searight Elliott, Born May 16, 1858 married 1st Apr 18, 1882 Joseph E. Nutt. He died Dec 22, 1894. Married 2d Nov 8, 1898 Wm T. Rabe See Page 23.

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[Descendant Chart]

Virginia Belle Elliott [dau of William & Eliza Jane] & William P. Allen See Page 21.


Eleanor Margaretta Allen, born Dec 30, 1877 Mar. June 7, 1905 to Merton James Hill, son of James Christopher Hill of Churdan, Iowa & his wife Mary Ann Williamson. They live at Churdan where he is in the R.E. business. He was born Aug 26, 1877 at Churdan, Iowa.

James Allen Hill, B June 12, 1906 unmarried in 1926.

Maxine Elliott Hill, B Mch 29, 1909. unmarried in 1926.

Helen Mar Allen, Born July 26, 1880 mar. June 21, 1911 to Walter Lawrence Jacobs He born June 25, 1879, son of Henry Franklin Jacobs of Calhoun Co Iowa. (Walter is a banker of Lake City Iowa) & wife Margaret Hurford Lawrence.

Virginia Margaret, B June 6, 1912

Henry Franklin Jacobs, B Jany 22, 1917

Elizabeth Jane Allen, B July 30, 1882 at Woodward Iowa. Died Feby 11, 1894 aged abt 11 yrs at Churdan, Iowa.

Yates Elliott Allen, B. Oct 24, 1887 mar Aug 6, 1913 to Ada Beryl Churdan of Churdan, Iowa, dau of Joseph Churdan Jr, a farmer. He is a banker at Churdan, Iowa & wife Hannah Alwilda Andre. Ada born July 3, 1892 near Churdan, Iowa.

Genevieve Allen, born Jany 27, 1920 at Lake City, Iowa

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[Descendant Chart]

Louesa Searight Elliott [dau of William & Eliza Jane] mar 1. Joseph E. Nutt & marr 2d William T. Rabe. No issue to Mr Rabe.


Stephen Randolph Nutt, Born June 23, 1882 m.1. June 26, 1901 to Emma J. Carson of Monon City, Pa. She died June 24, 1906. M.2. Eva Wiess of Ills. He was overseas & is now living in Omaha, Neb. No children to 2d wife. Two children by 1st wife.

Sarah Louise, B. Aug 21, 1902. unmarried

Edith Carson, B Apr 19. 1904. Adopted by her grandfather, Cornelius Carson. unmarried.

Sarah Jane Nutt, Born July 24, 1883 mar 1. Oct 18, 1905 to John Spear Culbertson of Robert Culbertson of Buena Vista Pa who was born Aug 29, 1874 & blown to atoms in the Oakdale explosion May 18, 1918. M.2. Aug 25, 1920 to Edgar Delamater Morse, son of Clinton A. Morse of NY State. Elmira. He was born Sept 16, about 1873 No issue by either husband, but had a son viz:

William Elliott Rabe, B Oct 29, 1902

William Elliott Nutt, Born Nov 16, 1885 Died Aug 22, 1886

Ruth Steele Nutt, Born Feby 26, 1887 & Married Mch 5, 1907 to Vernon Pickett Paulett, son of Capt S.W. Paulett of Farmville VA who was born May 28, 1883 & live now at Farmville Va Prince Edward Co, where he is in the tobacco business as a supervisor.

Ruth Elliott Paulett, Born Mch 25, 1909 at Farmville, VA.

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[Descendant Chart]

Abraham Fulton came from Ireland to Westmoreland Co in 1772. [His son was:]

Abraham Fulton, married Jane Coe. [Two of their sons were:]

Henry Fulton, born 1785 died 1869. He is buried at Rehoboth with his last wife. m.1. Rebecca Jack thinks in 1809. She died July 7, 1819. He died Apr 13, 1869 in his 84th yr.

Moses Fulton [second son] 1800-1878.

[children of Henry Fulton & Rebecca Jack:]

Abram Fulton, B. Aug 14, 1810 ob Apr 3, 1877. He died in Columbus City, Iowa & is buried there. He married Oct 24, 1832, Rachel Newlon, dau of William Newlon of the Willow Tree. She was born May 2, 1813 & was 13 when they moved to the Willow Tree. She died Aug 4, 1896 in California near Monterey & was brought to Columbus City Iowa for burial.

Henry Fulton, B Sept 21, 1833 at the Willow Tree m. Oct 26, 1854 to Violet Elder of Blairsville, Pa. He went west & died in Utah, thinks at Salt Lake City. She died before he did in Memphis, Tenn. Had but one child. He died Aug 30, 1892.

A son, died when a baby.

Keziah Newlon Fulton, B. Sept 7, 1835 at the Willow Tree. M. Oct 13th, 1857 to Rev John H. Sherrard. He was 2 yrs older & died abt 1910 or 1911 & is buried at Wilkinsburg Pa. She lives now with her daughter in Hastings, Neb. See Page 26. She died May 10, 1923 at Hastings, Neb.

Rebecca Elizabeth Fulton, B Aug 21, 1837 at the Willow Tree. M. Nov 17, 1858 to Alonzo Linn of Butler Pa & he a son of Alexander Linn of NJ. He was born Sept 27, 1827 in Butler Pa & died Sept 29, 1901 in Washington Pa & is buried there.

George Thomas Linn, B Sept 15, 1859 m. Aug 29, 1888 to Nettie Teeters of Monon City Pa who was born & died Feby _____. No issue.

Andrew Morrison Linn, B June 21, 1863 m. June 1893 to Margaret McMillan, dau of Rev Wm McMillan. Both living in Wash Pa. No issue.

Harry Hall Linn, B May 11, 1867 m. Aug 8, 1902 to Mary Aiken dau of John Aiken. She was born Nov 22, 1872 & died June 14, 1920 & he lives in Wash Pa & is cashier at Tyler Tubeworks. Had three boys, two stillborn & the other lived but a few hours. "Too big to be born alive. Great grief to them."

Charles Francis Linn, M.D., B Aug 20, 1874 m. Oct 15, 1908 to Henrietta Leeper McKennan dau of Dr Thomas McKennan & his 10th child. She was born Feby 27?, 1874.

Rebecca Elizabeth, B Nov 2, 1909

Margaret McKennan, B Jany 14, 1912

Elmyra Albertine [Fulton, dau of Abram & Rachel] B Nov 2nd, 1840, died aged a few weeks & is buried at Sewickly Ch Born at Willow Tree. She died Dec 8, 1840.

Margaret Jane, b. Jany 24, 1842 Born at Willow Tree. M. Apr 16, 1862 to John C. Gambell of Winfield Iowa. See Page 28.

Mary Ellen, B Aug 1, 1844 at Mill Grove. M. David A. Robbins of Columbus City, Iowa where he died. Was a carpenter. She now lives in Fresno, Calif. Mar Apr 15, 1869.

Abram Fulton [Robbins] lives in Fresno Calif. married & had one son.

David, died a young man 2 or 3 yrs ago.

George Thomas Linn [Robbins] m. Margaretta Wilson. Both living in Fresno.

Elizabeth, aged 2 or 3 yrs.

Clara Belle Fulton, [dau of Abram & Rachel] See Book 9 p 153. B Mch 17, 1847 at Mill Grove m.1. William H. Neal of Columbus City Iowa & had two daughters. He enlisted Civil War July 1861. wounded Battle Dukas [Tukas?] Sept 18, 1862. He was honorably discharged on Oct 1865. M.2. E. Lysander Bemis of Winfield Iowa, a farmer. Both dead. She dying in 1911 on oct 28th. His mother's maiden name was Fields.

Nellie Newlon Neale, Born Mch 18, 1870 m. Harold Briceland, a newspaperman & live in Davenport, Iowa & have 5 boys. See Book 9 page 153.

William Neal Briceland, Born Mch 11, 1894 mar Apr 20, 1921 at Brooklyn NY, Augusta Wilhelmina Kuntz who was born in Brooklyn NY Dec 2, 1900 daughter of Joseph Kuntz & his wife Anna Maria Kost both natives of Germany.

Harold Emeris, Born Apr 29, 1896 mar Sept 1, 1921 Pearle Bernice Kier, who was born at Davenport, Iowa July 26, 1896, daughter of Jerry Kier, a native of Denmark & his wife, Anna Reichling, a native of Andrew, Iowa.

Phyllis Jean Briceland, Born July 10, 1922 at Davenport, Iowa.

Hugh Bemis, born Sept 1, 1899 mar Oct 20, 1922 at Davenport, IA. Etta M. Osborn whose mother's maiden name was Readdy.

Jacques Fulton, Born Apr 4, 1908

Newlon Miller Briceland, Born Jany 20, 1913.

Lucy, [dau of William H. & Clara Bell (Fulton) Neale] m.1. Bertrande Greene. m.2. Frank Miller. No issue. Live in Calif. Mr G. was son of J.B. Green & wife Margaret Louisa DeLong. See Book 9 Page 153

William Newlon Fulton, [son of Abram & Rachel] B May 28, 1850 above Monon City at Harlem adjg the Judge Baird farm. Married in the west. Went to Oregon. Both dead, he in Calif near the coast & left three daughters. He died May 8, 1914.

Clara, married & went to Paris, France & lived there. A brilliant girl.

Dau. }Both married & live in

Dau. } Salt Lake City, Utah.

Anna Ida Fulton, [dau of Abram & Rachel] B. Oct 27, 1858 at a farm in Louisa Co Iowa between Columbus City & Wapello. Died aged about four yrs, thinks in 1862 on Oct 5th.

Eleanor Jack (Niccolls) Born in 1812 [dau of Henry & Rebecca Jack Fulton]

Jane Fulton, B. M. John Power son of Patrick Power & Nancy Gellaher. They had no issue. Thinks both buried in Monon. Cem.

John Jack Fulton, He was youngest. He married Eliza Jane Lynn of West Newton, Pa, dau of Wm Lynn & although spelling the name different, Mrs L. thinks they belonged to the same family as her husband. He died in California, Mrs L. thinks at Placerville, she preceding him in death & both are buried out there. Thinks had three children.

Edward, unmarried

Myra, unmarried, died young

Daughter or son, married.

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[Descendant Chart]

Keziah Newlon Fulton & John H. Sherrard. See Page 24. He was born Mch 24, 1830 & died May 31, 1911. He was born at Rush Run, O. near Steubenville, O. & died at Wilkinsburg, Pa.

[Their children]

Jane Hindman Sherrard, b. July 17, 1858 m. June 24, 1879 to Rev J.C.R. Ewing now of Lahore, India. He was born June 23, 1854, son of James Henry Ewing & wife Eleanor Rhea. Both living. He died Aug 20, 1920.

1. Eleanor Elizabeth Ewing, B Apr 24, 1880. m. Vernon L. Jackson & lives Little Rock Arkansas. Mar June 24, 1908. He was born Apr 17, 1883 in Dardanelle, Ark, son of James Green Jackson & wife Dixie Farior [Farion?]. Their children born in Little Rock, Ark.

Vernon L. Jr, B Oct 31, 1911

Rhea Ewing, B Oct 9, 1913

Jane Farrion B Nov 29, 1916

2. Anna Keziah, B. Aug 10, 1881 m. Dr Robt. H. Goheen & live in India. Mar May 25, 1905. He was born June 11, 1880 in Kolhapur, India, son of James Milliken Goheen & wife Amanda McGinnis. Their 4 children born at Vengurla India. Dr Goheen was born at Kolhapur, India.

Nancy Sherrard, B Dec 29, 1907

Alice Ewing, B Jany 25, 1910

Richard Rhea Patton, B Oct 1, 1914

Robert Francis, B Aug 15, 1919

3. John Sherrard, B. Oct 18, 1884 m. Estella Huston of Washington Pa & live in NY Mar Jany 25, 1908 who was born Feby 13, 1882 at Washington Pa dau of James Houston & his wife Margaret Supler [variations in spelling as entered]

James Houston, B. Sept 13, 1908

Jane Sherrard, B Aug 29, 1916

4. Margaret Rhea Ewing, Born Jany 14, 1889 Died May 24, 1890 in infancy [this entry added as a footnote. I have entered it in proper order. CW]

5. Nancy Sherrard, B. Sept 9, 1893 m. Edmund D. Lucas, a missionary & live in Lahore on Oct 3, 1911, who was born Sept 21, 1882 son of James Joseph Lucas & wife Mary Eva Sly. He was born at Etawah, India

Edmund D. Jr, B Jany 24, 1913

Jane Sherrard, B May 11, 1914

James Roland, B May 7, 1918

Nancy Eleanor, B Aug 22, 1919

6. Rhea McCurdy Ewing Jr, B Dec 23, 1902 student in Princeton College.

Anna Rachel Sherrard [dau of John H. & Keziah N.] B. July 13, 1860 m. Mar 18, 1881 Oliver L. Blachley M.D. of Sparta Wash Co Pa. He is dead. She lives in Los Angeles. He died Apr 18, 1914 & was born Oct 5, 1852 at Sparta Pa son of Dr Stephen Lindley Blackly & wife Sarah Lindley.

Stephen L., married. B. Feby 24, 1882. m. Nov 1, 1905 to Mary McMullen Allen born Nov 1, 1883 at Johnstown Pa, dau of John Boyd Allen & Mary Ellen McMullen his wife.

John Sherrard, drowned. B. Oct 15, 1884 ob July 4, 1905.

Mary Fulton, Born Apr 24, 1892 m. Geo H. Horne & live in Los Angeles on Feby 3, 1914. Live at 201 Arden Ave Glendale Calif. He was born May 13, 1885 at Nineveh, Pa, son of Jonathan Knight Horne & his wife Isabella Wolff.

Geo H. Horne Jr, Born Oct 11, 1915 at Minidoka Darn, Idaho.

Charles Beatty Sherrard [son of John H. & Keziah N.] B. Feby 2, 1864. He was drowned near Steubenville, O. in a cistern when a little boy & died July 6, 1866.

John Hughes Sherrard, B May 19, 1866. He died young. Died Oct 9, 1892 unmarried.

Robert Maurice Sherrard, B. Oct 1st, 1869 m. Nov 25, 1903 to Lyda Reid Cochran. Both living in the East End Pgh where he is a Supt of Schools. No issue. She was born at Allegheny Pa Sept 29, 1876, daughter of Charles W. Cochran & his wife Mary J. Reid.

Mary Fulton Sherrard, B. July 18, 1872 m. Frank M. Boyd Oct 20, 1897 of Crawfordsville, Ind. No issue. Both living in Chicago Ills where he is in the fine livestock insurance business. He was born Apr 6, 1875 at Rockville, Ind, son of Wallace J. Boyd & his wife Lenora J. Bynum.

Elizabeth Linn Fulton, B Feby 25, 1874 m. June 20, 1912 to Homer M. Davies of Delphos, Ohio & live there where he is a banker & where he was born Sept 22, 1873 son of David J. Davies & his wife Nancy Ellen Richey.

Homer M. Davies Jr, Aged 9 Born Sept 17, 1913

John Sherrard, aged 5 born Apr 4, 1917.

Helen Ewing Fulton, B July 27, 1879 m. Oct 15, 1914 John Douglas Fuller of Hastings, Neb. & live there where he is a wholesale grocer & agriculturist. He is son of Wm Huntington Fuller & his wife Jennie Hart, descendant of John Hart, signer of the Declaration of Ind. Jno D. Fuller was born at Delphos Ohio Sept 22, 1875.

Elizabeth Hart Fuller, B Mch 4, 1916

V7 Page 28 & V7 Page 29

[Descendant Chart]

Margaret Jane Fulton & John C. Gambell see page 24. He died at Winfield, Iowa & is buried there. She died later, May 11, 1921 at her son's at Tacoma, Wash, & was brot [sic] to Winfield Iowa & was buried beside her husband. He died Oct 25, 1903. He was born Oct 3, 1837 at Shelby, Ohio, son of Harvey Gambell & his wife Catherine Cooper. Their children were all born at Winfield, Iowa.


1. Sylvenus Cooper, B Mch 8, 1863. Called "Vene". He was a missionary at St Lawrence Island Arctic & He, wife & baby were lost in an unseaworthy vessel in Behrings [sic] Strait returning to his charge on May 27, 1898 mar Aug 3, 1890 Nellie Webster who was born Apr 8, 1874 at Rhoades, Iowa.

Margaret Gambell, Born St Lawrence Island, Apr 1897. Lost at sea as above May 27, 1898.

2. Anna Rachel, B Mch 19, 1865 m. Rev James Baillie Butler, a Scotchman & live at Nebraska. Mar July 1, 1885. He was born at Dundee, Scotland July 21, 1852 & died Oct 11, 1922 & buried Winfield Iowa, son of Donald Butler & Isabella Jack. She now lives 1923 at 812 Nebraska [unreadable] York, Neb.

1. Donald, born at Winfield Iowa July 6, 1886 mar July 29, 1915 to Irene Fonda, born At Amsterdam NY July 29, 1896 daughter of Frank Fonda & Ada Stevens, his wife.

Betty May Butler, Born July 20, 1919 at Schenectady NY

2. Margaret Jean, Born at Winfield, Iowa July 13, 1887. Mar Apr 19, 1921 to Geo H. Holderman born Dec 12, 1868 in Lebanon Co Pa, son of Thos Holderman & his wife Sallie Hedrick. No issue yet. [then an addition]

Rachel Jean, B. at York Neb Mch 28, 1923.

4. John Gambell, B at Blairstown, Iowa, Jany 3, 1895 mar Nov 18, 1921 to Helen Hayes born at Vinton Iowa July 23, 1896 dau of Frank Hayes & wife Wilhelmina Woodrick. No issue yet.

3. Marion Jack Butler, born at Blairstown, Iowa Oct 31, 1889 ob there Dec 19, 1890.

3. John Herbert Fulton, [son of John C. & Margaret J. Gambell] B. June 10, 1868. M. Ida Ruth Swain who was born Oct 26, 1875 & live in Tacoma, Wash in P.O. & Gov. service No issue. She is daughter of Wm Alonzo Swain & his wife Phebe Eliza Dane & were married May 13, 1906 at Manila B.T. Residence is 1708 N. Junett St.

5. Kate Gambell, B. Sept 9, 1872 ob Jany 16, 1922 at Willow's Calif & is buried there m. Jerome Lee Rawhanser a physician in Winfield Iowa Mch 8, 1894. [unreadable] is No 2275 Lassen St Willows.

Anna, B. July? 20, 1896 at Lipton, Iowa, married & lives in San Francisco. No issue. Married Jany 1, 1918 to Harrison Wm. Jopes

John Gambell, Big boy, unmarried, Born at Lone Tree, Iowa Sept 6, 1899 See Book 9 page 152.

Jerome Lee Jr, Big boy, unmarried Born at Central Point, Oregon Aug 15, 1908.

4. [2]K](¼X(5_(_@prefference of going to Wilson or Carmichaels town (_^(

both living at Willows, Calif where he is a surgeon. He as Abram Fulton's family bible. Has sons & one dau. sons are all 5 living, dau is dead. His residence Oct 9, 1922 is 805 W. Wood St Phone 145-!. The firm viz Drs Rawhausen & Gambell is suite 1 & 2 Glenn County Bk Bldg Tel 85 Willows Calif. Helen was born at Lone Tree, Iowa Oct 15, 1875 dau of Charles Fernstrom, a native of Sweden & his wife Sarah Evans. Their children all born at Thief River Falls, Minn.

Charles Francis, B. July 20, 1903

John Cooper, B Mch 19, 1906

George Fernstrom, B July 13, 1908

William Bryant, B Jany 29, 1911

Robert Fulton, B Nov 24, 1913

Alice Margaret, B March 31, 1916 ob Apr 2, 1916

6. Elizabeth Fulton, [dau of John C. & Margaret J. Gambell] B. Oct 25, 1876 went to Colorado when young & married there to a man named Burke & has six children. Lives now, she thinks in Helena Montana. He has been Sheriff several terms. Mar May 31, 1900 to Fred C. Burks, who was born in Ills in 1874, son of Geo Burks a native of KY & his wife Lucy _______

Edwin George, B Philipsburg, Mont. Apr 1901

Margaret Elizabeth, B Philipsburg, Mont July 1902

Fred C. Burks Jr, B Philipsburg, Mont Nov 1903

Oscar Burks B Helena Mont Feby 1904

John Gambell, B Missoula Mont 1905

James Burks, B Missoula Mont Oct 1906

Ruth Frances, B Philipsburg Mont 1910 ob 1915.

V7 Page 30

Commercial Hotel Room 7 Monongahela City, Pa June 15, 1922 11 Pm

I got to bed last night at 1:15 AM this morning, got up at 4:40 AM, got my breakfast, read up on some records, got my mail & took the 6:25 AM PRR train for Donora Pa & in going in & seeing Cora A. Antram in time to have her get off as she said she was going to Phila when I asked her. Reached Donora at 8:05 got shaved & walked up a square to Thompson Ave & out it to No 124 where I was told Miss Margaret D. Elliott had left there & would be found at Ed Morse's hardware store NO 740 McKean Ave. Retracing John Magie who had hailed me as I went out took me in & showed me his five cases full of poultry. Said he had been there eight years. Reaching Morse's hardware store, Mr Morse, who had known me in Uniontown when he wrote his name Morss, took me upstairs to their rooms above the store & introduced me to his wife Sarah, a fine large buxom woman who called her Aunt, cousin Margaret, who is living with them & who is slender, dark eyed, quick & active & nimble for one 77 yrs old. I wrote down part of what she told me on Pages 17 & 18 & copied on pages 18 & 19 the record from the Bible of her father, William Elliott & on pages 20 to 23 inclusive, I took down in a genealogical table the information

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she gave me from a small notebook, assisted by cousin Lou (Mrs Rabe), a large buxom woman who came in a half hour before I left & by cousin Ruth Steele Paulett, a very attractive & beautiful young girl who was in & out two or three times with her attractive daughter Ruth & fortified by numerous inquiries of Sarah. Morse was very kind as were they all & I ate lunch with them. Cousin Margaret said Cousin Lou Cramer was back from the south & was now over at Belle Vernon with Mrs Irons. I was with them from 9:40 AM to 2:50 PM & left on the 3 PM train for Monongahela City & upon arrival went to the office of Dr C.F. Linn at 236 Chess St, cor 3d street & not finding him in called a taxi & went three miles out the Washington Pike to their Summer home in Carroll Tp where my cousins at Donora told me Mrs Alonzo Linn now was. I arrived at 3:40 PM & met Dr Linn's wife at the porch & she went upstairs & called her mother-in-law, cousin Rebecca E. Linn, who came down walking strong & vigorous with red cheeks & void of wrinkles, notwithstanding her 85 yrs. She said she had not told her own children or people her age & asked me not to tell them.

She gave me from memory the data to make up the genealogical tables on Pages 24 to 29 inclusive & said she wd write for the Sherrard & Gambell records & send the data to me. She said too

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that she had many dates written down, but it was in town & when she went in, she could supply much information & would. She said her nephew Francis Gambell had her father's Bible, but there was no record in it & at all events she gave me from memory all the dates of birth marriage etc.

Mrs Rebecca E. Lynn said she was born at the Willow Tree & when a young girl, she had been at the old Jack house on the farm adjoining & saw a chest filled with imposing looking papers, many large folded papers in profusion. This of course was long years after John Jack & his wife & Paddy as well were dead & the query is what became of them.

Cousin Henrietta Linn said she was the tenth child of Dr Thomas McKennan, but not the youngest. Said her mother who was a Stockton, daughter of L.W., was 90 yrs old & living at the old home on Maiden St with her son, Bowman, unmarried who looked after her. I think she s'd her mother's mother was a sister of Goodloe H & Nelson B. Bowman & said their mother was not an Elliott as cousin Margaret had said, but that their father, Jacob Bowman when east to Baltimore buying goods, he met a young Irish Lassie, Isabella Lowry & married her & she was their mother. It might be well to see Mrs McKennan. Henrietta & the Doctor have three bright

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girls. George was there & in doing the gardening, Doctor came out for supper 6 to 6:30 PM & I finished up at 7:55 PM & George drove me in little Rebecca going along. Mrs Linn gave me a blueprint with the Fulton tree on it which I am to return & which I checked at the Commercial Hotel & took the Street Car 8:40 PM to Logan Sta between Finleyville & Library to go see Sarah Douglass nee Power, wife of Samuel Douglass, who Mrs Linn said had Uncle Henry Fulton's family Bible with the record. I got to Library at 9:10 PM & took the left hand road & walked briskly up the rough road a mile to the Douglass house which was in darkness. I rang & Mr D. answered from upstairs & I told him who I was & he came down, but said his wife had been sick & wasn't well enough to hunt up the Bible tonight, but to leave me address & they would mail me the the record. I told them I wanted to copy it in my book & could return in the morning for that purpose to which they assented. Touching off the striker in my watch in the darkness, I found it was 9:47 PM, so I walked briskly down the rutty road, the mile & reached the Street Car tracks at Logan at 10:09 PM & the St Car was just rounding the curve coming in & I boarded it & the conductor said: "J.V., aint you lost". I found on inquiry that he was Lewis Albert Raymond, son of Charles & grandson of my old friend Sam'l P.

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Raymond & also grandson of our Cemetery janitor, John T. Williams & is named for his Uncle Lute Williams, John T's son. He said he had been on that run 2 yrs ever since his return from overseas service abroad where he was in the hospital 15 months over there following six bullet wounds, two in his right arms, three in his legs & one right over his heart by a long poisoned bullet which was partly arrested, but clear through over two inch thick memorandum books which he has & which saved his life. He got these wounds on Oct 8, 1918 & his mother died Oct 20, 1918 but never knew of his wound & he did not know of her death until he got home almost two years later. I got in about 10:44 PM & the boy in the office brought me up to this room which I had reserved before starting out & it is now just 1:11 AM the 16th & I will go to bed as I am sleepy enough. JVT

V7 Page 35

At Residence of Samuel J. & Sarah Douglass Bethel Tp, Allegheny Co (P.O. Library RFD NO 1, PA) Friday June 16, 1922 7:22 AM

I arrived here at 6:55 AM & found Mrs Douglass dusting off the porch. She says they are 12 miles by road & abt 11 miles by trolley from Monongahela City & 5 miles from Bridgeville & also get mail viz the Bridgeville RFD Route, but gave Library RD 1 as their stated P.O. She says she is the same relation to Rev James Finley as cousin Winnie Baird is, ie, a great great granddaughter, so I will want all of her Power records as well as that of Henry Fulton. She says she got the Henry Fulton record from her Uncle John Power, who had married Jane Fulton, half sister of her mother, Rebecca Fulton, who married his brother, Wm J. Power, her father. She says John Power survived his wife Jane five years & came during that time & lived at their home & all of his books including this record came with him. They were then living in Monongahela City, Pa. She said her Uncle John Power would note down in the records the family occurrences as they happened.

This record is in the back part where there are several pages for Family Records of Scott's Bible of Scott's Commentaries Vol II from Job to Malachi inclusive by Thomas Scott, Rector of Aston Sanford, Bucks & was published in New York by Samuel Harvey in 1839. The book is in perfect condition & the Henry Fulton record in fine plain hand is written by him & the Power record I suppose is written mainly by John Power. I copy from the book There are ten pages.

V7 Page 36

[There are check marks following some entries which I have indicated by * There are a few underlined entries also, but no explanation for why or what they mean. CW]

1st Page

"John Power died April 6, 1896 in 85 yr *

Jane Fulton Power died March 23, 1891 in the 77th year of her age *

Abram Fulton died April 4, 1877 at his Home, Columbus City, Iowa in the 67th year of his age.

2d Page Marriages

Patrick Power and Nancy Gallaher were married Feby 8th, 1810 by Rev Dr Jennings. *

John Power and Jane Fulton were married September 13th, 1836 by Rev William Annan *

James B. Power and Scynthia A. Wood were married Oct 24th, 1844 by Rev James Smith *

William J. Power & Rebecca Fulton were married Oct 29th, 1845 by Rev John Kerr. *

3d Page

Henry Fulton & Elizabeth Plummer were married Dec 20th, 1830 by Rev A.O. Patterson

Abram Fulton & Rachael Newlin were married Oct 1831 by Rev A.O. Patterson

Samuel R. Isett & Eleanor Fulton were married Jany 1st, 1832 by Rev A.O. Patterson

John J. Fulton & Eliza J. Lynn were married March 29th, 1842 by Rev J.B. McKee

Jonas Munson & Hannah L. Fulton were married Oct 15, 1844 by Rev John Kerr

James P. Fulton & Francis C. Shouse were married May 11, 1850 by Rev John Kerr

James Means and Margaret G. Fulton were married Sept 6th, 1855 by Rev John Kerr.

4th Page Births

Patrick Power was born Oct 20, 1782 *

Nancy Gallaher was born Sept 7, 1790 *

1. John Power, son of Patrick & Nancy Power was born June 24, 1811 *

V7 Page 37

2. Ann Power was born January 28th, 1813 *

3. Eliza Power was born March 17th, 1815 *

4. James B. Power was born December 10th, 1816 *

5. Ebenezer F. Power was born February 22d, 1818 *

6. William Johnston Power was born April 26th, 1820 *

7. Samuel W. Power was born May 14th, 1822 *

8. Mary Jane Power was born April 8th, 1825 *

9. Thomas Evans Power was born June 9th, 1827 *

10. Joseph C. Power was born August 10th, 1829 *

11. Harriet Power was born November 21st, 1834 *

Jane Fulton was born Nov 15th, 1814 *

Mary Jane P. Smith was born July 19th, 1858 and was adopted by John & Jane Power as their own child August 16th, 1858. *

5th Page

Henry Fulton was born Novr 1785

Elizabeth Plummer was born June 6th, 1802

1. Abram Fulton was born Augst 14th, 1810

2. Eleanor Fulton was born Sept 12th, 1812

3. Jane Fulton was born Nov 15th, 1814 *

4. John J. Fulton was born Jany 23, 1817

5. Elizabeth Fulton was born Dec 4th, 1820

6. Rebecca Fulton was born July 19th, 1822 *

7. James P. Fulton was born Oct 10, 1824

8. Hannah L. Fulton was born Sept 14th, 1826

9. Margaret G. Fulton was born Nov 1st, 1829

10. George P. Fulton was born Nov 1st, 1833

11. Sarah Fulton was born Feby 6th, 1836

12. Nancy Fulton was born April 7th, 1838

13. Almira A. Fulton was born Nov 18th, 1840

14. Robert H. Fulton was born April 10th, 1843

V7 Page 38

6th Page

Thomas E. Power died July 14th, 1889 in the 63 year of his age *

My Great Great Grandmother (on the Fulton side) was Jane Coe, daughter of Joseph Coe, born in 1759, a direct decendant of John Coe, born in Essex Co, England about 1340, a cavalier under the celebrated Sir John Hawkwook, Knight. This Coe married Abram Fulton signed by Jennie Power


7th Page Deaths

Patrick Power departed this life September 29th, 1841 in his 59th year *

Ebenezer Finley Power departed this life March 6th, 1841 in his 24th year *

Ann Power departed this life July 19th, 1814 in the second yr of her age*

Eliza Power departed this life March 2nd, 18186 aged 11 mos & 15 days *

Nancy Power departed this life Apr 15th, 1857 in the 67th yr of her age *

Mary Jane P. Smith departed this life Aug 6th, 1858 aged 33 yrs 3 mos 28 days *

8th Page

Harriet N.P. Porter died Sept 26th, 1864 in the 30th yr of her age *

James B. Power died February 15, 1866 in the 50th yr of his age *

Elizabeth S. Fulton died August 5th, 1866 in the 46th yr of her age.

No. 1. Rebecca (Jack) Fulton died July 7, 1819 in the 35th yr of her age

No. 2. Elizabeth (Taylor) Fulton died June 22, 1823 in the 28th yr of her age.

3. Mary (Chapin) Fulton died Jany 25, 1830 in the 29th yr of her age

4. Elizabeth P. (Plumer) Fulton died Oct 5, 1868 in the 66th yr of her age.

Henry Fulton died April 13, 1869 in the 85th year of his age.

Eliza J. Fulton, wife of John J. Fulton died Nov 17, 1883 in her 62 year.

9th Page

John, son of William & Rebecca Power died Nov 27, 1870 in the 21st year of his age.

Rebecca, wife of William J. Power died Dec 13, 1870 in the 49th year of her age. *

V7 Page 39

William J. Power died May 15th, 1871 in the 51st year of his age. *

Mary Jane P. Smith died March 11th, 1883 aged 24 years 7 mos & 20 days *

Samuel W. Power died April 6, 1885 in the 63d year of his age *

Jonas Munson died Oct 5, 1875 at his home Cold Springs, Cal.

Hannah L. Munson died Dec 5, 1875 at her daughter's at Fruchee Cal [Truckee?] in the 49th year of her age.

10th Page

George P. Fulton died

Mary R. Power died Jan 3, 1890 *

Hallie N. Power died April 13, 1886 *

A loose page old with age is, Mrs Douglass says, from her father's Bible & is as follows:

William J. Power & Rebecca Fulton married Oct 29th, 1845 by Rev John Kerr * Their children

1. Henry Fulton Power was born Sept 20th, 1846 *

2. Anna Eliza Power was born Apr 11th, 1848 *

3. John Eben Power was born June 25th, 1850 *

4. Elizabeth Power was born Feby 16th, 1852 *

5. James Patrick Power was born Jany 16th, 1854 *

6. William Taylor Power was born Oct 11th, 1856 *

7. Mary Rebecca Taylor Power was born July 13th, 1859 *

8. Jenny Power was born March 12th, 1861 *

9. Harriet Newlon Power was born June 30th, 1863 *

10. Margaret Guthrie Power was born Feby 16, 1865 *


Henry T. Power died Jany 1st, 1920 *

John Eben Power died Nov 27, 1870 aged 21 *

Elizabeth Power died June 7, 1856 * Co

Mrs Douglas says the above ten births are her father's [faded word]

V7 Page 40

On a separate sheet of paper is:

"George P. Fulton died Oct 4, 1887 in the 54th year of his age in Pittsburgh, East End.

On another sheet, folded, marked Grandfather Gallaher's family is the following:

"A list of the Births and Deaths in Grandfather Gallaher's Family so far as known to me this Jany 25th, 1886.

{Thomas Gallaher born 1741 died Feby 21, 1806

{Anne Gallaher born 1752 died May 7, 1813

George Gallaher born Oct 25, 1777

William Gallaher born Nov 10, 1779

Sarah Gallaher born Mch 3, 1782

James Gallaher born June 15, 1784

Thomas Gallaher born Apr 29, 1786, died May 21, 1821

*Mary Gallaher born July 3, 1788, died Oct 23, 1822

Anne Gallaher born Sept 7, 1790

Martha Gallaher born Jany 7, 1793

John Gallaher born Sept 11, 1795 died March 7, 1820

Elizabeth Gallaher born Nov 14, 1797

[The above *Mary & *William below appear as entered. I would assume that they married & that is why the notation is made. There is no explanation by JVT.]

*William Cunningham 1783, died June 2, 1819

James Cunningham, Born July 26, 1812

Anne G. Cunningham born Apr 24, 1814

John Cunningham born Aug 4, 1816

Eliza J. Cunningham born May 22, 1818

Mrs Douglass says this was among her Uncle John Power's papers & she thinks it is in his handwriting. She says she doesn't know the Cunninghams at all.

V7 Page 41

[Descendant Chart]

William J. Power & Rebecca Fulton, his wife. For dates see Page 39.

[Their Children]

Henry F., m.1. Ellen Shepler of Rostraver Tp. M.2. Margery Vance of Vanceville, Wash Co Pa. She is living in Homestead Pa on 10th Ave really in Munhall 704 10th Ave living with her daughter, Mrs L.J. Holman would likely have Bible record.

Samuel Shepler (by 1st wife)

Margery, (by 1st wife)

Walter, (by 1st wife)

Bals by 2d wife



Grace (twin)

Gertrude (twin)


Anne Eliza, living in Wash Pa with her niece, Mrs Hudson Rathbone NO 11 Murtland Ave, Washington Pa. She is unmarried Born Apr 11, 1848 died July 25, 1924 see Pres Banner of Nov 13/24.

John Eben, died unmarried

Elizabeth, d.y.

James Patrick, m. Emma McClelland fr West Chester of the Gen Geo B. family. Both living at Church St, Brownsville, Pa. He is bookkeeper at Mon NBK.

Elsie Power, only child m. Montague & live in East End Pgh


William Taylor, m. Anna Kerr of Pigeon Creek. Both living at NO 232 Central Ave Cannonsburgh Pa. No issue

Mary Rebecca, unm

Jenny, my informant, m. Samuel Jasper Douglass, son of Saml Douglas of Allegheny Co. He was born Mch 21, 1853 on June 7, 1888. No issue

Harriet, d.y. unm.

Margaret G., B. Feby 16, 1865 & married 1. Alexander Houston of Washington Pa & had 3 children. M.2. Frank C. Lyon of Canonsburg Pa & both now living up by the Hill Church where Prest Woodrow Wilson's father lived. They have no issue.

James Power Houston, m. Eunice McMurray & are both living in Canonsburg where he is in the implement business of Jeff Ave. No issue.

Rebecca Ramsey, unmarried & lives in Canonsburg & is a seamstress.

Florence Houston, m. Hudson Rathbone from Wash Pa where he is a glassworker & live at No 11 Murtland Ave.


Virginia Nell


Donald Douglass, aged between 2 & 3 yrs.

V7 Page 42 & V7 Page 43

[Descendant Chart]

Patrick Power & Nancy Gallaher, see pages 36 & 37 for births of children & page 38 for sundry deaths.

[Their Children]

John Power, Have record. No issue. He was a farmer

Ann, d.y.

Eliza, d.y.

James B. Power, married & went to Ohio & left issue but don't know address.

Ebenezer, died aged 24. Thinks he was unmarried.

William J., see page 41.

Samuel W., a farmer, m. Malinda Hasler. Died near West Newton, probably buried at Rehoboth. Had several children.

Hadassa Power, one of the children is unmarried & live at NO 1140 Ave A, Beaumont, Texas where she makes her home with a cousin. She is older than Mrs D. Write to her as Mrs D. thinks she could give full record of her father's family. Just she & a brother living there Apr 16, 1923. She died at Beaumont Texas Mch 15, 1923.

Mary Jane, m. "Hamy" [Harry?] Smith of near Rehoboth Church where both are probably buried. See Book 10 Page 4.

Mary Jane Smith, Adopted Aug 16, 1858 by her Uncle John Power. She died unmarried Born July 19, 1858, died Mch 11, 1883.

Thomas Evans Power, B. June 9, 1827 ob July 14, 1889 See book 10 Page 4 & 5. M. Mary Neal of near Webster. Both dead & thinks buried at Monongahela City. He was a farmer. Left a large family but only one daughter & two boys living.

1. Sarah Ann Power, B Sept 5, 1852, ob June 21, 1898 m. Sept 8, 1880.

2. Harriet Clarissa, B Jany 5, 1855 ob Apr 18, 1879 m. Feby 26, 1878

3. Mary Jane, B Oct 13, 1858 ob June 2, 1892 unmarried.

5. James Harvey, B Mch 5, 1864 ob Dec 11, 1894 m. Aug 27, 1886

6. Joseph Cunningham, B Dec 22, 1866 at Monon City Pa where he now lives m. Jany 4, 1892

8. Harry Alton Power, B Feby 3, 1872 at Monon City Pa m. Feby 15, 1900.

7. Ada Bell Power, B June 25, 1869 at Mendon Pa, m. Mch 30, 1892 Frank S. Shaner & are both living at St Petersburgh, Florida where they moved permanently. He is a decorator. Mrs D. says she could give the family record. She is younger than Mrs D. June 8, 1925 their address is No 216 Minor Lake Drive, St Petersburgh, Fla & her brother John W. Power lives at No 1320 Francis St, St Joseph Mo where he is V. Prest of Fidelity Trust Co.

4. John William Power, (Fidelity Tr Co St Joe MO) Born Mch 4, 1861 at Monon City Pa. He is now Trust officer & mgr, New business Dept of Tooth - Lackey natl Bk St Joe, Mo. Mar Mch 9, 1892 Lura Meeker born July 27, 1869 near Highland Ks, dau of Leonidas Meeker & his wife, Miss Elizabeth T. Martin. She died July 3, 1925 at St Joe, Mo & buried in Mt Mora Cem. She was a member of the 1st Pres ch.

Mary Elizabeth Power, B Dec 31, 1892 at Hiawatha Kan M. Sept 15, 1917 to Daniel James Patton who was born at St Joe Mo Sept 13, 1892 son of Bernard Patton & his 2d wife Mary Elizabeth Gunn.

A son, b at St Joe Mo Oct 13, 1918 name is Bernard Patton

Patricia Elizabeth, B Aug 6, 1924

Virginia Nett Power, B Sept 18, 1905 at St Joe Mo unmarried.

Joseph C. Power [son of Patrick & Rebecca] married in Missouri where they both died long ago. Says there are several children, one a widow, she thinks Stacy lives in Seattle Wash. Thinks Hadassah is the only one who could give address.

Harriet Newlon Power, M. William J. Porter of Fayette Co Pa left but one child.

Moses B. Porter, whom I know, married & has several children. Get record from him.

V7 Page 44

At residence of Mrs Emma Clark (wife of James) corner 3d St & Main Monongahela City, Pa June 16, 1922 1:07 PM

I came up here, entrance on 3d St to 3d floor back & was admitted by a bright young girl of about ten who called her mother who is rather large & heavy set. She had given me a copy of the sketch published in the Washington Co History about her father which she is allowing me to take with me & copy & return the original to her with a carbon copy. It gives the names of his twelve children & she says her sister at Cambridge Springs has a full history of the family with dates of birth of all her father's children. She says however that she can give the names of all her father's descendants & can locate them, so I am listing them in a genealogical table on Pages 46 & 47 for that purpose.

V7 Page 45

At Central Hotel Belle Vernon Pa Room 8 June 16, 1922 10:50 PM

I bid Mrs Douglass goodbye at 11:33 AM & walked briskly to the street car station at Logan arriving at 11:53 & got car at 12:12 PM. Mrs Douglass gave me from memory the tables on pages 41, 42 & 43. Reaching Mon City about 12:45, I looked up at the Hotel in Directory & got Emma Clark's residence as 256 W. Main St which is just across 3d Ave from Alexander & Co's Bank. Mrs Clark gave me from memory the data on Page 56 & 47. Leaving at 3:11, I went to the Hotel & called up Sam'l McClay Esq & he had nothing definite yet from Prest A.M. Lynn of the West Power, so I am to call again in the morning. I then took the 3:50 St car for Belle Vernon & went to Roley Bros for an auto to take me to Rehoboth & a big man there called me Mr Thompson. It was Harry A. Bierer, son of Chas H. & he says he weighs 285 lbs. Lon Roley drove me to Rehoboth. He says J.T. Roley was his Uncle, one of seven brothers, his father the youngest being the only one living. Arrived at Rehoboth Cem 4:55 & worked hard until 8:15 PM & came in on the car I had sent back for me. Got my supper at Central Restd & had Roley's come in & take me up the Hill to Irons, but it was the wrong one, a daughter-in-law, who sd she was a Gregg before marriage. I then walked back to Cousin Margaret A. Baird's & she gave me the records on page 49. See Page 48.

V7 Page 46 & V7 Page 47

[Descendant Chart]

Dr William Lowrie Sparks Wilson, son of James Wilson of German Tp, Fayette Co Pa was born at Merrittstown Pa June 26, 1834 & died Sept 6, 1886b at Monongahela Pa & he & the rest of the family who have died are buried in Monongahela Cem here. He was married Dec 27, 1853 by Rev Winnett to Miss Allicia Mitchell of Beallsville Pa who was born & died in Monongahela Pa Feby 14, 1888 aged 50 yrs.

[Their Children]

James Allen Wilson, Born called "Al". M. Emma Woodward from Mon City. He is dead & buried here & she still lives at Pittsburgh in the East End on Meyran Ave. Lives with her son Howard. He was a telegraph operator all his life & died in his 61st yr of locomotor ataxia. An operator for 47 yrs.

Katherine, B. M. Von Shaller

Howard, B. Not married, an electrician

Woodward, B. M. Worked for Pgh Coal Co

McGregor, B. called "Mack" was engaged to be married when his father died.

George Reed Wilson, Born M. Elizabeth Skees from Mon. City & both dead, he dying here & she in Pgh but both buried here. Was in freight office with his father, always worked for the RR was a cripple & an invalid. No issue.

William Park Wilson, B. "Finest looking man you ever looked at over 6 ft & large & died when 22 of typhoid fever" was not married.

Adam Coon Sampson Wilson, B. called "Coonie" named for A.C.S. of this town a great friend of her father. Says his widow is M. Elizabeth Anton of Mon City. Both dead. She buried in the Youngstown, O & he died years after & is buried at Washington DC

Harold Wilson, B. M.1 M.2. & lived in Canonsburg Pa

Jessie, B. M. Anthony Rinehart fr abt Pgh. She dead & he remarried. She died young.




His mother living at Elrama on Mon River took the children. Margaret, B. M. Francis Brady & lives here on Union St Both living.



Helene, B. unmarried

Florence, B. died when abt 3 yrs old

Mary Lucille, B. M. Chas Brook of Pgh a printer. She died in Pgh at Knoxville & is buried in S.S. cemetery. He is living.

Alfred Brook, aged 21 last Nov unmarried.

John Robert, B. called "Bob" was named for Robt Van Voorhis, a rich old farmer. M. Florence Rose of Mon City. She is living. He died with the "flu" turning to pneumonia & is buried in Mon Cem. He was 6 ft 2 straight & grand looking apparently but 35, but was in his 50th yr. He was PRR Baggage master for years. No issue.

Ida King Wilson, B. Lives at Cambridge Springs, Pa where her husband owns the "Fullerton Hotel" m. Fred R. Schenk from Pgh says if write to her she wd have record copied & send to me. Never had an [sic] children.

Dora Belle, B. ob. aged 16 of typhoid fever unmarried.

Margaret Emma, B. Oct 11, 1872 called "Emma" m. Oct 27, 1892 to James Littleton Clark son of Geo Clark of Columbiana Co, O. He was born Mch 27, 1869 was a farmer & is now working at dairy business here.

George Wilson Clark, Born July 7, 1894 m. Jany 3, 1917 to Mabel Wernke of Charleroi Pa & lives there & is in the clothing business.

Jack Wernke Clark, Born Oct 4, 1917

Gladys Juanita, Born Dec 15, 1900 a beautiful girl & doesn't look to be over 16, who just came in in time to give her age & spell her name.

Alicia Allen, Born Mch 9, 1910 She who admitted me & went off for a swim in Mon River.

Eleanor Alicia, B. Call "Nell" m.2. Owen A. Keen & both living in Erie Pa where he is Supt of Mails at P.O. M.1. Chas Commrine fr Centerville Pa.

Frank Bentley, B. "Only brother I have living. Did live at Atlantic City NJ" M. Nora _____ fr Lancaster, Pa. No issue.

Wauneta Wood Wilson, B. Feby 24, 1882 in Monon City Pa named for a Dr Wood here & lives in San Francisco. Married June 14, 1900 Emil Francis Bell from Pgh Pa was a dentist & teaches now his own the Bell system of shorthand & typewriting in San Francisco, Calif. He is son of Geo G. Bell & his wife Susannah Armstrong. He was born Feby 15, 1879 at Bloomfield, Jeff Co, O.

Frances Wauneta, Born Oct 12, 1901 at Pittsburgh Pa

Donald Wilson, B May 20, 1904 is about 18 yrs old Born at Pgh Pa.

V7 Page 48

At Mrs Margaret Ann Baird's No 436 Broad Ave, NOrth Belle Vernon, Westnd Co Pa June 16, 1922 9:25 PM

I arrived here about 15 minutes ago. It is now 10:11 PM & Mrs Baird has given me the record of her own family as shown on the next page NO 49 all from memory.

Central Hotel June 16, 1922

From page 45

I called Mrs Irons up from her daughter-in-law's & talked to Cousin C. Lou Cramer who said they were just ready to go to bed & I told her I would call up tomorrow forenoon.

I have arranged to start back to Rehoboth at 4:45 AM if it isn't raining ,b but it is now raining, it may interfere with my going. I am very sleepy & will go to bed. It is now 11:25 PM

V7 Page 49

[Descendant Chart]

Edward Cook, oldest son of James Cook of Col Edwd was born Mch 16, 1807 & died married Nancy Springer, daughter of Joseph Springer & his wife Margaret Driver

[Their Children]

James Elliott Cook, oldest

Margaret Ann Cook, Born June 29, 1855 in the old stone house built by Col Cook. M. Nov 20, 1879 to Alonzo Buchanan Baird of near Merrittstown Pa son of Robert Alexander Baird. He was born Mch 19, 1855 & died on Dec 14, 1917 in this house & is buried in the Belle Vernon Cem. He was a marble cutter.

Bertha Mabel Baird, B Dec 29, 1880 m. Apr 23, 1901 to John Wm Weikel of Carnegie Pa. Now a farmer 2 miles fr Meadville Pa. He is a baker by trade. Have 3 children living & 4 dead. Write to her at Guys Mills, Star Route Pa.

Infant son, b May 2, 1882 & died aged 10 weeks.

Edna Beatrice, B Dec 28, 1884 m. Christian L. Chester of Wash Co Pa. He is a plumber by trade. Now at Panama City, Florida.

Clair Merwin, B June 24, 1914

Jack Baird, Died aged abt 3 mos

John Chester, B Sept 5, 1919

Paul D., B. Apr 27, 1886 unmarried. Is in Portland, Oregon.

Robert Alonzo, B. Sept 24, 1887, unmarried & lives here with his mother. He is a marble Cutter.

Helen Lenora, B. June 8, 1889 m. Jany 14, about 1914? to Orland D. Jarrett of WVA & live adjoining this property. He is a street car motorman on the Pgh lines.

Hazel May, B. Mch 18, 1915

Eleanor Margaret, B Aug 13, 1917

Robert Orlan, B Aug 18, 1919

V7 Page 50

At Residence of Homer Houseman, Rostraver Tp, Westd Co Pa June 17, 1922 9:33 AM

I came in here 15 minutes ago to call up Mr McClay to see whether he wanted me to go to Pgh & find that Mrs Houseman's husband as she says is a [3]the 24th day of January 1800 conditioned toKK(((M___(pay "unto th nephew of E. Finley Houseman. The house is just adjoining Rehoboth Church & Mr Houseman is sexton of the Church & I have been working in the graveyard getting inscriptions again from the tombstones this morning from 5:37 & at 9 AM finished everything to left of main driveway from gate up. Mrs Houseman was visiting a daughter in Illinois last August at Bloomington & said she had the old leather back Bible of Maj John Power, but it had been given to a daughter who lives in Ohio, but before it was taken away, Mrs H's daughter, Frances Mary Houseman, copied the entire record in her own Bible on Sept 25, 1908 in a copperplate plain as print hand. It is a small well bound & well preserved Bible printed in NY in 1895 by the American Bible Society. I am copying her record in its entirety below:

V7 Page 51

[Some entries are marked with a check mark. I have indicated these entries with *. There is no explanation for the marks by JVT. CW]

Marriages John Power & Margaret Finley were married March 25, 1778 *

John F. Power, son of John & Margaret F. Power & Mary Starret, daughter of James & Elizabeth Starret were married Feby 17, 1807. *

Bela s. Houseman & Francis Power were married Dec 3, 1847 *

Homer Houseman & Mary Franklin were married Sept 6, 1881

C. Gillette Lutz, son of Noah G. & Bella B. Lutz and Sara Agnes Houseman, daughter of Homer & Mary R. Houseman were married Dec 23, 1902 *

Plummer D. Speers son of Edward & Irene P. Speers & Ruth Irene Houseman, daughter of Homer & Mary F. Houseman were married Oct 9, 1913 *

Walter Heath Zundel & Jeannette Houseman were married Aug 29, 1918 *


John Power was born June 6, 1757 of Patrick & Jeannette Power *

Margaret Finley daughter of James & Hannah Finley was born Sept 17, 1756 *

James Power, son of John & Margaret Power was born Oct 29, 1779 *

Jeannette Power was born Jany 25, 1781 *

Patrick Power was born Oct 20, 1782 *

Hannah Power was born Oct 11, 1784 *

John Finley Power was born Nov 1, 1786 *

Margaret Power was born Jany 15, 1789 *

Mary Power was born Apr 12, 1798 *

Isabella Power was born June 19, 1803 *

Mary Starrett, daughter of James & Elizabeth Starret was born Oct 16, 1790.

V7 Page 52

Elizabeth S. Power, daughter of John & Mary S. Power was born Oct 1808 *

James S. Power was born April 14, 1810 *

John F. Power was born Dec 7th, 1811 *

Evans W. Power was born Dec 6, 1813 *

Jane Power was born March 20, 1816 *

William Power was born May 20, 1818 *

Hannah Power was born Mch 4, 1822 *

Harriet Power was born Nov 14, 1824 *

Mary E. Power was born May 11, 1826 *

Elizabeth Frances Power was born March 30, 1828 *

Nancy L. Power was born June 13, 1830 *

Two infant sons died

Bela S. Houseman, son of John & Elizabeth Smith Houseman was born June 15, 1824 *

1. Homer Houseman, son of Bela & Frances Houseman was born Oct 20, 1848 *

2. Margaret Ella was born Jany 7, 1850 *

4. Mary Frances was born Dec 5, 1853 *

3. James S. was born Apr 7, 1851 *

5. George W. was born Feby 22, 1856 *

6. John Power was born July 7, 1859 *

7. Harriet Elizabeth was born Nov 22, 1864 *

Margaret R. Franklin daughter of Benjamin & Nancy McFarland Franklin was born Nov 6, 1857

1. Margaret Ella, dau of Homer & Mary R was born Oct 23, 1882 *

2. Sara Agnes, dau of Homer & Mary R was born Dec 17, 1883 *

3. Jeannette, dau of Homer & Mary R was born Oct 10, 1885 *

4. Frances Mary, dau of Homer & Mary R was born Aug 30, 1889 *

5. Ruth Irene, dau of Homer & Mary R was born May 14, 1893 *

V7 Page 53

1. Eloie [sic] May, dau of Gillette & Sara Lutz was born July 2, 1910 *

2. Donald Blackburn, son of Gillette & Sara Lutz was born July 5, 1916 *

3. Kenneth Irwin Lutz, born June 9, 1920 *

1. Frances Jeannette, daughter of Plummer & Irene Speers was born Nov 29, 1914 *

2. Winifred Irene, daughter of Plummer & Irene Speers was born May 17, 1917 *

3. Glenn Houseman Speers, son of Plummer & Irene Speers was born Oct 31, 1918 *

1. Walter Richard, son of Heath & Jeannette Zundel was born June 17, 1919 *

2. Rhoda Pauline, daughter of Heath & Jeannette Zundel was born Feby 21, 1921 *


John Power died July 21, 1805 *

Mary Power, wife of John F. Power died Mch 14, 1836 *

John F. Power died Dec 19, 1865 *

Margaret Power, wife of John Power died May 29, 1836 *

Bela S. Houseman died Feby 26, 1898 *

Francis P. Houseman died May 5, 1901 *

Margaret Ella Houseman died June 28, 1880 *

Frances Houseman died Jany 13, 1899 *

George Houseman died July 1913 *

Harriet E. Houseman died Jany 19, 1914 *

James S. Houseman died July 1915 *

Power Houseman died Mar 12, 1921 *

Donald Blackburn Lutz died Sept 3, 1918 *

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In back of Bible

Houseman Ancestry

John Houseman, great great grandfather of Evans Finley & Bela Smith Houseman, Christopher & Sara Houseman great grandparents of E.F. & B.S. Houseman

Jacob & Sarah Johnson Houseman grandparents of E.F. & B.S. Houseman

John Johnson & Elizabeth S. Houseman, parents of E.F. & B.S. Houseman

Brothers & sisters of John J. Houseman

Christopher & Sallie Essington, Mary McBride, Joseph, Jacob, Catherine Newbold.

Christopher's children: Johnson, Jacob, William, Mary Jane, Fordice, Elizabeth.

Smith Ancestry

Dr Bela B. Smith & Elizabeth Patterson Smith grandparents of E.F. & B.S. Houseman

John J. & Elizabeth S. Houseman, parents of E.F. & B.S. Houseman

Leaving to go back to cemetery or graveyard, having just got Pgh & found Mr McClay had just gone to lunch, so I talked to Wm A. Seifert & to Andrew who was in his office.

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Back again to Homer Houseman June 17, 1922 1:55 PM

Miss Margaret has brought her D.A.R. papers giving the Rev War Record of Rev. James Finley from which I copy:

1. (Colonial Records of Penna Vol XII Page 481) Philadelphia Jany 16, 1783. A letter from John McDowell Esq of the 3d inst acquainting the council that the Rev James Finley will undertake a journey to the western frontier on the business which council had requested him to communicate to that gentlemen: Ordered that the secretary write to the Hon John McDowell & inform him that council approve of the Rev James Finley as a very proper person for the said business & that council wish to see him before he sets out.

2. (Ibid Vol II P 617) A letter from the Rev James Finley stating his proceeding under the direction of council in the western counties of the state was received & the secretary directed to express the approbation of the board.

3. (Ibid Vol II P 472) June 14, 1788, a letter from James Finley of Westnd requesting council to accept of his

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resignation of the offices of Justice of the Peace & of the Court of Common Pleas of the said county was read whereupon it was resolved that the s'd resignation be accepted.

4. The records show that James Finley served in Capt John Clark company of Colonel Walter Stewart's Penna Regiment Rev War. His name appears on a roll for the month of September 1777 dated Oct 12, 1777.

Finished 2:19 PM & Roley is at the door to take me in.

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At residence of Mrs Anna S. Irons Rostraver Tp Westnd Pa June 17, 1922 3:05 PM

I arrived here ten minutes ago & cousin Lou Cramer met me on the porch & took me & introduced me to Mrs Iron. She says after the death of her father, her mother married James Niccols for her second husband & his second wife, his first wife being Elizabeth Steele, a sister of her father, Johnston E. Steele. Mrs Iron says her mother's sister, Frances Moore married Dr Robert Niccolls of San Diego Calif, brother of her step father James, her Uncle John & Thos H.

In a four volume History of Westmoreland Co Pa published in 1918 by Capt Fenwick Y. Hedley & entitled "Old & New Westmoreland", there is a fine article about her husband, John W. Irons in Vol 4 Page 716 & his portrait showing a strong face. I must get this work.

They have showed me an album with some old time pictures of sister Ruth & Ruth E. Van Kirk. Mrs Irons says her Aunt Eliza Moore married William Power who lived in one of the twin brick houses in Rostraver Tp where I was two years ago getting an old record from Mr Smith. Mrs Irons says Mr Rankin lived in the other brick house & that once Uncle John Richey lived in it. I have taken down on the next page what she gave me about her immediate family.

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[Descendant Chart]

Johnston Elliott Steele died in 1855 at Mt Union O at the home of Lottie Nixon, wife of Wm Nixon & is buried at Rehoboth. He married Martha Moore, daughter of John Moore of she thinks, near Webster & his wife Jane Brown, who she thinks was a sister of John Brown as she says her mother was a first cousin of Andrew Brown, of near Fayette City Pa. Mr Steele had been out to Illinois on business & only got as far as his sister's in Ohio & was taken sick & died. After his death, his widow married James Niccolls & had a son by him which died young before he grew up. His name was Edward Niccolls & he died when aged abt 10 yrs & is buried at Bloomington, Ills beside his mother. After her death, James Niccolls married Malinda Hibbs for his 3d wife, daughter of Samuel E. Hibbs & a sister of Aaron J. Hibbs. They had 3 sons. Martha Moore was a sister of Andrew Moore See Page 72 item 28 or 27 Johnston E. Steele was born Apr 15, 1809 in Jefferson Tp, Fay Co Pa & died Mch 16, 1855. His wife Martha Elizabeth Moore born 1833 near West Newton Pa & died 1860. They were married April 29, 1849.

[Their children]

Anna Steele, Born July 14, 1850 in this house which was built, she thinks, by Jacob Speers & bought fr him by her grandfather, Wm Steele, who gave it to his son, Johnston E. It contained 186 A. M. Mch 13, 1884 by Rev McMasters to John Wm Irons a son of Jacob & Elizabeth Neese Irons. He was born near Brownsville Pa Sept 4, 1856 & died in this house Dec 29, 1916. Mrs Irons was raised in the home of Elijah & Ruth Craft. Mr Irons bought this farm from the heirs.

George Steel Irons, Born Feby 1, 1885 in this house, he being an only child. He died in Belle Vernon Pa Dec 19, 1913 of thyphoid fever. He married Lida Gregg of Monon City & she lives at North Belle Vernon Pa in a home she built since his death & where I saw her last night.

John Gregg Irons, an only child Born Apr 27, 1913

Sarah Frances Steele, Born June 24?, 1852 in this house. She was raised by her Aunt Charlotte Nixon at Mt Union, O. She married Charles Allison Day of Waynesburg Pa, a son of Lewis Day & a bro of Lizzie (now Eliz D. Whitman) & both living at Columbus O. She died Dec 31, 1922 in Columbus, O.

Margaret, m. John Sykes of Greene Co Pa & live in Columbus O.

Lewis Day Sykes, was in World War & got overseas & drove an ambulance. He is married.

Lewis Day, was in the World War & got abroad. Married & has one child.

Mary Jane, aged near 2 yrs See Book 16 pages 140-141

Martha Elizabeth Steele, born June 10, 1854 (Sara says June 24) Raised by Elijah Craft who went to Illinois where they had been taken by their mother when she married James Niccolls, she left Frances in O & brought the other two to his home saying the oldest & youngest should be together. She thinks she was 7 then. She married Albert Gibson Miller, son of Oliver & Mary Gibson Miller & she has five children & I will get record from her. Albert Gibson Miller was born Mch 1, 1858 & died Sept 25, 1905. They were married at Merrittstown Pa Oct 8, 1875 & had six children. She lives with her dau, Mrs Gorley.

Fannie Steele, B Apr 29, 1877 in Luzerne Tp. Unmarried.

Oliver Miller Jr, B. Mch 19, 1879 in Luzerne Tp. M. Oct 23, 1907 at Bellone Pa see Page 64.

William Henry Miller B. June 4, 1880 in Rostraver Tp, Westd, Co Pa.

Anna Mary Miller, B May 6, 1882 in Brownsville, Pa. See Page 64

Sara Cecilia Miller, B. Nov 25, 1885 in Luzerne Tp. M. In Uniontown Pa June 5, 1906 to John Harry Gorley born Uniontown Pa Oct 24, 1884 son of Thos Skiles Gorley & his wife Annabel Turney. She my informant. Live at No 145 E. Fayette St, Uniontown, Pa.

Edith Gibson Gorley, B. Oct 24, 1913 ob Nov 15, 1913.

Albert Gibson Miller Jr, B May 7, 1887 in Redstone Tp & died June 9, 1887.

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At residence of Harry R. Cronshore 401 Connellsville St Fayette City Pa June 17, 1922 5:33 PM

After coming in from Rehoboth, I called for Marcus Cook but was told he was downtown, so I had them drive me to Cousin Anna Irons' which is on the Monon River below Gibsonton. I took a street car from there up to Belle Vernon, paid my hotel bill & found Marcus down by the Restaurant & called up Roley's & they have brought Marcus & me out here & Mr & Mrs Cronshore & their son are here & are giving me the information I am taking down in form of a genealogical table.

All five of the boys, Stalwart fellows, were in before I left & also Joseph's wife, a pleasant little girl. Joseph works in the Fayette City NBK.

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[Descendant Chart]

Talithacumi Cook, daughter of Edward Cook & his wife Nancy Torbith Springer, daughter of Joseph Springer. She was born across the fields from the old Col Edward Cook homestead in another stone house which was the home of her father where the Naomi Coal works are on July 20, 1858. Married Apr 8, 1880 by Rev Boyd of Rehoboth to Harry Roose Cronshore, son of Michael Cronshore (brother of Henry Cronshore of West Newton Pa) & his wife Catharine Roose (a sister of Noah Roose, the father of Mrs Clarence Finley). He was born at Grapeville Sta PRR on Mch 25, 1858.

[Their children]

Edward Michael, B Feby 2, 1881 m. March 24, 1905 to Martha Coldren, dau of Jasper Coldren of Wash Tp who was born Nov 9, 1881.

Harry Jasper, B Apr 19, 1905

Alice Mabel, B May 19, 1882 m.1. Snowden Brewer of Perry Tp. He died in Nov 1910 & is buried in the Quaker Cem by Perryopolis. M.2. Harris Masten of Perry Tp, a farmer on June 14, 1921. No issue.

Walter Cronshore, B Sept 15, 1883 m. Jany 24, 1912 to Mary Emma Armstrong Born Dec 30, 1886 Dau of George Armstrong of Jefferson Tp. No issue.

Joseph Cook, B. Aug 3, 1892 m. June 17, 1914 to Mary Ann Eckman dau of Geo C. Eckman of Fayette City who was born June 1, 1892.

Richard Lee, B June 9, 1917

Donald Chester, B June 28, 1919

Kathryn Gray, B. Aug 2, 1894 m. Apr 21, 1918 to Edward D. Steinman Jr, son of Edward D. Steinman of Fayette City Pa & live here. He was born Oct 8, 1892

Edward D. Steinman the third, B Aug 19, 1920

James Elliott Cronshore, B Aug 18, 1897. Unmarried.

John William Cronshore, B March 25, 1901. Unmarried.

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Oak Hill June 17, 1922 11:11 PM

Back home after three days strenuous work & the only meal I got today was breakfast at the central Restaurant Belle Vernon at 5 o'clock this morning. I bought a dozen peaches in Belle Vernon when I came back from Mrs Irons', however & have eaten ten of them on my way home. Today brought wonderful results in my finding at Homer Houseman's unexpectedly the Bible Record of Col John Power & of his son, John F. Power etc.

Yesterday afternoon & today, I spent between 9 & 10 hours in Rehoboth graveyard & took of 63 pages of notations & records to record tomorrow.

Day before yesterday at their country home, Geo F. Linn spoke of the great size & strength of Wm L.S. Wilson & said that he would get very drunk as would Mat Borland also who too was very strong & when they would get drunk, each would put an arm over the other's shoulder & extend their other arm & go along the street thus locked together & sweep everybody else off of the sidewalk. Both Geo & his mother spoke disparagingly of Emma Clark, but I found her at work & well informed about everything pertaining to her family & I am glad I went to see her. When at Margaret D. Elliott's Thursday, they spoke when I mentioned about J.R. Showalter's death they said Jennie F. Hixson was carried off the same way by the lancing of a carbuncle.

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Today, upon asking Mrs Homer Houseman, she said her grandfather, Robert McFarland was a brother of Col Wm McFarland who married Elizabeth Jack & when he came west of the mountains, he intended to go south to locate, but liking the lands in Beaver or Butler Cos, he located there. There he married a Miss Pence. She said her father, Benj. Franklin was descended from Ben Franklin 1705-1790 or his family & that he was 20 yrs older than her mother.

I was delighted to meet Mrs Irons & also cousin Lou Cramer who was there on a visit. Mrs Irons has the Steele-Elliot build & appearance & treated me royally. She says their old brick house is over 100 yrs old & that Mr Irons put the porch in front & made the mansard roof. I was also delighted to meet the five stalwart sons of Talithacumi Cronshore & as they are strong & vigorous.

When I left Cronshore's, I was driven to Brownsville, along with Marcus Cook & I had them take him back home. I just had time to send a telegram to S.T. Hasson as when I called, W.A. Seifert today from H. Houseman's, Andrew was at his office & told me Hasson was trying to see me. He accordingly met me at the St car & he came with me to my office & said he had S.E. Frock also Sitmex ready to pay $125,000. I called up Frederick & J.D. Ruby & agreed on

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sale of my or Piedmont Coal Co half of Thompson-Ruby bldg to W.F. Frederick or J.D. Ruby for $62,500 for my old half out of which I am to pay S.T. Hasson one per cent com or $125.

I am getting very sleepy & will go to bed. It is now 12:25 AM the 18th.


Oak Hill, June 18, 1922 8:52 AM, transcribing commencing next page the notes I penciled down at Rehoboth graveyard.

[Descendant Chart]

M. Elizabeth Steele mar Albert G. Miller. See Page 58.

[Their Children]

2. Oliver Miller, from Page 58. M. Oct 23, 1907 to Helen Rynd Wortman born at Perrysville, Pa Aug 24, 1881, dau of Henry Martin Wortman & his wife Minnie Alice Rynd. They have two children, born born at Belleone Pa. He is in partnership with his brother, Wm H. Miller who owns & operates the Highland Oil Co & Puritan Pain & Oil Co of Pgh, mfrs of Paint Varnish, etc.

Rynd Steele Miller, B July 30, 1908

Louise Gibson Miller, B Apr 24, 1910 & died Feby 13, 1914

4. Anna Mary Miller From page 58 m. June 27, 1907 at Uniontown Pa to Robert Clyde Miller who was born in Fayette Co, Pa May 6, 1872 son of Robert W. Miller (son of Hiram) & his wife Eliza Jane Moffitt. Their oldest child was born in Uniontown Pa & all the others in Menallen Tp, Fay Co, Pa. They are second cousins.

Martha Jane, B. Feby 28, 1909

David Hiram, B Apr 10, 1911

Frank Moffitt, Apr 12, 1914

Henry Gibson, B Sept 2, 1915 ob Oct 6, 1915.

Ruth Steele, B Feby 6, 1917

Esther May, B Apr 31, 1918

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Rehoboth Graveyard June 16, 1922 4:55 PM I entered & commenced at drive gate & worked back & forth along the road to the church & up the hill back on left hand side of Main or only driveway from gate up.

1. John F. Power, Died Dec 19, 1865 in his 80th yr.

Harriet N. daughter of John F. & Mary Power died Dec 25, 1868 in her 46th yr.

John F. Power born Dec 7, 1811, died Aug 1, 1898

2. Rose E. McConnell, Died Oct 9, 1896

Nancy R. McConnell Died Nov 20, 1906

3. David P. Finley, died Feby 9, 1887 in his 65 yr

Martha McClure ("mother"_ wife of David P. Finley 1831 - 1917

Infant son of D.P. & M Finley died June 11, 1862 aged 1? mo

George T. son of D.P. & M Finley died May 28, 1880 aged 14 yrs 7 mos 18 days

4. Col Robert Cunningham a soldier of the War of 1812 born Apr 13, 1790, died Aug 20, 1873.

Brittie, wife of Col Robert Cunningham Born Jany 17, 1800 died Apr 9, 1886.

A.B. Cunningham, Born Jany 1, 1820 died Mar 7, 1886

Nancy Cunningham, died Apr 15, 1873 in her 78 yr

Jas Cunningham born Nov 27, 1795, died Dec 10, 1879

Jane, wife of Jas Cunningham (our mother) Born Nov 15, 1804, died Jany 23, 1889.

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William H. Cunningham Born Apr 19, 1831 died Nov 11, 1902

Lieut W.J. Cunningham Co C 140 Reg Pa V Killed in action near Farmville Va Apr 7, 1865 aged 26 yrs 7 mos 16 days.

Mary, wife of Capt Jas Patterson (our mother) died Apr 5, 1865 aged 83 yrs

Minerva, daughter of Robert & Brittie Cunningham, died Nov 6, 1854 in 15 yr.

Mary, wife of Jas Cunningham died Jany 18, 1811 in 25 yr

Jas Cunningham Sr, died Aug 16, 1812 aged 83 yrs

Harriet, daughter of Robert & Brittie Cunningham died March 3, 1819 in 16 yr.

Harriet, daughter of Robert & Brittie Cunningham died June 22, 1830 in 7 yr.

Sarah, daughter of Jas & Jane Cunningham died Mch 8, 1838 in 2 yr

5. T.P. Robinson 1820 - 1892

Elizabeth, wife of T.P. Robinson died Dec 26, 1872 in 26 yrs

Also infant daughter of T.P. & E. Robinson

Achsah, wife of Thomas Robinson died March 23, 1864 in 75 yr

Alexander Robinson 1813 - 1894

Thomas Robinson died Oct 3, 1860 aged 83 yrs & 2 mos

Mary, daughter of T. & A. Robinson died Nov 2, 1859 in 20 yr

Infant son of J & R.J. Allen died June 2, 1851

Thomas P. Robinson died Oct 10, 1841 in 39 yr

Hannah Robinson, consort of John Robinson died May 31, 1822 in 58 yr

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John Robinson died Feby 3, 1833 in 62 yr

Margaret Robinson, dau of John & Hannah Robinson died March 10, 1827 in 26 yr.

Hannah Robinson, dau of John & Hannah Robinson died Apr 5, 1813 in 21 yr.

6. Joseph Allen (Slab) died Dec 10, 1832 in 45 yr

Ann Allen, consort of Joseph (slab) died Oct 29, 1827 aged 39 yrs 3 mos 3 days.

Mrs Ruth Wolfe, wife of Michael Wolfe & daughter of Joseph & Ann Allen (Slab) died Nov 24, 1826 in 18 yr.

7. William Allen, son of Wm & E. Moss died Aug 27, 1854 aged 19 yrs 10 mos 20 days

Thompson Wells Moss, son of John & Hannah Moss died Sept 27, 1834 in 2 yr

David Porter Moss died Aug 29, 1834 in 7 yr

8. Willm Robeson died Oct 28, 1814 aged 67 yrs

Anne, wife? of Wm Robinson died Jany 2, 1850 aged 82 yrs

9. Andrew Brown died March 27, 1823 in 61 yr

Ester Brown born 1792 & died Sept 7, 1807

Jane Brown died Apr 7, 1833 in 69 yr

Nancy Brown died July 22, 1836 in 42 yr

Martha C. Brown died Oct 30, 1838 in 36 yr

Ada & Anna, twin daughters of John & Sarah Brown born Nov 27, 1855 Ada died June 29, 1858, Anna died June 7, 1858.

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10. James Elliott (our father) died Apr 26, 1842 aged 57 yrs & 1 day

Mary Elliott (our mother) died Mar 16, 1869 aged 77 yrs & 19 days

Sarah Rebecca Elliott Feby 18, 1832, Feby 27, 1900

Johnston Elliott, died Jany 19, 1809 aged 22 yrs

In memory of Capt William Elleot (he was born Sept 29, 1751) w.d.t.l. the 20th March 1805 in the 54th yr of his age.

The tender husband, father, friend was in one moment snatched away To guard from death, let none pretend, for when God calls, no soul can stand.

In memory of Ruth, Relict of Capt William Elliott w.d.t.l. July 2, A.D. 1830 aged 76 yrs.

11. James Thompson, died May 18, 1797 aged 34 yrs

12. Here lies the body of George Crawford w.d.t.l. June 11, 1797 in the 52 ye'r of his age.

In memory of Martha Crawford, consort of George Crawford w.d.t.l. July 16, 1843 aged 84 yrs

In memory of Mary Dunlevy w.d.t.l. Oct 31, 1822 in the 68th yr of her age.

14. Jane Wilson, no other inscription, an old sandstone down by the roadside.

15. William Bigham, d.t.l. Dec 12, 1844 in 74 yr

Thomas P. Bigham d.t.l. Apr 26, 1843 in 26 yr

Eliza Bigham d.t.l. May 30, 1838 in 36 yr

Doctor Joseph Fish (formerly of State of NY) died Apr 9, 1825 aged 37 yrs

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Susanna Evans 1796 - 1874

16. Johnston E. Steele, died March 16, 1855 in 46 yr

William Steele born July 22, 1779 died Aug 19, 1850

Sarah, wife of William Steele Born Apr 1, 1793 died March 13, 1855 See at bottom of this page.

17. John Steele died Jany 10, 1856 in 81 yr

Nancy H., wife of John Steele died Aug 23, 1850 aged 69 yrs

William P. Steele, died Mch 11, 1842 aged 25 yrs

Mrs Jane Robinson died July 29, 1818 in 80 yr

William Steele, died Aug 17, 1805 aged 66 yrs

An effaced stone alongside died 1795 aged 58

William Steele, son of John & Nancy Steele died Mch 15, 1805 (bals underground)

Richard Steele, died May 18, 1828 aged 45

Mary Steele, daughter of Richard & Mary Steel died Oct 24, 1835 aged 7 yr 8 mos 6 days

Sarah Jane, daughter of DP & M. Steel died Nov 21, 1848 aged 4 yrs 11 mos & 24 days

David P. Steele, born June 9, 1819 died Dec 10, 1895

Mary, wife of David P. Steele, died Dec 20, 1884 aged 64 yrs 5 mos 21 days

Sarah Jane, daughter of DP & M Steele died Nov 21, 1848 aged 4 yrs 11 mos 24 days.

16 ctd. Michael F. Steele died Sept 3, 1855 aged 21 yrs 7? mos 3? days.

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18. Frances, wife of John E. Power died June 19, 1849 aged 32 yrs

19. John Blythe died March 5, 1850 in his 88th yr. On reverse of stone just "Ellen Blythe"

Mrs Margaret Blythe, consort of David Blythe died Mch 29, 1832 aged 18 yrs 5o mos 14 days

Margaret, daughter of David & Margaret Blythe died Oct 28, 1844 aged 12 yr 7 mos 11 days

20. David Porter M.D. Born March 17, 1794 died Sept 22, 1875

Rebecca Miller, wife of Dr David Porter Sept 4, 1820, July 29, 1899

Ada, beloved daughter of David & Rebecca Porter died June 23?, 18-2 [sic] aged 21 yrs & 9 days

Dr Obadiah Jennings Porter died 5th Mar 1860 in 34 yr

Lucinda Becket Porter, wife of David Porter M.D. died 28th Nov 1837 aged 35 yrs

21. Abraham Speers, died Feby 22, 1832 in 42 yr

Nancy, bals underground

Louis M. Speer born July 26, 1810, died Sept 15, 1833

Jane, wife of L.M. Speer died Mch 16, 1857 aged 44? yrs & 1? mo

22. Fanny, wife of Joseph Finley, died Feby 13, 1847 aged 66 yrs & 2 mos

Joseph Finley died Nov 10, 1832 aged 19 yrs 9 mos 11 days

Hannah E. Finley died May 23, 1830 in 26 yrs Margaret Finley died Feby 20, 1829 aged 4 yrs & 1 mo.

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John Finley died 1802 aged 9 mos

Elizabeth Finley died Jany 17, 1803 aged 26 yrs

William Finley died Dec 3, 1816 aged 7 mos

Hannah, daughter Michl & Eleanor Finley died Mch 20, 1833 in 18 yr

Sarah, daughter of Michl & Eleanor Finley died Apr 7, 1832 in 26 yr

Mary Finley, daughter of Michl & Eleanor Finley died Aug 16, 1829 in 19 yr

Rev James Finley (Slab) died Jany 6, 1795 aged 69 yrs 46 of which he spend faithfully in the Gospel ministry etc.

Joseph Finley died June 3, 1860 in the 97th yr of his age. Samuel Finley died Mch 23, 1858 in 51 yr

Elizabeth G. wife of Samuel Finley died July 29, 1857 aged 34 yrs 6 mos 28 days

Mrs Sarah Finley, wife of Wm Finley died Mch 19, 1813? in 32 yr

Margaret, wife of R.F. McIlvain Esq died Jany 9, 1852 aged 29

Mrs Jane Patterson (wife of John Patterson) died Feby 15, 1813 in her 64 yr

William Finley died Aug 29, 1857 in 86th yr

Mrs Margaret M., wife of William Finley & daughter of Robert & Jane Wilson died Mch 21, 1850 in 56 yr

James L., son of Wm & Margaret M. Finley, a graduate of Jefferson College died Dec 31, 1847 in 19 yr.

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Hannah E. dau of Wm & M.M. Finley died Oct 25, 1847 in 29 yr

Mary L. dau of W & M.M. Finley died Feby 11, 1844 aged 9 yrs

Sarah Ann, dau of Wm & M.M. Finley died Feby 21, 1827 in 8?yr

Harriet Atwood Newell Finley, dau of Wm & M.M. Finley died July 17, 1826 aged 14 mos.

23. Evans W. Power died July 20, 1863 aged 49 yrs

Mary E. daughter of E.W. & E.J. Power died Oct 30, 1862 aged 9 yrs

24. Ann T., wife of Robert Galoway (our mother) died Feby 27, 1861 in 80th yr

Robert Galloway, died June 30, 1818 in the 45 yr

25. James Starret died July 8, 1829 in 78 yr

Elizabeth Sterret, died Mch 26, 1833 in 80 yr

26. Albert Moore, son of Ebenezer & Nancy Moore

27. Elizabeth, wife of James Niccolls born Sept 25, 1813 died Aug 30, 1850

James, son of James & Elizabeth Niccolls Born May 23, 1850 died Oct 13, 1850

John W. son of J & E Niccolls died Apr 8, 1844 aged 2 yrs 5 mos 11 days. These Niccolls graves are in lower row next to road & also next to the fence between the g.y. & the church.

Alvira Niccolls (consort of John Niccolls) died Sept 12, 1832 aged 25 yrs 11 mos 12 days

28. John Moore a ruling Elder of Rehoboth Congregation died Oct 22, 1849 aged 58 yrs

Jane Moore, consort of John Moore died July 25, 1835 in 37 yr (see Page 58) Three other Moores, their children viz Maria, John Jr & Robert.

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29. Eliza Jane, wife of William Power died Apr 22, 1837 in 38 yr.

Drusilla, wife of Maj John Power died Feby 6, 1859 in 65 yr

Jane Cleora, dau of W & E.J. Powers died Mch 9, 1848 aged 8 mos 1 day

Mary Power, consort of John Power died Apr 14, 1836 in 46 yr

Bennett Power, son of J & H Power died Sept 30, 1834 aged 11 mos 11 days

Infant son of John & Mary Power died Dec 1833 aged 5 hours.

Am quitting at dark 8:11 Pm by square stone of Robert Moore 3d row at Rev James Finley's slab 4th & 5th rows, Auto has been waiting for me half an hour.

Rehoboth graveyard, June 17, 1922 5:37 AM

30. Robert Moore one of the members of Rehoboth session died Oct 11, 1811 in 55 yr

Jane Moore, consort of Robert Moore died Apr 11, 1832 in 80 yr

Eleanor Moore formerly of Cecil Co MD Died Jany 7, 1819 in 55 yr

31. Dr Bela Smith died Oct 17, 1841 in 79 yr`

Elizabeth, wife of Dr Bela Smith died May 23, 1844 in 74 yr

Miss Amanda Smith, dau of Dr Bela Smith died Sept 16, 1810 Bals underground.

Amzi Smith died Jany 7, 1831 in 31 yr

Talita-cumi Smith died Apr 13, 1846

V7 Page 74

Mary E., Harriet, daughters of Bela B & Nancy Smith aged 1 yr 3 mos aged 2 mos 19 days [respectively]

Ami R. Smith Born Oct 29, 1803 died Oct 27, 1883

Maria, wife of M.P. Smith died Jany 17, 1851 aged 43 yrs

Rev David smith, late pastor of the United Congregations of Rehoboth & Round Hill died Aug 24, 1803 in 32 yr

32. Col John Power Esq one of the Elders of Rehoboth died July 21, 1805 in 48 yr. Here lies the husband, Father, friend, Tender, affectionate & kind, In prudence, zeal & vigor great, A firm support of Church & State etc.

Jennie Power, dau of John & Margaret Power died Nov 14, 1798 in 18 yr

Margaret, relict of Col. John Power Esq died May 10, 1836 in 80 yr

N. Lorena Power, died Mch 19, 1833 aged 2 yrs 9 mos 6 days

Elizabeth S. dau of John & Mary Power died Apr 1809 aged 6 mos

Patrick Power died Sept 29, 1841 in 59 yr Nancy, wife of Patrick Power died Apr 15, 1857 in 67 yr

John P. son of SW & M Power died June 23, 1851 aged 23 days

Infant son of John & Mary Power who was stil born Aug 1832

Ann Power died July 19, 184 in 2d yr

Eliza Power died Mch 2, 1816 aged 1 yr

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Ebenezer F. Power died Apr 6, 1841 in 22 yr

33. Hannah Finley, consort of Rev James Finley died Apr 1st? 1803? in eighty sixth yr

William Finley son of Michael & Eleanor Finley died Apr 23, 1804 in 6th yr

Michael Finley, son of Rev James Finley, a Ruling Elder of Rehoboth Church died July 29, 1850 in his 77 yr

Eleanor, wife of Michael Finley died July 12, 1834 in her 57 yr.

Mary Eleanor, dau of John E. & Rebecca Finley died Mch 9, 1838 in her 3 yr

Margaret, dau of John E. & Rebecca Finley died Mch 5, 1838 aged 2 mos 11 days

Rebecca, wife of John E. Finley died Jany 2, 1847 in her 36 yr

34. Col Edward Cook died 7th Nov A.D. 1808 in his 70 yr

Martha, consort of Col Edward Cook died Apr 8, 1837 in her 94 yr

James Cook, Sen died July 23, 1848 in his 76 yr

Mary, wife of James Cook died Nov 30, 1878? in her 80 yr (J.E. Cook says 1858)

James C. Cook died Sept 2, 1858 aged 46 yrs 3 mos & 7 days

Margaret, wife of James C. Cook died July 29, 1849 in 27 yr

Henry F.R. son of E. & N.T. Cook (see Page 49) died Aug 1, 1860 aged 3 yrs 7 days

William J. infant son of John B & Matilda Cook died June 6, 1845 aged 11 mos 6 days

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Joseph Cook died Apr 18, 1840 in his 25 yr

35. Bela B. Smith 1795 - 1859

Nancy P. Smith 1799 - 1870

Harriet F., dau of B.B. & N. Smith died Jany 11, 1858 aged 22 yrs

Lily May, infant dau of J.W. & M.L. Douglass

37. Stephen Lowry Sen (see below under 39) Died Sept 3, 1827 in his 86 yr.

38. James Brown died June 10, 1857 aged 75 yrs

Ann, consort of James Brown died Feby 7, 1836 in her 45th yr

39. Col David Ryall died March 22, 1845 aged 77 yrs 11 mos 6 days

Martha, consort, of David Ryall Esqr died Dec 24, 1833 in her 64 yr

Anna, wife of Stephen Lowry Sen Died Aug 23, 1822 in her 74th yr

Nicholas D. Ryall died Apr 22, 1856 his 42 yr

Thomas Ryall Esq Died Mch 20, 1863 aged 67 yrs 9 mos 15 days

Abigail Ryall died Mch 29, 1881 aged 77 yrs 1 mos 27 days

David H. Ryall Died Feby 22, 1878 aged 64 yrs 10 mos 23 days.

40. Elizabeth Cunningham died July 23, 1789 aged 23 yrs

William Cunningham died Oct 26, 1816 in his 59th yr

Nancy, wife of Wm Cunningham died Oct 6, 1859 in her 92 yr

Ann Jane Cunningham died Jany 5, 1837 aged 3 yrs 1 mo 5 days.

V7 Page 77

Sarah Cunningham died July 23, 1840 aged 27 yrs 7 mos

Jesse Cunningham (son of Wm & Nancy) died Feby 23, 1843 in his 37 yr

Johnson Cunningham died May 6, 1858 in his 61 yr

41. John Wilson Sen died Aug 4, 1807 in his 82 yrs

John Willson died Sept 6, 1796 aged 11 yrs

John Willson died Mch 18, 1808 in his 49 yr

Nancy H. Willson died Mch 1, 1848 in her 94 yr

John P. Willson died Jany 31, 1850 in 31 yr

Jane Willson died Oct 4, 1818 in 21 yr

Jane B. Willson died Sept 25, 1866 in 75 yr

42. Alexr Deyarmon Born A.D. 1765 died Nov 20, 1852 aged 87 yrs

Jane, wife of Alexr Deyarmon died Aug 24, 1851 aged 78 yrs

43. James E. Finley Born Apr 19, 1842 died Oct 24, 1878

Ella B. Oct 5, 1875, July 6, 1897

Harry Beacom Sept 2, 1876, Jany 12, 1877

Ray E. Nov 8, 1895, Aug 18, 1896

children of M.G. & E.J. Finley

Michael G. Finley on back June 1, 1829, Dec 14, 1895?

Eliza J. McVay wife of M.G. Finley Dec 23, 1839, Oct 9, 1898?

Finley monument & markers

V7 Page 78

Albert G. 1854 - 1916

Arabana G. 1859 - 19--

William Finley Born Jany 28, 1852 died Mar 27, 1892

Rebecca, wife of John E. Finley (our mother) Died Oct 6, 1890 in 77 yr

John E. Finley (our father) died Jany 31, 1871 in 71 yr

Robert Finley died Oct 14, 1871 aged 63 yrs 7 mos 21 days

44. Wm E. Cook, Jany 13, 1817, Oct 13, 1899

H.G. Cook Sept 21, 1844, Jany 15, 1877

M.C. Cook (Mildred) Oct 7, 1872, Mar 13, 1898

R.E. (or B) Cook (Rosa) Nov 11, 1865, Sept 29, 1877

John Cobb, son of M.F. & M.E. Cook died Nov 18, 1862 aged 3 yrs 1 mo 11 days

Our son, James Bowman (of M.F. & M.E. Cook) Died Sept 16, 1874 in 17 yr

Paul Graham, son of M.F. & M.E. Cook born June 6, 1868 died Nov 7, 1886


Michael Finley, 1823 - 1874

Mary E., his wife 1833 - 1914

45. James S. Power (Father) Born Apr 16, 1810

Hariet [sic] Power Born Nov 7, 1811, died Apr 3, 1885

Brittie P. McCormich Born Aug 20, 1838 Died Mch 28, 1906

It is 11:55 PM & I will go to bed as I am to be called at 4:30 Am to go to West Bville for 6:05 train.

V7 Page 79

Resuming transcribing at Oak Hill June 21, 1922 7:33 PM

46. Edward Cook died Dec 7, 1867 aged 60 yrs 8 mos 21 days

Nancy T. wife of Edward Cook died Mar 9, 1881 aged 52 yrs 8 mos 23 days

Edward, son of E. & N.T. Cook died July 26, 1875 aged 12 yrs 11 mos 4 days.

47. Wm Caldwell (I crossed driveway in this one item) died Feby 28, 1888 in his 87 yr

Nancy, wife of Wm S. Caldwell Died May 14, 1872 in her 67 yr

48. Jacob W. Hough died Apr 15, 1861 in his 30 yr

Hallick G. Hough died Oct 9, 1871 aged 29 yr 10 mos 9 days

Edna M. Hough Born June 26, 1872 died Mar 24, 1899

Anna Laura Hough Born Jany 11, 1869, died Mar 8, 1890

49. Levi Johnston, died June 6, 1882 in his 71 yr

Margaretta W. wife of Levi Johnston died Mar 26, 1887 in her 66 yr

Mary L. daughter of L & M Johnston Born Mar 6, 1848 died July 12, 1882.

Robert P. son of Levi & M.W. Johnston died Jany 17, 1860 aged 19 yrs 1 mos & 4 days

Iva, daughter of Levi & M.W. Johnston died Jany 29, 1866? aged 8 yrs 9 mos 10 days

Alfred F. son of L & M.J. (my classmate whose funeral we attended) died May 19, 1871 in his 21st yr.

50. Lillian G. Hough 1897 - 1910

Olive A.

51. Eleanor, wife of Robert Lyons died Mch 18, 1860 in her 63 yr

52. Samuel Nutt died Apr 16, 1855 (or 33) aged 58 yrs 9 mos 8 days

V7 Page 80

53. John Bennett died Dec 31, 1858 in his 85 yr

Polly Bennett, consort of John Bennet died Mch 18, 1836 in her 56 yr 54. Joseph Hough died Apr 22, 1849 aged 47 yrs 6 mos 2 days

Elizabeth J. // W. Playford

children of A & C Hough

died June 3, 1849 aged 5 yrs 29 mos 9 days// aged 2 yrs 7 mos 27 days [respectively]

David Hough died March 3, 1858 aged 84 yrs & 6 days

Infant daughter of P & M Hough died Oct 21, 1845 aged 3 days

Barberry Hough, wife of David Hough died Oct 11, 1841 aged 63 yrs

Infant son of Paul & Martha Hough died Nov 30, 1840 aged 23 days

David Hough died Sept 22, 1824 in 20 yr

Henry Hough died Nov 2, 1817 aged 20 yrs

55. Rachel E., daughter of T & E Niccolls died Feby 20, 1849 aged 3 yrs 6 mos 1 day

James, son of Wm & Rachel Eberheart died Feby 23, 1838 aged 9 yrs 1 mos 22 days

Infants of Wm & Margaret Eberheart

56. Margaret, consort of John Campbell died Mch 24, 1844 in her 24 yr

57. Martha Latta, died Apr 7?, 1817 aged 31 yrs

58. David Smith, died May 29, 1842 in his 95 yr

59. Mary, wife of John McKee, died Feby 2, 1859 aged 88 yrs 4 mos 2 days

John McKee died Oct 20, 1831 aged 70 yrs

V7 Page 81


60. Noah O. Speer 1837 - 19--

Alline Bugher Speer 1839 - 1920

Louise Speer, Born Apr 18, 1856 died Sept 8, 1892

61. John W. Irons 1856 - 1916

George S. Irons 1885 - 1913

62. James Huttenhoner [Huttnehour?] 1826 - 1914

Margaret G., his wife 1826 - 1921

63. John B. Shepler 1835 - 1912

G. Josephine Shepler 1850 - 1920

Abigail Shepler 1873 - 1916

Violet G. Shepler 1898 - 1914

64. Elizabeth Hough 1850 - 1912

65. Willson, At upperside

John R. 1821 - 1907

Mary J. 1829 - 1920

James M. 1822 - 1899

Nancy D. McCrory 1825 - 1864

Parents names on back

David B. 1772 - 1863

Mary 1790 - 1867

66. Noah W. Cronshore 1867 - 1913

67. Joseph Finley 1852 -

Margaret B. Finley 1860 - 1911

I quit here at abt 9:15 AM & went into Homer Houseman's to call up Sam'l McClay & when I returned at 11:44 AM, I commenced at drive gate & going to right of driveway along the road forward & back.

Rehoboth Graveyard June 17, 1922 11:44 AM

68. Lizzie Van Voorhis, wife of J.C. Cunningham born June 30, 1848 died Nov 26, 1877.

V7 Page 82

John C. Cunningham Sept 27, 1838, Jany 27, 1911

Betty Plumer Cunningham, wife of David Stewart born Jany 24, 1872 died Jany 12, 1918

John S. Van Voorhis 1823 - 1917, Born of Christian parents, died in the hope of Eternal Life

Elizabeth Smith, wife of Dr J.S. Van Voorhis Born Dec 25, 1822, died Aug 16, 18 ?

Isaac S. Van Voorhis, born June 5, 1851 died Dec 14, 1896

69. Margaret F. wife of Samuel F. (Finley?) 1863 - 1916

70. Mary N. Hazelbaker, died Feby 17, 1863 aged 6 mos 21 days

71. Geo. P. Fulton, Late of Co E 155 P.V. son of Henry & Elizabeth P. Fulton born Nov 1, 1833 died Oct 4, 1887. I rest in Jesus

Henry Fulton died Apr 13, 1869 aged 83 yrs "The righteous hath hope in his death" Prov 14:32 The silver cord now loosed on earth is fast in Heaven.

Elizabeth Plumer Fulton died Oct 5, 1868 aged 66 yrs

72. John B. Cook died Aug 11, 1891 aged 83 yrs

Matilda, wife of John B. Cook, died Dec 12, 1887 aged 76 yrs 9 mos 1 day

James, son of J.B. & M. Cook Co F 18 Pa Cav died Aug 16, 1864 aged 24 yrs 3 mos

on Cook monument & markers

Joseph A. 1846 - 1909

Violette H. 1855 - 1920

Mabel G. 1884 - 1910

V7 Page 83

73. Ellen, wife of John Blythe died Dec 11, 1874 in her 95th yr

Eliza J. Blythe died Dec 17, 1871 in her 69th yr

74. John McKee 1792 - 1888

Francis McKee Born Sept 19, 1804, died Dec 15, 1862

Joanna A. McKee Born Sept 17, 1815, died Sept 6, 1899

Mary McKee, wife of C.B. Power died Dec 21, 1875, aged 32 yrs

Eva M. Power 1868 - 1894

J. Perlee Power 1872 - 1902

75. George Lutz Sr died March 11, 1876 in his 77 yr

Martha, wife of George Lutz Sr died July 14,1885 in her 84 yr

Martin V. Lutz "my husband" died May 1, 1866 in his 38 yr

James Edgar, son of J.W. & M.L. Wycoff died July 8, 1878 aged 3 mos 4 days

Martha E., dau of M.R. & J.W. Wycoff born Apr 21, 1884, died Jany 28 1893

T. Howard "Our Boy" son of D.P. & A. Lutz died July 17, 1866 aged 2

yrs 4 mos 21 days

Ella Lutz 1833 - 1918

David P. (Father) 1826 - 1908

Allethia A. (Mother) 1831 - 1910

Lizzie Blackburn wife of George Lutz born Oct 15, 1849, died Aug 19, 1880.

76. Michael Wolf died Nov 2, 1880 in his 90th yr

77. Mary Eliza Finley 1913 - 1916

78. John Blackburn Nov 25? 1820, Oct 23, 1880

V7 Page 84

Margaret, wife of John Blackburn Dec 18, 1825, Sept 30, 1914

Lorena B. Wycoff 1855 - 1919

79. David E., son of J.A. & M.A. Finley died Nov 14, 1867 aged 3 yrs 2 mos 4 days

Angenetta, dau of J.A. & M.A. Finley died Dec 22, 1870 aged 1 yr & 3 mos

James A. Finley died Oct 31, 1872 aged 49 yrs & 5 months

Frances Finley died Aug 29, 1873 aged 18 yrs 4 mos 3 days

Frank H. Finley 1879 - 1899

80. Noah G. Lutz, died July 23, 1888 aged 48 yrs 5 m 13 days

Isabella Blackburn (wife of John Blackburn) Apr 15, 1848, May 11, 1915.

81. John Brown 1805 - 1872

Sarah Power Brown 1820 - 1900

Nannie J., daughter of J & S.H. Brown died June 11, 1872 ae 20 yrs

82. James Torrence died Apr 17, 1865 aged 77 yrs 3 mos 17 days

Margaretta M., wife of Jas Torrence died July 14, 1876 in 69 yr

83. Wm Hough died Feby 13, 1876 aged 63 yrs 2 mos 17 days

Catharine Fisher, wife of Wm Hough Born Oct 5, 1808 died Feby 24, 1897

84. Joseph Krepps died July 7?, 1878 aged 77 yrs 6 mos 14 days

Charlotte, wife of Joseph Krepps born Oct 27, 1809, died Dec 18, 1893

William, son of J & C Krepps died Nov 23, 1867 aged 37 yrs 7 mos 17 days

William S., son of J.L. & L. Krepps died Aug 29, 1870 aged 1 yr 6 mos & 22 days

V7 Page 85

Lucinda, wife of Jas L. Krepps died June 27, 1877 aged35 yrs 11 mos 27 days

Mary C., dau of L & J.L. Krepps Born Apr 13,1874 died Sept 13, 1893

85. Emely Campbell died Apr 5, 1903 in her 75 yr

86. V.H. Furnier 1845 - 1913

Jacob Bowman Furnier born Mch 17, 1805, died Oct 10, 1890

Matilda J., wife of Jacob Bowman Furnier born Apr 27, 1808, died Apr 7, 1883.

Levi J. Furnier 1837 - 1900

87. Samuel W. Power born May 14, 1823 died Apr 6, 1885

Homer J., son of S.W. & M. Power died Oct 2, 1870 aged 17 yrs 8 mos 3 days.

88. McKee monument, markers

Joseph A. 1839 - 1911 Father

Susan M. 1848 - 1914 Mother

Sallie W. Apr - July 1889

Anna June - Sept 1883

Baby McKee May - Sept 1879

89. Henry F. Roberts M.D. died Mch 30, 1888 in 78 yr

90. John Fuller Nov 4, 1824 Mch 6, 1895

Wm C. Fuller Aug 17, 1860 Sept 16, 1901

Matilda G. Furnier died Dec 31, 1873 in her 72 yr

91. Robert Boyle born Uniontown Pa Oct 16, 1812, died Allegheny Pa Jany 17, 1876

Ann Boyle born New Haven Pa Jany 1, 1823, died Washington Pa June 23, 1914.

V7 Page 86

Fannie, daughter of R & A Boyle died June 3, 1866 in her 15 yr

92. Robert Galloway 1770 - 1818

Ann T. Galloway 1781 - 1861

Joseph Galloway 1818 - 1893

93. Joseph Culler, Father Oct 14, 1820, Dec 31, 1092

Mary, wife of Jos Culler, Mother June 27, 1828 Jany 9, 1912


Abraham 1828 - 1914 Maria 1844 - 19--

Thomas 1876 - 1902

Adam Culler 1833 - 1909

Mary Eliza, his wife 1833 - 19--

94. Jesse Krepps Jany 20, 1833 Feby 25, 1905

Hannah, his wife, June 25, 1840, Mar 14, 1916

Fannie Swearingen, wife of G.W. Krepps 1860 - 1917

Finished at 1:33 PM 7 leaving with appearance of rainstorm brewing. Went back to Homer Houseman's to call Roley Bros 139-J to come out for me & Miss Margaret produced the D.A.R. papers which I copied on pages 55 & 56

It is now 11:57 PM 21st

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At residence of David A & Hannah Dixon, Union District, Preston Co WVA 6 miles up & over Cheat Mountain from Rowlesburg, WVA June 20, 1922 8:40 PM

Transcribing June 21 1922 11:59 Pm at Oak Hill

I arrived here in an auto hired from & driven by Braxton Gaines born Feby 5, 1897, a half hour ago at dusk & found Mr & Mrs Dixon milking & had to wait until they finished. She said she was the daughter of Thomas Huston & was named for her grandmother Hartley & she & he gave me the following information:

Hannah Huston was born Nov 29, 1863

David Ambrose Dixon was born Jany 11, 1868 & they were married Sept 14, 1889 by Rev Maxwell. He is the son of Andrew Kramer Dixon & Amy Donham of Monongahela Tp & was born back of Greensboro Pa. I think Amy was a sister of Peter E. Donham, but am not sure. Their children were as follows: which I copied from the Bible record Mr Dixon brought in:

1. Ida Amanda Dixon was born Apr 23, 1892

2. Nellie Catharine Dixon was born May 7, 1893

3. Ilena Gertrude Dixon was born Aug 26, 1895

4. John Franklin Dixon was born Aug 8, 1899

5. Mabel Satirah Dixon was born Sept 16, 1904

6. Mary Florence Dixon was born Apr 2, 1910

V7 Page 88

Mr Dixon also had the marriages written in the Bible without dates from which I copied the dates being called from a back room by Lena to her mother viz:

Nellie C. Dixon & Gilbert Elliott were married Oct 31, 1913

Ida A. Dixon & W.D. Price were married July 5, 1917

Lena G. Dixon & C.R. Wiles were married May 7, 1918

John Franklin & Miss Merle Wiles were married Apr 16, 1919

Gilbert Elliott is a son of Isaac Elliott of near Kingwood WVA & works in the mines near Reedsville WVA. Isaac Elliott died abt 9 yrs ago aged about 90 yrs.

Gilbert & Nellie have one child viz:

1. Ralph Dixon Elliott born Feby 12, 1916

William D. Price was born Apr 23, 1819 & lives at Toronto, O & works at the Foundry. He & Ida have two children:

1. Lillian Hannah Price was born Jany 23, 1919

2. William David Price was born Jany 12, 1921

He was named, I think Mrs Price said, for his two grandfathers

Cecil Ray Wiles was born Jany 12, 1894 & lives with her parents & helps to carry on the farming. They have one child whom I saw viz

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1. Hannah Ruth Wiles born Aug 14, 1919 called "Ruth"

Merle Wiles is a sister of C. Ray Wiles & daughter of William & Catharine Sanders Wiles. She was born Sept 10, 1899 & she & John F. have two children viz:

1. Pauline Catharine Dixon born Mch 30, 1920

2. Dorothy Adaline Dixon born Dec 14, 1921

Mabel is unmarried

Florence is out at Toronto O with her sister

Mr Dixon's farm was the best cared for that I saw in the mountain last night & he says contains 150 acres. Mr Dixon says his father was a first cousin of Martin Dickson, my old surveyor friend. Andrew K. being a son of Searight Dickson who was a brother of Martin Dickson's father. Andrew K. & his wife lived with them & are buried at the church above which Braxton thought was a New side Baptist Church. Andrew K. died in March 1921 & had he lived to Aug, he would have completed his 95th year. Searight Dickson, his father, died in Monongahela Tp, Greene Co Pa at the age of 96 yrs & is buried at the old Donham g.y. on the Peter E. Donham farm, now occupied by his son, Ellsworth. Mr Dixon remembers his grandfather & thinks he, David A., was about 12 yrs old when he

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died. He says he, Searight, told him that his father was the emigrant to this country coming from Ireland. Mrs Dixon is a tall well built, fine looking woman & he is a genial companionable man. They asked me to stay all night. They changed the spelling to Dixon he said to shorten it.

Mrs Dixon thinks she had heard her parents speak of the Reeds & Jenkins, but don't remember where they lived. Says she didn't get her grandfather Huston's bible, or any old Bible. She remembers there was an old Bible about the house that got so torn apart that they got a new one. Don't know whether it was her grandfather's or not, or whether there was any record in it.

I recalled as I came by Uncle J. Potter Crothers' home on the train this afternoon of Lew S. Walker telling me Monday morning of Uncle Potter motioning to them to stay back & he jumped out of the back seat of the auto before the RR train struck it at the time it hurled Mrs Dr Hibbs & others from the car.

I bade Mr & Mrs Dixon goodbye at 9:19 Pm & reached the Hotel Commercial at 10 Pm & it was full up, but the proprietor, Carl B. Smouse, gave me his room & bed. I left M & K Junction on the 9 AM train & connected at Morgantown abt 11:22 & reached home 1 PM. It is now 1:25 AM June 22, 1922 & I will go to bed. JVT

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Oak Hill June 23, 1922 7:07

Yesterday afternoon, Hezekiah K. Barb, a tall handsome well preserved man who s'd he wd be 74 next Oct, & don't look to be over 60, was in my office for two hours with John W. Barb's son & Will Longenecker I asked him if he had at his home at Mapletown, the old family Bible of Andrew Dunlap & Samuel Dunlap, father & grandfather of his first wife & he said there was an old Dunlap Bible there & said if I would call, he would let me copy the record from it.

I will now take up again notations from the old papers I got from Mr & Mrs Hugh T. Huston, which I left off last week at bottom of Page 16, when starting on my trip down the Monongahela River.

45. Lease between John Huston & John Brown dated Dec 23, 1838 Witnessed by Arthur Daily & Nancy Worthington recites that John Huston is of Franklin Tp, Fayette Co, Pa & John Brown of same by which said Huston leases to sd Brown a farm in Cumberland Tp, Greene Co, Pa now in possession of George Gillespie for a term of six years. Sd Brown to pay $200 for 1st yr & $250 per yr for next five yrs & to pay the taxes.

V7 Page 92

No. 46. Lease from Margaret Sproat of German Tp to John Brown of Cumberland Tp, dated Apr 1, 1843 & witnessed by Asbury Struble & John Huston by which she leases him for 2 yrs from date for $250 per year the farm in Cumb Tp, Greene Co Pa, the farm on which he now resides.

No. 47. Lease between George Smith & Elijah Smith (the colored men) & Sarah Sproat, about farming dated Oct 2, 1845 & witnessed by Hugh Thompson, partly gone.

48. Lease from Sarah Sproat to John McCombs dated Jany 27, 1848 & witnessed by Joseph Deffenbaugh by which she leases to McCombs for 1 yr at $75 the Moss farm adjoining the farm on which she now lives. Also she leases him three fields on the shares of the farm on which she lives.

49. Lease from Sarah Sproat (when she was 88) to James M. Brown dated Dec 18, 1854 by which she leases Brown for 1 yr from Apr 1, 1855 the Moss farm adjoining where she now lives for $80. Lease is witnessed by Jos Deffenbaugh & John McCombs

50. Articles of Agreement between Margaret Thompson, of the one part & Belford Johnston, carpenter, of the other part dated Mch 31, 1860 for the building of the brick house in German Tp now the home of Hugh Thompson Huston which came by will to him & his brother John T. from his Aunt the

V7 Page 93

aforesaid Margaret Thompson by which Johnston agrees to build a brick house of dimensions named & various specifications given & to be paid for largely in notes furnished by John Wilson Esq

Signed Margaret Thompson, Belford Johnston

51. This is a one page acct & receipt for the building of the house in which an acct is rendered by Belford Johnston for Building the house as per agreement $2,100.

6 items of extras _____10.50 $2,120.50


McCombs note & int to Sept 17, 1860 $ 333.18

Horace & Zalmon Ludington note & int to Sept 17, 1860 442.69

May 5, 1860 cash per receipt 150.-

May 10, 1860 1 horse per receipt 80.-

Dec 1, 1860 614 lbs pork @ 5 cts 30.70

Dec 1, 1860 11 Bhls corn @ 56 cts 6.19

Cash of J. Wilson of McCombs money 225.-

Dearths notes & int to 17 Sept 1860 50.75

Findleys note & int to 17 Sept 1860 69.25

Worleys note & int to 17 Sept 1860 133.25

Moores note & int to 17 Sept 1860 382.39

John Wilson's int to May 12, 1861 78.34

Moores note & int to 17 May 12, 1861 120.75

May 22, 1861 cash this day 10.-

May 22, 1861 due bill in settlement of all

demands to date ____8.01 $2,120.50

German township Fayette County Pa

May 22, 1861 Belford Johnston

Attest: B.F. Hellen

V7 Page 94

52. This is a two page, foolscap sheets, love sonnet in ten verses of poetry to Sarah (Sarah Sproat) written by "your darling boy" D. Huston in a fine bold hand which he has signed in a fine signature three times & on which he has written:

"Composed the 16th day of June 1814"

This letter must have persuaded her as in Book 6 Page 503 item 4 we find record of her tombstone with a verse of like poetry at the Glades Church stating the she died Jany 4, 1843 in her 44th yr, so they probably were married in latter half of 1841 or in 1842.

It is abt 10 PM & I will quit until morning

It is 6:11 AM June 24, 1922 & I continue

53. This is an old undated receipt as follows:

"Received of Joseph Sproat, two dollars and forty seven and half cents for attending court as a witness in a suit between Sarah Sproat and Margaret Gilmore plffs and Alexander Wilson Dfdt. Rufus Allton

evidently a suit by sisters vs their brother or father.

54. This is a letter dated "Washington Guernsey Co, Ohio Aug 11th '55, form Sarah E. Sproat (evidently daughter of Alex H. Sproat) to her "Dear Aunt Margaret" (Thompson) in which she speaks of having seen Aunt Laughlin at a funeral a few days ago & saying she thought "she favors Grandma more as she gets older". Speaks of James Laughlin having returned from a visit to Pa & that

V7 Page 95

she hears that Grandma was not as well as she was when she was in Penna a yr ago. Also "we heard that Uncle Thomas Wilson had been verry unwell". She speaks of there being much drunkeness in town & of 60 women of the town married & unmarried going to the Squires & swearing out a search warrant & dressing in their most tattered apparel & going first to a Temperance Inn where they found "6 bls of the precious beverage" rolled it out on the street, took a hatchet & let the contents flow down the streets & continued on until 25 barrels were destroyed. Says "if Mollie Henderson is not married & gone, give her my love" & winds up saying "Pa, Ma, & all brother join me in love to you. Give my love to Dear Grandma". Sarah Sproat

55. This is a lot of 9 or 10 fragments of a Penal bill from Joseph Sproat to his father, Samuel Sproat executed Jany 29, 1800 impleaded with a transfer of land by said Samuel to Joseph, his son & is witnessed by Alexander McClean & Mattw Gilchrist. On a part of the back is written in a different hand:

"I hereby assign all my right title interest & claim to the within Bond & contents thereof unto Wm McFarland for use of his sister, Mary McFarland & as her trustee in terms of marriage settlement this day entered into between her & me. Witness my hand & seal this 20 August 1800. Samuel (his mark) Sproat. Test James Laug evidently Laughlin

J. Bals is torn off

8:44 AM & leaving for town.

V7 Page 96 & V7 Page 97

[Descendant Chart]

Edward Cook, son of James Cook who was son of Col Edward & Martha Cook was born Mch 16, 1807 in the old stone house built by Col. Edward Cook 1772 - 1776 from a limestone quarried on his own farm in Fayette Co Pa & the house is located in Washington Tp, Fayette Co Pa. James E. Cook says Col Edwd Cook came to Fayette Co Pa in 1768, the same year that Henry Beeson came to Uniontown Pa & took up what is now the greater part of Washington Tp. This Edward Coo, his grandson, was a farmer all his life & lived in the stone house now owned by the Naomi Coal Co. This home was built of big block sandstone quarried on his own farm by Edward Cook in 1847 & all of his children were born in it. He died in this house Dec 7, 1867. He died Just after his return from Dixmont where he had been taken for a temporary derangement. He married in April 29, 1852 to Nancy Torbitt Springer, daughter of Joseph & Margaret Driver Springer who was born in Washington Tp Fayette Co Pa near Belle Vernon hill June 16, 1828. She died at the home of her son, James E. Cook in Wash Tp Fayette Co Pa March 9, 1881 from effects of a cancer or tumor on her stomach

[Their Children]

James Elliott Cook, B Jany 23, 1853 married June 23, 1874 by Rev Hughes to Miss Susan Elmer, daughter of Mathias & Susan Elmer of near Fayette City Pa who was born in Dubuque, Iowa Mch 18, 1855 & it was 48 yrs yesterday since her marriage & she is still doing all the work about the house. They live at corner Lincoln & Evans St No 68 Evans St which they own.

Emma J. Cook, Born Aug 11, 1875 m. April 1898 to Fred W. Litman who was born & died She lives at No Evans St

Emmett, m. Helen Litman

Louise, m. Lloyd


Edward Elmer Cook, B. Oct 12, 1877 m. Mch 5, 1902 to Pearl Debolt, daughter of Rezin L. Debolt. They live on Mill St.


A son



Nellie Torbit Cook, B Jany 28, 1880 m.1. May 1900 to James Edward Wyatt who was born & died M.2. to Wilmer H. Wilkey who was born

Allen Wyatt

Samuel Raymond Cook, B May 2, 1882 unmarried. Has been west abt 8 yrs in Ohio where he was running a Hotel at Lima, O.

Jay Irving Cook, B Dec 17, 1884 ob Jany 19, 1918 unmarried

Geo Nichols Cook, B July 13, 1887 mar. Jany 22, 1913 to Lida Goldsboro of Fairchance Pa & live at Fairchance Pa where he is a painter. No issue.

Leslie Warren, b. Jany 24, 1890 ob Jany 8, 1921 unmarried was a graduate of Princeton Class of 1915 & was a civil engineer.

Mary Elizabeth, B Oct 12, 1893 m. Mch 6, 1915 to Joe Dixon son of Ella Cooper Dixon, but never lived with him.

Leslie Warren Dixon, B Apr 29, 1916

Crawford E. B Sept 9, 1898 mar to Stella He lives on Lenox St. Works at the Collier Works a truck driver

A daughter

A daughter, B Jany 3, 1925 on Millview St weight 8 lbs

Frances G. Cook, B Jany 27, 1901 at home, single

Margaret Ann Cook, [dau of Edward & Nancy T. Cook] B June 29, 1855 see page 49.

Henry Ferdinand Roberts Cook, named for old Dr Roberts who was the family doctor. Born July 25, 1857 & died Aug 1, 1860 aged 3 yrs & 7 days see page 76 item 34.

Talitha-Cumi Cook, B July 20, 1858 see page 60 & 61

Edward Clark Cook, Born Aug 22, 1862 died July 26, 1875 aged 12 yrs 11 mos 4 days see page 79 item 46.

V7 Page 98

Oak Hill June 24, 1922 9:46 PM

My third cousin, James Elliott Cook was in room 522 to see me for two hours tonight for 7:07 to 9:07 PM & he gave me the record tabled on the two pages 96 & 97 preceding. He had written down the dates of birth, marriage & death of his parents & the dates of birth & marriage of himself & wife & the dates of birth of their ten children with the deaths of the two boys who have died & the dates of marriage of five of his children but he could not give Crawfords. He believe it will be found that Mary Elizabeth's son was born in 1915 as he said she didn't live with her husband after marriage. He says his daughter, Ella Litman has been teaching in town for four years & that her son, Emmett married Helen Litman, daughter of Mrs Chishom by W.H. Playford. Also that her daughter, Louise is married to a Lloyd, son of the man living near Wills Chris Riffle house.

He said the limestone for the old house built by Col Edward Cook were quarried about the distance of Mt Vernon Ave from the Skyscraper from where the house is built on the Fayette Co side.

He said too, that the big stone about a foot think abt two feet wide & five feet long in front of the door or portico is the stone that Washington stood on & made a speech to the men at a big muster the last time Gen'l Geo

V7 Page 99

Washington was in this section, which he said was in 1784. He said Gen'l Washington had been at Friendship Hill to see Albert Gallatin & went from there to Col Cook's home & told Mrs Cook, my great grand Aunt Martha Cook, to send word to Col Cook who was working in the field with his men, down below where Jos A. Cook barn is now, the only field that was cleared, that Washington wished to see him. She accordingly sent a black man down to the field & Col Cook went to the house without telling the men. The colored man however tarried behind & told the men who all quit their work & repaired to the house to see Washington. After his visit with Col Cook, Gen'l Washington went to Perryopolis Pa to see about his mill there & from thence went back home. JVT

June 25, 1922 6:44 AM continuing record of the Huston or Margaret Thompson & Sproat old papers on next page.

V7 Page 100

56. One of the last signatures of Joseph Sproat when aged 73 yrs

57. Signature of his daughter, Hannah who married John Huston & became the mother of H.T. Huston.

58. On this paper, the record of payts indicate the init noted on page 94 item 53 as the Rufus Alton item proves & as John Dunlap died 1796 to 1798, see his will, the suit was evidently prior to that & may have been really vs Alexr Wilson & not his son, Alex A. Wilson. The names on the reverse are evidently those of witnesses, note the names of Eli Abrams, Enoch French, Henry Core, Jacob Deffenbaugh, John Easter, William Boyd etc.

59. Last of said papers but most important is a deed Poll dated June 1, 1779 from Philemon Waters of "Monongahela" County, Virginia to Samuel Sproat (father of Joseph) for 200 A of land on a "drean that empties into Dunlaps Creek" & on "a branch of Middle Run" & which on Apr 1, 1779 was conveyed by Nathan Heald to said Waters & which land adjoins "James Wilson, William Thompson & others" (this William Thompson may have been the father of Hugh Thompson who in the '40's married Margaret Sproat.) The consideration is where the paper is parted but may be £650 or £750. The deed is signed by Philemon Waters in a good plain hand & is witnessed by Andrew Rabb & Mary (her mark) Rabb & is acknowledged same day before Andw (his mark) Rabb, one of the Com Justices of the peace for Westmoreland Co Pa.

The back of the deed in plain as print & well preserved showed that it was recorded in Westmoreland Co Pa in Deed Book A folio 165 on Sept 17, 1779 as certified by the good signature of Jas Kinkead Recorder.

I will probably have to go to Greensburgh, Pa to get record of deed to William Thompson & James Wilson above mentioned was there another James Alexander, son [unreadable lines go onto next page] only fifteen yrs old. JVT 7:48 AM 25th

V7 Page 101

Oak Hill June 29, 1922 9:44 PM

On my way home this evening from up Big Whiteley Creek, I stopped at his Residence this side of Mapletown Pa to see Hezekiah K. Barb & was at his house from 4:55 Pm to 5:20 PM & made from his own statement of his own age & from a large & a small Bible the following Dunlap record

Hezekiah K. Barb & Elizabeth Dunlap were married July 4, 1878 by Rev Hugh O. Rosborough at the Presbyterian Parsonage, Smithfield Pa

Elizabeth A. Barb, wife of H.K. Barb died July 18, 1904 at 1 AM

The above taken from the large Bible

H.K. Barb says he was born Oct 16, 1848 & says he had no issue by his first wife.

The small Bible was printed by the American Bible Society in New York in 1883.

The following record was taken from it & had evidently been copied from some other record. Mr Barb last week thought he had an old Dunlap Bible but his present wife said today that she had never seen it when cleaning house. She suggested that Harry I. Dunlap now of Jefferson may have gotten it & Mr Barb concluded it may have gone to him as he would be best entitled to it.

The record follows on next page.

V7 Page 102

Andrew Dunlap & Mary Stone were married Mch 6, 1834

1. Andrew Dunlap & Mary Dunlap's first child was a girl, stillborn on the 18th Feby 1835.

2. Samuel Dunlap was born June 2, 1837

3. Elizabeth Anne Dunlap was born May 22, 1842


Elizabeth Stone (1st cousin of Mrs Barb & sister of Mary of Carmichaels Pa) died Nov 12, 1885

Andrew Dunlap, born Aug 1813, died Feby 6, 1888

Mary Dunlap, born 1812 died Jany 15, 1891

Samuel Dunlap, born June 2, 1837, died Nov 8, 1901

Lizzie A. Dunlap Barb, born May 22, 1842 died July 18, 1904

Mr Barb said his mother was born 1812 & died 1891, the same dates of his first wife's parents & that her name was Webb & she intended him for a preacher & called him Hezekiah. He has pictures of Andrew, Mary & Samuel Dunlap & also of his wife, Elizabeth & also of the parents of his present wife, O.P. Eberheart of New Geneva Pa & his wife who was a daughter, he said of Warwick Ross. He & his wife were very kind & asked me to come back.

V7 Page 103

Oak Hill June 30, 1922 8:20 PM

Today, between 10 AM & noon, Judge Hugh Thompson Mathers & Louise Beeson Mathers, his wife were in my office, Room 522 for over an hour. The Judge said that his great grandfather, Hugh Thompson & his grandfather, also Hugh Thompson came into Uniontown from the Upper Middletown farm & started a store here. The judge said he did not know why his grandfather removed to Shelby Co, O, locating where Sidney now is, when it was much of a forest. This removal occurred before the death of the elder Hugh. He came back to Uniontown & married Lucretia Harlan Baily (her mother was a Harlan, & she was a sister of William Baily Esq, the father of Gen'l Sm Baily, Jennie D. Baily & Amanda L. Beeson, so Louise said). The younger Hugh Thompson became a Judge (Associate, I think) in Shelby Co, O shortly after it was organized & was 81 yrs old when he died. Judge Mathers said his great grandfather, Hugh Thompson died in 1864 but he does not know where he was buried. He says he can get what his age was at death & will write me

This afternoon between 3 & 4, Andrew Stewart Flenniken came in & gave me the date of birth of his Aunt (his father's sister) Sarah Flenniken, daughter of Elias Alexander Flenniken which was Oct 25, 1783. She had a twin sister, Margaret who married her second cousin James Flenniken of East Springfield, O & who died there Mch 25, 1870

V7 Page 104

in her 87th year

Sarah Flenniken married Thomas Wilson & they were the grandparents of Mary E. Eastman.

A.S. said his great grandfather was John A. Flenniken, born in Ireland & came to this country from County Tyrone, Ireland, first settling in New Jersey & from there, he went to North Carolina & there, his son, Elias Alexander Flenniken was born in Charlotte NC Oct 22, 1745. John A. removed from North Carolina to Pennsylvania & died in Montgomery Tp, Franklin Co Pa in 1809. Elias A. came out to Greene Co Pa in 1767 & settled on the Green Co side because the timber there was better than on this side & blazed the trees & took up the land from Arensbeys now Crucible Ferry to McCanns Ferry at Ronco, paying no heed to the land back by Carmichaels because of the scrubby timber there. He married Mary Dunlap & his brother, James also married a Dunlap, her sister. Both the Dunlaps were very large women. Elias A & Mary's son, John W. Flenniken was the father of my informant of today, Andrew Stewart Flenniken.

See Book 6 Page 504 item 6 for the tombstones record of some of the above.

A.S. said his grandfather brought the Crawfords out with him from Franklin Co Pa see record of several in Book 6 Page 504. They may be of our relatives.

V7 Page 105

Oak Hill July 2, 1922 10:42 PM

Mrs Sarah A. Hoop & her daughter, Delia May, came up today at 3 PM from the West side Hotel Connellsville, Pa. Mr Roland & wife bringing them in his auto & they were here for supper & we started in at 10:25 & got the 10:30 PM street car which started half a minute after they got on. They gave me from memory all the information recorded in the next five pages, Pages 106 to 110 inclusive. Mrs Hoop said she worked in P.M. Hochheimer's store for a year or so after her grandmother died & Rev W.W. Ralston plagued her about getting married, so she went to Brownsville to be marred. She said father used to go to see her father quite often & she spoke in the highest terms of him. She said she saw me when they got their distributive share from her Uncle James Roderick's estate. She said she remembered the final burying in Oak Grove Cem, it being William Stone who was a partner of her father in the shoe business. He was the father of Thomas Stone, the father of Miss Sallie Stone, tall & slender whom I knew. This was before the laying of the cornerstone or dedication of the soldier's monument which she attended as did I. I believe it was in 1867. I have no doubt they are closely related as they came from the same county in the north of Ireland, Donegal, from which great great grandfather, John Carothers came. It has just struck 11 PM JVT

V7 Page 106 & V7 Page 107

Robert Carothers was married in County Donegal, Ireland to Miss Nancy Hall of same County & they came to America shortly after on their wedding trip as she often told Mrs Hoop after she was 90 yrs old. She said they had continuous wars with the Catholics, saying "We often went to bed expecting to wake up with our throats cut". She said they were six weeks coming over, evidently settled in Titusville, Mercer Co, New Jersey, as their oldest son, John, Mrs Hoop's father, was born there & she thinks all their children were born there. Robert Carothers was crossing a foot log or bridge & fell in the water & was drowned. This was before his daughters were grown as they were put out in families to be raised. Miss Delia Hoop says when he she was a young girl visiting at William Carothers family in Morgantown WVA, Aaron Carothers, son of Wm told her that an older brother of Robert & she thought his name was William had come to America before Robert (who probably came in 1800) with the family money & Robert never heard of him after he came. Shortly after Robert died, his widow, Nancy, married a man named Burrough's whose name Delia thinks was Henry. John had not heard from his mother for over 30 yrs when he got a letter from his sisters asking him to take care of her. He went to Titusville NJ & brought her to Uniontown Pa Oct 28, 1863 at 8 PM & his own wife died the next morning Oct 29, 1863 at 5:45 AM on a Thursday. Mrs Burroughs died in Aug 27?, 1869, aged over 92 yrs born say 1777. She is buried in the old Methodist Graveyard here next to Rachel Carothers, the first wife of John Carothers, but there is no stone marking her grave. She had no children by Burroughs who had died before she came here. She fell & broke a bone & could not turn in bed. She was bedfast 4 1/2 yrs before she died & Mrs Hoop took care of her. She was a short heavy set woman with black eyes & had her second sight. Mrs Hess writes that he was drowned in the Delaware River.

[Their children]

John Carothers, Born in Titusville, NJ Jany 6, 1801 & died at No 28 Iowa St Uniontown Pa May 7, 1868 aged 67 yrs 4 mo & 1 day & is buried in the old Pres g.y. He was tall, fully 6 ft, very erect & handsome. He learned the shoemaker trade East & came here & followed that trade being a fine shoemaker & also manufactured gloves. He married east probably in Phila Pa to Rachel Scarborough whose parents were wealthy & opposed the match because he was poor. By her he had 7 children. She is buried in the oldest Methodist g.y., he being a Methodist & a stone marks her grave. Abt 3 yrs after her death, he married Mrs Elizabeth Diamond, a widow for 10 yrs of Henry Diamond who she married when 17. He was killed when tearing down the Tent Meeting House & is buried there. She was daughter of Frederick Roderick, being the oldest of the family except one that died in infancy & James & Abraham were her brothers. She was born in 1810 in Georges Tp the year Polly Williams was thrown over the White rocks & some of the relatives at a quilting heard her, Polly's, scream at the time. Her birthday was June 17, 1810. She had 3 children by Diamond, viz: Margaret, Daniel, & Elizabeth who d.y. She was taking care of John Carother's first wife who asked her to marry him after her death to take care of her children. She was one of the Charter Members of the Cumberland Pres Ch. Delia thinks they were married in 1842. She died at 28 Iowa St which her husband owned Oct 29, 1863. She had 6 children to John Carothers.

2. Ann Eliza, m. Billings an old man & a school teacher went west & had two sons.

A son


3. Maria Louisa, B May 18, 1832 ob Feby 27, 1872 m.1. Henry Bettler [Butler?] who was killed in Civil War & had 3 children by him. M.2. James Marshall. No issue by him.


Charles, m. Elizabeth Murray [unreadable line]


Sarah, m. Jno Rodahavis [best guess] & have 4 children or more.

4. Charles Mason, married & went to War fr beginning to end & never got a scratch. Didn't live with his wife after he got back. Had 2 daughters.

1. Wesley, He died a young man unmarried & is buried in Methodist G.Y.

5. John, m. Mary _____ in Iowa. He was a farmer.

Thirza Violetta

A daughter

6. Rachel, d.y.

7. Daniel, died with his mother & buried in same casket

See Pages 108 & 109 for second wife's children.

William Carothers, [son of Robert & Nancy Carothers]. He was a cripple from White Swelling. He married Alice Schamp in the East, in NJ near Phila Pa. He lived at Granville, WVA abt 1 1/2 miles down the River fr Morgantown WVA & is buried at the cemetery at Granville. She survived him a short time & both were old. Mrs Hoop never saw him, but her father used to walk up every year taking two days to go for exercise to see him.

[note here reads:] William, No issue [I can't tell what Wm he means CW] [note appears above Wm #3 of Joseph below.]

1. Aaron, He was oldest, was blind. Never married, died & buried at Granville.

4. Morgan, twin of Wm, died on the desert in the far west . Left a family but know nothing of it. M. Jane Moore

2. Joseph, married a western girl & lived at Elko Nev & dead m. Catharine _______

1. Alice [unreadable word] m. Bunton

Harry Bunton

3. William, Lived at Elko Nev. He is dead. No issue.

4. Ida, married & went to Alaska & came back to Elko Nev & died there. Was married

2. A daughter, Virginia. She is living

6. John, was in Civil War imprisoned in Libby & lived an invalid 17 yrs after his return & died at Granville. Unmarried.

3. Caroline, never married. Died at Granville

7. Virginia, never married. Think she is living in the old home in Granville. See her for Bible.

8. Anna, m. Eliza Hess Think both are living at Morgantown WVa. He was a farmer.

Alice, m. David Breakison a farmer above Morgantown. See Page 110 [which reads:] Alice Hess mar David Breakison Page 107


Ralph, m. Lumma Johnson



Virginia, m. Chas S. Caluhan

Lora Alice



A boy Caroline Virginia, m. Lee Lewellen & live in Dormont Pgh Pa. He is a draftsman.


A daughter

5. William, married Martha Lenox & had two children before he went to the Civil War & was starved to death in Libby prison. Twin with Morgan.

2. Elizabeth, m. Dr Will McLane, a son of noted McLane, Liver pill man. Lives with son Wm is a widow.

Alice, m. to [blotted, best guess would be McCue, McCune]

George, [unreadable line runs off page]

William, married & lives in [unreadable] m. Linnie Phillips 1. Josephine, See P 107 [which reads:] Josephine Carothers, dau of Wm of Wm Page 107 mar Judson Hess & have 5 children, all married.






3. A son, George, mar twice. No issue.

V7 Page 108 & V7 Page 109 & V7 Page 110

[Descendant Chart]

John Carothers & Elizabeth Roderick Diamond

[Their Children]

James William Carothers, B July 22, 1843 in Uniontown Pa ob Mch 8, 1873 in Brownsville Pa & is buried in the Episcopalian Cem there. He died of typhoid fever. He had a shoe store in the Neck Brownsville, Pa. M. Temperance Catherine Anderson, daughter of David Anderson. She died Apr 1921. They were married in 1871. She was 1 mo or so younger than him.

Louisa Carothers, died Aged 3 yrs

Frederick Roderick Carothers, B June 20, 1845 in Uniontown, Pa ob May 29, 1917 & is buried at Oak Grove Cem here. he was with B&O RR 47 yrs & was an engineer for 42 yrs. M. Jany 1870 to Genever Houser, daughter of Simeon Houser, an old wagoner on the Natl Road living at Uniontown Pa. She was born in Aug? 1845 & died Nov 18, 1920 & is buried at Oak Grove Cem See Book 13 P 132.

William Carothers, B. died aged 15 mos & is buried in old Pres Ch g.y.

Belle Carothers, b July 2, 1873 unmarried took care of her father & mother.

Laura Carothers, B Aug 1877 m. Percy D. Hagan from Allegheny Pa came here with the Ohio & Snyder Steel Co & she clerked in the store there. No issue. Adopted 2 sisters.

Millie Jane Carothers, B Apr 2, 1880 unmarried & live at the old home, No 28, Iowa St which Fred bought.

Mary Elizabeth Carothers, B Dec 11, 1847 in Uniontown Pa ob Aug 20, 1898 in Connellsville Pa but is buried in Oak Grove Cem here. M. Joseph Woodward, a blacksmith. Mar. May 18, 1870. He died & is buried at Oak Grove but no marker. He was born Jany 1848. He died in Connellsville Pa over 30 yrs ago.

John William, a B&O fireman, m. Blanche Stillwagon & divorced.

Mary Will Woodward

George, a B&O brakeman or yard man m. a girl fr Castle Shannon & have 5 children.

Mary Woodward, m. Shannon & live in Chicago & work on Ft Wayne RR (Penna) & have had 5 children, one of whom is dead.

Nancy, M. John Hurrell of McKeesport Pa probably working for the Natl Tube Works Have 5 children.

Sarah Ann Carothers, B June 18, 1850 on Fayette St, Uniontown Pa opposite where Rector R.S. Smith used to live. She is my informant of today & as a child was very delicate. m. Nov 17, 1870 by Rev Lewis, Pres Minister at Brownsville to John Hoop, son of Conrad & Mary Landis Hoop. He was born 1847 & died 1919 see Book 12 p 368 his tombstone in Hill Grove Cem C'ville Pa.

John Henry, B Sept 10, 1871 in No 28 Iowa St Uniontown Pa. M. Lillian Zollars of West Newton Pa Zollensville was named for her grandfather. He lives now at Beaver Falls Pa where he is frt agt of the P&LE & his mother & sister live with him. Both living. He was married Nov 10, 1897.

John Gayman Hoop, B June 29, 1905 an only child.

James Conrad, b Jany 2, 1873 ob Dec 27, 1907 Accidently drowned in the Beaver River. Was unmarried Born in Connellsville

William Carothers, B Dec 19, 1874 in Connellsville Pa m. Margaret Soles of McKeesport Pa on Apr 15, 1906 & live in Mck Pa & he is tkt Agt for P&LE at Glassport Pa. Found drowned in Monon River foot of 8th St McKeesport Pa Oct 28, 1924.

Harriet Virginia, B. July 30, 1907 in McKeesport Pa

William Soles, B July 11, 1917

Charles Centennial, B Aug 20, 1876 on Iowa St opp NO 28 Uniontown Pa. M. Annie Davis of Dunbar Pa on June 29, 1904 & live at California Pa where he works for Pgh Coal Co.

Sarah Virginia B Sept 1905 ob Dec 1908

Charles Conrad, B Jany 14, 1907

James Carothers, B Jany 12, 1914

Clarence Edgar, B Nov 27, 1879 in Dunbar Tp opp Broadford Pa m. on June 10, 1918 to Helen Enterdine, daughter of Rev Geo Enterline [sic] a Baptist preacher. Her great grandmother was a Jane Carothers of NJ. They live at Munhall Pa where he is Asst agt of P&LE RR.

Delia May, Jany 26, 1883 also my informant of today. unmarried.

Joseph Winfield Scott Carothers [son of Robert & Elizabeth] B Oct 17, 1852 at 28 Iowa St Uniontown Pa. He died in Iowa St Uniontown Pa Apr 9, 1887 & is buried at Oak Grove Cem here. He died of Brights disease superinduced by injuires recd on B&O on which he was an engineer. M. Frances Jolliffe, daughter of Amos M. Jolliffe. She was killed by a runaway horse at Markeleysburgh Pa 4 yrs after his death. See Page 110.

[which reads:] Joseph W.S. Carothers m. Frances Jolliffe

Frank M. Carothers, B Dec 19, 1877 m. Jane ____ No issue

Elizabeth, B Feby 1880, unmarried Charles, B. Living in Akron, O.

Nancy Catherine Carothers, the youngest B July 3, 1854 at 28 Iowa St Uniontown Pa & died at her daughter's in Balto MD Feby 23, 1922 m. on Mch 8, 1876 to John Tannehill Younkin of Connellsville Pa. He was a B&O engineer & died Feby 27, 1887 from injuries recd in a wreck "one of the best men ever lived" says Mrs H. see page 110. [which reads:] Nancy C. Carothers m. John T. Younkin

Bessie, m. J. Frank Murphy of Dawson & now live at Colfax, Oklahoma where he is a jeweler. Married Nov 28, 1895.

Gene Elinore, D.y. B Dec 11, 1896 ob Aug 14, 1904

Donald Van Dale, a teacher B Feby 7, 1898

Kathryn Houston, High school teacher B Feby 19, 1899

Alfred Cochran (named for A.J.C.) B. Oct 2, 1901

Harry, d.y.

John William, m. Etta Lowe, daughter of James M.D. Lowe of Smithfield Pa. He is a B&O engineer at Smithfield Pa. Born July

9, 1880 & married on Dec 21, 1905.

Harold Younkin Born Dec 31, 1907

Lulu Pearl Younkin, m. Joseph Clarke Page, son of Sam'l C. Page recently deceased at Connellsville Pa when she was 17 married Aug 5, 1902. She was born Jany 15, 1884 & lives at 1931 East 32d ST Balto Md where he has charge of Exporting Coal for Archie McNeal Inc.

Edith, B May 24, 1903

Joseph C. Jr, B Apr 3, 1906

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Ehrhart Hotel, Cadiz, O. July 3, 1922 10:26 PM Room 25

I recall that Mrs Hoop told me yesterday that there was an Ed Carruthers who was now a conductor on the P&LE RR Co who is up in the fifties who recently told her that he roomed & slept with her brother, Joe Carothers at Connellsville nearly 40 yrs ago. While they were with us, we had a very severe rain, wind, thunder & lightning storm & President & Mrs Warren G. Harding accompanied by Gen Jno J. Pershing, Gov Wm C. Sproul, Chas G. Dawes, stopped at Will Crow's Mountain home 15 minutes & arrived at the Summit House at dusk & remained over night on their auto drive from Gettysburgh Pa to Marion O. I was getting ready for my trip out here & did not go to bed last night, but found where W.H. Thompson's family here connects on with ours, his great grandfather, John, being a brother of my great great grandfather Thomas. I left on the 6:40 PM train & had satisfactory conferences with John F. Hudson, H.C. McEldowney, Dewitt Haler, Wm E. Hague, W.A. Seifert, Wm Gates, Rose S. Maloney, J.H. Schriffhouer & others & in Union Trust Co met A.W. Mellon. Left by PRR 3:10 PM arrived here 6:40. Went to see Mrs A.H. Lynn's 7:55 & left 10:15 PM. Called H.M. Thompson at 7 & got his wife & asked her to have him accompany me in the morning to New Athens to see Miss Logan

V7 Page 112 & V7 Page 113

[Descendant Chart]

Dr Samuel Thompson of North Huntingdon Tp made his will Sept 10, 1800 & it was proven Apr 23, 1808 & from it his wife's name seems to have been Mary. Miss Sarah E. Logan says that her mother told her they came over the mountains on pack horses & had several times to flee back east of the mountains to Cumberland Valley by reason of the Indian raids. She thinks many & perhaps all of the children were born East of the mountains. I am listing the children here in order as given in will in order to question Miss Logan about each & giving their married names as given in will. Miss Logan says her mother said three of the nine girls married second husbands, but she don't know which ones. Says some of them must have lived in Dist of Columbia or Maryland as they had spoken of seeing Martha Washington often & some two came [sons? born? very hard to read] in Penna Kept slaves as one of her Aunts had a boy at the same time a woman slave had. The slave woman died & the aunt nursed her own & the black baby both.

[Their Children]

Susan Shannon, heard her mother speak often of the Shannons & thought they were probably located in Westnd Pa. May 4/23. Says some of the relatives in the West have spoken about seeing some of the Shannon relatives in Iowa

William Thompson, m. Martha ________, Says her mother often spoke of several or most all of their daughters dying, young of the consumption & she was living & spoke of it again when several of the Grays died from consumption. Says she cannot add to what Mr Black & H.M.S. have given me.

Jane Jeffries, Has heard her mother speak of them but don't know where they lived.

Elizabeth Oliver, never heard her mention this name

Margaret Campbell. Have heard her speak of the Campbells but know nothing about them. Her mother called her "Aunt Campbell".

Agnes Thompson. She survived her husband & is buried with him & many of the Fultons in Deer Creek U.P. Church, Butler Co Cem abt 4 miles from Bakerstown, Pa. She married James Fulton, who she thinks was born in this County east of the mountains & says his grandfather, ie her own great great grandfather fought in "Boynewater". Says her mother always told her that she was a first cousin of Robert Fulton, the inventor, who she said was but 3 yrs younger than his Uncle James. When I told Miss Logan that Robert was born in 1765, she said then that her grandfather would be born 1762. She don't know when or where they were married, nor the year they went to Butler Co at an early day & had often to flee to the block house for protection because of Indian raids but these did not continue after her mother's birth in 1803. Miss Logan says when her mother was at the old home in Butler Co Pa, she tore two leaves from her parents bible that had the record of the births & marriages & brought it to her home here in Ohio & Miss L. says she thinks it is packed with her effects which are now at her nieces, Martha L. Ginsey's in Uhrichsville, O. Says she can only give her own & her brother's ages in her family, but her sister, Lucinda Ross, widow of John M. Ross aged 86 yrs now living with her oldest son who never married, Samuel Ross at Coldwater, Kansas can give all their births. They live in the edge of town & he works for the railroad. James Fulton was a farmer & had a large tract of land near to Deer Creek U.P. Church which went four of his sons. He was born Mch 19, 1763 & Agnes Thompson, his wife, was born Jany 8, 1762. They were married Monday, March 8, 1784. They went to Butler Co Pa in Dec 1792. (See Book 12 P 271 for No 8)

1. Mary Fulton, Born Mch 6, 1785 m. John? Clendering a farmer & lived in Butler Co. Had children almost as old as Miss Logan's mother. Thinks they are buried at Deer Cr G.y. Had 6 or 7 girls, but no boys.

Isabel, m. Boone. Didn't live in Butler Co Pa. Saw [rest of line runs off the page & is unreadable CW]

Lucina [sic] M. a Nolan or Newlon & lived at Quaker Ch abt 4 miles fr [unreadable] Pa. Had [unreadable]

Nancy, m. Snyder a farmer in Butler Co Pa. No issue.

Eliza Jane, oldest died unmarried & likely buried at Deer Cr g.y. as she lived on a farm near [unreadable]

Harriet, m. Boone, a brother of she thinks of Isabel's husband. Lived on farm in Butler Co Pa

More girls, but no boys.

3. Samuel Fulton, was in War of 1812 & a farmer. M. Allison. Buried at Deer Cr g.y. See Page 118. He was born Feby 6, 1790.

6. James Fulton, a farmer & ran a carding machine for yrs & made coffins among others for 12 Revolutionary soldiers. He married Jane Hayes. Buried at Deer Cr g.y. See Page 119. He was born May 17, 1795.

2. John Fulton, a farmer m. Ann Hayes, a sister she now says of James' wife. Both buried at Deer Cr g.y. She thinks in the 50's See Page 120. He was born May 23, 1787

5. Robert Fulton, twin of Wm m. Margaret Robinson? called her "Aunt Peggy". She died many yrs before him & he lived with his daughter, Mrs Carson near Turtle Creek & died there aged 80. He was a farmer. His farm was in the Dick Ch neighborhood where he attended & is probably buried there. See Page 120. He was born Dec 8, 1792

4. William Fulton, twin with Robt, was born Dec 8, 1792 married 1st, Sarah Thompson (daughter of William) who was his first cousin & lived near Cadiz O & is probably buried in the old Cadiz cemetery. She left one boy aged 2 yrs & his father carried him in front of him on a pillow on horseback to his own mother in Butler Co Pa. He married 2d Miss Mary Moore Of near Cadiz O. She was the oldest probably of 6 or 7 girls & abt 6 boys. He was a farmer here & sold out & bought a farm in McLean Co, Ill &U when they went up in years sold it & moved into Bloomington Ills where both died, he first & she died at a grandson's who lived on a farm near there. Probably both buried at Bloomington. See Page 122.

7. Jesse Fulton, born Nov 15, 1797 m. Margaret Brown of Butler Co Pa. He was a farmer & both buried she supposes at Deer Creek g.y. She half thinks he died first. Both lived to be quite old. See Page 123.

9. See Page 134 Elizabeth Fulton Born in Feby 16, 1802, most likely on the farm in Butler Co Pa. All the other children of her parents were born prior to 1800. They were married in Butler Co Pa in 1826 & she thinks in Sept "Miss Logan fixes this date from the marriage of her Uncle John Logan in 1819 & her mother often saying she was married 7 yrs later. Married Samuel Logan, son of John Logan, was born in May 1, 1801, in Allegheny Co, thinks in Pine Tp on a farm owned by John Logan then 600 A which went to his son Wm & fr him to his son John, then 300 A & now owned by his son John, a great grandson of the first John. They went to housekeeping on a part of his father's farm in Pine Tp & lived there until May 1841 & moved then to a farm of abt 140 A (to which he added 80A) which he bought on Big Stillwater Creek, Washington Tp near Tippecanoe, Harrison Co & he lived there until his death Mch 14, 1866 & he is buried at Feed Spring Ch G.Y. He never farmed until he came to this Co, having been a tanner in Penna. She died in Dec 30, 1876 in New Athens O & is buried at Methodist Ch Cemetery.

Sarah Simeral [dau of Dr Samuel & Mary Thompson] Has heard her mother speak of Simerals & thinks they lived in Westnd Co. Says they had children. Says the wife of Rev Wm Grimes of Steubenville O (both dead) was A Simeral thinks of this family. They have a son & daughter living now in Steubenville.

Mary McGrew, has only recollection of hearing her mother speak of them but don't know of her descendants. See Book 12 Pages 253 & 254.

Martha McLucas, Don't recall this name. See B 20 P 178 P 40 et al

Rebecka Brotherton, her mother often spoke of her as "Aunt Brotherton" & she thinks they lived east of the mountains.

Samuel Thompson, He got 207 A by his father's will. Don't recall hearing her mother speak of him & knowing nothing of his descendants.

V7 Page 114

At residence of Homes M. Thompson, Cadiz O July 4th, 1922 12:07 PM No 159 Charlestown? St

I came up here at 7 o'clock this morning & met Mr & Mrs Thompson. She phoned to Jennie Henderson's at New Athens O & found that Miss Logan was coming to Cadiz this morning on the hack & was about ready to start, but who said she would see me here. She was coming for a visit with Miss Jennie Clark. I then went across the street, third house down, to No 224 Charlestown? St, the home of J. Steen Black & met him & Mrs Black. She said she gave me in Feby last when there, the wrong generation in the Milligan family. She gave me the generation John Milligan, the younger, instead of John Milligan, the elder, who married Margaret Thompson, daughter of William Thompson of Dr Samuel. John Milligan lived in Sewickly Tp, out near Sewickly Church at the old Milligan homestead. Mrs Black said they had 4 boys & 3 girls, one of the girls dying unmarried, their names being, John, William, Alexander, Joseph, Mary Ann & Jane. She didn't recall the name of the one that died. She says there is a book of the Milligan family extant & if Mrs Bruner does not have it with the record of the Milligans, I will find one at the old home nearby, now occupied by Mrs Black's sister, Mrs Elizabeth Milligan, widow of Harrison Milligan who owns it & lives there with her brother J. Ed Robertson. She thinks this Book will give record of all the descendants of the first John & Margaret Thompson. She however gave this outline of their children:

V7 Page 115

1. John got the old home farm. He mar Sarah Simeral

[4](Å!(§_(__ _

3. Alexander was married & lived in Logan Co, O

4. Joseph married a Highberger & lived on one of the three farms made out of the original tract.

5. Mary Ann married Israel Miller, brother of Leah Robb

6. Jane married John McAyael.

Mrs Black's sister, Mrs Elizabeth Milligan above named is 80 yrs old.

Mr & Mrs Black say that William Thompson, son of Dr Samuel & his wife are buried on the old farm on which they lived, probably the one given to his, William's, sons by his father, Dr Sam'l & there were stones to mark their graves. Said Sallie Thompson, sister of Holmes M. & her father, Samuel Thompson, were there abt 20 yrs ago & the inscriptions were then legible. This burial place is not far from Irwin Pa. Mrs Black says that Mrs Lucy Hood, living in West Newton Pa has the Bible of her grandmother, who was the widow of John Thompson of William of Dr Samuel & who before her marriage was Mary Mitchell. John died the same month that his son William, his only child, the father of Mrs Hood, was born. Mrs Lucy Hood wrote to Mrs Black May 18, 1917 & gave in the letter the following dates & record from her Grandmother's Bible:

Mary Mitchell was married to John Thompson Sept 22, 1816

Their son William Thompson was born Dec 22, 1818.

His father, John Thompson died Dec 28, 1818

In another place is recorded that:

Mary Reed died Aug 26, 1827

I left Mr & Mrs Black's at 8:30 AM & walked

V7 Page 116

down to the Cadiz Auto Supply Co run by W.H. Thompson, a tall slender, capable man, who I had stopped to shake hands with on my way up & he gave me much data about his great grandfather, John Thompson to corroborate Anjou's History Page 82. He said John Thompson was married twice, first to Jane Laughlin & second to Susan Laughlin. He says the family Bible of his father, Alexander & he thinks too of his grandfather, Hugh are out at the old farm where his son & brother live 9 miles out & I have arranged to take him out tomorrow morning. At his store I phoned to Miss Jennie Clark at No 234 Muskingum St Tel 137-R & she told me Miss Logan had come up here to Holmes M. Thompson. I had arrived at his store which is just this side of the Harrison Natl Bank on Market St at 8;40 & left at 9;20 Am going to to the toilet at the Ehrhart Hotel as a diarrhoea developed this morning when I got up at 5:15 & my bowels have moved there twice, once at Mr Black's & twice here. I then walked up here & Mrs Thompson introduced me to another new cousin, Miss Sarah E. Logan, a small delicate woman in appearance with dark piercing eyes, but an attractive personality, on my arrival about 9:55 AM. After talking with her about an hour, I commenced to write down in an orderly manner what she told me on Pages 112 & 113 up to & including the name of her Uncle James Fulton in the genealogical table when she had to go at 11:50 AM to Miss

V7 Page 117

Clark's for a 12 o'clock dinner & to see an old friend who is to be there & Mrs Thompson asking her to stay here all night, she s'd if I would come back here at 4 o'clock, we would continue our work & record. She said her mother had often spoken of some of her Thompson relatives, Miss Logan thinking it was someone or more of these aunts living in Mississippi on the Mississippi River at the time of an earthquake there in 1810, at which time the earth shook, but more noticeably many of the trees along the River shook very much.

Miss Logan said that a few yrs ago, an aged preacher named Thompson attending Presbytery at Coldwater, Kansas, who was entertained by her sister, Mrs Lucinda Ross, claimed that he was related to Mrs Ross's Thompsons. Two of his sons live in Dodge City, Kansas. It is now about 2 Pm & as I have two hours before Miss Logan gets back, I think I will walk out this street to the cemetery & get what records I desire.

V7 Page 118

[Descendant Chart]

Samuel Fulton, see page 112


Allison was, she thinks, oldest. Don't know whether there were any other boys. Never say him. He went to Davis Co Iowa probably before it was a State. He was single when he went there. Don't know whether he married out there or not.

Oldest girl, m. a man named Brown & lived in the neighborhood on a farm down near the Allegheny River. No issue.

Mary } Neither one ever married. Lived on home

Jane } place & died there.

Leah, M. George Hayes, a farmer in the neighborhood & both died there. No issue.

Nancy, the youngest, m. Alexr Mahon, a farmer & lived in Butler Co Pa & had 6 or 7 children both boys & girls, but don't know their names, but thinks some of them will be living there yet. See Book 12 P. 306.

V7 Page 119

[Descendant Chart]

James Fulton, See Page 112.


Nancy Fulton, m. Samuel Fleming, a farmer in Butler Co Pa. They moved abt 1861 to a farm of abt 240 A abt 3 miles from Washington, Iowa which he bought & both died there & are probably buried in Washington Cem. He was hauling a load of wheat into Washington & fell off in front & the wheels ran over his bowels & killed him. She moved from the farm to Washington Iowa & survived him 20 yrs. She died some 7 or 8 yrs ago away up in the 80s. Miss Logan spent the winter of 1879-80 with them.

William, lives on home place or on a farm close to it which his wife owned. He married 1st & had one little girl & then mar 2d but don't think she bore him any children. He is living.

Sarah, m. McClellan, a lawyer, living in Missouri. Both living. No issue.

George, married but don't live abt Washington. Is probably a farmer.

Allen, the youngest married & lived in Washington Iowa & died shortly after marriage leaving one child. He took epileptic fits after he was married & died from them. She thinks his widow is living.

Bennington, a bachelor, went to Iowa at an early day, thinks he taught school. Spent his last days in Washington & lived with one of his brothers there. He died in Washington aged she thinks upwards of 80 yrs.

James, went to Davis Co Iowa when a young man & married there. A farmer. Had a pair of twins, Billie & Tillie. See Book 12 Pages 346 & 347.

Robert H., M. May Fleming, a sister of Nancy's husband & went to Iowa in the '70s. He was living in Butler Co Pa in 8172. He located near West Chester, Washington Co, Iowa. He lived in the path of a cyclone which took everything before it, but fortunately lifted & swooped down again beyond his farm. See Book 13 Page 78.

James, lives in Kansas at Fort Scott

George, m & lives near Washington Ia. Has children.

Clara, married & lived in Wash Ia. No issue.

A dau, married & lives in neighborhood.

George, died in Butler Co Pa unmarried & is probably buried at Deer Cr g.y. Was a school teacher. Had lived west but came back to Penna, was quite old.

Mary Ann, m. a Cook in Iowa, a widower when she was 40 & had no issue. Both died near Wash. Iowa

William, m. Matilda Carson, an Irish girl of Pgh Pa & lived in Wash Iowa where he kept a furniture store was considered mortally wounded at battle of Antietam MD, but lived, through it. Thinks both are living at least was a yr ago. He died June 14, 1924 aged almost 90, so Sarah E. Logan wrote Sept 15, 1924.

Carson, Lives Wash, unmarried. Thinks he is a traveling man. Ran off to Texas when 17, but when a mob burned a nigger, he rushed back.

Nelson, married, storekeeper in Wash Ia

Robert, married, Don't know where he lives

Jane, married & died shortly after leaving a little girl which her parents took to raise

Maria, married a Doctor in Wash & has children

A daughter, youngest, not married that she knows of. Is a bookkeeper in a store there.

Eliza, married Cyrus Anderson of Butler Co Pa, a farmer there. Did live in Wash Co, Iowa, but went west to Lenox Iowa. Both died at or near Lennox, Iowa. Had a large family. See Book 12 P 290.

Howard, oldest, [unreadable words] farmer


Jane, only girl

Another boy or two

V7 Page 120 & V7 Page 121

[Descendant Chart]

John Fulton, see Page 112


Nelson Fulton, an only child, married in Butler Co, Pa & lived on a farm near the old home. Had several children, all girls, but don't know how many or their names. He died recently away over 80. Supposes the girls are married & living about there.

[Descendant Chart]

Robert Fulton, see Page 112


William Fulton, Never married. Lived & died in Irwin, Pa. Thinks he worked for the Government. Probably buried in Irwin or near there. Became terribly dissipated, was over 6 ft & very large & was bright. Died at his brother Robert's. He fell & broke his leg & they were abt taking him to a hospital at Pgh when he died on the platform at Irwin Pa.

Alexander Fulton, married & lived at Shaner Sta & kept a store (it was on the Yough River). He died in Irwin Pa quite old.

Mary, died unmarried

William } Both boys were married

A son } & are now dead.

James Fulton, m. Sophia Markle. He was a school teacher & storekeeper & both died at Irwin Pa.

John Charles, m. Ray & lives in Uniontown Pa. An architect.

George, disappeared. May 4/23 thinks he lives in State of Washington

Cassius M. married? Has one hand cut off. H.M.T. thinks he disappeared. Lives Staten Island, unmarried.

Ida, M. Rev J.S. Garvin & now live in Vermont

Robert Fulton. He lived at Irwin Pa. M.1. McCleary & had 3 sons. M.2 Mary White, a sister of James White & had 3 sons & 1 daughter. He was a contractor of the firm of R & H Fulton & built our Public School Building. & H.M.T. thinks he built the court house at Greensburg Pa & same year built 110 8 room houses for a coal works. The second wife let the children do as they pleased. Robert always told me he was related to our Thompsons.

Robert Fulton, married & lives in Irwin Pa & has quite a family of children. Lives on Oak St, have 3 boys & 6 girls.

Humphrey Ford Fulton, married about Irwin, a redheaded girl & he was very dark. He lives on the heights in Cleveland O. Has 6 girls & 1 boy, 4 girls married, 2 live in Cleveland O one in Nova Scotia & one in British Columbia. The boy was overseas in World War See Book 11 Pages 346, 347, 392 et seq

Wilbur, married & did live in Irwin Pa but left there, but is now dead leaving some children.

Joseph, don't know what became of him, was a nice little boy, but both think he went to the bad.

Thomas, Thinks he is married, but don't know where he lives.

James, married & lives in Chicago Ills. Is an artist & works on a newspaper. Have issue.

Margaret, youngest, died unmarried in her teens.

Humphrey Fulton [son of Robert Sr]. He never married, but was very fond of dogs. I knew him very well. He was over 6 ft tall & very droll & full of jokes. He was of the firm of R & H Fulton & had personal charge of the work in building the opera house & boarded in Uniontown Pa. He died in Irwin Pa where he lived with his sister, Mrs Carson

John Fulton, married late in life to an Irwin region woman. He was a farmer 3 or 4 miles out of Irwin, Pa but later moved into Irwin & died there. Had but one child.

A daughter, who is married

Nancy Fulton, the youngest of the family she thinks. Miss Logan says "she was the cleanest housekeeper I ever knew". Her mother had a stroke of paralysis & she took care of her several years & the same she took care of her father, her husband, her brother Humphrey & several others. She kept such a good boarding house that none of her boarders ever left her. She died about 21 yrs ago. She married a widower named Carson who had two sons & two daughters by his first wife. She had but one child.

Robert Carson, He was living a few yrs ago in Kentucky at Huntingdon Ky, across the Ohio River from Ironton, O. He is a large handsome man over six feet tall. He married in Irwin Pa. Both living. Thinks he has three children. He is a mining engineer.

V7 Page 122 & V7 Page 123

[Descendant Chart]

William Fulton, See Page 113. He was in War of 1812 a member of Capt Laughlin's Riflemen of Penna. June 28, 1924, Frank Thompson Fulton, grandson, Moundsville WVA wrote Aug 9, 1923 that his grandmother 1st wife of this Wm was Leah Thompson, Mrs J. Steen Black Feby 1, 1922 Book 6 p 262 gave her name as Nancy & Sarah E. Logan on July 4, 1922 P 113 this book gave it as Sarah


Samuel Thompson Fulton, Born 1820, only child by 1st wife. m. Martha Robinson, daughter of Jos Robinson & wife Mary Ford of Tippecanoe, Harrison Co, O born in 1825 in Harrison Co O. He died of typhoid fever in Leroy Ills near Bloomington Ills at Lytleville Ills in August 1862 & his son Frank, was born after his death. She died abt 12 yrs ago. They were married in Uhrichsville O in 1843. He is buried in Old Passwater Cem near Heyworth Ills. She died in 1905 at Moundsville WVA & buried there.

Luella Fulton, B Sept 14, 1860 in Lytleville, Ills m. on June 16, 1886 at Wichita Ks Wm Elmer Blackburn of Anthony Kansas, an editor of a paper now in Kansas. Both living. Editor Herington Sun, Herington, Kan Box 628. He born Feby 24, 1862 at Harrisville, O.

Thompson Fulton, B Feb 24, 1895, a newspaper reporter in Chicago, Ills married 1917 to Winona Jones, western girl. Lives 2061 Kenilworth Ave & works for C.W. Nichols Co. No issue.

Kate, B May 3, 1888 m. Oley W. WEaver on June 16, 1912, editor of a paper in Kansas City. Has no issue. Lives now 830 Bertrand St Manhattan, Kansas Adopted 2.

A boy, Wm Abner*5 B Mch 7, 1890 m. Sept 24, 1912 to Rene Beebe who died Sept 14, 1913

Wm Lawrence, B Sept 13, 1913

Philip Carl, youngest B. Sept 20, 1904 in Anthony Kan. Frank Thompson Fulton, B at Barnesville, O Jany 23, 1863 & is a telegraph operator at Moundsville WVA M.1. Nora Dolbeare M.2. Bertena Mabel Hale, a school teacher. No issue by either wife[5]Pa William




These four [above] oldest d.y.

William Fulton [son of William] m.1. Eliza Boyd, daughter of Wm Boyd, an old Irishman of near Tippecanoe O. M.2. a widow in Lincoln, Nebraska. He was a doctor & a Methodist preacher "when they died he preached their funeral sermon". Had a big family. The girls by 1st wife died of consumption.

Hannah Mary & Sarah Ann, twins born at Tippecanoe O, one of them got married. They looked so much alike they used to fool the boys. Both died young. Very pretty.

Alice, died young, unmarried. Born in Tippecanoe O. Beautiful

Robert, born in Tippecanoe O & d.y.

3 boys & 1 girl born at Mahomet Ills where the 1st wife died

3 girls by 2d wife.

Robert, died of consumption at Tippecanoe O Unmarried aged abt 20 yrs

James, m.1. Mary Boyd a sister of Wm's wife, a pretty woman. M.2. in Illinois "the homeliest woman I ever saw. He was a farmer & she was a toothless barefooted farmeress". Had two children by 1st wife & three by 2d wife. The 2d wife's children were the most obedient Miss L ever saw. See Book 20 P [unreadable]

Eliza Ann, m. B.H. Black, a farmer & lives near Freeport, Harrison Co O. Have two sons & two daughters that they recall. See Book 9 p 26.

A boy, mother died when a baby & grandfather Wm Fulton raised him. He then took care of his grandmother. Married & lives near Leroy Ills. Was a farmer. His name Albert

A boy

A girl

A girl

All [last three above] married & gone from home. Miss L. thinks they hurried up & got married to escape their mother's strict regime.

Sarah Fulton, m.1. John Boyd, brother of Eliza & Mary, a storekeeper in Bloomington Ills. M.2. in Bloomington but is now dead. Just had one child by 1st husband & none by 2d.

Alwilla Boyd. She held the setting hen on the nest at her Aunt's - (James 2d wife). Married a lawyer in Bloomington Ills & they moved to Nebraska to Hebron Nebraska. His name was Jacob Schwer? (pronounced Swear). See Book 9 P 306-309.

[Descendant Chart]

Jesse Fulton, see Page 113


Thompson Fulton, married & lived in Butler Co Pa near Glade Mill & had some children. Thinks they are both dead.

Leslie Fulton, m.1. Matilda Bicket & had 3 children. m.2. ________ & had 8 children. M.3. an old maid & had no more children. He lived at Parnassus Pa & Miss Logan went there to see him & met him on the street & knew him although she hadn't seen him for 40 yrs. This was abt 5 yrs ago. He was an old soldier. The last wife was rich & lived in an old fashionable house & was very old fashioned herself. He died abt 3 yrs ago & is probably buried at Parnassus. His last wife is still living. The eleven children above noted are, she thinks, about all married & "live around" near the Allegheny River or about Parnassus Pa. He was upwards of 80 when he died.

Nancy Ellen Fulton, m. William Thompson of Butler Co Pa & thinks she died young soon after. Don't know whether she had any children. She died in Allegheny Co. He too is dead.

[child #8 from page 113 sister of Jesse et al]

Agnes Fulton. See Page 113, born Jany 25, 1801, Died Aug 29, 1801.

V7 Page 124

Ehrhart Hotel, Room 25, Cadiz O July 5, 1922 12:33 AM

Taking up my recital where I left off a little before 2 PM 4th on Page 117, I walked out to the New Cadiz Cem where I arrived at 2 PM & worked fast round & round it & finished at 5:11 PM transcribing 24 pages of note size sheets 40 items which I will now transcribe. I walked back to H.M. Thompson where it arrived at 5:22 & found from Mrs T. that Miss Logan had not come up from Miss Jennie Clark's, so I told Mrs T. I would come back abt 7 PM. Walked down briskly to Cadiz Auto Supply Co & saw Wm H. Thompson & made arrangements to start at 1 PM this 5th to go to the Country to his old home, then came to this hotel at 5:30 PM & had my sixth stool of the day & two more at 8:30 & 10 at H.M. Thompson's tonight, made 8 for the day. I then called up Miss Jennie Clark & she said Miss Logan wd be up at H.M.T's abt 6:30 & I told her to tell her I would be up at 7 PM. I then at 6 PM went to the Carlton Restrt & got my dinner 6 to 6:30 & reached H.M.T's at 6:55 Pm & went right to work with Cousin Sarah E. Logan commencing on Page 112 with John Fulton, son of James & Agnes & made up his record & that of the other 4 childrne on that

V7 Page 125

& the next page & listed the children of Mary Clendenning on page 112 & her six brothers on Pages 118 to 123 inclusive. At midnight, Mrs T. called a halt & wanted to retire as she was getting up at 5:30 AM, so I told them a few experiences & left at 12:20 AM & walked briskly down after arranging with all three of them to come back at 7 AM to finish up the family of Cousin Sarah's mother. Upon asking about the old Cadiz Cem, Mr & Mrs T. told me the stones were all down & piled up preparatory to plowing it & sowing it in grass, but some janitor has copied all the inscriptions H.M. said & thought I could get them from him. I will now transcribe from the notes I took down out at the Cem by pencil. It is now 1:06 AM

From Page 122

In addition to the four children listed on page 122 of Luella & Wm Elmer Blackburn, there were Joseph & Dorothy who died in infancy & Frank Ellis Blackburn born in Anthony, Kan May 19, 1899. Wm Elmer Blackburn is son of Abner Rittenhouse Blackburn & his wife Rebecca Chamberlin. Frank Thompson Fulton says he married 1st Aug 10, 1905 to Nora Dolbeare born at Philippi WVA Apr 1865 & died May 29, 1909, daughter of Dr Lorenzo Dow Dolbeare & wife Ann Harden. M.2d Aug 27, 1917 to Berdena Mable Hale who was born at Omro, Wis, Mch 31, 1870, daughter of Quintus Cincinnatus Hale & his wife Frances Hannah Boocock. He wants a book.

V7 Page 126

The Cadiz O New Cemetery July 4, 1922 2 to 5:11 PM I commenced at the entrance below main driveway & the walk & worked clear back & around the cemetery to the entrance gate where I started.

No.1. Jonathan West Sr died Nov 27, 1862 aged 75 yrs 2 mos 13 days

Comfort, wife of Jonathan West died Mch 15, 1857 aged 65 yrs 8 mos 26 days

No 2. Alexander Henderson died Oct 24, 1842 aged 55 yrs

Hannah, his wife died Sept 2, 1875 aged 85 yrs

No 3. John Conwell Sept 23, 1827, July 12, 1920

Mary J. Conwell, Feby 5, 1828, Nov 4, 1886

No 4. Susan Fryer born 1795 died 1889, an open book on a rough sandstone all in one piece.

No 5. Rev J. Lorimer Thompson D.D. 1851 - 1896

No 6. Alexander Fulton 1838 - 1914

No 7. Thomas J. Robertson (Father) 1844 - 1915 Co I 4th Pa Cav

It is 1:36 AM & I am getting sleepy & will go to bed

It is 5:15 AM & I got up at 5 AM & will continue

No 8. Rebecca Conwell, Born Mch 16, 1814 died June 7, 1886

Elizabeth Cox Born Jany 1, 1801 died Jany 31, 1879 Both on same monument.

No 9. Laura E., dau of John & Nancy Brothers Died Sept 19, 1861 aged 1 yr 7 mos 15 days.

V7 Page 127

Mary E., daughter of John & Nancy Brothers died Sept 22, 1861 aged 5 yrs 6 mos & 18 days.

10. Eliza A. Robb 1847 - 1909

11. 3 or 4 Morgans

12. Joseph Robb 1847 - 1907

Amanda J., wife of Joseph Robb Sept 14, 1834 - May 12, 1901

13. John McFaddin w.d.t.l. Apr 13, 1835 in his 89th yr

Margaret, wife of John McFaddin w.d.t.l. Apr 26, 1826 aged 75 yrs 7 4 other McFaddens

14. This is the Clark monument down in the corner by the road under a fine big tree just to left of entrance, six markers, left to right.

Jane Clark (nee Jack) 1753 - 1834

James Clark 1751 - 1833

Rachel Clark 1793 - 1854

Joseph Clark 1778 - 1861

James Clark 1812 - 1847

Joseph Clark 1830 - 1906

15. Porter monument & three markers

Samuel M. Porter, May 18, 1837, June 21, 1908

Martha T. Porter, 1839 - ______

Ellis R. Porter 1865 - _______

Have now at 3:11 PM in 1 hr & 11 minutes gotten clear around the outside circle & am starting back around the second time above the ash or coal ash driveway, the same way round.

16. Col John S. Pearce 98 O.V.I. monument erected by Comrades & associates

Bryden Pearce, marker, Apr 11, 1890, July 31, 1918

Frances Timmons Pearce 1888 - 1918

V7 Page 128

17. David Thompson died May 2, 1869 aged 95 yrs 2 mos & 1 day

Martha, wife of David Thompson died March 10, 1844 aged 62 yrs 3 mos & 2 days

David C., son of James & Margaret Thompson died June 24, 1873 aged 17 yrs 4 mos & 17 days

James Thompson died July 17, 1896 in his 79th yr

Margaret Thompson 1825 - 1914

Wm I. McDonald died Dec 29, 1880 aged 6 mos 23 days

Mary Emma, daughter of James & Margaret Thompson died Nov 7, 1864 aged 15 yrs 9 mos 11? days

18. Aaron Ross 1811 - 1897

His wife, Nancy 1823 - 1911

A slab by it "Lieut John Ross, Pa Mil Rev War"

19. Rachel Laughlin died May 2, 1895 aged 79 yrs

Elizabeth, daughter of R & R Laughlin died Jany 6, 1873 aged 39 yrs 1 mos

Alice R. died Feby 22, 1899 aged 48 yrs 5 mos 1 day

Albert W. Laughlin 1856 - 1919

20. Crider or Grider monument


Lawrence F. 1829 - 1907

Rebecca J. 1832 - 1916

Losia A. 1853 - 1918

21. Samuel Moorhead 1796 - 1879

Sarah H. Moorhead 1803 - 1897

Morrison Moorhead 1838 - 1918

22. Johnson Craig born Dec 3, 1803 died July 14, 1888

Margaret Craig born Dec 26, 1810 died July 16, 1890, a faithful worker in the Lord's vineyard.

V7 Page 129

23. Margaret Hilands died Nov 22, 1876 aged 36 yrs 3 mos 9 days

Edgar Hilands died Nov 21, 1876 aged 11 mos 5 days

24. Andrew H. Carnahan 1832 - 1907

Elizabeth Wood Carnahan 1840 - 1917

Tempel Carnahan 1869 - 1899

25. Dr William T. (Thompson) Sharp Dec 16, 1833, Mch 23, 1899

Charles F. McCann Dec 31, 1861, Oct 28, 1896

John Carnahan Mch 20, 1806, Aug 31, 1883

Martha Carnahan Sept 25, 1800, Feby 13, 1881

Martha J. Black Nov 15, 1840, Dec 18, 1878

Bell Glandon, niece of John & Martha Carnahan died ____? 6, 1863 aged 13 yrs 10 mos 11 days

26. A big lot of Robbs

27. Ephraim Clark Feby 16, 1826, Oct 10, 1886

Isabella K. Clark Sept 5, 1827, Jany 21, 1910

Oliver Clark Dec 9, 1847, Mch 3, 1894

Cora V. Clark, Aug 13, 1870, Nov 12, 1876

Francis I. Clark, Aug 18, 1850, Nov 23, 1857

28. Joseph R. Hunter died Apr 4, 1886 aged 82 yrs

Letitia McFadden Hunter died Apr 13, 1886 aged 71 yrs

Mary Hunter died Jany 30, 1858 aged 17 yrs 59 mos

29. John A. Bingham & his dear wife Amanda 1815 - 190 1825 - 1891 [respectively]

Now 4:20 PM around 2d time & starting 3d round same way.

V7 Page 130

30. John Clifford 1816 - 1900

Ann G. Clifford 1829 - 1912

Mary Clifford 1791 - 1867

Sarah J. Clifford 1861 - 1863

John R. Clifford 1860 - 1860

Mary A. Clifford 1829 - 1863

Mary Clifford 1855 - 1875

31. Samuel Cochran Mch 31, 1811, Dec 7, 1899

His wife Margaret, July 11, 1820, Jany 29, 1906

Clara Cochran Clark, Apr 3, 1850, Jany 20, 1878

Robert Byron Cochran Feby 1, 1852, May 27, 1915

Clara S. Cochran, wife of Oliver Clark, Born Apr 3, 1850, died Jany 20, 1878 [see Clara Cochran Clark above, same person]

32. Jonathan Gray, born Jany 27, 1807, died July 14, 1873

Maria, wife of Jonathan Gray, born Jany 13, 1813, died Aug 25, 1885

Amanda Gray Born Jany 2, 1840 died Nov 4, 1870

Maggie P. Gray born Nov 2, 1841 died Mary 27, 1880

Mary E. Gray born Sept 7, 1847 died Apr 17, 1881

John Milton Gray born Nov 20, 1849, died Jany 10, 1883

Lizzie Gray born Aug 3, 1843, died Dec 25, 1881

Mattie J. Gray born Sept 15, 1857, died Aug 15, 1881

Emma Gray born Aug 23, 1854, died Jany 27, 1870

Samuel Thompson Gray born May 25, 1838, Killed in the Battle of Bentonville, Johnson Co, NC March 19, 1865 member of Co C 98 O.V.I.

All of above on monument

Our brother Benoni Gray died Nov 26, 1865 aged 46 yrs 3 mos 16 days.

V7 Page 131

33. Chauncey Dewey born Mch 27, 1796 died Feby 15, 1880

Nancy Pritchard, wife of Chauncy Dewey born Oct 27, 1804 died Sept 6, 1897. The monument is full of inscriptions & there is a marker.

34. J.H. Moorehead 1826 - 1903

Ellen S. Moorhead 1828 - 1917

Mary A. Hanna 1837 - 1864

A.F. Hanna 1830 - 1863

Moorhead on one side & Hanna on other side

35. Samuel Thompson died June 6, 1866 aged 81 yr 7 mos

Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Thompson died Aug 29, 1874 age 87 yrs 9 mos 15 days

Above on a cube monument & on markers are:

Samuel Thompson Nov 6, 1781[6]nts)¾║((N_Å(_B_(

Elizabeth S. Thompson Nov 14, 1785, Aug 29, 1873

Samuel Thompson Sept 18, 1822, July 23, 1905

Sarah J. Thompson Nov 15, 1829, Oct 31, 1917

Frank S., son of S & S.J.T. died Sept 10, 1856 aged 1 yr 7 mos 3? days

Isabella, wife of John J. Rea Born Apr 20, 1825 died Oct 12, 1879

36. Ingram Clark born Sept 21, 1816 died Feby 18, 1876

Sarah, his wife Oct 5, 1823, Feby 4, 1914

Rettier A. Clark, born Nov 10, 1842, died Apr 22, 1866

John M. Clark born Apr 12, 1849 died Apr 24, 1871

J. Alvin Clark born Nov 16, 1851 died Aug 25, 1909

37. John Sharp died Mch 16, 1878 aged 77 yrs

38. James Simeral died Sept 21, 1849 aged 57 yrs

The deceased was for many years a member of the Church of Beach Spring & died in fellowship with that church. Also a verse or text, a weeping willow tree above on his side of monument.

V7 Page 132

Mary Ann, wife of James Simeral Born June 11, 1790 died Apr 16, 1866

Robert Vincent Simeral Born July 26, 1822 died Apr 15, 1852 Forget me not.

39. Robert Cochran, Born Sept 15, 1771, died Feby 1, 1862

Sarah, wife of Robert Cochran born Jany 8, 1787 died Apr 4, 1867

Eleanor Cochran, dau of Robert & Sarah Cochran, born Feby 11, 1808 Died Sept 17, 1867

40. Robert Lyons Dec 14, 1803, Aug 17, 1887

His wife, Ann W. Apr 18, 1810, May 16, 1844

His wife, Ann B. Aug 31, 1799, Aug 8, 1884

Finished at 5:11 PM

Finished this transcribing 7:58 AM 5th

V7 Page 132 [cont.] & V7 Page 133

[Descendant Chart]



William Donald Logan, see this Book Page 135 Born July 1, 1838 ob Feby 2, 1913.

Frederick Johnson Logan, Born at Tippecanoe O Sept 3, 1866 mar Oct 23, 1890 to Mary Lucretia Jones, who was born Oct 6, 1868 at Uhrichsville, O, daughter of Jno J. Jones & his wife Sarah Ellen Taylor. They live Corner Hill & Ramsey Aves Carnegie Pa.

Helen Isabel Logan, born at Uhrichsville, O Sept 7, 1893 Mar to Dr William Aiken Bradshaw of Pgh Pa.

William Donald, born at Uhrichsville O Feby 25, 1899 mar to Marion Mae Oakley of Pgh Pa

Martha Anne Logan, born at Washington Pa Feby 21, 1903

Martha Logan, for further record see this book 7 page 134 & book 8 page 598. Mar Sept 6, 1866 Ziba S. Yarnall who was born at Deersville, O Aug 28, 1840 & died at Cortland Neb Dec 30, 1900.

1. Mary Elizabeth Yarnall, who was born Jany 3, 1868. Her present address June 20/23 is Mary Elizabeth Huestis, Montesanio, Wash. She mar at Cortland Neb Apr 22, 1886, Henry M. Huestis who was born near Salem O Dec 20, 1849, son of Aaron Huestis & his wife, Mary Ann Hale. See Page 234 Sept 14, 1923, her address now is Box 44 Star route [unreadable]oquiam Wash?. She writes Nov 5/23 Montesano Wash that she was married Apr 22, 1885, but I think 1886 is right.

William Charles Huestis, born Feby 7, 1886 at Imperial Neb M. Oct 24, 1910 Anna Darnall who was born at Redman Ill Sept 20, 1890 dau of Thomas C. Darnall & his wife Mollie E. Eubank. He is in Insurance business at Sioux Falls S.D.

Evelyn Lois Darnall B Sept 11, 1910 Neb

Harold Darnall Huestis born at Delta, Colorado Nov 6 1914.

Jesse Logan Huestis, Born Sept 3, 1888 at Imperial, Neb. M.1. Feb 8, 1913 at Delta Colorado to Bertha Ramola Blankenbecker, dau of Joseph Felix Blankenbecker & his wife Dora Parthenia Smith m.2. Sept 5, 1921 at Seattle Wash Florence E. Berg who was born Jany 29, 1892 at Wash, D.C. dau of John R. Berg & his wife Emma A. Whitman. His 1st wife was born in Ills Oct 15, 1891 & died at Montrose Colo Jany 8, 1916.

Kenneth Lehman Born Dec [unreadable] 1915

John Robert Huestis Born Aug 25, 1923

2. John Bennington Yarnall, Born in Marion Co, Iowa Dec 20, 1869 mar June 17, 1896 died Aug 29, 1907 in Harlen Co Neb married Eva Margaret Goodban born in Erie Co Pa Jany 12, 1872 dau of John Stephen Goodban & his wife Emma Jane Mosher

Eva Winifred, b July 22, 1897 in Gage Co Neb m. June 2, 1917 to John Leroy Miltenberger, son of John Walter Miltenberger & wife Elizabeth Schroder who was born Sept 19, 1895 in Red Willow Co, Neb.

Ralph Leroy, B Mch 15, 1918 in Gage Co Neb

Vivian Fay, B Apr 4, 1920 in Gage Co Neb

Hazel Virginia, B Sept 28, 1921 in Gage Co Neb

Ethleen Grace, B Nov 18, 1898 in Gage Co Neb m. Oct 27, 1921 to Charles Clifford Winkle son of Chas Noah Winkle & wife Ora Jerman who was born Apr 25, 1898 in Gage Co Neb near Pickrell.

Lois Luella, B May 8, 1902 in Harlan Co Neb

Muriel Florence, B Oct 10, 1904 in Harlan Co Neb

Edith Genevieve, B Sept 21, 1906 in Harlan Co Neb

4. Harriet Yarnall, Born[7] 30.-____((?(( _ June 20/23 is Harriet Dudley Neb. July 23, 1923, her sister Mary E. Huestis writes that her address is Gilead Neb. M.1. June 10, 1891 at Beatrice Neb by Rev. Miller Pres to Geo F. Haynes, son of Geo F. Haynes Sr Divorced. M.2. Nov 17, 1898 at Beatrice Neb by County judge to Milton S. Glass, son of John S. Glass, Divorced. M.3. Oct 26, 1915 at Guide Rock Neb by Meth preacher to Geo M. Simpson, son of Geo M. Simpson Sr. He died on Oct 6, 1916. M.4. Oct 28, 1917 at Guide Rock, Neb by the Baptist preacher to Wm Dudley, son of Frank Dudley. He died May 6, 1924. Geo F. Haynes was born in 1860 at Marshalltown, Iowa, Divorced in 1897 at Beatrice Neb. Milton s. Glass was born 1860 in Iowa & divorced in 1911 at Red Cloud Neb. Geo M. Simpson was born Apr 7, 1849 at Avon NY. Wm Dudley was born in NY 1850

Chas Wm Haynes B Apr 10, 1891 at Salem Kan

Nellie May Haynes B Nov 2, 1892 near Red Cloud Neb. m.1. on June 15, 1910 at Beatrice Neb to Ira Kitchen, divorced in Omaha Neb twice who she married twice ob Apr 15, 1919.

Helen Victoria, B Feby 25, 1912 unmarried

Virginia, Born & died Oct 2, 1916

These 5 [following] are Glass children.

Richd Milton B Nov 5, 1900 ob Jany 27, 1903

Grace Hope, b July 26, 1902 my informant. Lives at 4305 "O St Lincoln Neb.

Beatrice Thelma, B June 21, 1904

Robt Logan B July 27, 1906 m. June 19, 1924 Rose Brabac of Hubball Neb dau of Joseph & Mary Brabac

Harold, B Nov 21, 1925

See Bk 23 P 465

Harry Fulton, B April 13, 1909

Bennington Logan, see page 135 [son of Logan]

Ralph Evermont, oldest child. See Page 135 this book & also Book 8 Page 599. Married at Cambridge O Dec 2d, 1895 to Mary Simpson dau of Wm Laird Simpson & his wife Mary Elizabeth Duncan. She was born at Nov 23, 1869. After his death, she married on Mch 26, 1919 at Wheeling WVA Clyde Tracy & they live at Flushing Ohio. Her 3 chil all born in Cambridge Ohio.

Ruth Logan, B. Aug 3, 1897

Ralph, B. Aug 4, 1901

Lucile, B June 16, 1905

V7 Page 134 & V7 Page 135

[Descendant Chart]

Elizabeth Fulton & Samuel Logan see Page 113. She was 8th & youngest child of James Fulton & his wife Agnes Thompson.


James Logan, died of Scarlet fever aged 13 abt yr 1840 in Penn Tp & buried at Pres Roads Church Cem in Penn Tp a mile from Logan farm & 3 miles fro Valencia Sta.

Alexander Logan, M. Matilda Copeland of near Deersville, O, this county, Both died on his farm near Deersville & buried at Feet Spring Ch. He died 22 yrs ago.

Ann Eliza, lives on old farm & is unmarried.

Osie Logan, m. Wilson Jackson. He lives in Canton O where she died.

3 girls, some of the girls are married

one boy

Samuel Logan, He lives in Cuyahoga Falls O & works for the Interurban, unmarried.

Walter Logan, M. in Tuscarawas Co where he lives on a farm near West Chester O knows of two children, girls, but don't know their names.

Martha Logan, m. Ziba S. Yarnall of this Co near Deersville O. His parents were Quakers & came fr Penna. Both dead & buried at Cortland Nebraska where they moved in 1867 on a farm they bought. He was born Aug 28, 1841 in Harrison Co O. See Book 8 Page 598, see preceding page.

Mary Yarnall, M. Henry Moses Heustis, a native of Indiana, a Quaker in Nebraska where he taught school for years. He was 36 or 38 & she 18 when married. Live in State of Washington on Columbia River near the coast..

William, married. Lives in Lincoln Neb. Have two girls grown up.

Jessie, married. Lives in State of Washington & keeps Am Tea Co Store. He married 2d time.

A boy 7 yrs old. His mother 1st wife died when he was born.

John B. Yarnall, Born in Marion Co Iowa, m. near Cortland Neb where he was a farmer. He moved 100 to 150 miles west where he bought a farm, took the typhoid fever & died there. Miss L. visited him there. His widow moved back to Cortland. See Book 7 Page 133.

Winifred, married a farmer near Cortland & has 2 children

Ethelene, taught 2 or 3 yrs & married & lives in a town near Cortland Neb.

Lois, d.y. aged 10 yrs

2 girls, youngest a baby when her father died.

Harriet Yarnall, very handsome & very smart, married twice & divorced & married 3d an old man & on coming home one day found him dead. She then married her 4th husband & has lived in many times, she ran off when 16 & married a Frenchman & had a girl & boy to him, the girl was very beautiful. Her 2d husband was a bachelor much older than her, named Glass & had a girl & 2 boys to him. 3d husband was fine looking & died after 3 yrs after marriage & left her a lot of money. Had no children to 3d & 4th husbands when last heard of lived in Kansas. Sarah saw her first two husbands.

William, d.y. probably aged 7 yrs.

John & Thompson, Both died in Penn Tp of scarlet fever on same day about 1840 & are buried at Presbyterian Cross Roads Cemetery.

Lucinda Logan, m. John M. Ross a farmer of near Deersville, O. He is dead in Oklahoma out on a big ranch & she now lives in Coldwater, Kansas aged 86 yrs & she can give the family record of all the family births, marriages & deaths from memory Sarah thinks. Six children.

Samuel C. Ross, He is unmarried & lives with his mother at Edge of Coldwater Kansas.

Thomas Ross, m. Nokes in Oklahoma & lives in Laclede Co MO where he owns a large fruit farm. Both living & have 7 boys & 4 girls, but don't know their names.

Sarah Ross, m. an old Scotch widower named Craig who had children older than her. She married him in Jewell Co Kansas where he was a farmer & they moved to Oregon where he died. She came back to Coldwater, Kansas & schooled her 2 girls who graduated together 5 yrs ago. She married 2d another widower named [unreadable] & he died. She has a [unreadable] or her son in Coldwater [unreadable

Craig, m. Bratcher Both living in Kansas. Have [unreadable] boys & [unreadable]

Craig, taught school in Oklahoma four yrs [unreadable]

married [unreadable & he got killed 3 mos later.

Ida Ross, m. Ray. Both living & have 4 boys & 4 girls. Don't know their names.

Martha, m. S.B. Nokes, a brother of Tom's wife & live in Coldwater, Kansas where he is in a hardware store. Both living. Have 3 boys & 3 girls. All in school, the oldest boy graduating this year.

James, the youngest died of pneumonia aged 20 yrs in Oklahoma. A very fine pretty boy. Lived 20 miles from any town or RR. Sarah sd she traveled 60 miles there & never saw a house. Alva, Okla was the nearest town.

William Donald Born July 1, 1838 & died Feby 2, 1913 m. Isabella Caldwell born Nov 28, 1844 & died Apr 7, 1916. Both died at Uhrichsville O & are buried there. He was a carpenter & bridge builder 7 children. Married Nov 23, 1865.

1.John F. Logan, He Born Sept 3, 1866. M. Mary Jones. Both living & live in Carnegie Pa where he is a passenger engineer of PRR See Page 132.



Martha Ann

All three [above] single

2. Samuel Thompson, B Feby 22, 1868 m. to Minnie Violay [8]ghlin, Agent for Samuel Sproat $5.93 in full of tax charged on passenger engineer & lives in Crafton at 17 Belfordere Pt Pa. Both living & each weighs over 200 lbs. She was born Mch 25, 1873 at Scio O & mar Oct 25, 1894.

Anna Blanche, Born at Dannison [best guess] Pa Aug 25, 1896 m. June 1925.

Isabel Mary, Born at Dannison Pa May 22, 1900, single

3. Sarah Elizabeth Logan, b Apr 13, 1870 m. Nov 14, 1896 Rev John Claude Lane, son of John Mark Lane & Mary Ellen Streib, wife, a Pres minister. Living at Fullerton Pa. Both living. He was born at Beaver Falls Pa Sept 16, 1871. She born at Cambridge O.

Homer Logan Lane, born at McConnellsburg Pa Aug 19, 1897 & lives in Brooklyn NY. He married at Brooklyn NY Nov 5, 1921 Mabel L. Parker. Her middle name is Lutilla & she was born Jany 23, 1899 at Brooklyn NY dau of Chas Oborne [sic] Parker & wife Mary Alice Stull

Son, born June 21, 1923

Ralph Emerson Lane, born Jany 19, 1901 Still in school at Leisenring, Fay Co Pa.

4. Herbert C. B Jany 31, 1872 married, went on battleship Illinois. learned wireless telegraphy at Annapolis Md, wife Mary Louisa______ a Spanish girl. In government service. Address 187 Shaw St, New London, Conn.


Martha Lillian

Both [above] young children.

6. William Fulton, B Aug 20, 1875 m. Orella S. Cecil & live in Dennison O. where he works in the RR shops at No 134 McCrear Ave. He was born at Uhrichsville O. She was born near Deersville O July 12, 1880, dau of Geo W. Cecil & Viola Cramblett. Mar Oct 12, 1898 near Deersville, O.

2. Wm Cecil, born Jany 18, 1902 in Dennison O, was in High school. Run off & volunteered & was sent to Panama & recently got home.

1. Mildred Frances, Born Oct 24, 1899 m. when in high school m. Earl J. Baker on Mch 7, 1917, a farmer & coal mine owner & live 2 or 3 miles fr Dennison O & have two boys. He was born near Dennison O Dec 19, 1895 son of Marion Baker & Samantha Livingston 2 sons born near Dennison O. Mildred born in Tippecanoe O.

Donald [best guess] [unreadable] B Dec 28, 1917

Robert Earl Baker, B Sept 13, 1920

3. Robert Fulton, in high school b May 8, 1904 in Tippecanoe O

4. Helen Lucile in high school B June 1, 1907 in Dennison O.

5. Dorothy, twin born in Dennison O Feby 12, 1911. in school aged 10 yrs. They are the youngest.

6. Donald, twin born in Dennison O Feby 12, 1911. In school aged 10 yrs. They are the youngest.

8. Robert [son of William Donald & Isabella Caldwell Logan] M[9] u Lethea Reeves of Logansport, Ind where they both live. He is a machinist & works in the shops at Logansport for the Penns Co. He born May 19, 1883. She born Feby 6, 1887. They married Sept 14, 1905.

Janet Marilla, in high school, born Apr 10, 1911

Robert Reynolds, in school aged abt B Jany 26, 1913

9. Martha Lillian B Mch 1, 1885 m. Lewis Kinsey & live at No 421 East First ST Uhrichsville O in her father's old home. Sarah thinks she wd have her father's Bible record & she will write it off & give it to me. He owns a farm 2 or 3 miles & carries the mail on a rural route. Miss Logan's effects are with them.

Ralph, aged 10 B May 13, 1912 a great public speaking

Lewis Thompson born Apr 1918, clings to Sarah & sleeps with her ob Aug 23, 1927 fr infantile paralysis.

Harvey [son of Samuel & Elizabeth Logan] m. Elizabeth Barr. He was thru the Civil War with Sherman. Both died & buried at Arkansas City, Kan.

Mary, m. Watkinson. No issue.

A girl, m. Smith & had 2 boys & a girl. Lives in Okla

Bennington, see page 133, m. Ruth A. Orr from Roneys Point WVA. Both died near Springboro Pa & buried in Cem there. He was born Feby 22, 1843.

Ralph Evermont, mar & did live in Cambridge O. He died & left 2 girls & a boy.

Dora Orr, a boy, unm, was a stenog. at Com Bldg Pgh. Had flu & died.

Gabrella, called "Gay" graduated Muskingum College. Stenog. unmarried.

Robert, m. Elsie Jans a Swede. Both living in Cleveland O where he is our electrician. Have one girl.

An infant, died unnamed

Sarah Elizabeth Logan, born Oct 12, 1845 in Washington Tp near Tippecanoe this Co & learned to swim in Big Stillwaters & is lame from being thrown from a horse & broke a bone near the hip. My informant of yesterday & today. Her birthday celebrated as Columbus day. Unm.

At residence of Hugh Marion Thompson, Smithfield Tp, Jefferson Co, O July 5, 1922 2:35 PM

Arrived here abt ten minutes ago in Auto driven by Wm Hope Thompson, brother of Hugh M. & joint owner with him of this farm ctg abt 136 A the home part of the 550 A bought by their grandfather, Hugh Thompson in 1815 from William Gillespie of the same Gillespie family from which Jas G. Blaine came, for $10.50 per acre. Hugh Thompson from Big Spring of Green Spring, Cumb Co Pa was on his way to Kentucky. He took a flat boat at Pgh & stopped off to rest at Steubenville O while court was in session & in the court room met Abner Hutton whom he asked if there was any good land for sale. Hutton told him that his neighbor, Wm Gillespie wanted to sell his farm of as good land as lay out of doors with fine timber. He got a horse & saddle & rode out here with him & agreed verbally for the purchase of the 550 A at $10 per acre. This was in the Summer of 1814. He then went back & was married & came out here with his effects in Mch 1815, his wife having often told Wm H that there was snow on the ground when they came over the mountain which she could reach with her

V7 Page 137

toes from the horse upon which she rode behind her husband. She was the daughter of Alexander Scroggs & he the son of John Thompson who lived on adjoining farms & both had large stone houses on their farms with portholes built for themselves. These houses were both standing & in the finest condition (built of limestone) when Thaddeus A.L. Thompson brother of H.M. & W.H. made visit to see them along about 1898 or thereabouts. Alexander Scroggs, a widower, father of 10 children decided on marrying a second time when some friend, but notably, his pastor, objected to his marrying the Scotch Irish girl he was about to marry he said, "I am going to marry again to raise sons to fight the British". He had 11 children by her & Hugh Thompson's wife, the grandmother of H.M. & W.H. was the youngest of 21 children of Alexr Scroggs. Just as my grandmother, Leah Markle Thompson was the 21st if she was not the 22nd child of Casper Markle. The brothers have produced the old family Bibles of their grandfather, Hugh Thompson, printed in Phila by Kimber & Sharpless, no date & of their father, Alex S. Thompson printed in NY by the American Bible Society. Hugh Thompson was 5 ft 10 in & inclined to be fleshy, was very social & a good singer. The present

V7 Page 138

frame residence was built by the present owners in 1915. Wm Gillespie supposedly had built the log house in which he lived which stood just in front of this one. Hugh Thompson burned the brick on the farm in 1838 & built his house in 1839 just back of the present house, but the back room covers a part of what was the parlor of the brick house. When they arrived here, Gillespie's wife was bad sick with consumption & he refused to stand to his bargain. They, Hugh Thompson & wife moved their effects in a big conestoga wagon hauled by five horses, the snow often begin above axle deep. When Gillespie backed out, they went to the home of Allen Scroggs in Harrison Co, Green Tp adjoining this Tp, he being a brother of Hugh's wife. Alex S. Thompson was just six feet tall & slender. Both Hugh M. & W.H. are six feet & slender & very much the build of their father.

I copy first from Hugh Thompson's Bible Record which they had been told, but which Wm H. concluded was written by his Uncle Wm Judkins Thompson who was a very fine writer. The two leaves (4 pages) of this record are loose.


Hugh Thompson and Elizabeth Scroggs was married Jany 19th A.D. 1815 by the Rev Joshua Williams

John Thompson and Rachel Francis (Her mother was a daughter of Wm Gillespie, the former owner of the farm)

V7 Page 139

was married March 31st A.D. 1836 by the Rev Wm Taggert

Hugh L. Thompson & Margaret Anne Francis (sister of Rachel above & now Hugh L's widow is still living in Monmouth Ills just back of the college with Dr Russell Graham aged 99 yrs) was married Mch 10th, 1842 by the Rev Jos Clokey.

Alexr S. Thomson [sic] & Jane S. (Stringer) Boots were united in marriage Nov 23d, 1848 by the Rev Braid

William J. Thomson and Margaretta Taggart were united in marriage Sept 18th, 1849 by Rev A. Young

Moses S. Thomson and Sarah Jane Cole were united in marriage June 7th, 1854 by the REv W. Duel


Children of Hugh Thompson & his wife Elizabeth

1. John Thompson was born May 5th, 1816

2. Alexander Thompson was born Aug 4th, 1817

3. Hugh Laughlin Thompson was born June 29, 1820

4. William Judkin Thompson was born March 7, 1823

5. Moses Scroggs Thompson was born Aug 1st, 1828

Children of John Thompson & his wife Rachel

1. Anne Thompson was born Dec 25, 1836

2. Hugh R. Thompson was born Nov 22, 1838

3. Elisabeth Thompson was born Oct 18, 1841

4. James Francis Thompson was born Oct 20, 1844

5. Amanda Jane Thompson was born Feby 19, 1847

6. Mary Elmyra Thompson was born March 14, 1849

7. William Elbridge Thompson was born Feby 11, 1851

8. Margaret Emma Thompson was born May 8, 1853

9. John Alexander Thompson was born May 9, 1855

V7 Page 140

Children of Hugh L & his wife Margaret Anne

1. Elisabeth Jane Thompson was born March 27, 1843

2. Alexander Scroggs Thompson was born July 1st, 1844

3. John Calvin Thompson was born Nov 25, 1846

4. Francis Anne (a girl) was born Nov 23, 1848

5. Elizabeth Thompson was born Jany 6, 1851

6. James Presley Thompson was born 1853

Children of Alex S. Thompson & his wife Jane S. Boots

1. James Lorimer Thompson was born July 26, 1851

2. Hugh Marion Thompson was born Feby 14, 1854.

3. William Hope Thompson was born Apr 26, 1859

4. Thaddeus Abraham Lincoln Thompson was born August 17, 1864


Hugh Thompson d.t.l. July 27, 1846

Elisabeth Jane Thompson died Aug 11, 1843

Joseph J. Thomson [sic] son of Wm Judkins & M. Thomson Decd March 27, 1853. Interred in the Free Presbyterian C. Yard, Darlington Pa. He was aged 8 months.

The above completes the record from the family Bible of Hugh Thompson & I am now copying from the family Bible of Alex S. Thompson but omitting much that is a repetition of what is recorded above.


Married at Hopedale O. Apr 30, 1880 by Rev J.M. Jamieson D.D. assisted by Rev D.J. Matthews. Rev J.L. Thompson of Whitensville, to Miss Mary E. Parry of Deersville, O.

V7 Page 141


Hugh Thompson was born July 12, 1768

Elizabeth Scroggs was born Feby 15, 1790

Children of Rev. J. Lorimer Thompson & wife

1. Francis Lorimer Thompson at Whitensville Mass Aug 31, 1881

2. Llewellyn Jan Thompson, near Washington Iowa Oct 10, 1883

3. Marietta Jane Thompson at Elgin NY Aug 12, 1887

4. Norman Alexander Thompson, at Elgin NY Aug 12, 1889

5. Florence Parry Thompson, at Buffalo NY Aug 2, 1891

6. Pauline Augusta Thompson, at Buffalo NY Sept 4, 1895


Elizabeth Thompson died June 5, 1870 in her 87th yr

John Thompson son of Hugh & Elizabeth Thompson died July 25, 1887 in his 72d yr (died of cancer of the stomach).

Jane Thompson, wife of Alex S. Thompson died Apr 13, 1889 in her 62d yr

Francis Anne (a girl) died Oct 5, 1868

Wm Judkins Thompson died May 14, 1869 in his 46th yr

Alexander Scroggs Thompson died Mar 5, 1907 in his 90th yr

Taddeus A. Lincoln Thompson died Sept 25, 1909 in his 46th year.

V7 Page 142

At residence of Wm H. Thompson No 167 Muskingum St Cadiz O July 5, 1922 8:22 PM

We left H. Marion Thompson's abt 6:45 PM after having had an excellent dinner & finishing up am Bible records. We stopped on they way & talked with James Rankin Smith & reached Cadiz at 7:58 PM. Have put the car in garage & came here to get from W.H. what he can give in the way of descendants of his great grandfather, John Thompson brother of my great great grandfather Thomas Thompson which I will commence in the way of a genealogical table on Page 144.

Wm H. tells me that his father Alexr S. was an elder in the Piney Fort U.P. Church for 43 years & Wm H. succeeded him in the eldership, retaining same until the church was disorganized.

V7 Page 143 [blank]

V7 Page 144 & V7 Page 145

[Descendant Chart]

John Thompson born at Letterkenny Ireland Aug 17, 1722, son of John Thompson 1695 - 1783 & Mary Wilson & brother of my great great grandfather Thos Thompson. He died at his home in Newton Tp, Cumberland Co Pa 1777, most probably in the month of Apr. He came to America as Anjou states 1733 to 1735. He owned 523 A in Newton Tp which was as Marion stated this afternoon 4 miles from Newville 7 miles from Shippensburgh & 17 miles from Carlisle Pa on this farm he built his home of limestone in 3 sections, the highest in form of a square toward Newville Pa & with portholes in the ends for defense. This home was in excellent repair when visited abt 1898 by his great grandson, T.A.L. Thompson of Steubenville O. He first married Jane Laughlin who was born 1720 & died 1754. He married second Susanna Laughlin, who was born 1733 & died in 1890 surviving him 32 yrs & not remarrying. He had 2 sons & 3 daughters by his first wife & 4 daughters & 3 sons by his second wife. He married about the time he came to Cumberland Co, probably in 1745 to Jane Laughlin, as above who was the daughter of James Laughlin, of near Newville Pa. She died in 1754. He then in 1755 married Susanna Laughlin, daughter of Squire Alexander Laughlin of Mifflin Tp. The Laughlins were Scotch Irish Presbyterians from the North of Ireland


John Thompson Jr, Don't know yet of his descendants. See Book 8 p 162 & 163. I think this is the same man. Ferret out.

Jane Thompson, m. Bratton See B 23 P 352. John Bratton. Wm has heard his grandmother, his father & Uncle Moses speak of him.

Ann Thompson

Elizabeth, unmarried

Matthew Thompson, B 1754 ob Oct 13, 1823 m.1. on May 6, 1783 to Ann McFarland, daughter of Patrick & Rosanna Howard McFarland. M.2. on June 16, 1796 to Ruth Robinson. By first wife, he had 3 children & by the second 7 children. Did Ruth died Dec 1836? See MacFarlane Hist Page 13.

Rosanna, B. Apr 2, 1785 m. Apr 15, 1802 to William Glenn

2. William, B Aug 21, 1787

3. James, B Dec 9, 1789 M. Nov 19, 1835 Isabel Kilgore

4. Elinor, B Apr 5, 1797 m June 1825 John Davidson ob Jany 3, 1877

5. Esther, b Dec 11, 1798 ob Dec 13, 1873

6. Margery, B Oct 4, 1801 ob June 27, 1888

8. John, B Nov 14, 1806

7. Mathew, B Nov 14, 1804 m. Sept 1, 1836 to Eliz Jacobs

Ellen S. Thompson? Baptized Aug 11, 1831

Mary Jane, m. Janes Koontz & live at Newville Pa T A.L.T. saw these people at their home.

9. Mary Anne, B Jany 28, 1810 ob Apr 27, 1869

10. Margaret, B Feby 16, 1814.

Susannah B 1756 m. Wm Glass. W.H. heard his father speak of Wm Glass

[note at bottom of p. 144 reads:] See Bk 17 P 320 & 625 & 76 & 77.

William, B Aug 12, 1757 ob 1838, m. Jane McFarland in 1785. She was born 1758 ob 1841. married Nov 24, 1785. She was of Carlisle Pa. He was in Rev War. He sold his farm & went to Indiana stopping first at Otter Creek, north of Terre Haute. After 2 yrs bot land 500 A near Eugene, Ind, died there & buried on their own farm. See Page 2 McFarlane Hist.

1. Margaret, B. Aug 23, 1786 at Newville Pa ob Apr 1858 in east Demoines [sic] Iowa. M. Moses Scroggs, her full cousin

2. Andrew, B Nov 21, 1789 ob Aug 4, 1857

3. John, ob 1877 unm. Lived at old home with Mary until 1870 & then lived with his sister Leacy.

4. Susanna, B Jany [blotted] 1792 ob 1875, m. Mch 14, 1816 to Col Samuel Mathers Kilgore. This Col Samuel Mathers Kilgore was son of Wm Kilgore who was son of James & his wife Elizabeth Jack 1727 - 1792. Jane Kilgore B 1819

Isabella Kilgore B 1821 in Ohio ob 1877 in Ills See B 21 page 212 [best guess, blotted]





5. William, B 1794 ob in New Orleans La of yellow fever unmarried in 1827.

6. Alexander, b 1796, m. Susan Wilson. No issue

7. James, B May 20, 1798, m. Nov 19, 1835 to Isabel Kilgore, a sister of Col Sam'l C. She died 2 yrs later without issue.

9. Mary, B Feby 1800 ob Feby 1870 at the old home in Vermilion Co, Indiana where she lived with her bro John unmarried, "Aunt Polly".

10. Leacy, B Mch 8, 1803 ob Apr 21, 1873 m. Sam'l Groenendyke named for her father's sister.

8. Jane, B May 20, 1798 a twin with James, ob Nov 3, 1878 m. Rezin Shelby.

Alexander, B Sept 3, 1758, ob Sept 25, 1840 m. Mch 11, 1800 to Sarah Scroggs, dau of Alex Scroggs & she was born Feby 15, 1783 & died Nov 1, 1859 in Whiteside Co, Ills. See Page 146.

Margery, B 1760 m. John Jones

Leacy, B 1765 m. Jany 19, 1790 to Joseph McCormick who was born May 22, 1760 & lived on a part of the farm of his father, Saml McCormick in Mifflin Tp. Had several children.

Samuel m. Mch 3, 1825 to Susan Alter

Margaret, b 1767, unmarried

Hugh Thompson, B July 12, 1768 ob July 27, 1846 m. Jany 19, 1815 to Elizabeth Scroggs, youngest & 21st child of Alexander Scroggs. She was born Feby 15, 1790 & died June 5, 1870 See page 148.

V7 Page 146 & V7 Page 147

[Descendant Chart]

Alexander Thompson & Sarah Scroggs See page 145. Both buried in Newton Cem, Newton, Ills.

[Their Children]

Infant, born probably 1801 & died in infancy B Feby 1, 1801. Only lived a few hours & died same day. See Bk 20 P 514.

Rachel, B May 7, 1802 ob Dec 25, 1848 M. Jany 18, 1827 to Samuel Miller & had 9 children See Book 20 P 457.

Susanna, B Oct 9, 1804 ob 1828 unmarried

John S., B Oct 17, 1806 ob July 30, 1883 m. Mch 26, 1835 Sarah Ann Peebles. Had 9 children. See Bk 20 P 456

Alexander S., B. Oct 2, 1808 ob Oct 1845 m. Mary Blean on May 8, 1833 six children.

William, B Oct 30, 1810 ob June 11, 1839 when en route fr Pa to Ills & is buried near Logansport, Ind. Was not married.

Hugh, B Oct 7, 1812 ob Apr 4, 1864 m. Jane P. Kennedy. Had 7 children. She died Mch 17, 1882 buried Newton Tp Ills See B 21 P 557.

Robert Kilgore, B June 8, 1842 wound [sic] in Civil War & died Nov 4, 1862 in Hospital Perrysville, Ky, single

Sarah Scroggs[10]* B Dec 18, 1843 in Newton Tp Whiteside Co Ills, m. Feby 22, 1872 to James L. Van Fleet. He died Mch 29, 1895.

Alvin Stewart, b Dec 28, 1874 m. Dec 15, 1807 to Effie Alice Smith, Born Nov 10, 1876. Have 4 children in Whiteside Co, Ills. They live at 830 S. 4th Ave, Clinton, Iowa.

1. Marietta Theodosie, B Nov 16, 1898 unmarried.

2. Grace Van Fleet, B Mch 8, 1900 M. Oct 10, 1923 in Clinton Iowa, John Jones B Mch 3, 1897 in Ills son of Rev Wm H. Jones & wife Mary Knox. He is bookkeeper "in a big glucose factory there where her father is overseer". No issue.

3. Lewellyn, B Feby 28, 1903. He is a wonderful musician & at the head of an orchestra.

4. Bryon B Sept 2, 1909. He is in college.

Agnes Jane, B Dec 25, 1845, single & lives on old homestead ob Nov 25, 1924.

Infant B June 26, 1848 ob Sept 26, 1848 Names was Hugh.

Margaret Elizabeth, B Dec 8, 1852 ob Apr 13, 1874 m. Geo m. Slaymaker.[11]* Lewis Thompson, B Apr 8, 1874 m. Oct 16, 1895 to Charlotte Elizabeth Smith. Lives Erie Ills. She was born Aug 22, 1874 in Whiteside Co Ills dau of John D. Smith & wife Mary Elizabeth Lumbard. He is a fine christian man, has a big furniture store & is undertaker at Erie, Ills. No issue.

Wm Alexander, B. July 18, 1854, single & lives on old Homestead. Address of all the family in Albany Whiteside Co Ills Nov 11, 1927 he is still living.

Mary Belle, B June 18, 1860. She is single & lives on old homestead ob July 29, 1917 at her old home & birth place.

Elizabeth, B July 26, 1815, ob Oct 16, 1867 m. Joseph Miller on Mch 14, 1839. Had 7 children, all dead. She was his 2d wife. See Book 21 P 198.

Sarah Scroggs, B May 4, 1817 ob Sept 2, 1845 m. Mch 2, 1843 Deane S. Effiner B__________ & died May 21, 1917 aged 94. She had one child.

William E. Efner

Margaret, B May 8, 1819 was living abt 1899. m. July 3, 1845 to Robert Clark Blean. Has 5 children ob June 21, 1903. They had 7 chil. See B 25 P 538

Moses Thompson, B Sept 3, 1821 ob Apr 20, 1862 m. Feby 18, 1845 to Isabel Kilgore See Book 21 p 212

Infant, died young B July 10, 1825 & not named but old Bible gives date as July 10, 1825 which is correct date. See Book 10 p 457 & See book 21 p 192.

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& V7 Page 151

Hugh Thompson & Elizabeth Scroggs see page 145. Both are buried in Pine Fork Cem which came off of his farm, continued on next [page 150] page.

[Their Children]

John Thompson, B May 5, 1816 ob July 25 1887 m. Mch 31, 1836 to Rachel Francis.

Anne Thompson, B Dec 25, 1836 m. John V. Smith of Smithfield Tp, Jeff Co O. A farmer. Both dead.

James Allen, M. Violet Eagleson & she is dead & he lives in Hopedale O.

Everett, m. Black


Wilmer, m.1. Parrish, m.2. Robb No issue

Melvin T., M. Rosella Moores. He dead & she remarried.

Mary Smith, m. Blackburn

A son

Laura Esther, m. George Elliott of Dillonvale O. Both living. No issue.

Hugh Orin, M. Kate Kithcart, cousin of John A.




Hugh R. Thompson, B Nov 22, 1838 m.1. Sarah McNary, m.2. Esther Houston.

Jessie by 1st wife m. William Shawman

Hugh, married.

Elizabeth, B Oct 18, 1841 m. Wm B. McLaughlin of Adena O. He is dead. She still living there in 80 yr.

James Audley, married, but no issue.

Anna, m. Jno Hamilton & have 4 children.

Ola, m. Wm Grove, a bro of Mrs W & T.

Isabel, m. Ray McCraft [best guess]


Elizabeth, single

Hugh, m. Hagan, & have 4 children.

Lewis, an attorney in Steuben O mar & has 3 children

George, m & lives at Athens O. One child a daughter

Mary, at home, single

A bro, in a R accident, was killed.

James F., B Oct 20, 1844 m. Mary Norcross & both living at Monmouth Ills. He in Civil War.




All three are married.

Amanda Jane, B Feby 19, 1847 m. John Martin, Prof of Penmanship in Monmouth College. Both dead.

Blanche, m. Carl Thomson

Jessie, married & has large family

Mary Elmyra, B Mch 14, 1849 m. Miller & live in Nebraska. She dead. He living. No issue.

William E. B Feby 11, 1851 m. Rankin. She dead. He living.

Floyd Thompson, married, lives at Medford, Okla

Margaret Emma, B May 8, 1853 m. McCoy, & live at Galesburg Ill RFD

Ralph McCoy, married & has 3 daughters

John A. , B May 9, 1855 ob m.1. Rankin. Both dead. No issue. m.2. She still living.

Alexander Scroggs Thompson [son of Hugh & Elizabeth] born Aug 4, 1817 married Nov 20, 1848 to Jane S. Boots, daughter of James Boots. She was born Aug 1, 1827 & died Apr 13, 1889. He died May 5, 1907 & both are buried at Smithfield O Cemetery.

James Lorimer Thompson Born July 26, 1851 & died June 20, 1896, married Apr 30, 1880 to Mary E. Parry. She was born______1857 & is still living at Tulsa Okla with her two daughters & her sister. He was a U.P. minister & a graduate of Franklin College New Athens o. who made him a D.D. in 1895. He died from tuberculosis.

Francis Larimer, B Aug 31, 1811 m._______. Both living in Tulsa Okla where he is an accountant. Has 2 boys & 2 girls.

Llewellyn Jay, B Oct 10, 1883 ob M. Sarah Leese. She lives in Cadiz. He was Asst Cash 4th NBK, Cadiz O & died of tuberculosis.

Mabel, aged abt 12

Dorothy, aged abt 8

Marietta Jane, B Aug 12, 1887 single & lives with her mother. Is a school teacher.

Norman A. B Aug 12, 1889 m in Okla where he is a secretary of the YMCA

A son

Florence P., B Aug 2, 1891. Lives with her mother, is a bookkeeper & single

Pauline A., B Sept 4, 1895 ob 1896.

Hugh Marion, B Feby 14, 1854 unmarried & lives on home farm

William H., B Apr 26, 1859 m. Nov 5, 1891 to Mary Jeannette Grove, dau of Thomas & Sarah Croskey Grove. She was born Oct 5, 1859 & her mother born Feby 2, 1834 is living with them in excellent health at No 167 Muskingum St Cadiz O which is owned by Mrs Grove. He is my informant of the day for this record.

Clarkson Boots Thompson, B May 4, 1894 on the home farm. Married Oct 1917 to Julia Edna McHugh of Bradley O & live at the old homestead. No issue.

Sarah Pauline, B Aug 20, 1897 m. Aug 1919 to M.H. Francis, Atty at Law Steubenville where they live at No 1503 W. Market No issue.

Thaddeus A.L. B Aug 17, 1864 graduated at Franklin College, was a lawyer at Steubenville, O. Died of tuberculosis at El Paso, Texas Sept 25, 1909 & is buried at Smithfield O. Unmarried.

Hugh Thompson & Elizabeth Scroggs, brought from preceding [149] page.

Hugh Laughlin Thompson, born June 29, 1820 [son of Hugh & Elizabeth] married Mch 10, 1842 to Margaret Ann Francis, daughter of James Francis & his wife, Esther? daughter of William Gillespie. He was clerk & storekeeper in Illinois & also lived at Sterling, Lyons Co Kansas. He died at his daughter's at Monmouth, Ills & is buried there. He was aged abt 80 & his widow is living with her daughter in Monmouth Ills aged 99 yrs. They had.

Elizabeth Jane, B Mch 27, 1843 ob Aug 11, 1843

Alexander S. B July 1, 1844 married &lives at Wichita Kan where he had a store. Has several children. Both living. See Book 8 P 586.

John Calvin, B Nov 25, 1846 married & lives up about Minneapolis Minn. Mch 3, 1925. If I have made a table for him elsewhere, I do not know where to turn to it. Kenneth W. Thomson, his son, I think, writes fr Minneapolis Minn that he is moving to Tregagh Farm, Long Lake Minn Route 3 & that his bro Rev Henry Sears Thomson D.D. has removed fr the pres Ch, Fairfield Iowa to the Pres Ch Ottumwa, Iowa, & that he & wife have a dau, Kathryn Hope born Dec 14, 1923. Also that his sister, Elizabeth Leonard Thomson & husband, James Boston Lindsay, in addition to their two oldest children, Virginia & Hugh Thomson Lindsay, previously reported have a young daughter Charlotte Edmund Lindsay born Apr 17, 1920, semi large env.

Francis Anne, B Nov 23, 1848 ob Oct 5, 1868

Elizabeth, B Jany 6, 1851 m. Dr Russell Graham of Monmouth, Ill & have several children, thinks probably 3 boys & 3 girls. She is dead.

James Pressly, B 1853, married & lives west, probably in Kansas. Thinks he has some children.

William Judkins Thompson, Born Mch 7, 1823 ob May 14, 1869, married Sept 18, 1849 to Margaretta Taggart. She is dead. They both died at Monmouth, Ills & are buried there. He was a very bright man & sociable, was a photographer.

William Cochran, married & has one son. Lives at Ponca City, Okla. Has one son. See book 9 pages 334 - 337.

Elizabeth, m. Dr Baily a lecturer on China. No issue. He dead yrs ago & she lives at Los Angeles, Calif.

John Newton, married & lives at Los Angeles Calif. Has no issue.

Harry, married & has no issue. Lives in Los Angeles.

John Joseph, ob Mch 27, 1853 aged 8 mos

Moses Thompson B Aug 1, 1828 married June 7, 1854 to Sarah Jane Cole. She died in Hopedale O & is buried in Disciples Cem there. He died also at Hopedale & is buried in the Mausoleum at Cadiz O. He was abt 84 yrs old when he died of uremic trouble which also took off WM H's father. He was a farmer. Sold his farm to his brother Alex S & retired.

William Roland, m. Minnie Worrel & both living at Moundsville WVA where he is the U.P. preacher. Has three girls, one of them dead.

John Emmett, m.1. Jennie Culp who he divorced her. m.2. Annie Rivers who is living. He was an M.D. at San Francisco.

Alice, by 1st wife, unm. a school teacher & a good one.

Margaret, by 2d wife, not of age

Frances, by 2d wife, not of age

[last two] They live at Berkeley Calif with their mother.

Tabitha Elizabeth, m. J.W.A. Simpson, a farmer near Hopedale O.

Ezekiel Hugh, married & lives at Trenton O where he is U.P. preacher.




[all] young children at home

Mary Blackburn, m. Wm Mcgiail [sic]. He is dead

Sarah, m. a Prof Kidwell

Frances Elmira, single at home

Moses S. Jr, married & dead without issue. His wife remarried.

Catharine, m. Fred D. Dickerson & live in Hopedale O.




V7 Page 152

At residence of Mary Alice Harvey Jeremiah Lecky, Prairie Tp, Holmes Co O, July 6, 1922 7:11 PM

Miss Mary A. has gotten out her family record books which she made up from information given her by Miss Jane McClelland, & other relatives from Fayette Co. The record as she reads to me is as follows:

Thomas Lecky was married to Anna Kendall June 3, 1807. Their children were:

1. Elizabeth Lecky born June 3, 1808 & married Harvey Grove.

2. Jeremiah Lecky born Dec 23, 1810 married to Mary Hanna who came here from Columbiana Co O.

3. Rhoda Lecky born Nov 23, 1812 married to James Johnston who came from Fayette Co Pa

4. Mary Lecky born Oct 4, 1815 married to Andrew McClelland whose people came from Westmoreland Co Pa

5. Thomas Lecky born Aug 25, 1826 married Margaret Bigham from Wayne Co, near Maysville, O

6. John Kendall Lecky born July 16, 1830 after they came to Ohio, died while young of scarlet fever.


Jeremiah Lecky, Born Dec 23, 1810 died Nov 18, 1879 born at Fayette Co Pa near

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McClellandtown, came to Ohio when 18 yrs old in 1829 in Oct.

His wife, Mary Hanna, born 1812 in Columbiana Co O at Salem died Mch 25, 1867

Sons & daughters of Jeremiah Lecky & Mary Hanna:

1. James Hanna Lecky born Apr 6, 1843 died Oct 18, 1912 & married Cornelia Ditmars of Prairie Tp, Holmes Co O

2. Louisa M. Lecky born Mch 29, 1845 & died Mch 11, 1912 married Rev Jeremiah C. Gillam, a Presbyterian minister

3. Sarah Lecky, born Nov 8, 1848 died Feby 25, 1913, single

4. Mary Alice Lecky, born July 15, 1855 single & lives in the old home & is my informant

5. Arthur John Lecky born Apr 2, 1859 & died Nov 21, 1917 & married Lillie B. Poulson of Prairie Tp, Holmes Co O.

6. Harvey Jeremiah Lecky born June 6, 1864 single & lives here at the old home.

7. Ora Adella Lecky born Mch 24, 1867 died May 27, 1898 married to Lewis A. Dodez from Mt Eaton, Wayne Co O.

Jeremiah Lecky was the son of Thomas Lecky & Anna Kendall

Thomas Lecky, was born Apr 16, 1779 & died Sept 30, 1851

Anna Kendall was born Sept 9, 1788 & died Apr 7, 1844 & they came to Ohio in 1829.

Mary Hanna, wife of Jeremiah Lecky

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was the daughter of James Hanna & Phebe Smith, James Hanna died May 25, 1870, aged 71 yrs & Phebe Smith died Jany 31, 1811 aged 40 yrs 7 mos 20 days. (Sept 17, 1922, above does not seem right) Think should be 1841 & not 1811.

Elizabeth Grove died Nov 10, 1888

Jeremiah Lecky died Nov 18, 1879

Mrs Rhoda Johnston died March 4, 1888

Mrs Mary McClelland died Feby 27, 1885

Thomas W. Lecky died June 14, 1910

John Kendall Lecky died while young

Rev J.C. Gillam born Nov 30, 1826 at Peters Creek, Allegheny Co Pa 12 miles south of Pgh & died & came in 1833 with his parents to Ripley, Holmes Co Ohio

Miss Mary A. Lecky's P.O. address is Shreve, Route 4, Wayne Co O.

Leaving 8:11 PM

V7 Page 155

At residence of William Lecky, Holmesville O July 6, 1922 9:11 PM

Mr Lecky has a little made book 2 by 3 inches made by or for his father & in his handwriting marked on the back

"Records 1847"

from which I copy:

Thomas Wm Lecky & Margaret Bigham were married Dec 16, 1845

Their children were:

1. Anna Maria Lecky was born Nov 16, 1846

2. Rhoda Lecky was born Mch 17, 1849

3. Theodore (Bigham) Lecky was born Apr 1, 1853

4. William Lecky was born Nov 21, 1858

From Mr Lecky's own Bible, I note that

William Ebenezer Lecky and Jessie Virginia Gorrell were married Feby 2d, 1882 in Prairie Tp by Rev Ebenezer Bigham Caldwell

Their children were all born on the Lecky land in Prairie Tp as follows:

1. Herbert Bigham Lecky born Feby 15, 1884

2. Lawrence Thomas Lecky born Aug 22, 1885

3. Glenn Gorrell Lecky born Feby 18, 1891

4. Clifford Johnston Lecky born Apr 5, 1893

Jessie Virginia Gorrell was born in Prairie Tp, June 29, 1859, daughter Basil Gorrell & Mary Laylander, his wife. Mary Laylander's mother was a sister of James Johnston who married Rhoda Lecky

V7 Page 156

Herbert B. Lecky & Esther Sidell were married Sept 1912 & have one child:

1. Herbert Sidell Lecky born Oct 1915

Lawrence T. Lecky & Emma Snyder were married Thanksgiving Day Nov 28, 1909. They have had children:

1. Harry H. Lecky, born 12 yrs ago

2. Homer Lecky born 10 yrs ago

3. Jessie Marie Lecky born 8 yrs ago

4. Anna Elizabeth Lecky born 6 yrs ago

5. Dois Lecky born Nov 3, 1917 ob Feby 12, 1918

Glenn G. Lecky & Mildred Faye McCulloch, daughter of James McCulloch were married Apr 24, 1918. No issue.

A death notice of Mrs Margaret Lecky wife of Thomas Lecky reports that she died in Prairie Tp, Saturday mch 14, 1908 aged 82 yrs 3 mos & 12 days 78 says she was born in Wayne Co O Dec 3, 1825.

A death notice of Jane McClelland says she was born May 5, 1841 & died Feby 3, 1920

A death notice of Mrs Louisa M. Gillam daughter of Jeremiah & Mary Lecky says she was born Mch 29, 1845 & died Mch 11, 1912 age 66 yrs 11 mos & 11 days. Says that on Dec 16, 1869 to Rev J.C.

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Gillam to whom 4 sons were born & she is survived by three of them, viz: Rev Sylvanus M. Gillam, Futegarh, India, Dr Arthur C. Gillam, Chicago, Ills & Walter L. Gillam, Atty, Chicago, Ills. A remarkable circumstance is that when I was in Cawnpore India, the last week in March 1904, I hunted up Rev S.M. Gillam to see his wife who was a daughter of my old classmate, Rev W.F. Ewing.

A death notice of James Lecky of Jeremiah says he married on Mch 21, 1871 to Cornelia Ditmars.

It is 10:30 PM & I have finished the record.

Wm Lecky says that W.L. Mattoon in the Spahr building just across from the State house & employed with the Hocking Valley RR in their offices has been gathering family records. His mother is Mr Lecky's sister Rhoda & she lives on East Woodruff Ave, he thinks 84 or 85, but says her name & his are in the telephone book, probably the citizens Co possibly the Bell. She will be able to tell about the Reeds as she lived for 25 yrs at Plain City, Madison Co O, the neighborhood where the Reeds lived.

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Hotel Curtis, Mt Vernon O July 7, 1922 8:05 AM

I got up this morning at 4:44 AM at Holmesville, O at the home of Wm E. Lecky, he calling me out of a sound sleep in a good bed, which was unbroken from the time I went to bed 11:11 PM until then. On going downstairs found that Mrs Lecky had breakfast ready & after partaking heartily thereof I bade her goodbye & Mr L. walked over to the station & the train due at 5:38 arrived late at 5:55 AM when I boarded it & came over through Holmes & Knox counties to this town, Mt Vernon, where we arrived at 7:25. I took a bus behind two old gray horses & drove over from Penna to B&O Station & found the train did not leave until 8:53 AM, so I had the bus man drive me to this hotel. I will commence & write down my recollections as per brief penciled notes of this week's work. When at Holmes M. Thompson's on Tuesday night & Tuesday forenoon also, Cousin Sarah E. Logan spoke of the Boone family, her cousin Isabel & her husband see page 112 being the most deliberate even tempered & slowest people she ever knew & said once when she was visiting them, Mr Boone went to the foot of the stairs & in a slow irresolute way called to his son "Billy Boone

V7 Page 159

get up" & Isabel would go & call "Mary Boone get up" to her daughter & this would be repeated 4 or 5 times or more before they would get them down to breakfast. Apropos of this, she & Holmes recalled his father, Samuel Thompson's peremptory commanding voice to get up when instantly you would hear five pairs of feet strike the floor simultaneously as they jumped out of bed. She spoke of knowing Eliza & stayed with the Boones one night at the time she had been on a visit to the Newlon's - Lucinda & her husband, see page 112 - near Irwin Pa. She spoke of Humphrey Fulton, the old bachelor contractor whom I knew who lived with his sister, Mrs Carson at Irwin & said he was a great lover of dogs & told his sister one day he had bought three dogs. She said: "Well, you needn't bring them here, one is enough" - meaning him. He, however said he would bring them up & when he next returned, he brought with him a fine framed picture of three dogs.

V7 Page 160 & V7 Page 161

Probate Judge's Office, Court house, Cambridge, Guernsey Co O July 7, 1922 Friday 1:20 PM

Will Index

Name Date of will Date of Probate Place of Record

*Laughlin, Casalene Oct 28, 1897 Sept 26, 1898 Book 7 P 111

*Laughlin, John B. Feby 13, 1891 Apr 10, 1891 Book 4 p 534

*Laughlin, John W. July 21, 1909 Feby 11, 1920 Book 12 P 259

*Laughlin, Thomas W June 4, 1887 Dec 17, 1900 Book 7 P 252

*Robins, Amanda M. June 21, 1877 July 13, 1877 Book 3 P 110

*Robins, Madison D. Nov 10, 1898 Jany 30, 1899 Book 6 P 489

*Robins, Mary J. Jany 8, 1904 July 2, 1908 Book 9 P 212

*Rose, Thompson Jany 15, 1861 Feby 18, 1861 Book 1 P 347

*Rose, Thompson Feby 8, 1916 Oct 14, 1916 Book 11 P 316

*Rose, William Dec 30, 1874 July 12, 1878 Book 3 P 160

*Rose, William Sept 16, 1882 May 2, 1883 Book 3 P 460

*Sproat, Alexander H Feby 1, 1867 Dec 12, 1870 Book 2 P 295

*Sproat, Elijah E. Feby 20, 1911 Mch 12, 1913 Book 10 P 305

*Sproat, Harriet A. June 22, 1866 May 13, 1869 Book 2 P 212

*Sproat, Joseph N/W June 25, 1908 Mch 21, 1912 Book 10 P 125

*Thompson, Andrew July 1, 1861 June 6, 1862 Book 1 P 383

*Thompson, Benjamin Nov 25, 1867 Jany 8, 1868 Book 2 P 161

*Thompson, Andrew July 6, 1884 Sept 4, 1884 Book 3 P 559

*Thompson, David Mch 30, 1833 May 2, 1840 Book A P 493

*Thompson, Charles W May 27, 1915 Sept 23, 1919 Book 12 P 210

*Thompson, Elizabeth Dec 23, 1858 Jany 1, 1859 Book 1 P 260

*Thompson, James Sept 16, 1840 Nov 18, 1840 Book A P 506

*Thompson, James Nov 28, 1832 May 25, 1852 Book B P 370

*Thompson, James D June 3, 1898 Oct 27, 1903 Book 8 P 146

*Thompson, Mary/James Nov 28, 1832 May 25, 1852 Book B P 370

*Thompson, Margaret Nov 5, 1884 Apr 30, 1885 Book 4 P 5

*Thompson, Margaret Dec 22, 1891 Feby 27, 1892 Book 5 P 79

*Thompson, Samuel Oct 19, 1838 Apr 8, 1839 Book A P 463

*Thompson, Samuel Feby 3, 1896 Mch 31, 1899 Book 6 P 530

Thompson, Rheneamah Book 6 P 530

*Thompson, Thomas July 23, 1855 Aug 3, 1859 Book 1 P 277

*Thompson, William Jany 9, 1857 Sept 27, 1857 Book 1 P 286

*Thompson, William May 20, 1875 Apr 10, 1880 Book 3 P 254

*Thompson, William July 13, 1889 Nov 27, 1889 Book 4 P 394

*Thompson, William A Mch 27, 1905 Book 8 P 425

*Thompson, William H Aug 11, 1917 Sept 13, 1917 Book 11 P 465

*Finley, Ebenezer July 3, 1886 Feby 18, 1917 Book 4 P 512

*Finley, J.H. Apr 18, 1912 June 11, 1912 Book 10 P 164

*Finley, Nancy Jany 6, 1883 Book 3 P 468

*Finley, Samuel Foreign Will Apr 21, 1827 Sept 14, 1869 Book 2 P 231

*Finley, Samuel Oct 13, 1865 May 21, 1880 Book 3 P 262

*Findley, William Apr 13, 1836 July 4, 1836 Book A P 386

*Finley, William M Jany 6, 1865 Jany 19, 1864 Book 2 P 3

*Carrothers, John Aug 10, 1828 Sept 29, 1828 Book A P 199

*Carothers, Susan Mch 25, 1884 Book 3 P 520

*Carothers, William Apr 9, 1888 Sept 1, 1893 Book 5 P 291

It is now 2:50 PM & I have examined 7 letters (there being no Jacks) viz: L, R, S, T, F, J, & C. JVT

V7 Page 162

1. Will of John B. Laughlin Book 4 P 534 Recites he is of Lore City & gives wife use of 164 A farm in Richland & Center Tps for life or widowhood & states that coal is optioned at $20 per acre & if sold to pay debts & then divide:

To daughter Ada J. Baird $100

To daughter Sadie Oella Laughlin $400

To daughter Mary Elizabeth Laughlin $200

To daughter Lelia Anna Robe $200

To son Hugh Faris Laughlin $200

To daughter Wilema Blanche Laughlin $200

To daughter Mabel Clara Laughlin $200

Appoints son Hugh Faris Laughlin exr. Dated Feby 13, 1891, signed John B. Laughlin (seal) Witnesses J.R. Rhodes & Martha Cunningham. Offered for probate Mch 31, 1891 Proven Apr 10, 1891

2. Will of Corsaline Laughlin Book 7 P 111 Recites she is of Muskingum Co & will entire estate to her two children Samuel W. Laughlin & Ivor [Ira?] J. Laughlin & appoints A.J. Sheppard Exr Dated Oct 28, 1897, signed Casline Laughlin. Witnesses A.J. Sheppard & Ada L. Coyle

Cft of record in Muskingum Co O dated Mch 2, 1900. Record of its being offered Sept 26, 1898 in which it states she left no widower & that the next of kin were John H. Laughlin, Samuel W. Laughlin & Ivy J. Laughlin.

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3. Will of Thomas W. Laughlin Book 7 P 252 Wills as follows:

1st to my daughter Saray Jane, all personal property & 82 A off of east side of my home farm. She pay my debts & her brother Josiah $200.

2d to my son, Alexander G. Laughlin 25 A adj above on west

3rd to my daughter Deborah Cowden 26 A adj above 25 A on west

4th to my son John W. Laughlin bals of the 1/4 being abt 27 A

Dated June 4, 1887 signed Thomas W. Laughlin (seal) Witnesses James McCreary, E.M. Creighton.

Application for probate is made stating that Thomas W. Laughlin was late of Center Tp & that he died Nov 21, 1900 leaving his only next of kin as follows:

John W. Laughlin, son, Barnesville, Ohio

Sarah J. Laughlin, daughter, Washington, Ohio

Deborah Cowden, daughter, Quaker City, Ohio

Josiah Laughlin, son, Wooster, Ohio

Alexander G. Laughlin, son, White Water, Kan.

Admitted to probate Dec 17, 1900.

4. Will of John W. Laughlin Book 12 P 259 Recites he is of Barnesville, Belmont Co Ohio, makes following specific bequests:

2d to my daughter Leila J. Laughlin, my piano

to my son, Lester M. Laughlin, my tall hall clock

to my son Thomas C. Laughlin, my father's gold headed cane

to my daughter Emma E. Laughlin, all household goods

3d directs Exrs to sell 30 A in Center Tp Guernsey Co that he got from his father. This & his father's old home farm to be sold as a whole at best time for interests of his heirs & directs proceeds to be divided equally between children viz: Emma E. Laughlin, Thomas C.

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Laughlin, David A. Laughlin, Albert W. Laughlin, John C. Laughlin, Palmer H. Laughlin, Leila J. Laughlin, & Lester M. Laughlin & their heirs.

4th, My daughters, Emma E & Leila J. Or the survivor if they remain unmarried to have a home for 5 yrs in my present home on north side of Walnut St, Barnesville O Exr to then sell sd property & give above daughters each $500 & divide proceeds equally between all his children including Emma & Leila.

The arrangement for giving said two daughters follows which he says is in accordance with the request of his deceased wife Margaret J. Laughlin in her last sickness.

Appoints sons David A. & Palmer H. Exrs signed Dated July 21, 1909 John W. Laughlin (seal) Witness: W.F. Smith, G.J. Howard

On June 22, 1915, he makes a codicil &in recognition of the self denial of his daughter Leila J. Laughlin who for years has faithfully & loyally contributed her time to the management of my household affairs, gives her $500 more. Directs that son Albert W. Laughlin be attorney in settlement of estate. Admitted to probate June 5, 1917.

5. Will of Amanda Malinda Robins No 3 P 110 Recites she is of Cambridge O & gives names of fathers, brothers & sisters, but the name of Peter does not appear.

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6. Will of Madison D. Robins No 6 Page 489 Gives wife Mary J. Robins the use during life or widowhood of 1/2 of a property in Cambridge O of which she owns the other half.

3d Directs Exr to sell all remaining real estate

4th Directs Exr to sell property & invest money & pay proceed to wife during life or widowhood & then divide equally among J.C. Robins, James M. Robins, Mary Bell Robins, Martha Grace Robins, my children.

6th Appoints John Henry Robins Exrs Dated Nov 10, 1898 signed Madison D. Robins (seal) Witness: Emma J. Spence & J.H. Mackey

Application for probate states he was of Cambridge Tp & died on Jany 10, 1899 & left as next of kin his widow Mary J and:

J.C. Robins, son, Cambridge, Ohio

Mary Bell Robins, daughter Cambridge, Ohio

Martha Grace Robins, daughter, Cambridge, Ohio

James M. Robins, son, 507 Prospect St Cleveland O

Probated Jany 26, 1899

7. Will of Mary J. Robins No 9 Page 212 Recites she is of Cumberland, Guernsey Co O & she makes bequests to Colleges & missionary Aso but I do not believe she is of our family.

8. Will of Thompson Rose No 1 Page 347 Recites he is of Wills Tp & directs that his body be interred in the Leatherwood Meetinghouse burial grounds, Guernsey Co & tombstones placed at his grave & then wills:

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To my wife, Susanna Rose, in lieu of dower, an equal 1/3 of R.E. & 1/2 of personal estate after paying debts & legacy of my daughter Matilda Voorhis, refers to farm on which he resides.

To my daughter Matilda Voorhis, wife of Lewis D. Voorhis $1500, part to be considered as for services rendered after she was 18 & bals as a legacy.

5th to my daughter Lydia Rose, wife of Samuel Rose, the farm on which they reside in Oxford Tp ctg 81.85 A

6th to my two daughters Anne Maria Rose & Tacy Jane Rose, the farm on which I now reside ctg 210 A & also all the balance of estate.

Appoints beloved wife Susanna Rose & Archibald Wilkins exrs dated Jany 15, 1861 signed Thompson Rose (seal) Witness: Alexander D. Taylor, William Rose & Jonas Fouracus.

On Feby 18, 1861 the last two witnesses appear in court, prove will & same is admitted to probate.

9. Will of William Rose Book 3 Page 160 Dated Dec 30, 1874 gives to

To my son John C. Rose 130 A of the farm on which I now reside in Richland Tp

2d to my daughters, Hannah S. Secrist and Sarah Catharine Rowland & the heirs of my deceased daughter Mary Emily Connett $800 each & directs remainder of farm ctg 66 A to be sold to pay them if he does not sooner pay them & the remaining proceeds to go one fourth each to above 3 & 1/4 to

To my son Thomas J. Rose

3d To my sons John C. Rose, Benjamin F. Rose, Thomas J. Rose & my daughters, Hannah S. Secrist, Sarah C. Rowland & Mary Emily Connett's

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heirs to share equally in personal estate.

Appoints son John C. Rose Exr signed William Rose (seal) Witnesses: Thomas J.T. Buchanan, Rachel C. Lafollett

On July 12, 1878 Rachel C. Lafollett appears & proves will & same day James Thompson proves the signature of Thos J.T. Buchanan who had died. Same day, Mary A. Rose, widow of Wm Rose appears in courts & takes under the provisions of the statutes provided by law.

10. Will of William Rose Book 3 P 460 Recites he is of the town of Kimbolton & gives:

2d to my son Wm A Rose 20 A in Wheeling Tp

3d to my son John J. Rose 33 A in Liberty Tp

4th to my son Samuel Rose 8 A in Wheeling Tp

5 to my grandson Charlie T. Rose 45 A in Liberty Tp & Kimbolton Corp

6 to Lizzie Moore, house & lot in Kimbolton

7 to 4 sons equally all money & bank accts

Appoints George T. Rose & Samuel T. Rose Exrs. Dated Feby 8, 1916 signed Thompson (his mark) Rose (seal)

Witness: S.J. Montgomery, S.A. Clark

Application for probate states that he died Oct 4, 1916, that he left no widow & his only next of kin are:

William A. Rose, son, Greenford, Ohio

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[top line cut off, may be another child]

John G. Rose, son, Guernsey, O

Samuel T Rose, son, Guernsey O

George T. Rose, son, Peoli, O

Admitted to Probate Oct 14, 1916

12. Will of Harriet A. Sproat, Book 2 P 212 She is of Wills Tp & by short will dated Friday, June 22, 1866 bequeaths "to my sister Mary Alexander $100 out of the first money coming to me out of my father's estate & the balance to my husband E.E. Sproat who is to be Exr, signed Harriet A. Sproat, Witness: J.R. Sproat, W.C. McCulloch

On May 13, 1869, Joseph R. Sproat & William C. McCulloch appear in court & prove the will, which is admitted to probate same day.

13. Will of Alexander H. Sproat Book 2 P 295 Wills:

To my beloved wife Elizabeth 90 A out of the middle of the farm on which I now live & at her death sd 90 A, which includes the buildings is to revert to my son, Samuel & gives her certain personal property.

2d To my son Elijah E. Sproat 100 A off of north end of farm I now live on.

3d to my son Samuel 100 A more or less off of the south end of the farm I now reside on. Also gives him all the farm implements & stock except what I have given my wife.

Appoints son Joseph N. Sproat Exr. Dated Feby 1, 1867 signed Alexander H. Sproat Witness: John Lawrence, Wm A. Lawrence

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On Dec 12, 1870 said witnesses appear in court & prove will & same day it is admitted to probate.

14. Will of Joseph N. Sproat Book 10 P 125 He is of the Tp of Wills & wills:

2d To my daughter Mary W. Rowland 40 A off west side farm Wills Tp

3d to my daughter Elizabeth Johnson $100, she having recd $1030.92 in Adv

4th To my beloved wife Elizabeth M. Sproat in lieu of dower & for life bals farm 60 off east side

5th AT wife's death s'd 60 A to be sold & divided equally among my three children to wit, to my son Charles A. Sproat & my daughters Elizabeth Johnson & Mary W. Rowland.

Appoints son J. Charles A. Sproat, sole Exr & he to have $100 for his services. Dated June 25, 1908 signed Joseph N. Sproat (seal) Witnesses: A.R. McCulloch & Ella M. Johnston

Application for probate recites that he died Feby 27, 1912, leaving his widow Elizabeth M. Sproat who resides at Lore City & the following as his only next of kin:

Charles A. Sproat, son, Lore City, O

Elizabeth E. Johnson, daughter, St Charles, Mich RFD

Mary W. Rowland, daughter, Lore City, O

Will duly proven Mch 21, 1912 & admitted to probate.

15. Will of Elijah E. Sproat Book 10 P 305 He is of Center Tp, wills:

1st, to Adella Buell & her son Allen Dwight Buell, my homestead in Center Tp in which I now reside & 3 tracts of land ctg 2 1/2 A connected therewith & the house goods & organ except the books & pictures

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2d To Allen Dwight Buell, my watch & $50.

3d to Odella Buell $50

4 to my brothers, Joseph N. Sproat, Samuel A. Sproat & my nephew Chas A. Sproat, all my books, pictures to be divided equally between them & likewise gives them the balance of his personal property.

Appoints S.D. Floyd Exr Dated Feby 20, 1911 signed Elijah E. Sproat (seal) witness: L.H. Longstreth, H.W. Audt (Arndt)

On Apr 20, 1912, he makes a codicil reciting that his brother, Joseph N. Sproat, having died, he wills what was to go to him equally to his brother Samuel A. Sproat & his nephew Chas A. Sproat.

Application for probate recites that he died Jany 27, 1913 recites that he left now widow & the following are his only next of kin:

Samuel Sproat, brother, Lore City O RFD #1

Sarah E. McCulloch, sister, Lore City, O

Charles A. Sproat, nephew, Lore City, O RD#3

Lizzie Johnson, niece, Michigan

Mary Rowland, niece, Senecaville O

Admitted to probate Mch 12, 1913

16. Will of Samuel Thompson Book A P 463 Wills as follows:

To my beloved wife, Jeane, the use of my 1/4 section of land until my youngest child Nancy Jane arrived at 18 yrs of age.

2d if when my youngest daughter arrives at 18, my children cannot agree on a division of

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my property, the exrs are to sell same, subject to wife's dower & divide proceeds equally among my children, Jacob, Euch (Erick), Elizabeth, Samuel, James & Nancy Jane.

3d Appoints James Hannum & Jacob Erick Exrs & directs Exrs after sons Jacob Erick, Samuel & James arrive at 18 yrs of age to be bound out to such trades as they severally select. Dated Oct 19, 1838 signed Sam'l Thompson (seal) Witness: William Roach, Daniel Thomas

Proven Apr 8, 1839 & admitted to record.

17. Will of David Thompson Book A P 493 Wills as follows:

To beloved wife, Susannah Thompson in lieu of dower the plantation ctg 23 A (located in will) & all livestock, household effects etc not otherwise disposed off [sic] & she to sell enough to pay debts.

3d to my eldest son, James Thompson $1

4th to my second son John Thompson $1

5th to my daughter Jain [sic] Thompson, her mother's upper & under bed, teakettle & smoothing iron & $1

Appoints wife Susanna Exrs. Dated Mch 30, 1833 signed David Thompson (seal) Witness: William D. Frame & James Frame (of Jas)

On May 12, 1840 both witnesses appear in court & prove will &same is admitted to probate.

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18. Will of James Thompson Book A Page 506 As follows:

Appoints brother Robert Thompson Jr Exr

1st Directs all personal property sold except what is hereinafter named.

2d Monies arising therefrom all on hand to be put at int.

3d Wills that son Edward Young Thompson be maintained & educated out of estate, my Father Robert Thompson Sr having the care & superintendence of the same.

4th directs exr to make legal title to the land in Chandlersville according to the bond covering the sale thereof.

1. Codicil I will that my comprehensive commentary (henry) Pocket Bible Hymn Book & two sets of silver teaspoons be kept for my son E.Y. Thompson

2. I will that a black silk dress & skirt be given to Mrs Chandler & one light colored silk dress to Mrs Pierce Sept 16, 1840 James Thompson (seal) Witness: Thomas I. Taylor, John C. Thompson

On Nov 18, 1840 both witnesses appear in court & prove will & same is admitted to probate.

19. Will of Mary & James Thompson Book B P 370 Recites that we, Mary Thompson of Guernsey Co O & James Thompson of Jefferson Co O exrs of the last will & testament of Mathew Thompson of the Comm of Penna & county of Fayette Decd in compliance with the duties assigned us by said will, make known that at the decease of Mary Thompson it is our will that thereof which Mary Thompson is

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in possession & on which she now dwells situate in the county of & state of Ohio shall be equally divided & given to Mathew Thompson, the son & Jane Thompson, daughter of said Mary Thompson excepting the house in which Polly Jonston now lives and 1 1/2 A land by said house which said Polly Jonston shall have use of with what firewood is necessary during her natural life or widowhood & there same is to revert back to the original place & Mathew Thompson on becoming in possession of said land shall pay out as follows: to wit:

To William Thompson $1

To Margaret Thompson $1

To Catharine Scott $1

To Serah Anderson $1

To Andrew Thompson $1

& further any claims arising in the settlement of Mathew Thompson's estate, the above named Mathew Thompson is to pay & on so doing the s'd Mathew Thompson & Jane Thompson shall have free full & entire possession of s'd land. Dated Nov 28, 1832 Mary (her mark) Thompson (seal), James Thompson (seal) Witness:William Thompson, Mathew Thompson

On May 25, 1852 the above two witness appear in court as certified by James Delong, probate judge & prove said will which is admitted to probate.

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20. Will of Elizabeth Thompson Book 1 P 260

Wills as follows:

1st To my nephew James Johnston, the land & imp on which I now reside

2d To my niece Margaret McBride $100

3d To my nephew Thomas Johnston $100

4th To my niece Margaret Ann Johnston (daughter of Wm Johnston) $50

5th to my nephew William Johnston (son of Wm Johnston) $100

6th to my niece Isabel Young $50

7th to my niece Mary Elizabeth young (daughter of Isabel Young) $50

8th to my brother Thomas Johnston $50

9th to the United Pres Ch all the remainder for the spread of the Gospel

Appoints James Atherton, & my nephew Thos Johnston Exrs. Dated Dec 23, 1858. Elizabeth (her mark) Thompson Witness James Atherton, Andrew Duncan Above witnesses proved same Jany 1, 1859 & same is admitted to probate.

21. Will of Thomas Thompson, book 1 P 277 Recites that he is of the Town of Middletown, Guernsey Co O:

To son Thomas all my land warrants for military bounty land calling for 80 A & also all monies notes, accts & all personal property of every kind, he to furnish:

to my daughter Elizabeth, a comfortable room, & to provide for maintain & take care of her during her natural life.

Appoints son Thomas sole exr dated July 23, 1855 Thomas (his mark) Thompson (seal)

Joseph K. Andrews, Middletown Guernsey Co O, Francis H. Graham

Proven by said witnesses Apr 15, 1859 & admitted to probate.

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22. Will of William Thompson Book 1 P 286 Recites he is of Center Tp & wills:

to my son David Thompson 63 A military land

to my son John Thompson 72 A military land

3d to my son James Thompson 81 1/2 A military land

4th to my son William Thompson 117 A military land

5th to my daughter, Rebecca Hawkins $692 to be pd by sons as outlined.

6th to the heirs of my daughter Elizabeth Tirell $692 to be pd by sons as outlined.

7th to my daughter Jane Thompson $692 to be pd by sons as outlined.

8th to my granddaughter Elizabeth Ann Hawkins $50

9th Debts to be pd out of personal property & bals to be divided equally between my children one share to go to the heirs of my daughter Elizabeth Tirell [Firell?].

Lastly appoints sons David & John Exrs. Dated Jany 9, 1857 William Thompson (seal) Witness: John Robinson, James Robinson

Proven by said witnesses & admitted to probate Sept 27, 1859

23. Will of Jane Thompson Book 1 P 288 Recites she is of Center Tp & wills:

Directs marble to be erected at her grave & residue of estate to go as follows:

To my beloved sister Rebekah Hawkins, my saddle etc

to my niece Elizabeth Ann Hawkins 3 notes & a great array of articles

Appoints Hugh Brown Exr Dated Feby 13, 1858 Jane (her mark) Thompson Witness: Daniel C. Sender, Jackson Tp, G. Co O

John Robinson, Jackson Tp, G. Co O

Proven by said witnesses & admitted to record Oct 7, 1859

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[top several lines are smeared or cut off]

between John & Joseph Thompson, my two sons & Margaret Jane Gardiner, my daughter, Appoints Thomas McKee Exr. Andrew Thompson, (seal) Witness;John Stoop, Thomas McKee

Proven by s'd witnesses & admitted to record June 20, 1862

25. Will of Benjamin Thompson Book 2 P 161

Wills 2 A to wife for life & then to go to friend Thomas Ambler & appoints wife Letitia Thompson Exr Dated Nov 25, 1867 Benjamin (his mark) Thompson, Witness: Elias M. Creighton, Alfred M. Smith

Probated Jany 8, 1868 Ringsblack

26. Will of William Thompson Book 3 P 254 To wife all property & 200 A land for life

to my son John Thompson at death of my wife 100 A of my land, he to pay $125 viz $25 to church & $50 each to Wm Pollock, & Jessie Thompson, my son James' daughter

to my son William Thompson & my daughter Mary J. Cherry, the other 100 A equally, son John to provide for himself & wife during life.

Dated may 20, 1875 William Thompson (seal) Witness: William Whitaker, Francis Braninger

Probated Apr 10, 1880

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27. Will of Andrew Thompson Book 3 P 559

Recites he is of Monroe Tp

To wife, Margaret entire estate forever

Appoints James Aikins Exr Dated July 6, 1884 Witness C.H. Price, R.S. Braniger Probated Sept 4, 1884

28. Will of Margaret Thompson Book 4, P 5 Recites she is of New Birmingham, Guernsey Co

1st appoints James P. Aiken of Monroe Tp sole Exr

2d to my daughter Elizabeth Moore residing near Deersville, Harrison Co O, my entire property. Dated Nov 5, 1884 Margaret Thompson (seal) Witness: J.W. Martin, Elizabeth M. Neel, Probated Apr 30, 1885

29. Will of William Thompson Book 4 P 394 Wills:

to wife Margaret D. Thompson, household & kitchen furn & to retain dower

5th recites that after my daughter Hester A. Finley & Leicester K. Thompson, my son & Jane Casner, My daughter & Luke D. Thompson, my son & Eliza Conner my daughter shall have recd of my estate $700 share & share alike, then & after then William A. Thompson my son shall share in the remainder of my estate share & share alike.

Appoints son Leicester of Lucester K Thompson & son-in-law John R Finley Exrs Dated July 13, 1889 William Thompson (seal) Witenss: Geo W. Brown, James Kales, Probated Nov 27, 1889

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30. Will of Margaret Thompson Book 5 P 79 Recites she is of Senecaville & wills:

2d to my 3 daughters, Hester A Finley, Jane E. Casner & Eliza M. Conner, household & kitchen furniture

3d to my sons King Thompson, Luke Thompson, my family books

4th, to my daughters Jane E. Casner & ELiza M. Conner & my daughter-in-law Mary M. Thompson, wife of my son Wm A. Thompson all my money notes etc equally.

Appoints Joseph M. Raney Exr Dated Dec 22, 1891 Margaret (her mark) Thompson Witness: A.D. Fisher, of Sedalia, Missouri, James Lane of Sedalia Missouri, Eliza Fisher of Sedalia, Missouri

Probated Feby 27, 1892

31. Will of Samuel Thompson Book 6 p 530 I, Samuel Thompson of Liberty Tp & of the age of 85 yrs:

Real 2d to my youngest son William Thompson 20 A where he lives

3d To John K. Thompson $150

4th to my granddaughter Zena Maud Thompson $100

5th to my daughters Mary Angus, Martha Leeper, Nancy Alexander, & Rachel Browers equally whatever is left of R.E. after payment of debts.

Gives some personal property to some of above & appoints James Duncan Thompson of Antrim O sole Exr. Dated Feby 3, 1896 Samuel (his mark) Thompson (seal) Witness: James McKim, who resides at North Salem, Sarah Thomas who resides at Kimbolton

Application for probate recites that he died Jany 25, 1899, leaving no widow & the following persons who are all of his next of kin residing in Ohio

James D. Thompson, son Antrim O

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John K. Thompson, son, Kimbolton O

William Thompson, son, Kimbolton O

Mary C. Angus, daughter, Taylor, Texas

Martha J. Leeper, daughter, Primrose, Pa

Rachel J. Brower, daughter, Kimbolton, O

Nancy E Alexander, daughter, Tyner, O

Probated Mch 31, 1899

32. Will of James D. Thompson Book 8 p 146 Recites he is of Antrim O & wills:

to my wife Mary A entire estate for life & then

to my daughter Jessie A. Tannehill & her children the und 1/2 of a field bought by W.H. Tannehill & myself & also gives them a lot ctg 133 A

to my daughter Mollie L. Taylor & her children if she should have any, the dwelling house & lots on which I now reside in Antrim O with reversion to Jessie A. Tannehill if she dies without issue.

Dated June 3, 1898 J.D. Thompson (seal) Witness: Otho M. Shipley, Thomas Boyd

Appoints Mary A. Thompson Exrx

Application for probate recites that he died Oct 10, 1903 leaving a widow Mary A Thompson residing at Antrim O & his only next of kin viz:

Jessie A. Tannehill, daughter, Freeport, O

Mary L. Taylor, daughter, Steubenville O

Walter C. Taylor petitioner, probated Oct 27, 1903

33. Will of Wm A. Thompson Book 8 P 425 Recites he is of Donegal Tp, Wash Co Pa

To Bloomfield U.P. Con of Muskingum Co O $50

To Mrs Dora Scott, wife of Joseph Scott of Donegal Tp, Wash Co Pa the residue of my estate, W.A. Thompson (seal) Witness Wm Mustard, Thos Scott

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Application for probate states he died Feby 12, 1905 leaving no widow, nor no next of kin reported. Probated Mch 27, 1905

34. Will of William H. Thompson Book 1 P 465 Recites he is of Richland Tp & wills:

To my wife, Mary C. Thompson my und int in farm we own jointly

to my daughter, Martha L. Thompson, supposedly made an invalid by an attack of scarlet fever in her infancy be provided for during life.

After death of wife & dau Martha L., my int in the farm to go to my two daughters Grace L. Lafferty & Mary G. Dudley & the heirs of their bodies.

Appoints Mary C. Thompson Adms Dated Aug 11, 1917 Wm Halley Thompson

Witness: A.T. Burns, Cambridge, O, N.T. Oliver, Senecaville, O

Application for probate states that he died Aug 13, 1917 leaving his widow who resides in Senecaville O & his only next of kin viz:

Martha L. Thompson, daughter, Senecaville, O

Grace O. Lafferty, Daughter, Senecaville, O

Mary G. Dudley, daughter Lore City, O RD

Probated Sept 13, 1917

35. Will of Charles W. Thompson Book 12 P 210 Wills:

to daughter Metta, all bonds, stocks & promissory notes

to my wife, all remainder of my estate forever

Dated May 27, 1915 Charles W. Thompson Witness T.H. Roules & J.B. Shafer, Petition for probate says he was of Jackson Tp & died Sept 17, 1919 leaving a widow Mary C. Thompson of Byesville, Guernsey Co O & Metta E. Hoopman, daughter, Cambridge O. Probated Sept 23, 1919

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36. Will of William M. Finley Book 2 Page 3 Wills as follows:

to my sons Thomas Jefferson Finley & Theodore Finely 115 A in Richland Tp, they to pay my mother $75 each & every yr of her natural life if needed for her support.

Directs exr to sell 61 1/2 A in Wayne Tp Noble Co O

To my wife, Mary in lieu of dower 25 sheep 1 horse

Appoints friend James Madison Thompson Exr Dated Jany 6, 1864 William M. Finley (seal) Witness: James Thompson, James Rich

On Jany 19, 1864 above witnesses appear in court & prove will & will is probated same day.

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36. Will of William M. Finley Book 2 Page 3 wills as follows:

To my son Thomas Jefferson Finley & Theodore Finley 115 A in Richland Tp they to pay my mother $75 each & every yr of her natural life if needed for her support.

Directs exr to sell 61 1/2 A in Wayne Tp, Noble Co O

To my wife Mary in lieu of dower 25 sheep 1 horse

Appoints friend James Madison Thompson Exr. Dated Jany 6, 1864 William M. Finley (seal) Witness: James Thompson, James Rich

On Jany 19, 1864, above witnesses appear in court & prove will & will is probated same day.

37. Will of Samuel Finley Book 2 P 231 Recites he is of Ohio Co VA & wills:

To my wife Elizabeth one third of plantation on which we live for life & then:

To my two sons William & Samuel & gives her $150 etc & also gives them the other 2/3 & many other things subject however to taking care of Margaret as long as she remains single.

3d To my daughter, Agness $600 of the price of Cattleman's Run to be p'd her as she needs it & if anything is left to go to her 3 children, Elizabeth, Hugh & Eleanor if they stay with their mother until they be of age & if they are taken away by their father they are to have no share in it.

4th To my daughter Elenor Harvey 1/4 section on Wills Creek in Ohio for life & then to her children if she has any etc.

5th to my daughter Margaret 1/4 section on Wills Creek O for life & to her children if she has any etc

6th If anything is left to divide equally between four of my children William, Samuel, Elenor & Margaret

Appoints wife Elizabeth & son William Exrs.

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Dated Apr 21, 1827 Samuel Finley (seal) Witness: John McConnell, Wm McKinley. a holographic will probated Sept 14, 1869

38. Will of Samuel Finley Book 3 P 262 Wills:

To my wife, Catharine Finley for life or widowhood all estate

2d My son Ebenezer Finley, Elizabeth, John, Rebecca Jane, Williams, [sic] Joseph, Sarah Mary Melvina and Ezra Finley which is all the children I have got , I have given them $600 each with an equal outfit.

5th Gives to sons & daughters Ebenezer, John, William Joseph & Ezra Finley & my daughters Rebecca Jane, Sarah, Mary Melvina Finley an equal share in my personal estate.

To my daughter Elizabeth Marshall $1. Appoints John Moore Exr Dated Oct 13, 1865. Samuel Finley Witness James White, John Moore

In probate proceedings of May 21, 1880 heirs are named viz: Elizabeth Marshall, Rebecca Jane Kelley, Joseph Finley, Sarah McCracken, Mary McCracken, Mary Melinda Secrest, Ezra Finley, John Finley & Calliam [sic, means William] Finely & admitted to probate.

39. Will of Nancy Finley Book 3 Page 468 Recites she is of Quaker City O & about 70 yrs of age

2d to my son Samuel J. Finley $400.

3d to my son Thomas M. Finley $300.

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4th to my daughter Celestia Francis Linn $400

5 to my grandchild Viola Danford, Charlie Danford, John Danford, Corall Danford, Annie L. Danford, Eliza Davis Oscar V. Wells, Joseph D. Wells, Homer A. Wells, Cora F. Wells, Jesse M. Wells, Minnie Wells $10 each

6th to Tabitha Burr $50

7th to my granddaughter Ida M. Linn my bed etc

9th Residue equally among all my heirs Samuel J. Finley, Thomas M. Finley, James Finley, Rebecca Foley? Annie E. Wells & Celestia Francis Lynn

10th Appoints Samuel J. Finley Exr Dated Jany 6, 1883 Nancy Finley Witness: J.W. Lippincott, George Wolfe

40. Will of Ebenezer Finley Book 4 P 512

Wills he is of Richland Tp

2d to my son Lery [sic] L. Finley $1500, wife is Elizabeth

3d to my daughter Margaret A. Thomas $1500

4 to the heirs of Emaline Millhone viz Howard, F, Harris A & Cora B $500 each to be pd to them as they become of age.

5th Anything remaining to go to all my heirs viz John R Finley, Levi L. Finley, Margaret A. Thomas, the heirs of Emeline Millhone decd

8th Appoints William Thompson Exr Dated July 3, 1886 Ebenezer Finley (seal) Witness J.M. Rainer, Frank Rainer

Codicil dated Sept 22, 1890

3d William Thompson having deceased appoints John R. Finley & Manuel Millhone Exrs Ebenezer Finley

Probated Dec 30, 1890 et seq

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41. Will of J.H. Finley Book 10 P 164 Recites he is of Richland Tp

To Ray Stevens $1000 to be pd in discretion of wife Tacy Ellen Finley

To wife Tacy Ellen Finley all residue of estate & appoints her Exrx Dated Apr 18, 1912 J.H. Finley (seal) Witness M.J. Gregg, W.H. Gregg

Application for probate recites that he died Apr 26, 1912 leaving widow all above who resides at Senecaville O & no children. Probated June 11, 1912

42. Will of William Findley Book A P 386 Recites he is of Beaver Tp

1st to my son William Mahlon Findley lot 65 in Williamsburgh

2d to my wife, Rebecca Findley to have farm for maintenance of family until youngest daughter becomes of age. If she dies, son Daniel is to carry on.

After all are of age, farm to be sold & divided among all my children to wit: beginning at the oldest Lovina Currey, Daniel Finley, Sarah Anne Findley, Barbara Findley, Philip Findley, Catharine Findley, Archibald Findley, Robert Findley & Louisa Findley. Appoints son Daniel Findley sole Exr Dated Apr 13, 1836 William Findley (seal)

Attest: Henry Shadwell, Reuben Carpenter, William Gladfelder

Probated July term 1836.

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43. Will of John Carrothers Book A P 199 Wills as follows:

To my wife Mary Carrothers what the law allows the rest of my money & chattels to be divided equally between my sons James, John, George & Robert.

2d I allow my Exr to put each one of my children's money that is not of age into land for my children.

Lastly appoints Thos B. Kirkpatrick of Guernsey Co sole Exr Dated Aug 10, 1828 John Carrothers (seal) Witness: Henry Kirkpatrick, John Thompson

On Sept 29, 1828 both witnesses come into court & prove will & it is duly probated.

44. Will of Susan Carothers Book 3 P 520 Recites she is of Washington Tp

1st to my sister Sarah Carothers $200

2d to my brother James Carothers $300

3d I bequeath to James Carothers, Sarah Carothers, Margaret Benson & the heirs of Elizabeth Carothers, the balance of my property the children of Elizabeth Carothers to take their mother's shares Dated Mch 25, 1884 Susan (her mark) Carothers Witness: William A. Spencer, George Frazier Probated 1884

45. Will of William Carothers Book 5 p 291 Recites he is of Knox Tp & wills:

To my wife Sarah Carothers all my R.E. for life. Son James if he lives with his mother or me & takes care of us in our old age to have property & pay out

V7 Page 186

to my son John $50

to my son Geo T. Carothers, nothing, but leaving his $50 to his son William Garfield Carothers

to my daughter Jane Davis $50

to my daughter Agness Thompson $50

to my son Andrew Thompson [JVT uses " marks under the Agness Thompson entry, does he mean his son Andrew Carothers? CW] $50

to my son Samuel Thompson [see note above] $50

to my daughter Sarah Hosick $50

to my daughter Mary Thompson $50

Appoints wife & son James Exrs Dated Apr 9, 1888 William Carothers (seal) Attest: T.F. Caster, Isaiah Miller

Application for probate says he died on or abt the July 1893, leaving his widow Sarah who resides at Kimbolton & his only next of kin as follows:

James Carothers, son, Kimbolton O

Samuel Carothers, son, Kimbolton O

Jane Davis, daughter, Kimbolton O

Agnes Thompson, daughter, Newcomerstown, O

Sarah Hosick, daughter, Kimbolton O

Mary D. Thompson, daughter, Newcomerstown, O

Probated Sept 1, 1893

46. Will of Samuel Carothers Book 7 P 476 Recites he is of Liberty Tp & wills:

My wife Elizabeth Ann to manage estate. In consideration of the services of my two sons George Turney & Samuel Edward, they shall inherit the entire estate at their mother's death. Appoints John S. Miller of Kimbolton, Liberty Tp Exr. Dated Aug 3, 1898 Samuel Carothers (L.S.)

Attest: J.T. Campbell, Lizzie J. Miller

Application for probate states he died May 28, 1902

V7 Page 187

leaving his widow Elizabeth Ann who resides at Kimbolton RD No 1 & the following his only next of kin:

Margaret E. McCullough, daughter, Newton, Iowa

B.R. Carothers, son, Newcomerstown, O

Mathew Carothers, son, Douglas, Wyoming

Mary J. Miller, daughter, Cambridge O

G.T. Carothers, son, Kimbolton, O

S.E. Carothers, son, Kimbolton, O

Samuel Carothers, grandson, Douglas, Wyoming

John S. Miller, Petitioner Probated July 22, 1902

Finished & quitting at 4:02 AM July 8, 1922 after working continuously from 1:20 PM yesterday without ceasing 15 hours from Page 160 to here. JVT [WOW!! CW]

V7 Page 188

At residence of Mrs Amelia Thompson Secrest, wife of Ralph Waits Secrest west edge Greenwood, in Wayne Tp, Noble Co O being just along [best guess] the line. July 8, 1922 9:50 AM

I arrived here by the Noah taxi line from Cambridge O at 9:30 AM & have met Mrs Secrest & her daughter she has brought out the old big Bible of her great grandfather & her grandfather both Robert Thompson. She says her grandfather may have copied his father's record in his own Bible. This is really his Bible for it has the name as publishers from which Dr Langdon S. Thompson said his father got his name. The Bible was published at Boston in 1831 by Langdon Coffin 31 Washington St. The record follows:

Marriages Robert Thompson & Susannah Torrance Apr 1, 1802

Robert Thompson & Hannah Power Dec 15, 1814

Robert Thompson & Catherine Conner Sept 16, 1819

The above are three of the marriages of Robert Thompson & the one following is that of his son.

Robert Thompson & Margaret Mershon July 27, 1837

L.S. Thompson & Caroline A. Keil July 23, 1861

James H. Thompson & Emily M. Riggs Apr 17, 1862


Susannah Torrence, wife of Robert Thompson was born March 13, 1783

V7 Page 189

Robert Thompson was born Feby 5, 1780

Susannah Thompson was born March 13, 1783

Their children:

1. Samuel Thompson was born Apr 3, 1804

2. James Thompson was born Dec 24, 1805

3. William Thompson was born Feby 6, 1807

4. Robert Thompson was born Sept 24, 1808

5. Mary Ann Torrance Thompson was born May 17, 1810

6. Jane Thompson was born May 22, 1812

7. Harrison Thompson was born Oct 16, 1813

8. Martha Smiley Thompson was born Oct 18, 1815

9. John Conner Thompson was born Oct 9, 1820

10. Eliza Thompson was born May 7, 1822

11. Meheteble Thompson was born Apr 12, 1824

12. Susannah Thompson was born July 2, 1826

13. Miriam Thompson was born July 18, 1828

14. Howard Stevenson Thompson was born Sept 5, 1833

Margaret H. Thompson, Robert's wife was born August 21, 1810

The children of Robert Jr & his wife Margaret are:

1. Langdon Shook Thompson was born May 20, 1838

2. James Howard Thompson was born Jany 29, 1840

3. Sarah Azla Thompson was born Aug 2, 1842

4. Robert Hill Thompson was born Nov 2, 1850

Edward Y. Thompson was born May 25, 1834


Doct. James Thompson died Sept 23, 1840

Edward Young Thompson son of James Decd died Mch 20, 1843

Eliza Thompson, dau of Robert Sr & Catharine died June 2, 1849 at 8:30 AM

Nancy Mershon died June 7, 1849 at 12:30 PM

V7 Page 190

Susannah Thompson 1st wife of Robt Sr died July 20, 1814

Hannah Thompson 2nd wife of Robt Sr died Jany 23, 1817

Martha Smiley Thompson, only dau of Hannah & Robt Sr died Aug 1, 1817

Robert Thompson Sr died Nov 16, 1861 at 12 AM

James H. Thompson, son of Robt Jr & Margaret died Sept 22, 1879 at Des Moines Iowa 3:15 PM

Catharine Thompson, 3d wife of Robt Sr died Mch 24, 1874 aged 80 yrs 11 mos 3 days at Hiramsburg

Margaret H. Thompson, wife of Robt Jr died July 10, 1892 at 10:45 AM aged 81 yrs 10 mo 19 days

Robert Thompson Jr died Aug 25, 1895 at 2 AM aged 86 yrs 11 mo 1 day

Samuel Thompson, eldest son of Robt Sr died Sept 30, 1805

From the Family Bible of Robert Hill Thompson a large well preserved one published by the National Pub Co Phila ect, but without date I copy his family record.

Marriages Robert H. Thompson and Rachel C. Williams were married Sept 15, 1878


Robert H. Thompson son of Robt Jr & Margt H. was born Nov 2, 1850

Rachel C. Williams, dau of Jas W & Margt Ann Williams was born Sept 8, 1854

Their children:

1. Amelia H. Thompson was born Aug 22, 1879

2. Jessie Margaret Thompson was born Aug 17, 1881


Rachel Catharine Thompson, wife of Robt Hill Thompson died Mch 3, 1883 at 8 AM

Margaret H. Thompson, wife of Robt Thompson Jr died July 10, 1892 at 10:45 AM

Robert Thompson Jr died Aug 25, 1895 at 2 AM

Robert Hill Thompson died May 17, 1901 at 7:20 AM

Sarah Azla Thompson ("our dear aunt") died March 10, 1912 at 5:30 AM

Mrs Secrest has also brought out the family bible, a smaller one, well preserved of her Uncle James H. Thompson which was

V7 Page 191

published in New York by the American Bible Society in 1859 & from which I copy:

Marriages Jas H. Thompson and Emily M. Riggs Apr 17, 1862 at Zanesville, Ohio by Rev Hoge

Jas H. Thompson and Amelia Jones Dec 26, 1877 by Rev T.S. Berry (She was the widow of John W. Jones)


Jas H. Thompson was born Jany 29, 1840

Emily M. Riggs was born Nov 22, 1839

Their children:

1. Edwin O. Thompson was born Jany 14, 1863

2. Rosa H. Thompson was born Mch 24, 1866

Amelia Jones was born Mch 25, 1844

Her child was:

3. Gracie Jones was born Aug 5, 1867


Edwin O. Thompson died Aug 16, 1866 at Flora Ills

Rosa H. Thompson died Aug 8, 1866 at Flora Ills

Emily M. Thompson, my darling wife died Jany 28, 1868

John W. Jones (Amelia's first husband) died Dec 2, 1873

Jas H. Thompson my beloved husband died Sept 22, 1879

Amelia Thompson, my sweet, my angel mother, died May 3, 1886

Mrs Secrest has brought her own family Bible which is a good one & well preserved & was printed in New York in 1904 by Henry F. Giere, Lessee of J.A. Wilmore & Co. I copy from same:

V7 Page 192

Mr Secrest's record:

Father's father: Henry G. Secrest

Father's mother, Hannah S. Rose

Mother's Father: John Leeper

Mother's mother: Mary Ann Sutton

Father: John William Secrest

Mother: Angeline C. Leeper

Their children:

1. Ralph W. Secrest born Sept 5, 1880 married

2. Bert Leeper Secrest married Della Mooreland

3. Elsie Pearl Secrest married George Learned

4. Ellsworth R. Secrest married Elizabeth Thomas

5. Elton Luther Secrest married Ina Burlingame

6. Howard Clayton Secrest

7. Ivan Basel Secrest married Ina Murphy

Ralph Waits Secrest and Amelia H. Thompson were married Apr 29, 1903 by Rev W.L. Oliver in this house, the home of her father

Their children are:

1. Robert Thompson Secrest born Jany 22, 1904 at Greenwood O

2. Helen Irene Secrest born Apr 12, 1906 at Greenwood O

3. Paul Waits Secrest born Feby 26, 1908 at Greenwood O

4. William Alvin Secrest born May 3, 1911 at Greenwood O

5. Vernon Howard Secrest born Aug 28, 1914 at Greenwood O

6. Langdon Ray Secrest born May 4, 1920 at Greenwood O

Mrs Secrest says her oldest son Robert was born in a house just below here in Guernsey Co O & all the others were born in this house which is in Wayne Tp Noble Co O

Mr Robert S. Thompson, son of Madison has come to take me to his home.

V7 Page 193

At residence of Robert Sproat Thompson, Wayne Tp Noble Co O P.O. address is Senecaville O RFD 1 July 8, 1922 2:11 PM

I arrived here about half an hour ago, Mr Thompson having come to Mrs Secrest's on the edge of Greenwood & driven me out. It was his mother Betsy Thompson who Langdon S. Thompson told me last Feby was so well versed in Thompson genealogy. Asking him if he knew of any brothers or sisters of his great grandfather, James Thompson, he studied for several minutes & said there were two brothers of his who were settled at an early day about one mile from Buffalo (old Hartford) at a place where there is a mining town now called Walhonding. They sold out, he says, since the County was organized, the one selling to a Campbell he thinks & he can't recall who the other sold to. They were married then & had families & when they sold out, they went to South west Missouri. R.S.T. was in Kansas in 1873 & near Olathe, the County seat of Johnson Co, he saw Joseph, the son of one of the brothers & at Sabetha, Nemaha Co, Kansas, he saw David, a brother of Joseph. They were up in years & he says over 70 yrs old. He can't recall the town or Co in Mo they went to. R.S.T. was always told by his Uncles, great Uncles, father & mother that his forbears came from the north of Ireland & were Scotch Irish & he thinks his great grandfather, James, came across the seas. He says they came to Guernsey Co O about 1814, coming from Wash Co.

V7 Page 194

Co Pa. Miss Thompson has produced an old acct of James Thompson with the estate of Samuel Sproat made out by Thomas Meason, Who R.S.T. says married a daughter of John Thompson, the son of this James & Meason & his wife moved to south west MO. [margin notes reads:] See item 26 page 9 JVT Sept 17/22

Miss Martha has produced her father's family Bible, a big one & well preserved which was printed by the National Pub Co Phila Pa etc but without date. I copy the record from it:

Robert S. Thompson & Mary A. Oliver were married Dec 6, 1877 by Rev Wm D. Lowrey


Robert S. Thompson, born Sept 15, 1851

Mary A. Thompson born Apr 7, 1850

Their children:

1. Hiram Willis Thompson born Aug 28, 1878

2. Martha Olive Thompson born Dec 20, 1879

3. Wesley Merriet Thompson born Nov 17, 1881

4. Madison Orwell Thompson born Nov 12, 1883

5. Lillie Luella Thompson born June 25, 1886

Martha produces an old patent signed by James Maddison & by Edward Tiffin dated Aug 19, 1812 conveying NW 1/4 Sec 8 of Tp 8 Range 8 which was made out to William Thompson Assigner of Andrew Thompson. This Andrew may have been the Andrew Thompson who might have been one of the brothers who went to S.W. Missouri.

V7 Page 195

At Nellie T. Burns July 9, 1922 2:22 PM

A letter written Mch 4, 1922 from M. Elizabeth Robison of Columbus O to Mrs Burns from her brother Luther L? at Pataskala O says to write to:

Mr George Taylor 406 West Sixth Ave, Columbus O or to Mr Melville Taylor No 3604 North High St Columbus O for information of the descendants of their mother, Harriet Jackson Thompson Taylor Born May 24, 1819, the same day on which Queen Victoria was born. Mrs Burns thinks she had nine children. Nellie says to ask Geo Taylor for the address of Mrs Emma Young or her sister, Mrs Lizzie Ban Meter, probably both living in Columbus for the record of their mother Elizabeth Finley Houseman who has six or more children. Carl Young Lawyer in Columbus O is a son of Emma.

V7 Page 196 & V7 Page 197

[Descendant Chart]

[This is a chart of James & his two brothers, however, only James' descendants are listed]

2 sons in Guernsey Co in Early day & went to S.W. MO James Thompson

[children of James Thompson]

Robert Thompson Sr, Born Feby 5, 1780 [see bible record]

James, Born in Penna. Born say Apr 19, 1786, died Mar 19, 1819 aged 32 yrs 11 mos m. Deborah Sproat B died June 16, 1822 in her 29th yr. He was a farmer.

2. James Madison Thompson, Born say Oct 19, 1813 died Aug 16, 1865 aged 51 yrs 9 mos 28 days, m. Elizabeth Thompson, daughter of Jacob Thompson, his Uncle. R.S.T. says in 1836. She was born Nov 12, 1814 & died Dec 18, 1896. His bible record went to Jacob who lives in South Dakota P.O. Clearfield S.D.

James Harrison, See Page 246

Eleazer, see Page 247

Deborah Maria, see page 248

Sarah Elizabeth, see page 249

William Keil, see page 249

Jacob, see page 250

Robert S., see page 194 & 251

Catharine, died in infancy at Opossum Died Sept 15, 1854 B Feby 28, 1854

James Madison, He died Feby 18, 1864 aged 4 yrs plus. B. May 10, 1856

Rachel, see page 252.

Samuel, oldest, as reported by Mrs Burns as married.

3. Deborah Mariah Thompson was 2 yrs younger than her brother, m. same year as her brother, say in 1836 to Peter Daniel Robins a farmer. They are buried at Buffalo in the old cemetery.

2?. Jacob Thompson [son of James] Born in Penna. He was a farmer Born say Sept 17, 1781, died Mch 24, 1855 aged 73 yrs 6 mos 7 days, m. abt 1805 to Elizabeth Frame, dau of Moses? Frame. She is buried at Salisbury, Ind. June 15, 1923. Their grandson Wm E. Thompson saying her name was Susannah Frame born 1789 & died 1862 & she is dau of Thomas & sister of Moses. July 12/22 R.S.T. says this morning that he was married in 1805 shortly after coming here & that he & his wife had known each other in Fayette Co from whence the Frames came about the same time.

Thomas. He married here & went to Indiana in 1856 to Salisbury Indiana where he died & is buried as is his mother who he took with him. Had issue. The above is wrong. he mar a woman named Campbell & went to a creek called Fifteen in souther part of this state near Valine.


Jacob. He married here & went west about same time as Thomas & he thinks went to same place. It was Jacob who took his mother to Indiana. His wife was a Corwin. See Page 605.

James, He went fr Senecaville to Kansas & then to Portland Oregon where he died in 1886 & is buried there. He mar Sarah Tullis See Page 604 front cover.

Gamaliel, died in Calif

Clara, m. Arbogast. Has two daughters. See page 604 front made up from letter of Apr 2, 1923 small env filed.

Catharine, m. Luny. She dead

3 other children, born in Kansas

Hezekiah, married & died in Alaska. Had family at Portland, Oregon

Ezra, married. he died in Alaska.

"Polly", see page 253

William, see page 254

Robert, he married Elizabeth Axtell. He died at Salisbury Ind & she became Philip Laws' 2d wife. See page 255.

Robert, m. Anna Wines & had two children both dead

Roy Axtell Thompson, born in Guernsey Co O Feby 26, 1849. He Kept store in Sabetha Ks where R.S.T. saw him in 1873. He married Nannie Moorehead May 4, 1881 at Rock Creek Kans. He had 2 children or more. They are both dead. He died at Ness City Kan May 6, 1921. She was born in Nemaha Co Kan May 15, 1857 & died at Ness City Ks July 21, 1922. She was daughter of Archibald Moorhead & wife Sarah McBride. Their granddaughter Dale writes 8/9/23 small env that her father Harry M. was their only child.


Harry Moorhead, B March 19, 1882 in Nemaha Co Kan ob June 25, 1909 at Ness City KS, m. Oct 24, 1906 at Ness City Ks to Mildred Boathwick who was born in Cresco Iowa Oct 24, 1885 & is living, dau of

Dale, a girl, B Nov 2, 1908 at Ness City Ks Living at Ness City Ks

Eleanor, see page 255

John, see page 256

Elizabeth, see pages 196

Eleazer, m. Mary Stroud. He was a farmer & both died in Wash DC & were taken to Granville, Licking Co O where both are buried & also their two children.

George, m. Scott, was a farmer. No issue. He is dead & she is living.

Amanda, m. Robert Craig of near old Washington Ohio. Both dead.

Ozzie, married. Lives in Wash DC

Susan, m. Brown. She died in Cambridge O & is buried there.

A child, an infant when the mother died, but is living

Anna Lon? d.y. aged 9 or 10.

V7 Page 198

At residence of Mrs Nellie Thompson Burns, Richland Tp Guernsey Co O adjoining the Village of Senecaville July 8, 1922 9:09 PM

I arrived here more than an hour ago & find that Mrs Burns has a rather full record of the family much of which she took down from the lips of Betsy Thompson, daughter of Jacob Thompson & wife of Madison Thompson. I will undertake to make up from her records a genealogical tree which I will commence on page 200.

Mrs Burns says her Uncle, Evans Thompson, told her that one of the three sons of Jacob Thompson listed on page 201 married a Throckmorton. Referring to the list of Robert's children on Page 200 "Betsy" said: "Yes, there were two James's, one died & then they named another James."

"Evans Thompson was educated in the Senecaville schools, took a course in theology under the Board of Education in the Wesleyan Methodist Church, commenced preaching at the age of 19 yrs. He was a traveling minister until about 1872 when on account of poor health, located on his farm near Senecaville O. From that time on, till death, his life was one continuous round of officiating at funerals, marriages, visiting sick, church duties &c &c"

"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord"

"His Eldest son, George Richey Thompson was educated at Senecaville, taught school for a number of years, then went to Oberlin College where he graduated in classical course 1876. He was

V7 Page 199

admitted to the Bar some two years afterwards at Sandusky O. He moved to Kansas City Mo & practiced law there for a number of years".

"Charles William Thompson, his 3d son, attended the Country school & Senecaville also, commenced teaching at an early age, went to Mount Union College for a number of terms, then Supt of Senecaville Schools also Guthrie Center School. Edited a paper at that place. Finally took a medical course at Ohio Medical University Columbus O. Graduated 1895. Practiced medicine at Round Head Ohio, Santa Fe, NM, Byesville, Ohio. He had gone to Clearmont Wyo & was located there for some 2 or 3 years when he was stricken with the Influenza. Returning to his home in Byesville O Mch 1919, he died at his son-in-law's in Cambridge O"

"Henry Evans Thompson 4th son of Evans went to the country & town schools, commenced teaching very young, then attended the North Western University, Ada O from this institution, he was graduated. Then he was Supt of different schools. Finally taking a medical course at Ohio State University, Columbus, O from which he graduated in 1900. He still lives at the old homestead north of Senecaville, O.

"Martha Jane, youngest & only daughter of Evans attended school in the Rural school also took some normal work at Senecaville O. Taught a number of terms of school in the Rural districts. Attended Muskingum College, married O.C. Rogers"

The above from line 22 preceding page about her father, brothers & herself was written under date of Mar 9, 1922 by Mrs Rogers to Mrs Burns.

V7 Page 200 & V7 Page 201

V7 Page 202 & V7 Page 203

[Descendant Chart]

Jacob Thompson (according to Betsey T. was born in England) (In this, I think she is wrong). His father's name said to be Abraham. He married Ann Downard. This Jacob died in Maryland & the family no doubt drifted across to Chester Co Pa possibly from Cecil Co Md as their son James was married there. Ann Downard Thompson, his widow, at all events came to Fayette Co Pa with her family & the record of their 4 sons & 2 daughters as listed here were put down as given to her by Betsey Thompson as she understood in the order of the ages. Betsy Thompson not only told Mrs Burns that this was all the children they had, but her father, Ebenezer Finley Thompson gave her the same record & confirmed particularly the two daughters, but was not so positive about the four sons but she says Betsy was right. She thinks she is buried in Fayette Co Pa.


James Thompson, Born Feby 20, 1758 she thinks in Maryland. He died in Guernsey Co 1 1/2 miles from Old Hartford, now Buffalo O on Oct 8, 1835. He was married Apr 15, 1779 to Mary Ann Jackson who was born Feby 24, 1761 & was the daughter of Robert Jackson & his wife, Mary Henthorn. Her father, Robert Jackson was senior son of Hugh Jackson was born March 17, 1733 in the Kingdom of Ireland, County of Fermanagh, Ireland. Mary Henthorn was born in Chester Co Pa Sept 29, 1733 daughter of James & Mary Henthorn. Much of this was taken from the Bible record of Abraham Thompson, Uncle of Mrs Burns' father. Mrs Burns said in talking to her aunt Harriet Jackson Taylor, sister of her father Ebenezer F. Thompson, she asked her: "Aunt Harriet, what did your Father call Prest Andrew Jackson". She replied "He called him Uncle". Mary Ann Jackson Thompson died Mch 30, 1835.

Robert Thompson, B Feby 5, 1780 in Fayette Co Pa ob Nov 16, 1861





Mary Ann, m. Wm Rose, she born May 17, 1810, He born Oct 9, 1810 & is son of Benj Rose & wife Hannah Dilley. See Book 12 P 165.

Robert, m. Margaret Mershon

Jane, m. Ayers Rose









Jacob Thompson, born Sept 17, 1781 in Fayette Co Pa, Died Mch 24, 1855 aged 73 yrs 6 mos 7 days Married Susannah Frame. He was a farmer. The record of the dates of birth of their children as here listed was given to Nellie Burns by Betsy born Nov 12, 1814, the wife of J. Madison Thompson.

Thomas, B Dec 5, 1807 in Fayette Co Pa

Mary, B Jany 31, 1809 in Fayette Co Pa

James, B Nov 26, 1870 in Fayette Co Pa

Jacob, B Jany 16, 1813 see page 605

Elisabeth, B Nov 12, 1814 see Page 196

William, B Dec 27, 1816

Robert, B Feby 24, 1819

John, B Feby 21, 1821

Eleazer, B June 14, 1823

Susannah, B Dec 23, 1826 see Page 603

Stephen see B 9 p 340 B Apr 12, 1829 ob Apr 14, 1829

Eleanor, B May 10, 1830 see Page 255

William Thompson, Born Oct 9, 1783 in Fayette Co Pa married Dec 3, 1805 to Elizabeth Finley daughter of Ebenezer Finley by his first wife Jane Kinkead. He was a judge here, was a man of importance & tasty & careful in his dress & apparel. He died June 21, 1833 & she died July 3, 1860 & both are buried in the cemetery here at Senecaville O.

Ebenezer Finley, Born Dec 24, 1807 m. M. Louisa Halley see page 206

James, B Apr 13, 1810, m. Maria Shafer

Jane Kinkaid, B Mch 31, 1813 ob Aug 14, 1885 Lovely, sweet & excellent, m. George Richey See Page 204

William, B Sept 25, 1815 m Margaret Dilley

Harriet Jackson, B May 24, 1819, m. Henry Taylor

Elizabeth Finley, B Jany 31, 1824 m. Wm Houseman, See Page 378

Evans, B Feby 10, 1828 m. Eliza Shattuck on Aug 28, 1849. He died at his home 1 m. north of Senecaville Oct 19, 1908. She died July 22, 1900

George Richey Thompson, Born July 14, 1850 in Deersville O ob Apr 26, 1908 m. Apr 5, 1880 to Ella Umstot, born Jany 25, 1855

Albert Evans, B Sept 20, 1884, ob Dec 26, 1905

George Edgar, B Sept 26, 1887, unmarried.

Granville Lovejoy Thompson, Born Feby 17, 1855 ob Jany 10 1863

Charles William Thompson, B June 16, 1857 at Stafford O ob Sept 17, 1919 at Cambridge O, m. Mary Cruburgh. She lives in Cambridge with her daughter.

Metta Thompson, aged abt 33 m. Parmer Hoopman & live in Cambridge O. He is mgr of a hardware store at Byesville O. No issue.

Henry Evans Thompson, B Oct 17, 1861 at old home in Richland Tp m. Hill. Is a physician but never practiced. Both living. No issue.

Martha Jane Thompson, B Sept 10, 1863 at the old homestead m. Apr 7, 1892 to O.C. Rogers & lives on a farm in Jackson Tp

George, married

a boy, married

James [son of James born Feby 20, 1758 & his wife Mary Ann Jackson] Born in Fayette Co Pa say Apr 19, 1786 see page 196.

John Thompson, Born May 7, 1788 ob July 3, 1856 m.1. Ann Frame & had 6 children, m.2. Betsy Delong & had 4 children, m.3. Nancy Smith, No issue.





Thomas, m. Edie Johnson



Both went in Civil War aged 16






Mary Thompson, M. James Frame Apr 15, 1813 So R.S.T. says where did he get it. He got fr Probate court record.

Thomas Frame, froze to death



John Frame

Eliza Frame

Ann Frame

Isaal }These two died

Rebecca }in childhood

Abraham Thompson, Born Sept 3, 1796 m. Rachel McCreary

Mary Ann Thompson, B Dec 2, 1819 ob Feby 2, 1904 m. Jacob Piper. Have 6 children, live in MO

John Thompson, B Oct 26, 1821 ob Mch 21, 1857 m. Sarah Herd no descendants living

Hulda Thompson, B Sept 17, 1823 ob Oct 14, 1849 m. Harrison Secrest & had one son.

Madison Secrest

Rebecca Thompson, B Aug 17, 1825 ob Nov 2, 1903 m. Joseph Larrick, many children, live in Kansas.

James Thompson, B Feby 27, 1827 ob Mch 18, 1850, never married.

Rachel Thompson, B May 23, 1829 ob Oct 23, 1864 M. Dr Wm Teter 3 daughters lived

Abraham Thompson, B May 31, 1831 ob Apr 15, 1850, never married.

Susannah, B Nov 19, 1883 ob Mch 21, 1851 never married.

William, B Mch 23, 1836 ob Mch 14, 1859 never married.

Ann Thompson, Born Nov 5, 1798 m. Abram Rich see pages 235 to 238. She died Dec 12, 1843

James Rich, M. Elizabeth Miley

Jacob Rich, m. Jane Miley

William Rich, m. Margaret Miley

Thomas Rich, m. Francina Craft

Abram Rich

Ann Rich, m. Wm Casner see page 236 line 34 & Book 8 P 290




Mary Rich

Elijah Thompson, m. Mehetabel Burnett from about Barnesville O

Ann Thompson








2 others

Joseph Thompson, (twin) Born 1802 m. Martha Frame

Ellen Thompson







Mary Ann

David Thompson, (twin) born 1802 m. Ruth Jackson

Hannah Thompson



Abraham &

Isaac were twins


Joseph &

David were twins


Rebecca &

Robert Thompson were twins Jacob Thompson [son of Jacob & Ann]

Joshua Thompson

William Thompson

Nancy Thompson, m. Moss Mrs Burns s'd her father told her they moved south with their family see Jane Moss record of Jacob Thompson's children. Her name should be Ann.

Rebecca Thompson, m. Watson. Mrs Burns s'd her father said they moved south & had a family. Mch 25/23 See Book 9 p 467 line 7, this is evidently a sister not of James Thompson but of his wife, see too Jane Moss record.

V7 Page 204 & V7 Page 205

Jane Kincaid Thompson born Mch 31, 1813 died Aug 14, 1885 see page 201 married Nov 9, 1835 to George Richey who was born Mch 17, 1815, died Jany 30, 1902 [both] buried in Pataskala, Licking Co Ohio. He was a grand man & Mrs Burns thinks he was a son of Thomas Richey. He was a farmer & then a minister of the Weslyan Methodist & preached fine sermons.


William Thompson Richey, He was born Sept 13, 1836 at Senecaville O & was a fruit grower in Indiana where he died Sept 14, 1903 thinks at Bloomington, Ind. He married Fannie Johnson. No issue, served in Civil War, was clerk for Genl Carrington? commander of the Post at Indianapolis, Ind.

Caroline Richey, Born June 19, 1838 ob Aug 17, 1900 or 1901 m. J. Mat Sadler & lived at Irvington Ind where he was a merchant. She is buried there.

George Sadler, died in childhood

Edward Spencer, lives in Indiana m. Minnie Wooden

Matthew, died in childhood




All three [daus] living at home.

Charles, died unm in Indiana

Florence, m. Charles F. Allison on Sept 2, 1884 & died Oct 1918. He lives at Spencer Ind.


Wilbur Jr

Thomas J. Richey, Born Jany 31, 1840 died Oct 30, 1865 & is buried at Opossum g.y., was in 148th Reg Co E in Civil War. m. Mary Elliott

William, died in childhood

Harris, married & lives in the west in Kansas or Mo & has at least 3 sons, Chas F. Allison Spencer Ind, can give data about them.

George Richey, B Sept 2, 1842 ob Apr 9, 1871 near Pataskala O & is buried there. M. Annie Richards. Both teachers, was in 97th Reg Civil War

Belle Richey, died in childhood

Luther Lee Richey, Born Oct 14, 1844. He served through the Civil War in 148th Reg Co E, going from Indiana where his parent removed in 1854 to Green Co Ind. He enlisted when 17 & served & mos under Gen Thomas, moved back to Ohio where on Feby 27, 1873 he was married at Newark O to Lavonia Fleming. He is living at Pataskala O.

Marie Richey, m. Chas E. Belt of Granville. Live at Pataskala O RFD #2

Carolyn Mildred Belt

Stella Richey, m. 1905 to Byron Innis & live near Pataskala O

Russell Richey Innis

Jane Richey, B May 14, 1847 ob Nov 13, 1848

Mary J. Richey, B Jany 11, 1851 ob July 12, 1870 from tuberculosis of the bowels, was a lovely fine dispositioned girl with noble aims.

John Richey, B Nov 28, 1853 ob Jany 5, 1854

Margaret Elizabeth Richey, B Jany 12, 1855 in Indiana? m.1. Corwin C. Butler of Licking Co O on Jany 12, 1874. Corwin C. Butler was born near Pataskala O July 26, 1850, the son of Charles Butler & his wife Philota Pratt. He died Aug 30, 1883. Had a son & 2 daughters M.2. A. Rolison of Licking Co O & he died. Had one son Donald, married in 1891, She living at No 33 Linwood Ave, Columbus O

2. Della Z. Butler, M. Rev Wm Edgar Bridge Baptist minister. She was born in Franklin O Sept 1, 1877

Edgar William B Aug 7, 1903 at Columbus O

Pauline Elizabeth, B Mch 16, 1906 at Granville O

Robert Newton, B July 25, 1911 at Coshocton O

1. Carrie Butler B Dec 4, 1874, m. Mch 28, 1895 to J.W. Montgomery Born Sept 10, 1873 son of Henry H. Montgomery & his wife Lucinda Stoner.

Glenn B., Born May 19, 1899

Ruth L., Born Dec 30, 1904

3. Walter Butler, B Aug 31, 1880, ob Sept 14, 1883

4. Donald Robison, B Mch 3, 1892 m. June 14, 1920 to Charlotte Newcomb.

V7 Page 206 & V7 Page 207

Ebenezer Finley Thompson, Born Dec 25, 1807 in Fayette Co Pa, Died Jany 21, 1884 in Senecaville O, married May 20, 1845 to Mercy Louisa Halley of near Byesville O who was the daughter of Edward Halley & his wife Mary Wartenbee of French extraction. Mercy Louisa was born in Muskingum Co below Zanesville O Aug 13, 1816 & died in Senecaville O Dec 27, 1893. Both buried in the Cemetery here. He in early life was a merchant in Senecaville O & would have run for congress had he not about this time concluded to go into the ministry. He then about 133 or earlier went to Uniontown Pa & attended Madison College. Later, he went to the College at Athens O & equipped himself for the ministry & was ordained in the Cumb Pres Church. He labored in the ministry, very laboriously & successfully until his health broke down. He then retired to his farm adjoining this property where his daughter-in-law now lives & which he bought fr the estate of his father, William Thompson, who had owned this property of abt 5 A which was a part of his farm of about 250 A & he gave abt 3 A to Rev Wm Godfrey Keil who came here from Strasburg VA to induce him to remain here & labor in the ministry. Keil built this house abt 1830 & Langdon S. Thompson married his daughter.


Mary Elizabeth Thompson B Apr 28, 1846 in the log house on the farm ob Feby 19, 1919 in Senecaville O & is buried here, married Jany 4, 1874 to James Kaho. He was born Sept 2, 1847 & died May 28?, 1902

Lottie Camilla, B Mch 29, 1876 see Page 304

Louisa Avarilla, B Jany m. Apr 4, 1907 to Dr C.A. Craig who was born Nov 16, 1879 see page 400

Edith Madeleine, B July 4 see page 400

Halley Thompson, B Feby 12, 1884

Penelope Jane Thompson, called "Nellie" Born in Senecaville O March 24, 1848 the year gold was found in California. Married July 25, 1876 across the road in the brick house to Robert Porter Burns, son of Alexander Burns & Elizabeth Dobbs, his wife, who was born in Richhill Tp, Greene Co Pa Jany 5, 1844 & who died July 28, 1895 in Senecaville O. She was my informant for pages of this record com at Page 200.

Halley Alexander Burns, B Apr 23, 1877 & lives here m. Oct 5, 1905 to Margaret Smith who was born Mch

Robert Miles, B Jany 26, 1907

Carl Evans, B Dec 10, 1909

Emma Alice, B Mch 16, 1913

Nellie Genevieve, B Feby 23, 1916 played us a fine tune on the piano

James Ervin, B Mch 26, 1919

Arthur Thompson Burns, B May 28, 1880 on Friday morning He is living here, separated from his wife, m. May 29, 1900 to Beryl Odessa Bruner, see next page. [which reads:]

Lenora Madeleine Born in this room Dec 27, 1900 m. Mch 6, 1917 to Oscar Lawrence Matthews Born Sept 1, 1897 at Crooked Tree, Noble Co O, son of Benj. L. Matthews & Jennie E. Clark his wife. He is ticket agt of the Penna RR Co at Derwent O this Co. Donella, Born Dec

Nellie Josephine, Born in this room Mch 12, 1905 m. Sept 17, 1921 to Harold Archer Catlett who was born at Buffalo O May 12, 1903 son of Forman Leslie Catlett & Nora Blanche Hunt his wife. Mary Alberta Burns, B Nov 12, 1883 & lives here with he mother m. Nov 4, 1909 to Raymond Beymer Lowry who was born Sept 28, 1883 & is a plasterer here but a very fine intelligent man. His father is Harry Beymer Lowry. No issue.

Robert Burns, B Dec 16, 1889 unmarried. He was in the World War but was in the hospital at Newport News & did not get abroad. Is here at Senecaville O.

Harriet Louisa Thompson, B Aug 9, 1850 m. Oct 14, 1893 to Jacob S. Mowery a Wesleyan Methodist minister. Both living at St Helens Oregon. No issue. He was born Sept 2, 1852 son of David Mowery & his wife Lydia Matthias.

Evangeline Thompson, B Aug 31, 1852 ob Jany 4, 1854 aged less than 2 yrs, so Nellie says today May 16, 1924 at Oak Hill.

William Halley Thompson, B Apr 12, 1854 across the road ob Aug 13, 1917 across the road of cirrhosis of the liver. He was a farmer m. Sept 4, 1877 to Mary Catharine Johnson of near Pleasant City O who was born Aug 16, 1857 who survives & lives in the old home brick house across the road.

1. Nellie Sybilla

2. Lizzie Alice

4. Grace Orena

3. Louise

5. Mary Gertrude

6. Gladys

Ebenezer DeWitt Thompson, B Dec 19, 1857 at the old homestead across the road. He was named for his father & for Rev DeWitt who his father had brought here to hold the big revival meetings in 1833 which were attended with such wonderful success. Married to Jessie Angus of Lore City O & shortly after his fathers death moved to Springfield MO where he was in the mercantile business bought farms etc. She died in Kansas City Mo in 1908 & he is living at or near Stafford Monroe Co O

Burnsie, a girl b. Feby 27 in O

Inez Irene, b Jany 4, 1880 in O ob June 25, 1881 aged 1 yr 5 mos & 21 days. See page 359 item 43

Harry, b in O Lives in Dallas Tex M. & has 3 children.

Iva [Ira?] b Mch 17, 18-- in MO

Alice, B in Mo Dec 19, 18-- m. Charles Floyd in Texas & live now in San Francisco Calif

V7 Page 208

At residence of Charles Jacob Finley, Richland Tp, Guernsey Co, Ohio July 9, 1922 8:54 PM

I left Nellie T. Burns' an hour ago at 7:54 PM, her son-in-law, Raymond B. Lowrey driving me up in his new fine Ford Coupé & found Wm Finley, nephew of Jacob standing in the front yard. Jacob soon came around the house which is a substantial brick house built by Jacob's grandfather with his name etc above the front door "E. Finley, Oct 12, 1853". Jacob says his father, John Ray Finley carried all the brick for the house out of the garden near by when he was 13 yrs old. He said he lived here with his mother & did not marry until after she died about & yrs ago. He owns 160 A & his brother in Texas, father of William owns 160 A, they having bought the other heirs out & he rents his brother's 160 & farms or runs the entire 320 A. He looks much like the Finley & is proud of the fact that all three of them, brothers, are elders of the Presbyterian Church.

Will has brought out a written record of Ebenezer Finley from which I copy:

Births Ebenezer Finley was born in Fayette Co Pa July 31, 1813

Elizabeth Lyons was born in Guernsey Co O Dec 20, 1818

Ebenezer Finley & Elizabeth Lyons were

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married by Rev M.G. Keil Oct 12, 1837

Their children were:

John Ray Finley was born in Guernsey Co O Feby 26, 1839

Levi Lyons Finley was born in Guernsey Co O Aug 16, 1842

Mary Elizabeth Finley was born in Guernsey Co O Sept 7, 1850

Margaret Angeline Finley was born in Guernsey Co O May 9, 1854

An infant son died in infancy aged 3? yrs


Mary E. Millhone died at her home near Senecaville O Apr 11, 1877

Ebenezer Finely died at his home 1 1/2 miles west of Senecaville O Dec 4, 1890


John Ray Finley and Hester A. Thompson were married by Rev Wm Ferguson Feby 21, 1861

Mary E. Finley & Mansel Millhone were married by Rev J.C. Courtright on Jany 6, 1870

Levi L. Finley and Delsie McDurment were married in St Louis Mo Jany 13, 1872

Margaret Angeline Finley and John G. Thomas were married by Rev Evans Thompson on the Dec 4, 1873

He brings out an old Bible in which is his Father's family record which is as follows:

Children of John Ray Finley & his wife Hester A. Thompson

V7 Page 210

1. William Thompson Finley born Dec 10, 1861

2. Mary E. Finley, born Dec 4, 1863

3. Charles Jacob Finley, born Nov 10, 1865

4. Benjamin Ebenzer Finley, born Aug 24, 1869

5. John Hill Finley, born Mch 25, 1871


William T. Finley & Emma L. Ball were married July 3, 1897. She was born Mch 19, 1872

C. Jacob Finely and Alice Odella Rose were married Oct 26, 1918. She was born Nov 30, 1869

B.E. Finley and Ida Nell Tupper were married July 6, 1903. She was born Oct 7, 1873

John H. Finley and Nettie Dell Shilb were married May 26, 1903. She was born Nov 3, 1878

B.E. Finley & Bessie E. Warren were married Aug 17, 1910. She was born Dec 20, 1880


John Ray Finley died Mch 4, 1915

Hester A. Thompson, his wife died Mch 7, 1917

William Thompson Finley died Jany 11, 1904

Mary E. Finley died Mch 4, 1909

Ida N. Tupper Finley died July 10, 1905


William Thompson Finley son of B.E. born at Panora Iowa, June 3, 1904

Children of B.E. Finley by his 2d wife

Frances Louise Finley born Pampa Texas on Aug 13, 1914

Warren Hobart Finley born Pampa Texas Sept 15, 1916

V7 Page 211

Flora Deen Finley born Pampa Texas Nov 25 Thanksgiving, 1918

children of John Hill Finley

Margaret H. Finley born Antwerp O July 8, 1905

Mary E. Finley born Antwerp O Jany 10, 1908

Benjamin Franklin Rose, son of William Rose & his wife Mary Ann Thompson was born in Richland Tp Jany 28, 1840 and married on Dec 18, 1866 Elizabeth Milhone daughter of Elijah Milhone & his wife Susannah Casner. She was born Mch 23, 1844.

Their children:

1. Charles Sylvester Rose born Oct 1867

2. Alice Odella Rose born Nov 30, 1869

3. William Elmer Rose born Dec 27, 1872

4. Mary Susannah Rose born June 28, 1875

5. Elijah Wilbur Rose born Aug 3, 1877

6. Harry Edgar Rose born May 19, 1880

7. Dwight Leslie Rose born Feby 7, 1883

The above given to me verbally July 10, 1922 8 AM by Alice Odella Finley who says her Father & mother are both living.

Mr Finley says that John G. Thomas living in Guthrie Center, Guthrie Co, Iowa has the record of his wife who was Mr Finley's father's sister & has a big family & may have the James Finley bible record.

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At residence of Ernest Pendleton Secrest Valley Tp, Guernsey Co, O July 10, 1922 8:26 AM

I have just walked up from C. Jacob Finley's crossing the line between Richland & Valley Tp & find Mr & Mrs Rowland both sick & feeble parents of Mrs Secrest.

Mrs Rowland is a daughter of Wm Rose & his wife Mary Ann Thompson & is giving me from memory her own family record.

Sarah Catharine Rose was born Jany 22, 1848? in Richland Tp, Married Mch 30, 1867 to John Dolison Thomas Rowland born Oct 9, 1846 the son of James Percival Rowland & his wife Mary Dolison

Have had but two children:

1. Belle Zora Rowland born Sept 17, 1868

2. Francis Shannon Rowland born Oct 18, 1870

Bell Zora Rowland & Ernest P. Secrest were married Dec 24, 1890

Their children:

1. Ruth Olive Secrest born Apr 28, 1892

2. Leah Catharine Secrest born Sept 3, 1895

Ruth Olive Secrest married Joseph Watt & have separated after having one boy

Edna Watt, a boy born Mch 10, 1919

Leah Catharine Secrist [sic] married Brice

V7 Page 213

Keller & live in Senecaville O &

Have one child:

Belva Roberta Keller born June 29, 1922

Frank Shannon Rowland married Mary Sproat June 27, 1895. She was daughter of Joseph Sproat who was son of Alexander H. Sproat. Frank S. Rowland died Sept 6, 1921 & is buried at Senecaville, O

They had but one child:

Mary Lourie (Lo ree') Rowland born in Richland Tp Nov 29, 1908. She is a beautiful, attractive, modest girl & has given me much of above information.

Mary Sproat Rowland was born Oct 16, 1872 & she thinks her Uncle Samuel Sproat living at Lore City O would have the bible record of his father, Alex H. Sproat. She is in the wash tub & won't come in. She says through Mary that there were three girls & a boy in her father's family.

Mary Lourie Rowland's P.O. address is Lore City O RFD 2 Coming here by free delivery 5 miles away.

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At residence James Madison Gregg, Wayne Tp Noble Co Ohio July 10, 1722 10:10 AM

I arrived here 15 minutes ago & have met Mr & Mrs Gregg & as I came in right at the entrance was the best corn I have seen. This farm was the one Robert Thompson Senr settled on & he built part of this house & Mrs Gregg said since they came they have put an addition to it. She says she is the daughter of John Finley & he the son of James Finley. This James & Joseph? & Elisabeth who married William Thompson were, she says, the only children of Ebenezer Finley by his first wife, who I have told her was Jane Kincaid. She says Ebenzer, her uncle got the Bible of his father, James & after his & his wife's death, Mrs Sawyer went to get it but was told that Angeline, who married Thomas had taken it to Guthrie Center Iowa. Mrs Gregg says her brother, Milton Finley living 12 miles from here at Cumberland O on the edge of Muskingum Co got the Bible of their father John Finley. I am putting down commencing on page 216 what she can tell me about the family genealogy.

11:30 AM. Have finished record on pages 216 & 217 as given by Mrs Gregg. She says Rachel Tannehill was a sister of her grandmother Finley & was a Fulton. Her grandfather, James Finley was a farmer. Leaving at 11:37 AM

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[Descendant Chart]

Samuel Finley born July 19, 1800 died Feby 1, 1880 son of Ebenezer of Rev James see page 227.


Ezra Finley, his 11th child see page 227 Born Dec 30, 1840 died Nov 16, 1920 & is buried at Cumberland O. He died of Necrosis. M.1. Oct 21, 1873 Aletha Jane Chapman born in Zanesville O. She died 1887? m.2. 1888 or 1889 Mary Louise Robinson (nee Wires) widow of W.A. Robinson, who was born near Cambridge O & is still living. He obtained a divorce abt 1900 or 1901. No issue. She is daughter of William Frame & his wife Eliza Hopper. She was born in Guernsey Co O near Lore City O. No issue. His 2d wife had a daughter by her first husband. Had but two children both by first wife. He was a ruling elder in Pres Ch.

Frankie, died aged abt 2 yrs buried at Cumberland O & has a marker

Charles Clayton Finley, Born Sept 18, 1881 & living at Declo [best guess] Idaho & is my informant for this record & that on Page 227. Married May 3, 1904 at Cambridge O to Naomi Bowdle, daughter of Joseph Bowdle & his wife Mary Hoppel. She was born in Guernsey Co O near Lore City Oct 7, 1879

Charles Rothmere Finley, Born Nov 10, 1908

Aletha Mildred Finley, Born Jany 18, 1913

Philip Hayes Finley, Born May 13, 1920

V7 Page 216 & V7 Page 217

[Descendant Chart]



James Finley was born in Fayette Co Pa Nov 25, 1783 & died in Guernsey Co O Aug 26, 1861. He married 1 Elizabeth Fulton of Penna see book 13 p 140. He married 2 Mary of Harrison? Co O, died abt Flushing O. June 16/23 Dewey K. [unreadable] writes that the tombstone says July 26, 1861 & [two unreadable words] 306 yrds fr grave & buried [two unreadable words]

John Finley, Born in Jany 13, 1808 in Fayette Co Pa & was 7 yrs old when they came here. He died she thinks in 1873 & is buried at Senecaville O. He was a farmer. He married to Emily Stout, dau of John Stout & Barbara Castner, his wife. She was born Dec 28, 1818 & died Jany 24, 1912 & is buried at Senecaville O see pages 305-7

Eliza Finley, B Jany 22, 1839 ob Dec 16, 1841 see page 354 No 11.

Cynthia Finley, B Nov 17, 1842 m. Sept 10, 1868 to James Madison Gregg who was born Jany 18, 1845. Both living here.

Evalina M. Gregg, B Sept 6, 1869 m. Apr 3, 1898 & died Mch 29, 1913 aged 43 yrs 5 mos 7 days. Mar to Chas W. Corbett who now lives in Barnesville O.

Charles Rodney, died unm 2 yrs ago had been in army & contracted tuberculosis.

Gladys, m. Wm Watkins

Rodney Wallace

James Bryson, single abt 17

Luella, aged 14 James Emmett, B Nov 13, 1871 m. Susan Minnie Devold. Both living in Cambridge O

Lillian Juanita

Mary Louise

Luella Gregg, B Oct 6, 1873 m. A. Grant Rogers. She died Mch 12, 1908. He lives Columbus Ohio m. June 14, 1899.

Estella May, aged 22 single

Charles Howard Gregg, B Apr 25, 1875 m Bernice Brown born at Lore City dau of Henry & Ella Logee Brown. Both living here with his parents were married Jany 1, 1916. Bernice Beatrice brown was born Sept 24, 1884.

Jas Madison Gregg, Born July 2, 1920. Is playing abt here.

Estella, b May 3, 1877 M. Apr 27, to Wm Elwood Laughlin lives across the line in Richland Tp, Guernsey Co O & is a farmer.

Leona Elwood, aged 17

John Burt, B Apr 6, 1879 m. Eunice Orison

Betty Ann, Aged 2 1/2 yrs

Milton Finley [son of John & Emily] B Nov 5, 1844

Elizabeth Fulton, B Nov 11, 1847

Infant daughter Mary, B Aug 25, 1861 & died same day. Eliza Finley, B May 10, 1809 ob May 13, 1847 m. John H. Atwell in Pa & came to Senecaville O Left 2 girls see no 10 P 354 see page 272.

Jane Finley, B May 5, 1811 m. Daniel Riggs, see page 272

Rachel, m. Stephen Dennison get record fr her daughter Becky Ann Kaho in Senecaville O

Ebenezer, get record from Jacob born July 31, 1813 in Fayette Co Pa see pages 208 to 211

William M. Margaret Shroyer. He died & she married John Garrett. Both buried at Senecaville O See no 11 page 354

Mary Elizabeth, m. Jas Merryman Leeper. Both dead & buried at Senecaville O. Had 6 or 6 children. Will, one of them, lives above Riggs on the farm Mrs Gregg was raised on. She was the only child & was born 1849 & died in 1908 Lived in Noble Co O on farm she inherited from her father who died when she was very young, when she was 16 she went to Camp Chase Columbus O & married there Mr Leeper who was a soldier.

Mary Ann, B. June 27, 1822 ob Nov 7, 1863 m. Robt McCune 1829 - 1894 & died in Senecaville. He mar again after her death. Had a couple children that died & two grew up. Justus Riggs or Becky Ann Kaho could give record. See page 358 item 36 & 41.

Rebecca, B Aug 27, 1824 ob Aug 11, 1904 m. John Schroyer a bro of Wm's wife. Both buried in Senecaville O. Had two boys see no 21 page 355.

James David, Lives at Chareville O m. Catharine Steel. Both living. No issue.

Jno Charles, buried at Senecaville, M. Sarah Secrest, daughter of Wm Secrest & his wife Willie Ann Woods who died

Mch 1922 aged 94 or 95

William, died unm

Earl, m. Effie Gardner. Both living in Senecaville O. No issue

Lura, m. Dr Wilford Kackley, son of Both living at Pleasant City O. No issue

Don, m. Reah Carter & live here


Howard, unm at home with his mother here.

James, the youngest B Apr 2, 1820 m. Margaret Arndt. Both died in Kansas & are buried there. Had 3 children. He died 20 or 25 yrs ago. ob Feby 24, 1897 see book 8 p 424 - 9

Philena, m. John Thompson Bell. She dead



Charles, died thinks unm

Hester Ann, m. Will DeVold. They live at St Marys, Kansas.

Elizabeth Finley [dau of Finley] m. Wm Thompson

Joseph Finley, m. Catharine Fulton in Penna

V7 Page 218

At residence of Howard Garfield Riggs Seneca Tp, Noble Co Ohio July 10, 1922 12:17 PM

Mr Riggs & his mother say they never got the family bible, saying his grandfather when he moved from here took all his books with him including the bible with the record which he has seen there at his grandfather's in Senecaville O after he moved from here. Howard lived awhile with him there & went to school. Howard's father was:

Daniel Dewitt Riggs born May 19, 1849 in this Tp, the son of Daniel Riggs & Jane Finley, his wife. He was married Apr 2, 1870 to Rebecca Ann Parry who was born Apr 12, 1851, the daughter of Mahlon Parry & Eliza Smith, his wife.

He died May 22, 1921 & is buried at Senecaville O. He was always a farmer & lived here for 60 yrs. This house is on 105 A which D.D. bought from his father after his second marriage. He afterwards bought other land & Howard now has 400 acres. They had but two children: viz:

1. Roland Arthur Riggs born Jany 28, 1871 & died Sept 28, 1872 aged 1 yr 8 mos

2. Howard Garfield Riggs born June 13, 1876, married June 26, 1897 to Mary Alice Shafer born May 5, 1876, daughter of David L. Shafer & Martha L. Vorhies, his wife. Both living here. Their children are:

V7 Page 219

1. Charles Walter Riggs born Apr 19, 1903

2. Helen Florence Riggs born Mch 4, 1908

3. Robert Howard Riggs born May 10, 1911

All at home.

Jane Riggs died Jany 14, 1875 aged 65 yrs & is buried at Senecaville O

Leaving 12:44 PM

V7 Page 220

At residence of James Welcome Rich Seneca Tp Noble Co O July 10, 1922 1:30 PM

Mrs Rich says her husband is son of James & he a son of Abram, see page 203 & that

James Welcome Rich was born Mch 8, 1864 & on June 26, 1884 married Telitha Larrick who was born Dec 29, 1863. She is the daughter of Abraham Larrick & his wife Elizabeth Conner. Both living. They have had 4 children viz:

1. Clovis Loren Rich born July 5, 1885 died Sept 4, 1885

2. Arthur Harlan Rich born Feby 14, 1887

3. Olive Elsie Rich born Dec 11, 1888 & she died Dec 24, 1896

4. Parmer Everett Rich born Oct 27, 1891

Arthur H. Rich on June 30, 1909 married Maude McCracken who was born Jany 14, 1887 the daughter of Rainey McCracken & Alice Fordyce, his wife & have one child:

Esther Elizabeth Rich born Oct 15, 19o17 & live here at this fine country home.

Palmer E. Rich on Sept 14, 1915 married Vivian Cleary, who was born May 8, 1893 & live in Cleveland O & have one child viz:

James Robert born Apr 19, 1918

Leaving 1:55 PM

V7 Page 221

At residence of Wm Johnson Finley Richland Tp Guernsey Co O July 10, 1922 2:37 PM

I arrived here 10 minutes ago from J.W. Rich's & were admitted by Miss Finley who called her mother as her father had gone into Senecaville O in his buggy, but she expects him back very soon. She has brought out the family Bible of her grandfather John Finley, son of Joseph of our Fayette Co Ebenezer Sr which was printed in 1844 at Phila by Jesper Harding & from it I copy the record which starts with the births of the children of John Finley:


1. William Johnson Finley born March 9, 1843

2. James Harvey Finley born Feby 26, 1846

3. Mary Finley born July 17, 1850

4. Silas Edmund Finley born Dec 12, 1851

5. Minerva Jane Finley born May 7, 1853

6. Hester Frances Finley } born Aug 3, 1858

7. Emily Alice Finley } born Aug 3, 1858

8. Clara Finley born Aug 27, 1861


Mary Finley died Sept 3, 1850

Silas C. Finley died Feby 18, 1852

Miss Finley has brought down her father's big bible which is very dilapidated & was published by the National Pub Co but is without date from it I copy:

V7 Page 222

William J. Finley was born March 9, 1843

Emaline Finley (nee Secrest) was born Feby 9, 1850 They were married Feby 6, 1873

Their children are:

1. Linus Edgar Finley was born Aug 8, 1875

2. Martha Odella Finley was born June 19, 1877

3. Bertha Edna Finley was born March 7, 1884

None of the above children are married. L.E. is a teacher for 12 yrs past.

Left at 3:22 PM

[Descendant Chart]

Louisa M. Lecky mar Rev Jeremiah C. Gillam see page 312 & also 152 to 154.


Rev Sylvanus Macauly Gillam, Pres. Born Jany 27, 1827 mar to Caroline Ewing, dau of My college classmate Rev Wm F. Ewing & his wife Howard. He was a missionary at Futegahr India when I was there in Mch 1904. Had four children.

Ruth Ewing Gillam, B Feby 24, 1905 in India

Sylvanus Macauly, B 1909 ob 1909

Arthur McLean, B Sept 2, 1911

Elizabeth Ella Louisa, B June 26, 1915

Arthur Caldwell Gillam M.D. Born Apr 18, 1872 m. Sept 14, 1916 to Susan Maures born & died Nov 19, 1920. Had one child:

Suzanna Gillam, B June 3, 1918

Edward Gayson, B July 21, 1873 ob Feby 26, 1879 at Marshalsville Ohio

Walter Lowrie Gillam, B Oct 19, 1874 m. Aug 11, 1910 to Mabel Alice Gerrets. He died Dec 10, 1912 at Las Cruces New Mexico. Apparently No issue.

V7 Page 223

At residence of Tacy E. Larrick Richland Tp, Guernsey Co O July 10, 1922 3:36 PM

I arrived here five minutes ago & was admitted by Mrs Larrick in her barefeet & who has a perceptible black mustache & she went upstairs & brought down the old family Bible of Joseph Finley, grandfather of her first husband, James Harvey Finley. The back are both gone, but the record is well preserved. The bible was printed in 1844 by Jesper Harding Phila Pa & the record is as follows: [margin note reads:] See Book 13 page [unreadable]

Births Deaths

Joseph Finley born Mch 31, 1789

Catharine Finley born Apr 21, 1790, Feby 6, 1873

Their children:

1. Betsey Finley, born Nov 30, 1810, Apr 8, 1835

2. Ebenezer Finley born Nov 27, 1812, Jany 13, 1834

3. John Alexander Finley born Dec 1, 1814, July 8, 1815

4. John Finley born May 26, 1816, Sept 20, 1892

5. Wm Marcus Finley born Feby 8, 1818, Jany 12, 1864 11:15 Pm of consumption.

6. Emley B. Finley born May 16, 1820,

7. Joseph Finley born Mch 23, 1822, Feby 21, 1825

8. Rachel Finley born Sept 13, 1824, March 1, 1825

9. Jane Finley born Nov 26, 1826, Feby 14, 1827

10. Cynthiann Finley born Feby 13, 1828, Mch 1831

11. Evalina Finley born Mch 23, 1830, Sept 26, 1832

12. Cephas Finley born Oct 26, 1832, Dec 26, 1863 in the army of the United States.

Mrs Larrick says Wm Marcus Finley was married three times & his daughter Lizzie Finley unmarried by his 3d wife was

V7 Page 224

with Henderson Rich near Mt Ephraim 4 miles from here. Henderson Rich, she thinks is a first cousin of Rev John Rich & she says he lives on his father's home place. She says Kate Finley (Clara sister of her 1st husband, but called Kate) lives at Chaseville, where she keeps store for Andy Murphy about a mile from here

Mrs Larrick my informant was:

Tacy Ellen Gregg & was born Oct 31, 1855 in Buffalo Noble Co O, daughter of John Gregg & Nancy Morris, his wife. He was a half brother of Uriah Gregg who was the father of James Madison Gregg who I saw this morning. She was married:

1st to James Harvey Finley Aug 18, 1874 & he died Apr 26, 1912 & is buried at Senecaville O. He died in this house which is on 125 A which he owned. He & she bought 55 A together & he then bought 80 A of his father's estate subject to his mother's dower. They never had any issue.

2d Wm Asbury Larrick Feby 28, 1918. He was born Jany 8, 1855 son of Levi Larrick & his wife Jane Miley. Mrs Larrick is very well informed & has been very accommodating.

Leaving at 4:232 PM

V7 Page 225

At residence of James A. Finley, Richland Tp, Guernsey Co, O July 10, 1922 4:50 PM

I arrived here 20 minutes ago & Mrs Homer Finley has got out the bible of her Father-in-law which is a small bible with back cover gone. It is printed by American Bible Society NY in 1871. Mr Finley has just come in from the fields, he is a large man with full face & says his grandfather, Samuel Finley came from Penna & he thinks likely it was from Fayette Co Penna. His wife was Catharine Frame & both are buried at Mt Zion Church abt 3 miles from here. It used to be called Buffalo Church. He says his son Ezra was the last one at the old home, being on the farm several years after his father died. After Ezra's first wife died, he married a second wife from over by Lore City & since Ezra's death, she lives in Cambridge O. Mr Finley says his father's name was Ebenezer & he thinks his brother Samuel living just below here has his bible record. Mr Finley's own name is James Alexander Finley & wife was Rachel Ann Craft, daughter of Wm Colvin Craft & Ellen, his wife & granddaughter of David Craft who lived to be 96 yrs old near Mt Ephraim. She was born Mch 2, 1856 & died Feby 8, 1922. Mr Finley was born Aug 10, 1853 & were married Sept 11, 1879 by Rev R.M. McCormick

Their children, born on this farm, but only the last one in this house, which he built in 1895 & 1896 are as follows:

V7 Page 226

1. Hilas Oscar Finley born Apr 15, 1880

2. Myrta Ellen Finley born July 29, 1881

3. Sarah Elsie Finley born Nov 17, 1882

4. Homer Ernest Finley born Mary 5, 1884

5. Minnie Osie Finley born Sept 9, 1885

6. Dora Emma Finley born Jany 6, 1887

7. Wilbert Willard Finley born Sept 14, 1889

8. Elva May Finley born May 23, 1891

9. Iona Ora Finley born June 23, 1893

10. Bertie Odessa Finley born Dec 4, 1896 is really Odessa Bertie


Sarah Elsie Finley died Feby 6, 1922

Odessa Bertie Finley died Dec 5, 1900

Myrta Ellen Finley died Feby 8

See Pages 228 & 229 & also 227

Mch 13, 1924 On Feby 15, 1923 Chas C. Finley of Declo, Idaho sent me the record which I am commencing on next page which he says he copied from his grandfather, Samuel Finley's Bible. On the fly leaf of said Bible as the record of the deaths of the parents of Samuel Finley's wife, to wit:

"Mr John Frame who was the father of Catherine Finley departed this life May 7, 1863 aged 90 yrs 8 mos & 3 days (born say Sept 4, 1772). Mrs Elizabeth Frame who was the mother of Catharine Finley departed this earth May 19, 1848 aged about 75 yrs (born say 1773). I am filing Chas C's letter, large envelope which bears the two dates of Aug 7, 1922 & Feby 14, 1923.

V7 Page 227

[Descendant Chart]

Samuel Finley, son of Ebenezer (who was son of Rev James 1725 - 1795) & Violet Finley born July 19, 1800 & died Feby 1st, 1880 aged 79 yrs 5 mos 19 days (should be 79 yrs 6 mos & 13 days). Catherine Frame, daughter of John & Elizabeth Frame born June 29, 1801 & died June 5, 1883 aged 81 yrs 11 mos & 7 days. They were married June 21, 1821 & had twelve children:


Ebenezer, B Mch 16, 1822 ob Aug 17, 1869 m. Mch 27, 1845 Farm Frame b May 12, 1827 ob Jany 17, 1880 dau of James Frame. They had eleven children. See p 231.

Margaret Jane Coldsell [last word is a guess] B Apr 10, 1846 ob Nov 14, 1884 m. Mch 25, 1865 John M. Ryan

Catharine Elizabeth, B Aug 19, 1847 m. Jany 1, 1867 John M. Barry

Jemima, B Jan 7, 1849 m. Sept 13, 1868 Jas A. Murphy

Samuel Wilson, B June 4, 1851 m. Dec 13, 1877 Mary E. Patterson born Mch 3, 1851 in Morgan Co O Dau of Sam'l Patterson. Live Nobel Co O P 230-2 Had 9 chil. 7 living & mar.

Howard Warren, B Sept 5, 1878, ob July 20, 1879

Edith Esther, B Feby 1, 1880 M.

John Edgar, B Oct 19, 1881, M.

Elizabeth Ruth, B Oct 8, 1883, M.

Nina Blanche, B Aug 11, 1885 ob Dec 26, 1885

Samuel Clayton, B July 30, 1887 M.

Ira May, B Oct 30, 1889, M.

Nellie Panadine, B. May 30, 1892, M.

Hethey Luella, B Mch 7, 1895 M.

James Alexdr, B Aug 10, 1853 m. Sept 11, 1879 Rachel A. Craft born Mch 2, 1856 ob Feby 8, 1922 dau of Wm Colvin Craft & his wife Ellen. Live Guernsey Co O see Ps 225-9. Has 10 children.

Sarah Debrah, B Nov 1, 1855 m. Dec 12, 1874 Wm J. Gregg

Noah, B Aug 1, 1858 ob Mch 13, 1906 unmarried.

John H., B July 13, 1861 m. Mch 20, 1893 Cevilla Roth

Ezra C., B May 9, 1865 m. Aug 13, 1892 Alice C. Steel

Mary Emily, B Apr 18, 1867 m. Oct 31, 1889 James Lyons

William Ebenezer, B July 24, 1869 M Clara Larson in South Dakota

Elizabeth [dau of Samuel & Catherine] B Jany 19, 1824 ob Nov 27, 1910 m. Feby 18, 1845 Joseph Wilson Marshall B Apr 28, 1822 ob May 20, 1903. See Book 13, page 99.

John Frame, B July 3, 1825 ob Sept 26, 1895 m. Feby 14, 1850 Mary Ann Secrest born Oct 17, 1833 ob May 31, 1903, dau of Isaac Secrest & wife Mary Slater see page 234

James B Feby 11, 1827 ob Mch 21, 1834

Rebecca Jane, B Nov 22, 1828 ob Dec 17, 1902 m. Nov 2, 1875 to Ellis Kelley born Feby 15, 1827 near Claysville O & died near Cambridge O Oct 28, 1911 son of Joseph Kelly & wife [12]ections as per brief penciled n Evidently his 2d wife. She was his 2d wife.

William, B Oct 19, 1830 ob Mch 14, 1876, M. Oct 27, 1853 Isabella McCracken

Joseph, B July 30, 1832 ob_____________ M. Mch 14, 1854 Jane Johnson see page 606

Samuel, B July 10, 1834, ob Dec 13, 1861 unmarried was bitten by a dog which finally caused his death.

Catherine Violet, B May 19, 1836 ob Jany 7, 1853 unmarried

Sarah Finley, B Apr 17, 1839 ob Jany 5, 1914 m. Feby 19, 1862 Joseph McCracken, son of James McCracken & wife Mary Ann Mullen see B 25 p 20

Ezra Finley, B Dec 30, 1840 ob Nov 16, 1920 m.1. Oct 2, 1873 Aletha J. Chapman in Zanesville, Ohio, M.2, M.3. Nancy Downard Frame see p 316-8 dau of Wm Frame see page 215

Mary Malvina Finley, Born Nov 1, 1843 ob Feby 4, 1911 m. Sept 22, 1864 William Luther Secrest who was born in Guernsey Co O Aug 28, 1839 & died in same Co Oct 1, 1914 son of Jacob Secrest & wife Margaret Nicholson. See book 13 p 98

V7 Page 228 & V7 Page 229

[Descendant Chart]

James A. Finley & Rachel Ann Craft [children]

Hilas Oscar Finley, B Apr 15, 1880 m. Belle Arbaugh. Lives near Buffalo O, Lore City, Route 2

Rosella May

Mebert Ernest



Violet Myrta



A boy, not named yet B Apr 1922

Myrta Ellen, B July 29, 1881 ob Feby 8 m. Wm H. Calkins

Leroy, dead

Earl, unm

Sarah Elsie, B Nov 17, 1882 killed herself Feby 6, 1922, m. Homer Yoho



Homer Ernest Finley, Born May 5, 1884 married Sept 5, 1900 to Senora May Davis who was born May 24, 1888, daughter of Theodore Sullivan Davis & Minnie Hess, his wife.

Unnamed boy, born & died Apr 16, 1907

Francis Raymond, B Sept 8, 1908 ob June 27, 1912

Gladys, B June 27, 1911

Dalton, B Feby 21, 1913

Pauline, B July 25, 1914

Doris, B Sept 28, 1917 ob Dec 31 1921

Cathryn, B Nov 20, 1918

Boy, B June 10?, 1920 still born

Boy, Aug 10, 1921, still born

Minnie Osie, B Sept 9, 1885 m. Wm H. Calkins after Myrta's death

Wm H. Calkins Jr, aged abt 2, B Nov 30, 1920

Dora Emma, B Jany 6, 1887 m. Clarence Lashley, a widower




Wilbert Willard, B Sept 14, 1889 m. May 11, 1916 to Hazel Lawton who was born Feby 14, 1897

Clyde Edward, B Oct 23, 1917

Chas Clifford B Nov 17, 1918

Cedora Christina, B Apr 19, 1921

Elva May, B May 23, 1891 M. Benj Harrison Triplett, married abt 12 yrs

Willard, aged 11

a stillborn boy

Iona Ora, Born June 23, 1893 m. Elmer Earl Triplett, bro of Benj H. in 1913.

Ruth, B 1913

Gilbert, B Mch 2, 1916?


Earl, B Apr 4, 1921

Odessa Bertie, B Dec 4, 1896 ob Dec 5, 1900

V7 Page 230

At residence of Samuel Wilson Finley Buffalo Tp, Noble Co O, July 10, 1922 6:33 PM

Mr Finley says his people came from Fayette Co & his grandfather, Samuel Finley as he understands it was a half brother of James, Joseph, & Elizabeth, who married William Thompson & his father having married again, when he came of age, he came to Ohio. He married Catharine Frame, a sister of George & John Frame & Susan Caldwell & had 12 children. He was a farmer & lived in Guernsey Co. First settled over by Buffalo, now Mt Zion Church in Guernsey Co & he & his wife & there [sic] son Ebenezer are all buried there. He then moved over to near Cumberland, but still in Guernsey Co & died over there. Mr Finley says his Uncle Ezra got his Bible with the record & he thinks his 3d wife got the bible & she now lives in Cambridge & he thinks C. Jake Finley can give her address. He produces an old big bible now dilapidated which he says he bought before he left home & before he was married & copied this record from his father's bible & don't know who got it. He says his Aunt Jane Hibbs visited his father when he was a boy & often afterwards the last time when he was about 30. His Uncle Ezra came here once with Mr Hibbs & introduced him as his "grand Uncle" John Hibbs, he says "not that he was so grand, as he was a plain farmer". Says his father, Ebenezer had 11 children.

V7 Page 231

Marriages Ebenezer Finley & Mary Frame Mch 27, 1845 (She was a daughter of James Frame)

Margaret Jane Finley & John M. Ryan Mch 25, 1865

Catharine E. Finley & John M. Barry Jany 1, 1867

Jemima Finley & James A. Murphy Sept 13, 1868

Sarah D. Finley & William J. Gregg Dec 12, 1874

Samuel W. Finley & Mary E. Patterson Dec 13, 1877 (She is the daughter of Samuel Patterson who came from Greene Co Pa & his oldest brother Thomas lived near Wbg. Their father was Mark)

James A. Finley & Rachel A. Craft Sept (11, 1879)

Ezra C. Finley & Alice C. Steel Aug 13, 1892

John H. Finley & Cevilla Roth Mch 20, 1893

William E. Finley & Clara Lareen in S. Dakota

Mary E. Finley & James Lyons Oct 31, 1889


Ebenezer Finley, was born Mch 16, 1822

Mary Finley (Frame) was born May 12, 1827 [there is a small check mark by her name, no explanation. CW]

Their children were:

1. Margaret Jane Colwell Finley was born Apr 10, 1846

2. Catharine Elizabeth Finley was born Aug 19, 1847

3. Jemima Finley was born Jany 7, 1849

4. Samuel Wilson Finley was born June 4, 1851

5. James Alexander Finley was born Aug 10, 1853

6. Sarah Debrah Finley was born Nov 1, 1855

7. Noah Finley was born Aug 1, 1858

8. John H. (just a letter) Finley was born July 13, 1861

9. Ezra C. (just a letter) Finley was born May 9, 1865

10. Mary Emily Finley was born Apr 18, 1867

11. William Ebenezer Finley was born July 24, 1869

Children of Sam'l W & Mary E. Finley

1. Howard Warren Finley was born Sept 5, 1878

2. Edith Esther Finley was born Feby 1, 1880

V7 Page 232

3. John Edgar Finley was born Oct 19, 1881

4. Elizabeth Ruth Finley was born Oct 8, 1883

5. Nina Blanche Finley was born Aug 11, 1885

6. Samuel Clayton Finley was born July 30, 1887

7. Iva May Finley was born Oct 30, 1889

8. Nellie Paradine Finley was born May 30, 1892

9. Hethey Luella Finley was born March 7, 1895

Mary E. Patterson was born March 3, 1851 in Morgan Co, Ohio


Ebenezer Finley, son of Samuel Finley Aug 17, 1869 *

Mary Finley, wife of Ebenezer Finley Jany 17, 1880 *

Howard Warner Finley died July 20, 1879 *

Nina Blanche Finley died Dec 26, 1885

Margt J.C. Ryan died Nov 14, 1884 *

Noah Finley died Mar 13, 1906 *

[There are check marks by the entries that I have indicated with * CW]

Nina died in infancy 3 weeks old & Howard died in infancy abt 10 mos old. Noah died unmarried. All the remaining ten children of Ebenezer's family were married & raised families & all the remaining 7 children of Sam'l W. are married & all have children.

Leaving at 8 PM

See page 227

[If there are discrepancies between this record & the ones shown on the descendant chart, the bible entries are probably correct, as they were much easier to read than some of the desc. chart entries. CW]

V7 Page 233

At residence of Lewis Whetzel Rich Seneca Tp, Noble Co O July 10, 1922 8:55 PM

Mr Rich, or his wife rather, produced the Bible of his father, Abraham Rich, printed by the American Bible Society NY in 1849 which showed the births of the following children to his second wife:

1. Johnson Rich born Apr 14, 1849 2. John Rich (called "Jesse") born Aug 1, 1851

3. S. Catharine Rich born Jany 9, 1854

4. Lewis Whetsel Rich born Aug 5, 1859

& Abraham Rich died Apr 27, 1873 aged 82 years

We proceeded up the hill to W. Henderson Rich's & got the record of Abraham Rich's ten children by his first wife, Ann Thompson, which follows:

In letter dated Apr 30, 1924 small env Chas C. Finley gives following people to write to for records of his Uncles & Aunts, see table page 227

1. Rebecca Jane Finley Kelly write S.A. Finley, Pleasant City O

2. Elizabeth Marshall write Mrs L.R. Harper Cumberland O eldest daughter

3. William Finley, write Harry H. McClelland, Cumberland O daughter

4. Joseph Finley, write Chas A. Moore Twin Falls, Idaho

7. Sarah McCracken, write Miss Carrie McCracken 554 Oryden Road, Zanesville O or Charles McCracken 915 West Browne Ave, Zanesville, O

8. Mary Melvina Secrist, see Harry Secrist eldest son who 15 or more yrs ago lived at Cleveland O. JVT June 4, 1924

V7 Page 234

[Descendant Chart]

John Frame Finley, son of Samuel of Ebenezer of Rev James Finley 1725-1795 see page 227 this book. These dates of birth etc taken largely from A.T. Sewash [Gewash, very hard to read] Spaid Family Page 352. 8 children born on farm in guernsey Co O near Pleasant City O.


Isaac Wilson, B Mch 29, 1851 ob Sept 24, 1920 m. Dec 28, 1871 Sarah Isabel Hufford (home Cambridge O) Born Sept 29, 1851 in Guernsey Co O, Dau of Henry Hufford & wife Sarah Wilford. He was a teamster, Mason & Lutheran. Since his death, widow lives with dau Bessie in Cambridge O See book 13 p 100.

Samuel Arthur, B July 12, 1853 near Ara O mar 1 Oct 12, 1876 Arthalla Secrest twin dau of David Secrest & wife Sarah J. Miller who was born Mch 9, 1857. Have had 3 daughters, one dead. She died Jany 8, 1908 m.2. Feby 24, 1914 to Mrs Liba A. Tims B May 8, 1873 dau of Joseph Tod & wife Ruth a Jarvis & who was born at Fort Scott Kansas. No issue by her. Her 1st husband Thos Montague Timms died Jany 10, 1908 [variations in spelling typed as entered CW]

Infant daughter, B May 29, 1877 ob June 1, 1877

Zulah Esther, B Aug 2-, 1880 near Derwent O m. Jany 12, 1901 at Canal Dover O Robert Morton Shields born in Jackson Co June 16, 1877 son of John Wesley Shields & wife Jane Patterson. Live in Pleasant City O.

Hilda Bodurtha, B Aug 16, 1903 at Flushing O

Sonara Edna, B July 10, 1890 at Buffalo O m. Sept 15, 1913 to James D. Abels, son of Emer Abels & wife Mary Long who was born Jany 25, 1889. No issue. Live Chicago Ills

Mary Catherine, B Oct 9, 1855 m. Dec 27, 1877 Wm C. Burt, son of Eli Burt & wife Nancy Smith who was born Aug 1, 1851 Home Cambridge O on south 9th St. He was born near Byesville O & is a farmer, teamster, Mason & M.E. Have 4 dau see book 13 p 101

Loamie R. B May 26, 1858 ob July 9, 1881 unmarried was a brilliant young school teacher engaged to marry Miss Ella Stewart when he died of tuberculosis.

Linas Erville, B. June 13, 1860 m. Dec 29, 1881 Sadie Anna Callihan B Mch 22, 1859 in Cambridge O, dau of John Callihan & wife Julia Anne Hooks. He died Apr 6, 1922 Home Cambridge O.

Edward Lee Finley, B May 17, 1883 m. June 15, 1904 Nellie Ervin, dau of Geo E. Ervin & wife Emma Sarahat. She was born Oct 14, 1884. Live at 1215 Blaine Ave, Cambridge O. He is a millworker & a gifted musician, Mason, Repub & Lutheran. Have had 3 chil. born in Cambridge O.

Lillian, B Sept 3, 1907, ob Sept 13, 1907

Robert, B Apr 25, 1910 ob Sept 1914

Charles Richard, B Mch 30, 1915

Carl J. Finley, B June 17, 1886 m. June 24, 1908 Mabel Edna Wyrick B Apr 19, 1888 near old Wash. O dau of Benton Wirick & wife Florence Rullock. He is a millworker Lutheran, Repub, K of P & live 508 Walnut St Cambridge O Have 2 chil. born in Cambridge. [variations in spelling noted]

Paul Francis, B Aug 21, 1910

Sara Mae, B Mch 1, 1917

Clayton K. B Mch 24, 1889 m. Apr 10, 1912 Hazel May Baughman B July 25, 1891 in Zanesville O dau of Edward Baughman & wife Ellen McNeal Live at 708 N 16 St Cambridge O where he works for a brokerage firm & is a Lutheran & Repub. Have one child born in Cambridge O.

Donald Earl, B Feby 5, 1918

Minnie M. B June 3, 1863 m. Dec 16, 1880 Benjamin F. Burt B May 18, 1855 son of Wm Burt & wife Catherine Nelson. Live Cambridge O RFD 6 He was born in Jackson Tp, Guernsey Co O is a farmer Rep & Baptist see b 13 p 102

William Grant, B Apr 3, 1867 m.1. Maxine Murray m.2. Alice Stewart Lives Lorain O 253 E. Erie Ave now at 337 1/2 E. Erie Ave see bk 13 page 103

Cora E. Finley, B June 6, 1872 m. Nov 25, 1908 David D. Morse Born May 8, 1870 son of Evan Morse & wife Mary David. Live Byesville O. He was born at Hubbard o & is Supt of a coal mine. By a former mar, he had 3 chil. viz Roberta and William & Mary twins. They live at No 315 W. Main St Byesville O & have one child born at Byesville O.

Cora Elizabeth Morse, B Dec 30, 1911

Mch 22, 1927, I made much of the record of this page & all of pages 100-103 bk 13 from an 11 page large env letter fr a.d. Secrest postmarked Dayton O Nov 11, 1925 JVT

V7 Page 235

At residence of Wm Henderson Rich Seneca Tp, Noble Co Ohio July 10, 1922 9:44 PM

I arrived here abt 15 minutes ago & was admitted by Mr Rich & his wife is in the room as is also their relative Lizzie Finley. Mr Rich also introduced his son who says he is 6 ft 1 1/2 inches tall. Mr Rich has brought out a big bible well preserved in which is listed the births of the ten children of Abram Rich by his first wife Ann Thompson & certified to by Jacob Rich, father of Wm Henderson Rich. Mrs Rich has a bible giving too the births of Abram & Ann. I copy as they read:

Abram Rich was born June 11, 1792 & died Apr 27, 1873

Ann, the daughter of James Thompson & wife of Abram Rich was born Nov 5, 1798 & died Dec 12, 1843

Buried on his home farm in this Seneca Tp there is a marker to his grave, but not to hers. He is buried on top of one hill & she on another, but on same farm.

Their children were:

1. James Rich born Apr 6, 1818, died July 12, 1883

2. Ann Rich born Nov 29, 1819, died Aug 29?, 1860

3. Rebecca Rich born Dec 10, 1821, died Mch 9, 1840

4. Jacob Rich born Feby 19,1824 died Jan 9, 1900

5. William Rich born May 2, 1826 died July 11, 1894

6. Mary Rich born May 17, 1828, died Aug 30?, 1865

7. Thomas Rich born July 31, 1830, died July 5, 1920

8. Abraham Rich born May 20, 1834, died Dec 29, 1917

V7 Page 236

9. Mehetable Rich born Mch 22, 1837 died Apr 19, 1914

10. Alvira Amanda Rich born May 15, 1839 died Dec 15, 1841

Jacob Rich and Jane Miley were married May 26, 1850

She was born Feby 24, 1824 & died Mch 17, 1917 aged 93 yrs & 22 days. Both are buried at Mt Ephraim Meth Ch g.y. one mile from here.

(Births) Their Children (Deaths)

1. Mary Isabel Rich, born June 12, 1851, died Apr 17, 1918

2. Wm Henderson Rich born Oct 17, 1852

3. Rachel Salesta Rich born Oct 21, 1855, died May 25, 1907

4. Abraham Miley Rich born Sept 9, 1858

Wm Henderson Rich m. 1st Jany 29, 1884 to Carrie Richey who was born Nov 3, 1860 & died June 5, 1890, daughter of Andrew Richey & Helen Hammond, his wife.

He married 2d Oct 3, 1893 to Mary M. Guiler, who was born Dec 7, 1863 at Whigville Noble Co O the daughter of Samuel Franklin Guiler & Caroline Snider, his wife.

His children are as follows:

1. Laura Helen Rich born Oct 2, 1887

2. Mary Carolyn Rich born Nov 10, 1889

3. Emma Faye Rich born Aug 1, 1895

4. Jacob Wallace Rich born Apr 15, 1898


James Rich married Elizabeth Miley a twin sister of Jacob's wife

Ann Rich married William Casner

Jacob Rich married Jane Miley, twin sister of James' wife & daughter of Abraham Miley & Rachel Millhone, his wife.

V7 Page 237

William Rich married Margaret Miley dau of Abram & Rachel

Mary Rich married Wm Marcus Finley

Thomas Rich married Francina Craft dau of David Craft

Abraham Rich married Elizabeth Millhone, dau of John Millhone

Mehetable Rich married Edward Stephens

Rebecca died unmarried.

Mary Isabel Rich married Wm K. Miley, son of John & Elizabeth Miley on Jany 6, 1876

Rachel Salesta Rich married Levi Columbus Talbott on Dec 26, 1878

Abraham Miley Rich married Hannah Beatty Dec 21, 1882, she daughter of William Beatty & Sarah Jane Mosier.

Mary Isabel Rich Miley had but one child viz: Lettie Miley born June 16, 1883 and died June 9, 1916 aged 32 yrs 11 mos 24 days

Rachel Salesta Rich Talbott had 2 children:

1. Harold Henderson Talbott born Aug 19, 1884

2. Estella Faye Talbott born Oct 26, 1889. She married Jules "Henri" LeBlanc in June 1913? & live Huntington WVA where he is a banker.

Harold H. Talbott is unmarried & is a doctor in Steubenville.

Lettie Miley married Jesse Johnson & has one daughter, Alberta, born May 19, 1905.

Abraham Miley Rich had but one child viz:

Dora Rich born Feby 11, 1884 who married Arthur Miller & lives adjoining this home & has one child viz: Walter Rosemon Miller born Apr 21, 1904.

V7 Page 238

Laura Helen Rich married Edward D. Cleary Sept 1, 1915 & has two children viz:

1. William Edward Cleary born May 21, 1919

2. Mary Helen Cleary born June 8, 1922

Mary Carolyn Rich married Albert F. Turrell Sept 10, 1919 & have no issue.

Emma Faye Rich married Howard I. Booker Sept 10, 1919 & have no issue. Jacob Wallace Rich is unmarried.

Mr Rich's P.O. address is Sarahsville Noble Co Ohio

It is now 11:11 PM

Miss Lizzie Finley, a first cousin of Wm Henderson Rich has the bible of her father, William Marcus Finley from which I take the following record

Marriages Wm Marcus Finley married 1st J.C. Dyson Nov 14, 1839

Wm Marcus Finley married 2d Mary Rich Dec 29, 1853.


Wm Marcus Finley was born Feby 8, 1818

Jane C. His wife was born Mch 31, 1822

Mary Finley his wife was born May 17, 1818

His children:

1. Joseph Dyson Finley was born Nov 14, 1840

2. Harrison Finley was born Dec 14, 1841

3. Thomas Jefferson Finley was born Mch 26, 1843

4. Elizabeth Jane Finley was born Sept 10, 1844

5. Theodore Finley was born Aug 25, 1846

V7 Page 239


See book 18

p 606-8_________

6. Clarissa Finley was born Mch 19, 1848

7. Caroline Amelia Finley was born Feby 10, 1850

8. Patience Finley was born Oct 12, 1851

The above are by 1st wife & below are by 2d wife

9. Abraham Rich Finley was born Nov 8, 1854

10. Elizabeth Ann Finley was born Feby 16, 1857

11. Columbia Mehetable Finley was born Aug 12, 1858

12. Norval Taylor Finley was born May 7, 1860

Of the above children Thos Jefferson is buried in Kansas & Elizabeth Jane in Senecaville O & Rev Theodore in Beverly O

Thomas Jefferson Finley married a McDonald here & moved to Kansas & left two sons viz:

Charles Samuel } Both living in Indiana

Theodore Jefferson} & both married.

Rev Theodore Finley married Alice Brown who married Theodore Davis after his death. He had one son, Theodore Finley who married & died suddenly at or near Long Beach Calif leaving two children Barbara & Theodora who are living in California just young children.

Clarissa Finley married Franklin Guiler, a first cousin of Mrs Rich. They are both dead. They had one daughter who died in infancy.

All the children by first wife are dead & mostly buried at Opossum g.y. & none except those above noted were married or left any issue.

V7 Page 240

Of the second wife's children, both Abraham Rich Finley & Elizabeth Ann Finley are living here unmarried.

Columbia Mehetable Finley married Samuel Hartup & have one son. Both of them are dead. The son is Willard Hartup born in 1880, his parents having been married in 1879.

Willard married Effie Gregg & have three children viz:

Paul Hartup, Lela May, & Neva

Norval Taylor Finley married twice viz:

1st Emma Moore

2d Mrs Perry, a widow nee Moorhead & has only had one child which was by first wife & none by second viz:

1. Roy Finley born 1895. He is married & has three children, all girls, but don't know their names. He lives at New Concord O where he is a conductor on a street car.

Norval lives in Cambridge O.

It is now 11:55 PM & I am leaving with the day. JVT

V7 Page 241

At residence of Leroy Woods Thompson, Sarahsville, Noble Co O July 11, 1922 4:44 PM

I arrived here 10 minutes ago & have met Mr T. & his daughter Bessie. Mr Thompson says he can give the record of his father's family from memory as his daughter Bessie has his father's bible in Phila where it is packed up. I will put it in shape of a genealogical table, commencing on next page. Justus Riggs who is with us as is Nellie Burns also said this was the county seat of Noble Co when it was first organized.

Finished at 6:22 PM but Bessie has left to get something to eat & will have to wait to partake.

V7 Page 242 & V7 Page 243

James Thompson, son of William Thompson & Elizabeth Finley, was born in Fayette Co Pa "near Muttontown" on Apr 13, 1810 & came to Guernsey Co O according to Nellie Burns that same yr when a few months old with his parents. He was a lawyer & practiced law in Guernsey & adjoining Co's living in Senecaville O. He was a very proficient lawyer & had an excellent reputation as a lawyer. He died in Greenwood & is buried in Opossum g.y. having died on Apr 26, 1892. He married Maria Shafer of Senecaville O, a native of London Co VA & daughter of Wm Shafer & his wife Betsey Thompson, an orphan girl of London Co Va. She was born on Apr 1, 1816 & died in Belmont Co O near Barnesville May 4, 1893 & is buried at Tacoma, a little town near Barnesville, where she died. No stone to her grave. They had five children.


Leroy Woods Thompson, born June 8, 1843 in Senecaville O, my informant of today. He married Nov 1, 1868 to Jane Elizabeth Smith who was born Feby 24, 1849, the dau of John Wilson Smith & Sarah McGarry, his wife. She died near Sarahsville on the farm on Oct 1, 1883 & is buried here at Sarahsville O. Children all born at Senecaville O. Mrs Burns said Mrs T. was brainy.

Richard Horton, B Oct 3, 1869. He is a druggist at Steubenville O, a member of the firm of Beall & Steele Drug Co. He is unmarried.

Henry Smith, B Oct 3, 1871 "The most noted & wealthy member of the family". M. Dec 25______ to Helen Sargent Apthorpe, a cousin of John Sargent, the painter & a dau of Robert Apthorpe & Mary Sargent, his wife, a cousin of John Sargent. He lives at Concord Mass on Fair Haven Hill & was in the banking business in NY with White, Weld & Co & was sent to Siberia on a mission for the government for the Red Cross. Is in business in Boston, Mass. Both living.

Mary Sargent, B July 13, 1909

Helen Sargent, B Aug 1911

Dorothy Sargent, B July 1913 ob May 4

Henry Smith Jr

Malcom Sargent, B May 5, abt 1917

Elizabeth, called "Bessie" B Jany 29, 1873 teaching the orthopedic ward in the hospital of the University of Penna at Phila Pa

John Norris, B May 19, 1875, m. to Isabel_______ fr Burlington Iowa on Mis. River. Both living in Chicago Ills. No issue. His P.O. No 7 W. Madison St, Chicago

Edward Orton, B Oct 21, 1878 unmarried LIves 89 Vernon St Waltham, Mass where he is with a steamship Co.

Mary Elizabeth, B Mch 1, 1846. She married Frank Stevens on June 1, 1880 & lived at Greenwood O where he was a farmer. She died Apr 1_____. He was a son of John Stevens & his wife Rachel Riggs, who a daugther of Jane & Daniel Riggs. Frank Stevens was first married To Elizabeth Thompson, sister of Robert S. & married Sue Kaho

Leroy Henson Stevens, lives in VA, M. & has issue

Carrie Stevens, m. Gaither

3. Alena Caroline, B Nov 30, 1849 m. Chas W. Gaston. She is dead but he is living. She died 48 yrs ago in the winter & is buried in Senecaville O Cem.

Clarence, B May 11, 1869 m. abt 1894 to Belle Perry, dau of Calvin Perry & who was born abt 1876 Both living in Akron O

Leila, B May 1897 m. Fred Minto & live at Akron O

Harry Minto, B abt 1914

Clifford, B say 1899 unmarried

Fred, B abt 1901 unmarried

Alberta, B abt 1904, at home

Alice, B Feby 7, 1870 m. Apr 20, 1893 to Fred Saltsgaver son of Wm Saltsgaver & Margaret Alexander, his wife who was born June 8, 1871 at Senecaville, O

Wilma Margaret, B Apr 9, 1904

5. Sarah Louisa, B June 30, 1858 ob May 12, 1863, youngest child

4. John William Thompson, B. ob aged abt 7 yrs

At residence of Fred Saltsgaver corner Church & Broad ST, Senecaville O July 12, 1922 9:33 PM

Mr & Mrs Saltsgaver have given me the record of themselves & her brother Clarence entered on this page & I have finished & am leaving at 9:55 PM JVT

V7 Page 244

Back at residence of Robert S. Thompson, Wayne Tp, Noble Co O July 11, 1922 8:25 PM P.O. address Senecaville O RFD 1

I arrived here in Robert Burns' auto from Sarahsville O having gone there this afternoon after stopping an hour at Mt Zion Ev Luth Ch g.y. Mr R.S.T. says he remembers James ("Jimmy") Finley who lived above him up Opossum Run his old home place being now owned by Esban Rich, son of Wm Rich who was son of Abram & Ann Thompson Rich. He said Mr Finley was a tall slender man, but his son Ebenezer was short & heavy set.

Harrison Secrist married for his 3d wife Sarah Davis, widow of Joseph Davis & when married to Davis, she was the widow of Cephas Finley, her maiden name having been Sarah Hess, dau of Oliver Hess. She had children to Cephas Finely, William being the oldest & Oliver the second & a daughter named Emma & a son named Smith & Florence, a girl who is dead. William was killed in a well that caved in on him. He was same age as Robt S.T. It is now 12:33 AM the 12th & we will quit & go to bed JVT

V7 Page 245

July 12, 1922 5:38 AM

I retired last night at 1:11 AM after having written 11 pages from 246 to 254 inclusive about the descendants of James & Jacob Thompson, the two grandfathers of Robert Sproat Thompson as given to me by him from memory assisted by his wife & daughter. I am now copying a few items from "the Laughlin History", a paper back book of 104 pages exclusive of recapitulation & index which Miss Martha O. loaned me when here last Saturday & which was gotten up & published about 1912 by John W. Laughlin of Barnesville O & prepared for the reunion of the Laughlins held at Bellecenter O Thursday Aug 22, 1912. I am commencing the notations on page 257.

Mr R.S.T. says this morning at breakfast that Squire Lowrey's name was William Lowrey and that he died in Apr 1861 aged 82 yrs. His son, Rev W. D. Lowrey who married Mrs T. was married to a Vernon & his father, the squire was married to a Stevens. He said old James Finley died in Aug 1861 aged 80 or 81. He said both Mr Finley & Squire Lowrey were very much excited over the war, in a measure childish & would come in town every day for the mail & papers.

Hotel Denhler July 18, 1922 10:30 AM

Someone told me that Squire Wm Lowrey was a brother of Violet Lowrey 2d wife of Ebenezer Finley of Fayette Co Pa, the son of Rev James Finley.

V7 Page 246

[Descendant Chart]

James Harrison Thompson, son of James Madison Thompson see page 196 m.1 Margaret Campbell, dau of James Campbell of Valley Tp, Guernsey Co. She is buried on the old Campbell place 1 mile east of Buffalo. Had 5 children. M.2. Amanda Meher & had 7 children. She is still living in Byesville O. He was a farmer, but kept hotel in Byesville the last 30 yrs of his live & his widow lives there. He was buried in Greenwood the new cemetery at Byesville see pages 288 & 289.


Mary, m. John Linn

Jane, m. Wm White

Lizzie, m. Bascom Hutton

Clara, m. John Sigman

Dora, m. Bert Haines

Addie, m. Peter Black

Letha, m. John Johnson

Garfield, single

Arthur, m,1. Belle Pryne, m.2. Olena Craft

William, d.y.

Fred, m. Crook

Grace, single at Barberton, O

V7 Page 247

[Descendant Chart]

Eleazer Thompson, son of J. Madison Thompson see page 196 see item 44 p 359. He was a farmer & lived in old Washington, Guernsey Co O & is buried in Senecaville O m. Elizabeth L. Arndt, daughter of Charles Arndt & his wife Nancy Thesler. She survived him abt 19 yrs & died 7 yrs ago. She remarried her 2d husband being John Kester. Eleazer & Elizabeth were mar. Dec 27, 1864.


Izona May, B Aug 19, 1867 m. Jany 1, 1885 James Ritchey. They live at Mt Vernon O where she is seriously ill. see book 16 p 218-9

Vance Thompson Ritchie, B Jany 17, 1886 m. Hazel Blocher & live at Mt Vernon O

James Neil, B Apr 5, 1914

Josephine Agnes Ritchie, unmarried & lives at home B Nov 27, 1889.

Nancy Agnes, B Mch 8, 1873 m. Charles Winner, dead several yrs & buried at Senecaville O. She died in McKeesport Pa Feby 1911

Izona Winner, B Jany 28, 1903, m. Donaldson 3 or 4 yrs ago & lives McKeesport Pa See Bk 16 Pages 215.

Harold Arndt, B Jan 7, 1875, m. Olive Day. He is dead & is buried at Senecaville O. She lives in Columbus O. See Book 16 pages 214-5 for record.



Live at Columbus O with their mother

Lavina Devold, B July 17, 1877 m. Hamilton L. Cash. Both living at Girard O where he is Supt of schools

Milton Arndt

Martha Elizabeth

Violet McCune

V7 Page 248

[Descendant Chart]

Deborah Maria Thompson, daughter of J. Madison Thompson see Page 196 m. James Campbell, son of James Campbell & bro of James H's 1st wife. He a farmer. Both buried at a cemetery on the old Campbell Place.


Madison Elmer, Died aged 19 B Mch 15, 1862 ob Feby 13, 1881

Friend Glenn, B Sept 28, 1863 m. Martha Jane Secrest, dau of Harrison Secrest by his 2d wife, Matilda E. Allison

Reah & } twins, girls, Both married & live at

Leah } Westerville, Reah m. Dec 31, 1921 to John D. Fireoved

Chas McKinley, overseas in world war. Now in Arizona for his health. Unmarried.

Freda Irene, at home at Westerville O

Hulda Jane, m. Beauregard Peters. Live at Robins O

Snowie, m. Williams. Both living.


4 or more other children

Icie, m. Harry Finley, a son of Ezra who was buried Sunday. Both living.

A girl?

Beauregard Peters Jr, a young boy at home

James Ottis, m. Cora Thompson dau of David Thompson not related

Hubert, in law school

Caroline, m. Bert LePage & she lives at Buffalo O being separated.

Audrey, a girl m. Cook

Lottie, m. George Jadwin

Omer, m. Della Saltsgaver, daughter of Eldredge Saltsgaver, both living in Senecaville O where he is running a coal mine.

Edgar, m. Mackley of Byesville O

Madeleine, young

a child, died with scarlet fever

a child, died of measles

Lillian, young

Infant son, B Apr 15, 1879 & died same day

Bessie, d.y.

V7 Page 249

[Descendant Chart]

Sarah Elizabeth Thompson dau of J. Madison Thompson see Page 196 She is buried at Opossum g.y. m. James F. Stevens, a coal miner now. He lives in Senecaville O.

one child only which died in infancy

[Descendant Chart]

William Keil Thompson, son of J. Madison Thompson see Page 196. He is buried at Sabetha, Nemehah Co Kansas where he was a farmer. m. Eliza Cleary, dau of John Cleary. She lives at Sabetha Kansas


Harmon Doan, m. in Denver Colorado on July 9, 1918 to Clara A. Deaver. No issue that they know of.

Aniola, a girl m. Ernest Franklin. Live near Sabetha Ks & have two boys.

Joseph, died unmarried buried at Sabetha Ks

Grace, not married at home with her mother.

V7 Page 250

[Descendant Chart]

Jacob Thompson, son of J. Madison Thompson see page 196. He died Mch 6, 1919. He was born July 21, 1848. He died at Winner S.D. away from home from a stroke of paralysis. He married Harriet Perry, dau of Mahlon Perry. She is still living at Clearfield S.D. & is the party to see or write to for the bible of J. Madison Thompson which her husband took to South Dakota. Jacob was a farmer.


Charles, married in Nebraska to Bertha______ Both living at Omaha Neb at No 2817 N 19th Ave

Gail, married & lives in Omaha Neb

Lois, single

Jessie, m. Ira Elden Dick & live in Nebraska where he is a cashier in a bank at Atkinson Neb.

Dorothy Dick, single

Ernest, married out west & have children. Live at Fremont Neb

Dwight, M.D.? Married out west & have issue. Is in Nebraska at Gothenberg, Neb

Helen Lucile, m. Andrew H. Langland, Wednesday June 30 at Jordan. Live at Clearfield S.D. Her mother is with her.

Harriet, baby

Louise, baby

V7 Page 251

[Descendant Chart]

Robert Sproat Thompson, son of J. Madison Thompson pages 194 & 196 born Sept 15, 1851, my informant of tonight along with his wife & daughter Martha m. Dec 6, 1877 to Mary A. Oliver who was born Apr 7, 1849 daughter of Hiram Oliver & Elizabeth Spear, his wife.


Hiram Willis, B. Aug 28, 1878 m. Millie Rose, dau of J. Calvin Rose & Emma Lowry, his wife. Both living in Senecaville O. She was born June 22, 1882 They were married Mch 21, 1911

Herbert Vernon, B May 5, 1912

Ella May, b Dec 22, 1916

Martha Olive, B Dec 20, 1879 my informant of tonight. At home single

Wesley Merret, B Nov 17, 1881 who was born Aug 23, 1883? & live in Senecaville O

Dorothy Kathleen, B Aug 12, 1907

Madison Orwell, B Nov 12, 1883 unmarried & at home

Lillie Luella, B June 25, 1886 ob Aug 23, 1920 Unmarried.

V7 Page 252

Rachel Thompson, daughter of J. Madison Thompson see page 196. She was born June 25, 1859 & is living in Noble Co near Chaseville O. She married in Sept 13, 1877 to David William Corwin, son of James Corwin & Elizabeth Shroyer, his wife who was an aunt of Dave's. Mr Corwin is a farmer & is living.


Uranus H. m. Edith Finley dau of Sam'l W. Finley. Both living in this Tp where he is a farmer. Lives near Senecaville O. He was born June 28, 1878.




A girl, Esther

a girl, Laura

All single & at home

Rosella V. at home single b Aug 13, 1880

Luzerne R. a boy b May 18, 1883 m. Mary Drake dau of Benj Drake. He is a farmer in Tp. He died. She lives near Senecaville O.




young children at home

Erus N., m. Edna Ginter Both living in Zanesville O where he works for Ohio Fuel Supply Co Have 3 or 4 children. he was born Oct 30, 1885

an infant boy, died

Arminta H. B May 3, 1897 m. Orton Davis, son of Theodore Davis who was a grandson of Joseph Finley son of Ebenezer. He owns half interest in Grist Mill at Buffalo O

A girl

Winfield I., unmarried & at home B Oct 3, 1904 now married & lives in Columbus & works for an oil Co.

V7 Page 253

Polly Thompson, daughter of Jacob Thompson see page 197 married here to Josiah Baird "before my time" & went west to Iowa. They both died out there. he was a farmer. Had some children but don't know how many Mch 27/27 R.T.S. says Robt S. told him she went to Greene Co Ind & he recalled that one son was named Harvey.

V7 Page 254

[Descendant Chart]

William Thompson, son of Jacob Thompson, see page 197. He was a farmer & died in this county. He married Catharine Tullis, a sister of James's wife & a daughter of Judge Tullis. Both dead. After his death, she married Hugh McWilliams by whom she had a son & daughter. Had four children by Thompson.


Josephus, married in Portland Oregon. Don't know whether he has children, but thinks he is living.

Leicester, m. Lillie LePage & live at Brooklyn NY where he is in a drugstore. No issue.

Susannah, m. Robert Rounds. Last accounts at Columbus O & thinks went then to NY. Thinks no issue. Probably a banker at Yonkers NY. July 21/25. He & his son Robert Jr live at Ripley NY

Harry L. Round, M., Prest Republic Iron & Steel Co Youngstown O

William Rounds, M., has store in Wheeling WVA part owner of Thomas & Co Dept Store

Robert Rounds Jr, Thinks unmarried & probably with his parents who are at Ripley NY

David. He went to cut a stick when aged about 7 to drive the horses with in thrashing out the wheat & fell on the knife which pierced his bowels & he died at once. R.S.T. says his father was present.

William F. Thompson. B Sept 22, 1847 as ob Dec 29, 1851 aged 2 yrs 3 mos 7 days son of Wm & Catherine Thompson buried at Senecaville O Look at Page 353 et seq.

V7 Page 255

[Descendant Chart]

Eleanor Thompson, daughter of Jacob Thompson see page 197 200 & 201. She married Sept 21, 1848 here to a Philip Law & went to Salisbury, Indiana. She was born May 10, 1830 near Senecaville O. so her daughter Emmaretta says. She died in Soleberry Ind July 27, 1865. He was born in Sarahsville O Apr 25, 1825 & died at Worthington Ind May 3, 1899, son of John & Sarah Wendell Law. After she died, he married Elizabeth Axtell Thompson, widow of her brother Robert for his 2d wife. She was born in Zanesville O dau of Thomas Axtell & wife Mary, but she had no issue to him. She mar Philip Law in 1867 & died in 1883. He married 3rd 1885 Elizabeth Buzzard but had no issue by her. She died 1897. She was daughter of Wm Buzzard & wife Miller


John Edwin Law, saw him in Kansas in 1873. m. a woman named Hague in Kansas & she was struck by lightning & killed. M. Sarah Haig, an English girl. Both dead.




Emmaretta, B July 28, 1849 m. Oct 31, 1875 to George Riley Hamilton who was born at Senecaville O July 27, 1849 & died at Soleberry on July 27, 1887. He son of Abel Hamilton & wife Eliza Gilpen

Bertha & Gertha, both born & died Sept 21, 1876

Eliza Ellen, B Apr 20, 1878 ob 1878

Lulu Alma, B Dec 18, 1879, ob June 11, 1915

Winnie Azalia, B Oct 12, 1881 ob May 24, 1897

Ada Mae, B Feby 12, 1884 m. Jany 18, 1912 to Jacob James Iles born June 20, 1882 near Fairmont Ills son of John E. Iles & his wife Mary Jane Thompson

Helen Evangeline Iles, Born May 10, 1913 & died Aug 12, 1920

Sarah Susannah, B apr 8, 1851 at Senecaville O m. Jany 3, 1877 at Solsberry Ind Will Ross Ogg son of Robert Washington Ogg & wife Nancy Calland. He was born Sept 12, 1851 near Summerfield Ohio. They live in Bloomington Ind.

Frederick Austin, B Feby 8, 1878 at Soleberry Ind. Head of Hist Dept of Wisconsin University M. Sept 9, 1906 at Shelbyville Ind to Emma Virginia Perry who was born Mch 31, 1878 daughter of Dr Perry.

Grace Louise, B Mch 11, 1882 at Soleberry Ind. Living

Florence Lillian, B May 18, 1887 at Soleberry Ind ob July 5, 1889 at Soleberry Ind

Martha Jane, B jany 13, 1853 ob July 1864 Born at Senecaville O & died at Soleberry Ind.

George Allison Law, m. to Mary Murphy

Lulu Lena Law

Roy Law

V7 Page 256

[Descendant Chart]

John Thompson son of Jacob Thompson see page 197. He married here Hannah Thompson, daughter of "Uncle Dave Thompson" & went to Salisbury Ind where he was a farmer & where he remained 23 yrs & then went to Sabetha Kansas where he became a congregationalist preacher & where R.S.T. visited him a month in 1873. They both died & are buried in Sabetha Ks.


Salathiel, m.1. Rebecca Morrison whose mother was Tabitha dau of John Thompson see page 202. Her father was Jas Morrison. He & she died at Sabetha Kan & are buried there. M.2. He had two children by his first wife.

A girl

A girl

Ruth, married in Kansas

Jacob, married in Kansas

Josephus, married in Kansas

Derinda, m. in Kansas

Marinda, B June 23, 1842 ob Oct 4, 1851 oldest child see Bk 20 p 340

V7 Page 257

The Laughlin record first of all is dedicated "with greatest reverence to the memory of John & Deborah Laughlin"

John Laughlin was born in York Co Pa in Jany 1777 the 5th of the 8 sons & 1 daughter of Squire Hugh Laughlin & Polly Breading, who lived awhile in Fayette Co Pa. He was erect & 5 ft 10 in height & weighed 150 lbs. He married Deborah Wilson whose picture graces the book Jany 17, 1804 & soon thereafter moved to Erie Pa where their first two children were born. Becoming dissatisfied there, they in 1807 moved to Guernsey Co O locating on Leatherwood Creek. Shortly thereafter, Deborah becoming homesick & as both could not leave home at the same time, she took her baby on her knee & rode horseback to Fayette Co Pa. "Her horse had to swim the Ohio River near Wheeling both going & returning".

Their children were:

1. Alexander born Jany 31, 1805, died Sept 28, 1889

2. Hugh born Aug 21, 1806, died Apr 24, 1887

3. Mary B. born March 3, 1809, died Sept 18, 1881

4. Margaret, born March 3, 1811, died Nov 15, 1892

5. Thomas Wilson, born Apr 12, 1813, died Nov 21, 1900

6. John, born July 9, 1815, died Mch 9, 1899

7. Deborah, born Nov 30, 1817, died Nov 19, 1893

8. James born Feby 23, 1821, died Apr 22, 1902

John Laughlin died Oct 11, 1851 at the aged of 75.

V7 Page 258

"Here will be appended a brief history of the Wilson family to which Deborah Wilson Laughlin belonged"

They have the record wrong about Alexander Wilson saying he was born in Ireland in 1756 when in fact he was born in 1727 & say that he came to America to Cumberland Co Pa when 15 yrs old. "Her served as a Private in Captain John Nelson's company of the Fifth Battalion of the Cumb Co Pennsylvania Militia in 1780 and 1781". States he was married in 1776 which is wrong to Deborah McWilliams, which is wrong as it was Deborah Gilmore, he married & the dates of her birth & death are both wrong.

"They had eight children:

1. Sarah married Joseph Sproat

2. James married a Robb (Rabb) & had four children, 2 sons & 2 daughters. He moved to Indianapolis Ind. Also wrong, some of his children moved there.

3. Deborah, who married our ancestor John Laughlin was born in 1781 & died in 1868.

4. Samuel married a Reed & lived near Xenia O

5. Alexander married Peggy Laughlin as has been stated before in this history. It seems to have been from the Wilsons that the Laughlins inherited the characteristic which sometimes crops out - that is two members of one family marrying two of another family.

6. Thomas married Sally Flannigan. He had two daughters, Mary & Sarah who married two brothers, Moses & Cephas Porter

V7 Page 259

Mary died in 1906? at Uniontown Pa at the advanced age of 98 yrs. In his old age Thomas was blind & he is supposed to have had cataract.

7. John was a doctor & died young leaving three children.

8. Margaret, married Hugh Gilmore & had two children, Margaret Ann & Mary Jane. Margaret Ann graduated from Steubenville Female Seminary in the first class. She died at the age of 31. Mary Jane died young. They lived at Merrittstown Pa"

On Page 9, it states "Peggy Laughlin (only sister of John, who married Deborah Wilson) married Alexander (Alex A.) Wilson & they moved to Jefferson Co Iowa. They had 5 daughters & 3 sons, one daughter was the Deborah who married Crawford (a brother of Margaret & John) Laughlin's son David".

On page 82 is record of Deborah Laughlin marrying William Thompson who R.S.T. family say was not of their race of Thompsons.

It is now 7:35 AM & I am bidding goodbye to my kind hosts & Mr T. is driving me into Senecaville. JVT

V7 Page 260

At residence of Samuel A. Sproat, Wills Tp, Guernsey Co O July 12, 1922 2:22 PM

Mr Sproat has brought out his father's old bible which was published in NY in 1844 by G. Lane & P.P. Sandford. It does not give record of the marriage of his father Alex H. Sproat. I am copying from the bible.

Births "Alexander H. Sproat born Nov 12, 1796 in German Tp, Fayette Co Pa

Elisabeth Craft born Feby 14, 1803 in Redstone Tp Fayette Co Pa

They were married & their children are as follows:

1. David Sproat born Dec 8, 1829

2. Joseph Sproat born June 15, 1832

3. Elijah Sproat born Oct 4, 1834

4. Sarah Elizabeth Sproat born Feby 1, 1836

5. Samuel Sproat born Sept 12, 1844

Child of Samuel A. Sproat & D.M.s

1. Leila M. Sproat born Oct 13, 1886


David Sproat died Sept 18, 1856 in his 27th year by being thrown from a horse.

Alexander H. Sproat died Sept 7, 1870 aged 74 yrs

Miss Anna M. Sproat (daughter of Joseph N) died Oct 30, 1873 in her 16th year

Elizabeth C. Sproat died May 28, 1883 in her 80th yr.

V7 Page 261

A page of "Family Record" laid in the bible gives the following:


Joseph N. Sproat & Elizabeth Milliken were married Oct 9, 1855 by Rev Shotwell in Kishacoquillas Valley, Mifflin Co Pa

E.E. Sproat & Harriet R. Alexander married Feby 10, 1863 by Rev O.O. McClean near Lewistown, Mifflin Co Pa

Wm C. McCulloch & Sarah E. Sproat married Mch 3, 1856

Samuel A. Sproat & Dorcas M. Voorhes married Oct 21, 1885 by Rev N. Donaldson, Washington, Guernsey Co, O

An obituary notices gives death of Sarah Elizabeth McCulloch, widow of the late Wm C. McCulloch who was born Feby 1, 1836 near old Washington, Guernsey Co O on May 24, 1915 in her 80th year at the home of her son Dr J.S. McCulloch at Wellsville O.

It states that her husband Wm C. McCulloch died March 18, 1890. States her family consists of:

1. A.H. McCulloch in insurance business New Concord O

2. A.R. McCulloch Atty at Law, Cambridge O

3. Mrs Emma F. Howard Fitchburg, Mass

4. Rev A.D. McCulloch, who died Feby 1905

5. C.W. McCulloch, farmer, Lore City, Ohio

6. W.D. McCulloch, physician, Toronto, O

7. Mrs Laura M. Knowles Toledo, O

8. J.S. McCulloch, physician Wellsville O

V7 Page 262

Mr Sproat says C.W. McCulloch living on adjoining farm would have the McCulloch Bible record.

Joseph Newton Sproat had children:

Charles, Annie, Elizabeth & Mary, all dead but Mary & she lives at Buffalo or Hartford & is married to Frank Rowland who is dead & she has one daughter living with her.

Charles left two daughter & two sons, the sons are dead & the girls are married & living in Cambridge. The oldest daughter, Florence Sproat married Ralph Thompson working in Cambridge building & loan & she could give record.

Elijah Elmer Sproat had but one child which died & his wife died soon thereafter & he never married again.

Samuel Alexander Sproat has the one child Leila Mary Sproat married to John Slason & lives in Lore City O. She was married in December 27?, 1915. Has one child.

1. Wm Sproat Slason born July 26, 1918

Mr Sproat says his Uncle Samuel Sproat had two sons Samuel & Joseph & a daughter Margaret who inherited the fortune. He thinks he went to Salem O.

V7 Page 263

Mr Sproat is a powerful man & well preserved says he is 6 ft 1 in & weighs abt 220 & is not fleshy Just a big rawboned man. His wife says he weighed 250 when they were married. Mr Sproat had to go to the barn to help unload hay.

An obituary notice of Mayor Alpheus H. McCulloch from paper of Aug 11, 1915 states that he was born at Freeport, Guernsey Co O Sept 27, 1857, graduated from Muskingum College in 1885 & was married to Miss Mary B. Marshall on Aug 1, 1889 states that his sister Laura Knowles died June 20, 1915.

Leaving 3:44 PM JVT

V7 Page 264

At residence of Wm Chalmers McCulloch Wills Tp Guernsey Co O July 12, 1922 4 PM

Mrs McCulloch got out their family bible in which was a sheet of paper with names & births as follows:

William C. McCulloch born Oct 1834

Sarah E. McCulloch born Feby 2, 1836

Their children

1. Alpheus Huston McCulloch born Sept 27, 1857 2. Allen Robert McCulloch born July 4, 1859

3. Emma Frances McCulloch born Aug 19, 1861

4. Alexander David McCulloch born Oct 19, 1864

5. William Chalmers McCulloch born May 27, 1866

6. Horace Dwight McCulloch born Aug 4, 1870

7. Laura May McCulloch born May 2, 1873

8. Jay Sproat McCulloch born Mar 20, 1875

Wm C. McCulloch & Harriet Alexander Robinson were married Dec 27, 1898. She was born June 6, 1869 the daughter of Alexander Young Robinson & Mary Ann Jenkins his wife & she was the daughter of James Jenkins & his wife Harriet. The Jenkins record is in the hand of Mrs McC? brother James Albert Robinson living on Clarendon Ave Canton O

Mr & Mrs McCulloch's children are:

1. Infant son born Jany 3, 1900 died Jany 4, 1900

2. Byron Chalmers born June 9, 1902

3. Margaret Elizabeth born July 3, 1906

4. Robert Francis born Mch 25, 1908

V7 Page 265

At residence of Finley Arthur Frame Center Tp, Guernsey Co O July 12, 1922 5:11 PM

Mrs Frame is giving me her record. Mrs Frame is rushed to go to her milking so I am leaving at 5:20 PM, she having given me from memory what is on next page.

V7 Page 266

[Descendant Chart]

Abraham Rich, son of Abram & Ann Thompson Rich married Elizabeth Millhone daughter of John Millhone & Margaret Lyons his wife.


Martha Rich, B. Aug 25, 1862? M. Nov 15, 1888 to Finley Arthur Frame son of David Frame & Lizzie Thompson his wife, sister Christopher & William Thompson

2. Raymond, B Nov 17, 1892

3. Roy, B Sept 17, 1897

1. Infant dau, May, B Oct 1, 1890 & died 6 wks later in Nov

Margaret Odella, B Oct 24, 1864 m. Alva Eckelberg, no children living

Mehetable Rich, B Sept 12, 1867 m. Jacob Hayman 4 children living

John Abraham Rich, B Oct 24, 1880 m. widow Floyd & has one child

V7 Page 267

At residence of James Franklin Stevens Senecaville O July 12, 1922 7:33 PM

Mr Stevens mother was a sister of Justus Riggs who has come across the street from his own home & is here with me & I am making up a table record on the next page.

In the bible is

James Thompson & Maria Shaffer were married March 4, 1834. These are the parents of Mr Stevens 2d wife. The record on the nest page of Mr Stevens birth & that of his second wife & all of his children are taken from the family bible. All the other names & dates are given by Mr Stevens from memory.

Finished at 8:33 PM

V7 Page 268

John Stevens, son of James Stevens, a native of Penna & Hannah Morris, his wife, was born in Guernsey Co O. He married Rachel Finley Riggs Nov 28, 1850. He died in Olive, Noble Co O Nov 1859 & is buried in Olive Cem. He was aged 35 yrs. She died in Noble Co O July 1904 aged 69 yrs plus. She is buried here in Senecaville Cem.


Jane Stevens, B Dec 4, 1851 ob 1916 M.1. Norman Miley m.2. John Miley. No issue by 2d husband.

Bion [sic] m. Marguerite Laishley


"Bay" m. Chas VanDyke


William Leroy, B Oct 20, 1853 ob 1917 M. Mary Perry

Mary? died aged 16 yrs

Charles, married

2 boys

Herbert, unm

James Franklin Stevens, B Dec 2, 1854 ob Mch 28, 1823 m.2. Mary E. Thompson, 2 children. She was born Mch 1, 1846 & died 1886. They were married June 1, 1880. M.1. Sarah E. Thompson, daughter of J. Madison Thompson on Jany 1, 1876 & she died Mch 1878 one child. m.3. Susan L. Kaho on May 1, 1890 daughter of Daniel Kaho & Margaret Armstrong. She was born Sept 13, 1855. 5 children.

A stillborn boy, on Mch 1878, a week before it's mother died.

Leroy Henson, B Mch 31, 1881 m. Maude_______. Both living. No issue.

Florence C. B Apr 1, 1884 m. L.D. Gaither. Both living No issue.

Henry Sylvester, B Apr 29, 1891, unmarried.

Ruby Arietta, B Apr 27, 1893, unmarried

Ernest Revere, B Aug 25, 1895, unmarried

Dewey Kaho, B June 15, 1898, unmarried Mayor of Senecaville O. The youngest in the State

James Burns, B June 27, 1902 unmarried.

Mellville Theotus, B Dec 6, 1856 ob aged abt 2 yrs

Daniel Sylvester, B Oct 12, 1858 ob Abt 1881 or 82 m abt 1880 to Annie Davis?. Moved to Wood Co O where he died & family moved to Kansas & then to Oklahoma

Emery Sylvester Stevens, B a posthumous child & is married & lives in Guthrie Okla

A twin boy, stillborn

V7 Page 269

At residence of Howard Finley Millhon, Main St Senecaville O July 12, 1922 8:55 PM

Arrived here at 8:44 & Mr M. being out, Justus Riggs went out & brought him in. I am making record on next page of what he tells me. Finished & leaving at 9:15 PM. Howard is a strapping big forceful man.

V7 Page 270

Mary Emeline Finley, daughter of Ebenezer Finley was born She married Mancel Clay Millhon who was born Sept 16, 1846, the son of Enoch Millhon & his wife Emily Gooderell. They were married abt 1869 or when she was 19. She died Apr 11, 1877 aged 26 yrs 1 mo & 4 days. He died Aug 5, 1920.


Howard Finley Millhon, B Oct 30, 1872 my informant, m. Sept 26, 1899 to Rose Belle Ward who was born May 16, 1869 daughter of James Ward & Mary Elizabeth Rogers his wife.

Ross Albert, B May 8, 1904

Mary Elizabeth, B May 16, 1907

Horace Elbert Millhon, B Feby 19, 1874 m. Jany 1, 1898 to Mary Georgiana Doyle who was born July 3, 1877 dau of Matthew Doyle & Mary Frame dau of George Frame.

Horace Doyle, B Aug 16, 1899

Mary Ladosca, B Feby 23, 1904

Grace Emeline, B Feby 2, 1906

Langdon Howard, B July 21, 1908 (twin)

Infant son, unnamed (twin) B July 21, 1908 ob July 28, 1908

John Enoch, B Mch 19, 1911

Woodrow Mancel, B June 4, 1912

Cora Belle Millhon B Apr 21, 1876 ob June 1, 1898 being 1st party buried in Northwood Cem at Cambridge O. M. Roy T. Stevens abt June 1897 died of typhoid fever without issue.

At H. Bert Millhon's, Wayne Tp, Nobel Co O July 13.

The information in this ink on this page given to me between 12:05 & 12:20 PM by Mrs H. "Bert" Millhon from memory. Leaving at 12:22 PM JVT

V7 Page 271

At residence of Justus Riggs on Main St, Senecaville O July 12, 1922 10:22 PM

After our trip today as disclosed by the previous records to Alexander Laughlin, the Old Presbyterian graveyard, Roland S. Frame, Dr John M. Thompson, Samuel A. Sproat, Wm C. McCulloch, Edward Markle, F. Arthur Frame, where a dashing rainfall with thunder & lightning detained us, we got back here abt 6:25 PM & got our dinner here & Mr Riggs went with me to J. Frank Stevens, Howard F. Milhon's & Alice Saltogaver's from which we have just returned & I am now ready to have Justus Riggs & his two daughters give me the record of his mother's family which I will table on the succeeding pages.

July 13, 1922 7:22 AM

Justus & his daughters gave me from memory what is recorded on the next two pages & it was 2 AM when we got through & I then went to bed & got up at 6 AM & got my breakfast at 6:30 AM & am now waiting for Will T. Finley to whom Justus telephoned, to take me some 3 or 4 places just around here Justus & his daughters also gave me the Charles Schroyer record on page 217 & saw that Becky Ann Kaho has or had three brothers with able & wealthy descendants, Dennisons in Illinois & she had abt 4 children, her son Howard aged 49 having been in here a half hour ago, arriving from his See page 274

V7 Page 272 & V7 Page 273

[Descendant Chart]

James Finley came to this County from Fayette Co Pa in 1810. It was before the Co was formed. His brother Joseph came in 1809 & their father, Ebenezer Finley came out in 1804 & took up land that being that year after the Louisiana purchase. Justus further says that his Uncle William Thompson came in 1814. He, ie, James Finley, would make wagon trips to Baltimore MD starting about July 10 & would not get back until Christmas with the salt to put on his meat as he would commence then to butcher 200 hogs. He lived up Opposum Rum. He married 1st in Fayette Co Pa or in Penna Elizabeth Fulton who is buried here in the Senecaville O Cem after bearing him 9 children. He married 2d up near Cadiz or St Clairsville O _______________, who survived & then went to her people in Jeff Co O. No issue by 2d wife. See page 216. Mrs Gregg's statement fixes year of his coming as 1815.


Jane Fulton Finley, B in Fayette Co Pa May 5, 1811 ob in Noble Co O Jany 6, 1876 M. Daniel Riggs, son of Aaron Riggs who was born in Monon Co Pa Mch 4, 1812. He died Oct 28, 1898. She went to school in Lancaster Pa see item 50 page 360.

Rachel, m. John Stevens see page 268 for her record

James Finley, m. Susanna Law, granddau of Wm Lowry Esq. He died June 1858 aged 21 yrs

Hezekiah, died unm aged 18 or 19.

Susannah, m. James Meighen, & moved to Gault, Grundy Co MO. Have 6 sons & 1 dau. Justus will get record. See book 8 pages 377

Mary Ann, m. Milton Oliver. Both died in Zanesville O & buried there.

William, m. Wife died.


A girl

Albert, married & lives in Denver Col & has issue.

Minnie, m. Will Davis. She is dead.

Ethel, m. Blandy, grandson H.F. Blandy

Robert, m. Bertha __________, & live in Zanesville


Charles, died aged abt 20 unm

Nan, m.1. Stoneturner, m.2. Chas Crosby frt agt B&O at Zanesville, O

A dau

Elizabeth Fulton, m. Jacob Wilford & live at Gault Grundy Co Mo. Have a big family. See book 8 p 372-376

Daniel DeWitt, M. Rebecca Perry see pages 218 & 219

Justus Eugenus, B Mch 17, 1853 m. Apr 13, 1873 to Samantha Casner Dau of Wm Casner & Ann Rich, who was dau of Abram & his wife Ann Thompson. She was born Feby 2, 1855, died Jany 19, 1905 an invalid for 17 yrs. Alice carried her her meals for 10 yrs

Alice Rebecca, B July 1, 1875 m. Richard Peach

Jewel, Born Mch 30, 1900 m. Aug 29, 1917 to Saltsgaver who was born Feby 15, 1899

1. Sarah Jane & twin B May 16, 1918 2. Sabra Jean, twin B. May 16, 1918, ob Feby 23, 1920 [does this death date apply to both twins? CW]

3. Virginia B Oct 12, 1921

4. Helen Saltzgiver, B June 13, 1923, reported 3/18/24 at Oak Hill by Justus E. Riggs.

William Casner, B July 29, 1878. Lives at home a confirmed bachelor

Joseph Benson, B Dec 28, 1881 m. Hallie Mahoney on Sept 12, 1913. Both living in Senecaville O. She was born June 4, 1895 in WVA

Lawrence, B June 10, 1916

Betty June, B June 12, 1921

Bessie Bernice, B Dec 8, 1884 m. Sept 7, 1905 to Charles Columbus Pollard who was born Aug 30, 1882.

Helen Samantha, B Oct 10, 1915, with her father

Ada Graham Riggs, B Mch 30, 1897 m. Jany 1, 1919 to Newton E. Thomas, who was born in 1873. Both living at Akron O where he is Secy of Akron Coal Co

Newton E. Thomas Jr, B Aug 7, 1921

John Knox, B Sept 17, 1855 ob 1913 & is buried at Cambridge O. M. Amanda Winnett. She living at Zanesville

Della, m. Austin Brill. No issue

Effie, m. Wright. No issue

Rachel, m. Herman Brill Have 2 girls & 1 boy

Louis F., married, lives in Cambridge O

Preston, married Lives in Cambridge O

Goldie, dead

A child, d.y. Thinks was between Eliz & D.D.

John Finley [son of James Finley] b in Fayette Co Pa m. Emily Stout, buried here

Eliza, b in Fayette Co Pa, m. John Atwell. He went to Calif & died there 1859. She died here before he did & is buried here. See No 10 page 354

Ebenezer, B in Fayette Co Pa m. Betsy Lyons & buried here

Rebecca, b in Ohio, m. John Shroyer & lived here

William, b____________, m. Margaret Shroyer, a sister of John & daughter of David. Lived & died here

Rachel, m. Stephen Dennison. Lived here

James Finley, in Civil War see page 275

Wm Reed, in Civil War

Leroy Dennison, in Civil War

a daughter, Rebecca Ann, m. Kaho

2 sons, died in infancy

Infant, d.y. or was dead born

James Finley, B Apr 2, 1820 ob Feby 24, 1897 the youngest m. Margaret Arndt see book 8 P 424-429

Mary Ann, m. Robt McCune & lived here

Frank, died aged 2 yrs

Bert, was in Civil War. He was the man who borrowed $1 fr Ebenezer when A.W. & S.E. were here. died unm

William, m. Lizzie Umstot, nee Orr. Both dead & buried in Senecaville.

V7 Page 274

home at Omaha Neb called home by the reason of her alarming illness. Jewel, Alice's daughter, has just been in & gave date of her husband's birth on the page preceding, being the date of the sinking of the Maine.

Justus told us this morning that the name of the father of his father-in-law, William Casner, preceding page, was Vandal Casner, whose wife, Alice says was a Hill. Vandal's father, so Justus says, was John Casner, whose home was away up Opossum Run, this side of Sarahsville, O. Justus showed us too the fine bottom land a mile or so in extent coming down to the present home of J. Welcome Rich which had been taken up by "Uncle Jacob Thompson" ("Betsys" father) & commencing at his line & the J. Welcome Rich farm extending down Opossum Run for more than a mile was the land taken up by James Finley, the grandfather of Justus. Justus says his mother always signed her name Jane Fulton Finley Riggs & that she was "the best woman that ever lived". Her picture hangs in this room & her husband's Daniel Riggs also. He lived to be 84 yrs old & had every tooth in his head perfectly preserved. He was a powerful man 5 ft 10 1/2 inches tall & very strong. Justus is same height a big imposing man. He said his father's chest measure was 46 inches. It is now 8 AM & raining there having been two heavy down pours with thunder since I commenced writing.

V7 Page 275

James Finley Riggs, page 272, brother of Justus was educated by his grandfather, James Finley at Waynesburg Pa at an expense of $1000 & was a Presbyterian Minister. He preached a short time in Taylorville, the county seat of Christian Co, Illinois & coming back home taught school & died of consumption at age of 21 yrs in June 13th or 14th in 1858.

[Descendant Chart]

James Finley Dennison see page 273 married "Emaline Boardmay" & had six children, so his son James F. Dennison writes to Justus E. Riggs from Oakland Ills (Coles? Co) & which Justus sent to me in his letter of Feby 21, 1923 small envelope & from which I am making this record. He m.2. Sowders


James F. Dennison writer of the letter of Oakland Ills

2. Lilley Pearle, B Dec 20, 1890 m. Feby 19, 1921 to Oren Whalen. No issue

1. Z.E., B Jany 24, 1889 m. Feby 28, 1914 to Ella Warko.





Nola Gay, B July 18, 1892 m. Dec 25, 1913 to Joseph Crum





Inez, B Sept 14, 1894 m. Nov 8, 1922 to James Twig

Naaman, B Mch 3, 1896 m. Feby 13, 1913 to Lovina Bennett

A son, B Oct 11, 1913

Dewey, B Mch 29, 1898, single

James F. Jr, B Sept 4, 1899, single

Lawrence, B Dec 23, 1901

Nora O, B Apr 28, 1905

Nettie, B Feby 3, 1907

Lester Dennison, B Aug 12, 1909 the "baby"

John W. Dennison, has 4 children

Mary E. Dennison, m. Phillips No issue

Henry M. Dennison, No issue

2 dead

1 child by 2d wife, died

V7 Page 276

At residence of Judson S. Millhon Wayne Tp, Noble Co O July 13, 1922 10:52 AM

I arrived here 15 minutes ago accompanied by Judson Riggs & driven by Wm T. Finley & have met Mrs & Mr Millhon & her sister Mrs Shriver. She is a daughter of Dr Wm Teter & granddaughter of Abraham Thompson & has brought out the old family bible of her father Dr Teters & from it I copy:

Marriages William Teter and Rachel, daughter of Abraham Thompson was married March 30, 1854

William Teter & Lucy May, daughter of Harrison Wendell & Melissa Wendell his wife was married Nov 2, 1865


William Teter, son of Jacob Teter & Sarah, his wife was born Apr 26 [13]1904,

Rachel Teter, wife of William Teter & daughter of Abraham Thompson & Rachel his wife was born May 23, 1829

Lucy May, wife of Wm Teter & dau of Harrison Wendell & M.A. his wife was born Apr 17, 1842.

Children of Wm & Rachel Teter

1. Emma Birdalen Teter was born Apr 27, 1855

2. Sarah Fidelia Teter was born July 16, 1857

3. Elmer Thompson Teter was born Nov 4, 1858

4. Rachel Susannah Teter was born Mch 16, 1860

5. Mary Alice Teter was born Sept 29, 1861

6. Abraham T. Linneus Teter was born Sept 24, 1864

3 children by 2d wife

V7 Page 277


William Teter died Dec 23, 1890

Rachel Teter, his wife died Oct 23, 1864

of their children

Sarah Fidelia Teter died March 15, 1858

Elmer Thompson Teter died March 5, 1861

Abraham T. Linneus Teter died May 12, 1866

Mary A. Teter Bay died March 19, 1890

Rachel Susannah Teter was married to Judson S. Millhon Dec 25, 1879

To them the following children were born:

1. Clara Birdalen (Messick) Nov 19, 1880

2. William Franklin (a captain) Oct 26, 1883

3. Mary Roberta Nov 11, 1891

4. Myron Eli (a Lieut) Aug 14, 1894

Here the bible record ends.

Judson S. Millhon was born Dec 31, 1857

Clara Birdalen was married June 21, 1906 to Joseph Cullen Messick, son of James Messick & Adelia Wilkins, his wife, he was born May 1, 1875. He died Feby 26?, 1915. She lives Delaware O & has one child: Catharine Millhon Messick born Sept 6, 1908

William Franklin is unmarried, physician in Columbus O

Mary Roberta married Dec 27, 1917 to Alvin Victor Lind, son of Philip Lind & Caroline________, his wife. Both living at Dover O & have one girl.

Martha Millhon Lind born June 1, 1919

Myron Eli, is unmarried in Medical school Jeff Med College Phil. Both boys had enlisted & were in the service when Mary Roberta was married. Did not get overseas.

V7 Page 278

Emma Birdalen Teter was married on Dec 13, 1873 to Thomas Franklin Shriver, son of Elijah Shriver & Margaret Witten, his wife. He was born Feby 4, 1847. He died Jany 28, 1902. Mrs Shriver lives at 930 Steubenville Ave, Cambridge O

Sept 20, 1922. Had they any children?

Mary Alice Teter was married Nov (or Oct) 7, 1884 to Wilbur S. Bay son of Benj Bay & Clara Bay, his wife. He was born in 1860. He died after marrying again.

They had one child:

Howard Teter Bay born Apr 8, 1886. He married on Aug 8, 1917 to Mary Ledman, daughter of David Ledman & both are living at Hanover, Licking Co O where he is an able Presbyterian preacher

They have three children

1. Dorothy Elizabeth Bay born Aug 1918

2. Robert Bay born Aug 1919

3. David Bay born Oct 1921

The information in addition to what was in the bible was given to me by Mrs Shriver, Mrs Millhon & her husband from memory. It is now 11:54 AM & I am leaving. JVT

V7 Page 279

At residence of Justus Bunyan Rich Richland Tp, Guernsey Co O July 13, 1922 12:55 PM

I arrived here at 12:40 PM & Miss Rich & her mother tell me that the family bible of Mr Rich's father, William Rich is not here but they think it is at the old homestead now occupied by Frank & Al Rich up Opossum Run beyond Robert S. Thompson. I asked for their own family record which is in a small bible & which is as follows:

Justus Bunyan Rich born Nov 26, 1856 & wife Mary Louisa Rich born Aug 13, 1858 nee Mary Louisa Gooderl were married Dec 28, 1893 Their children

1. Dallas Gooderl Rich, born May 30, 1895

2. Lavella Lorene Rich born Nov 16, 1896

3. Lillian Lucile Rich born Aug 3, 1898

The latter Lillian Lucile is the one I met a big handsome young girl, end of bible record.

Dallas Gooderl Rich was married Apr 17, 1920 to Ada Hartup, daughter of Samuel Hartup & his wife Sarah Rogers. They have one boy:

Willard Justus Rich born Feby 3, 1921

Mr Rich has come in & he thinks the big family bible with the record is at the old homestead, now his brother Frank's. Leaving 1:11 PM

V7 Page 280

At residence of Rev John Worthington Rich, Senecaville Corp Guernsey Co O July 13, 1922 1:40 PM

I arrived here at 1:22 PM & Will T. Finley left me here & has notified Robert Burns to come for me. I have met Rev Rich & his daughter who teaches, she says 10 mos of the year in Pgh. Mr Rich has brought out a "Family record" book from which I copy.

John W. Rich born Apr 3, 1859 mar Mch 29, 1882

[14]st of 21 children of Alexr Scroggs. Just as my grand Their children:

1. Cuma A. Rich born Oct 29, 1883

2. Bessie A. Rich born Aug 27, 1886

3. Myrtle M. Rich born May 10, 1888

4. Jas L. Rich born Dec 1, 1889

5. Celia A. Rich born May 9, 1892 died July 3, 1892

6. Ruth P. Rich born Sept 5, 1893, died Oct 2, 1893

1. Cuma Anilieu is not married. It is she I met

2. Elizabeth Alberta (Bessie A.) Rich married June 21, 1920 to Dr Charles Armstrong & live in Washington D.C. No issue

3. Myrtle Mabel Rich married Oct 16, 1921 to Wilber F. Tilton & live at Cleveland O

4. Jas L. Rich Oct 20, 1896 Sept 20, 1922 Is this date of death?. Mr Rich is a Methodist minister for 30 yrs past but preaching regularly for the past 17 yrs.

Leaving at 2 PM

V7 Page 281

At residence of Mrs James Madison Secrest, Pleasant City, guernsey Co O July 13, 1922 3:33 PM

I arrived here ten minutes ago from Hartford or Buffalo & find the old family bible of Abraham Thompson which was published by Kimber & Sharpless Phila, but do date is given. The bible is well bound & well preserved. There is one page 2 columns of marriages, two pages 4 cols of births & one page 2 cols of deaths.


James Thompson was married to Mary Jackson Apr 15, 1779

Abraham Thompson, son of James Thompson & Mary was married to Rachel McCreary daughter of John McCreary & Hulda his wife Dec 17, 1818

Mary Ann Thompson, daughter of Abraham Thompson & Rachel, his wife was married to Jacob Piper Oct 1st, 1839

Rebecca Thompson, daughter of Abraham Thompson & Rachel his wife was married to Joseph Larrick Nov 18, 1841

Huldah Thompson, daughter of Abraham Thompson & Rachel his wife was married to Harrison Secrest Sept 9, 1847

John Thompson, son of Abraham Thompson & Rachel his wife were married Sarah E. McCracken Dec 23, 1852

Rachel Thompson, daughter of Abraham Thompson & Rachel his wife was married to William Teter March 30, 1854

V7 Page 282


Robert Jackson Senior, son of Hugh Jackson was born in the Kingdom of Ireland County Fermahah Mch 17, 1733

Mary Henthorn, daughter of James & Mary Henthorn was born in Chester Co Penna Sept 29, 1733

James Thompson, son of Jacob & Ann Thompson, formerly Ann Downard born Feby 20, 1758

Mary Jackson, daughter of Robert & Mary Jackson born Feby 24, 1761

Abraham Thompson, son of James & Mary Thompson born Sept 3, 1796

Rachel McCreary, daughter of John & Huldah McCreary was born July 7, 1799

Their children are:

1. Maryann Thompson was born Dec 2, 1819

2. John Thompson was born Oct 26, 1821

3. Huldah Thompson was born Sept 17, 1823

4. Rebeccah Thompson was born Aug 17, 1825

5. James Thompson was born Feby 27, 1827

6. Rachel Thompson was born May 23, 1829

7. Abraham Thompson was born May 31, 1831

8. Susannah Thompson was born Nov 19, 1833

9. William Thompson was born Mch 23, 1836

James Madison Secrest, son of Harrison & Huldah Secrest was born July 25, 1848


Abraham Thompson, son of James & Mary Thompson died April 28, 1873

Mary Thompson, consort of James Thompson died March 30, 1835

V7 Page 283

James Thompson, son of Jacob & Ann Thompson died Oct 8, 1835

children of Abraham & Rachel Thompson died as follows:

Huldah Thompson, Sunday Oct 14, 1849 2:50 PM

James Thompson, Mch 18, 1850 11 PM

Abraham Thompson Apr 15, 1850

Susannah Thompson Mch 21, 1851

John Thompson Mch 21, 1857

William Thompson Mch 14, 1859

Rachel Teter Oct 23, 1864

Rachel Thompson, wife of Abraham Thompson died Oct 24, 1854

Hervey R. Secrest says his father, James Madison Secrest was the only child of Harrison Secrest by his wife, Huldah Thompson who died the next year after the birth of her son James Madison. The other children were by his second wife.

Hervey R. has brought out his father's family

Robert Burns has just brought in the family bible of Harrison Secrist which he got from Caroline Larrick in this town a daughter of Harrison by his second wife. From it I copy:

Harrison Secrest, son of Isaac & Mary Secrest was born Dec 26, 1822

James Madison Secrest son of Harrison & Huldah Secrest was born July 25, 1848.

V7 Page 284

From James Madison Secrest's Bible I copy:

Name Birth Marriage Death

James Madison Secrest July 25, 1848 Dec 30, 1869 Dec 20, 1920

Mary E. Dyson Nov 30, 1850 Dec 30, 1869 June 5, 1872

daughter of Thos A & Christina (Spaid) Dyson

1. Abraham Thompson Secrest Sept 14, 1870

Sarah Jane Cochran July 31, 1847 Dec 20, 1833 Nov 22, 1878

Dau of William & Rebecca (Pierpont) Cochran of MD

2. Estella Blanche Secrest Jany 28, 1874

3. Cora May Secrest

4. Anna Mary Secrest Feby 8, 1878 Sept 13, 1894

5. Nellie Secrest Nov 12, 1879

6. Huldah Secrest Aug 21, 1881

7. Forest Secrest Oct 19, 1883

8. Infant daughter Secrest July 3, 1885 July 4, 1885

9. Ernest Secrest Aug 28, 1886

10. Opal Secrest Jany 25, 1889 May 31, 1889

11. Millard Secrest Dec 9, 1890

12. Hervey R. Secrest Jany 11, 1893

Mrs J. Madison Secrest & Hervey Raymond Secrest informs me as follows:

1. Abraham T. Secrest is unmarried & lives now Oklahoma

2. Estella Blanche is here unmarried & brought out the old Abraham Thompson Bible for us

3. Cora May is buried at Mt Zion G.y.

5. Nellie, married Homer S.R. Gander & both are living at Cambridge O Sept 27, 1899

1. Stanley Paul Gander born at Pleasant City, May 2, 1900

2. David Edwin Gander born at Pleasant City Nov 17, 1902

3. Mildred Frances Gander born at Pleasant City Feby 15, 1905

4. James Isaac Gander born at Pleasant City Dec 5, 1907

V7 Page 285

5. Martha Rhoda Gander born at Pleasant City, Sept 1909

6. William Don Charles Gander born " " Oct 1911

Paul married Catharine Calhan Sept 1920 & live at Cambridge O. They have one child: Paul Robert Gander born Nov 1921. Catherine and her children are devoted Catholics.

6. Huldah married June 21, 1900 to Harrison Ross Gander brother of Homer S. & have 5 children:

1. Clifford Madison Gander born Oct 21, 1902

2. Merlin Harrison Gander born Aug 24, 1905

3. Rhoda Frances Gander born Nov 18, 1907

4. Harry Hubert Gander born July 23, 1910

5. Abraham Thompson Gander born Nov 16, 1912

Are both living here in Pleasant City & she is giving me all the names & dates of birth.

7. Forest married Dec 23, 1902 to Harry Rainey. Both living at Newark O & have no children of their own but have adopted:

Betty Rose Rainey born May 13, 1915

9. Ernest married Apr 30, 1950 to Helen Johnson. She was born Nov 15, 1887 & have two children

1. Daisy Hyacinthe Secrest born Sept 24, 1905

2.Arthur Raymond Secrest born Dec 24, 1911

11. Millard was married Dec 10, 1911 to Grace (Denoya, an Osage Indian name being 1/2 Indian) of Oklahoma & have 3 children:

1. Charlotta Rebecca born Mch 25, 1916

2. Frances born Nov 1918

3. Mildred born Feby 5, 1922

They live at Ponca City, Oklahoma. The wife & children are Catholic.

V7 Page 286

12. Hervey R. was married July 25, 1917 to Zola Zuella Williams who was born Jany 13, 1898, daughter of Mancel Williams & live here in Pleasant City & has one child:

James Madison Secrest Jr Born Feby 18, 1919

Finished at 5:37 PM & leaving.

V7 Page 287

At residence of Mrs Clara L. Sigman Byesville, Guernsey Co Pa July 13, 1922 6:55 PM

We arrived here half an hour ago & have met Mrs Sigman & the three children she is mothering & have gone down to the house adjoining & met her stepmother & got from her the leaves out of the old big dilapidated bible in fact, just both sides of one leaf, almost torn in two & from the dates & names there given I am making up a genealogical table on the pages following incorporating in it the dates of birth & a few marriages given in the bible record.

It is now 8:26 PM & we have finished the table on the next two pages which cousin Clara L. Sigman has given me all from memory except what was taken from the bible as above indicated.

V7 Page 288 & V7 Page 289

[Descendant Chart]

James Harrison Thompson, son of J. Madison Thompson, born Mch 5, 1837. He died Apr 8, 1914 & is buried here at Byesville O. He M.1. Margaret Campbell Feby 21, 1861 who was born on May 2, 1833. She died Mch 19, 1873 & is buried in the Campbell graveyard above Hartford or Buffalo O & there is a marker. See page 246. He m.2. Amanda Louiza Mahan Dec 27, 1873, who was born on June 7, 1845.


Mary Caroline Thompson, B Apr 20, 1863 m. John Meighen of Byesville O. Both living at Derwent O where he is a farmer.

Bessie E., died aged 8 yrs

Russell, M. Berna Robinett. Both living on a farm at Derwent O



Renwick, unmarried

Ruth, single

Bertha, m. Walter Thompson, a miner & live at Derwent O

George Lorain

Gladys, single

Alice & John, twins aged 16 & single

Sarah Jane, B Mch 22, 1865 m. Jany 19, 1887 to William T. White

Roy White, M. Blanche Feaster & live in Cambridge where he is a grocer.

3. Louise, aged abt 10

1. Mabel, a girl

2. Helen, a girl

4. Jean, a girl



Margaret Elizabeth, B Sept 14, 1866 m. Oct 16, 1884 to Bastis L. Hutton.

Luella, m. Logan Bert

Hubert, aged 12





Harry, m. Maggie Moffitt


William, d.y.



Ross, m. Bernice Collins






A boy

William, died aged 4 mos

Arthur, m. Zola Cale Live Akron O



two girls

Lonnie, a girl, single

Martha, single

Clara Luella, B May 8, 1869 m. Aug 31, 1895 to John A. Sigman who died June 13, 1900.

Mary E. Sigman, B July 31, 1898 m. Mch 30, 1918 to Carl Wycoff. She died Jany 8, 1919. He is living

John Rensick Wycoff, B Dec 5, 1918

Emma Dora, B June 7, 1872 m.1. Harry Hawes, m.2. Burt Haines No issue by Hawes.

William Haines, m. Goldie Jenkins

Helen Marie

Harold Haines, single

Lucile Haines, single

Ada Philota, B Nov 14, 1874 m. Peter Black & live in Byesville where he is a miner.

Harry, single

John, single

Walter, m. Lillian Graham

William, died aged 9 mos

Letha Luiza, B. Jany 25, 1876. m. John Johnson

Claude, B May 9, 1899 m. Elphia Smallwood B Dec 18, 1900 mar Aug 3, 1919

Martha Louise, B Oct 28, 1919

Paul Edwin, Aug 2, 1921

William, B Sept 1900 m. Emma Smallwood niece of Elphia. No issue. Live in Detroit Mich

Alice, b Apr 1930 m. June 18, 1922 to John Oliver Detroit Mich

Bernice, d.y. 1 yr

Thos, d.y. 6 mos

James, B Sept 11, 1911

Donald, d.y. aged 9 mos

Thomas Garfield, B Oct 13, 1877, unmarried. At home with his mother.

Madison Arthur, B Dec 7, 1880 m.1. Belle Pryen, m.2. Ocena Craft who is living. Had 3 children by 1st wife none by 2d.

Herbert, died aged 8 yrs died Mch 1910

Elberta, B Sept 12, 1911. Lives with her father

Robert Howard, B Dec 21, 1914. Lives with Mrs Sigman

William Sherman, B Apr 18, 1882 ob Jany 20, 1884

James Frederick, B Apr 8, 1885 m. to "Genie" Crooks. Both living here in Byesville mar abt 1904.

1. Dorothy, B June 1905 m. today July 13, 1922 to Charles Cummins prop of a music store here where she worked. He is older than Mrs Sigman. My informant of this evening.

2. Mary, aged 15

4. Bertha, aged 10

3. Ida, d.y.

5. Madeline

6. Edith

7. Ralph, B Jany 5, 1922

Gracie Loretta, B July 1, 1888, unmarried.

V7 Page 290 & V7 Page 291

William A. Thompson, son of Judge William Thompson & Elizabeth Finley, was born Sept 25, 1815 on the 285 A by "Bottom" farm known now as the Millhon farm where I was today & owned by "Bert" Millhon. He was a merchant, stock shipper & farmer. He died Nov 7, 1889. Mr & Mrs T. was living with at the time at the father's request. He married Margaret Dilley, daughter of Abraham Dilley & Jane McCleary his wife. He says "she was related to Woodrow Wilson but that was no credit to her". She was born he thinks July 1817. She died Jany 17, 1892. Both buried at Senecaville O Cem.


1. William Atwell Thompson, B Nov? 1838 ob Nov 19, 1920 at Sedalia MO & buried there. Died of carbuncle. Had lived there 30 yrs. He married Mary Casner, dau of Wm Casner & his wife who was a daughter of Abram Rich & his wife Ann Thompson. She is living at Sedalia, MO

Charles, dead mar in Mo Left 2 or 3 children, a cripple, tel op

2 sons

a dau, m. Russell

George, dead unm printer

Paul, married called an Ave in Independence Mo Thompson Ave for him Have 3 or 4 small children

Della, m. Sam W. Nicholson. He has been dead several yrs but she lives in Cambridge O. She lives at Berwick Hotel.

Andrew, m. Lives in Cambridge O

Lucile, married.

Several children, d.y.

2. Hester Ann Thompson B Nov? 1840 ob Mch 1917 aged 77 M. John Ray Finley See Page 210

4. Leicester King Thompson, named for Leicester King a candidate for Governor in 1842. Born Aug 13, 1843. Married June 13, 1872 to Mary Conner daughter of John Conner & Elizabeth McLaughlin his wife, who was born June 3, 1853. They have always lived in this section. My informants for this record.

Myra Alice, Born May 2, 1873. M. May 21, 1892 to Robert Brass Fairley, a native of Scotland,born Sept 19, 1861 at Livingston Lislithgowshire & they live at Pomona Calif. He is in R.E. business. No issue. He is son Wm Fairley & his wife Janet Colquohone Brash. Their address Jany 6, 1923 was No 429 E. Pasadena St Pomona Calif.

William Conner, B Dec 28, 1874 m. Nov 26, 1904 to Mary Matilda Dillehay. He lives in Seattle Wash. Has home in Cambridge O

John William Thompson, B May 27, 1906. He is 5 ft 10 1/2 in & weighs 150 lbs.

Candace Olive B July 3, 1877 single Has been gone for 23 yrs & traveled very extensively.

3. Charles Whitfield, died aged 4 mos before L.K. was born & is buried Senecaville O

5. Jane Elizabeth, B May 23, 1845 m. 1863 to George Casner a cousin of Wm A's wife. He was an orphan & was raised by his Uncle Adam Casner. Both living in South Eastern Kansas, a little town called Seory, he thinks in Johnson Co. Have been there 30 odd yrs

Margaret, M. Roy Meek, a son of Joshua D. Meek of Fayette Co Pa "as ornery a man as you ever saw". No issue

William, m. out west & divorced. Had no children

Millie, m. & lives in southern Ks.

6. Luke DeWitt, B Mch 12, 1846 ob Sept 26, 1908 Buried Senecaville, M. Oct 9, 1880 to Ida Nicholson. She is 62, born he thinks in 1859 a fine woman. She survived him & is living here in Byesville O & has his father's old bible which Robert Burns has gone after.

Bert M. Thompson a teacher at Athens College & a lecturer & a fine scholar. M. No issue.

7. Eliza Margaret, B Oct 21, 1850 m. in 1873 to Geo Conner bro to Mrs L.K.T. wife. They lived in Byesville O. She died Mch 15, 1907 & he lives here in the old Cem here. They had 7 children.

Elizabeth, B Aug 31, 1874 m. John Hood

Ernest Waite, B Jany 31?, 1876 m. Carrie Houck. Has 2 children

Alpha, a girl B June, died unm was a teacher

Zoie, died aged 3 or 4

Ada, m. John Conne [sic]. No issue

Beulah, unmarried & is a teacher

Myra Conner, youngest, b. 1892, m. Harry Adkins

Betty, aged abt 6 yrs

At residence of L. King Thompson, Byesville O July 13, 1922 10:05 PM

I arrived here at 8:46 PM & met Mr & Mrs Thompson & have made up the record on the preceding page from what they have told me. 10:55 PM, Ida reports there is no record in the bible & Mr T. says a page to prove his age was sent to W.A.T. to get a pension on. It is now 11 PM JVT

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At residence of Zuinglius Rich, Richland Tp, Guernsey Co, Ohio July 14th, 1922 8:37 AM

I arrived here five minutes ago accompanied by Justus Riggs in Robert Burns Car & he is now reading to me from the record of James Rich's Bible, father of Zuinglius which the latter's wife went upstairs & brought down to us. The bible was published by Geo Lane & Levi Scott at NY in 1851, & the record is as follows:

Marriages James Rich and Elizabeth Miley Dec 19, 1844 by Rev. T.J. Tailor

Zuinglius Rich and Drusilla McVicker Apr 9, 1874 by Rev Geo W. Walters


Abraham Rich born June 11, 1793

Anne 1st consort of Abram Rich & daughter of James & Mary Thompson was born Nov 5, 1795.

James Rich, son of Abraham & Ann Rich born Apr 6, 1818

Elizabeth, consort of James Rich & dau of Abraham & Rachel Miley born Feby 23, 1824

1. Zuinglias Rich, son of James & Elizabeth Rich born Mch 8, 1846

2. Rachel Ann Rich dau of James & Elizabeth Rich born Dec 25, 1850

3. Margaret Jane Rich dau of James & Elizabeth Rich born Apr 23, 1853

4. John Worthington Rich son of James & Elizabeth Rich born Apr 3, 1859

5. Mary Catherine, dau of James & Elizabeth Rich born Mch 4, 1861

6. James Welcome Rich, son of James & Elizabeth Rich born Mch 8, 1864

Norval Taylor Finley born Mch 7, 1860, he was the son of a sister of James Rich & the son of Wm Marcus Finley.

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Children of Zuinglias & Drusilla Rich:

1. Other Kingsley Rich Born June 28, 1875

2. Gilbert Wiseman Rich born June 5, 1879

Drusilla McVicker was born Mch 22, 1851 so she says, the daughter of Harvey Ferguson McVicker & Catherine Ward, his wife


James Rich died July 12, 1883 aged 65 yrs 3 mos & 6 days

Elizabeth Rich died Feby 8, 1878 aged 53 yrs 11 mos & 15 days

Mrs Rich & Justus Riggs say:

2. Rachel Ann Rich married Thomas Daniel McVicker, son of Daniel McVicker & first cousin of Mrs Rich & lived in Guernsey Co O. Mr Rich has just come in & says Thos D. Mcvicker was born Sept 1844. He was a farmer &

died say 1920 about this time. She died years before him, say 10 yrs ago 7/13/24 H.T.S. says she died Jany 30, 1898.

1. Laura Beatrice burned to death when 3 yrs old.

2. Wade, living & unmarried, an engineer

3. James Leslie, died unmarried

4. Dempster, thinks not married, roustabout out west.

5. Roscoe, Meth Epis minister located at Sonora O. He is married & has one child, a boy.

See Book 12 p 164

Margaret Jane Rich married Frank Morrison about 1882. He was a miner & lived Senecaville O, both living. Had issue:

1. Little girl died abt 4 or 5 spinal trouble

2. Della, living in Pgh, unmarried 7/13/24. She mar John Mosen & they are divorced. No issue. She now lives with her parents in Senecaville O.

V7 Page 294

3. Fred, died aged abt 13 or 14, smoked cigarette

4. an infant, died one week or so old

5. Mary Catharine Rich died about 1885 unmarried 7/13/24. She died May 24, 1885

Mr Rich is a strong vigorous character full of jokes, intelligent & bright with whiskers all over his face & says there are 657 acres in this farm which has a large expanse of bottom land

Leaving 9:26 AM

Robert Burns says Other K. Rich is unmarried & that his brother Gilbert Wiseman Rich married Carrie ____ whom he married at Dayton O & have three children

1. Fidessa, aged abt 18 teaching school

2. Mildred aged abt 15

3. Herbert aged abt 8 or 9

V7 Page 295

At residence of Mrs Emily C. Rose widow of J. Calvin Rose, Senecaville O July 14, 1922 9:58 PM

We arrived here 5 minutes ago & Mrs Rose has brought out the William Rose Bible with the record which is well preserved & was printed by Joseph Horner [unreadable two letter word] No dates. Mrs Rose says

she has her mother's family, St Clair run back 26 generations. The bible record is as follows:

William Rose of Senecaville O & Mary A. T. Thompson, Senecaville O were married March the 24, 1831 at her residence by Rev Wm G. Keil Births

Wm Rose, son of Benj & Hannah Rose was born Oct 9, 1810

Mary A.T. Rose, dau of Robert & Susannah Thompson, May 17, 1810

Their children

1. Elvira Jane Rose was born Jany 26, 1832

2. Hannah Susannah Rose was born Jany 29, 1834

3. Mary Emily Rose was born Mch 16, 1836

4. John Calvin Rose was born Apr 11, 1838

5. Benjamin Rose was born Jany 28, 1840

6. Robert Thompson Rose was born Mch 15, 1842

7. Thomas Jefferson Rose was born June 3, 1844

8. Sarah Catharine Rose was born Jany 22, 1847

9. William Sylvester Rose was born Dec 31, 1850


Nelson Connet & Mary E. Rose married Apr 11, 1854

Henry G. Secrest & Hannah S. Rose married Feby 1, 1855

James Dolison & Elvira J. Rose married June 27, 1860

Thomas J. Rose & Mary Umstot married Oct 5, 1865

V7 Page 296

Benjamin F. Rose & Elizabeth Millhone, married Dec 18, 1866

John Rowland & Sarah C. Rose married Mch 28, 1867


William Rose died July 1, 1878

William S. Rose died Jany 16, 1856

Robert Thompson Rose died May 6, 1864

Elvira J. Dolison died July 4, 1868

Mary E. Connet died Aug 4, 1871

Hannah S. Secrest died June 20, 1879

Mary A. Rose died Feby 16, 1901

1. Elvira Jane died without issue

2. Hannah Susannah had a large family

3. Mary Emily lived in the west when Mrs Rose was married & had several children

4. John Calvin Rose, Mrs Rose is getting their family bible

5. Benjamin is still living & have a number of children 6 living & one or two dead was in Civil War & in Libby Prison

6. Robert Thompson was unmarried & was killed in the Civil War at the battle of the wilderness

7. Thomas Jefferson died in Columbus O but his widow & two children are living:

1. Mattie married Ottis Secrest who is dead & is buried in Senecaville O. No issue. She living

2. Robert, married in Columbus O where both live. Have one child, a boy

8. Sarah Catharine. Both living. I saw them Monday morning 10th & have two children. I got record

9. William Sylvester died young as above

John Calvin Rose bible was printed by A.J. Holman Phila 1881 & the record as read by Robert Burns is as follows:

V7 Page 297

Marriages John C. Rose & Emily C. Lowry married Sept 22, 1881 at Lore City O by Rev Matthew Miller.

[15]1828 married June 7, 1854 to Sarah Jane Cole.PÅ ( I___(She died in H

F.G. Fowler


John C. Rose born Apr 11, 1838

Emily C. Lowry born Apr 6, 1850

Their children:

1. Millie C. Rose born June 22, 1882

2. Grace N. Rose born Apr 14, 1884

1. Millie C. Rose Thompson has two children:

A. Herbert Vernon, born May 5, 1912

B. Ella May born Dec 22, 1916

2. Grace N. is now in City hospital, Cambridge O convalescing from a recent operation.

Leaving at 10:50 AM

V7 Page 298

At residence of Frank Rich Seneca Tp, Noble Co O July 14, 1922 11:11 AM

He is a son of William Rich, who was a son of Abram & Ann Thompson


William Rich was born May 2, 1826

Margaret Rich was born Nov 10, 1830

Their children

1. Justus B. Rich was born Nov 26, 1856

2. Jacob Esbond Rich was born June 16, 1858

3. James Albert Rich was born Feby 24, 1860

4. Rachel Samantha Rich was born Mch 12, 1862

5. Franklin Rich was born Sept 14, 1864

6. Latonia Mary Rich was born Aug 12, 1868

7. Minnie Leota Rich was born Jany 11, 1873

8. Homer Rader Rich was born May 11, 1875

Don Williams (son of Mary Latonia) was born Oct 18, 1893. He is unmarried & I guess she was too.

The bible also contained:

Abraham Rich was born June 11, 1793

Anna Thompson was born Nov 5, 1798

Their children:

1. James Born Apr 6, 1818

2. Rebecca born Dec 10, 1821

3. Jacob born Feby 19, 1824

4. William born May 26, 1826

5. Mary born May 17, 1828

6. Thomas born July 31, 1830

7. Abraham born May 20, 1834

8. Mehetable born Mch 22, 1837

9. Elvira Amanda born 1839

One is missing, evidently between Thos & Abraham. Sept 20, 1922. It is Ann, between James & Rebecca that is left out.

V7 Page 299


William Rich died July 11, 1894

Margaret Rich died Dec 18, 1914

Abraham Rich died Apr 27, 1873

Ann Thompson Rich died Dec 19, 1843

"Frank" Rich says his mother was Margaret Miley, daughter of Abraham Miley & Rachel Millhon, his wife. She was born Nov 10, 1830 & was married in Nov 1855.

The bible from which above record is taken was published by A.J. Johnson 11 Great Jones Street (near Broadway) NY in 1873

Frank Rich & Paradine Finley were married Oct 30, 1918 by Rev Wm D. Starkey of Caldwell Ohio

She was born May 31, 1892, the daughter of Sam'l W. Finley. No issue

She is redheaded & handsome features but is in very uncouth surroundings. Frank & his brother J. Albert, who is unmarried live in the fine big frame house but are uncouth, untutored & uneducated & Justus says were fleeced out of $7000, a few days ago by some shenpers [sic] selling Texas oil stock. Justus says too that their father William Rich was the hardest working man he ever knew of saying he would often cut up corn or husk it all or nearly all night often

I am continuing this record on Page 399

V7 Page 300

At residence of Jacob Esbon Rich, Seneca Tp, Noble Co O July 14, 1922 11:54 AM

Mr Rich has brought out his family Bible from which I am copying as he reads:


Jacob Esbon Rich & Rachel Jane Wilson of Kennonsburg O were married Mch 1, 1894.

Jacob Esbon Rich born June 12, 1858

Rachel J. Rich born Oct 3, 1864

Their children:

1. Ganell Rich (a girl) born Nov 23, 1894

2. Henry Gleno Rich born Feby 8, 1896

3. William Rodney Rich born May 2, 1900

4. Rexie Marlow Rich (a boy) born Oct 11, 1902

5. Nellie Marie Rich born Apr 30, 1909

1. Ganell Rich died Feby 10, 1895

2. William is at Columbus O going to school. The other three children are all at home, unmarried.

This home is a painted brick house & was the home of Justus Riggs grandfather James Finley, the house having been built by him probably more than 100 yrs ago, as Mrs Rich says after they moved here & about a year before his death, they asked Rev Wm D. Lowrey, then over 90 yrs of age when this house was built & he said it was built before he could remember.

V7 Page 301

Justus Riggs says his grandfather died in this house in August 1861. He also said that he endorsed for some drover or cattleman in Balto for $12,000 & it broke him up & the humiliation following killed him. Robert S. Thompson had told me Tuesday night that his father helped to settle the estate & there was only $100 to distribute to the children. Justus says the old barn just beyond a low log barn, weather boarded just as you turn to the left to go up to Frank Rich's was built by his grandfather, James Finley & he has often seen 200 hogs or more in the road along here.

Leaving at 12:14 PM

V7 Page 302

At residence of Angeline C. Secrest, Greenwood, Guernsey Co O July 14, 1922 12:44 PM

Mrs Secrest says the Bible of her father-in-law in some way was at the Rose's when their house was burned & she thinks it was burned up. Mrs Secrest says the oldest living daughter of Henry Secrest is: Mrs Frank (Mary) Goss living at No 3865 Wolfe St, Denver Col & she thinks she could give the dates of birth of her brothers & sisters. Mrs Secrest has brought out her husband's bible, a small one in good condition published by the American Bible Society NY in 1868 from which I copy the entire record being written by pencil.


John William Secrest born Feby 22, 1858. (He was son of Henry Secrest & Hannah Susannah Rose)

Angeline Catharine Leeper was born Oct 8, 1858 (She was daughter of John Leeper & Mary Sutton, his wife) They were married Sept 13, 1879 by Rev Sewell.

Their children:

1. Ralph Waits Secrest born Sept 5, 1880

2. Burt Leeper Secrest born Feby 10, 1885

3. Elsie Pearl Secrest born Jany 19, 1888

4. Ellsworth Ray Secrest born Oct 10, 1890

5. Elton Luther Secrest born Apr 12, 1893

6. Howard Clayton Secrest born July 9, 1895

7. Ivan Basil Secrest born Nov 10, 1902


Howard Clayton Secrest died Feby 8, 1896

V7 Page 303

2. Burt Leeper Secrest married Della Moreland & lives near Arvada, Colorado.

3. Elsie Pearl Secrest married George Learned from Penna & live near Lore City O. No issue.

4. Ellsworth Ray married Elizabeth Thomas from Montana & live at Buffalo O. No issue

5. Elton Luther married Ira Burlingame & live in Cambridge O & have two children:

A. Shirley Jane (a girl) 5 yrs old B Dec 8, 1916

B. Elton Lance 2 yrs old B Nov 27, 1920

7. Ivan Basil married Ina G. Murphy on Dec 8, 1920. She was born Dec 2, 1902. No issue. Living at home with his mother.

Leaving 1:11 PM

V7 Page 304

At the residence of Harry Knox Crow, Spencer Tp, Guernsey Co O July 14, 1922 3:33 PM

Mrs Crow's mother was Mary Elizabeth, the oldest daughter of Ebenezer Finley Thompson & was married to James Kaho & Mrs Crow was her oldest child viz: see page 206.

Lotta Camilla Kaho born Mch 29, 1876 married Sept 19, 1899 to Harry Knox Crow who was born Mch 24, 1873, the son of George Crow & his wife Artie Knox. George Crow's father was William Johnson Crow who came here from Penna.

Their children are:

1. Harold Kaho Crow born Apr 28, 1901

2. Mary A. Crow born Sept 20, 1903

3. Edith Louisa Crow born Sept 6, 1905

4. Mabel Lucile Crow born Mch 30, 1910

Mrs Crow has given me the above from memory. Edith has been locked in her room by being unable to get the door open upstairs.

Leaving 3:44 PM

V7 Page 305

At residence of Milton Finley, Brookfield Tp, Noble Co Ohio July 14, 1922 4:22 PM

I arrived here at 4 o'c & found Mr Finley on his porch & he had his daughters get out his father, John Finley's bible from which I am copying. The bible was published by Kimber & Sharpless Phila, but there is no date. Mr Finley says he does not have the bible of his grandfather, James Finley & does not know who got it. He says none of the children were living with him when he died, as he was living with his second wife.

The bible record follows:

John F. Finley and Emily Stout were married Apr 2, 1838 Jasen S. Crossen & Elizabeth F. Finley were married July 4, 1866

James M. Gregg & Cynthia Finley were married Sept 10, 1868

Milton Finley & Maruma [best guess] Millhon were married Jany 14, 1869


John Finley was born Jany 13, 1808 (Mr Finley says he was born in Fayette Co & was 8 yrs old when he came to Ohio)

Emily Finley was born Dec 28, 1818

Their children were:

V7 Page 306

1. Elizabeth Finley was born Jany 22, 1839

2. Cynthia Finley was born Nov 17, 1842

3. Milton Finley was born Nov 5, 1844

4. Elizabeth Fulton Finley was born Nov 11, 1847

5. Mary, infant daughter was born Aug 25, 1861


Eliza Finley daughter of John & Emily died Dec 16, 1841 aged 2 yrs 10 mos & 25 days

Mary, infant daughter died Aug 25, 1861

Elizabeth F. Crossen daughter of Jno & Emily F. died Dec 15, 1866

John Finley, son of James & Elizabeth Finley died Oct 20, 1872

Emily Finley, daughter of John & Barbara Stout died Jany 24, 1912 aged 93 yrs & 27 days

Miss Finley says her grandmother Barbara Stout was a Casner before her marriage, a daughter of

Maruma Millhone was born Sept 29, 1849

Children of Milton & Maruma Finley are:

1. Elizabeth Estella Finley born Nov 13, 1869

2. Emily Haseltine Finley born Nov 10, 1871

3. Bertha Finley born June 9, 1876

4. Clara Finley born Jany 5, 1885

1. Elizabeth Estella is a home unmarried

2. Emily Haseltine was married Oct 8, 1901 to Fred Frisbee of Cumberland O where he is a farmer two miles out. They have five children:

1. Mary Luella born Jany 28, 1903

2. Helen born Dec 17, 1904

V7 Page 307

3. Howard Finley born Nov 26, 1906

4. John Herbert born May 29, 1909

5. Robert born July 25, 1911

3. Bertha is at home & is unmarried

4. Clara married Virgil Law, son of David Law & Felissa Warehime his wife, on Dec 28, 1909. He was born Mch 13, 1880? & has three children: viz:

1. Mary Roberta born May 16, 1913

2. Charles Herbert born Mch 27, 1916

3. Virginia Lucile born Oct 28, 1918

The above record commencing with Mrs Finley's record has been given to me by Lizzie Estella from memory.

Fred Frisbee was born June 25, 1870 the son of Simeon A. Frisbee & Amina Bay, his wife

Mrs Frisbee & Helen have come in & corrected the record of births of their own family.

Mr Finley says his grandfather James Finley died in Aug 1861.

Leaving at 5:27 PM

V7 Page 308

At residence of John Bell Beckett, Spencer Tp, Guernsey Co O July 14, 1922 5:50 PM

Mrs Beckett's mother was Susannah Thompson, see line 15 page 189 this book. Also in table Page 200. Mrs Beckett is giving me the record from her Father & Mother's bible printed at Cincinnati in 1848 by E. Morgan & Co.

The record is as follows:

Marriages Sylvester L. Scott was married to Susannah Thompson Dec 26, 1848

Mary F. Scott married Edward Bartlett Apr 8, 1874

Isaac C. Scott married to Miss Anna Burcher June 26, 1880

Emma A. Scott married John Bell Beckett Nov 18, 1885


Sylvester Lambden Scott was born Mch 9, 1825

Susannah Thompson was born July 2, 1826

Their children:

1. Eliza Catharine (stillborn) was born Nov 26, 1849

2. Isaac Columbus Scott was born May 25, 1852

3. Mary Frances Scott was born July 22, 1854

4. Emma Angeline Scott was born May 25, 1860

2. Isaac C. Scott had 6 children living.

1. Mary, married, 1 child

2. Martha, married, 2 children

3. Mabel, married 1 child

4. Helen, married, no issue

V7 page 309

5. Walter, unmarried

6. James, unmarried

3. Mary Frances, had but one child still born. She died in 1876

4. Emma Angeline, has one child living 2 dead.

1. Otis, stillborn, Apr 29, 1888

2. Mary Frances, still born, Jany 24, 1900

3. John Bell Jr born Oct 13, 1903, living & at home


Mrs Beckett's Aunt Miriam born July 18, 1828, see line 16 Page 189 married John Wesley Scott, a brother 2 yrs older of Sylvester L. Scott, before Mrs Beckett's mother was married. He & his brother were both farmers.

Their children:

1. Cyrus, married twice, 2 children Caldwell O

2. Erastus Howard married twice 3 children (boys) Chicago Ills

3. Charles Denny married thrice, 3 children (1 dead) Boulder, Colorado

4. Wilbur Burt married thrice, 3 children Columbus O

5. Harry Fletcher, unmarried, Teacher Chicago, Ills

Mrs Beckett says her grandfather Francis Scott came to U.S. She thinks Pa or Brooke Co Va when he was 12 yrs coming from the County Donegal where she says "they ate potatoes skins & all"

Says Harry F. Scott has a record of the Scott family for many generations & he may have his parents bible or at least their records. I I wd write to Cyrus he could give me his address. Leaving 6:17 PM

V7 Page 310

Mrs Beckett says D.M. Hertzog's wife Emma Sims was the daughter of Naomi Conner who was first cousin of Mrs Beckett's mother. Naomi's mother was a sister of Catherine Conner the 3d wife of Robert Thompson see page 188 line 25. Her name was Polly Conner & Naomi was a come by chance. Mrs Hertzog came here & was buried from this house. 6:25 PM

When I asked Mrs Beckett who Naomi's father was, she said she was unfortunate & didn't have a father & that brought out the above facts. She wanted to be remembered to Mr Hertzog & spoke of him as "being rich as Croesus". Her husband came in & I congratulated him on having the best field of corn I had seen. He said there were 15 A in corn. Just as I was leaving, their son came in & Mrs Beckett introduced me. He is a fine looking young man with a good face.

V7 Page 311

At residence of Mrs Emma Moss, No 1038 Wheeling Ave, Cambridge O July 14, 1922 9:47 PM

We arrived in Cambridge from Cumberland at 7:45 PM, got our suppers at Wests Cafeteria, went to the Berwick Hotel & got a room & then drove up here & found that Mrs Moss had gone to her sister, Mrs Jessie F. Neeland at no 415 N 10th St. Robert Burns drove me down there & I bade him goodbye & he started home. Mrs Neeland had the family bible with the record of her parents & she & Mrs Moss & myself walked back up here & I am embodying the data given in the Bible in a genealogical table on the pages following.

Mrs Moss was greatly elated when se found an opportunity of getting her daughter in the D.A.R.s through Alexander Wilson. She insisted on my staying all night, but I told her I must be at the Hotel early to see Mrs Nicholson before she left.

V7 Page 312 & V7 Page 313

[Descendant Chart]

Mary Wilson, daughter of Alexander Wilson 1727 - 1815 was born & died & is buried in Leckys g.y. Married John Lecky who is buried in Leckys g.y. which he gave ctg 1 A to the public for a burying ground, located in German Tp, Fayette Co Pa.


Elizabeth Lecky, m. Samuel Reed

Hannah Lecky, m. Samuel Dunlap

Agnes or Nancy Lecky, m. Samuel Huston

John Lecky

Thomas Lecky, see pages 152 to 154 this book. B Apr 16, 1779 & died Sept 30, 1851. M. June 3, 1807 to Anna Kendall who was born Sept 9, 1788 & died Apr 7, 1844. They moved from Fayette Co Pa to Ohio in 1829. She was daughter I think of Jeremiah Kendall Sr & his wife Rhoda McIntyre.

Elizabeth Lecky, B June 3, 1808 ob Nov 10, 1888 m. Harvey Grove

Jeremiah Lecky, b Dec 23, 1810 & died Nov 18, 1879 was born in Fayette Co Pa near McClellandtown Pa & moved to Ohio with his parents in Oct 1829 m. Mary Hanna born in Salem, Columbiana Co Ohio in 1812 & died Mch 25, 1867, daughter of James Hanna & Phebe Smith.

James Hanna Lecky, B Apr 6, 1843 & died Oct 18, 1912 m. Mch 21, 1871 to Cornelia Ditmars of Prairie Tp, Holmes Co O born Apr 3,1843. Had nine children

Vienna Demorest, B Sept 16, 1872, Shreve, O

Louisa Ellen, B Dec 14, 1873 m. to Albert J. Devore. Live Millersburg O

Izura Manda, B July 16, 1875 m. to Sylvester Kerr. Live Millersburg O

Vienna Elizabeth, B Oct 28, 1906

Ruth Lucile, B Oct 14, 1915

Walter Scott, B Nov 2, 1876 m. Oct 24, 1906 to Atta

Franks. Their 6 children were born _________. Live Barberton, O

Paul William, B Sept 22, 1907

Russell John, B Oct 15, 1909

Albert Sylvester, B Oct 27, 1913

Ellen Cornelia, B Apr 27,

Mary Isabelle, B Apr 25, 1920

Arthur Dwight, B Mch 18, 1922 ob Apr 24, 1922.

William Jeremiah, B Mch 7, 1878 Lives Norton, Kan.

Mabel Blanche, B Dec 6, 1879. Lives Massillon O

Cloyse Thomas, Live Akron O B Dec 28, 1881 m. Aug 1913 to Mazie M. Everhart. One child.

Martha Lucile Lecky, B July 1, 1916

Judd Orange, B Aug 31, 1883. Lives Shreve O

Dwight Lyman, B Mch 1, 1885 m. Dec 15, 1908 to Gertrude Burgan. Have two chil. Live Glendale, Arizona

Mildred May, B June 20, 1910

James Oscar, B Oct 6, 191-

Louisa M. Lecky, [dau of Jeremiah & Mary Hanna Lecky] B. Mch 29, 1845 & died Mch 11, 1912 mar to Rev Jeremiah C. Gillam, Pres. Born Nov 30, 1826 at Peters Creek, Allegheny Co Pa. Four chil. 1st two born near Shreve O & last are at Marshalville O. He died at _________. See page 222 this book. Peters Creek is 12 miles south of Pgh Pa.

Sarah Lecky, B Nov 8, 1848 ob Feby 25, 1913, unmarried.

Mary Alice Lecky, single, B July 15, 1855 & lives in the old home. P.O. Shreve O RFD 4. My good informant for this record.

Arthur John Lecky, born Apr 2, 1859 & died Nov 21, 1917, mar to Lillie B. Poulson of Prairie Tp. Have five children.

Everette William B June 13, 1880 m. to Mary Crile born Apr 23, 1881. Have 5 chil.

Irene C, B Jany 18, 1903

Kenneth G., B Mch 26, 1907

Virgil W, B Oct 27, 1908

Dana Ora, B Aug 27, 1911

Mary Edith, B May 27, 1915

Orrin Arthur, B Sept 5, 1881 m. to Hazel Buchanan. Had two chil.

Myrtle A., B Oct 7, 1906

Arthur James Lecky, B Oct 8, 1909 ob 1921

Frank Edward, B June 17, 1884 unm

Orpha Rose, B Apr 26, 1887 m. to Royal B. Crawford. Have two chil.

Clarence Lecky, B Dec 21, 1922

Thelma Belle, B Feby 21, 1922

Jennie Ora Lecky, B Oct 4, 1891 m. to Sidney S. Nelson. Have one child. They live a Meadville Pa

Thomas Arthur, B Dec 12, 1921

Harvey Jeremiah Lecky, B June 6, 1864, single & living at old home with Mary Alice.

Ora Adella Lecky, born Mch 24, 1867 when her mother was 55 yrs old, please note & died May 27, 1898. M. to Lewis A. Dodez of Mt Eaton O. Had 3 children.

Walter DaCosta Dodez, B Sept 16, 1881 m. to Jennie Belle Sigrist. Two children.

Paul Wilbur Dodez, B Feby 11, 1913

Arlene Louisa, B May 9, 1914

Sylvester Jeremiah Dodez, B Nov 5, 1891 m. Apr 28, 1917 to Beulah Josephine Hunsinger

Orrin Sylvester Dodez, B Aug 4, 1920

A son, B Sept 25, 1893 ob July 29, 1894 at Mt Eaton O aged 10 mos 4 days.

Rhoda Lecky, [dau of Thomas & Anna Kendall Lecky] B Nov 23, 1812 ob Mch 4, 1888, m. to James Johnston who came from Fayette Co Pa

Mary Lecky, B Oct 4, 1815 ob Feby 27, 1885 m. to Andrew McClelland whose people came from Westmoreland Co Pa.

Thomas W. Lecky, B Aug 25, 1826 ob June 14, 1910 m. Dec 16, 1845 to Margaret Bigham from near Maysville, Wayne Co O where she was born on Dec 3, 1825 & she died in Prairie Tp, Mch 14, 1908.

John Kendall Lecky, Born July 16, 1830 in Ohio ob of scarlet fever when young.

Alexander Lecky [son of John & Mary Wilson Lecky]

Mary Lecky, m. Samuel Jenkins

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[Descendant Chart]

Deborah Mariah Thompson, daughter of James Thompson & Deborah Sproat, daughter of Joseph Sproat & his wife Sarah Wilson, was born Aug 22, 1816 in Guernsey Co Ohio. She died Mch 22, 1896. She was married on Oct 31, 1833 to Peter Daniel Robins who was born Apr 8, 1816 son of John & Mary Hubert Robins, natives of the Island of Guernsey on the Coast of France. John Robins came to America in 1807 & married in 1810 being the second license taken out in Guernsey Co which was so named in honor of twelve families (the Robins being one) from that Island who were on their way to Cincinnati to settle, but being well pleased with this section, did not proceed further. Mr Robins died Dec 22, 1893 & he & his wife are buried in the old cemetery right by the roadside in Hartford, now Buffalo O. Peter D. Robins was a merchant & ran his farm & mills & was later engaged in buying & selling wool as a wool merchant. Both were members first of the Mt Zion Ev Lutheran Church where they first joined & then the Ev. Lutheran Church at Hartford O. He was an officer either deacon or elder practically the entire period after becoming connected with the church. They celebrated their golden wedding Oct 31, 1883 & the minister who married them & their youngest daughter as well was present viz Rev Wm Brabury [best guess] Keil. See Book 8 Pages 558 & 559.


John William Robins, B Aug 25, 1834 ob March 4, 1887 unmarried.

Mary Jane Robins, B Apr 17, 1836 ob March 12, 1850

James Thompson Robins, B Feby 14, 1838 ob June 2, 1864. He was wounded in the Battle of the Wilderness & died unmarried.

Madison Robins, B Jany 8, 1840 m. Mary Isabel Millhone, still living, dau of Isaac Millhone July 4, 1865. She was born Jany 21, 1846. He died Jany 10, 1899.

Jessie Floretta, B July 2, 1866, ob Mch 1871

Mary Edith, B Aug 27, 1868, ob Mch 1871

Justus Chase, B Sept 15, 1890, unmarried. Rancher at Eureka, Kan

Infant Son, B Aug 4, 1874 ob Aug 8, 1874

James V. Millhone, B May 31, 1875 m. July 28, 1911. He travels for Pgh Plate Glass Co & lives at Milwaukee, Wis.

Jean Robins, B Aug 28, 1913

Mary B. B Oct 12, 1877 unmarried. Living at home

Martha Grace, B Feby 17, 1880 unmarried & at home. Librarian of Cambridge Public Library.

Harrison Robins, B Dec 31, 1841 m. Nancy Hill of Senecaville O & lived in Balto Md where he died 3 yrs ago. She survives.

Pearl, M. Dr Holland & live in Balto. No issue

Ada, m. Lloyd Morrison & live in Balto.


Nancy Harnson

Mabel, died unm abt 7 yrs ago

Harrison Jr, M.

a boy, died

a dau

Harrison Jr

Alexander Robins, B Mch 26, 1844 M. Mch 3, 1867 to Jemima Frances Moore

Ralph Preston, M.1. Bessie Dilley, m.2. Dollie________, m.3.______ Lives in Eureka Ks. No issue.

Daisy Frances, m. A.R. Wirth. Live in Sewickly Pa

Frances Louise


Peter Hubert Robins, B June 5, 1846 m. Aug 12, 1869 to Harriet Amelia Cummings. She is dead. He is living at Eureka, Kansas

William, died aged abt 2 yrs

Olive, m. Harry Robb. Live in Oklahoma or Arkansas



2 or 3 d.y.

Martin Luther Robins, B June 30, 1849 m. Oct 20, 1870 to Casiline Secrest Dr James Emmett, b Aug 16, 1871 m. Martha Laughlin. She is dead.

Herbert Secrest, aged 19 yrs

Elsie Elizabeth, M. Rev. G.A. Foote. He dead. She living.

Margaret, unm

Alvin, unm

Isa Deborah, m. Arthur Moorhead. She is dead & he living. No issue.

Martha Mariah Robins, B June 28, 1851 ob July 9, 1874 m. Edmund J. Millhon. He living.

William Edmund, B June 29, 1904?

Charles Abraham, B Oct 28, 1857 m. Flora Young. Both living in Eureka Ks. He is a cattle dealer.

James Arthur, m. Emma Hull



John Wesley

Bessie, m. Archer Weaver & live at Baxter Springs, Ks

Rose Emma, B Aug 17, 1860 m.1. Thos W. Teener on Oct 6, 1889. He died Dec 19, 1895. M.2. Sept 9, 1901 to Henry Moss, combine operator who was born Feby 19, 1855 & died Aug 7, 1916.

Mary Robins Moss, B Aug 29, 1904

Jessie Florence Robins, B Apr 22, 1862 m. Oct 27, 1886 to Elijah E. Neeland who was born June 20, 1854, the son of James Neeland & Miranda Galloway, his wife. Retired blacksmith. They live at NO 415 N. 10th St.

Dr Harold Robins Neeland, B Apr 2, 1890. m. Ada Blanche Mustard dau of John Mustard & Margaret Caldwell, his wife.

Margaret Florence, B Oct 31, 1913

James Wallace, B May 20, 1922.

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At residence of Mrs Nancy Downard Finley, No 611 Foster Ave, Cambridge City, O July 15, 1922 10:21 AM

I walked around here from the P.O. where with the help of Miss Mary Robins, I found Mrs Finley's number. She says she never saw the old bible of her husband's father, but Mrs Lillian M. Larrick, whose right name Mrs F. says was Grossman, but "who was in our family" said that Mr Ezra Finley had often showed her the big old bible out on the old farm about 2 miles east of Lore City O & showed her the record of the births & marriages of his brothers & sisters & himself & they both say that his son Charles C. Finley of Declo Idaho who came on here to the funeral took the old bible back with him. Mrs Finley says she lived on the above named farm 74 1/2 acres for 16 yrs after her marriage & that her husband, Ezra Finley died there Nov 16, 1920 & was buried in the Presbyterian g.y. at Cumberland O where an infant son was buried. His first wife was buried out at Zanesville O among her own people. She having taken sick &died when on a visit to them there. Lillie says he was 78 yrs old when he died. Mrs Finley says she sold her part of the farm 74 1/2 A after Ezra's death & bought this property. Lillie says Doc Arndt bought the farm but the house is not oc-

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cupied. Mrs Finley said she heard him say if he would live until in Dec, he would be 81, his birthday being in December near the holidays. They both say that Ezra kept a diary & put down what occurred every day who visited him etc. Mrs Finley says he had a bunch of letters so high - she held her hands two or three feet apart- & when Charley was in to the funeral, he burned a lot of them saying there was no use keeping what were of no account. He would hardly know what were of value.

Mrs Finley says he was married three times, but she does not know even the names of these wives. Mrs F. says her sister has kept her half of the old farm & is living on it. Her sister was Louisa Thompson Frame & she married Thomas Wortman. They were daughters of William Frame & Eliza Hopper, his wife. She says they were related to the Thompsons but she didn't know how. Says her father gave her the name Downard because it was an old name in the Frame family. Says her grandfather Frame's name was David & she thinks the name of his wife was Jane Thompson. She says they are buried at the old Pres g.y. between the infirmary & old Washington & her mother is buried there, but her father is buried on the farm, now the part owned by her sister, Louisa Wortman.

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She says she never got any of the old Frame bibles & does not know who did. Does not know who got the bible of her grandfather nor of her father.

Her father had a brother, James & a sister Susan. Her Aunt Susan died unmarried. Mrs Finley says she don't know when, but her sister, Louisa has it on their own Bible & she says she don't know, says she is 68 or 69. I think she is ten more than that at least. She don't know when she was married to Ezra. Says Charley took all the books & papers he wanted.

Charles Clayton Finley married Naomi Bowdle, a first cousin of Mrs Finley, her mother being Mary Bowdle (nee Hopper) a sister of Mrs Finley's mother & has three children living viz:

Rothmer, Mildred & Philip Hayes Finley. He was a pumper for the irrigation Co & has a ranch.

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Hotel Deshler, Columbus, O Room 324 July 15, 1922 9:44 PM

I got into Columbus O this afternoon at 4 o'c & got a taxi right off & went out to Dublin O 13 miles up the Scioto River only to find that Joe Thompson who had married Ola Mitchell, a Reed relative had died 3 yrs ago & his wife Ola had died & he had married a Heer for a second wife who had also died, all without issue. This we were told by a middle aged man at the end of the bridge as we entered the town. He also told me that Will Thompson, a small man lived on a farm near Dublin, was aged about 40 & that his brother Robert was Mayor of Worthington O which Mrs Mattoon tonight tells me is on out 9 miles beyond Woodruff Ave & that the street car runs out there from here continuing out High St. The man said Wm & Robert were cousins of Joe Thompson. I started back at 5:11 PM & reached the Deshler about 5:45. Looked over my Millersburg & Holmesville records & called up the Frank N. Mattoon residence, now his widow Rhoda at No 85 E Woodruff Ave Tel North 5612 & she said she knew nothing about the family, but her son did, but she said she would see me if I came out. I got my dinner here & went out on the North & south High

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St Car where I arrived at 8 & left at 8:50 PM & she gave me some desirable references about the Reeds.

Mrs Mattoon talks very fast & vigorous & has the countenance & build of Mrs Mary L. Hess, her first cousin & looks like her. She is a little lame from Neuritis she said. She said her son had moved from the neighborhood where she lives, this week to suburb called Arlington 5 miles out & she called up & I talked to Mrs Winford L. Mattoon & made an appointment to go out tomorrow at 3 PM. She said to take an "Arlington" Car to end of line & walk on up the tracks to No 1999 Arlington Ave.

Mrs Mattoon said Annie Reed had married a man named Allen, & lives now at Fitz Gerald Georgia & that she was older than Mrs Mattoon. She lived once at Milford Center O but Mrs Mattoon has not seen her since she was 15 yrs old. when she was at school at Delaware O. She says Jenny Reed who is old, lives or did live at Marysville O.

Also says that Luther Mitchell is, she thinks, still living, as she has seen no account of his death at Dublin O, a very old man. Said the Mitchells & Reeds were closely related to each other & distantly related to her. Luther is a brother she thinks of Ola. She then thought of Mrs Hohle & outlined who she was as follows:

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Josiah Reed George Reed

══════════╬═════════ ║

Annie Reed mar. Allen ║

Lives FitzGerald, Georgia ║


Phoebe, married a Calvin, a Nelson, a doctor

Hohle & lives in doctor. Is Is dead. Left

Toledo O. Thinks dead. no family.

she is older than ══════╬═════════

her & says "she 2 children that

can tell the whole that died

tribe as she is very



Paul Hohle, is a

druggist in Toledo O.

She thinks Josiah & George were sons of the sister of her grandfather ie Elizabeth & Mrs Mitchell the mother of Luther & Ola was probably a daughter, Mrs Mattoon's sister who is older than he is.

Mrs Anna Fitch in Hillcrest (Suburb) Little Rock, Arkansas. She spoke of a Lecky living above her & I went up to see him at no 103 E. Woodruff Ave & his name is Will & his father James Came from Kanawha WVA having comer there from Rockbridge VA. I don't think they are related, but Mrs Mattoon says they look like her people, living in the other side of the house at No

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103 E. Woodruff Ave is Mrs W.F. Minck who says she is a daughter of Bennett Thompson of Virginia who had a brother Elijah Thompson.

It is now 11:27 PM & I will go to bed.

Hotel Deshler, Columbus O Room 324, July 16, 1922 5:55 AM

I got up at 5:05 this morning & have taken a fine cold bath & as the breakfast room does not open until 6:30, I will write until it does. Mrs Mattoon said last night that Jeremiah Kendall, her ancestor was bodyguard & aide de camp to Anthony Wayne, whose mother was a Kendall, an aunt she thought of Jeremiah. She said Mad Anthony Wayne was unmarried & at his death, Jeremiah Kendall got his effects, swords, boots, spurs & accoutrements & they came down through a couple of Thomas Kendalls to a daughter who married an Overturf & at one time lived here & whose only child, a son, went into the World War & took the "flu" & died. I think she said at Norfolk, VA. Mrs Overturf gave the Wayne accoutrements [sic] to the state & they are in the State House here in the archeological dept.

I will now take up entering into my record my penciled or scratch paper notations.

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transcribing 6:11 AM

I recall that cousin Sarah E. Logan at Cadiz O on 4th inst told of the ghost that Nancy Moore Birney, sister of the second wife of William Fulton say (son of Agnes Thompson Fulton Page 113) in a dark woods one night when passing through which commanded her to preach the gospel which she proceeded to do preaching once every two weeks for 32 years with great effect, the people coming great distances often to hear her.

Sarah E. spoke of the second wife of James Fulton page 122, the homeliest woman she ever saw, but she had the force to command obedience with her children & others & once when her niece Alwilla Boyd page 123 was visiting at her home, Mrs Fulton went away for a day or so & told the girls to be careful to watch the setting hen & not let her leave the nest, so when she did, Alwilla caught her & held her on the nest to keep the eggs warm.

The young man at Homes M. Thompson coming in a few minutes before midnight on the 4th said the strikers had chopped up a guard at Uniontown, O.

Back at Homes M. Thompson's Cadiz O July 5, 1922 8:11 AM

Sarah E. told of Clark Moore an old bachelor brother who was comparatively rich (he was a brother of William Fulton's 2d wife page 113) dying with

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a will & of Alwilla getting a share of the estate, which was the first she knew that she had such a relative.

Sarah E. said her Father kept no bible record & advised me to see her sister Lucinda Ross aged 86 at Coldwater, Kansas who could give the family record from memory (see page 134).

Sarah E. spoke of little Ralph Kinsay see page 135, son of her niece with whom she lives at Uhrichsville, Ohio & of his volunteering to address a public meeting when 6 yrs old & of his great success then & since as he has continued making public speeches. He is also a singer.

Sarah E's niece, Gabrella, or "Gay" Logan page 135 drifted out to California & has a fine chicken ranch with running water & a tremendous big tree at the place she located in California about 3 or 4 miles from Santa Cruz, near Felton Sta, Calif.

It is now 7 & I will go to breakfast.

Cousin Sarah E. said her brother Bennington Logan, called "Bent", a carpenter & stair builder worked at Uniontown Pa on our house & stable in 1904 at Oak Hill. She said when a young girl, she was delicate & they gave her whiskey of which she used a teaspoonful a day for a year & by that time, she craved it & had to cut it out & also used snuff which

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was recommended. As a young girl, when cutting twigs, she cut the front finger joint of her left hand which made a knot or crook showing to the present day.

She thought Mr Will Lucas who she thought lived on Warren St might have a typewritten copy of the inscriptions taken from the gravestones of the old cemetery here in Cadiz.

Miss Hann called in 5th inst just as I was leaving. She was red haired & virile, her mother being a sister of Holmes M. I left at 11:58 AM 5th. I went direct to the home of Wm H. Lucas, janitor, a colored man & got from him, the record of inscriptions from the gravestones in the old cem. He said all that were listed in black ink were printed in Chas A. Hanna's list & those since were in red ink so I only looked over those in red ink & found but two items to note:

1. Francis I. Clark, Born Aug 18, 1856, died Nov 23,1 857

2. John W. Thompson died Sept 16, 1855 aged 4 yrs 10 mos 16 days

Sarah Rea Thompson Born 1807 died 1858

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I arrived at Lucas' No 153? Warren St 12:22 PM & left 12:40 PM & going up to the public square I stopped in to see Mrs M.A. Crumley at 12:44 & left at 12:50 PM & told her of seeing George & John Thompson last month & of their & her grandfather coming over to America from Ireland many years later & they were not of the family I had thought they were & were not related unless we found a connection in Ireland. I stepped in the Cadiz Auto Supply Co 109 Market St where Wm H. Thompson is employed just as it struck one, the house I was to meet him there & found he had just phoned & said he would be there soon.

Mrs J. Steen Black said she had had an old Almanac she thought printed at Pittsburgh of the date of 1810 or near that. If so, that is just what I want, so I must write her & see if she has found it.

On Wednesday afternoon, Wm H. Thompson drove me out to his father's old farm on Piney Fork which is across the line in Jefferson Co O.

Wm H. said that Wm Judkins Thompson was named for the family Doctor Wm Judkins of Smithfield, Jeff Co Ohio & that James Lorimer Thompson was named for his mother's father & for Rev Wm Lorimer, U.P. Stated supply at Piney Fork, Piney Fork, a good sized stream runs through the old farm. He had

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some old papers showing conveyance from Thos & Richd Penn to his ancestor, Alexander Scroggs.

He also had in a framed looking glass pattern cabinet hanging on the wall in the front room 120 samples of the best preserved darts, spear heads, skinning knives ect all from flint, that I have ever seen which he said he had ploughed up on the farm, the most of them in the bottom field below the house on Piney Fork.

Wm H. also showed me a horn spoon handle broken, a fine sample, which should be mended, brought by Rachel Ireland, the second wife I believe of Alexander Scroggs from Ireland.

He also showed me the picture of his Father & mother which being on the wall. His wife had come out with us & she & their son's wife got dinner which we had along with his brother Hugh Marion, bachelor, joint owner who lives at the old farm in a new house they have recently built.

Some of the papers he showed me stated that Rev Joseph Scroggs was a nephew of Mrs Thompson.

Going back to town, he stopped at the residence of James Rankin Smith on the left hand side of the road, a lame man & called him out. He is an uncouth looking rustic, but wonderfully bright & well informed on genealogical matters. He is a

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brother of the deceased wife of Robt Hogsett Jr & his father William Smith was son, I think he said of James Smith, an uncle of James Allen whom I knew, the sister of James Smith being the wife of David Allen (the father of James) who was drowned in the Youghiogheny River. Walter Allen recently deceased owned several farms in that neighborhood. Mr Smith thought his sister Miss Sallie Allen at Connellsville Pa would have the Allen family records. I think Mr Smith's mother was a Rankin & he is probably a first cousin of Hugh L. Rankin whose father Thomas Rankin he said was a son of an earlier Hugh Rankin.

Arriving in Cadiz O about dark, we put the Auto in the garage & went to the home of Wm H. Thompson No 167 Muskingum St Cadiz O see page 143 & worked at listing the descendants of his great grandfather, John Thompson Pages 144 5o 151 until 3:33 AM & I walked up to the Ehrhart Hotel arriving at my room 25 at 3:44 AM. I got a large lot of family record papers from him, legal cap size, of the length & breadth of this book which I am carrying along with me & which when I get time to read them over I am to copy & send the originals all back to him with a carbon copy of what I do copy, by registered mail.

I left Cadiz O Thursday morning the 6th at 9 AM by train to Dennison O where I

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arrived at 10:04 AM & while telling to a couple of dumb taxi men at the station who had never heard of Millersburgh, the county seat of their adjoining county, Mr Fleming, a cousin of Anne V. Fleming, came from across the street & told them how to go to get there. He was the man who had unsuccessfully conducted a restaurant in Uniontown Pa. I hired one of the taxis & we drove through Uhrichsville, New Phila, Dover at 12 noon, Wilmot & Winesburg to Millersburg where we arrived at 1:22 PM, a drive of 47 miles & seeing continuously on the way wheat in shock, the shocks setting thicker on the fields continually than I had ever seen before. Cousin Albert O. McClelland saying the wheat crop would yield 30 bushels to the acre this year.

At residence of Albert Osborn McClelland, Ripley Tp (out Paint Valley way) Holmes Co Ohio. July 6, 1922 4:04 PM

Albert O. was not at first inclined to give any information & would not hunt up any of the old papers of his sister, Jane, which I feel sure are about the house & he did not have any ink, so I penciled down what he told me:

He said Mary Lecky McClelland died 1885 or 1886 aged 63 or 64. He said Andrew McClelland, son of James who was one of eleven brothers who came from Glasgow, Scotland to Westmoreland Co Pa abt 1771

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Andrew died in 1876 aged 66 yrs. He & his wife are both buried at Hopewell Church g.y. just a quarter of a mile above the house & her brother, Thomas Lecky & his wife, Margaret Bigham are also buried there. Andrew & his wife were married in Ohio & went on horseback to Penna on their wedding trip. They had 3 boys & 2 girls: viz:

1. Thomas Lecky McClelland, oldest, was in Civil War & died in a hospital aged 25 or 26 yrs. name is on tombstone.

2. Jane McClelland died 3 yrs ago aged abt 79. Dates are on tombstone. She was exceptionally well versed about family lore & genealogical data & had gathered considerable information.

3. Anna Louisa McClelland Died Feby 23, 1922 aged 78? Born 1844, birth on stone. Wouldn't tell her age. When the tombstone man was putting up Jane's monument, he suggested having Anna L's birth date cut on too, which was done & she never thought of it in that way until someone told her she knew now how old she was as she had seen it on the tombstone & Anna L. was very much chagrined that she had thoughtlessly given her age away.

4. James, died in infancy. Thinks there is a tombstone.

5. Albert Osborne McClelland B on Apr 4, 1854. Says he has been all over Canada & the U.S. & was much in Louisiana. Married 1st in 1877 at Millersburg O to Geneva Finney of Monroe Tp. She was born in 1858 & died in 1878 & is buried in Millersburg Cem. No issue. Married 2d He thought

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it was not worthwhile recording this as he said he hadn't lived together for ten years & he declined giving her name. He has children by her.

This farm was bought by his grandfather, James McClelland & contains now 80 A. He says is the best land in the county. He never heard of the Jenkins that he recalls. Says Rhoda Lecky Mattoon, widow of Dr Frank N. Mattoon lives at No 85 E. Woodruff Ave, Columbus O & her sister Annie Lecky, now living at Little Rock Ark, now wife of Rev. Will Fitch, Methodist Preacher. She is older than him, thinks probably 85, daughters of Thomas Lecky when going to school in Delaware, Ohio, met the Reeds who were second cousins. Annie Reed's father had sisters, one married to a Mitchell & one a cousin of Annie was married to a Brandt & one Ola Mitchell married Joe Thompson, a big stock raiser living near Dublin O which is 13 miles north of Columbus O on the Sciota River. He said Annie Reed was married (twice?) & lived 4 or 5 miles from Joe Thompson's & Brandts live close to Dublin Between Dublin & Marysville O. His name is Asher (Brandt?) & lives on Ohio Central RR.

Albert O. McClelland's P.O. address is Millersburgh RFD 1 Ohio.

His first cousin, son of Thomas Lecky viz: Theodore Bigham Lecky living Wooster O P.O. Box 272 lives on Spink St & everyone knows him. He is one yr older, is posted &

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has saved or collected some records. Either write him or go to see him.

Bidding Albert goodbye, we drove up to the Hopewell Church graveyard where I got the following from the tombstones:

1. Mary McClelland died Feby 27, 1885 aged 69 yrs 4 mos 22 days

Andrew McClelland died Aug 30, 1875 aged 64 yrs 15 days

Thomas L. McClelland, son of Andrew & Mary McClelland died in U.S. Hospital, Cleveland O Sept 4, 1864 aged 25 yrs 3 mos 17 days.

2. Thomas Lecky, died June 14, 1910 aged 83 years

Margaret Lecky died Mch 14, 1908 aged 82 years

3. Jane McClelland, 1841 - 1920

Annie Louisa McClelland 1844 - 1922

4. Robert Johnston 1796 - 1844

Mary Ann Johnston 1800 - 1886

Jane Waddle, wife of Wm R Waddle M.D. 1828 - 1851

Jane Johnston 1760 - 1850

5. Annie, wife of Thos Lecky (this is son of John & Mary) Born Sept 9, 1788, died Apr 7, 1844 aged 55 yrs & 7 mos

6. Alen, wife ??? died Apr 16, 1882 aged 84 yrs 1 mo 8 days

Margaret, wife of Allen W. died Aug 10, 1835 aged 36 yrs 11 mos 21 days

7. Andrew Jackson Silcott May 30, 1820, Dec 27, 1898

Annie Laylander Silcott Jany 22, 1825 Nov 12, 1898

Hopewell is a Presbyterian Church. I arrived 4:44 PM & left 5:05 PM

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Nellie Harford Horner drove me out to Albert O. McClelland's & we got back to Millersburg at 5:30 PM & I went to the New American Hotel there & got my dinner & going back to their livery barn, she was not there at 6 PM as appointed so her husband, Irvin Horner drove me up to Holmesville O to the residence of Wm E. Lecky's.

Aboard train fr Holmesville to Mt Vernon O July 7, 1922 5:55 AM

Wm E. Lecky took me in his auto yesterday evening out to the home of his cousin, Miss Mary A. Lecky. She lives with her brother Harvey J. Lecky who had gone out before we arrived & did not get back while we were there. They still own the old home residence, a frame house, old &unpainted, on the right hand side of the road going out & a part of the 160 A (having sold some acreage) that their father Jeremiah got from the 480 A taken up by their grandfather Thomas Lecky. Wm E., my host & informant still owns th 160 A I think he s'd that his father Thomas W. Lecky got for his share which was adjoining & just beyond Mary A's.

Mary A. is a well preserved woman & was awfully glad to see someone from old Fayette Co Pa about which her father talked so feelingly & was contemplating making a visit to, just before he died. She is bright & active & shows a short growth of beard which is mostly turning gray.

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She gave me very important records notably the birth, marriage & death of her grandparents, which I have recorded on pages 152 to 154 & which she said she got largely from Jane McClelland. There are a lot of oil & gas wells, big producing gassers, drilled on the old original Lecky land, largely on those parts that have been sold off to others. Wm E's middle name, Ebenezer Bigham comes from his mother's father, Ebenezer Bigham. He is a fine Specimen of physical strength, 6 ft tall & weighs slightly over 200 lbs & is well built & proportioned from the ground up. His wife is medium height (The records I got from him are noted on pages 155 to 157 inclusive & see also page 158 & 159) but is stout & heavy & a little hard of hearing, saying that one ear drum was entirely gone. Their son Herbert was for 5 yrs cashier of the Holmesville Bank, but is now in a bank at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

Glenn is on the farm & his wife who was a school teacher is still teaching near their farm home.

The other two boys are in town the one having a grocery store & the other running a butcher shop which he owns just next door to his brother's grocery. The train is now 6:17 AM stopped at Killbuck Sta, Killbuck Creek runs through by Holmesville & Millersburg & lower down Nellie Harford Horner told me yesterday, it was called "White Woman"

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& Wm E. Lecky said it ran into the Muskingum River.

Wm E. & his wife said Albert O. McClelland's second wife from whom he is separated was from the western part of the state & that they had lived some years in Tennessee where his son who is unmarried now is. His two living daughters are married & one daughter is dead.

Mary A. Lecky feels sure that Jane McClelland had a written record of the family & I do too. Albert O, as I was leaving s'd there were many boxes full of old papers & letters, that he had never looked through. I told him to preserve them & I might be back someday & go over them with him. I think it worthwhile that I should do this. It is now 6:25 AM

I had a wait in Mt Vernon O & noted a few things on pages 158 & 159 & then continued on to Cambridge O. Reaching Cambridge O, I went at 12:33 PM the 7th inst to the American Cafeteria near the court house & as I entered was unexpectedly accosted by a woman who accosted me by name & put out her hand. It proved to be Mrs Joe West, nee Salter from Armstrong County Pa & her husband & daughters were also there. They had lived just adjoining Miss Mary J. Beeson, on the West on Fayette St, Uniontown Pa where I had frequently seen them & they had seen me. Mr West is a son of Enos West who

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was a brother of the first wife of Jehu S. Brownfield, the mother of my dear friend, Margaret McClelland, who was a first cousin of Mr West. Mrs West said they often sent Mrs McClelland things to eat & Mrs McC had told me the same. They are excellent cooks & serve fine meals & I ate no place else while in Cambridge O. Mrs West said Mrs McClelland had said she would help them & also that she never intended her half brother & half sisters nor her nephew & niece in Mo to have anything. Miss Beeson had spoken to her just as positively that she didn't intend to let the Ramsburg's get any of her money or things, but had also said she would never make a will & when Mrs West told her that it would got to the Ramsburgs if she didn't she was unable to or did not answer her. She told Mrs West that the Rutters had spoken many times to her about making a will & she said to Mrs West that the Rutters had gotten enough off of her father & she did not propose to give them any more. She spoke of a picture of letter of N. Lyman Duke's which she said she wanted to be put in the coffin with her. She said too that the Hackneys had been urgent & insistent that she make a will, but she seemed to have the idea that making a will would shorten her days. Mrs West said that Windom Rutter told her two weeks before he died that Miss Mary I. Beeson

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would be 84 if she lived until Apr 24, 1922, that is born then Apr 24, 1838. Mrs West said they moved to Cambridge O in Jany 1922 this year. I noticed in the telephone directory here Mrs R.B. Sproat No 621 North 10th St, Bell Tel No 5352

See July 15th yesterday when I called her up.

I then went to the Probate Judges office in the court house adjoining arriving at 1:20 & worked continuously on my feet for 15 hours until 4:02 AM. See pages 160 to 187 inclusive, the probate judge who closed at 4:30 PM kindly allowing me to continue my work behind springlock doors.

8:22 PM 16th

I went to the National Hotel to room 24 & went to bed at 4:30 AM & slept until 7 AM, got up, got my breakfast, got shaved & took the Nash Bus Line (Auto) to Senecaville & had him land me at the residence of Mrs Ralph W. Secrest, Greenwood, across Wills Creek from Senecaville where I arrived at 9:30 AM & got from her the records at Pages 188 to 192. She says her Aunt Mary Ann T. Thompson, born May 17, 1810 told her she was 4 yrs old when they came from Penna to Ohio & she rode on horseback with her mother either before or behind her mother - a child in front & one behind.

Robt. S. Thompson says they came from go to page 346

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AT residence of Winford Lecky Mattoon No 1999 Arlington Ave Upper Arlington, Columbus O July 16, 1922 4:07 PM

I arrived here at 3 PM & Mr Mattoon is giving me the family record of the first three children of Thos W. Lecky, see page 155 that I do not have.

1. Anna M. Lecky born Nov 16, 1846. She was graduated from the Ohio Wesleyan Female College, Delaware O (now Ohio Weslyan University) in the class of 1869 & while there met Wm S. Fitch, also a student there & who became a Methodist minister & they were married June 21, 1872 & he is dead, but she lives on Beech Street, Hillcrest, Little Rock, Ark & an only child viz a son.

Francis Florien Fitch, now A.M.B.D. who was born in Granger Ohio Oct 22, 1873. He was also graduated from Ohio Wesleyan Univ in 1896 & while in school there met Bertha Clark also a student of Caledonia, Marion Co O whom he married the next day or so after they graduated June 23, 1896. They have 3 children viz:

1. Francis William Fitch born at Boston Mass Apr 4, 1897 where his father was attending Theological Sem.

2. Finley Thomas Fitch born in Keene O Feby 26, 1900

3. Margaret Elizabeth Fitch who was

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born in Grand Rapids O on the Maumee River Apr 23, 1903

Both of the boys were in the World War, but one, if not both of them were overseas.

Rev Wm S. Fitch was a Civil War soldier & was a pastor in the home Mission work of the M.E. church & had charges in many states of the Union as has his son F.F. likewise. F.f. can give full record & can be reached at his mother's address.

2. Miriam Rhoda Lecky born Mch 17, 1849 in Prairie Tp, Holmes Co O graduated from Ohio Wesleyan Female College at Delaware O in the class of 1868 in the same class with Julia Bundy, later the wife of J.B. Foraker. She married Francis Nathaniel Mattoon6 (Philip1, Nathaniel2, Philip3, Nathaniel4, Seth5) of Deerfield Mass M.D. Starling Med College Columbus O 1872 Born June 21, 1843 at Maxwell, Genoa Tp, Delaware Co O, the son of Seth Mattoon, a native of Vershire, Orange Co, Vermont & Louisa Caroline Sawyer, his wife (her line Thomas1, Thomas2, Elias3, Elisha4, Jotham5, Jotham6 & she7) Lancaster Mass. They were married July 29, 1875 at Millersburg O. Dr F.N. Mattoon practiced at Plain City, Madison Co O for 33 yrs until 1910 when he moved to Columbus O & retired dying Sept 13, 1920. He was a fifer in Co I 121st O.V.I. Civil War, was wounded in the ankle by a spent

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bullet while in his tent back of the lines along the Chatahoochie River. Shortly after the battle of Chickamagua which laid him up in the hospital for 3 mos. His recovery was good & he walked with a very little limp & got back with his regiment in time to march to the sea with Sherman. They had but one child, viz:

1. Winford Lecky Mattoon was born at Plain City, Madison Co O Aug 29, 1881, was educated in the Plain City High School & preparatory Dept of Otterbein University at Westerville, Franklin Co O where he was enrolled 1896 to 1898. Then took Freshman & sophomore years in classical course at Denison Univ at Granville, Licking Co O & there met his future wife, who was likewise a student there. Was there 1898 to 1900. In the fall of 1900, enrolled as a sophmore in the Civil Eng Dep of the Ohio State Univ. He continued here until Apr 1903 when he quit to go into Railway construction work expecting to return later for graduation, but did not. He was first with the Penna Lines on Second track & yard construction until Dec 1903. Hocking Valley Railway maintenance of Way Dept until June 1904, Rock Island lines asst Div Eng at Trenton Mo until May 1905 Division Eng Des Moines Valley Div Des Moines Iowa to Feby 1907, Asst chief Eng of Hocking Valley Railway to Dec 1910

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& real estate & tax agt of Hocking Valley Railway since that time. He was married in Kansas City Mo Feby 16, 1909 to Inez Newton Clark daughter of Isaac Newton Clark D.D. of Kansas City Mo Secy South West Dist Amer. Baptist Foreign Miss. Sec for about 35 yrs who was born Oct 13, 1833 at Rossville, Clinton Co Indiana being a a great grandson of Samuel Clark, a Rev soldier of Chatham Passaic Valley NJ. Rev I.N. Clark's wife was Sarah Elizabeth Carson born Dec 21, 1841 at Boggstown, Shelby Co, Ind. daughter of Joseph Gamble Carson & Sarah Ann McConnell both being of western Penna families.

Dr I.N. Clark dropped dead in the pulpit at Wellsville, Kansas while soliciting funds for the Judson memorial church Washington Square NY on Jany 7, 1917. They have but one child:

1. Betty Alice Mattoon born Columbus O Apr 25, 1915

3. Theodore Bigham Lecky born Apr 1, 1853 in Prairie Tp, Holmes Co O. He attended Central College Academy a Presbyterian Preparatory School where his sister Rhoda was teaching in Blendon Tp, Franklin Co O. He married 1st Oct 29, 1875 Mina E. Todd, daughter of John Todd & Rebecca Moorhead, his wife of Paint Valley, Holmes Co O.

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She died Feby 5, 1885 in Prairie Tp. By her he had two children:

1. Cora Lecky born Holmes Co O Oct 23, 1876. She married Charles Harvey Korns of near Millersburg O, a graduate of Mt Union College, Alliance O on Sept 7, 1898. They have two children:

A. Virgil Eben Korns born near Holmesville O June 6, 1899 who graduated from Annapolis Naval Academy say June 1920 & is now an Ensign on the Pacific Squadron & is stationed near San Francisco.

B. Dorothy Marguerite born in Bradford Pa Apr 20, 1908. Lives at home with her parents at Ingram? near Pgh where her father is a teacher in the Pgh High Schools.

2. Minnie Lecky, born in Prairie Tp Feby 3, 1885, & her mother died two days later on Feby 5, 1885. She married Harry Antrim & live now in Alliance O. They have one son that Mr M. knows of:

A. Myron Antrim

He married 2d: Luna Williams on Aug 20, 1901 from which Union there is no issue. They live on South Spruce St Wooster O.

Theodore B. has been a dealer in R.E. is an inventor of a slat & wire fence, a breeder & dealer in fine fox hounds & coon dogs & later shipped pedigreed bloodhounds all over the world. he later bought a saw mill & also several farms from which he cut the timber yielding him handsome

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profits. Also a breeder & dealer in fancy sheep & has retired with a compentency. [sic].

In the old Ewing cemetery in Darby or Jerome Tp, Union Co O just north of Plain city is a tombstone marked William Lecky died Aug 2, 1850 aged 65 years.

W.L.M. says there is a Dr Myron J. Jenkins whose wife was a Reed? practicing medicine in Plain City O since 1880, a competitor of Mrs M's father who he thinks came from Richwood, Union Co O

Mr M. says Jeremiah Kendall was born Feby 6, 1758 in Overwharton parish, Stafford Co VA, married in 1778 to Rhoda, daughter of Alexander McIntire. Jeremiah Kendall was the son of Wm Kendall Jr & Jemima Kirk. He died in Fayette Co Pa Jany 28, 1843. He was a soldier & a pensioner & pertinent points in his life are on file at Wash D.C. in his application for pension. His son William, bro of Ann Lecky the wife of Thomas Lecky came to Portsmouth O where he was postmaster & a very prominent citizen. Through his granddaughter, Ella Kendall, wife of Maj. John W. Overturf, a great many relics & personal belongings of Mad Anthony Wayne descended & through her son Maj Alvah Kendall Overturf were deposited in the museums of the Ohio Archeological & Historical Soc on

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the Ohio State University Campus, Columbus O. He was a Major in the World War in charge of a concentration camp & witnessed the fall of Chateau Thierry. He decided to remain in the army after his return to the states & was stricken with the "flu" & died at Camp Taylor?, Louisville, KY abt a year after he came back. He left a widow (who was Eugenia Ronnsavell) & an infant son William, surviving.

The Kendall farm in VA was very near to Gen'l Washington & Jeremiah Kendall was a friend & compatriot in arms & was with Washington until wounded at Brandywine after which he was sent to a hospital on Long Island & returned to the army while they were at Valley Forge in Nov or early Dec 1777. Word came that his father Wm Kendall Jr was desperately ill. Washington relieved him from the few days of his enlistment yet remaining to go home & attend to his father who died Dec 10, 1777 in Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, VA. After the death of his father, Jeremiah enlisted under Capt Wm Washington & was in guerilla warfare in Southern Virginia & northern North Carolina for about 5 yrs until the end of the war. After he came to Uniontown, Pa, he came out with Anthony Wayne

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& was at the treaty of Greensville o (Darke Co ) & tradition has it that he carried nine minie balls in his body at that treaty as the result of the fighting with the indians.

Jeremiah Kendall's pension cft was No 11466 dated May 2, 1833 which gave a brief sketch of his life & war service & with affidavits etc embraced four foolscap pages.

I left at 7 PM & Mr Mattoon walked down to the street car station & while we were waiting his neighbor came along, a Mr Alexander from Texas, whose people came from Mecklenburg NC, a handsome man with a homely wife, but she may be just as good & he introduced me. Upon asking him, he said he had Hunters Sketches of Western North Carolina & knew of Robt Alexander in his line & he may be descended from Patrick Jack Of Mecklenburgh NC. I got a car at 7:11 & reached the "Deshler" at 7:44, got my dinner & at 8:22 am at work & will proceed with my transcribing. See page 337.

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From Page 337

Washington Co Pa, he thinks from near Washington or Canonsburg or possibly Amity.

Mrs Secrest had telephoned for him & he came down in his buggy with one horse, a nice bay mare & drove up to the Presbyterian Opossum Run graveyard just a fourth of a mile beyond his house where had been built the first Presbyterian Church of all that section just on the edge of the present graveyard. I reached the Opossum Run g.y. July 8, 1922 3:44 PM & made notes of the following burials:

1. Rev Wm D. Lowrey, died Mch 13, 1906 aged 90 yrs 2 nos 19 days

Lydia A. Vernon, wife of Rev Wm D. Lowrey died Mch 4, 1898 aged 66 yrs 2 mos 3 days.

2. Jacob Thompson Sen, died Mch 24, 1855 aged 73 yrs 6 mos 7 days. R.S.T said Jacob's wife is buried in Salisbury, Ind, thinks in Greene Co & also his son Jacob by her? & a son John at Sabetha Kansas.

3. James Thompson (this is grandfather of R.S.T.) died Mar 19, 1819 aged 32 yrs 11 mos

Deborah, wife of James Thompson died June 16, 1822 in the 29th yr of her age.

James M. Thompson (this is Madison "father of R.S.T.") died Aug 16, 1865 aged 51 yrs 9 mos 28 days.

Elizabeth, wife of James M. Thompson died Dec 18, 1896 aged 82 yrs 1 mo 6 days

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4. Sarah E., wife of James F. Stevens died Apr 16, 1878 aged 34 yrs 7 mos 23 days

5. Madison, son of James M. & Elizabeth Thompson born May 10, 1856, died Feby 9, 1861

Catharine, daughter of James M. & Elizabeth Thompson died Sept 15, 1854 aged 6 mos & 15 days

6. John Finley (brother of Mrs Marshall) R.S.T. says) died Sept 20, 1894 aged 78 yrs 3 mos 14 days

Clarissa Johnson, wife of John Finley died July 12, 1904 aged 88 yrs 6 mos 27 days.

Father and Mother

Cephas Finley died Dec 26, 1863 aged 31 yrs & 2 mos

Caroline A., dau of Wm M & J.C. Finley died Sept 16, 1868 aged 18 yrs 7 mos 6 days

Mary, wife of Wm M. Finley born May 16, 1828 died Aug 21, 1865

Joseph D. son of Wm M & J.C. Finley died Dec 20, 1863 aged 23 yrs 1 mo 16 days

Harrison, son of Wm M & J.C. Finley died Nov 9, 1861 aged 19 yrs 10 mos 25 days

Jane C., wife of Wm M. Finley died Feby 15, 1852 ae 29 yrs 10 mos 15 days

William M. Finley ("Marcus") died Jany 12, 1864 aged 44 yrs 11 mos 4 days

Joseph Finley (Father of John & Wm M) died Oct 8, 1848 aged 59 yrs 6 mos 9 days

Catherine, wife of Joseph Finley died Feby 6, 1873 aged 82 yrs 9 mos 15 days. R.S.T. says the father of this Joseph was a bro of old "Jimmy" who is buried at Senecaville but in this he is mistaken as this Joseph is himself a bro of "Jimmy"

In memory of Betsy Finley w.d.t.l. in

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See Book 13 p 96

Apr 8, 1835 aged 24 yr 4 mos & 8? days

In memory of Ebenezer Finley w.d.t.l. Jany 11, 41? aged 4 yrs 1 mo 11 days? These two are horizontal sandstones flat on the ground & among the oldest there & R.S.T. thought they were the parents of Joseph, but in this he is mistaken as they are buried in Pa, but I think they are Joseph's children.

Leaving 4:25 PM

R.S.T. gave me the record of his immediate family pages 193 & 194 before we went up to the g.y. & From the g.y. he drove me in I think to Nellie T. Burns' on Saturday evening 8th inst.

R.S.T. says that he & his neighbor Lowrey deeded the Opossum Run graveyard to the Tp & they will look after keeping it up.

Rev Wm D. Lowrey's father was Squire Lowrey & he was brother of Violet Lowrey the second wife of Ebenezer Finley so Justus Riggs says. He, Justus says his mother was a daughter of James Finley & he was a brother of Elizabeth Finley who married Judge William Thompson, that Joseph Finley was also his brother & Jane Hibbs, living once at St Clairsville O was his sister & Rachel Tannehill who lived near Cadiz O but left no issue were also his sisters. She, Mrs Tannehill, I believe, is buried at Presbyterian Church on Big Stillwater. Look up in Hanna Book. Justus Riggs says his mother

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had nine children & he is the only one left & his nephew, Howard Riggs living up Opossum Run about two miles above Robt S. Thompson's has his mother's family bible. He thought too that Kate Finley Cynthia Gregg might have it. Cynthia lives at the brick house at the old Robert Thompson home. Johnson Finley, a son of John & grandson of Joseph lives up toward Robert S. Thompson's.

Justus Riggs' mother Jane Fulton Finley was a smart, intelligent woman, was educated at Lancaster Pa. Her father, James Finley & his brother Joseph Finley both married Fultons (sisters) who, he says were related to Robert Fulton inventor of the steamboat. He say his great grandfather Ebenezer Finley died in Washington Pa on his way home from here (Guernsey Co). he had been here in 1804 buying land for his children immediately after the Louisiana purchase in 1803 by the U.S. from Napoleon Bonaparte He says James & Joseph Finley who married Fulton sisters married them in Fayette Co Pa but he don't know the name of their father. He says his mother's Aunt Rachel's husband was Uncle Jimmy Tannehill.

Rachel Tannehill left her effects to Becky Ann Kaho, living on Mill St Senecaville O aged over 70 yrs. Justus says his father, Daniel

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Riggs was from Monongalia Co VA & his father Aaron Riggs was killed at Tippecanoe in War of 1812. Some of Daniel's by words were "me & you" not "you & I" & yes, exactly".

Becky Ann Kaho was at the head of a list of over two dozen people to see to get her own & the Tannehill record, but at the last day on last Friday morning the 14th, she told Justus who went to arrange for a meeting that she was too ill to see strangers but that her son Howard of Omaha, who arrived Thursday morning to see her but was called back by wire would send record.

Will T. Finley at his Uncle Jake's has four page letter on the Dilleys from C.W.s. Dilley, Greenville, Mercer Co P P.O. Box 231 dated Sept 5, 1885 directed to E.M. Dilley, Senecaville O. At Howard G Riggs July 10th, 1922 he says his grandfather Daniel Riggs was born Mch 4, 1811 & died_____________. This book recalls many conferences pages 212 to 232 & leaving Sam'l W Finley's we drove to Chaseville & found Cousin Kate Finley in the house near the store. She is a petite erect gray haired slender & distinguished looking woman. She is Clara Finley, line 26, page 221 but goes by the name of Kate. She said that Samuel Finley the grandfather of Sam'l Wilson Finley was

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a younger half brother of James Joseph & Elizabeth. I was only there from 8:11 to 8:22 PM & was very favorably impressed with her good sense & good mind.

We then drove on to W. Henderson Rich's stopping on the way at Lewis Whetzel Rich's, his Uncle & at Henderson's got his grandfather's record & that of his cousin Lizzie Finley's father who lives with him see pages 235 to 240 inclusive. We left at 12:11 AM & reached Jake's at 12:55 AM

I find on my scratch paper here:

Clyde Edward Oct 23, 1917

Chas Clifford Nov 17, 1918

Cedora Christina Apr 19, 1921 & just below:

Wilbert W

Hazel Lawton? Feby 14, 1897 married May 11, 1916

The above three are evidently the children of Wilbert W & Hazel Lawton but for the present I can't locate who they are.

July 11, 1922

Got to bed at Jake's at 1:11 AM & up at 5:30 AM. Kate Finley said her grandfather, Joseph Finley was an older half brother of Samuel, the grandfather of Samuel W. & James A.

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Justus Riggs said his mother told him that her grandfather, Ebenezer Finley came out to Guernsey Co O with $2400 in gold & bought land for his children. It was she who told him of Ebenezer dying at Washington Pa. Justus invariably spoke of his mother as the best woman in the world & he venerates her revered memory. He showed me her picture a small one, with a face showing the burdens of care, reminding you of Lincoln's in the big living or front room of their boarding house home.

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At Senecaville Ohio Cemetery July 11, 1922 9:26 AM

Cousins Nellie T. Burns & Justus Riggs accompanied me to this cemetery & I commenced along the street next to town & worked back & front & back & front with 50 feet sections or more until I had finished the cemetery away back on the hill by the mausoleum they left about noon & went to Justus's for lunch but I continued on without eating or cessation until I had finished making record of the following inscriptions:

1. Marinda, daughter of John & Hannah Thompson died Oct 4, 1851 aged 9 yrs 8 mos 11 days

2. Jane, daughter of George & Jane Richey died Nov 13, 1848 aged 1 yr 5 mos 29 days.

John, son of George & Jane Richey died Jany 5, 1854 aged 1 mo 7 days

3. Eliza Thompson (dau of Robt of James) died June 2, 1849 aged 27 yrs 25 days. She died of brain fever.

William Thompson (son of Jacob of James) died Mch 4, 1850 aged 33 yrs 2 mos 5 days

4. Catharine, wife of David Frame of J.D. died Aug 13, 1851, aged 37 yrs 5 mos 9 days

David Frame of James died Oct 16, 1865 aged 51 yrs 3 mos 7 days

5. Doct John Baldridge died May 24,1 844 ae 47 yrs. Noted Doctor, built the brick house on the Main St that Justus Riggs now lives in & where I was entertained.

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6. John William, son of William & Elizabeth Houseman died Aug 25, 1852 ae 7 mos 29 days

Martha Jane, daughter of Wm & Elizabeth Houseman died Aug 10, 1848 aged 10 mos 13 days

Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Wm & Eliz Houseman died Aug 24, 1853 aged 6 mos.

7. James Thompson died Oct 8, 1835 aged 77 yrs 7 mos 18 days

Mary, wife of James Thompson died March 30, 1835 aged 74 yrs 1 mo 25 days

William Thompson (the judge) died June 21, 1833 aged 49 yrs 8 mos 12 days

Betsey Thompson (nee Finley) died July 3, 1860 aged 73 yrs 6 mos 10 days. A verse follows:

8. Doct. James Thompson, son of Robt & Hannah T. died Sept 23, 1840 aged 34 yrs 8 mos 29 days

Malissa J. daughter of Jas & Sarah Thompson died Oct 16, 1847 aged 9 yrs 1 mos 26 days

David, son of Wm & Catharine Thompson died Feby 3, 1848 aged 6 yrs 9 mos 10 days

William F, son of Wm & Catharine Thompson died Dec 29, 1851 aged 2 yrs 3 mos 7 days

9. James H., son of G.& N. Rose died June 11, 1845 aged 14 mos & 18 days

10. Eliza, wife of J.H. Atwell died Jany 13, 1847 aged 37 yrs 8 mos 3 days. (she was daughter of James Finley)

James F., son of J.H. & Eliza Atwell died Jany 2, 1847 aged 3 yrs 2 mos 3 days

John T., son of J.H. & Eliza Atwell died Mch 27, 1846 aged 9 mos 3 days

11. Eliza, daughter of John & Emily Finley (see page 216) died Dec 16, 1841 aged 2 yrs 10 mos 25 days

William Finley probably page 217, died Apr 2, 1849 aged 30 yrs 11 mos 15 days

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12. Abraham Dilley died Sept 5, 1875 aged 90 yrs 4 mos 6 days

Jane W., wife of A. Dilley died Oct 7, 1851 aged 67 yrs 1 mo 9 days

13. Stephen Lowry, 1811 - 1840, great grandfather of Raymond, Albertha's husband.

14. E. M. Rose (son of EA & Jane Rose) died June 22, 1841 aged 3 yrs & 6 mos

15. Mary, wife of John Millhone died Apr 20, 1853, aged 22 yrs 5 mos 1 day

16. Eleanor, wife of James Hartup died Jany 12, 1843 aged 47 yrs aged 13 days. It is now 2:11 AM 17th inst & I am very sleepy & will go to bed & get at this again in the morning. 5:38 AM 17th up at 5:11 & have dressed.

17. Mary Rose died July 31, 1845 aged 65 yrs

18. Elizabeth, wife of Peter Yakey died Sept 10, 1858 aged 81 yrs 6 mos 1 day

19. William S. son of Wm & Mary A. Thompson Rose died Jany 16, 1856 aged 5 yrs 16 days

20. Seenora E., daughter of A & M. Finley died Feby 20, 1856 aged 9 mos 17 days

Leah A, daughter of A & M Finley died Feby 20, 1856 aged 9 yrs 1 mos 12 days.

21. Jeremiah, son of Rebecca Shroyer (she a daughter of James Finley) died June 15, 1865 aged 19 yrs 5 mos 7 days (died of chronic diarrhoea, was in Civil War 3 yrs from time he was 16 yrs old)

John C.W. Shroyer, July 13? 1835

His wife, Rebecca Finley Aug 27, 1824 - Aug 11, 1904

See page 217

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22. Geo W. Rose died Jany 23, 1895 aged 76 yrs 10 mos 19 days

Hannah, wife of Geo W. Rose died Sept 3, 1862 aged 45 yrs 6 mos 2 days

Hannah Rose died Mch 14, 1865 aged 77 yrs 8 mos 24 days

23. Mary Rowland, wife of Jas Rowland died Jany 23, 1890 aged 67 yrs 6 mos 20 days

James P. Rowland died Sept 5, 1886 aged 78 yrs 9 mos 11 days

Eliza J., daughter of T & M Rowland died Aug 1858 aged about 41 yrs

Mary, wife of Thomas Rowland died Feby 8, 1867 aged 81 yrs 3 mos 23 days.

24. Elizabeth J., daughter of George & M. Secrest died Aug 19, 1857 aged 1 yr 3 mos 15 days

25. Elizabeth, wife of Hiram Oliver born Dec 29, 1810 died May 22, 1891 aged 80 yrs 4 mos 23 days

Minerva Oliver 1840 - 1912

Eliza Oliver 1842 - 1918

26. Fordyce Mon. children of John & Mary A. Fordyce

James H. 1838 - 1842

William H. 1844 - 1844

Justus G 1845 - 1846

Thomas M. 1851 - 1856

Sarah A. 1853 - 1856

27. Top broken off "wife of Wm H. Thompson died Mch 22, 1858 aged 33 yrs 11 mos 22 days

28. Mark Patterson died Oct 15, 1841 in 77th year

Ann, wife of Mark Patterson died Nov 1, 1853 aged 68 yrs (These are the grandparents of Mrs Saml W Finley who said she had been blind for 13 yrs)

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29 Rev William G. Keil born at Strasburg VA Aug 7, 1799 died Jany 18, 1892

Mary A, wife of Wm Godfrey Keil Feby 14, 1816, Sept 13, 1897, Father-in-law & mother-in-law of Langdon S. Thompson

30. Rev James Rich died July 12, 1833 aged 65 yrs 3 mos 6 days

Elizabeth, wife of Rev James Rich died Feby 8, 1878 aged 53 yrs 11 mos 15 days

Mary C., daughter of Rev J. & E Rich died May 24, 1885 aged 24 yrs 2 mos 20 days (Justus Riggs says his "grandpap" James Finley died Aug 1861 near the beginning of the Civil War aged abt 79 yrs but we didn't find either his or his wife's marker)

31. James Lowry, died July 3, 1869 aged 74 yrs 4 mos 27 days

Lydia, wife of James Lowry died Apr 10, 1889 aged 91 yrs 10 mos 16 days

32. Clovis L, son of JW & TC Rich died Sept 4, 1885 aged 2 mos

33. John B. Laughlin Sept 12, 1831, Feby 28, 1891

Hannah M., wife Aug 22, 1838, Jany 1, 1904

Sarah, daughter Sept 11, 1861, Aug 11, 1895

34. Frame monument

John Frame 1804 - 1885

Mary E. 1809 - 1886

Sewell E. 1835 - 1904

Nancy 1839 -

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35. Robert Thompson, Sept 24 1808 - Aug 25, 1895

Margaret H. Thompson Aug 21, 1810 - July 10, 1892

Robert Hill Thompson Nov 2, 1850 - May 17, 1901

Rachel Catharine Thompson Sept 8, 1854 - March 3, 1883

Catharine, wife of Robert Thompson (senr) died Mch 24, 1874 aged 80 yrs 11 mos 3 days

Robert Thompson (Senr) died Nov 6, 1861 aged 81 yrs 9 mos 11 days

36. Mary Ann, (wife of Robt McCune, daughter of James & E. Finley) born June 27, 1822, died Nov 17, 1863 aged 41 yrs 4 mos 10 days see page 217 (this was sister of Mrs Riggs, Justus' mother)

James Franklin, son of Robert & Mary A McCune born Jany 7, 1857 in Cumberland, Ohio, died Jany 14, 1862

John B., son of R & M.A. McCune died Sept 20, 1868 aged 21 yrs 1 mos 21 days

William F. McCune died Dec 23, 1873 aged 30 yrs 4 mos 4 days

Elisabeth, wife of Wm McCune died June 14, 1881 aged abt 49 yrs

Isabella McCune (2nd wife of Robt) born July 30, 1830, died Nov 12, 1887. It is she who said "she wouldn't cook for the big stomached Finleys any more"

37. Elizabeth Shattuck wife of Evans Thompson Dec 1824 - July 1900

Granville Lovejoy, son of E & E Thompson died Jany 10, 1863 aged 7 yrs -- mos 23 days

Stone has grown firmly in pine tree covering mos.

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38. Zonetta, daughter of W.A. & M.A. Thompson died Dec 27, 1870 aged 27 days

John W., son of Wm A & Mary A. Thompson died Feby 11, 1866 aged 4 mos 18 days

39. Nancy, wife of John Stevens aged 80 yrs

40. James Hartup died Dec 6, 1890, aged 92 yrs 7 mos 23 days

Rebecca, wife of James Hartup died July 23, 1881 aged 80 yrs 6 mos 11 days

41. Robert McCune 1820 - 1894

Elizabeth J. (3rd & last wife) see page 217 1846 - 1912

42. William Rose, died July 1, 1878, aged 67 yrs 8 mos 8 days.

Infant son of Thomas Jefferson & Mary (Umstot) Rose born & died Oct 15, 1866.

43. Ebenezer F. Thompson died Jany 21, 1884, aged 76 yrs 26 days

M.L. Halley, wife of E.F. Thompson born Aug 13, 1816, died Dec 27, 1893.

Mary Halley (grandmother of Nellie T. Burns) born June 24, 1788, died Mch 12, 1877

Inez Irene, daughter of Ebenezer Dewitt & Jessie Angus Thompson died June 25, 1881, aged 1 yr 5 mos 21 days (niece of Nellie)

44. Eleazer Thompson (older brother of Robert S.) March 27, 1833, Jany 15, 1895

45. James Frame died Oct 12, 1883 in his 81 yrs

George W. son of J & MJ Frame died Nov 1, 1877 in 18 yr.

46. Ebenezer Finley born July 31, 1813 died Dec 4, 1890

Elizabeth, wife of Ebenzer Finley born Dec 20, 1818, died May 27, 1892

47. Thompson F. Waits died June 8, 1870 aged 28 yrs 5 mos 5 days.

V7 Page 360

48. Emaline Millhon (dau of Ebenezer Finley) 1850 - 1877

Marcel Millhon 1846 - 1920

John Leeper born July 4, 1814 died Feby 10, 1898 aged 81 yrs 6 mos 6 days (don't work out)

Mary Ann, his wife June 10, 1819 - March 2, 1907

49. William Thompson (son of Judge William) born Sept 25, 1815 died Nov 7, 1889 aged 74 yrs 1 mo 12 days

Margaret, wife of Wm Thompson born July 22, 1817 died Jany 17, 1892 aged 74 yrs 5 mos 25 days

50. Riggs, our parents

Jane Riggs (daughter of James Finley) see page 272 May 5, 1811 - Jany 14, 1876

Daniel Riggs March 4, 1813, Oct 28, 1898

51. Samuel Patterson Sept 7, 1816 - Dec 16, 1899 aged 83 yrs 3 mos 9 days

Elizabeth Patterson June 24, 1827 - Jany 12, 1910 (parents of Mrs Sam'l W. Finley)

52. William Houseman, died Oct 16, 1870 aged 48 yrs 5 mos 25 days

Elizabeth, wife of Wm Houseman 1824 - 1895

53. Thomas Richey died July 20, 1884 aged 65 yrs 2 mos

Susan Richey died Apr aged 53 yrs 7 mos

J.W. Richey died Oct 22, 1874 aged 24 yrs 9 mos 2 days

V7 Page 361

54. David Shroyer died Jany 21, 1875 aged 70 yrs 20 days

55. Elisabeth Rose died Feby 7, 1902 aged 64 yrs 9 mos 10 days

Job Parry died Aug 2, Aug 21, 1903 [sic] aged 86 yrs & 20 days

Mary E., his wife, born Mch 6, 1839 died July 13, 1906

56. George R. Thompson 1850 - 1902

Albert E. Thompson 1884 - 1905

57. Spence

Annie M. Shafer, wife of J.W. Spence 1841 - 1907

John W. Spence 1842 - 1915

58. Robert N. Dennison Co E 194th Reg O.V.I. 1846 - 1918

Sarah F. wife of R.N. Dennison Born May 11, 1846 died Aug 27, 1897

59. Mahlon Parry 1825 - 1901

Elizabeth A. Parry 1830 - 1905

60. William Rich Born May 2, 1826 died July 11, 1894

Margaret, his wife, Nov 10, 1830, Dec 18, 1914

61. Ottis D. Secrest, born May 18, 1860 died Oct 18, 1895

62. Father & Mother

Noah E. Secrest 1836 - 1917

Adeline B., his wife 1847 - 19--

Carroll Eugene, son of N.E. & A.B.S. 1886 - 1903

63. Rebecca G. 1854 - 1915 wife of Aretas Gregg

64. David Thompson born Mar 8, 1838 died Mar 21, 1910

Eliza J., his wife born Jany 28, 1843 died Apr 21, 1917

V7 Page 362

65. Abraham Rich 1834 -

Elisabeth, his wife 1834 - 1908

66. N.T. Oliver 1844 - 1921

Belle M. Wilson, wife of N.T. Oliver 1858 - 1905

67. William Halley Thompson 1854 - 1917

Gladys H. 1895 - 1898

Lizzie A. 1881 - 1900

Mary C., his wife 1859 -

Nellie S. 1878 - 1901

M. Louisa 1884 -

68. Robert P. Burns Jany 5, 1844 - July 28, 1895

69. James M. Leeper 1841 - 1911

Mary E., his wife 1849 - 1908

Clear across to backside of Cem.

70. Wm E. Rose 1872 - 19--

Forest B., his wife 1880 - 1920

Martha E., their daughter 1902 - 1903

71. Hannah Riggs 1827 - 1907

72. Violet Shepler Lowry 1863 - 1906

73. William G. Finley Dec 10, 1861 - Jany 11, 1904

Mary Eliza Finley Dec 4, 1863 - March 4, 1909

74. Bessie E. Hartup 1895 - 1920

75. Homer Yoho 1883 - 19--

Elsie, his wife 1882 - 1922

76. Lillie L. Thompson 1886 - 1920

farthest back

77. Thomas Rich 1830 - 1920

Frances A., his wife 1835 - 19--

also farthest back & back by mausoleum is:

78. Maruma Finley (Justus says this is Milton's wife) Sept 29, 1849 - May 11, 1914, a fine monument.

V7 Page 363

79. John T. Rowland 1846 - 19--

Sarah C. his wife 1847 - 19--

There are the parties that are sick near Jake Finley's I believe, who I saw Monday morning the 10th.

80. Howard Frame 1896 - 1918 11 Co 3 T.B. 158 D.B. He gave his today for our tomorrow

81. William Secrest 1846 - 1913

82. J. Harvey Finley 1846 - 1912

Tacy E., his wife 1855 - 19--

83. Wm E. Rowland 1844 - 1910

Eva M., his wife

84. Luke D. Thompson Mar 12, 1847, Sept 26, 1908

85. Lewella F. Secrest, wife of Dr H.B. Lowry 1865 - 1900

Michael Secrest, Jany 2, 1822 - Oct 20, 1906

Elizabeth S. Hartup, his wife Jany 26, 1836, Nov 28, 1919

86. Catharine Casner 1820 - 1901 step mother of Justus Riggs` wife.

Finished 1:11 PM on 11th, Left Justus Riggs on 11th 1:55 PM. Left Mrs Nellie T. Burns on 11th 2:07 PM accompanied by both Justus & Nellie with Robert Burns driving & went direct to:

At Mt Zion Ev. Lutheran Church (Buffalo) July 11, 1922 2:37 PM where I continued taking transcripts from the stones in the g.y. there viz:

V7 Page 364

87. W.L. Secrest 1839 - 1914

Mary E. Murphy, his wife 1847 - 1912

Simon N. Secrest 1842 - 19--

Sarah E. Secrest 1844 - 1918

88. Pearl A., daughter of O.M. & B. Finley Sept 6, 1885 Aug 21, 1904

89. Wm T. Larrick 1843 - 1903

90. Lucy M., wife of Dr Wm Teter died Jany 14, 1879 aged 29 yrs 8 mos 26 days

Aura?, M. daughter of W & L.M. Teter died May 18, 1869 aged 11 mos 2 days

Velma S., dau of Wm & Lucy Teter died Apr 26, 1886 aged 19 yrs 3 mos 22 days

Homer W., son of Dr W & H Tetter died Apr 1, 1883 aged 9 mos 12 days

Wilber B., son of Wm & Huldah Teter died Jany 8, 1886 aged 7 mos 24 days

9:55 AM 17th going across to office of Winford L. Mattoon Spahr Bldg

8:11 AM 18th for continuation of this transcribing see page 380.

Hotel Deshler July 18, 1922 8:11 AM.

I went at 10 AM yesterday to W.L. Mattoon's office & he gave me additional Kendall & other records which I noted on the tree succeeding pages & gave me charts that he has made up tracing his little girl's pedigree back to Adam 146 generations. He says he is 6 ft 1 in tall & weighs 240 lbs. His daughter 7 yrs old will weigh 70 lbs or more. He had started to make a pedigree for Miss Evalyn Simeral, his former stenographer, whom he called in, a beautiful blue eyed modest girl of abt 24 yrs, to page 375

V7 Page 365

At W.L. Mattoon office 509 Spahr Bldg Columbus O July 17, 1922 10:42 AM

Mr M. gives me these dates of birth of the children of Jeremiah Kendall Sr taken from the D.A.R. magazine marked Mch 1916 page 199 answer to query to No 3653 by Mrs Henry Keiser 509 East Mulberry St, Bloomington Ills, Viz:

Alexander McIntyre was the father of Rhoda McIntire, sometimes spelled McEnteer. She was born Mch 6, 1758 in Stafford Co VA & died Dec 24, 1827 German Tp, Fayette Co Pa. She was married in 1778 to Jeremiah Kendall, a Rev soldier of Stafford Co VA who was born Feby 6, 1758 & died Jany 28, 1843 in German Tp, Fayette Co Pa. Their children were:

1. John born 1779

2. Stephen born 1780

3. William born 1783

[all of above born] in Stafford Co VA

4. Ann born 1789?

5. Jeremiah born 1792

6. Elizabeth born 1795

[all of above born] in German Tp Fayette Co Pa

Subscribe for Monday & Wednesday issues of Boston Evening transcript Boston Mass say abt 3

Refers to Carlos Parsons Darling of Lawrenceville, Tioga Co Pa. He is working up genealogy of Darling family & several of the Penna families.

V7 Page 366

2. Stephen Kendall born 1780 died unmarried 1801

3. William Kendall born Nov 23, 1783 died Aug 2, 1849, m.1. Rachel Brown in 1806 in Portsmouth O. m.2. Christina Lawson, m.3. Mrs Ruth Claypool of Chillicothe O.

4. Anna Kendall, married Thomas Lecky & came to Holmes Co O in 1829

6. Elizabeth Kendall born Jany 23, 1795 & died Feby 24, 1866. She married in 1815 in Penna to George Hervedth

5. Jeremiah Kendall Jr born 1792 died Feby 8, 1855. He married Sallie Phillips

1. John Kendall left home & family & don't know what became of him.

William Kendall's marriage to Rachel Brown of Portsmouth O was on May 29, 1806 & by her had issue:

1. Jefferson Kendall B May 1, 1807 died Sept 11, 1862 married Dec 9, 1830 to Elizabeth Fenton

2. Rhoda, born Dec 9, 1808 mar July 20, 1826 to Conrad Overturf

3. Stephen, born Feby 27, 1810 ob Jany 13, 1877 married Rebecca Riggs Aug 6, 1839

4. Milton, Born June 16, 1812 ob Aug 16, 1882 mar June 23, 1883 to Ruth Lawson

5. Thomas, born July 6, 1814 ob Dec 16, 1889 married Nov 16, 1836 to Ann Glover

6. Eliza, born Sept 6, 1816, ob Oct 1823

7. William Jr born Jany 2, 1819 & died Aug 16, 1839

8. Rachel, born Nov 21, 1820, [died] Nov 30, 1874 & mar Conrad Overturf

V7 Page 367

William Kendall mar 2d Oct 12, 1821 Christina Lawson & had children:

9. John, born Jany 5, 1823. He married a Lucas

10. Jeremiah, born Feby 12, 1825 died a bachelor in Calif

11. Susannah, born June 6, 1827 married Samuel Baldridge

12. Maria, born Nov 23, 1829 & died Mch 1880 Mar 1851 to James Salsbury

13. Joseph, born Oct 20, 1832 & died of yellow fever at Rio Janeiro [sic] Brazil on his way to Calif in 1851

14. Franklin, born Dec 31, 1834 married Mariette Hall

15. Lavina born Feby 24, 1837 married Louis Dent Adair

Christina Lawson died after 1837 & he married 3d Mrs Ruth Claypool, as above, but had no issue to her.

Virginia records of Kendalls are found in the Overwharton Parish Reg Pages 103 & 104, Stafford Co VA.

Mr Mattoon says to write to:

Supt of Documents Gov, Prints office, Washington D.C. for American & English Genealogy in the Library of Congress 1919 edition Price $1.75 per copy.

V7 Page 368

At residence of Luther Mitchell Linworth, P.O. Perry Tp, Franklin Co, Ohio July 17, 1922 4:44 PM

I got a yellow bonest [best guess] taxi & came to Dublin & found Mr Mitchell had just left there & we overtook him on the road & followed him into Linworth & introduced myself. Mrs Mitchell brought out the family bible which was published at Hartford by Case Lockwood & Co in 1863.

The family record is in a good bold plain hand which he says was written by his father, Charles Mitchell who came here when a young man in 1815 from near Latrobe, Westnd Co Pa where there are Mitchells still living. There is a note size sheet of paper in the bible giving the names & dates of birth of ten Reeds which was given to Mr Mitchell's mother about 30 to 40 years age, by Annie Reed now Annie Allen who they think lives in Florida. There is a small piece of paper which Mrs Mitchell says is the parents of the ten children. Mrs Mitchell, Luther's mother, wanted this record & Annie copied it from the bible record. They say that Annie's brother Clark Reed lives at New Dover, Union Co O. He is a farmer & stock dealer & lives a short distance out of

V7 Page 369

town. Mr Mitchell is reading from a historical sketch & from it tells me his mother's father was Samuel Reed. There is a family graveyard on the old Reed farm on which the family are buried including Mr Mitchell's grandparents & they say they were there last summer & saw it, but it is some grown up with briars but Clark Reed aims to cut them each year. The farm is now owned by the State & is an immense orchard of fine fruit. Mrs M. says it was always in the Reed family until it went to the State, two brothers of Mr Mitchell's mother, Josiah & George living on it & holding it undivided until they died. There is a good road goes right by the graveyard which is on the edge of the orchard. I am incorporating the dates in form of a genealogical table on the pages following. This farm where the g.y. is, is near or about 3 miles south & right on the Creek from Milford Center, Union Co O where they attended the Presbyterian Church of which they were members. Mr Mitchell's father was an elder. The Reeds were Presbyterians. There were some relatives named Crawfords lived in Galena O 30 yrs ago.

Have completed the record so far as they could give me on the next 5 pages & am leaving at 7:40 PM

V7 Page 370 & V7 Page 371

[Descendant Chart]

Elizabeth Reed died Dec 4, 1833. She was a daughter of John Lecky & his wife Mary Wilson of Fayette Co, Pa. She died in the 61st yr of her age, born say in 1773 see page 414 item 135. Samuel Reed died Jany 11, 1835. He came from Penna to Union Co O at an early day. He died in the 71st yr of his age born say in 1764 see page 414 item 135.


James Reed, B Oct 29, 1794 m. Dont' know. Has heard his father talk of him. [unreadable word(s)] his father & he never got it. Page 462. He died June 29, 1870 aged 76 yrs 8 mos see page

John Reed, B June 17, 1796 m. Can't tell about them. See page 464

Samuel Reed, B May 2, 1798 m. Mr M. visited them when a boy & thinks there were some children. See page 465.

Mary W. Reed, B Feby 14, 1800 m. William Mitchell a brother of Charles & moved to Fairburg, Ill, a farmer, where Mr M. visited them when a boy in the '60s & they were old people & retired.



Hannah, m. Potter. Thinks a farmer at Fairburg, Ills when he got sick there, she picked.

Minnie, m. Dr Holderness a prominent doctor. He thinks at Bloomington Ills. No children, but raised a child.



Thomas Reed, B Jany 25, 1803 m. He went to Illinois thinks to near Bloomington, only remembers one child.

John Page 466

Jane M. Reed, B Mch 23, 1805 ob Mch 17, 1879 m. Hugh Mitchell, a bro of Chas & Wm. They lived 2 miles from Dublin O & died there & are buried on the old Mitchell farm abt 1/2 mile north of Dublin See Book 16 p 187-189.

2. Charles, a farmer 5 miles west of Kenton where he died.

Children live abt Kenton.

Elmer, lives nr Kenton


Carrie, m. Gilbert Hamilton, a christian Science Reader. married twice. Lives in Columbus O at 2132 Summit St.

Auta, a girl, single


Sadie, m & lives in Altoona Pa


Emma 1. John, married & went to Iowa, large family. Thinks Keokuk

4. Hugh, married & went west

5. Mary Ann, unmarried

3. [16]Millhone, still livi

Josiah Reed, B May 3, 1807 m. Jane Anderson on Dec 8, 1835. He lived on the old farm & is buried there. Large family, can only give a few of them. He died Oct 20, 1893. She was born Dec 31, 1810 & died Mch 18, 1888. See page 414 item 137 & also page 454 for bible record of births, marriages & deaths

Reuben, m. & lives near Springfield O. No issue. Lives at Bellefontaine O.

Joseph, oldest lives at Woodstock, O, wife, dead, retired

Edna, dead




Annie, m. Ira Allen late in life would probably have family bible. At say FitzGerald, Georgia. He is dead.

Alexander, M. & had children & lived toward Marysville O

Ross, thinks he was married & lived in Marysville, O

Other children

J. Clark Reed, youngest, abt Mr M's age. M. Elvira Ginn from Galena O & lives on a farm near New Dover O abt 1/2 mile. Think he might have his father's bible record.



Ivalou, m. & lived at Bellefontaine O

one boy

Chester, youngest

George Reed, b Aug 21, 1809. M.1. M.2. & lived on home farm & is buried there. Several children by 1st wife & but one by 2d. See page 468 See page 414 item 136.

Calvin, by 1st wife, a good doctor in Toledo O married. Had children.

Nelson, by 1st wife, a doctor, died in Columbus O married, had children.

Phoebe, by 1st wife, m. Hohle, a druggist in Toledo O. She can do best in giving record.

Paul, has a drug store in Toledo O

A daughter, by 2d wife, died unmarried aged abt 18 yrs.

Eliza Dunlap Reed, B May 24, 1812. She died in 1899 see Page 411 item No 117 & is buried on the old home farm. She was pas 86 yrs old. She married Sept 1, 1835 Charles Mitchell who was born Feby 26, 1797 in Westmoreland Co Pa. He died Aug 2, 1882. He was a farmer & trader & settled many estates.

Martha Jane, B Nov 15, 1837, M. Asher Brand. Both dead. Lived at Worthington, O & buried at Greenlawn, Columbus O. See page 372

Calvin, B June 7, 1840 see page 373

Annie Elizabeth, B Nov 24, 1842 m. Harlan F. Johnston Both dead. She died Aug 6, 1920.

A boy, only child. Died unmarried

Olive Hannah, B Oct 15, 1845, m. Joseph Thompson. Both dead. No issue. He was son of John Thompson, Died Nov 1904

Mary Eliza, B Dec 12, 1848, M. Frank P. Goble. He dead. No issue. She lives 3 ms N.W. of Dublin

Charles Wm, B Oct 27, 1852, dead & buried at Dublin O, wife living there.

Annie Mitchell, m. Newton Doming

Ruth Ellen, in high school

Eleanor, oldest, just graduated last year

2 children, boys, dead

3 children, died young

Luther, b Oct 21, 1856, Page 374

Hannah[17]q____ Dr Harold Robins Neeland, B Apr 2, 1890. m. Ada Blanc of Dublin O. Mrs Mitchell thinks they are buried at Dublin O. Had two or three children died in infancy & left no survivors.

V7 Page 372

[Descendant Chart]

Martha Jane Mitchell & Asher Brand See Page 371. She died Aug 12?, 1909. She married Nov 1857 to Asher Brand who was born Dec 18, 1831 in Sussex Co near Bridgeton N.J. & came to Columbus O with his parents in 1835. He died July 26?, 1901. Was a stockman & farmer.


Dwight C. Brand, died in Worthington O. Left one child, had 3 dead. Buried in Greenlawn Cem, Columbus O. He was born Sept 28, 1858 & died Nov 21, 1916. He married in 1883 to Miss Leona Mae Showalter of Milford Center O. She lives Grandview 1st Ave. Col. He was a graduate of Wooster College.

Lucile, unmarried. Lives with her mother

Paul, d.y.

Ada E., b. Nov 19, 1861 m.1. Frank Chambers, M.2. Patterson McCommon. Chambers is dead. McCommon is dead. She lives in Westerville O, but is now in Mich with her son.

Walter Chambers, A singing Evangelist, B Aug 14, 1884. He mar Miss Grace Gault of Charlotte Iowa & both living at Clarkston, Mich where he is pastor of the Presbyterian Church. No issue.

Mary, B Dec 6, 1863 unmarried died June 4, 1887, dead.

Louie B., B. Mch 16, 1866, m. David Humphrey Bard. He is dead & she lives on 64 West Holme St Westerville O. She is a great hand to hunt up records & I should see her. M. Jany 24, 1903. He was born Dec 15, 1848. He died Mch 8, 1907.

Asher Humphrey, lives with her. Is a school boy, born Nov 30, 1906 in Westerville, O. He is at Oklahoma City today & is a model boy.

Annie, B June 13, 1868 m. Harry Boardman & live in Oklahoma City, Okla where he is a farmer. No issue. M. Oct 19, 1904

Harry, dead, unmarried, was a lawyer, b July 8, 1871 ob Mch 10, 1903 of scarlet fever

Asher Harlen, M[18]ï_(ï_N___ Hopper, his wife. She says they were relate great minister. A Presbyterian Pastor Madison [two or three unreadable words]

V7 Page 373

[Descendant Chart]

Calvin Mitchell Page 371. He lives on the farm abt 1 m north of Dublin O, married Sophia Ashbaugh. She dead.






Nora, dead

Wilbur, youngest

V7 Page 374

[Descendant Chart]

Luther Mitchell See page 371 lives in Linworth O. My informants of the day, married Apr 10, 1877 to Julia Cutler Armistead who was born Mch 7, 1859 three miles south of D., south of Dublin O, daughter of Joseph Armistead & his wife Mary Elizabeth Carter. Descendant of Manasseh & Ephraim Cutler, who came over 20 yrs after the Mayflower.


Mary Ellen, B May 6, 1878 ob Apr 14, 1906, unmarried

Frank Robert, one hour the oldest, B Sept 15, 1883 m. Carrie Shriver on June 16, 1909. Lives on the old homestead. Mitchell g.y. is near his home. She was born June 6, 1888.

Iris Aleta, B Apr 8, 1913

Helen, Born Nov 10, 1915

Luther Charles, twin, B Sept 15, 1883 m. Oct 1906 to Elsie Shriver, a first cousin of Carrie. Lives in Kile O, Madison Co, a telegraph operator.

Mary Alice, B Dec 17, 1907

Lewis Cutler, b Oct 1915

Harlan Joseph Mitchell, B June 16, 1894 m. when aged 20 on June 17, 1914 (lives on the farm) to Forist Shaffer. No issue.

V7 Page 375

From Page 364

yrs whose father is Jacob Simeral & his father was Thompson Simeral, a man with 15 children & I believe is probably the [19] knew nothing a

Simeral, the daughter of Dr Samuel Thompson of North Huntingdon Tp, Westnd, Co Pa as she said her people came from Penna & Westmoreland sounded like the place. They gave me some references of relatives to see & are going to report further today. He went with me across to the state house filled with local history books & I left his office shortly after three & at 3:22 PM got a yellow Bonnet Taxi cab at $2 an hour with Joseph Raymond Bigler, driver & drove up to Dublin O. The lady in the store at the end of the bridge across Scioto River s'd Luther Mitchell lived at Linworth & had just left in his auto. We then started for Linworth & passed a man on the way & asked where Luther Mitchell lived & the woman sitting by him, his wife, pointed to him, the driver & s'd he was Luther Mitchell. We then followed him to his residence in Linworth & upon questioning him, he said his mother was a Reed but he did not know what the names of her father & mother were. He took me in the house & called his wife. On pages 368 to this is recorded what I gleaned from them. The book in which Mr Mitchell was reading on Page 300 add. in an Article of his father, Charles Mitchell & which s'd his wife was a daughter of Samuel Reed was a "History of Franklin (& another) Co" I got to Mrs Young's No 33 E 14th Ave abt 8:22 PM & on pages 376, 378 & 379 is recorded what I learned from her & from Ella Umstot Thompson, widow of Geo R. Thompson see page 201 who was To page 377

V7 Page 376

AT residence of Mrs Emma Isaphene Young No 33 East 14th Ave, Columbus O July 17, 1922 8:44 PM

I stopped here 20 minutes ago on my way in from Luther Mitchell's at Linworth & found Mrs Young on the porch & also the widow of Geo R Thompson, a son of Evans Thompson, see page 201. She tells me that her son, Albert E. was drowned at Newport, Rhode Island where he was stationed on a training ship following his enlistment in the navy. She gave me the record shown in this colored ink at the bottom of page 201, completing the record of Evans Thompsons family. Mrs Young has given me on pages 378 & 379 the record of her mother's family, the dates of birth of her father & his children & of his marriage are from loose leaves of a bible record of her grandfather & father. The remainder of the record, she has given me from memory. It is now 10:55 PM & raining after a very severe thunderstorm with much lightning. Mrs Young says Melville Taylor will give me the record of his mother's family. Left about midnight.

V7 Page 377

From page 375

her first cousin & who she had had come up to meet me, as it was still raining we called a taxi at 11:44 PM after I had completed the record on the two pages following & I left Mrs Ella M. Thompson at her home on Star Ave on my way here & got out at the Mills Restaurant next door & got my supper as I had not eaten since early in the morning. It rained a good part of the night & is still drizzling. I went to bed at 12:44 AM & slept without waking until 6:40 AM when I got up & got my breakfast & at 7:44 AM phoned North 10111 for Melville Taylor who is to give me the record of his mother's family see page 201 & his wife said he had left for the city, so I arranged to have her tell him at noon that I would be out after dinner tonight to see him. As it was still wet to to to the Reed g.y. at Milford Center, I concluded to wait until afternoon to go there & to New Dover & possibly Pain City & arranged to get my shirt which was badly soiled & sweaty after continuous wear for two weeks & two days washed & at 8:11 AM sent it to the Acme laundry through the Hotel's Bell Captain on their promise to him by phone to have it back here at 1 PM so I am continuing my transcribing in my room 324 clad in my sleeveless, torn undershirt. See page 380.

V7 Page 378 & V7 Page 379

[Descendant Chart]

Elizabeth Finley Thompson Born Jany 31, 1824 see page 201. She died Jany 19, 1895 & is buried at Senecaville, O. She married May 28, 1846 to William Houseman, who was born Apr 21, 1821, the son of Christopher Houseman & his wife Sarah Myers. He died Oct 16, 1870 & is buried at Senecaville O where the age given in the tombstone is one year less than it should be. He was a merchant in Senecaville, O. Sarah Myers was dau of Rev Jacob Myers, Meth & his wife, Mary Ann______ of Wash Co Pa & Christopher Houseman p'd taxes in 1772 in Rostraver Tp, Wash Co Pa so Mrs A.B. Goff writes Feby 11, 1925.


Martha Jane Houseman, B Sept 28, 1847 ob Aug 10, 1848 aged 10 mos & 13 days.

Charles Otarnan, B Sept 10, 1849 ob Jany 23, 1904 m. Martha Umstot on Apr 9, 1872. She was born June 10, 1852. She died Feby 7, 1911.

Emma Estella, B Mch 23, 1874 m. Sept 16, 1897 to George W. Blakeslee who was born Nov 10, 1874. He died Nov 2, 1914 & she lives 208 Wilson Ave, Columbus, O

Ruth Blakeslee, B Feby 14, 1901, unmarried

Ruth, B Dec 4, 1876 m. Ralph Belknap & both are living at Painesville O where he is a hardware merchant.

Martha, B Dec 3, 1907

Helen, B Apr 21, 1915

Edith, B May 7, 1881, m. Edward Reel, both living at Spartansburg SC where he is with the Clinchfield Coal Co.

Dorothy, B Aug 11, 1904

John M., B Dec 27, 1851 ob Aug 25, 1852 aged 7 mos 29 days

Sarah Elizabeth, B Feby 24, 1853 ob Aug 24, 1853, aged 6 mos

Leander E., B July 1, 1854 ob Mch 23, 1907 m. Oct 16, 1881 to Martha Ayers who was born in Aug 27, 1860 & she is living at No 204 Duncan St, Columbus O, Now Mch 1, 1925 at NO 242 Adams St, see book 13 pages 70, 72, 73 for record.

Lena Alletta, M Lyman Moore, a lawyer & live Alden Ave, Columbus O

Elda, 12 yrs

Jane, aged abt 3 yrs

Alice Cleo, m. James Davidson & both live Senecaville O where he is a mail carrier.




Lawrence Wilbur, m. Trella Campbell & live Roanoke VA where he is a RR man. No issue.

Albert Evans, M. Gladys Keckly

Harry Lee

A girl

Myrtle, single at home

Lillian, single, at home

Mary, single, at home

Alice Caroline, b May 27, 1857 m 1880 to Joseph Graham. Both living at Wheeling WVA where he is a retired RR Man

Ada, B Dec 3, 1881 m. June 1910 to John Bayne & live at Wheeling WVA where he is a draughtsman

Alice, B Apr 5, 1913

Emma Isaphene, B Dec 16, 1859 m. Sept 17, 1881 to Henry Clay Young who was born Jany 31, 1857 & died Oct 15, 1909. She is my informant of tonight. Lives 33 E 14th Ave Columbus O where I am writing.

Carl Houseman Young, B Aug 12, 1882, m. Sept 15, 1909 to Mayme Jackson & live at 149 King Ave Columbus, O where he is a lawyer.

Henry Clay B Oct 9, 1910 (twin)

Clifford Jackson, b Oct 9, 1910 (twin)

Earl Raymond, B Mch 22, 1912

Jean Eleanor, B Aug 9, 1914

James Robert, B Mch 28, 1919

Lizzie Alletta, B Dec 12, 1863 m. Geo McClellan Van Meter & both are living at No 247 19th Ave where he is a wholesale grocer.

Reah, B July_____ m. Paul Riggle. She dead. he lives in Columbus O No issue.

Mary, B Dec 3,_____ M. No issue, Walter Schwall

Mary Alletta, B Aug 1920 [obviously new info]

Stuart, B Sept, single 1895

Mary Viola, B Sept 19, 1865 m Abr Lincoln Burson & both living at Irwin O where he is a physcician. No issue.

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Hotel Deshler Columbus O Room 324 July 18, 1922 9:11 AM


Mt Zions Ev Lutheran Church g.y. July 11, 1922, 2:37 to 3:33 PM continued from middle of page 364.

91. Abraham, son of James & Mary Thompson died Apr 28, 1873 aged 76 yrs 7 mos 25 days

Rachel Thompson, wife of Abraham Thompson & daughter of John & Huldah McCreary died Oct 24, 1854 aged 55 yrs 3 mos 17 days

Huldah, wife of Harrison Secrest & daughter of Abraham & Rachel Thompson died Oct 14, 1849 aged 26 yrs & 27 days

James T., son of Abraham & Rachel Thompson died Mch 18, 1850 aged 23 yrs & 19 days

Abraham, son of Abraham & Rachel Thompson died Apr 15, 1850 aged 18 yrs 10 mos 15 days

Susannah, daughter of Abraham & Rachel Thompson died Mch 21, 1851 aged 17 yrs 4 mos 2 days

John Thompson, son of Abraham & Rachel Thompson died March 21, 1857 aged 35 yrs 5 mos 25 days

William Thompson, son of Abraham & Rachel Thompson died March 14, 1859 aged 22 yrs 11 mos 19 days

92. Harrison Secrest born Dec 23, 1822 died Feby 5, 1894

98. John W. Piper died May 28, 1861 aged 19 yrs 10 mos

Abraham T., son of Jacob & Mary A. Piper died Jany 27, 1855 aged 5 mos 19 days

Infant daughter of Jacob & Mary A. Piper died Jany 21, 1853 aged 6 days.

94. Infant son of John & Sarah L. Thompson dead born Dec 13, 1853

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Rachel Evaline, dau of John & Sarah E. Thompson died Apr 12, 1856 aged 9 mos

Sarah Fidelia, dau of Wm & Rachel Teter born July 16, 1857 died Mch 15, 1858

Elmer Thompson, son of Dr Wm & Rachel Teter died Mch 5, 1861 aged 2 yrs 4 mos

Abraham T., son of W & R Teter died May 12, 1866 aged 1 yr 7 mos 18 days

95. Dr William Teter Apr 26, 1825, Dec 23,1 890

Rachel Teter, May 23, 1829, Oct 23, 1864

96. Jacob Secrest, Father Born Feby 5, 1809, died Feby 21, 1895

Margaret Nicholson, wife of Jacob Secrest born Mch 8, 1811, died Feby 3, 1875

97. Loami R. Finley, died July 9, 1881, aged 23 yrs 1 mo 14 days

John F. Finley, July 3, 1825, Sept 26, 1895

Mary A. Finley, Oct 17, 1833, May 31, 1903

Infant son of I.W. & S.I. Finley died Apr 4, 1874 aged 22 days

98. Samuel Finley died Feby 1, 1880 aged 79 yrs 5 mos 19 days

Catharine Finley died June 4, 1883 aged 81 yrs 11 mos 5 days

James, son of Samuel & Catharine Finley died Mch 21, 1831 aged 7 yrs 1 mos 10 days

Catharine V., daughter of Samuel & Catharine Finley died Jany 7, 1853, aged 16 yrs 7 mos 18 days.

Samuel Finley, died Dec 13, 1861, aged 27 yrs 5 mos 2 days

Ebenezer Finley, died Aug 17, 1869, aged 47 yrs 5 mos 1 day.

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Mary, wife of Ebenzer Finley died Jany 16, 1880, aged 53 yrs 3 mos 26 days Noah Finley Born Aug 1, 1858, died Mch 13, 1906 (in Dakota) aged 47 yrs 7 mos 12 days

Howard, son of S.W. & M.E. Finley died July 20, 1879 aged 10 mos 15 days

Francis R., son of H.E. & S.M. Finley 1909 - 1912

Infant son 1907

Finished 3:33 PM in a boiling hot sun.

We then continued on to Sarahsville O to the residence of Leroy W. Thompson & what I gleaned there is noted on pages 241 to 243 inclusive. After partaking of a supper which Bessie had hastily prepared, we continued toward Senecaville & they dropped me out at Robert S. Thompson's. Mr R.S.T. started to drive me in on Wednesday morning 12th. See Page 259 & on our way, his son, Wesley Merritt overtook us & suggested taking me in, so I got out of the buggy & went in with him. He drove me over to Nellie Burns & I arranged for her son Robert Burns to come to Justus Riggs for me & "Merritt" took me over there. Some delay intervened by reason of Roberts not getting over promptly.

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At residence of Justus Riggs July 12, 1922 8:40 AM

The second house south of here on same side of street is the large brick house built by Judge William Thompson when he sold his fine 285 A farm to John Millhon against the protest of Jane Riggs, the mother of Justus & in which he later kept hotel & I believe in which he died, with every symptom of the cholera, adjourning court & coming home when news of the epidemic was announced & they tell me his was the only death in the town from cholera.

Dr Henry Evans Thompson, skeptical son, of Rev Evans Thompson, see page 201 & more or less of a detractor of his father's abilities & efforts, lives childless with his wife at the edge of Senecaville O adjoining home of Rev John W. Rich, on the home farm of his father which he inherited or got his sister-in-law, Ella H. told me last night July 17th, that he never practiced & L. King Thompson, the night I saw him at Byesville O said he was an infidel. Justus & Nellie told me that he was physically a very big man & he was a most thorough & able scholar. I did not go to see him. Robert Sproat Thompson told me he himself weighed now 220 lbs, did weigh 248 once & was 6 ft in his stocking feet, but is not so tall now. He says he is the only one left of the old Thompson build. I said you must have been a very strong young man & he replied that as a wrestler, he was never

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thrown in a fair encounter. He says his father J. "Madison" Thompson was over 6 ft & weighed 250 to 270 lbs & wasn't fleshy - a raw boned, big man & his (R.S.s) mother Betsy was a large woman & weighed over 200 lbs. Her father Jacob Thompson was a large man, much on the build of Robt S. who says he can remember him. He, Jacob, had a dog, which after his death went often to the Opossum g.y. & would stay about the grave for hours at a time & Robert S. said as a boy he was afraid of the dog when he would encounter it at its vigil by the grave. Robt S's other grandfather, James Thompson was rather tall & slender. Both he & his wife died young of malarial fever he had been told.

We finally got started near 9 o'clock & soon were

At residence of Alexander W. Laughlin in Richland Tp Guernsey Co O July 12, 1922 9:22 AM

Mr Laughlin has a fine country home on a moderate elevation & was sitting by the roadside by an old building whetting his scythe, preparatory to mowing some weeds. He is 82 yrs old & rather feeble & his voice has been badly affected the past year from an attack of the "flu". He said when i told him I wanted to buy a copy of the Laughlin History that is all right & it will only cost you half

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a cent & you can make the change. When we went in the house, he introduced me to his daughter, Miss Lillie Laughlin, a large capable forceful girl who told him the extra copy they had had been given to some relative & they had but one left, but she referred me to Miss Emma E. Laughlin, Walnut Street or Avenue, Barnesville O., daughter of John Wilson Laughlin Decd who had prepared the history & published it in 1912, who she thought would probably have copies for sale.

Mr Laughlin said he was born just across the ravine beyond the house he lives in, but a few hundred yards & in plain & near view where is a small house in 1840, the son of Alexander Laughlin who was the son of John Laughlin & Deborah Wilson, & that was where they, John & Deborah, settled & built their log cabin when they came to Ohio. I think in 1808, & where shortly after, going to church, they were Presbyterians, six miles off, on horseback, one Sunday morning, she & her husband cautioned the children & a hired boy to not leave the house, but shortly after they had gone, the youngster saw a bear which they shot & killed & had on the porch when their parents returned from Church. Two other daughters of Mr Laughlin, both younger & smaller than Lillie appeared, but large & handsome & I was introduced. Lillie hunted up some disarranged leaves of the first edition of Laughlin Hist & gave me & we bade them adieu & proceeded on.

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At "Sproat" or Old Presbyterian g.y. between the "County Infirmary" & Old Washington O July 12, 1922 10:33 AM

I continue my notations from the tombstones in this g.y.

99. Rebecca, daughter of John & Deborah Frame died June 30, 1884 aged 34 yrs 11 mos 18 days

Margaret, wife of B.C. Secrest died July 30, 1873 aged 31 yrs 10 mos 6 days

Frame Monument

James Martin 1854 - 1915

John Frame, Mch 30, 1817 - Feby 16, 1906

Deborah, wife of John Frame of J.D. died Feby 20, 1888 aged 69 yrs 10 mos 20 days

Miller Frame, Mar 23, 1858, Feby 9, 1907

Eliza Frame died June 13, 1897 aged 82 yrs

Lizzie S. Frame died Mch 29, 1881 aged 25 yrs 1 mo 6 days

100. Elijah E. Sproat monument 1834 - 1913

Harriet R., his wife 1841 - 1866

Infant son, Homer H. 1866 & on tombstones previously put up

Harriet R, wife of E.E. Sproat died June 21, 1866 in her 25th yr

Homer H. Sproat, son of E.E. & H.R. Sproat died Feby 18, 1866

Elizabeth C (or G) Sproat, wife of Alex H. Sproat died May 28, 1883 in her 80th year

Alexander H. Sproat died Sept 7, 1870 in his 74th yr

David Sproat died Sept 18, 1856 in his 27th yr

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101. Morgan Thompson died July 6, 1885, aged 43 yrs 9 mos 16 days

Salinda Jane, wife of Morgan Thompson died July 14, 1907 aged 62 yrs 10 mos 12 days

102. Alexander Laughlin, Born Jany 30, 1805, died Sept 28, 1889

Sarah, wife of Alexr Laughlin Born Feby 13, 1806, died July 19, 1885

Wm B. Johnson died Mch 31, 1885, aged 58 yrs 5 mos 17 days

Deborah, wife of Wm B. Johnson, died Nov 13, 1903, aged 75 yrs 5 mos 10 days

Sada Belle, daughter of Wm B & Deborah Johnson died Sept 14, 1866 aged 9 days

103. Joseph N. Sproat 1832 - 1912

Elizabeth M., his wife 1833 - 1914

Anna Milliken, dau of Joseph & Elizabeth Sproat died Oct 30, 1873 in her 16th yr

104. James Thompson 1814 - 1896

Mary, wife of James Thompson died Sept 4, 1874 in her 60th yr see below

105. James Clark 1824 - 1895

His wife, Mary Downey 1825 - 1916

Selena L. 1849 - 1895

106. William Thompson died Mch 8, 1874 aged 57 yrs 10 mos 11 days

Deborah, wife of William Thompson (nee Laughlin) born Nov 30, 1817, died Nov 19, 1893

Mary Deborah, dau of Wm & Deborah Thompson died Nov 7, 1849 aged 6 yrs 1 mos 8 days

Elizabeth Clark, dau of Wm & Deborah Thompson died Aug 28, 1856 aged 1 yr 5 mos 13 days

Bals 104. Martha L., daughter of James & Mary Thompson (down) died Oct 11 1858 aged 8 yrs 4 mos 7 days

Ellen J., daughter of James & Mary Thompson died Nov 3, 1846 aged 2 yrs 11 mos.

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107. Jane Thompson died Aug 17, 1858 in her 47th year

Mary, wife of William Thompson died Nov 29, 1845 aged 67 yrs 3 mos

William Thompson died Aug 29, 1859 aged 81 yrs 2 mos 4 days

108. John Laughlin died Oct 11, 1851 in his 75th yr

Deborah, wife of John Laughlin died Jany 20, 1868 in her 87th year

Martha A., wife of James Laughlin died Nov 20, 1846 aged 21 yrs

Tommy, son of James & Henrietta Laughlin died Feby 25, 1861 aged 7 yrs 1 mo

Annie M. Dau of James & Henrietta Laughlin died Mch 19, 1861 aged 2 yrs 7 mos

109. Very old these two about the oldest in the g.y.

Jane Frame to the memory of who departed this life May 28, 1844 in the 89th yr of his age.

to the memory of David Frame who departed this life Dec 4, 1840 in the 88th yr of his age.

Nancy D. Finley told me in Cambridge O on the 15th inst that these were her grandparents, her father's parents & that Jane's name was Thompson. It looks to me as though she might be the next sister older than James who came out here & a daughter of Jacob & Ann Downard as Nancy was given the middle name of Downard which they told her was an old family name.

110. George Cook, born Aug 1, 1765, died Apr 11, 1836

Mary, wife of George Cook born Mch 1777, died Oct 19, 1867

Nancy R. Cook born Sept 25, 1816 died Jany 17, 1913

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Jane Cook born Apr 8, 1819, died Mar 7, 1897

These two on big monument

George & wife on small monument

All in well fenced (iron fence) rectangular plat abt 20 x 40 ft

111. Sabella Nilson, consort of Thos H. Nilson who died June 10, 1846 aged 37 yrs 2 mos 14 days, a flat horizontal stone on the ground.

Finished at 11:33 AM. Commenced on right hand side as I went in & worked across the back end & around to the left. Deborah Laughlin is buried on a knoll well back & near the left hand side of cemetery

We then drove on through Lore City, O. I believe, at all events we reached Old Washington O the place in which one of the letters among the Sproat papers & I think noted in the early part of this book were dated written about 1855, reported the women then rolling 25 barrels of whiskey out in the streets, breaking them open with hatchets & letting the whisky run away. I was surprised to find the principal street of this town was the old National Road is well bricked & in excellent condition. I told Robert & Justus to go to the Inn there & get their lunch & I left them at the home of Roland S. Frame who we had hunted up & who I wished to interview.

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At residence of Roland S. Frame on the National Road, Old Washington Ohio July 12, 1922 1:21 PM

Arrived here 20 minutes ago. Mr Frame is 77 yrs old, well preserved, vigorous & intelligent & I think wealthy. He has a history of the Frames written out by himself, but no even typed which he fears he left at his Florida home near Miami, but he is looking through his papers, contained in many drawers to see if he can find it. He did not however & said when he died, he wd send it to me. & I told him I wd have my niece type it & return to him with a carbon copy. His father was Thomas & his grandfather Moses, was a brother to Mrs Jacob Thompson, see page 200. (Robert S. Thompson told me last Tuesday night 11th that his grandmother, Susannah Frame was a sister of Moses & he thought her father was also Moses (but in this he was mistaken it here appears) & their father his great grandfather was Thomas Frame & he was the only one of 5 or 6 brothers who came out here that shouldered a musket & went in to the War of 1812 & all of his descendants since have been Republicans. All the other brothers were Tories. The Frames came from Ireland by reason of the conflict with the Catholics & settled about Phila. he thought in the Kishacoquillas Valley (which however is in Mifflin Co Pa) & from there got out to Fayette Co Pa & from there came here. The names of

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the brothers were 2Thomas, 4James (york Jimmy), 1David, settled by the infirmary 5John, near Senecaville & judge 3William, also by the Infirmary & all came from Fayette Co Pa. George Frame, an ancestor of these lived in County Donegal, Ireland & one night a knock on the door was thought by his wife who was a Thompson to be ominous & she plead with him to not open the door, but he replied that he supposed it was some of his neighbors & upon his opening the door the Catholics rushed in, knocked him flat & killed his wife's brother who was there, a Thompson, & his wife, who was in a delicate condition seeing her brother killed & thinking her husband killed, also died from fright. They stuck a knife into his leg to test whether he was dead or not & he never flinched whereupon they left. When they had gone, he got up & taking his little boy & little girl, fled to a neighbor's & then slipped off with them in a vessel bound for America. He says he can't tell the descent from him to his great grandfather Thomas. I will see if my Penna Archives disclose anything. He said Thomas died at the age of 92 yrs, Moses at 84 & his father Thomas at 51 from typhoid fever.

I then hunted up Justus & Robert & we started back.

I have just telephoned the Bell captain &he says he has my shirt & will send it right up & I will then start to the country. It is 2 Pm the 18th

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11:55 PM Room 324 The Deshler July 18, 1922

Have just returned from the country, Dublin, Mitchell g.y. Plain City, Reed G.y., Marysville & New Dover & will continue my transcribing.


July 12, 1922

Leaving Old Washington, we went direct to the residence of Samuel A. Sproat see pages 260 & 261 262 & 263. He is a fine specimen of manhood & well preserved for 78 yrs about 6 ft 2 inches rawboned & not fat & built from the ground up & will weigh 250 lbs. He got us the record, but couldn't stay until we finished as a load of hay came in from the field & he had to go to the barn to lead the horse in unloading. His wife however appeared & assisted. She is a pleasant gracious little woman & was kind & considerate. She introduced her mother who was taller & slender in a neat black cap who I took to be abt 80 yrs old. Believe I omitted getting her age. Their farm of about 200 A & his nephew Will C. McCulloch's off of the back part of the farm 100 A were the cleanest & best farms, gently rolling, that I had seen & Sproats adjoins the county infirmary farm.

We then went on to the next farm & in a few minutes were at the McCulloch residence & they gave us the record

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on page 264, her daughter, Mary Eliz assisting. Just as I was ready to leave, Mr McCulloch & his son who were busy with bringing in the harvest appeared. He is a fine manly specimen much like the build of his Uncle Sam'l Sproat at over 6 ft & over 200. Going in, I had seen "E Markle' on a letter box & on the way back stopped:

At residence of Edward Markle, Wills Tp, Guernsey Co Ohio July 12, 1922 4:42 PM

Edward Markle could not tell much about his forebears & called his mother, old & fragile, who said her husband was John Wesley Markle & his father was John Markle who had lived in Monroe Co Ohio on a farm. He, the elder John, had one sister, there, Nancy Baker & she thinks he had brothers back in Virginia. He was up in years when he died. He died after her marriage. John Wesley Markle her husband, died about 23 yrs ago in Guernsey Co O aged about 47 yrs. He is buried at Sand Hill on Putny Ridge. His brothers & sisters were: Eli, Henry, Robert, Jake, Edward, Caroline, Emily, Lizzie, Lydia, & Susannah. Mrs Markle name before marriage was Mary Ellen Crawford, daughter of Samuel Crawford & his wife Amanda Poulton. See Book 12 p 565- 579 & investigate.

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& she was born in Noble Co O on Dec 22, 1858 & has three children living. Her youngest boy was killed in the World War. Her son Edward seemed to have a house full of children about half a dozen in a dirty littered room. He is a renter & said he thought the place his grandfather came from was Washington Co? WVA. I do not think there is such a county. Left at 4:55 PM

We then went through Lore City, I believe to F. Arthur Frame's & found Mrs Frame at home this time but she was so fearful about her chickens being caught in a threatening storm that she only gave a brief record on pages 265 & 266 & the storm broke with quick celerity & tremendous downfall of rain & furious wind. We had to wait until it abated & F. Arthur Frame was just as "nutty" on religion as he was when we called in the forenoon.

Starting on to town, we had trouble keeping in the road & Robert two or three times with great effort kept the auto from slipping in the gutter. Arriving at Justus's, Alice & Bessie had supper ready & after supper, Justus took me across the street to his nephews J. "Frank" Stevens & I have noted at pages 267 & 268 what I gleaned there. His son, Dewey K. is mayor of the town the youngest in the state. I met him there.

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We then walked down the street to Howard F. Millhone's & on pages 269 & 270 is recorded what he told me. It was then too late, but we went to Mrs Alice Saltsgaver's & she & her husband gave me the Gaston record on page 243.

We then went to Justus' home, arriving at 10 PM & got what is entered pages 271 to 275 inclusive. Had hard work to keep Justus up to 12:30 AM but the girls, Alice & Bessie were game & we talked until 2 AM when I went to bed across the hall on ground floor & slept until 6 AM.

After an exasperating wait, Will T. Finley arrived - he had had trouble with his carburetter [sic] - & we went up the country to Judson S. Millhon's see pages 276 - 278 & then on to:

Residence of H. "Bert" Millhon July 13, 1922 12:25 PM

Justus says his Uncle Judge William Thompson sold his big 285 A bottom farms through which we passed this morning, a magnificent bottom against the protest of his mother, but buyer being John Millhon, great grandfather through his son Enoch & Enoch's son Mancel of H "Bert". The Millhon family g.y. is on the hill just above this house. Present house was built by Millhons.

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I thought I got a record here from his wife, but I don't find it. See it in table page 270. Returning we stopped at Justus B. Rich's see page 279

Will T. Finley then drove me to the fine & fine located home of Rev John W. Rich on the edge of Senecaville O & he left us there &went on to keep an engagement to go to New Concord Ill. On page 280 is Rev Rich's record. He had recently broke his right wrist in cranking his auto & his arm was in a sling. I was detained here almost an hour, but starting to walk over town, met Robert Burns who was afraid to tackle the mud that confronted him. Dr Henry E. Thompson's home & farm adjoins Rev Rich. Robert & I drove out to old Hartford or Buffalo O & I noticed the cemetery to the left of the road, just on the edge of town but did not stop. I did however stop at Dr J.E. Robins' residence & was told to go a few houses back to the:

Office of Dr J.E. Robins, Buffalo O July 13, 1922 3 to 3:11 PM

Dr Robins is a short stocky built man & said he did not have much record & told me to see his sisters, Mrs Moss & Mrs Neland in Cambridge O.

We then drove on to Mrs Secrest's residence see

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pages 281 to 286 inclusive & found them all very excellent good people

We then drove to Byesville O to the residence of Clara L. Sigman a handsome, motherly, superior woman & got from her the information recorded on pages 287 to 289 inclusive. She is an affectionate, lovable woman. Someone of the relatives told me her husband was supt of a coal works & was exasperated at the slow working of the hoist & jumped on the elevator & something gave way & it carried him to the bottom killing him.

We then went to the residence of L. King Thompson, also in Byesville O & got the record on pages 290 & 291. He is blind & hard of hearing & we had to use a trumpet in talking to him, but with it all & his age he is cheerful & bright. He is a large heavy set man, with full broad face, broad shouldered & chested & is a superior character & his wife is a handsome, distinguished looking matronly woman. They told me to see Della Nicholson, daughter of his brother Wm A see page 290 either to the tile works in which she is largely interested, between her & Cambridge O or at the Hotel Berwick & when I did see her Saturday morning 15th I lost sight of her two children & didn't get from her their record. over

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At residence of Nellie T. Burns July 14, 1922 6:44 AM

We left L. King Thompson's at 11:49 PM last night & arrived here 12:30 AM, went right to bed & got up at 6 AM. Alberta is now getting breakfast.

The first place we went this morning was to "Zu" Rich's, see pages 292 to 294.

We then drove back to Senecaville O & stopping at home of Mrs Emily C. Rose found she was just about to leave,but she went back & got us the Bible records which we noted on pages 295 to 297

I left room on pages 298 & 299 for the Frank Rich record (they had no ink) which I penciled down, so I am entering it in orderly procedure there.

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From Page 299

3. James Albert, is unmarried

4. Rachel Samantha married John Gibson, a farmer & lives in Nobel Co Both living & have three children viz:

1. Guy Gibson, married to Brittie Swayne & have two children, a boy & a girl

2. Willie Gibson, married but no issue

3. Roqua, married John Snider & have a boy

6. Latonia Mary. She is dead, but was married to Will Miley. He is living.

A. Norman Miley, their son lives at his Uncle Frank Miley

7. Minnie Leota, married Thoburn Reed, a farmer of Noble Co O Both living Two children

A. Walter } Both unmarried

B. Ernest }

8. Homer Rader, married Alice Danford. Both living in Noble Co O two children.

A. Audrey, a girl, married a man named Long & has one child, Grace

B. William, unmarried.

Leaving 11:42 AM

We then went to J. Esbon Rich's see pages 300 & 301 & then stopped in Greenwood & bid Amelia Secrest goodbye & then went to her mother-in-law's see page 302 & 303.

I then went over to Justus's & bid them goodbye & he took me in the old Judge Thompson house & introduced me to Edith.

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At residence of Edith Fry? Senecaville O 2d house fr Justus Riggs July 14, 1922 1:40 PM

She is a very pretty & intelligent young woman & told me that Dr C.A. Craig born Nov 16, 1879 on Apr 4, 1907 married Louisa Kaho

Her other brother-in-law, Harry K. Crow lives just this edge of Cumberland O

Left 1:45 PM & stopped at Mrs Burns at 2 PM & bade her & Alberta goodbye & left 2:20 PM. Had bad Alice & Bessie goodbye at 1:30 PM. Stopped 2:35 PM at Derwent & took on a young man Mr Ridgeley as a road guide to Cumberland Ohio. "Zu" Rich said he was 5 ft 11 3/4 in tall.

Proceeding to Cumberland Ohio, we stopped to see Mrs Crow, Edith's sister & noted her record on page 304. We then went on to Milton Finley's beyond Cumberland Ohio & found him sitting on the front porch of a fine brick residence overlooking a fine farm & one of the best big cornfields on the trip, that of Becketts only being better. He is a well preserved man for 78 & looks like the Finleys & no one wd take him to be that old. As we started out of Senecaville, Robert told me that Justus had said we wouldn't find the old bible as Justus said Milton had burned it up. He was unconcerned about the record & vigorous & robust as he was he did not get

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up out of his chair but called his daughter Lizzie & she got out his bible. She was very quiet at first, but warmed up as did her two sisters, the married sister & her daughter coming in just as I was leaving & said a Mrs Beckett living on the right hand side of the road just before we reached the creek was a Thompson & wanted to see me. The record they gave me is on pages 305 to 307. Both Robert & myself thought that Milton's indifference gave credence to Justus' statement.

I stopped at Mrs Beckett's & got record at pages 308 & 309

We then drove into Cambridge O got our suppers at West's & went to Mrs Moss & Mrs Neeland's see pages 311, 314 & 315 for record gleaned & then when finished at midnight went to the Berwick Hotel.

Hotel Berwick Cambridge O July 15, 1922 7:44 AM

Mrs Della Nicholson, dau of Wm A. Thompson, see page 290 came down on the elevator at 7:33 AM & the clerk introduced me & we sat down in the hall & talked for ten minutes & she went in to breakfast. She said she would write to her mother in Mo & see if she could get any of the old records I desired & would let me know, She is a strong christian scientist.

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I then went in & got shaved & then up to Wests for breakfast. Mrs West is sick with heart trouble & the daughters who were last [best guess, past, fast?] had been wired to & phoned from Chambersburg that they had traveled all night. My diarrhoea on 4th as before noted sent me to the stool eight times on the 4th & did not go again until 8th at Cambridge O at the National Hotel about 8 AM & nothing all week I was at Senecaville, my next passage being just a week later at 8:55 AM on the 15th at Hotel Berwick & nothing further until 2 PM today the 18th at this room

I then went up to Mrs Madison Robins I believe & met Mary R. Moss there by appointment & Mrs R's daughter gave me their record which I embodied in table at pages 314 & 315.

I then walked around from the Hotel Berwick to 611 Foster Ave to see Nannie D. Finley who owns the house & lives there with C.C. Larrick whose wife, Lillian, was a girl Mr Finley & Mrs Finley raised getting her, Mrs Finley said out of a home in Cincinnati O. Mrs Finley could tell me but little about the Finleys but I think I have made a find in learning that her grandmother Frame was Jane Thompson, coupled with the Downard in her name & what she told me.

The 5 o'clock AM whistle has just blowed 19th & I will lay down for a couple of hours sleep.

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I layed down at 5:11 AM & not going to sleep, got up at 5:40 took a cold bath & now at 6:06 AM continue my


At Mrs Lillian M. Larrick's (Nancy D. Finley's home & residence) July 15, 1922

I phoned from Mrs Larrick's whose telephone no is 8322 to Mrs R.B. Sproat, widow of Ralph B. who I think was a son of Joseph N. Sproat & she told me to call his sister, Mrs R.E. Thompson No 829 Gomber Ave, Cambridge O Tel 2706 as she had their father's bible record, so I called her & she gave the following over the phone:

1. Ralph Burns Sproat born Jany 11, 1880 died Nov 22, 1918, married Mch 22, 1902 to Emma Florence Bond & their children are:

1. Forest Bond born Mch 6, 1903

2. Laura Catharine born Feby 27, 1911

3. John Wilson born July 3, 1918

2. Homer Johnson Sproat born May 31, 1884 died Oct 20, 1918 married June 22, 1917 to Essie Williams & have issue:

1. William Joseph born Jany 29, 1918

3. Anna Florence Sproat born Aug 16, 1890 married Aug 7, 1918 to Ralph E. Thompson who was born Aug 20, 1885. No issue. She was my informant for this record & said her husband's father was William Thompson & his grandfather was of the old

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Washington O family

4. Clara Theresa Sproat born Mch 7, 1897 married May 25, 1918 to John H. Glenn & have issue:

1. John Herschel Glenn Jr born July 18, 1921

Leaving Larricks & Mrs Finleys at 12:05 PM

Walked back to Hotel Berwick & down Wheeling Ave four blocks to the B&O Station & found the 12:44 PM train for Columbus O was abt an hour late & had to wait.

On board B&O train for Columbus O July 15, 1922 1:50 PM

Left Cambridge O at 1:44 Pm just one hour late. I called Mrs R.B. Sproat & she said to call her deceased husband's sister, Mrs R.E. Thompson. I got from her the record above. I then called a reference someone had asked me to call viz Mrs S.C. Hammond 913 Steubenville Ave Tel 5452 who was a Thompson & she said she was nervous & not well & was not interested. Said she was a Thompson of the old Washington O family, her father being John Thompson & she didn't know her grandfather's name.

Ebenezer Finley of Samuel, father of Saml W was killed by the bursting of an engine of a thrashing machine & was struck in the forehead. It is now 7:07 AM & I will call Mellville Taylor North 10111.

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At residence of Mrs Louie Brand Bard No 64 West Home St Westerville Ohio July 19, 1922 1:09 PM, Franklin Co

I arrived here at 12:33 PM coming over by auto bus from Columbus O 12 miles from here. I am entering the dates she gives in the genealogical table on page 372. Mrs Bard's father started the first stockyards in Columbus O & his father Mahlon Brand at one time owned the land where the Union Sta, Columbus O now is. He was born in Monmouth NJ. Mr Bard was first married to Sarah S. McDowell of Mercersburgh Pa Dec 25, 1878. He was a son of Isaac Bard & he was a son of Richard Bard who in the '20s was a lawyer in Washington Pa & Mrs Bard produces several interesting letters to him from his father, Archibald Bard of Mercersberg, Pa. He was, she thinks, a second cousin of U.S. Senator Bard of Calif. He was a farmer & a lumber merchant & was mayor of Westerville O.

Mrs Bard says she corresponds with Hannah Jane Reed Harris of Keota, Keokuk Co Iowa who was 88 yrs on Jany 18th last. She is is a daughter of one of the brothers of Mrs Bard grandmother Oliver C. Reed was her, Mrs Harris, her brother. Mrs Bard visited them for six weeks. She is a widow & is the mother of Miles Harris & Nelson Harris of Chicago Ills also others. Write to her. Her son Charles Harris, mail carrier,

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Mrs Bard says Mrs Laura Bray living at Richland, Iowa aged abt 60 yrs is a granddaughter of Hugh & Jane Mitchell, her father John Mitchell being their son. She has a sister, Mrs Louie Kinney, also living at Richland, Iowa. Write to both.

Write to Miss Auta Mitchell RFD Kenton O for record of her father's family.

Mrs Bard says Miss Hohly as she spells it has a son Paul who is a fine doctor & Reed Hohly is a druggist. The widow of Calvin Reed lives in Toledo O

Mrs Bard has probated copies of the will of Archibald Bard in Franklin Co Pa in 1838 and also will of Johnston Beatty 1810 in which it shows that his sister, Elizabeth, was the wife of Archibald Bard & Thomas Findlay was his cousin. They with son Henry Beatty were exrs. It was probated Sept 18, 1810 before John Findlay, Reg at Chambersburgh Pa. Mrs Bard thinks her son is good enough & bright enough to be President of the United States someday. It is now 3:05 PM & we are going a couple blocks to see an old Mitchell relative who has a wonderful memory. Prof Mathew? Mitchell, principal of the public schools, Twin Falls, Iowa wants information about his ancestry say Mrs Bard referred me to him.

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Continuing July 19, 1922 8:33 PM Transcribing

At Wilber Mitchell's Washington Tp, Franklin Co Ohio July 18, 1922 3:55 PM

I arrived here & got no response by knocking when finally a young girl answered from an upstairs window & Bernice S., my informant & her brother Curtis L. came down & she brought a family chart on which was entered the record of her parents marriage & the births etc as follows:

Wilbur Mitchell born Feby 22, 1878 married Sept 24, 1902 to Marie Lisk who was born Apr 28, 1883.

Their children:

1. Opal Marie, B. Feby 22, 1904 died Feby 27, 1904

2. Cleatus Calvin Alonzo, born Mch 15, 1905

3.[20]a day for a year &_╡_R╢_H_(_(by that 4. Curtis Lewellyn, born July 25, 1911

5. Mary Wilberta born Aug 25, 1920

Finished 3:59 PM

We then drove in the gate to the right on our way back to the residence of Calvin Mitchell, father of Wilbur in a grove of fine trees, but found no one at home. We then came on toward Dublin to a nice cottage house on the left painted white & found Mrs Frank R. Mitchell & her two young & beautiful daughters. She informed me:

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At residence of Frank R. Mitchell Washington Tp, Franklin Co O July 18, 1922 4:25 PM

Frank R is the son of Luther Mitchell see page 374:

Frank R. Mitchell born Sept 15, 1883 married June 16, 1909 to Carrie Shriver who was born June 6, 1888. Their children:

1. Iris Aleta born Apr 8, 1913

2. Helen born Nov 10, 1915

Just as I finished, a buggy drove along & Mrs M. said it was Calvin Mitchell, so we turned back & went in again to his home & he drove in just after we got there.

At residence of Calvin Mitchell Washington Tp, Franklin Co O Jany 18, 1922 4:40 PM

Mr Mitchell is hale & hearty for 82 yrs & had driven over into Delaware Co to see the new dam that is being built there. He said his wife lost her mind about 1893 & burned their bible.

He said he was married Mch 19, 1863 to Sophia Eliza Ashbaugh who was born about 1842. She died Jany 26, 1914. He was born June 9, 1840. Says he had six children, four living & two dead.

1. Osborne, lives in Linworth born he thinks in 1864 & married Catharine Miller. No issue. He says Osborne

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is living a retired life, having plenty to live on. He says he gave each of his children $2000 when they got married & they all made good use of it have been good traders & successful in business, all great workers.

2. Minnie. She married Thomas Dodge. Lives about half way between New California & Marysville O. He is a representative in the legislature. Have children:

1. John, married an adopted daughter of "Ish"

2. Homer, married

3. Cecil, a girl, died young

4. Emma, m a Converse & live at Marysville

3. Joe. married Sarah Davis & lives at Linworth, "has quite a mansion" with Osage Orange in yard, is toward Worthington. A son, Joseph died & has four living viz:

1. Joe, the oldest, died 2 or 3 yrs ago aged abt 19

2. Leona, school teacher

3. Herschel, at home is 19 & weighs 195 lbs

4. Geneva, at home aged abt 15 or 16

5. Martha, at home, the youngest

4 & 5 Two infants died unnamed 22 yrs ago

6. Wilbur, the youngest, see page 407

Said his father Charles & his grandfather Charles are both buried down in the Mitchell g.y.

He says his father had 800 acres of his own here & it is an excellent farm. & was Agent for Geo W. Dunn of Chillicothe O who had 1500 A adjoining.

He said that in 1848 or 1849, Geo W. Dunn killed 1100 hogs there, put in

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barrels & hauled to Broad St Bridge, Columbus O & shipped down the Rivers to New Orleans & thence to Liverpool Eng, but it was not a very successful venture. He produced an old cleaver with an 18 inch knife on the end that they cut the hogs up with. The handle is 2 1/2 ft long, which he said Dunn had made in Chillicothe O. He says he is the only one left to tell about it. He said the salt & pepper was all that his father bought to supply his tables. Dunn brought the tea & coffee & he raised everything else. He said his mother knit all the socks for the family. He don't know about the older members of the family & never heard of any Jenkins relatives. Left 5:05 PM & drove down to gate in front of Frank R's residence & drove across a small field to the:

Mitchell Graveyard on the hill July 18, 1922 5:15 PM 112. Sarah Howey (daughter of Pioneer Chas Mitchell) died Dec 23, 1877 aged 84 yrs 6 mos

James Howey, father died Aug 19, 1825 aged 38 yrs

113. William O., son of Thomas & Sarah Mitchell died Feby 7, 1853 aged 2 mos 1 day

114. Thomas R, son of Thomas & Rachel Mitchell died May 15, 1812 aged 5 yrs 1 mos 15 days

115. Rachel, wife of Thomas Mitchell died Sept 13, 1851 aged 39 yrs 6 mos 16 days.

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116. Infant son of H.E. & A.E. Johnston died Nov 26, 1861

117. Eliza Reed Mitchell 1812 - 1899

Charles Mitchell, son of Here is who departed this life August 2, 1882 aged 86 yrs 5 mos 7 days [sic]

Charles Mitchell, a pioneer of Washington Tp, died Mch 9, 1823 aged 77 yrs

Jane, wife of Charles Mitchell died Aug 11, 1853 aged 84 yrs

This afternoon 19th at Westerville O, I met her great granddaughter, Mrs Lillian Scott aged 81 yrs who this lady called over to sleep with her that night. Sarah Howey & James Howey at item No 112 were the grandparents of Mrs Scott. Above in this item 117 are on monument within a rail fence enclosure 20 feet square.

118. Nancy, wife of F. Bishop died Apr 24, 1839 in 85th (might be 35th ) yr of her age.

Fenley Bishop, died Feby 2, 1860 in his 62d yr

119. James Huston Down, died Aug 9, 1849 aged 28 yrs

120. Jane M., wife of Hugh Mitchell died Mch 17, 1879 aged 74 yrs

Hugh Mitchell, died Sept 15, 1862 aged 60 yrs & 5 mos

121. George R. son of Hugh & Jane Mitchell died June 10, 1839 aged 2 yrs 3 mos 26 days

122. James Howey died Feby 29, 1856 aged 37 yrs 9 mos 2 days

123. Mary Ann of Lonn & Maj Ferris [best guess on all three names] died

Mch 20, 1848 aged 49 mos & 5 days

Leaving 5:33 PM

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Calvin spoke of the Natural grove about his residence which he bought from his brother Luther to please his wife. We then drove on to:

Residence of Dr Jenkins Plain City O where I was 6:05 to 6:15 PM July 18, 1922

He is not of our Jenkins having been born in Wales & came to America in 1864 when 9 yrs old with his father who was a preacher.

Joseph Raymond Bigler driving my taxi says he was born May 10, 1897

We then drove to:

The Reed graveyard on the Ohio State Fruit farm July 18, 1922

124. The Rev Samuel Woods 1st pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Upper & Lower Liberty & was ordained to the ministry in this church June 15, 1808 & died Apr 27, 1815 in his 36th yr.

Margaret, wife of Samuel Woods, died Aug 24, 1854 aged 65 yrs

125. Ada M., daughter of O.H. & E.E. Reed born Sept 1, 1861 died Sept 5, 1876 aged 15 yrs 6 days.

Eveline E. Reed wife of O.H. Reed died Oct 22, 1863 aged 26 yrs 9 mos 9 days

Milley B, daughter of O.H. & E.E. Reed died Nov 12, 1863 aged 1 yr & 13 days.

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126. David Reed died June 30, 1824 in his 48th yr

127. Marie Poter [sic] died Aug 20, 1848 aged 30 yrs 1 mo 25 days

128. Elleanor Cochran, died Sept 4, 1823 aged 86 yrs

129. Susanna, wife of Vandever Reed, died Sept 13, 1851 aged 58 yrs 1 mo 8 days

James C. Reed died Sept 22, 1845 aged 30 yrs 2 mos

David, son of Vandever & Susanna Reed died Jany 11, 1838 aged 15 yrs 3 days.

130. Elizabeth, dau of James & Ann P. Reed died Nov 28, 1847 aged 20 yrs 7 mos 27 days.

John M. son of James & Ann Reed died Apr 18?, 1825 aged 20 mos 13 days

Anna P. Reed, wife of James Reed died Aug 14, 1850 aged 46 yrs 3 mos 21 days.

Cyrus H., son of J & A.P. Reed a member of Co B 32 Reg O.V.I. was wounded near Clinton Miss Feby 5th & died Feby 8, 1864 aged 21 yrs 10 mos 7 days & was buried Clinton Miss.

James Reed, died June 29, 1870 aged 76 yrs 8 mos

131. Mary wife of George Reed died Aug 31, 1848 aged 65 yrs 2 mos 21 days

George Reed, died Sept 28, 1836 aged 67 yrs 4 mos 16 days.

132. Agnes M. daughter of John & Jane Reed died June 6, 1834 8 yrs 2 mos Josephine, dau of J & J.A. Reed died Nov 4, 1848 aged 12 yrs 2 mos 7 days

Mary A. dau of J & J.A. Reed died Nov 10, 1848 aged 5 yrs 8 mos 2 days

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Zeloba G., daughter of J & J.A. Reed died Nov 11, 1848 aged 2 yrs 4 mos 4 days.

Heber G. son of O & ____L Reed died Aug 2,1 834 aged 5 yrs

133. Charles M., son of M.A. & A. Orahood died Mch 16, 1870 aged 5 mos

134. Thomas Reed died Dec 25, 1861, aged 58 yrs 11 mos

Jane T. wife of Thomas Reed died Feby 20, 1871 aged 58 yrs 23 days

135. Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Reed died Dec 4, 1833 in the 61st yr of her age. Born XIV

Samuel Reed died Jany 11, 1835 in the 71st yr of his age Born XIV 23

136. Martha H. Reed born Mch 27, 1822, died Feby 28, 1860

George Reed, born Aug 21, 1809, died Dec 16,1 889

Elizabeth A. Reed born Aug 8, 1829,_______

Jessie R. Reed born Dec 29, 1868, died Apr 5, 1889

137. Josiah Reed born May 3, 1807, died Oct 20, 1893

Jane Reed born Dec 31, 1810, died Mch 18, 1888

Olivee [sic] M. dau of J & J Reed died Mch 5,1 855 aged 2 yrs 3 mos 20 days

Leaving 8:05 Pm as it is getting dusk.

We then drove by the Fruit Farm of Ohio Orchard Co on old Reed farm through Marysville & New Dover to this:

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Residence of Josiah Clark Reed Dover Tp, Union Co O July 18, 1922 8:58 PM

Mrs Reed got out her Bible record from which I copied: J. Clark Reed born Feby 18, 1856, Elvira Ginn born Jany 17, 1862 married Sept 24, 1885 at Marysville by Rev Wm. G. March Their children:

1. Ivaloo born Oct 26, 1886

2. Homer Kyle born Oct 10, 1890

3. Ruth born Jany 20, 1893

4. Loren Clark born Apr 7, 1897

5. Chester Eugene born Dec 4, 1906

1. Ivaloo Reed & George Kelsey were married Sept 6, 1905

Their children:

1. Carroll born Mch 14, 1907

2. Thelma born Mch 18, 1913

3. Irma born Mch 19, 1917

4. Gerald, born Feby 9, 1919

2. Howard N. Reed married Grace Roberts Apr 17, 1912

Their children:

1. Emma Jean born Mch 8, 1914

2. Verna May born Mch 28, 1916

3. Ruth Reed married Sanford Stewart son of Richard Stewart of Near Waynesburg Pa on Aug 17, 1916, have two children viz:

1. Helen born Aug 18, 1917

2. Bernice } twins born Aug 10, 1921

3. Robert Sanford } born Aug 10, 1921, lived two hours

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Josiah Reed married Jane Morris who came from Penna near the Maryland line. He was born in Barby Tp. They had nine children:

1. Alexander, dead, widow lives Marysville, O 9 children

2. Joseph, living, Woodstock O 4 children

3. Elnathan, living Marysville O 5 children

4. Annie, married Ira Allen He dead, she lives FitzGerald Ga. No issue

5. Reuben, living Bellefontaine O No issue, has his father's bible

6. Eli, living Urbana O, single

7. Ross, living Marysville O 5 children

8. Ollie, died aged 2 yrs before J. Clark was born

9. Josiah Clark, living near New Dover O got record

Reuben living at Bellefontaine O has his father's family bible. Mrs J. Clark Reed said Annie had taken the bible south but had sent it back to Reuben. Go see him & get record.

George Reed, J. Clark said he only knew of five, Phoebe Holey living in Toledo O is the only one living. Her son Paul is a doctor in Toledo O.

J. Clark says his mother was from Penna on the Maryland border & came here when 12 or 13 yrs old & walked the whole way with her parents who moved to Union Co by wagon. Josiah was born where the commercial Orchard J. Clark buys stock from Carl H. Bowlby. Leaving at 9:33 PM

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We got back to Columbus O at 11:18 PM last night & I got my supper at the Mills Restaurant adjoining & wrote all night. Got my breakfast & walked up 5 squares to the Court House & found I was wrong & then walked back to the State House across the way & found George W. Taylor in the Auditors office in the basement. He lives, I suppose at 74 Greenwood Ave Tel North 1884 as there is not other Geo W. Taylor in the telephone book. He is a vigorous, well preserved man of 78, with grey mustache & medium average build. He has a good memory & gave me from memory dates of birth etc of his father's children & his own which I enter below. He says his father came from Morgantown WVA & settled in or near Caldwell O, Noble Co & was the first elected Auditor of the county which was formed 1851 & was the last county organized in the state.

Children of Henry & Harriet J. Taylor

1. Elizabeth Taylor born July 14, 1838

2. Norval Wilson Taylor born Dec 19, 1839

3. John William Taylor born Feby 19, 1842

4. George Washington Taylor born Oct 21, 1844

5. Edgar Taylor born & died young

6. Cynthia Taylor born & died young

7. Susan Louisa Taylor born Apr 16, 1852?

8. Melville Taylor born Aug 4, 1854

9. Thomas Henry Taylor born Feby 17, 1859

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Geo W. Taylor's family record:

Geo W. Taylor married on May 12, 1867 Mary Hill who was born Aug 14,1846. See book 23 p 494 -495

Their children:

1. Lizzie born Apr 16, 1868 died young child

2. Lillian H. born Sept 23, 1870, married 2

3. Myra H. born Dec 29, 1872, single

4. Candace H. born Apr 16, 1876, single

5. Bessie B. born July 5, 1878, single

6. Mary H. born Oct 30, 1880, married 4

7. George H. born Oct 18, 1882, single

8. Henry D. born Apr 25, 1886, married 1

9. Charles F., born Aug 17, 1888 married 2

Henry Taylor born Oct 5, 1815 at Morgantown WVA died at Caldwell Ohio Apr 19, 1901 [margin note reads:] 4 See page 201 for correct date. Harriet Jackson Thompson, born Apr 27, 1819 died at Caldwell O Jany 11, 1901 were married Jany 17, 1838. Mr Taylor gave me the following addresses:

Norval served in the Civil War Mrs L.B. Frazier nee Young, Caldwell O

John W. Taylor No 2328 Esther Ave, St Louis Mo

He can give address of Norval's sons.

Susan L. Saltsgaver Kennewick, Washington.

I left Mr Taylor at 9:00 AM after an hour's conference with him, crossed over to the Huntington Bldg & went up to the Lorain Coal & Dock Co offices & found F.W. Braggins & Lawrence? Johnson in & had a good half hour's talk with them.

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Judge Wildemuth was out & they reported his wife in a hospital at Cleveland following an operation & scarlet fever in a mild form had developed. Thomas Johnson is at Deer Park Md, Edward is in Europe.

I then went across to No 50 East Broad St & was told Mr Mattoon had just stepped out with some men, but I had them call Miss Evalyn Simeral to the office & she gave me the following information about her Simerals:

She says there were three brothers came to Ohio, one to Jefferson Co, one to Monroe Co & the other, Thompson Simeral to Morgan Co to Malta O. He died there about 24 yrs ago. Their father died from Cancer, thought it was in Westmoreland Co Pa. Miss Evalyn's father Jacob, thinks his sister Nancy Plummer now aged near 65 years living at Malta O Morgan Co, wd know more than any of them. She is a widow living with others of the family. Here are some of the 14 or 15 children of Thompson Simeral:

James Simeral, Newark, O

Elizabeth Simeral, Malta O about 1/2 mile out

Mrs Nancy Plummer, Malta O about 1/2 mile out

Andrew Simeral RFD Springfield O, farmer has given some attention to family lore

Jacob Simeral 207 Midland Ave, Columbus O

Finley & Van Buren, dead

William Simeral died recently

Twins died at birth

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I took an auto Bus at 11:20 AM for Westerville O where I found Mrs Louie B. Bard, a fine woman & have noted my visit at 405 & 406 & on the table at page 372. She had an attack of lumbago this morning but she went with me to see Mrs Scott aged 81, a granddaughter of a sister of Mrs Bard's grandfather Mitchell. I then got a street car at 4:20 Pm , got in Columbus O, got my dinner at Mills Restat & found 8 telephone calls & two telegrams about the RR situation at Morgantown WVA. Got a taxi at 6:15 & went out to Melville E. Taylor's at No 3604 North High st Tel North 10111 & found him & his wife & their son W. Harry who was just back from Texas.

I did not get time to go to see Mrs Elisabeth Robison at 33 Linwood Ave, Columbus O. Mr Melville E. Taylor assisted by his wife, gave me their family record as follows:

At Melville E. Taylor's 3604 N. High St Columbus O July 19, 1922 6:44 PM

Melville Evans Taylor born Aug 3, 1854 Columbia Edith Glidden born June 14, 1861, daughter of Wm Glidden & his wife Sarah C. Davis were married Oct 11, 1879. Melville is son of Henry Taylor & his wife Harriet Jackson Thompson

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Their children:

1. William Henry Taylor born Mch 22, 1881 married Oct 20, 1902 to Elizabeth Chase, daughter of Fillmore Chase & Mary L. Fleming, his wife. She was born Sept 22, 1879

Their children:

1. Elizabeth Chase, born Aug 17, 1903

2. Harriet Glidden born June 11, 1907

3. Helen, born Oct 18, 1914

2. Helen born June 17, 1883 married June 16, 1909 to Ivan A. Farquhar who was born Mch 21, 1882. Son of John Farquhar & Shannon, his wife.

Their children:

1. Melville Taylor Farquhar born Mch 19, 1914

2. John Taylor Farquhar born Apr 26, 1916

I left at 7:40 PM & took a street car in, arriving about 8:20 & called up R. Hugh Jarvis, Morgantown WVA & Fred A. Sesler, Uniontown Pa & talked to them about the RR matter & continued my transcribing & have brought it up to date & it is now 4:33 AM & I will see if I can get an hour's sleep as I am to be called at 6 o'c to get 7:15 my time B&O train for Hillsboro, Highland Co, Ohio. JVT

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Probate Judges Office Hillsboro, Highland Co Ohio July 20, 1922 12:27 PM my time (11:27 AM theirs)

I arrived here half an hour ago & find from the will index the following to examine:

Name Book Page

*Crothers, Charles H. 19 490

*Crothers, John M. 5 455

*Crothers, Mary 9 261

*Thompson, Garland 3 23 (153)

*Thompson, Joseph 5 330 (325)

*Thompson, Joseph 9 344

*Thompson, Robert 7 99

*Thompson, William 5 371 (360)

There are no Jack, Markle, Redburn or Rothermel wills noted in index

1. Will of John M. Crothers, Will Book 5 Page 455 Recites that he is of Oswego, Kendall Co, Ills. Gives everything to wife Nancy M. Crothers & appoints her Exrx. Dated Jany 26, 1853, signed John M. Crothers (seal) witnesses Horace Gray, Artemas P. Kipp

On July 14, 1858, he makes a codicil to sd will stating that since it was made he recites that children have been born to them to wit: my daughter Allie F. & my son Samuel, he reaffirms said will, but provides that his property go to these children along with any others that may be born &if his wife marries again, provides that she & they be protected, this codicil is signed John M. Crothers (seal) witnessed by Amanda Crothers, William B. Crothers Jr.

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On June 7, 1860, Amanda Crothers & William B. Crothers come into court & prove codicil & will is admitted to probate in Highland Co I by R.D. Lilley, Probate Judge.

2. Will of Mary Carothers, Book 9 page 261 Recites she is of Madison Tp being about 63 yrs of age & wills:

2. to nephew Frank Littler all my real estate

to Niece Laura Littler my bureau

to my sister, Julia Littler, china & glassware, table linen, bed, chairs

to my brother John B. Carothers, my chairs, center table, mirror, feather bed, my cow & twin calves & my mother's bureau

Bed linen to be divided between above named brother & sister & nephew

My sister Julia Littler to have my silver spoons that have mother's initials on them.

My brother John to hold in trust my spoons marked M.C. for my niece Madge Carothers.

Books & pictures to be divided between my brother John & sister Julia

Clothing & wearing apparel to Florence & Laura Littler

My jewelry to Florence Littler

My silver watch & anbrotype [sic] to Wm H. Jury

My cow that Charley Littler has to him.

Appoints brother John B. Carothers Exr Dated May 2, 1888, signed Mary Carothers (seal) Witness W.H. Penn residing at East Munroe, O.H. Wilson residing at East Munroe, Robt Wilson, residing at East Munroe.

Application of John B. Carothers states she died May 3, 1888 & leaves the following as her next of kin of the state of Ohio.

John B. Carothers, brother East Munroe

Julia Anna Littler, sister East Munroe

She signed Juliana D. Littler, duly probated.

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3. Will of Charles H. Crothers Sr Book 19 Page 490 Recites that he is of the village of Greenfield & wills as follows:

2d To my son Chas H. Crothers Jr, Lot No 20 in village of Greenfield

3d to Martin Tracy & Charles Mechin respectively $100 cast

4th Residue of estate share & share alike to my step daughter, Elizabeth Ann Tracey & to each of my following named children, Caroline Weideman, Edward E. Crothers, James H. Crothers, Mary L. Allison, & Fannie Crothers, provided Fannie holds Mary L. Allison's in trust & if she leaves no children it is to go the estate

5th He values lot give to Charles at $1000 & provides he shall share equally if there is more than that, each to go to the others.

6th If Exrx dies, appoints Martin J. Tracy in her stead.

Appoints loving daughter Fannie A. Crothers Exrx. Signed at Greenfield O & dated Oct 14, 1913 signed, Charles H. Crothers (seal), Witness, Jacob S.S. Riley, residing at Greenfield O, Mabel Canter, residing at Greenfield, O.

Application for probate recites that Chas H. Crothers late of the Tp of Madison died Nov 16, 1919, that he left no widow & the following as his only next of kin.

Charles H. Crothers Jr, son, Greenfield O

Edward E. Crothers, son, Greenfield O

Caroline Weidemann, daughter, Detroit, Mich

James H. Crothers, son, Detroit, Mich

Mary L. Allison, daughter, Jacksonville, Ill

Fannie Crothers Hughey, daughter, Greenfield O

Probated Dec 8, 1919

4. Will of Garland Thompson, Will Book 3 Page 153 Recites he is of Culpeper Co VA & gives:

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To my nephew John Thompson $1000

to my nephew Garland Thompson Jr $5000 as a memento of his serious regard

to my nephew Charles Thompson Jr $8000 & tract of land in Ohio except what he later disposes of.

He emancipates his negro woman Celia & gives her 50 A of above land in Ohio $200 to enable her to remove to it.

The residue to go to the children of my niece Sarah I. Thompson that are now living by her former husband, George Potter & her present husband Nathaniel Thompson. Appoints nephew Charles Thompson Jr Exr. Dated Aug 16, 1826 Garland (his mark) Thompson (seal). Witnesses Marius C. Bach, & T.W. Lightfoot.

Admitted Aug 23, 1828

5. Will of Joseph Thompson Book 5 page 230 Recites he is of Highland Co & wills to niece Mary J. Wilfong $200. Dated May 24, 1857, signed Joseph (his mark) Thompson. Witnesses David Reed, Rollin Thompson.

Probated July 4, 1857

6. Will of William Thompson, Book 5 Page 371 States he is of Highland Co & provides for wife Nancy.

To son Robinson Thompson, the farm on which I now reside ctg 52 1/3 acres bounded on north of Joseph Thompson & gives him everything else. No exr. Dated Apr 8, 1854 William (his mark) Thompson.

Probated June 26, 1858

7. Will of Robert Thompson Book 7 page 49 [or 99] Gives wife Emma Thompson in lieu of dower 96 A land on which I now reside

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being the west end of my home farm of 14 A in Dodson Tp for life & then to go to my three daughters, Mary Jane Pratt, wife of John Pratt, Susannah Haggerty, wife of James Haggarty & Laura Bell Thompson.

Gives to son John H. Thompson the remaining 50 A of farm on which my son now lives, for life & then to his children but should he die leaving no lawfully begotten issue, he devises same to his other five children equally all provided said John H. pays a note of $200 he hold vs him with 8% int. dated Jany 1877

4th States he has already deeded to his sons Joseph T. Thompson & Sinclair M. Thompson 50 A each. Appoints wife Emma & sons Joseph T. & Sinclair M. Exrs. Dated June 6, 1877 signed Robert Thompson (seal)

Witness: Absalom Tedrick & Chas N. Pulse.

Probated Jany 19, 1878

8. Will of Joseph Thompson Book 9 Page 344 Gives:

1st to my daughter-in-law, Mary Thompson 16 yd of all wool new carpet now on the floor of my house & one table & one bed.

2d to my son Frank Thompson, one extension table

3d to my sons James W. Thompson & Frank Thompson equally all my stock & farming utensils &

4th gives them equally the farm of 87 3/4 A on which he lives No exr dated Nov 29, 1888 signed Joseph Thompson, Witness, Ellis Lewis, F.F. Redkey.

Application for probate says he lived in Concord Tp & died Dec 15, 1888 (same day as did Charles E. Boyle) & leaving the following persons his next of kin:

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James W. Thompson, son Sugar Tree Ridge

Olive E. Lemon, daughter, Sugar Tree Ridge

Frank Thompson, son, Sugar Tree Ridge

Ella Heatherington, daughter, Georgetown, O

Nancy A. Senner, daughter, Macon City, MO

Index to Estates

Exrs No of Case

*Crothers, Chas H. Sr, Hughey, Fannie Crothers 13405

*Carothers, George Wm, Swearingen, A.J. Gdn 2440

*Carothers, George D., Carothers, S.D., Adm 9364

*Carothers, George, Carothers, Anna C., Gdn 9383

*Carothers, Jane, Carothers, James Adm 131

*Carothers, James Carothers, Thomas Gdn 146

*Crothers, John Crothers, Nancy A. Exr 2456

*Carothers, Mary Carothers, Thomas Gdn 146

*Carothers, Moses Wilson, Adam B. Adm 1389

*Carothers, Margaret, Swearingen, A.G. Gdn 2487

*Carothers, Mary Carothers, John B. Exr 5844

*Carothers, Marjorie, Carothers, Anna C. Gdn 9383

*Carothers, Sarah, Carothers, Thos, Gdn 146

*Carothers, Thomas Carothers, Thos Gdn 146

*Crothers, Wm B. Carothers, Amanda Gdn 1452

Jacks, Carolyn M. Central Trust Co of Ills 12140

9. No 13405 shows final acct filed Oct 30, 1920 with $778.03 paid to each of the 6 heirs.

10. No 2440 Petition of Albert G. Swearingen dated Mch 24, 1863 for appointment of himself as Gdn of George Wm Carothers a resident of sd county aged 12 yrs on or about 1862 a minor child of Moses Carothers of the state of Indiana & legal representative of Geo Charles late of Highland Co O who has an estate supposed to be abt $181. Apptd & James H. Anderson & G.W. Lawrence goes on bond

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same day. Account filed & by P/A dated Mch 31, 1871 when he had evidently become of age, George W. Carothers of Veago Co, Ind son of Moses Carothers & grandson of George Charles, late of Highland Co appoints James Reece to collect his money.

No. 11. No 2487 similar petition same date same Gdn & same estate & bondsmen for Margaret Carothers aged 10 yrs on or about June 1862 minor daughter of Moses Carothers ect. Account filed & P/A dated Nov 18, 1870 (do girls here become of age at 18) recites that Moses Carothers late of Highland Co O father of undersigned died blank date at the Co aforesaid & whereas Margaret Carothers late of Highland Co O, mother of undersigned died blank date at sd Co now the sd Margaret daughter as aforesaid appoints John S. Roush of Bloomington McLean Co Ills Atty to collect money due from her Gdn Albert G. Swearingen, signed Margaret Carothers & Ack at Bloomington Ills before Jno M. Hamilton, J.P.

12. No 2456 just the probate papers

13. no 1389 Estate of Moses Carothers Decd. Letters of Adms issued to Adam B. Wilson Sept 23, 1850. His acct filed Nov 1, 1853 shows $243.85 taken by widow, also shows $1020 recd for sale of 30 A land.

Shows 3 payts to Eleanor Carothers No 2 for judgt obtained $94.89 No 9 & 10 accts $30.03 & $26.88 & support of widow 1 yr $200 to John B. Carothers

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Trustee of Ruth Carson $258.75 leaving a balance of $132.03 for distribution.

William Buck & John B. Carothers were bondsmen in $800 of Adam B. Wilson for settlement of the estate.

In the files is a paper dated Sept 23, 1850 signed Eleanor Carothers & attested by John B. Carothers stating that she is the widow of Moses Carothers & declining to actg as Adm but asking the appointment of her brother Duncan C. Carson.

This is not the same Moses who was father of Geo W. & Margaret.

The inventory recites that he left a widow Eleanor & two male children under 21 yrs & one female under 18 yrs, mentions Family Bible but says books do not exceed $50. The bible was not listed in sale nor in articles taken of widow. The 3 appraisers set off the the widow Eleanor & Benjamin & Julian under 15 yrs $200 for their years support.

No. 14. No 1452. This is appointment on May 23, 1857 of Amanda Crothers Gdn (with Shepherd Dunlap on bond for $1000) of Wm B. Crothers who was aged 15 yrs on May 19, 1857, minor child of Samuel Crothers, decd

No 15. No 131. Estate of Jane Carothers Among the papers in the original will of Jane Carothers as follows: in fine:

I Jane Carothers of the Co of Highland O being well advanced in years will as follows:

1st I give to my son William my house & lot in

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which I now live at my death

2d Give to John Carothers, son of Moses Carothers one house & two lots in Jarrards town in Butler Co VA & all money & other property which my become due me from my husband's estate.

3d I give John & James Carothers, sons & children of Thomas Carothers one $55 notes & int which I hold on Thomas Carothers.

4. I give James Carothers, daughter of James one bed & bedding & one set of silver teaspoons

5th I give to Ann, daughter of James, one bureau, I give & bequeath to Catherine Jane Carothers daughter of Thomas Carothers one bed & bedding.

I give all the balance of my household furniture to my son James except my house bible & wearing apparel, the bible I give to my son William & my wearing apparel I wish Moses to divide between Thomas & James children signed Oct 26, 1826. Jane Crothers [witnesses] G.W. Barrere, Elma S. Barrere.

There is a statement among the papers that all these things were given to the several parties before she died. A two page acct vs her by William Martin commencing Apr 21, 1818 & running to Oct 16, 1830 gives credit on May 19, 1827 for $50 sent by Abraham Weidman & showing a balance or $23.67 due Martin [Mastin?] which the Adm paid.

Affidavits proving the will from G.W. Barrere dated Mch 26, 1830 & from Elma S. Gardner formerly Barrere dated July 22, 1830.

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Letters of Adms c.t.a to James Carothers July 22, 1830 with bond for $100 with G.W. Barrere & William Carothers bondsmen. Account filed July 18, 1833

Feby 25, 1832, Jane Amelia Crothers receipts for bed & bedding & one set of silver teaspoons bequeathed to me by my grandmother.

Also Feby 22, 1833 receipt "for $3.75 in full of a legacy coming to me from my grandmother's estate".

Catharine J. Crothers

"Oct 30, 1830, Recd of James Crothers, Adm of Jane $2, it being the balance of int due to Jane Crothers from W Kean of Berkeley Co VA & bequeathed to John Carothers son of Moses Carothers. Moses Carothers for John B. Carothers".

"Jany 16, 1833 Recd of James Carothers Adms of Jane $67.29, the amt of $55 note bequeathed to John & James Crothers, sons of Thomas Crothers by Jane Crothers in her last will. Thomas Carothers, guardian of James, Thomas, Sarah, Mary & Mirah Carothers, grandchildren of the aforesaid Jane Crothers, Decd

No 16. No 146. This is only the bond given by Thomas Carothers, with Moses Carothers & M.H. Kirby on dated Apr 7, 1832 for $150 for Thomas Carothers Gdn of James Carothers, Thomas S. Carothers, Mary Carothers, & Sarah Carothers, minor children of said Thomas Carothers "now living" over 14 yrs of age.

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No 17. No 5844. Estate of Mary Carothers, shows acct filed, but gives no further information than is disclosed at item No 2 page 423.

18. No 9364 Estate of Geo A. Carothers. Applications for letters of Ams state that Geo D. Crothers, late of Madison Tp died July 13, 1903, leaving Anna C. Crothers, widow of Greenfield O & the following his only heirs at law viz:

Marjorie Crothers, daughter, Greenfield O

George Crothers, son, Greenfield O

S.D. Crothers, administered & on July 20, 1903 gave bond for $8000 with R.S. Dunlap & J.S. Arnott on. The acct filed shows $4000 life Ins recd as entire estate. Appraisement recites royalties on a contract with T.A. Davis Co N.Y. publishers of a book written by said Geo D. Crothers entitled "Elements of Latin for students of medicine & pharmacy" which they appraise at $100 & set aside for the widow.

19. No 9383, Marjorie & Geo Carothers, minors. Application for appointment of guardian on July 30, 1903 shows: Marjorie Crothers was aged 5 yrs on Aug 4, 1903. George Crothers was aged 3 yrs on July 29, 1903. Their mother Anna C. Crothers was appointed gdn & gave bond in $3200 with S.D. Crothers, & Minnie C. Waddel on Sept 18, 1905 gdn reports death of her ward, George Crothers, but desires trust continued as Marjorie is his sole heir.

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Third & final acct of Marjorie filed Aug 9, 1916 showing balance of $1642.10 which she has turned over.

Finished at 7:07 PM

Parker House, Hillsboro, O, office, July 20, 1922 10:33 PM

I reached here about 11 o'clock today & went over to the Probate Judges office & found him to be a very distinguished looking & fine man. The fair was on & he & the whole force went off to the fair in the afternoon & left me there without even saying they were going & I continued until I finished at 7:07 PM. I then came back to the hotel & they were able to give me a room (which they wouldn't promise this forenoon) No 17 on the 3d floor & I rushed up & got my supper, then went back of the hotel & hired a man to take me out to Greenfield O 18 miles leaving at 7 AM & bring me back for the 2:40 PM train for six dollars. I then got shaved & the hotel man referred me to a man sitting in this room who he said was versed in the town's old history. He said his name was Flint Rockhold & his mother's people were related to the Judge Stone family of Uniontown Pa.

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He told of his father being on his way back here from the east where he had been buying goods & of the drunken stage coach driver upsetting the stage at a famous spring beyond Uniontown on the mountain side & of their leaving him lay along the roadside & his father driving the stage coach into town & when they arrived they were all arrested by the U.S. authorities as the coach carried the mails. He said "send for Judge Stone" & when he came in, he said pointing to Rockhold "I will vouch for this man" & that made it all right as he had driven the coach in.

Rockhold said that Mrs Minnie Waddel was a Crothers & her daughter had married a son of Secretary of State Charles E. Hughes. He spoke of a Uniontown family, a couple of blocks down the street, a widow lady nearly blind whose husband, Henry Dawson was from Uniontown & of their daughter, Mrs. C.M. Lacy being an excellent woman. We called up & got Mrs Dawson & she said to come right down. Rockhold walked down with me to the extensive brick house, owned by Mrs Dawson which are across the street opposite the Presbyterian Church & as they were shut out of their part by being freshly painted, we found

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Mrs Dawson & her daughter Ellen Ruby Dawson at Mrs Lacy's. Mrs Lacy was out to a neighbor's however to a card party given in honor of a bride & groom. She 22 & he a 45 yr old bachelor, Norman Beecher, a son of Rev Geo K. Beecher of here, the latter being a nephew of Rev Henry Ward Beecher. Mrs Dawson is a daughter of John McCloskey of Port Perry, Pa & was a girl friend of Phoebe A. Cooper. She said she had gone to school in Westnd Co at St Xavier's, near Latrobe which proved Rockhold's statement that she had been Catholic, but all the Dawsons were Episcopalians. They mentioned Joe Hibben of the Dry Goods firm of Samuel Hibben & Lou whose father, Samuel Hibben came here from Uniontown. When I spoke of Mrs Taft being related, she having been a Herron, Mrs D. said that Judge Newby's wife was a Herron. Said he had been on the bench 25 yrs & was now practicing now. They said his grandmother, Mrs Lucas lived to be 102 or 103 yrs & lived in three centuries, in the 18th, all through the 19th & in to the 20th. They knew of my giving lunch to the five or six Dawson sisters & say that Charlie Johnson, the son of one of them is in the Highland Co Bank at Greenfield O & asked me to go into see him tomorrow. They said to see Minnie Waddel who was Minnie Crothers & her daughter

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had married Sec. Hughes son. They were very cordial & kind & were glad to see me & Ellen called up Mrs Lacy, but she couldn't leave her card party. I have felt fine today & not a bit sleepy all afternoon or tonight notwithstanding I did not sleep at all night before last & did not get to bed last night at Columbus O until 4:44 AM & got up at 6:06 AM & as I must get up at 6 in the morning, I will now retire as it is 11:35 PM JVT

Letter of Mrs Geo E. Clatterbuck 2522 Ave C Council Bluffs, Iowa dated June 7, 1922 small env filed (see book 9 page 320-321) gave the following record which she got fr her cousin Price.

Carothers Her grandfather Carothers, name unknown

Her grandmother Drusilla Swearingen Carothers

Their children:

Mose [sic] Carothers born Feby 1, 1823

Joseph Carothers born May 1824

Malissa Carothers born Nov 13, 1826

Jane Carothers (Price) born Oct 7, 1828

Eliza Carothers (Vickory) born (see lines 3 & 4 Page 438) Jany 2, 1831

Julie Carothers (Flowers) born Nov 15, 1833

Wm H.H. Carothers born Nov 23, 1835

Chas H. Carothers (see lines 7 & 8 next page) born June 29, 1837

John Carothers born Oct 14, 1845

Nancy Jane Carothers born Sept 9, 1848

Geo W. Carothers (see item 10 p 427) Nov 5, 1849

Margaret Carothers (see item 11 p 428) born Aug 8, 1852

Mrs Clatterbuck never heard her father Wm H.H. Carothers speak of these last 3 Nancy Jane, Geo W. & Margaret & thinks they may have been grandchildren instead of children. Says she cannot vouch for correctness of above, but can vouch for correctness of her father's record which I am recording on page 440 which see.

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At residence of Mrs Frank Wiedmann ( Nee Caroline Lucretia Carothers) No 217 Mirabean St, Greenfield O July 21, 1922 9:30 AM

Mr Wiedmann says her father Charles Huffman Crothers was born in Rochester NY June 24, 1837, the son of John Crothers & his wife Elizabeth Mortimer who was from Hagerstown, Md, where she was born. Her sister Polly was married to Jacob Huffman who ran the first steamboat on the canal from Harrisburg. She says her grandfather, John Carothers was born in Carlisle Pa & he had a brother James who Chas used to talk about & said they were Scotch Irish. She don't know where John lived, thinks he died young, probably in Rochester NY. Chas H. came here when about 19 & married here about 1860 (an early settler) to Mary Tracy, widow of Martin Tracy, whose maiden name was Mary Hart. She was a pretty woman & was counted as a widow by John Carothers of East Munroe & Chas H. who she accepted. She was born Aug 8,_____ in Ireland & died June 23, 1805 here aged abt 71. She came from the Stewarts of Ireland, her mother being a Stewart. Chas H. Crothers died here Nov 16, 1919. His brothers & sisters were:

James, who was older & lived in Harrisburgh Pa who left two sons, James & Charley. He is dead, lost his mind.

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2. Edward, died in Webster NY after confinement in Libby prison, unmarried.

3. Eliza, married a Mott & lived to be 87 yrs old & died in Webster NY about 1918. Had no children, just 1 step son, 4. Louisa, married Edward Smith & lived at Webster NY & died there about 1917 or 1918, children Alton, Charles & Florence. She is or was organist in a Methodist Ch in Webster NY. Edward Smith was a Civil War veteran & she thinks still lives.

5. Caroline Lucretia married Joel Underhill & lived in Gardner, Ills 63 miles from Chicago & has no issue. Left all her money & property to Mrs W's sister Fannie, lovely little woman, used to preach was up in 70s when she died at Gardner Ills.

There were several others, thinks 10 children in all but some died young. Never heard of a Moses.

Chas H's children were:

1. Charles H. Jr born in Jany 19, 1861, married Eleanor Weis of Marietta O & lives here. Works in the Pad factory is a musician had one daughter Barbara, born Apr 28, 1896.

2. Edward, Born June 25, say 1862 or 1863. He lives here with the girls is unmarried.

3. Caroline Lucretia, born June 18, 1867 & m.1. Charles Machin Aug 8, 1887 Chillicothe O who was born May 20, 1864 & died in 1889. One child Charles Machin born in Arkansas City, Ark Feby 15, 1889 &

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is an accountant in Balto Md on the B&O. He was only two mos old when his father died. M.2. Frank A. Wiedmann Jany 7, 1897 who was born Des Moines Iowa may 19, 1866 & is city fireman & have four children:

1. Crothers Wiedmann B Dec 20, 1898 single is a bookkeeper

2. Harold Wiedmann, born Apr 12, 1901 unmarried a RR clerk on Southern Pacific in San Francisco Co

3. Virginia Wiedmann who I saw here born Nov 29, 1904 at home

4. Rowland, born Dec 20, 1906.

All her children born in this house. All her father's children but Charles born in this town.

Virginia graduated last year from High shcool four mos younger than Mrs Wiedmann when she graduated. Mrs W. says Rev Crothers widow is living with her son William in Phila.

4. James Henry Crothers, born Mch 18, 1866? Married Margaret Patterson & lives in Detroit Mich is supt of telegraphy of the D.T.&I. of which he is an official & says you can't see Henry Ford unless you go to him & have him make the appointment. No issue. His address is Highland Park, Detroit, Mich, c/o D.T.&I.

5. Mamie Crothers, married Ralph Allison of Chicago Ill a music teacher & lives in Chicago where they have apartments. No issue.

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6. Fannie Crothers, born Mch 25, 1874 m. Russell Hughey who kept a large livery stable. He was wild & "they didn't Gee". "She got bit" & she made him get a divorce & she has her property & keeps it & don't have to work, but does & makes her $20 a week. No issue. Says "she's nice".

Mrs W. says there is a man named Crothers Allemange on 7th St opposite Clonsers Undertakers where he lives with Jack Page. Thinks he was a Civil war soldier & he or his people are from Carlisle. Try to see him. He had a brother Arthur who lived & died here.

From bottom of page 436

Family of Wm H.H. Carothers Wm H.H. Carothers born Nov 23, 1835

Susan Weirick Carothers born Feby 17, 1839

(married Sept 10, 1864) Their children:

Myrtle C. Carothers (Clatterbuck) born Aug 1, 1866

Anna G. Carothers (Baker) born Apr 11, 1868

Chris G. Carothers born Feby 24, 1870

Mary E. Carothers born Sept 6, 1872

Joseph W. Carothers born Sept 20, 1874

Rachel Carothers (Baker) born Aug 28, 1878

Will J. Carothers born May 15, 1881

Mary E. Carothers died May 15, 1889. See letter. JVT 11 PM Oct 19, 1923

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At residence of David L. & Arthur B. Dunlap Madison Tp, Highland Co O July 21, 1922 11:11 AM at Edge of Greenfield O near country club.

Mrs Matilda Louisa Watts lives here with her brothers above named & her sisters Mary Narcissa Dunlap married Rev Samuel Dickey Crothers who was born in this town in 1833, the son of Rev Samuel Crothers D.D. by his 3d wife, Mary Young.

Samuel Crothers, D.D. was born in Chambersburg Pa Oct 22, 1783 & with his father came to Lexington KY in 1787, was educated at Lexington & the NY Theo Sem, John Mason being his preceptor, was licensed by Ky Pres in 1809. In 1820, he came to Greenfield O & for 36 yrs until his death in 1856, he lived here. He went to Oswego Ill to visit his son John Mason Crothers & died there in a minute of apoplexy. Her father Dr Milton Dunlap arranged with RR for a peculiar whistle if Rev Crothers' body was on train & the town was full of people attending. He was a strong man intellectually & spiritually. Rev Wm H. Carothers has office in 5th Ave NY Presbyterian Headquarters.

Rev. Saml Crothers was married 4 times, his wifes [sic] were as follows:

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m.1. Miss Alexander. No issue.

m.2. Miss McCord 2 children:

1. John Mason Crothers father of Sam'l McCord Crothers of Cambridge Mass & of Alice who died unm aged abt 22, Mrs W. has her photo.

2. Isabella, m. David Jolly & lived in Oswego Ills. Some of the Jollys live there yet.

m.4. Amanda Dunlap, sister of Dr Milton Dunlap & had 2 children:

1. Mary Dunlap, died in girlhood

2. Wm Benjamin Crothers (the Benj came fr Crothers side) He left a son Frank Crothers now living in Springfield O.

Amanda was first married to Dr Henry Foster & their daughter Nancy Foster married John Mason Carothers. Amanda married second Robt? McCague & had children who died in infancy. Amanda's 3d husband was Rev Saml Crothers as above.

m.3. Mary Young & they had 2 sons

[21]hery$ 2. Samuel Dickey Crothers

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Wives buried old g.y. here. Will find a row of Carothers in N.W. corner of old cem. Mrs Watts P.O. address is Greenfield O.

Leaving 11:44 AM

Rev S.D. Crothers & Mary have a son Rev John Y. Crothers of Korea located at Andong.

Mrs Watts gave me the address of her sister as follows:

Mrs S.D. Crothers, 480 Conover Terrace, Orange, New Jersey.

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Room 515 Hotel Waldorf, Toledo O July 22, 1922 12:33 AM

I arrived here at 12:20 AM from Bellefontaine O on the Ohio Electric via of Lima O & am transcribing the notes of the day just past that I have taken & recall:

I left Parker House Hillsboro O in auto with Lyman A Turner driving at 7:02 AM & at 7:30 on the way to Greenfield, noticed six two horse teams with grain laddered wagons loaded & loading, hauling same to a thresher in the field at work threshing out the wheat. Lyman said the got 10 to 12 cts a bushel for threshing. He said too that while the wheat shocked as thick in the field as he ever saw it. The yield this year was not good, which he attributed to a tremendous downpour of rain they had when the wheat was in bloom. We came to a small bottom on the right hand side of the road where was the best tobacco I ever saw growing & he said there was none better in Kentucky, Indiana or Ohio. The road making a slight turn right there, we crossed Rattlesnake Creek along which Lyman said there were numerous fox dens & there were fox hunts there almost every night. We came to a pig in the road & it ran considerable dis-

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tance in front of the car & I told him of the Irishman running in the front of the RR train with the one idea of outrunning it when his friend remarked "why didn't you get over along the bank at the side" to which the Irishman replied "you fool, I couldn't beat it on the level, how could I there?" in answer to which Lyman told of the Italian who had no lights on his auto & when his attention was called to it, he said: "I no need a light, me gotta name on front, "Dodge a Bros Car".

We pulled up in front of the Highland County Bank just as the town clock struck 8 & Lyman saw Charley Johnson at the window & motioned to him & he opened the door & let me in.

He said it was Minnie Waddel's son that married a daughter of Chas E. Hughes instead of her daughter marrying a son as I believe I noted. He said she had moved away & referred me to a brother of her husband who runs the Waddel Factory, a wooden ware manufacturing establishment here. He said the father of Fannie Hughey kept a saloon here & that she lived just beyond the Waddel factory. His name was Chas H. Crothers & she was divorced.

He said Mrs Minnie Waddel left Greenfield O several years ago & he thought lived at

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Akron O where her daughter Louise who married Robert Dunlap lives. Minnie's husband's name is Edwin J. Waddell. Their son Chauncey Waddell married a daughter of Sec of State Chas E. Hughes & lives in New York City. Minnie's father was Rev Sam'l D. Crothers, Presbyterian preacher here who he said had but one daughter, Minnie & three sons:

1. Rev John Y., a missionary to Korea

2. Rev Witt H., a Presbyterian minister east

3. George, a dentist, gone from here many years.

He thought Rev Crothers had been dead 4 to 6 yrs & said he was feeble in his later yrs & was probably aged 75 to 80. I recall that Lyman A. Turner said that Hillsboro was the home of "Mother Thompson' who started the Dry Crusade & broke in the heads of the whiskey barrels there & let the whiskey run away. She died only a yr or so ago aged about 90 & a son aged probably 60 lives in Hillsboro now.

Waddell Factory, Greenfield O July 21, 1922 8:40 AM

Mr Waddell is a tall able man, distinguished looking & says he has lived in Greenfield O 68 yrs he gave me the address of his sister-in-law:

Mrs Minnie Waddell, No 63 Notre Dame Ave Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio & told me to see Mrs Watts, a sister of Mrs Rev S.D. Crothers who lives near the

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Country Club on the edge of town with her brother Arthur Dunlap. I then went on across the RR tacks to the second house on the right hand side & was at

The residence of Fannie Crothers No 532 South Washington St, Greenfield O July 21, 1922 about 8:50 AM

A lady in the yard took me in the house & said Miss Crothers was working in a pad factory near & I could not see her unless I would come back 11:30 to 12:15 when she would be home for lunch. I had expected to get back but did not have the time. The lady said she was Miss Elizabeth Tracy, a half sister of Fannie Crothers (see will data preceding). She said I looked very much like Mr Carothers & brought out his picture to show me. She spoke of him in the highest terms as being a very good man. She said for me to go & see Mrs Frank Wiedmann who lives on Mirabean Street & who was originally Carrie Crothers.

I then drove around to Mrs Wiedmann's & found her a very affable accommodating woman, rather large, but handsome & with a good face. She is very much the build of M. Lou Bernhardt. I have noted on pages 437 to 440 inclusive what she told me. The Catholic Church is across the St a little beyond their res-

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idence & Virginia said her father was a Catholic.

Leaving there, I drove to Arthur Dunlap's & found Mrs Watts, who admitted me. She is a short petite little woman & very spry & quick on her feet for 77 yrs. She s'd she was reading a book yesterday about the History of Rev Samuel Crothers, father of Rev Sam'l D. Crothers but after looking searchingly about could not find it. She has however a very valuable scrap book & one of the articles pasted in has pictures of both of them showing the elder Samuel to be a large able man & Mrs Watts spoke of him as a prince among men. She spoke of the gravestone record showing the death of two of his wives in successive yrs but said one died early in one year & the other rather late in the succeeding year. Someone spoke to him about his much marrying & he said: "If you eat one good apple, you want another". I was much rushed to make my train & wrote hurriedly & briefly when with her & it is noted at Pages 441 to 443 inclusive.

She told me the Crothers were all buried in a row in the N.W. corner of the cem, the old cemetery & I found them just along the road, First Ave just back of the old big brick Presbyterian Church which is now used as a can factory.

We then went to

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Residence of John Page No 126 S. 7th St, Greenfield O July 21, 1922 11:55 PM

Mr Page admitted me & called his wife, a fine woman of about the build of Mrs Wiedmann. She is a daughter of Mr A. whose name they say is:

George Crothers Clark Allemang. They say his mother was a Clark & he was named for his uncle, her brother. Mrs Page does not think there is any Crothers blood in him, but says if I write, he will answer & tell me. He was down the Country 18 miles today to another daughter's. He was born in Ross Co O below Linden in 1845 & his people came from the Cumberland Valley Pa. He was in the Civil War.

Mr & Mrs Page say that his niece has been collecting information & might help out. Her address is: Mrs Samuel Dewey, R.F.D. Greenfield O Or Mrs John Douglass, Greenfield O. She is a first cousin of Mr Allemang [Allemany?]

I left at 12:02 PM

We then drove out First Ave & came to the old Presbyterian Cemetery back of the church which fronts on Jefferson St at its foot.

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AT Old Cemetery, Greenfield, O. July 21, 1922 12:11 PM 1. Rev S. Crothers D.D. Born in Pennsylvania Oct 22, 1783 died July 20, 1856 aged 72 yrs 8 mos 28 days to his left. Amanda Dunlap Crothers died Feby 13, 1881 aged 78 yrs 8 mos 23 days. She lies nearest to the back of the church then to his right are all the others. See Book 17 p 161 & 162 Susanna Jane Crothers Born Jany 1, 1821 died Aug 8,1 831 "As my daughter" etc.

Mary Crothers, wife of S. Crothers died Jany 3,1 826 aged 36 yrs 3 mos 21 days

Martha A. Crothers wife of S. Crothers who entered into the Joy of her Lord Aug 8, 1827 aged 32 yrs

Mary J. Crothers, wife of Samuel Crothers & daughter of J & M Young Born Dec 6, 1797 died Apr 12, 1834

Catharine C. Crothers, wife of J.M. Crothers & daughter of W & A Cottle born Apr 1, 1827 in New Hampshire, died Apr 10, 1848

Ann M. Jolly, aged 21 mos

Mary D., daughter of S & A Crothers died Sept 1,2 1852 aged 16 yrs 10 mos 10 days

Henry Foster, son of JM & Nancy A Crothers died Dec 12, 1852 aged 4 mos 14 days

John M. Crothers, died Mch 22, 1860 aged 42 yrs 11 mos 5 days

Allie Foster, daughter of John & Nancy Crothers died in Springfield O Apr 1, 1878 aged 23 yrs.

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2. William Elliott, died May 30, 1875 aged 77 yrs 4 mos 11 days

Jenny, wife of Wm Elliott & daughter of J & I. Adams died Sept 28, 1849 aged 43 yrs 10 mos 20 days

3. Mathew Kilgore, son of Wm & Margaret Kilgore died Apr 18, 1832 in his 21 yrs, fine stone.

4. John Murray, Sen, born in Perry Co Pa Mch 1, 1789 died Apr 13, 1862

Margaret P, wife of John Murray born in Dauphine Co Pa 1789?, died Feby 21, 1875

5. Robert Waddle, Sen, died Oct 17, 1860 aged 70 yrs 9 mos 2 days

Eleanor, wife of Robert Waddle Senr died Nov 3, 1862 aged 65 yrs 8 mos 11 days

6. John C. Thompson, professional teacher born in NJ Apr 26, 1815 died Feby 13, 1856 aged 40 yrs 9 mos 17 days

7. James Anderson, died Mch 10, 1856 aged 64 yrs 9 mos 9 days

Margaret, wife of James Anderson died Sept 8, 1846 aged 57 yrs 11 mos 4 days

8. James M. Turnipseed, died Apr 2, 1850 aged 25 yrs 5 mos 20 days

Phebe, wife of Jacob Turnipseed died Oct 27, 1824 aged 20 yrs 2 mos & 4 days

Leaving 12:55 PM

It is a big g.y. & well kept.

We then drove across Jefferson St to the Detroit Toledo & Iron RR depot on the bank

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of Paint Creek. This D.T.&I. is Henry Ford's road & Lyman A. Turner says it is running 100% full, being the only road in the U.S. that is.

On Detroit, Toledo & Ironton RR, July 21, 1922 1:33 PM

I see another big cemetery, probably the new one, to the left of the RR as I left the Sta.

I learn from Conductor & brakeman that we are to reach Springfield O 3:10 PM & that there is a train out at 3:30 on the Big Four & I am glad of the good connection. Are passing through level land with considerable timber, & lots of cattle & horses in the fields.

I got in Springfield O at 3:10 PM & got the train on the Big Four & reached Bellefontaine O at 5 PM, walked up three blocks to the Hotel Ingalls & the clerk a very nice man knew nothing of Reuben M. Reed, but told me of a an [sic] old man named Reid boarding with him who I interviewed, but he never heard of Reuben. The clerk told me the last cat out on the Ohio Electric line that went through to Toledo O was at 6:25 PM. I then walked out Detroit Ave a square to the P.O. where the postmaster told me that R.M. Reed, an old soldier lived at Iron City a mile out P.O. Box 17 & to ask there at Chesters Grocery. I walked

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up two blocks to the Ohio Traction Co Sta & got Petersons taxi & was off for Iron City & stopping in Chesters Grocery, a nice young girl pointed out the house & directed us to drive on one block turn to the right & to to the trolley tracks & walk back to second house which I did & getting no response, walked around to the back of the house & found Mr Reed sitting on the back porch.

At residence of Reuben Mann Reed in Iron City, P.O. Bellefontaine RR & Box 17 July 21, 1922 5:33 PM

Mr Reed said he was named for an old Doctor Reuben Mann who was his father's family doctor at Milford Center O, when he was born. Telling him my mission, he s'd his wife, who died last March, had charge of the bible, but he went in & brought it out on the back porch wrapped up in brown paper & tied with a string around it. He unwrapped it & handed it to me. It was printed in NY in 1841 for the American Bible Society & the record is in fine plain writing & I penciled it off hurriedly on the sheets from which I am now copying.

The Bible record is as appears on next page:

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Marriages Josiah Reed & Jane Anderson was married Dec 8, 1835

Alex D. Reed & Mary Walker was married Mch 30, 1866

Elnathan H. Reed & Netty George was married Sept 16, 1869

Joseph B. Reed & Emma Keyes (pro. Keys) was married Dec 23, 1869

Mary A. A. Reed & Ira B. Allen was married May 3, 1888


Josiah Reed was born May 3, 1807

Jane Reed was born Dec 31, 1810

Their children:

1. Alexander D. Reed was born Sept 27, 1836

2. Joseph Brackenridge Reed was born Mch 19, 1838

3. Elnathan H. Reed was born June 9, 1841

4. Mary Ann A. Reed was born Oct 6, 1843

5. Reuben M. Reed was born Jany 21, 1846

6. Eli Gabriel Reed was born Sept 20, 1848

7. Ross Baker Reed was born Sept 28, 1850

8. Olive E.M. Reed was born Jany 14, 1853

9. Josiah C. Reed was born Feby 18, 1856


Olive E.M. Reed died May 5, 1855

Josiah Reed died Oct 20, 1893

Jane Reed died Mch 18, 1888

Reuben says this record was written by John Gable a good scribe who lived on an adjoining farm.

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He said he didn't know who would have his Uncle George Reed's bible, but said to see Phebe Holey or Dr Calvin Reed's family in Toledo O. Don't know anything about his other Uncles.

He said that he, Reuben M. Reed married on Apr 13, 1873 Malota Walker of Milford Center O, daughter of Henry Walker & his wife Susan Stratton who came from Penna. She was born Feby 13, 1848 & died Mch 12, 1922. No issue. She is buried in the Bellefontaine Cem. Says he enlisted in the Civil War at Milford Center O when 16 yrs old in Co C 86th O.V.I. & re-enlisted also at Milford Center O in Co B 174th O.V.I. & got home from the war on June 29, 1865, was all through with the army of the Cumberland in Kentucky. Lookout Mountain & Kenesaw Mountain, was under Gen'l Geo H. Thomas & toward the last with Genl Wm T. Sherman. Was sent to Washington D.C. then back to Norfolk VA & on to Raleigh NC where he rejoined Sherman's army & where he sat on the fence four hours watching for his brother Elnathan who was in Co B 32d O.V.I. & who he there met. Elnathan was with Sherman through it all & in his march to the sea. Elnathan was here visiting him for two weeks

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& only left yesterday morning for Marysville O. He had children, three girls & two boys. His P.O. address will be Marysville, O

Mr Reuben M. Reed is just 6 feet tall & weighs 150, a big strong man. He says he only measured 5 ft 5 1/2 inches when he entered the war.

Says he never heard of any Jenkins relatives. He said his brothers Alex & Eli were also in the war making four of them in the service. Alex rose to be a Lieut. He, Reuben M. was himself a private throughout, but says he gets $50 a month pension as do all privates now. He is back in an out of the way place, but has a big lot & around its far side is a row of cherry trees from which he said he sold this year 248 quarts & put up 20 quarts. I noticed as many as 20 boxes for bees which he said belonged to his son-in-law whom he mentioned just as I was leaving, he having married a girl they raised or adopted. From his back porch to the back end of the lot, was a grape arbor with grapes galore hanging therefrom thicker than I ever saw before & to the left was almost a thicket of plum, peach & quince trees with every on of them bearing fruit. He says he didn't spray at all either. I left at 6:11 PM. The bees give the answer & cause of the prolific yield of fruit.

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I drove back with John Peterson to the Electric Station & bought a couple of sandwiches & a piece of pineapple pie from the "Busy Bee Rest" & 10 peaches, 1 1/2 lbs from a young girl in Scott Hughes grocery adjoining when the 6:25 trolley came along one minute late & I boarded it & ate on my way, the first I had had since 6:30 in the morning at Hillsboro O. I arrived at 8:43 PM Eastern time at Lima O having left at 6:26 central time.

At Ohio Electric Rlwy Sta, Lima O July 21, 1922 8:48 PM

My efforts this day were rather strenuous & particularly in the distance covered as the last half of the day I came this morning by Auto from Hillsboro to Greenfield O 18 miles

Greenfield to Springfield by D.T.&I. RR say 44 miles

Springfield to Bellefontaine by Big Four 32 miles

Bellefontaine to Lima by Ohio Elec Rlwy 34 miles

Lima to Toledo O is by Ohio Elec Rlwy __72 miles

making a total of 200 miles

which I was to reach by 12:20 AM but got here at 12:17 AM notwithstanding we were 20 minutes late viz 9:50 PM in starting from Lima. I covered 6 conferences & one grave yard at Greenfield & one conference at Bellefontaine. At Russell's

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Paint they put in the front baggage car, a man on a wheeled stretcher who was very sick & a 50 year old woman who got on & sat opposite me said his wife who was sitting front, had brought him 50 miles & was taking him to their home at Lima. When the woman she was talking to got off at the next Sta, Indian Lake, a big body of water, said something to the woman, who also got off there, she answered "Oh my God, yes". It is now 5:44 AM & daylight.

I find in the telephone Book:

P.H. Hohl 105 Superior Roseford O, Navarre 3515

H.D. Hohly Drugs Pay Sta 1530 Cherry Adams 3393

DR Paul Hohly 2886 Broadway, Broadway 1736

Dr Paul Hohly 324 Logan, Adams 8246

R.C. Hohly, Drugs Pay Sta 501 Oak, Navarre 1519

I find a

Rose Carothers, r 3217 Cambridge Av, Callingwood 20540

Mrs C.E. Jack, R 1711 Nevada, Navarre 1166

Oscar Jack, r 1459 Michigan, Adams 2141

No Markles, but are Mericlkels & Merkels No Kilgores, Redburns or Rotharmels.

I hadn't wound my watch & it had stopped at 5:47. I think it is a half hour later, so I will not go to bed, but will take a cold bath & go down to breakfast. JVT

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At residence of Mrs Phoebe E. Hohly 2886 Broadway, Toledo O July 22, 1922 10:11 AM

I arrived here on the street car from the Hotel Waldorf at 8:25 AM & was met by Mrs Hohly & she called her son Dr Paul in from next door & introduced him before he went to the hospital. I had telephoned him about 7:40 AM & he said to come right out. Mrs Hohly says the bible record of her Father, George Reed is with her son, Scott Hohly here & if she cannot reach him before I go she will send it to me & in the meantime she is giving me from memory a record of the children & descendants of her Uncles & Aunts on her father's side.

Mrs H. says that her grandfather Samuel Reed had a brother George, see item 131 page 413 for whom her father was named and says further that the children dying in 1848 of her Uncle John & Jane Reed died of scarlet fever & they wouldn't let her go to the funeral.

She says when her grandfather Samuel Reed came to Ohio, he bought 1000 acres & gave farms to each of the boys, the farms of James, John & Thomas were on Buck Run & the farm her father got was the home place on Big Darby

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where he was born & lived all his life. He willed it for life to his second wife, who died in Mch 1900. The children sold in about 1901 & at that time it had been in the family 100 yrs. Mrs H. don't know for sure, but thinks Josiah, George & their two younger sisters are all that were born in Ohio.

Says her Uncle Sam was the only one that went out of the Presbyterian Church. His wife was a Christian & he went in to her Church & he was the only Democrat in the family. He & Mrs Reed's father would argue all night on religion & both would get very mad.

Mrs H. says her mother married when sixteen.

She does not know much about her Aunt Polly's family who married William Mitchell but says he was rich. She says there was a Sarah & I have added her name on page 370.

Says her mother was a very good looking woman & a general favorite & thus got many namesakes. She says that when the oldest Mitchell girl or child was born, her father was at Mitchell's & they asked him what they should call her & said "call her Martha" which was his best girl, who he afterwards married & became Mrs Hohly's mother.

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Mrs Hohly says that William, Hugh & Charles Mitchell that married the three Reed sisters were full brothers & that the half sister that married Dr N. Hathaway for his second wife, was older than them Mrs Hohly says.

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[Descendant Chart]

James Reed see page 370. He was a strict Presbyterian & had regular family worship. He & his first wife are buried at Reed g.y. Mrs H. was at her funeral. He married 1. Ann P. Robinson, away off distant relative of the Reeds. He married 2nd Nancy, don't know maiden name of 2d wife or where she is buried. Children were all by first wife. Thinks he met his second wife at Mechanicsburg O & the children resented it. She was not very much. See book 8 ps 232 & 233.


Robinson, when a young man was engaged & it was broken off & he lost his mind & was kept in a shed & Mary waited on him. "He was the nastiest man in our family". Never married.

Lecky, M. Margaret Bowles. Both dead at Marysville O & buried there. She was an awful good woman. Broke his father up, got his father to trade his farm for a mill so he got everything.

1. Martha, Dead m. Longbrake. He is living, married again.

Clyde, m. & lives at Waterville O, a few miles fr here. In an abstract office here. Has one child

A boy, on a farm married & has a family

Thomas? A preacher

2. Lizzie, died unmarried

3. James L., m. Is a fine man, living in Marysville O where he is in a store. Has children. Nellie can tell.

5. Olevie [sic] Lived in Kenton. Died a yr ago at Kenton O. M. her Aunt Euphemia's husband for his second wife. M. Will Rheuben, a German, nice man & well to do. She had several children.

4. Elvira, single, has a millinery store in Marysville O.

Emma, married & lived in Wash D.C. Thinks she is living yet.

Cyrus, Thinks lives in Marysville O.

Sarah Jane m. Wm Winget being his 2d wife. Nice man, big farm well off & had no children by 1st wife.

William, d.y.

Anna, inherited the farm. M. Wm Baldwin. He was the hired man. She is dead & he is living & married again. One was drowned, two had tragic deaths 2 boys & a girl living. Father is getting farm & money arising from "his kids".

Phoebe, died aged 14 or 15

Lucinda, m. David Winget a bro of Wm & a fine man. He was married before & had children & had but one by Lucinda.

David, ask Nellie

William, m. Maria Crow. Both lived to be very old at Kenton O & their children live there. Nellie Can tell went fr here there.

Mary, died unmarried. Had epileptic fits, but was "an awfully good girl"

Belinda, M. George Mitchell not related to the other Mitchell, but thinks very distant relative of her father, was a farmer, had big farm & his father was very wealthy. Had two girls & thinks also a son. Ask Nellie.

Emeline, B Apr 23, 1838? ob Abt 1918 aged 80. M. Quincy Porter, a farmer & Civil War Veteran. His mother was a Snodgrass & she was a second cousin of James Reed. Think they are buried at Milford Center.

Jennie, dead m. & had one child & live in Plain City

William?, M. & lives Milford Center & has one son.

Nellie Porter, single & lives in Milford Center O, Union Co is her P.O. Address. Write to her for Bible record of her grandfather & list of his descendants

Cyrus, was in Civil War & never married

Euphemia, m. Will Rheuben being his first wife. Had several children. Nellie can tell.

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[Descendant Chart]

John Reed, married Jane Ann Snodgrass. His farm was on Buck Run. The 3 named are all that she remembers that grew up.


Oliver C., married in the west. Was a school teacher here.

Hannah, m. Harris & lives near Keokuk. Had a son who was a music teacher in Chicago

Eliza, m. Valentine here & went west together to the Keokuk region. An old maid red haired sister of their mother went along & married very well out there.

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Samuel Reed. He married Joanna Hathaway. Her father was Dr Nicholas Hathaway. He, Dr H. married for his second wife a half sister of Luther Mitchell's father. The Dr was rich & his son-in-law, Samuel Reed sold or traded the land his father gave & his father-in-law helped him to buy a splendid big farm just across Big Darby Creek from the old Reed home. He sold the farm, the children as they came of age had to sign, & went west. His wife was whiney & arbitrary & he did not succeed well. He located, she thinks, in the Keokuk neighborhood. He came back & she thinks he & his wife are buried in the Hathaway graveyard in that section in Union Co. This Dr Hathaway treated Mrs H. when a child & didn't know what was the matter with her. Her son says it was infantile paralysis. She has been lame ever since then, her 2d yr.


Lucy Ann, m. Marcus McLane & lived in Galion O. She died there & had some children.

Nicholas, don't know about him. Was a spoiled boy & didn't amt to much. When she was lame 2 1/2 yrs old, he killed a skunk & rubbed her with it. He was older.

Salome, married out west. Don't know about her since

Harriet, married out west.

Lydia, m. Smith in Galion O after her return fr west. He was a fine looking man & had a leg amputated & was made postmaster & robbed the mail. Had several children & thinks they went to Kenton O.

Anna, m. an Irishman, Dan_______, a laborer on the RR but he was a Catholic, but made her a good husband. He & other RR hands boarded with the family when the RR was building. She was very pretty. Thinks they had children. Don't know where they went.

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[Descendant Chart]

Thomas Reed, see page 370. He was the first one of the Reeds to die. See 134 page 414. The children went west after his death. He was born Jany 25, 1803 see page 370 & died Dec 25, 1861 aged 38 yrs 11 mos see page 414 item 134. His wife, Jane T. Robinson died Feby 20, 1871 aged 58 yrs 23 days born say Jany 28, 1813 same reference. He married Jane T. Robinson, a sister of his brother James' wife. Their sister, Nellie Robinson married Robt Snodgrass & they kept a hotel in Milford Center. Many of them became wealthy. They went west in conestoga wagons shortly after the war & before Mrs H. came here. She liked Stephenis best. He was such a little gentleman & had a pony & as she was lame, he would always bring her home on behind him.


Mathew, a great mathematician, a teacher & surveyor, went west & married. Thinks to Nebraska. One of his boys wrote her. She went insane at childbirth & when alone took her clothes & stockings & disappeared & didn't find her until long after, came across her remains in a cornfield eaten by the hogs.

Maria, m. Dever & lived at Richwood O "went down hill". After she married him, they paid no attention to her. She didn't go west. Had children.

Adeline, m. Milo A. Orahood see item 133 page 414. Went west. Don't know abt the children.

David, married out west

Stephanis, married out west

Hester, Thinks she married in the west

Hiram, m. down by Unionville Center O. She had a property & his daughter keeps house for him at above place which is his P.O. address. He did not go west with the others. Was in the Civil War. Thinks has two girls & two boys. Mrs H. has letter from him. Write to him for his father's bible record & of his descendants.

Rebecca, don't know

John, married well & have done well

Martha, the youngest named for Mrs H's mother. Married.

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[Descendant Chart]

George Reed see page 371 & 414 item 136. He was born Aug 21, 1809 see page 371 & died Dec 16, 1889 see page 414 item 136 same reference see Martha H. Reed 1st wife Born Mch 27, 1822 & died Feby 29, 1860 & Elizabeth A. Reed his 2d wife was born Aug 8, 1829. M.1. Martha Hamilton Morgan on Apr 10, 1838. Her father was from Maryland where he owned slaves. His name was William Morgan & his wife was a Hamilton. She was left an orphan when aged 11 yrs. After 11 yrs until 16 when she was married, she lived with Robert Nelson whose first wife was a sister of her mother. He was well to do & childless & took three of the orphan children to raise. He married 2d on Mch 30th, 1865 Elizabeth White, a very different kind of a woman from first wife but a good woman.


Calvin Hamilton Reed, B Nov 20, 1840 near Milford Centre O ob May 4, 1915. He was a good doctor, was called a "Poor mans" doctor. Practiced all of his time in Toledo O. Mrs H's son Paul read medicine with him & he gave him all of his books. He married Emma B. Smythe on June 9, 1868 of Columbus O where he graduated. She was born June 9, 1845 at Columbus O. She is dau of Henry Parmele Smythe & wife Sarah Knowles Harris. She lives in Toledo O on Oliver St, corner of Logan. He was in Civil War from May 26, 1862 to Sept 25, 1862 when he was discharged as a Corporal sick with jaundice.

Morgan Smythe, Born Feby 20, 1872. m. Ada Blanche (called Kathryn) Fish on July 10, 1897. She born Jany 13, 1868 in Adrian Mich. He is dead aged 40 & she is teaching school. He died Aug 20, 1912 in Toledo O. She is dau of Geo Francis Fish & wife Anna Morelle. Children all born in Toledo, O.

Infant son, died at birth Calvin George, born & died on June 23, 1898.

Morelle Smythe, B Mch 4, 1900, a girl, m. Dec 27, 1923 Charles H. Swift, son of Mrs Elizabeth Swift of Mountain Lake NJ & her husband Herman Sedgwick Swift. Chas H. Swift was born Mch 4, 1899 & live at Mountain Lakes NJ.

Calvin Francis [twin] B Mch 2nd 1902. Now, Jany 1924 of Boston, Mass.

Kenneth Reinhart [twin] born Mch 2nd, 1902

Jean Perry, B. July 13, 1907.

Harris Hamilton, died aged 6 or 7 yrs born Nov 3, 1873 died Aug 14, 1879.

Chase Campbell, Born Feby 6, 1875 in Toledo O. M. Jennie Wright June 27, 1900. Her name Genevieve, dau of John A. Wright & wife Catharine Leist. She born at Liberty Centre O Nov 4, 1875. He invented a big tractor.

Muriel Catharine, Born Nov 11, 1906 in Delta O. Living now in Toledo O.

Lynnel Lecky, Born Aug 17, 1877 m. Jany 28, 1901 at Dover, England to Florence Austin & teaches violin & is a concert master & composer. She daughter of DR Austin of Minneapolis Minn. Divorced abt 1908. No issue.

Carl Kirkly, d.y. aged abt 6, born July 15, 1876 died Oct 24, 1882 at Toledo, O.

Phoebe Elizabeth Reed [dau of George & Martha] B Apr 23, 1843 m. Apr 22, 1875 to Charles Hohly a native of Germany but educated in America, a pharmacist who was born Mch 7, 1839 & died Sept 28, 1895 aged 56 yrs 6 mos & 21 days of Brights disease. She my good informant of the day.

Reed Christian Hohly, B Apr 26, 1876 m. Anna Frobel of Toledo O an orphan. She died 12 yrs ago in Oct 10, 1910

Martha E., B. Nov 15, 1904. Has had half dozen proposals, very beautiful. A heart smasher. "A regular little devil".

Carl Paul, B Mch 3, 1908

Phoebe Ann Catharine, B Aug 14, 1909

Dr George Paul, B Nov 21, 1877 practicing medicine here m. Sept 15, 1910 to Margaret Beatty, born Mch 10, of 1877 or 1878.

Paul Charles, aged 7

Robert Carroll, aged 5

Martha Hohly, B Feby 22, 1880 m. Jacob Merton Weist who was killed in an auto wreck & died 8 yrs ago. She is a wonder in music

Karl Frank, B Oct 3, 1910. A remarkably beautiful boy & must have his picture for the book.

Carl Scott, B Dec 9, 1882 unmarried. He has been given the bible record of his mother's father & she will send me a copy of it Sept Left 2:30 PM

Nelson Campbell Reed, B Apr 4, 1846 m. Fannie Van Kirk on Dec 2, 1873 of Columbus O. She is living in California & he died before his father. He was a doctor practicing in Columbus O & a superior surgeon, a very bright man. He ran off when 17 & was in gunboat service in Civil War until its close. He contracted tuberculosis & died in 1893 on Sept 5. She was born in Springfield O Jany 11, 1855 dau of Theodore Van Kirk & his wife Sarah A. Woodford. See book 9 p 123.

Francis De Volson, Born Oct 22, 1877 died unm of tuberculosis when a young man. He died May 22, 1910 at Redlands Calif.

Wade Calvin, died unm of tuberculosis when a young man. Born in Columbus O June 25, 1879 & died at Olean Park Calif Sept 25, 1904.

Ida, B Dec 13, 1857 ob Oct 25, 1864 died aged abt 7 of bloody flux

Emery Scott, B Feby 4, 1860 ob Oct 24, 1864 died of Bloody Flux within 23 hrs of Ida's death. Thinks was in Oct 1864.

Jessie Regina? Reed only child by 2nd wife. Bright in her looks but wild & full of badness. Child of their old age & spoiled. Born Dec 29, 1868 died Apr 5, 1889 see item 136 page 414 was unmarried.

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Penn Hotel Pittsburgh Pa Room 423 July 22, 1922 11:44 PM

I have noted on pages 459 to 469 inclusive the information gleaned from Mrs Hohly although there is much in our talk of six hours that is not noted. I think she said that her husband Charles Hohley was 11 yrs old when he came from Germany with his parents. They lived for a time in Wisconsin & Minnesota, the father, also Charles Hohly, being a doctor & of some means, came first with his oldest daughter who kept house for him, went someone's security & lost all he had, having sent back for his wife & the other children to come later. So he started all over again in Toledo when 50 yrs of age. His son, Charles, her husband, learned to be a pharmacist in Chicago & elsewhere & Mrs H. says he was a model husband, always considerate & just as kind & gracious to her the day before he died as he was the day before they were married. She said some prominent Doctor there speaking of her son, Dr G. Paul Hohly said to her: "Mrs Hohly, if you had done nothing more than raise that boy, you have contributed far more than your equal share to the world's betterment". When I called up just after breakfast, he answered & said to come right out & his mother living next house to him would see me. He

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came over with his two boys before going to his early mornings appointment to the hospital. He is of medium build, much the size of Andrew & has short sandy whiskers & is birth & quick & kissed his mother goodbye. She is a real lovable character, is in her 80th year & much the build of Miss Anna K. Johnston of Monmouth, Ills. Has a large well formed head, square & massive forehead, big face, large build, but rather short & heavy set & walks lame, the result of old Dr Hathaway not knowing what to doctor her for when she was sick when two & a half years old. She says her son says it was infantile paralysis. She says her mother dying when she was 16 threw the care of the house on her then as well as the care of the younger children & she has been leading a strenuous life ever since, knitting for the family & serving as well & doing the housework. Says she went to Toledo O 50 yrs ago. She said her youngest brothers ran off & went to the Civil War & she was the only one that knew he was going so she sat up nights & knit socks etc for him to take along. She keeps house for her oldest son Reed who is a widower & he & the children are away at Put In Bay on an outing. Dr Paul's wife went out from the next house to take a street car in town, across the street & she remarked to me that she was the most ex-

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travagant woman she ever knew, would buy hundred dollar dresses & lots of them & shoes galore & it just choked her with tears to see how uselessly & needlessly she burdened Paul, who was always so good to her, notwithstanding flirtations she was having, as reported by her maid. She asked my advice about telling these things to Paul & I told her if he was so constituted that he wouldn't worry about it, I thought she ought to tell him. She was a poor girl & her mother is hardly compos mentis & her own grandson when at the zoo seeing the apes said they looked like "our Nannie" meaning his grandmother. Mrs H. spoke of her daughter's wonderful accomplishments as a musician & of her active buy life. She showed me a picture of her grandson - her daughter's son - & he is a remarkably handsome lad. Mrs H. talks strong & vigorous & is robust & a wonderful manager. She told of her husband leaving a debt of $20,000 when he died & of her borrowing $16,000 from the Connecticut Mnt Life Ins Co paying 6 or 8 big paving assessments in front of her properties & of the dull time when 4000 houses in Toledo were empty & she had only one of her twenty three rented, but she fought it through & won. She is full of fun & sees the ludicrous & humorous as she goes along. She is tenderhearted & when giving acct of her son-in-law's death

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filled up almost to choking. I bid her goodbye at 2:30 PM, but she wanted me to stay & got a street car across the street by Walbridge Park which is opposite their residence, at 2:33 PM & it must have been 7 miles from there to the Union Sta on the north side for the street car went very fast & it was 3:05 PM when I reached the Union Sta & got my ticket & the last chair unsold No 2 for Pgh on the train which left at 3;15 via PRR. I wired Rose at 6 PM from Mansfield O that I would reach here 10:15 PM & upon phoning her, she drove in & we took an hours drive & she reported of the scene at the station when Tom & Thomas left for Europe. I didn't get to bed at all last night being three nights of this week that I worked & wrote all night so I will now get ready for bed as it is 12:49 AM 23d & I am getting up at 6:30 to take the 8 AM PRR train home. JVT

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At residence of Mrs Mary Narcissa Crothers No 480 Conover Terrace, Orange NJ July 27, 1922 11:27 AM Standard Time

I arrived here half an hour ago & have been talking with Mrs Crothers who is the widow of Rev Sam'l Dickey Crothers D.D. She says his father, Rev Samuel Crothers D.D. was pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Greenfield O for 40 yrs, the first four years probably being the Reformed Church & then of the Presbyterian Church from 1820 until his death in 1856. Her husband then became pastor in 1863 (succeeding a scotch pastor named Wiseman) & continued pastor for 37 yrs resigning in 1900 at the request of his son Rev W.H. who thought the cares attending the building of a new Church over town in Greenfield would be more than his father was equal to. He, however, continued as Pastor Emeritus for 16 yrs until his death in 1916 & he was buried on the 60th anniversary of the burial of his father. During the last 16 yrs of his life, he preached to the churches of Mt Leigh & Winchester some seven miles out from Greenfield O. She says her father-in-law's Rev Samuel Crothers, grandmother, when a young girl about 12 was either an orphan or alone at the house at the siege of Derry & heard the opposing parties coming in the house & hid in an old Dutch oven & heard

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what they talked about. She remained hid until they were gone & later in the evening or night, escaped & made her way to friends in an adjoining county. She rather thinks this was his grandmother on his mother's side, but is not sure. She states that her husband's grandfather was Benjamin Crothers. Never knew of any brothers or sisters of his or where he died, but it may have been at Lexington Ky, at least when his, Samuel Crothers first wife died, he took one little boy & perhaps other children back to Lexington Ky. She thinks he was the youngest of his father's family. His mother she thinks was a widow for some years & her father-in-law's grandmother lived in the family when he was a boy & told him often of her experiences above related at the siege of Derry. Mrs Crothers version of her father-in-law's marriages are different from what her sister gave me on Page 442 as the first wife was the McCord, so I am listing them again in genealogical table as she tells me, with the descendants.

Mrs Crothers says that some of her books, including an interleafed bible which she is sure has their own family record in & may have that of her father-in-law were left in Greenfield O with Mrs Fay Ballard, who lives just outside the corporation at the end of Washington St, Fay Ballard was shot & to 480

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[Descendant Chart]

Rev Samuel Crothers D.D., son of Benj Crothers was born in Chambersburg Pa Oct 22, 1783 & died at Oswego, Ills July 20, 1856 see page 450 item 1 & is buried in the old Cem Greenfield O. M.1. Mary McCord, who died Jany 3, 1826 aged 36 yrs 3 mos 21 days see page 450 item 1 & had by her three children. Thinks she was from Ky. They were married Mch 9, 1813 as he himself wrote in the Hist Mrs Jeneson loaned me JVT Apr 8/23. M.2. Martha Alexander, who died Aug 8, 1827 aged 32 yrs see page 450 item 1 & had by her no issue. Thinks she was from Ky. M.3. Mary Jane Young, daughter of James & M. Young of Rainsboro, O. She was born Dec 6, 1797 & died Apr 12, 1834 & had by her two children, both sons. M.4. Amanda Dunlap, born Mrs C. thinks near Ripley, Brown Co, O as she was married there & died Feby 13, 1881 aged 78 yrs 8 mos & 23 days see page 450 item 1 & had by her 2 children by him. She had been mar 1. to Dr Henry Foster of Ripley O & 2 To___________ McCague of Chillicothe O & 3d to Mr Crothers.


Isabella, by 1st wife, m. David Jolly, moved to Oswego Ill & died there. Had 6 sons & 6 daughters.

Elizabeth, m. Jennison. He died many yrs ago & she lives in the old home of her Uncle Jno M. where Rev Sam'l Crothers died & which she bought. She is fully 85 or even 87 yrs old. She lives right in the town wither her brother Robert Jolly. Has had 4 children. Thinks but 2 living. Go to see her.









John Mason, by 1st wife, m.1. Catharine C. Cottle m.2. Nancy A. Foster. She died in St Paul Minn & 8is buried there where she was visiting her son. He died Mch 22, 1860 aged 42 yrs 11 mo 5 days. see page 450 item 1. No issue by 1st wife & had 3 sons & 1 daughter by 2d wife.

Henry Foster, B July 28, 1852 ob Dec 12, 1852 aged 4 mos 14 days

Samuel, died in infancy

Allie Foster, B say 1855 ob Apr 1, 1878 aged 23 yrs

Samuel McChord Crothers, B 1857. Lived once at St Paul Minn. He is a Unitarian Preacher & an author. Has written several books. Lives at No 20 Oxford ST Cambridge, Mass. M Louise Bronson. Have 2 sons & 3 daughters.

Bronson, Physician at St Paul. Now at Cambridge Mass

Gordon, in school

Cathann, unmarried

Helen, unmarried

A daughter

Susannah Jane, by 1st wife, Born Jany 1, 1821 died Aug 8, 1831.

James Young, by 3d wife, b 1830 ob in Arizona thinks near Flagstaff in the 70s. m.1. Lucinda McCune & had 5 children. M.2. Carrie Elliott & had two daughters.

Carrie, m. Howard Perkins & live San Diego Calif & had 2 children. A widow

Florence, M____________Daugherty & lives in Calif. A widow

Charles, married & lives in Arizona

Kate, married & has 1 son, a widow

John, married & has 2 daus. Lives San Francisco

Jennie, m. Geo H. Cook. No issue & lives in Los Angeles Calif. See Bk 9 p 451. He died Sept 1926.

Anna, married a widower with 5 children & has one son of her own who has just arrived in NY via Panama Canal from his home in Berkeley Cal.

Samuel Dickey Crothers, by 3d wife, B Apr 20, 1833 page 478

Mary, by 4th wife, B say 1836 & died abt 1852

William Benjamin, by 4th wife b abt 1842. He died in Springfield O abt 1878 or 1879 m. Sarah Anderson.

A girl, died in infancy

Frank Crothers, Lives in Springfield O where he has a county office married but has no children.

some infants, died.

See Book 17 p 161 & 162

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[Descendant Chart]

Rev Samuel Dickey Crothers. See Page 477 Born Apr 20, 1833 & died July 19, 1916 & is buried in the new cemetery at Greenfield O. Married July 17, 1861 to Mary Narcissa Dunlap who was born June 12, 1839 in Greenfield O, the daughter of Dr Milton & Frances Louisa Kinkead Dunlap. Milton Dunlap's father, William Dunlap came from Ky to Brown Co O & either he or his father brought their slaves with them & set them free. Frances Louisa Kinkead was the daughter of David Kinkead who she thinks came from Penna & lived in Chillicothe. After marriage lived 2 yrs in Winchester, Adams Co O & were there when Morgan passed through & took their pony & then moved to Greenfield O & lived there until he died in 1916. Mrs C. says the celebrated her 25th wedding anniversary & on the last day of that year 1886, she became lame from the softening of the bone below her knee of her right leg & has been on a crutch ever since. Her leg from her knee down is circular being a considerable curve & she has a built up sole & heel to her shoe in order to reach the floor therewith. Mr C. graduated from Center College, Danville Ky, a Presbyterian College. She thinks in 1858 or 1859 & from the Presbyterian Theological Seminary there in 1861 & was licensed by the Chillicothe Pres. All their sons were born in Greenfield O.


Mary Crothers (called Minnie) B May 29, 1862 in Winchester O. M. Sept 27, 1888 to Edwin Jones Waddell, son of John F. Waddell & Hannah Jones Waddell, his wife. He was born May 15, 1862. He was in the Electric business & failed a yrs ago. Their present address is No 63 Notre Dame Ave, Cuyahoga Falls O where they live with their daughter. He was a dentist.

Louise Waddell, Born Sept 27, 1889 in Greenfield O M. may or June 1917 to J. Ralph Dunlap & live at 63 Notre Dame Ave Cuyahoga Falls O where he is Export Agt for the Marathon Tire & Rubber Co.

Mary Louise Dunlap, Born Dec 30, 1918 at Phila Pa

Chauncey Lockhart Waddell, Born Sept 4, 1895 at Greenfield O married at Wash D.C. on June 10, 1922 to Catherine Hughes, daughter of Secy of State Charles E. Hughes & his wife by Bishop Alfred Harding of the Epis Ch. He is connected with the Banking firm of Dillon, Read & Co of NY where he is located.

George Dunlap Crothers, B Nov 30, 1863 m. Annie Chesbro of NY state. She is living in Willoughby O where her sister is an eminent doctor as Doctor Chesbro. He died July 13, 1903 at Greenfield O of tuberculosis of the larynx.

Marjorie, Born Aug 4, 1898 . Went to Madison Wis to school 1 yr & then to Bible school to NY & Toronto Canada & is engaged to marry on Aug 9, 1922 to Gordon Beacham, who for 5 yrs has been a Baptist missionary in Central Africa & she expects to go their [sic] with him.

George Chesbro, Born July 29, 1900, died late in Aug 1903.

James Ernest Crothers, Born Nov 1, 1868 married at Mexico Mo in June or July abt 1897 Fannie Whiteley of Mexico Mo. He was a dentist in Omaha & Belleone Neb a college town. He is now on a fruit farm or ranch raising Loganberries & other fruit at Salem Oregon where they both live.

Eugene Whiteley Crothers, Born July 10, 1904. He will graduate next year form Salem Oregon High School.

William Heber Crothers, Born Aug 16, 1873. He graduated from Wooster O College in 1893 & from Princeton Theo Sem say 1899 & was licensed by Chillicothe O Pres. He taught Greek & Latin for 2 yrs after graduation at Belleone Neb College where he met his wife & was married Oct 11?, 1904 to Nina M.F. Morris who was born May 30, 1879. He preached at Fort Morgan Col 10 yrs & then to Logan Utah & then came to Phila Pa with the Pres Board of Education which has been removed to 156 5th Ave NY, his present headquarters, living here at 480 Conover Terrace, Orange NJ. Nina was born at Good Will, D.T.

Morris King, Born June 19, 1906 at Fort Morgan, Colo

George Dunlap, B Jany 8, 1909 at Fort Morgan, Colo

Robert Riggs, B Oct 15, 1912 at Salt Lake City, Utah

William Clawson, B May 10, 1914 at Long Beach Calif

Samuel Steele Crothers, Born Mch 24, 1875 died May 15, 1878 & is buried in the new cemetery at Greenfield O

John Young Crothers, Born Feby 1, 1881. He graduated from Colorado Springs Col College & from Pres Theo Sem at Omaha Neb. Thinks from college in 1907 & from the Sem in 1910. He was not able to graduate from high school at home, having a slight hemorrhage in his last year & went to Colorado Springs for his health. He went to right off as a Presbyterian missionary to Korea & is now located at Andong, Chosen (Korea) married Nov 1911?. They are both now in Korea.

James McClung, B Oct 18, 1912 at Andong, Korea

Samuel Dunlap, Born Apr 15, 1916 at Andong, Korea

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fr 475

killed in an Auto & Mrs C will write to her sister & ask her to send me the record. At 4:44 PM, Rev W.H. Crothers has just come in & says he thinks his father sent a family tree or book of family notes to his brother J. Ernest Crothers & he will write & try to get it or a copy of it. W.H. also says Gov Crothers of Maryland (Democrat) 8 or 10 yrs ago came from the Cumb Valley. He also says that some of his relatives wrote to a County Clerk of Franklin Co Pa seeking information to join the D.A.R. & were informed that one Benjamin Crothers was a soldier of the Rev.

Mrs C. says that her father-in-law Sam'l Crothers had a brother James & also a sister whose married daughter Mary King, lived in Dayton O. Mrs King died there some years ago & has a niece Miss Nannie Williams & Mrs Lou Campbell. Mary King's maiden name was Williams & her brother Harbert Williams was the father of Nannie & Lou. Mrs King's grandson Rev Sharon Scott preaches at a small town out from Dayton.

W.H. says his father saw the West Phila Crothers in 1876, but were not able to establish relationship.

Mr Lew T. Waddell of Phila a director in a Phila bank can be located thru the Pres Board Publ Witherspoon Bldg Phila. His mother was a Crothers & she

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as well as Gov Crothers of Md came from the Cumberland Valley Penna family.

Mrs C. says there were a William & John Crothers at Springfield O who were first cousins of Rev Sam'l D. Crothers.

An old lady named Mowatt, no relation, but a neighbor of Crothers & well informed might give information. She lives now in Springfield O. To get trace of her see Dr Oscar Marguart [best guess], Springfield O. W.H. says George Crothers, a lawyer in San Francisco Calif related to the Senator Fair family.

Now 5:22 or 6:22 PM & must go.

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Waldorf-Astoria Hotel Co New York City, Room 522, July 28, 1922 1:27 PM

I went yesterday morning at 9:30 AM & took the tubes at 33d ST & Broadway at Gimbel Bros corner & arriving at Hoboken NJ took the 10 o'c train on the Delaware Lacawanna & Western to Orange NJ. Calling a taxi there, I was driven abt half a mile to No 480 Conover Terrace & ringing the bell, a voice from the head of the stairs answered that she was alone & was not allowed to come downstairs alone & asked if I would come up & I thus found Mrs Mary N. Crothers, widow of Rev Sam'l D. Crothers, who was on a crutch which she tells me has been necessary since Dec 31, 1886, when a softening of the bone of her right leg between her ankle & knee has interfered with her locomotion. At first, it was accompanied with shooting pains, but now distorted almost into a semi circle it is a serious handicap, but does not pain her & with her cheerful disposition she takes comfort with the Doctors statement that it will not extend above her knee. I have noted on Pages 474 to 481 inclusive much that she & her son who arrived shortly before I left, told me.

The grandmother of Rev Sam'l Crothers 1783 - 1856 was a Lockhart - Mary Lockhart, I believe - in her late years & her daughter was evidently the mother of

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Rev Sam'l Crothers, but they did not know what her maiden name was. Perhaps the family notes that Rev Sam'l D. Crothers 1833 - 1916, sent to his son J. Ernest Crothers may give more of this early family intimate history. Rev W.H. is going to try to get this for me & his mother is going to have her sister, Mrs Watts get the record for me from the old interleaved bible which she left at Greenfield O with Mrs Ballard. Rev Wm H. gave me several valuable references & a matter worth giving serious attention is his reference to the genealogical work of the Mormon Church in whose district he was once located. He says they, by proxy immerse & baptize? all the ancestor of all their members & necessarily must get the correct dates of birth, marriage & death of the family so that the scribe above in heaven can properly locate the several ancestors. He says they have genealogists in Europe working on this all the time. Rev W.H. is a man of medium build, dark complexion & a short black mustache. He asked that privilege be given to examine what was written before publication. His wife is a large well proportioned & very handsome featured woman fully as tall as he & their three younger boys who I saw are nice fine boys. His mother however now in her 84th year is a dear fine face & well preserved. Short in stature

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& of medium build. Her room is a small back corner room, but by reason of having two windows, one on each side, she said she got good air & had the most comfortable room in the house. There was no bed, but a lounge, a little more than the regulation size in width. When I bade her goodbye, she said she had anticipated a lonesome day by reason of her daughter-in-law having gone to Newark before I arrived, but she was pleased to have had such a delightful entertaining day.

Her son, when he came in, asked if I was related to the "Coal Man Thompson" & I answered I "was the same". He asked me to stay for dinner, but I told him I had a dinner engagement in NY & asked him to go with me to the Highland Ave Sta just near their home which he did & I got the 6:31 PM train reached Hoboken at 7 & the Waldorf Astoria at 7:30 & took Isa F. Byers to Lorbers for dinner to New Amsterdam Tp for Ziegfeld's Follies & at 10:35 to 11:44 AM today was in conference with John T. King Esq at No 8 W 40th St & am no 2:25 PM going to 725 Riverside Drive going to see Anna L. Emery & have a birthday anniversary dinner with her Dorothy. JVT.

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Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City, Room 522 July 29, 1922 2 Pm Eastern Standard Time.

I finally got track this afternoon but too late to go now to see him, of Harvey McFarland, finding him listed in the New Jersey Div of the telephone book as:

H. McFarland, r. Christopher, Ramsey 196.

& upon calling up, a lady answered that he was in NY City today & that they were packing up to go to the beach & said I was on the right track that he was Harvey McFarland formerly of Indiana Co Pa & she said that the family record of his father that I asked about was at his sister's, Miss Mary McFarland, Blairsville Pa & advised me to write to her. She took my name. I asked her to have Mr McFarland write to me. I find that Ramsey is in Bergen Co NJ just north of Hoboken & that Ramsey is in the extreme north part of the Co near the NY state line & adjoining Rockland Co NY. It contains 2090 inhabitants & is onthe Erie RR. JVT 2:11 PM

Sept 24, 1922. This Harvey however proved to be a nephew of Rev Harvey McFarland who I have not found yet.

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Belleone-Stratford Hotel Phila Pa July 31, 1922 8:33 PM Daylight Savings Time, Office floor

I got in the city this afternoon about 1:45 PM & went over to the Witherspoon Bldg where I met Rev Dr Merle H. Anderson & answered fully & in detail his letter of 8th inst about his holdings in the Wash Co Pa Coal field. He took me down to the 5th floor to the rooms of the Pres. Historical Society & introduced me to J.L. Twaddell to whom Rev W.H. Crothers, Orange NJ had referred me last Thursday evening. He said he had been a director in a bank here which had since been taken over by the Corn Ex Bk. He said his mother was a Lewis, not a Crothers & he was not related to the Crothers family, but that some of his wife's folks, the Porters had married into the Crothers family.

He said that Ex. Gov Austin Crothers was from Cecil Co Maryland & that two of his nephews lived now at Elkton Md & were fine men, one being a lawyer & the other with a Trust Co there. He said Ex Gov Crothers (of Md) was dead. He referred me to Industrial Trust Title & Sav Co 1950-52 N Front St here saying its Pres was a Crothers, but I find he is John G. Carruth. In his office, I found Boyd's 1918 Phila Bus directory, both yr & copied.

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Carothers, Eno R. Jr, Coal 2632 Harold

Carothers, John C. Optometrist 6139 Haverford Ave

Carruth, John G., Pres Ind Tr Title & Sav Do H. Belleone Stratford of John G. Carruth & Co Woolen Goods NE Cor Indiana & Rosehill

Caruthers, Georgia H. Phys 3064 Frankford Ave

Crothers, Edwd, paper hanger 1630 N. Barley

Crothers, E. Kenney, Architect 5215 Chestnut

Crothers, Samuel, Real Est H 6620 Woodland Ave 5215 Chestnut Ave.

1922 says 3327 Chestnut

Crothers, Stevenson, Ins 316 Walnut L. Paper Mill Rd & C. Hill

Crothers, William, Marble S.W. C. 63d & Kingsessing Ave

Crothers, William D., Storage 1230 Wallace H. 3033 Susquehanna Ave

Crothers, Wm S. (est) 316 Walnut

Rothermel, Peter F. Jr } Corner Walnut &

Rothermel, Peter F. 3d } 15th ST, Flanders Bldg

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Oak Hill Aug 2, 1922 11:17 PM

I had to stop on the preceding page & go to my train, leaving the B&O Sta 8:35 RR time. I called about 4:45 PM on Monday last July 31st at the office of Peter F. Rothermel Jr Atty in the Flanders Bldg & found him dictating a letter to his stenographer. He is a strong robust well preserved man of probably 70 yrs & said his biography could be found in many local works of that nature. He said his father, Peter Fred Rotharmel was born in Skippackville, Montgomery Co Pa in 1812 & died in 1896 aged 84 yrs. He was painter of the famous "Battle of Gettysburg" picture, was the son of John Rothermel who kept a hotel at 3d & Chestnut St Phila called "The Spread Eagle" because of it having been the Austrian two headed eagle. The eagle got split & was then called the "Split Crow".

He s'd he could tell very little about the family, but said Mrs Sam'l McDowell living at Narberth Pa in Montgomery Co & on the PRR had a record of the family many yrs. Her telephone no is Narberth 341-R. I phoned her & arranged to go see her next Monday evening or Tuesday. She is the daughter of Saml H. Rothermel. P.F. Jr thinks that his own father, P.F. & Sam'l H. above were 3d or 4th cousins.

I then continued on out Walnut St to:

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Residence of Mrs Mary Hoy Lacock No 3327 Chestnut St West Phila Pa July 31, 1922 5:55 PM

Mrs Lacock's grandfather was William Crothers. He lived in Phila. He married Anna Connor [Connon?] & she thought at Londonderry, where she once lived, for she said it took them 6 weeks to come over. Don't know whether they were married there or here, but s'd there were no children born there. he was a Presbyterian. Mrs Lacock is a strong woman. He lived to be 93 yrs old & died in Western Phila many yrs ago & there is a marker at his gave in Mt Moriah Cem Phila. She died at 73 yrs & she, Ann Crothers, is buried at Mt Moriah Cem & thinks there is a marker. His sister Mary Crothers, unmarried, lived to be 103 yrs 11 mos old & is also buried at Mt Moriah but there is no marker.

William had a brother Samuel Crothers who largely contributed to building the Pres Ch at Darby Pa where he lived. He was married & left a daughter, Margaret Crothers who married & inherited his farm & sold it to her cousin, Samuel Crothers, son of William Crothers. She had two brothers who died young & she died some years ago aged 76 yrs.

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William Crothers children were: 1. William, who had a marble yard at 63d St & died some years ago. He left considerable money to his children.

2. Samuel. In real estate business. He has been a great politician & has served in council & in the legislature. He is aged abt 62 or 63 yrs. He votes in Phila, but has a residence at Wallingford Pa but his P.O. is Media Pa. He & his wife are both living & have 5 children:

1. Edward, building up bowling Green

2. Samuel

3. Anna

4. Marion, a girl

5. Jean

Edward married Reena Rigby, daughter of Lord Rigby of Media Pa who has a wonderful home there.

3. Sarah Crothers, born on Chester Ave Phila Pa & was a yr or two older than Sam. Say is now about 65 yrs. She married Richard Hoy a native of Ireland. Richard Hoy who came here when 6 yrs old with an uncle. She lives now corner Woodland Ave & 40th St West Phila Pa. These are the parents of Mrs Lacock, my informant who now says she thinks her great grandfather's name was John Crothers. She has no issue.

4. Emma. a widow, married Fryberg. She is living & is older than Mrs Hoy.

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Lived in Phila, has just sold her property & is about to move. Leaving at 6:40 PM

Mrs Lacock said there were Mrs Retta & Miss Mary Thompson living at Frankford & own lots of land there (I couldn't find their names in directory). Said their father was a preacher & that the family entertained Lafayette in their home, an old mansion which they still own. Says it is directly opposite the hospital which she says is No 4500 Frankford. Ave. See Book 16, p 590

This afternoon, Clark Chisholm came in to tell me that Mr Kunkle would not return until tomorrow & in talking about the old Pres G.y. donated to the town by Henry Beeson, he said he father Daniel Chisholm was great for preserving old papers & when they bought the old Beeson property on Main St, his father found the third story filled with old Beeson papers which he was 3 yrs in examining at his leisure & he says he has his father's same ideas of old papers & he has them, including the first tax duplicate of Uniontown Bor. See & ask him if there are any Cramer Almanacs among them & buy them if he will sell them. It is now 12:50 AM & I must get up at 4:15 AM. JVT

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At residence of Harry L. Dunlap, Pine St (west side of St) Jefferson, Greene Co Pa. Aug 4, 1922 11:44 AM

Harry says L. is just an initial in his name & says further that his grandfather, Andrew Dunlap came to Greene Co Pa from Fayette Co Pa in 1844 when Harry's father, Samuel Dunlap was 7 yrs old & settled in Monongahela Tp & he Andrew & his wife are buried in Monongahela Hill Cemetery between Grays Landing & Greensboro Pa.

Harry thinks his great grandfather, Samuel Dunlap & his wife, Hannah (nee Lecky) are buried in Fayette Co Pa, he said Redstone, but I think he means Dunlaps Creek Cemetery or possibly in Lecky's graveyard. He was quite sure that they died in Fayette Co Pa & I will make search to see if our court house record shows anything of the settlement of the estate of either. As I heretofore have found now ill, it will be well to look for deed conveyance of his property.

Harry says his grandfather, Andrew Dunlap had a brother, Samuel, who he thinks is buried in Fayette Co Pa & also another brother,Alexander Dunlap, but he don't think he died in Fayette Co Pa. Alexander had a son John who went to Kansas but later died in Los Angeles Calif, he thinks between 1905 & 1910 where

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his widow is still living. Her name is Lavenia Dunlap & her address is No 2015 Dayton Ave, Los Angeles Calif. I will write to her tonight.

Harry L. Dunlap says he was born Mch 23, 1868 & was married Sept 26, 1889 to Sarepta May Minor, who says she was born May 14, 1869. She is the daughter of Otho W. Minor Decd (& he a son of John Minor) & his wife Lucinda nee Stephens now hale & hearty at 84 yrs. of age & living with Mr & Mrs Dunlap. Harry & Sarepta have had three children they say as follows:

1. Samuel Minor Dunlap born May 11, 1891

2. Roy Ellsworth Dunlap born Nov 15, 1896

3. Harry Lowell Dunlap born Oct 10, 1910

Roy E. is not married. Their oldest son, Samuel Minor Dunlap married Effie Headley, daughter of W.O. Headley of Waynesburgh Pa & they live at East McKeesport Pa & have two children, viz:

1. Samuel Harry Dunlap born Oct 27, 1913

2. Dorothy May Dunlap born Apr 2, 1918

I bade them goodbye & left at 12:11 PM

Harry said he didn't have any old Dunlap bible & he thought H.K. Barb had it. Refer to Pages 101 & 102 of this book for their statement about it & the record they have.

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Wm Penn Hotel Pittsburgh Pa Room 423 Aug 4, 1922 9:11 PM

I got up yesterday morning at 4:15 AM, got my breakfast & left at 5:30, P. Pallini driving for West Brownsville Pa where we arrived at 6 AM & I took the 6:05 AM PRR train to Rices Landing Pa & there took the M.M. Thompson Auto Bus which landed me in Waynesburgh at 7:30 AM. I went to see Joseph Patton & he called up James Neal at Carmichaels Pa & arranged to have him meet me at his farm on Big Whiteley Creek in the afternoon. I saw Wm J. Kyle & got from him the Geo B. Orndoff & Sam'l G. Orndoff abstracts for the 161 A. coal I contracted with Porter McShane, Exr of Anna Struble to buy the day before. I also got Kyle's promise to prepare deed to the Green Imp Co for the John Gooden & Cassie Gooden detached tracts of the Smith Creek Block ctg 66.75 A+ in a trade for my 65 A in the Smith Creek block which I am to have conveyed to him as Trustee & am to pay him $320 per acre for the 1.75 A+ excess & am to clear the mtges from my 65 A & am also to pay him from $200 to $300 for his services in preparing the papers which he will start to do in two weeks on his return from a contemplated trip to Mifflin Co Pa.

Elva D. Patterson, drove me out to the James Neal farm in his Buick just after lunch & there, we found Mr Neal waiting with L.N. Burnette & C.J. Lincoln of Carmichaels Pa & we agreed

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on terms for his rpo in all particulars except price. I am to have new papers drawn & send them to Burnette. We then drove over to Jefferson Pa & saw Alfred Y. Garard & arranged for an option at $200 per acre for his Mapletown coal under the Wm Howard lands. A.Y. told as all the minors had gone over on a picnic jaunt to the Monongahela Tp farm on Big Whiteley to view the Rpo. We then went into Waynesburg arriving at 6 PM & I got up this morning at 5, got my breakfast at 6 & phoned Elva at 7:15 & he came down at 7:40 & we reached John W. Minor's at Jefferson at 8 AM. He called his brother, Ellsworth up & after three hours negotiation, we came on erms & Ellsworth went to his store & called his brother Sylvanus K. at Arden Washington Co Pa & arranged for him to see me in the afternoon. John W. then called Harry L. Dunlap at the company store at Mather where he works & he came to John's & signed up the option & walked with me around to his home where his wife & her mother signed up & I then went to second house beyond his where Emma S. Minor, wife of Ellsworth S. signed. I then went back to Dunlaps & got the record noted at Pages 492 & 493 & when I came out, found his north neighbor, Rev John c. McMinn talking to Elva. He said his great grandfather, McMinn was an Armenian preacher & that his grandfather McMinn

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came to America in 1802 & became an officer in the War of 1812

This however makes it plain that they are not of our McMinns who married the daughter of Robert Elliott. We left at 12:15 PM & were in Waynesburg at 12:33 PM. I got some apples, pears & peaches & we left Wbg at 1:15 PM & was in Washington Pa at 2 PM, Elva driving part of the way at 40 to 45 miles per hour. We continued on to Arden & found the Minor house locked up, but noticing a woman hurrying across the fields, we waited & it proved to be Mrs Minor with a bucket of blackberries she had just picked. I had her call her husband Sylvanus K. at the Children's Home adjoining & they signed the option & Elva took their acknowledgments, all the Minors & Dunlaps agreeing to say nothing about the excess price we pay them. S.K. said he was 62 yrs old & when 19 had gone to Mr Morris, Pa with on $5 in his pocket & rented the mill there & as soon as he got it running, D. Lem Donley came in & said he had 1000 bushels of wheat to sell him & upon Minor telling him he had no money to pay for it, Donley says "Give me $12 to pay for a trip to Pgh & pay for the balance when you can". He paid the $12 & only had three cents left, but went to Morgantown WVA & sold the flour & cleared $200. After running the mill 5 yrs, he had $5000 on the clear. We drove back to Wash & arrived at the B&O Sta just as a train was pulling in abt 3:30 PM which

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I took & arrived in Pgh 5:05 PM RR time or 6:05 Pgh time, read the paper, got my dinner at 7 PM & then called up Wm Gates & arranged to meet him at his office in the morning at 9 AM with the hope of getting through for the 10:40 Am train to Phila if possible or if not, for the 2 PM PRR train. Met Prest S.S. Baker of W & J College in the lobby just before coming upstairs & he & I agree that next May will be a better time to start the campaign to raise funds for the college than this fall. JVT

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At residence of Mrs Minnie Rothermel McDowell, corner Montgomery & Woodbine Aves Narberth, Montgomery Co, Lower Menin [best guess] Tp Pa 11:07 AM Aug 8, 1922

I arrived here at 9:37 AM & Mrs McDowell has shown me a rough page draft of family genealogical tree which her sister, Miss Alice M. Rothermel got from some of the relatives in Reading Pa. I copy the page just as she has it. [I can't enter it as shown, so will put it in standard Desc. Chart form CW]

[Descendant Chart]

"Came from Holland

John Christian Rothermel


Peter Rothermel, Oley Tp?


Lawrence, Perry Tp, Berks Co



Came to America in 1727

John, 1747

Abraham, 1749

Jacob, 1751 Richmond, Tp

Joseph, 1781

John, 1785

Esther, 1791

Jacob, 1798






John All living except Mary. Samuel now lives at Fleetwood. Susan, 1799

Hannah, 1802

David, 1803

Simon, 1805, owned the house in which Saml H. Rothermel was born, an old log house, thinks in Oley Tp. Farm was later owned by blind Peter Rothermel

Elizabeth, 1812 Daniel

Mary, 1753

Joseph, 1755 Buried at Phila, starved in the Rev War by the English Soldiers Cemetery.

Peter, 1757

Madeline, 1759

Elizabeth Siegfried was the wife of John Rothermel & was born on the 4th day of July 1726 and was the first child that was born in Maxatawney Tp, Berks Co.

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Jacob Rothermel served two years in the Revolutionary army and is buried in Richmond Tp, Berks Co."

Mrs McDowell does not know just what date this paper was made, but thinks it was about 12 or 15 yrs ago, that her sister, Alice, recd it from a relative in Reading Pa & she thinks it came from John Rothermel, a lawyer at Reading Pa, who copied it from some records he had.

Mrs McD says when her father Samuel H. Rothermel died in 1897? in his 88th year, he was the oldest coal merchant in Phila & had had his office at 318 Walnut ST, Phila Pa for 50 yrs.

Mrs McD's sister Alice M. Rothermel, was abroad between 1900 & 1908 several times often staying a year or more & once in going up the Rhine, near Mayence [best guess] they pointed out the Rothermel Castle which was in ruins. She met a Paul Rothermel in London, Eng, a lawyer who was a representative from France to some coronation proceedings & on the back of a photo is stamped the date June 21, 1897 [or 1877], which we indicate it was the 60th anniversary of Queen Victoria's coronation. This photo shows 4 representatives of France, Paul Rothermel being one & was taken by Hana Ltd 22 Bedford St, Strand London. He said the Rothermels were not German but were French from Alsace-Loraine.

Mrs McD says John Rothermel's daughter

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Madeline or Magdaline above married a Dreibelbiss & it was through them that they got in the D.A.R. in one line. She shows some data that indicates that her grandfather, Abraham Rothermel was born in 1780 & died in 1843. She says her father once showed her the locations of many different mills, flouring, whiskey, & woolen mills that Abraham's father once owned & she thinks his name (that would be her great grandfather) was [22]cut Mnt Life Ins¼ô_Wö_I___(Co paying 6 or 8 big paving assessme

page 498 or if she does not descend from him it might be from his brothers Abraham or Daniel. Investigate. Her grandfather was buried at Hunter Sta, near Treverton at Mahanoy, Northumberland Co Pa. Mrs McD says her grandfather was a very large man weighing 325 lbs & had 12 children, 5 girls & 7 boys & six of these boys who grew to maturity were all over 6 ft some 6 ft 1 & others 6 ft 3 in. She cannot give the names of any of the brothers & sisters of her grandfather, Abraham Rothermel.

The 12 children of Abraham were William, Samuel H., Daniel, Joel H. Lewis & Reuben. Anna married Samuel Wagner who moved to Freeport Ills. Maria married Eisenhart, Susan married a John Hensyl & Catherine married Solomon Dunkelberger & lived about Mahanoy Pa as did Maria & Susan. She thinks the father of Peter F. Rothermel,

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the artist & her grandfather, Abraham Rothermel were first cousins. Mrs McD has in her parlor a fine painting by P.F. Rothermel showing Franklin at the French Court with Lafayette showing in the picture. This painting was bought by her father from P.F. Rothermel in 1855 & presented to his wife at the time Mrs McD was born.

Mrs McD says the old Rothermel Bible dating back to the Reformation & in German over a foot wide & over two feet long & four inches thick with a clasp & called the Martin Luther edition was burned when her house on this spot was burned in 1892. At the same time, her father's bible was burned, it having been stored here. He, Sam'l H. had eight children as follows:

1. James Abbott, born Oct 5, 1844 in Phila Pa

2. Mary Emma, born Feby 10, 1847 in Phila Pa

3. Louise Chapin, born Oct 29, 1849 in Phila Pa

4. Anna Wagner, born Sept 29, 1852 in Phila Pa

5. Minnie Castner born July 22, 1855 in Phila Pa

6. Lewis McDowell born Sept 1, 1861 in Phila Pa

7. Samuel Hunter Jr born Sept 8, 1864 in Phila Pa

8. Alice Maud born Feby 13, 1868 in Phila Pa

Samuel Hunter Rothermel was born Mch 11, 1809

Louisa Chapin was born Apr 27, 1824.

They were married Dec 27, 1843. She died in Mch 1892 about 8th or 9th & he died Jany 21, 1897.

V7 Page 502

Samuel Rothermel McDowell was born Apr 2, 1854 & married Minnie C. Rothermel Nov 22, 1882 & their children are:

1. Helen Rothermel McDowell was born Nov 13, 1883 in Phila

2. Fanny Borner McDowell was born Sept 16, 1886 in Phila

3. Margaret Castner McDowell was born July 4, 1889 in Nanderth

4. Samuel Rothermel McDowell Jr was born Nov 22, 1890 in Nanderth

5. Katherine Dalrymple McDowell was born Apr 20, 1899 in Nanderth

Left at 2:11 Pm

At residence of Mrs Clara Batdorf No 1219 Lehigh Ave Phila Pa Aug 8, 1922 3:25 PM

Mrs Batdorf's mother who is 83 is visiting her daughter Elizabeth today at Collingwood NJ & she called up her sister on the phone & she asked her mother, but she said she never heard the name of her husband's great grandfather, nor does she know the names of any of the brothers or sisters of his grandfather, Abraham Rothermel. Mrs B's sister has brought out their father's bible & from it, she reads as follows:

Samuel Hunter Rothermel, son of William Rothermel of Abraham was born at Pottsville Pa where the court house now stands Sept 4, 1833

Hannah Mauren was born At Mahantonga, Northumberland Co Pa May 20, 1839

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They were married Feby 22, 1859 & their children are:

1. Clara Rebecca Rothermel born Feby 27, 1860 at Mahanoy Pa

2. Lilly Jane Rothermel born Oct 13, 1861 at Mahanoy Pa

3. Felix Donald Rothermel born Dec 13, 1864 at Mahanoy Pa

4. William Packer Rothermel born Dec 13, 1864 at Mahanoy Pa

5. Unnamed son Rothermel born Dec 13, 1874 at Mahanoy Pa [triplets!!]

6. Emma Sallie Rothermel born Feby 16, 1870 at Treverton Pa

Samuel Hunter Rothermel died Jany 29, 1902 at Phila Pa & is buried at Hillside Cem near Willow Grove.

Frank Saussen Batdorf was born Sept 16, 1864 at Tremont, Schuylkill Co, Pa & was married to 1. Clara R. Rothermel on Dec 20, 1913 & have had no children.

2. Lilly Jane Rothermel married Milton F. Moyer of Uniontown (P.O. Pillow) Dauphin Co Pa & both now living at 236 S. 54th ST Phila Pa, where he is a retired tanner, having been in business at Lykens Dauphin Co Pa where all their children were born. She was married Apr 20, 1884 & have had ten children viz:

1. Ralph Theodore Moyer born Apr 1, 1885

3. Harry Clive Moyer born Oct 15, 1887

4. Clara Edith Moyer born Feby 23, 1889

5. Florence Moyer born 1891

6. Milton Ray Moyer born June 23, 1893

7. Lillie May Moyer born June 23, 1893

8. Helen Emma Moyer born Feby 13?, 1895

10. Hannah Moyer born 1900

2. Clayton Rothermel Moyer born 1886. He died at age of ten years

V7 Page 504

9. George Moyer born 1897

1. Ralph T. Moyer married Miss Minnie Bosworth of Phila Pa about 1908 & live at No 1510 S. 63d St Phila Pa where he is a salesman. They have two children:

A. Ruth Moyer aged abt 12 yrs

B. Robert Moyer aged abt 8 yrs

3. Harry Clive Moyer married Blanche_____ of Milton Pa & they are both living in Williamsport Pa where he is a reporter on "Grit". No issue.

4. Clara Edith, single, a school teacher at Ardmore Pa

5. Florence married Arthur Lyons of Phila Pa & both living in Phila Pa & have one child:

Jack Lyons aged abt 8 yrs

6. Milton Ray married Laura Eifel of Phila Pa who died 2 yrs ago. He lives in WVA in the coal fields. No issue.

7. Lillie May, single, stenographer & lives at home.

8. Helen Emma married William Behrens of Phila Pa on Apr 20, 1922 & live in Phila where he is in the electrical business.

9. George, single & at home, a salesman

10. Hannah, single & at home

3. Felix Donald married Carrie Evans of Phila Pa. She died in 1903. He is a graduate of medicine & is a doctor but married before he got his degree. He disappeared about 20 yrs ago never had any children.

4. William Packer, married Mame Cleaver of Ashland Pa about 1893 & both are

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living at No 548 N 12th St where he has a delicatessen Store. Have three children: viz:

A. Gertrude May born May 20, 1893

B. Helen Cleaver born 1895

C. Emma Dorothy born 1899?

A. Gertrude May married James Kreidler of Phila Pa Feby 2, 1918. He died Oct 2, 1918 of the "flu" being the 2d person to die in Phila of the "flu". No issue.

B. Helen Cleaver married William Yomer of Phila Pa on Dec 25, 1918 & both live at No 1110 Green St Phila Pa where he is cashier of the Central Trust Co Phila Pa. No issue.

C. Emma Dorothy married Lewis Donnelly of Phila Pa on Feby 22, 1920 & she is living at home with her father & has a son William Lewis Donnelly who was born Mch 21, 1922.

5. Unnamed son, one of the triplets lived but 2 hours

6. Emma Sallie, unmarried & at her sister's & my informant of this afternoon the information taken down since what she read me from the bible being from memory. She tells me that her father had two brothers & seven sisters & I am noting what she can give me about on the following in a genealogical table. It is now 5:40 PM RR or standard Time & I have taken down on the next two pages the record of who the family married but Emma Sallie will get dates of birth & death etc from her aunt Susan Wright who went yesterday to Sunbury Pa to visit her niece, Bertha Smith.

V7 Page 506 & V7 Page 507

[Descendant Chart]

William Rothermel, eldest child of Abraham Rothermel, was a farmer & lived at Hunter Sta, Northumberland Co Pa where he died probably near 1856 aged abt 48 to 50 yrs & buried there. He married Judith Herb also of Northumberland Co Pa. She survived him & died in about 1878 in Treverton Pa aged 73 yrs being she thinks older than her husband & is buried by her husband. She was one of twenty two children of her father by two wives. See Boo 16 p 540-541.


Samuel Hunter, B Sept 4, 1833 ob Jany 29, 1902. See pages 502 to 505. He was born at Pottsville Pa. He married Feby 22, 1859 Hannah Mauren who was born May 20, 1839 at Mahantonga Pa & is living at 1219 Lehigh Ave Phila Pa.

Clara Rebecca, B Feby 27, 1860 m. on Dec 20, 1913 to Frank S. Batdorf who was born Sept 16, 1864 at Tremont Pa. Both living at No 1219 Lehigh Ave, Phila Pa. No issue. She was born at Mahanoy Pa.

Lilly Jane, B Oct 13, 1861 at Mahanoy Pa m. Apr 20, 1884 to Milton F. Moyer of Uniontown, Dauphin Co Pa. Both living at No 2368 54th St, Phila Pa

Ralph Theodore, B Apr 1, 1885 m. abt 1908 to Minnie Bosworth & live at No 1510 S. 63d St Phila where he is a salesman.

Ruth, aged abt 12

Robert, aged abt 8

Clayton Rothermel, B 1886 died aged 10 yrs

Harry Clive, B Oct 15, 1887 m. Clanche of Milton Pa & both living at Williamsport Pa where he is a reporter on "Grit". No issue

Clara Edith, B Feby 23, 1889 single school teacher at Ardmore Pa

Florence, B 1891 m. Arthur Lyons of Phila Pa both living in Phila Pa.

Jack Lyons, aged abt 8

Milton Ray, B June 23, 1893 mar Laura Eifel of Phila Pa who died 2 yrs ago. No issue. He is in WVA coal fields.

Lilly May, B June 23, 1893 single stenographer & lives at home.

Helen Emma, B Feby 13?, 1895 married Apr 20, 1922 to William Behrens of Phila. Live in Phila Pa. He is an electrician.

George, B 1897 single & at home. Salesman

Hannah Moyer, B 1900 at home single

These dates of the Moyer children above are about all wrong. See Book 16 pages 548 & 549.

Felix Donald, B Dec 13, 1864 at Mahanoy Pa. He is a doctor. Married Carrie Evans of Phila who died 1903 without issue. He disappeared 20 yrs ago.

William Packer, B Dec 13, 1864 at Mahanoy Pa m. abt 1893 to Mame Cleaver of Ashland Pa & both living at 548 N 12th ST Phila Pa where he has a delicatessen store. See b 16 p 621 & 2 for correct dates.

Gertrude May, B May 20, 1893 mar Feby 2,1 918 to James Kreidler who died of the "flu" Oct 2, 1918. No issue. See B 16 P 621 & 2 for correct dates etc.

Helen Cleaver, B July 7, 1895 m. Dec 25, 1918 to William Yomer of Phila Pa & both live at 1110 Green St. He is cashier of Central Trust Co, Phila Pa No issue.

Emma Dorothy, B Feby 5, 1899 m. Feby 22, 1920 to Lewis Donnelly of Phila Pa & lives at home with her father.

William Lewis Donnelly, B Mch 21, 1922 Unnamed son, B Dec 13, 1864 died shortly after birth ie. 2 hours.

Emma Sallie, B Feby 16, 1870 at Treverton Pa. single. Lives with sister Clara, my informant. Aug 23, 1926 she mar 1925 Dr Wm T. Hamilton of Phila Pa.

Rebecca Rothermel, Born, died M. Galen Smith, a farmer of Mahanoy Pa where both lived & died. He was Protty of Northumberland Co Pa one term.

Sallie Smith, b. Ob.

Bertha Smith, b . Lives in Sunbury Pa single aged 49.

Sallie Rothermel, Born, died, m. Daniel Graeff of Lebanon Pa, a merchant. Both dead at Lebanon without issue.

Miranda Rothermel, M. Samuel Bonher of Treverton Pa where both died leaving about 8 children.

Lavina Rothermel, m. Nathaniel Reitz of near Shamokin Pa. Went west many yrs ago where she died & he is still living. Had children.

Daniel Rothermel, m. Ellen Mauren a sister of Hannah. He died at Treverton & she is living there.





Susan Rothermel, She is the only one of the family living. M. William Wright of Sunbury Pa who is dead. He was a machinist. She lives at 5554 Catherine St Phila with her daughter & will give record. Aged 75 yrs. Have 5 children.

William Rothermel, was killed by the Indians in Arizona. Was never married.

Katharine Rothermel, "Kitty" m. James Raker of Rakersota, Northumberland Co Pa, a farmer & both are buried in a cem near their home at Rakers Sta where all the Rothermels there are buried on ground given by Wm Rothermel her father. Have two boys & a girl

Louisa Rothermel, m. J.F. Wolfarth of Treverton Pa a Methodist minister who has been located at the Urbana Ills for 30 yrs. She died there a year ago & he is living. Have three children.

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Oak Hill, Aug 9, 1922 10:11 PM

I reached Mrs McDowell's yesterday morning as recorded on Pages 498 to 502 & was very glad to get the record of eight of the children of great great grandfather, John Rothermel as shown on page 498, line 20. Her daughter Fanny with her husband driving & accompanied by their son Robert, she being home on a visit drove her mother & myself past the 1682 Quaker Church just near Mrs McDowell's home where Wm Penn worshipped & which is still in use & through Lower Merion Tp to 1219 Lehigh Ave. Mrs McD said James Boyd, the uncle of Helen Dunbar of Oklahoma City, lived at Norristown Pa (& but is now dead) & was in partnership in some enterprise with her father or Uncle.

We found Mrs Batdorf whose father, Samuel Hunter Rothermel was a nephew of Mrs McDowell's father, Samuel Hunter Rothermel & was named for him. Mrs Batdorf is a large gray haired fine looking woman & her sister Emma S. who is 10 yrs younger is smaller but was equally kind & courteous & gave me most of the information noted so far, on pages 502 to 507 & I left at 6:06 PM & took a south bound street car straight in on North 12th St to Chestnut St. I arranged for Mrs McDowell & Emma S. Rothermel to come out for a few days

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visit with me on 23d inst.

Mrs McDowell is a large distinguished looking woman, reminding me very much of Miss Agnew in appearance. She was very kind & spoke several times of her father's great distress that the old Martin Luther Bible as they called the old Rothermel Family Bible was burned.

As I drove away from the station yesterday morning, I saw the name of an office building of George R.? Markle Real estate & a little further on George Markle in the milk & cream business at Narberth & must see them. Mrs McDowell gave me an obituary notice of her father with his picture heading it & also a memorial of Peter F. Rothermel, the artist with his picture in front which she said I could keep. She also gave me a sheet of her paper with the Rothermel Coat of Arms on. The mother of Mrs Batdorf & Emma is Mrs Hannah Rothermel, 1219 Lehigh Ave Phila Pa. which you reach from Belleone Stratford by taking car on 13th ST & go to Lehigh Ave & walk east.

She also told me of one of her relatives, William Edwin Rothermel living in Chicago Ills whose address could be gotten in telephone books, who had met a Rothermel in the west who bore a striking resemblance to some of their people. Must now get ready for my trip tomorrow to west Newton, Pa. Etc.

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See page 553

At residence of Theodore J. Highberger, Vine St, West Newton Pa Aug 10, 1922 2 PM

I walked over here at 1:20 PM from Eben Baughman, where he insisted on my remaining for dinner when I was ready to leave at 12:10 PM & I remained & had a good dinner with the family & came over through his barnyard & up the alley to Vine ST, the front of this house. Mrs Gordon met me at the door & called me Cousin Joe right off. She is very much run down & thin from an attack of dysentery. She introduced me to her Cousin Leah Miller, daughter of Albert G. who was here on a visit with her sister Margaret.

Lillie said her Aunt Maria Louisa Boyd of Wilkinsburg had wanted to bible record of her Father & mother & she tore it out & sent it to her but before doing so, copied it in pencil on a sheet of paper & from this sheet which she kept in the old bible I copy viz:

"Parents Names:

Record of Grandfather Miller's family

William Miller born about the first of Feby 1785

Mary Markle born Feby 28, 1788

Their children:

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1. Israel Miller, born Sept 19, 1816

2. Leah M. Miller, born Mch 12, 1818

3. Albert Gallatin Miller born Nov 19?, 1819

4. Gasper Markle Miller born Nov 5, 1821

5. Maria Louisa Miller born Nov 5, 1824

6. John Markle Miller born Dec 19, 1827

In the old record this is changed to 2828, the 8 being in pencil.


Mary Ann Miller (Lillie's mother) died Nov 6, 1867

William Miller died Sept 2, 1869

Mary M. Miller died May 8, 1873

Their own family bible a big heavy one printed in 1881 by A.J. Helman & Co Phila, gives their record.

T.J. Highberger of Sewickly Tp & Leah J. Miller of South Huntingdon Tp were married Oct 20, 1881 at Israel Miller's by Rev. J.C. Meloy Their children:

1. Joseph Miller Highberger was born May 8, 1883

2. Mary Ann Highberger was born Sept 13, 1884

3. William Waltz Highberger was born Sept 12, 1886

4. Leah Rachel Highberger was born Aug 11, 1888

5. Susanna Highberger was born Dec 9, 1890

6. Elizabeth Markle Highberger was born Sept 21, 1892

Theodore Highberger was born Apr 3, 1849

Leah Jane Highberger was born Dec 9, 1855


Leah Rachel Highberger died Aug 22, 1893

Mary Ann Highberger died Aug 30, 1893

Elizabeth Markle Highberger died Aug 31, 1893

All died of diptheria contracted from their hired girl.

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Joseph took it first, then Will then Rachel & the others including Susanna too. Mrs Highberger says her three children are buried at the Markle cemetery. Mr Highberger in going over the list of the children of Daniel Waltz & Elizabeth Cramer (Kramer) on Pages 91 & 92 of the Waltz Family Hist, says:

1. Gen'l Daniel Waltz. He knows of his being killed in War of 1812

2. Jacob was his grandfather & his daughter Susannah married Joseph Highberger. They lived & died at the brick house above the Bridge at Waltz Mills & are buried at Seanors [best guess] Lutheran & German Reformed Church cemetery 3 miles east of Waltz Mills. They died the same year within 4 mos. Joseph Highberger died July 27, 1892 aged 72 yrs 7 mos 11 days Susannah Highberger died Oct 16, 1892 aged 93 yrs 9 mos

3. Polly married Joseph Hough. Don't know about them but recalls his mother speaking of Uncle Joe Hough.

4. Susan married Wm Suter. Their son Eli C. Suter, Nelson Weddle's mother was a sister of Eli C. Suter. He lived across the River in the C.C. Markel house which he bought from W.S. VanDyke. He is dead, but his widow & some of his children live in house & could probably give record. She was a sister of Dr Sutton Jr. She is probably over 70. Susan thinks she is out west now, but a married daughter is there now.

5. Hester, married Michael Myers. He was a farmer & lived near Mt Pleasant Pa. Thinks they left some children.

6. Elizabeth, evidently died young.

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7. Elizabeth married Stofel Hepler. They lived out on Barren Run between Smithton & Scottdale. Don't know about them see page 517.

8. Mary married Archibald Boyd neither of them know his father's name or that of any brother. He, however had children as follows:

1. John Boyd lived at Mendon, a farmer M.1 Rachel Kilgore fr abt Mt Pleasant or Pleasant Unity & had no issue. M.2. Martha Davis. No issue.

2. Elizabeth m. Wm. Nicholls & had several children viz:

A. Rebecca, m. Dan Williams both dead, left a good many children.

B. Archibald, m. Elizabeth Williams sister of Dan

C. Rachel m. Albert Pore son of Chris

D. John, m. Lide Beufort

3. Archibald, m. Elizabeth Pinkerton & had:

A. Etta, single lives in Greensburgh Pa

B. Alma, m. Rev Getty live Murraysville Pa

C. John M. Lives first house beyond Frank A. Gaut. Feel sure he could give record

D. Susan, M. Samuel Bell, son of Walter

E. A boy died a young man

F. William oldest of all, a farmer & lives near Millville. Married possibly a Kilgore.

H. Mary, the youngest, m. Israel Miller his 2d wife

4. Margaret, m. David Hunter Had several children viz Archibald, Jennie, Lucetta, Emma & Maggie Mar Thos Hanna

9. Margaret, m. John Hill never heard of them.

See Book 8 page 64

Leaving 5:40 PM

V7 Page 514 & V7 Page 515

[Descendant Chart]

Mary Markle born Feby 28, 1788 & died May 8, 1873 & are buried in West Newton Cemetery. William Miller, born Feby 1?, 1785 & died Sept 2, 1869 & are buried in West Newton Cemetery.


Israel Miller, born Sept 19, 1816. He died in Allegheny Pa Apr 4, 1888. He married 1st in 1847 to Mary Ann Milligan, daughter of John Milligan. M.2. in 1872 to Mary Boyd, daughter of Archibald Boyd & his wife Elizabeth Pinkerton. She is buried in Barren Run Cemetery, two miles out from Smithton Pa East toward Scottdale Pa. No issue to second wife.

John Alexander Miller, B Jany 9, 1849 ob Aug 1, 1888 aged 39 yrs 6 mos 22 days. Unmarried, buried at West Newton Cem.

William Miller, B Dec 22, 1851 ob Aug 12?, 1913 m. Mary Ellen Andrews, daughter of James Andrews & his wife Hannah Byers. She lives at the old Home with her daughter.

Mary Gertrude Miller, B Dec 6?, 1879 mar Nov 1908 to Elmer Kintigh a farmer & carpenter & live above here at turn of improved road. No issue.

Anna Miller, Born June 1?, 1882 mar Cyrus P. Markle son of Sheppard B. & Belle Crothers Markle & live at the old home.

William Miller Markle

Cyrus Painter Markle

Mary Gertrude

Howard Elmer

Leah Jane Miller, B Dec 9, 1855 m. Oct 20, 1881 to Theo J. Highberger who was born Apr 3, 1849 & live on Vine St West Newton Pa, my informants of this afternoon.

Joseph Miller, B May 8, 1883 m. June 15, 1916 to Mary Walkin Shaw, of Millerwood near Derry Pa & live at Oxford Pa where he is farming. Graduate of W & J & an Elder in Presbyterian Church there. Graduated in 1905.

Ruth Leah, B June 28, 1917

John Theodore, B Sept 12?, 1920

Mary Ann, B Sept 13, 1884 ob Aug 30, 1893

William Watts, B Sept 12, 1886. Graduated fr W & J in 1908. M. on Apr 7, 1913 at Nanking China to Emily Elizabeth Patterson of Childs, Md 8 miles fr Oxford Pa & live now at Hong Chow, China where he is a Presbyterian missionary & graduated fr Western Theological Sem abt 1912.

Robert Carter, B Dec 22, 1913 born at Hong Chow

William Theodore, B Dec 27, 1914 at Hong Chow

Leah Rachel, B Aug 11, 1888, ob Aug 22 1893

Susanna, B Dec 9, 1890 m. Dec 15, 1920 to Chas Newlin Gordon who was born Oct 31, 1892. He has a mail route. No issue.

Elizabeth Markle, B Sept 21, 1892 ob Aug 31, 1893

A Stillborn boy

Leah Markle Miller, Born Mch 12, 1818

Albert Gallatin Miller, Born Nov 19, 1819 see pages 532 to 534

Gasper Markle Miller, Born Nov 5, 1821

Maria Louise Miller, Born Nov 5, 1824 ob Dec 7, 1900 Mar Apr 7, 1859 to William Boyd, who was born Nov 23, 1816, in Bally-Black, Newtonardo, County Down, Ireland, son of David Boyd & his wife Mary Bryson, a native of Ayrshire Scotland. He died Mch 19, 1895 in Wilkinsburg, Pa

John Boyd, B June 12, 1861 ob Aug 10, 1866

Mary Boyd, Born Sept 9, 1864 mar June 22, 1893 Alfred William Duff who was born June 6, 1858, son of Dr James H. Duff & his wife Susanna T. Miller. They live at Wilkinsburg Pa & he is one of the Judges of the Pgh Courts.

Wm Boyd Duff, B Mch 28, 1894

Louise Duff, B June 11, 1898

Jane Boyd, B Dec 27, 1867 my informant for this record. See small envelope filed. Lives 1208 Center st Wilkinsburg, Pa

John M. Miller, Born Dec 19, 1827. He is buried West Newton Cem. M. Amanda Hull of Monongahela City Pa. He died & she married again to Samuel Robinson of Monongahela who has died & she now lives at the Hamilton Home, Dravosburg, Pa. Is old & feeble & might answer a letter. They were married Apr 28, 1874 in Monongahela City Pa. She was born in Allegheny Pa Jany 20, 1842, the daughter of John Hull & his wife Vannelia Meeker. Her first husband died Mch 1, 1874. After Mr Miller's death, she married Samuel B. Robinson Oct 28, 1897, a native of England, who after his parents died came with his uncle to the U.S. & served in the Civil War, a man of fine mind, who died May 27, 1915 in his 83d year. On Oct 9, 1922, she writes that the first time she was married was to John M. Miller as above & she says he was born Dec 9, 1828 (see above) & that he died Mch 1, 1894. She signs her name Amanda B. Robinson JVT Feby 10, 1923.

V7 Page 516

[Descendant Chart]

Susannah Waltz died Oct 16, 1892 aged 73 yrs 9 mos born say Jany 16, 1819

Joseph Highberger died July 27, 1892 aged 72 yrs 7 mos 11 days born say Dec 16, 1819.


Albert, died aged 15

Theodore J., B Apr 3, 1849 see page 514

Catharine, d.y.

Daniel Clarence, died when abt 2 or 3 yrs old

Twins, died at birth unnamed

Twins, died at birth unnamed. One set of twins came before Theodore J.

David Waltz Highberger, He was youngest. He was a little younger than Lillie. T.J. thinks he was born in 1856. He died 4 or 5 yrs ago or about 1915. He is buried at Seanors Cemetery. He was a farmer. M. Emma Null, daughter of Jacob Null & his wife who was a Bilheimer.

Gaynelle, a girl m. Albert Hoke & live near Waltz Mill or Yukon

Albert Jr, a yr old?

Clair, a boy, unmarried

V7 Page 517

At residence of Belle Markle, Mill Grove, Sewickly Tp, Westmoreland Co, Pa Aug 10, 1922 11:30 PM

Mrs Highberger asked me to stay for supper so I did not get away until half past seven & just as I was leaving, she introduced me to a Mrs Hepler, next house below her who said he was descended from Stophel Hepler & I told him I would see him later & get his record. Susan at the wheel with her husband & Lillie accompanying drove me here where we arrived about 8:20 & have spent the evening with the family. We called up Cy Markle & says that a daughter of John Painter whose wife is a daughter of Charlotte A. McCune born 1835, was brought home dead tonight to the Willow Tree so it will not be opportune for me to go to see Mrs McCune tomorrow. I did not get to bed at all last night but will write up this record until I get sleepy. They have brought three old Bibles with records written in & also records written on blank sheets of paper laying in the bible.

The first is the Robert Moore (father of Belle's mother) Bible & was printed in 1836 at Hartford Conn by Andrus & Judd, Lee Street. It is a big leather covered volume, 27 by 34 lines & the covers are loose & the family record is laying in it detached. I copy as follows:

V7 Page 518


Robert Moore & Mary Kerr was married Oct 27, 1808

Robert Moore & Dorcas Lecky, formerly Dorcas Allen was married Sept 22, 1840.

Shepard B. Markle was married to Isabella Carothers June 11, 1874.

I got sleepy & went to bed at 12:30 AM & it is now 5:50 AM Aug 11, 1922

Deaths of the Carothers Family

John Carothers Senr died Dec 2nd 1858 aged 79 years

James P. Carothers died Feby 5, 1879 aged 73 yrs.

Jane K. Carothers died Aug 7, 1896 of Bronchial trouble aged 71 yrs

James Carothers Jr died Mar 21, 1862

Mary F. Carothers Boyd died July 16, 1906 aged 58 years married Nov 7, 1900

Family Register


[23]untain Lake_o ▄o @____ NJ Mary Kerr was born Jany 15, 1790

Their children:

1. Eliza Moore was born Oct 14, 1809

2. David Moore was born June 17, 1811

3. Louisa Moore was born Mch 11, 1813

4. Obadiah Moore was born Sept 13, 1815

5. Ard Moore was born March 8, 1817

6. Robert Moore Jr was born Oct 14, 1819

7. Maria Moore was born April 28, 1822

8. Jane Moore was born Oct 11, 1824

9. James Moore was born April 29, 1827

10. Frances Moore was born April 26, 1829

11. John Power Moore was born March 28, 1833 [or 1835]

V7 Page 519

Dorcas Allen was born April 8, 1796

Births of the Carothers family

James P. Carothers was born Sept 18, 1806

Jane Carothers was born Oct 11, 1824

Their children:

1. John Carothers was born April 14, 1845

2. Mary Frances Carothers was born June 6, 1848

3. Isabella Carothers was born Oct 18, 1851

4. James Carothers Jr was born Jany 14, 1862


Obadiah Moore died June 8, 1817

Mary Moore died Oct 19, 1838

Robert Moore Sen died June 8, 1850 of Pleurisy & congestion of right lung aged 66 yrs 3 mos & 29 days

John Power Moore died at the house of D. Moore in Carrol Tp, Wash Co Pa of Scrofulous Inflamation of the lungs on the morning of the 23d day of October 1850 aged 20 yrs 6 mos 25 days.

James P. Moore died April A.D. 1858 of consumption in his own dwelling in Monongahela City Pa

Francis F. Sampson, formerly Moore died at the residence of her husband in Mon City Pa Saturday June 29th, 1861 at her first confinement having been delivered of one boy & one girl which buried in the same grave.

The next is a large family bible 25 by 31 lines presented to S.B. Markle Jr by his father in 1876 printed in London by George E. Elyer & William Spottiswoode, but without date. In New Testament part is date of 1869. I copy:

V7 Page 520


S.B. Markle Jr was born May 15, 1844

Isabella Carothers was born Oct 18, 1851

Their children:

1. Sarah Ann Markle was born June 5, 1875

2. Jane Carothers Markle was born Jany 29, 1877

3. Maggie McMasters Markle was born Dec 30, 1878

4. Mary Emily Markle was born Feby 23, 1880

5. Cyrus Painter Markle was born April 7, 1882

6. Shephard Brown Markle was born May 24, 1884

7. Joseph Markle was born Aug 29, 1886

8. Grace Dick Markle was born Feby 20, 1889

9.[24]tiful boy & must/| ┘| $_(__ have his pi

10. James Carothers Markle was born July 27, 1894


James Carothers Markle died Jany 25, 1895

S.B. Markle died May 5, 1900

Grace or Cornelia handed me a sheet of paper on which she had written the record of the "Marriages of the children of B.C. & S.B. Markle" viz:

Sara A. Markle & Edgar T. Mills June 15, 1905

Jean C. Markle & Charles W. Fallen June 12, 1906

Cyrus P. Markle & Annie Miller Nov 8, 1906

Emilie L. Markle & Thomas J. Parker June 27, 1907

Shepard B. Markle & Dora E. Sutton Apr 7, 1915

Margaret M. Markle & Albert R. Trevaskis June 21, 1916

On another antiquated piece of paper in the Bible were written the following marriages of former generations in pencil viz:

V7 Page 521

Cyrus P. Markle & Sarah A. Lippincott May 5, 1835

Thomas McMasters & Margaret A. Markle Nov 15, 1860

Cassius C. Markle & Mary A. Overholt, Feby 1865

John M. Larimer & Mary Emily Markle May 23, 1868

Shepherd B. Markle & Isabella Carothers June 11, 1874

Abraham O. Tinstman & Harriet Cornelia Markle July 1, 1875

The above is evidently copied from the Bible of cousin Cyrus P. Markle which the girls say Mrs Tinstman no doubt has as it was taken they think by her or Emily Larimer.

From three other penciled sheets similar to above are taken the following also probably taken from the above Bible or that of Uncle Joseph Markle

Joseph Markle was born Feby 15, 1777

Joseph Markle die March 15, 1867

First Wife

Elizabeth Painter Markle was born May 14, 1782

Elizabeth Painter Markle died Dec 6, 1815

Second wife

Elizabeth Lloyd Markle was born May 2, 1801

Elizabeth Lloyd Markle died Dec 29, 1868

Joseph Markle & Elizabeth Painter married Jany 18, 1805

Joseph Markle & Elizabeth Lloyd married Sept 27, 1825

Their children:

By first wife 4 children:

Shepherd B Markle

Elias R. Markle

Cyrus P. Markle

Mary E. Markle

By second wife 12 children:

Lafayette Markle

V7 Page 522

Two infants

Joseph Markle

Roxanna Markle

Sidnie Markle

Adnie Markle

Twins, infants Markle

Hannah Markle

George W. Markle

Margaret L. Markle


Sarah A. Markle died Nov 26, 1868

Jesse H. Markle died June 10, 1843

Mary Elizabeth Markle died June 14, 1843

Joseph L. Markle died July 4, 1843

Cyrus P. Markle died Jany 8, 1845

Amanda Markle died Nov 18, 1850

Winfield Scott Markle died Jany 1853

7:44 AM 11th Emily has must handed me the enclosed list of Belle's grandchildren.

Sara A. Mills children:

1. Edgar I. mills Jr born June 30, 1906

2. Rachel McMasters Miller Mills born Nov 14, 1908

3. Joseph Markle Mills born Feby 11, 1913

Rachel died Dec 29, 1909 See Book 21 P 593

Emilie M. Parker's children:

1. Margaret Isabel Parker born Apr 10, 1909

2. Thomas John Parker born Jany 3, 1913

Cyrus P. Markle's children:

1. William Miller Markle born July 1, 1909

V7 Page 523

2. Cyrus Painter Markle Jr born Aug 13, 1912

3. Mary Gertrude Markle born Aug 9, 1917

4. Hawara Elmer Markle born Sept 17, 1920

Shepard B. Markle Jr's children:

1. Blanche Isabel Markle born May 8, 1917

Blanche Isabel Markle died Feby 8, 1919

2. Albert Sutton Markle born May 21, 1921

On both sides of a sheet of paper & fully covering it is a sheet in the bible in pencil which reads as follows:

"There were 19 (this does not include some that died young) children of Grandfather Markle (they think this was from Mary E. Boyd's record) 8 by the first wife 11 by the second, all gone to their last resting place nearly all lived to a great age.

Grandfather Markle's first children, eight in number:

1. Uncle George Markle was the oldest. He was grandfather of Lizzie & Georgia that visited here some years ago. Their father's name was Joseph, named for father. Uncle died somewhere in ninety, his first wife's name was Kaultleasure. She is buried where that old stone stands in the cemetery died 1790. His second wife was Mary Deer, grandmother of Lizzie Kaultleasure.

2. Aunt Rosanna was married to Burgett, Boston Burgett living in Washington Co is her grandson, he is father of Mrs Tuman in Pittsburgh.

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3. Aunt Molly Markle. Magdalena was her proper name. Married John Neyman Grandmother of Robb. They lived in Butler. She was ninety when she died.

4. Leah Robb's mother. There is six children all living. She is buried in West Newton cemetery.

5. Uncle Gasper Markle married Mary Lobingier. They are buried in the Markle Cem. There were eight children, 3 living. George was killed in the army.

6. Aunt Leah Markle married Andrew Thompson, he lived in Kentucky, came here & married. She went with him to his home & never came back. She died there & was buried in Maysville, Ky. Left three children: Mary, William & Gasper. William died in Albany & is buried there (he died in MO). Mary & Gasper he brought here, he took sick & died & is buried in Markle cemetery.

7. Uncle David Markle married Maria Cowan. Their children, Caroline, Leora, & Florilla. He was the youngest of grandfather's children. I think was only 28 when he died. They are all buried in the Markle cemetery. Lenora his second daughter is living. She married John McMasters. Uncle David kept store for my father before he was married & after his marriage he moved to West Newton & had a store of his own.

(There should be further sheets of this) Sept 27, 1922 she gives three of first wife's children & last four are second wife's children. JVT

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In another well preserved bible 21 by 30 lines is Mary E. Boyd's bible in which she has so written Jany 18, 1885. It is a cottage bible printed at Hartford by Case Tiffany & Co 1852. I copy the various records in it as follows:

Family Record

Parents Register


John, son of Robert & Elizabeth Boyd born March the 21st, 1801


Theodosia, daughter of Simon & Nancy McGrew born Apr 30, 1814

Mary E. daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth Markle born June 6, 1812


John Boyd & Theodocia daughter of Simon & Nancy McGrew were married Apr 30, 1834.

John Boyd & Mary E. daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth Markle were married Oct 28, 1851.


Jeremiah D. son of John & Theodocia Boyd born Apr 9, 1835

Nancy, daughter of John & Theodocia Boyd born


Theodocia, wife of John Boyd died Apr 30, 1838

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Nancy, daughter of John & Theodocia Boyd died June 30, 1838

John Boyd died Feby 18, 1875

Mary E. Boyd died Feby 29, 1892

It is now 9:33 AM & I have copied all the records they had found & I am ready to go to Mrs Bruner's.

Sept 27, 1922. I found the record copied at Mill Grove was fading out as the ink was bad, so I have inked over the six pages preceding this & part of the two preceding them.

Did not get off until 10:40 AM as the car was locked & Joe had gone off up to Cy's with the key in his pocket & Cornelia went for it.

At residence of Geo H. Brunner Sewickly Tp, Westmoreland Co Pa Aug 11, 1922 11:20 AM

I arrived here about 11 o'clock driven down from Millgrove by Grace D. Markle. Mrs Brunner is the daughter of John & Sarah Simeral Milligan & her father was the son of John Milligan & his wife Margaret Thompson, who was the daughter of William Thompson, the son of Dr Samuel Thompson. She says that William Thompson & his wife are buried on what is now the Gongaware farm, but which at the time of his death belonged to the Thompsons. She says her mother well remembered the widow of William Thompson who was an old lady well up in years. Her mother's father, Alexander Simeral lived on the Thompson farm & her mother lived there when a young woman.

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Mrs B. says the Simerals were not related to the Thompsons. She said her mother often spoke of an aged colored servant who often said that he wanted to be buried at the feet of his master & mistress & her mother often laughed & said he was, but their [sic] was a field between.

Went over to Mrs Milligan's back at 12:44 PM

Mrs Bruner said her mother always said that William Thompson was buried on the farm, at one side of the orchard, but not at the side people generally supposed. Mrs B. says there are people buried on the farm down in the corner of a field or on an adjoining farm where there are stones or markers some down, but she did not think they were Thompsons. She says her grandfather Alexander Simeral & his wife are buried at Long Run close by Circleville Pa & out about 2 miles from Irwin Pa, but she doesn't know whether there are markers to their graves. She never saw him but saw her grandmother, his wife, when she was very small. Mrs Simeral was Isabella Cooper & her sister Mary or "Polly" Cooper married Samuel Hamilton who owned land just back of where I am writing & they were the parents of Alex Cooper Hamilton whom I knew. The children of this elder Alexander Simeral (& wife) who she says was married but once were: Samuel, William, Thompson, John, Alexander, Cooper, James, Sarah, Jane, Ann, Mary? d.y.. Samuel, William & Thompson went to Ohio. John was killed by lightning. The other boys & girls lived in this county. see page 529.

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At residence of Mrs Harrison Milligan Sewickly Tp Westnd Co Pa Aug 11, 1922 12:22 PM

Mrs M. has given me a piece of paper on which is written in ink.

Milligan record John Milligan Esq born in Scotland Oct 13, 1752

Mary Adams born in Scotland in 1750

They were married in 1775

Their children:

1. Jane born Dec 13, 1776

2. Agnes born June 25, 1778

3. Alexander born Oct 15, 1780

4. Mary, born Oct 24, 1782

5. Nellie (twin) born Jany 13, 1785

6. Peggy (twin) born Jany 13, 1785

7. Peggy the second Aug 20, 1787

8. John born Sept 1788

9. James born June 25, 1789

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Referring back to the children of Dr Samuel Thompson pages 112 & 113, Mrs Brunner says she has heard of Sam Shannon of whom she had heard her father speak but didn't know they were related. She said the Jollys went to Oil City & perhaps the Shannons also, but says Robt M. Fulton living on Oak St in Irwin Pa can tell.

Never heard of the Jeffries

Oliver. She says there was a Miss Jane Oliver who lived with her sister, Mrs Leasure & died with her & is buried at Gbg. Mrs Leasure has a son Frank Oliver Leasure living in Greensburg who Mrs B. thinks wd have some of the old Oliver records.

Margaret Campbell. She thinks Theodore Campbell has died.

Sarah Simeral. Don't know about her. Mary McGrew. She says there is an E.V. McGrew living near Circleville who used to live back of Scott Haven who might enlighten me. See Robt M. Fulton Irwin Pa.

Martha McLucas. never heard of her

Rebecca Brotherton, never heard of her

Samuel Thompson, never heard of him.

Mrs Brunner has a History "Genealogies of the Milligan family" gotten up by Gideon Tibbetts Ridlon Sr, Kezar Falls, Maine" Published by him in 1907 through the Journal Press, Lewiston Maine, which she thinks cost $3 to 5 pages for which I must write. It contains 846 pages. I am taking from it Page 463 the dates of birth, names etc of the children of John & Margaret Thompson Milligan on the next page.

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[Descendant Chart

Margaret Thompson, daughter of William, the son of Dr Samuel was born July 17, 1791 & died June 14, 1840 & is buried at Dick Church. John Milligan, second son of John Milligan was born June 20, 1789, was married Dec 9, 1813 & died Aug 15, 1872 & is buried at Dick Church


William Thompson Milligan, B Sept 26, 1814 & died Mch 24, 1879 m. July 4, 1837. Rose Ann Bell who was born Oct 3, 1815 & died Feby 3, 1899 Had 5 children.

Jane M. Milligan, B July 24, 1816 m. John McAyeal & had no issue

John Milligan, B Mch 28, 1819 & died Dec 20, 1879. Mar Apr 29, 1841 to Sarah Simeral who was born Sept 11, 1811 & died May 2, 1875. All their children born in old brick homestead adjg in Sewickly Tp which was built in 1805 by 1st Jno Milligan.

Alexander Simeral Milligan, [twin] B Dec 18, 1841 died abt 12 yrs ago unmarried & is buried at Dick Church. He died in Jany 29, 1910.

Margaret Jane Milligan [twin] B Dec 18, 1841. She died in Oct 28, 1909 unmarried & is buried at Dick Church.

Harrison Milligan [twin] B Sept 4, 1845 ob Jany 28, 1920 in his 75th yr. M. Dec 28, 1868 to Sarah Elizabeth Robertson who was born Apr 23, 1842 in South Huntingdon Tp & is living in the old homestead.

Arthur Edmund Milligan, B in Jeff Co Pa Jany 11, 1873. He was a doctor practicing in Pgh & died at home in Rostraver Tp, unmarried.

Mary Ann Milligan, [twin] B Sept 4, 1845 ob Mch 24, 1862

Sarah Rebecca Milligan, B Sept 26, 1853 & is living & my informant today. M. Jany 4, 1893 to George Haymaker Brunner who was born in Plum Tp, Allegheny Co Pa Dec 4, 1849 & is living.

John Milligan Brunner, B Nov 28, 1895, lives at Faunce Minnesota where he is a farmer, having homesteaded 160 A. M. Elizabeth Metzgar of West Newton Pa.

William, 9 yrs old

George Haymaker Jr

John Emerson

Clarence Morgan

Kenneth, 2 mos old

Walter Milligan Brunner, B July 27, 1898 & lives on the Geo M. Markle Stone house farm. M. Minnie Huber of near Smithton Pa.

Warren Huber, 3 yrs old

Ruth Anna, B Mch 17, 1921

Clara Belle Brunner, B Feby 28, 1901 m. Robert Hill Jr & lives in Scottdale Pa, where he is a steel worker. No issue. M Mch 1916

Sarah Jane Brunner, B Nov 3, 1903 & lives at home & is not married.

Joseph Milligan, B Apr 29, 1823 & died Oct 16, 1896 m. Hannah Highberger, sister of Joseph. She was born in 1823 & died Mch 13, 1880. Had two children.

Mary Anne Milligan, B Sept 13, 1828 m. in 1847 to Israel Miller See page 514.

Alexander Milligan, B July 4, 1831 & died Sept 29, 1884 m. Mary Brisbane who was born Apr 3, 1828.

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At residence of Leah Miller, South Huntingdon Tp, Westnd Co Pa Aug 11, 1922 4 PM

I arrived here 10 minutes ago & Miss Leah has come in from her youngest sister's across the road & she shows me a piece of paper on which is written her father's family record by Rev Hargreaves, written in a fanciful & almost undistinguishable [sic] hand from which I copy as follows:

1. Susanna Miller was born June 20, 1847 & died Oct 23, 1849 aged 2 yrs 4 mos & 3 days

2. Mary Miller was born may 14, 1849 & died Nov 8, 1856 aged 7 yrs 5 mos & 24 days

3. Leah Miller was born Sept 14, 1851

4. Samuel Patterson Miller was born July 27, 1853

5. Margaret Miller was born July 4, 1859

6. Albert G. Miller was born Sept 12, 1865

7. Cornelia Miller was born Dec 27, 1869

Leah says her mother's name was Nancy Patterson, daughter of Samuel Patterson & his wife Susanna Finley, daughter of John Finley & his wife, Mary Stokely. She was born May 28, 1826. She was married to Albert G. Miller in June 1845. She died Sept 30, 1914, aged 88 yrs 4 mos & 2 days & she & her husband are buried in West Newton cem & their two oldest children are buried at Markle Cem. Albert G. Miller died August & was aged 65 yrs. Leah thinks & there is a marker to his grave.

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Leah & Margaret have never married.

Samuel P. Miller on Jany 1, 1878 to Josephine Flack, daughter of Amzi Flack. She was born Jany 1851, & died in the spring, he says June 1909, & is buried in West Newton cem at lower side, along driveway & has a marker. Had eleven children of whom eight are living. They were:

3. Amzi Flack Miller born Aug 1, 1882

1. Amanda Miller born & died aged 9 mos

2. A stillborn son Miller

4. Nancy Miller born & was killed in a hotel in Pittsburgh Pa "a big girl" & is buried near her mother in West Newton cem & has a marker.

5. Grace O'Neill Miller was born 1886 is 36. She is unmarried & lives at Seligman, Arizona & is in a Santa Fe Office

6. Robert Humer Miller married & got a lot of children. Lives in Bloomington, Nebraska where he is in the telephone business is Prest of the line. Has 6 or 7 children.

7. Nellie Budd Miller married to Walter Hepler & lives at McKees Rocks Pa where he is a RR engineer. No issue.

8. John Markle Miller, unmarried is out in Ohio, a blacksmith by trade, was in World War & in Italy

9. Albert G. Miller was in the World War Only got to England where he died of the flu in a hospital

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10. Anna Miller, married George McCurdy & live at Scottdale Pa & have a flour mill. No issue.

11. Another died at birth. He says their record was lost.

Albert G. Miller born Sept 12, 1865 married Maggie Gaut daughter of Frank A. Gaut & live on the Gaut farm & have three girls.

1. Anna Gaut, married to Samuel McMinn & lives at home & has a boy & a girl.

2. Cornelia Gaut married to Raymond Mason & lives at Williamsburg & have:

1. Raymond Lee

2. Laverna

3. Albert } twins aged abt 19

4. Frank } unmarried

5. Samuel P. Miller aged abt 17

Cornelia Miller born Dec 27, 1869 married Samuel Reynolds & live across the road. Both living. He farms. Their children:

1. Catharine Reynolds born Aug 27, 1902

2. Lloyd Albert Reynolds born 1905?

Leaving 5 PM

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At residence of James Blackburn Secrist No 702 Vine St West Newton Pa Aug 11, 1922 5:38 PM

Grace D. Markle drove me in from Leah Miller's & I arrived here about 20 minutes ago & found Mr Secrist sitting on the porch & his wife appeared at once. She had found the family record four pages from the bible about which we telephoned last night from Mill Grove. One entire page of the S.B. Markle Jr record is the same as I got there & another page of the James P. Carothers record is the same as i got there, so that it only leaves a little over one page of John C. Carothers record to get or copy. Mrs Secrist said she never saw the old bible of John Carothers Sen, her husband's grandfather & thinks that Mrs McKee must have got it. She said her daughter Belle's son, a Pres Preacher from the west was here once on a visit, but she don't know where they live or even what his name is.

This record gives:

"Mary Frances Carothers Married Rev Wm L. Boyd of Seward, Nebraska Nov 7, 1900. Rev Boyd died Feby 11, 1905 Mrs M. Frances Boyd died July 16, 1906". Also "John C. Carothers died March 27, 1900 at 11:15 AM aged 54 yrs 11 mos & 13 days".

V7 Page 536

"Shephard B. Markle died May 5, 1900 aged 55 yrs 11 mos & 20 days".

continuing from the remaining page, John C. Carothers was born April 14, 1845.

Sarah Elizabeth Woods was born Aug 10, 1859.

They were married Dec 12, 1883.

Their children are:

1. Louisa Jane Carothers was born Aug 4, 1885

2. James P. Woods Carothers was born June 22, 1889

3. Gladys Elizabeth Carothers was born July 7, 1892

4. John William Carothers was born Sept 3, 1894

The above are the children of John C. Carothers and Sarah Elizabeth Woods Carothers & she says they are all living & all married except Gladys E. who is single & is now taking a course at California Normal, anticipating teaching.

Louisa Jane Carothers & Arthur Culbert McCune were married June 12, 1907

Their children:

1. Elizabeth Louise McCune, born April 16, 1908

2. James Willock McCune born Oct 26, 1910

3. John Pollock McCune born Dec 8, 1913

4. Robert Woods McCune born May 22, 1915

5. Thomas Carothers McCune born April 30, 1917

6. Richard Allen McCune born Dec 28, 1921

James Power Woods Carothers married on June 24, 1914 Anna Irene Larimer, daughter of D.P.V. Larimer. She was born June 20, 1892 & died Jany 17, 1919. They had but one child:

1. James Larimer Carothers born Mch 16, 1918

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James P.W. Carothers married Second on June 22, 1922 Catharine Dunsmore Aldice of DeLand Florida. Her people are from Connecticut.

John William Carothers married on Nov 30, 1916 Mary VanDyke, daughter of Dr Geo M. Van Dyke & Anna Dick his wife, daughter of James A. Dick.

They have one child:

1. Mary Elizabeth Carothers born July 11, 1917.

Sarah Elizabeth Woods Carothers on Mch 11, 1903 married James B. Secrist who was born Aug 10, 1841. He was a widower with two children. William Bell Secrist a Lawyer in Pgh Pa & Laura P. Secrist both unmarried. Mrs Secrist is the daughter of James Woods & Louisa Beazle Woods his wife of Elizabeth Tp, Allegheny Co Pa.

Leaving at 7:11 PM

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At residence of Mary A. Markle No 228 4th St, West Newton Pa Aug 11, 1922 10:35 PM

Mary has brought out the Ellis or G.D. Albert Hist of Westnd Co of 1882 & shows me on page 657 the list of all of cousin Cyrus's children & on 658 the list of all of her own, Madge or Margaret she says being the youngest. She has now gotten out a book from which she is giving me a record of her grandchildren & great grandchildren.

1. Cyrus Painter Markle born Feby 12, 1866 M. Oct 10, 1899. Margaret Cronshore Rohland, daughter of Thomas Rohland.

1. Mary Jane Markle born May 24, 1900. she died

2. Margaret Ann Markle born May 30, 1904

3. Frank Stark Markle born Aug 28, 1906

2. Thomas McMasters Markle born Feby 25, 1868 m. Sept 6, 1899 to Ida Landsberger who was born

1. J. Webster O. Markle born May 10, 1900. He died Aug 15, 1906

2. Maria Overholt Markle born Oct 29, 1904.

They were divorced on Dec 24, 1910

3. Mary Overholt Markle born Sept 13, 1870 m. Oct 25, 1892 James W. Shupe who was born Jany 18, 1865.

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He died Dec 23, 1903 killed in Duquesne wreck near Dawson Pa. No issue.

4. Sarah Bessie Markle born Feby 2, 1873 died Nov 27, 1874 of scarlet fever.

5. Jessie Benton Markle born May 25, 1875 m. Oct 19, 1893 to Theodore Hawley born in New York City Jany 8, 1862

1. Eleanor Hawley born in West Newton Pa Aug 25, 1894, m. Oct 20, 1916 to Ray Wetzel Harris who was born at Mechanicsville NY May 30, 1893

A. Barbara Wetzel born R Falls Mch 25th 1917

B. James W. born July 26, 1918

C. Ray (twin) born Mch 14, 1922

D. Margery Hawley (twin) born Mch 14, 1922

2. Dorothy Frances in NY born June 28, 1900, single

3. Mary Margery (R Falls) born Dec 8, 1902

4. Gertrude born Apr 20, 1905

5. Theodore Jr born Aug 5, 1907

6. Margaret Ziegler Markle born Mch 8, 1878 m. Aug 16, 1898 to Frank Watterson Jackson who was born in Fayette Co Pa in 1874 & live in Mont Clair NJ.

1. Marian Markle Jackson born Aug 15, 1899

2. Margaret Wade Jackson born Oct 14, 1904

Cassius C. Markle died Mch 20, 1905 & is buried in the West Newton Cem.

Leaving at 11:17 PM JVT

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Fountain Inn, Blairsville, Indiana Co Pa Aug 12, 1922 11:11 AM

I went last night after leaving Cousin Mary A. Markle's with Millard F. Scholl to his home & went to bed at 11:50 PM & got up at 6 o'clock this morning. Mary said it had been 17 yrs since I had been at her home when she was then living in another house. Earlier in the evening, when I called to make the appointment, I met her daughter, Mary Shupe, also & her brother Mr Overholt. She was very kind & asked me to come back & make them more of a visit. I went out yesterday a little before noon to Geo H. Brunner's to see his wife.

Mrs Brunner is a tall spare woman with gray hair is in her 69th year & well informed & has a good memory & was very able & kind in giving me information & asked me to feel free to call at any time. She said I reminded her in appearance so much of Uncle Joe Markle 1777-1867 whom she as a girl knew him in his old days. She said the farm of her great grandfather, William Thompson was sold by the heirs after his widow died to Broddys & they sold it to Gongaware. Look up the record at Gbg of this sale & see what heirs signed the deed as there are no doubt recitals in it which will give valuable information. She also said to go

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& see Robert M. Fulton, retired at Irwin Pa who is a son of Robert (bro of Humphrey) whom I well knew, as she was sure he could help me greatly. While I was talking, Grace called up the old Milligan brick house across the orchard below & found that Mrs Sarah Elizabeth Milligan, widow of Mrs Brunner's brother Harrison was eating her dinner & was expecting to leave right away, but she said if I came over at once, she would see me for a few minutes. We accordingly drove over & she got out her big bible in which was a record of the births, marriages & children of the first John Milligan who came to America from Scotland which I recorded on Page 528 & in which the date of birth of his son John, who married Margaret Thompson is six months earlier than the date noted on page 530 which I took from the Milligan genealogies book which they both had.

Mrs Milligan also gave me the record of birth of her husband, herself & son & dates of death of her husband & sister-in-law which I incorporated in the genealogical table page 530. I then went back to Mrs Brunners & she gave me her undivided attention until 3:30 PM, she having just finished her dinner, to which she had asked me to stay & I declined, when I got back & what she told me is recorded on pages 526

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527, 529-531 inclusive & here in this write up. She said when her great grandfather, John Milligan, the emigrant first came to Westmoreland Co Pa he lived on the Willow Tree farm as a tenant or renter & had bought the farm about 500 or 600 A on part of which she lived in 1792 or 1794, I forget which, sitting on his horse, out by an old tree, out the road & moved on it & built the brick house. Still standing in 1805.

Leaving Mrs Brunner's, we reached Leah Miller's home on the left hand side of the road at 3:40 PM, the old Albert G. Miller home & Grace took her sister Emily on in town to her home came back for me & I went in at 5 PM

Going to the door, Leah's sister, Margaret, who is somewhat deficient in mind, came to the door & called across the road, going up to the Israel Miller home to Leah, who was there at their other sister Cornelia Reynold's home & she, Leah, came over. She is a large fleshy woman but not tall & is very kindly, reminding me very much of her Aunt Leah Robb. Margaret is rather heavy, but not so large as Leah. I had seen them both the day before at Lillie Highberger's & Leah had hunted up the records which she found in one of the storage boxes. One sheet yellow with age, the family record leaf from the William Miller (her grandfather's bible),

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She gave me saying she didn't want it, so I brought it along. The other gave the record of her father, Albert G. Miller's family & I copied it on page 532. She said she remembered seeing me 50 years ago about when I went across the fields to see her grandmother, Susannah Patterson who was then lying sick abed & I remember her as a fat plump girl then. I should have gone to see her mother who died but 8 yrs ago aged 88 yrs & I must now stop again & see Leah & see if her mother told her anything about the two Jack girls, Nellie & Margaret that Barrett carried off & also if she can give the location of where her grandmother's Uncle Andrew Finley of Andrew went. She called in her brother Sam'l P. Miller who was on the porch & lives with them, a widower who is hard of hearing but with a smooth face & well preserved & vigorous looking for 69 & she & he gave me from memory the record of his own & of Albert & Cornelia's families as noted on pages 533 & 534. He says his family record was lost but did not say how or where or when. He may never have kept one. His daughter Nancy is the girl that some man went in the Hotel or Restaurant where she was working in Pgh & shot & killed. I left at 5 PM & Grace drove me to James B. Secrist's on Vine St in town who I was

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sitting on the porch & I introduced myself & his wife came out.

On pages 535 to 537 inclusive is recorded what she told me. She was very kind & is a fine woman & spoke so nicely about the lovely housekeeper her daughter Louisa living in McKeesport is & of Glady's independence & ability to hoe her own row. She has no girl but got a fine supper of corn on the cob, potatoes & lamb chops of which I partook bountifully & I found much to my surprise that Mr Secrist had completed his 81st yr the day before. He does not look to be 70 & is vigorous & certainly well preserved. She spoke too very nicely of her boys. I then walked down to Mary A. Markle's & made appointment to call later & going up to Millard F. Scholl's found them just finishing supper viz Millard, Jim, Allieann, Miss Miller, Lucinda Pinkerton & Miss Markle, daughter of Geo W. Markel & some of the children. Jim drove up to a daughter's of "Mack" Budd & she said he was in Missouri on a visit. We then drove around to Homer? Moody's & his wife from upstairs window said her Aunt Lottie Milligan had gone to the Hamilton Home to see or visit someone & she s'd she wd tell her Aunt & most graciously asked me to come back.

I must go now to see Mrs Mary E. McFarland as it is 1:17 PM

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Uniontown Pa Room 522 Skyscraper Aug 12, 1922 8:50 PM

From Mrs Moody's we drove up Main St to the home of Eleanor Carothers & her sister Agnes & talked to them & Agnes' husband for near two hours. Eleanor said they did not have any further record than she had given me when I saw her at Miss Fritchman's a year or so ago & said she had never seen a family bible of her grandfather James Caruthers & thought perhaps his daughter by his first wife might have gotten it & her daughter or granddaughter, a Mrs Orr, I believe, living at Apollo, Pa & about whom she said she told me, might give some light on it. She knew nothing about great grandfather James Caruthers bible & did not know that he had married a second time. She went upstairs & brought down a lot of her grandfather's old papers & a sale bill or list of the things sold at his sale in 1844 after his death & many papers including paid notes, bonds, etc, running back to 1810 in all of which he signed "James Caruthers & some were signed by John Richey & David Richey. The deed her grandfather got for the farm which they still own is in the bank & she is going to look it up & see whether it is from

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John Neyman & the dates. She gave me a couple old notes which I am going to have a photostatic copy made of. Agnes brought out many old & rare Chinese pieces she had gathered in China & spoke of her effusive greeting from Maggie Baird McClure who hunted her up in China.

Jim then drove us to Mary A. Markle's & Millard & I went in arriving about 10:30 PM & on pages 538 & 539 is the record of her family part of which she read me from the Oberholtz genealogy book she brought out, & part from memory & other dates & data, she is going to send me. I must get from the Westnd Co History referred to the record of Cousin Cyrus children & her own & incorporate it in this book. We were there almost an hour & then went over to Millard's where we arrived at 11:30 PM & Jim let us in. Millard told me of his, Jim, being in a squad of 20 when in France when they were bombed by the Germans when asleep killing two outright & wounding all the others, but three & Jim was one of the three. Millard said he would try to get me the Leah Robb record & see if he could find when she was married. I went to bed about 11:50 PM & got up about 6 AM & while eating break-

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fast with Jim, he told me of some of the places he fought & served in France. He had studied French at school & was greatly advantaged by being able to converse in French when there. We had a fine breakfast of chicken & waffles & maple syrup & eggs which Allieann & Lucinda busied themselves in providing & Allieann drove me down to Main St stopping at Millard's shop & getting him & while waiting for the auto bus to arrive, from Donora, J.B. Secrist appeared & we all four talked until the bus arrived at 7:30 AM & I got in the front seat with the driver who upon my asking him said he was Albert Gallenton from Donora Pa, son of Andrew Jackson Gallenton who he said had come from about New Geneva Pa. I told him the name was too honorable for him to corrupt by misspelling & strongly urged him to change it to Gallatin & told him much about the famous Albert. He spoke in the highest terms of John Will Carothers - Mrs Secrist's son - who he said everybody liked over at Donora where he has the Efficiency position with the American Steel & Wire Corp out of the U.S. Steel Corp, living in West Newton Pa & going back & forth in his Ford. We went past Mill Grove & Geo H. Brunner going through old Madison & right by a Graveyard

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in connection with what we thought was the Presbyterian Church. We turned to the left at Old Madison & continuing on, we came to New Madison where we turned to the right & entered Greensburgh on & through West Newton Ave & Pittsburgh St & arrived at the Court House at 8:27 AM I walked down to the Sta & took the 9:02 train to Blairsville intersection where I waited 3/4 of an hour for the train to go & got to Blairsville Pa at 10:30 AM & got shaved & at 11 AM went to Graff Bros office in First Natl Bank Bldg & asked for Miss Mary E. McFarland who is a handsome slender middle aged girl with hair turned gray & with a very attractive face, figure & smile. I saw that she was too young to be a sister of Rev Harvey McFarland. She said she would be free at 12 o'c noon & for me to come after dinner to her boarding house No 20 East Campbell St just adjoining the First U.P. Church property. I then walked out the Main St about three squares to the Fountain Inn where I wrote up pages 540 to 544 inclusive & then walked around to see her at 1:26 PM & left at 2:37 PM. She gave me to copy & return by Reg mail with a carbon copy the McFarland Hist which she got by copying or writing it up for Mr Killen. There are 23 pages of it. Just what I wanted. It is 9:50 PM & Pallini has come for me.

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Oak Hill Aug 12, 1922 10:19 PM

Finding that my train would not leave until after 5 o'clock, I concluded to go out to Salem Church graveyard & going around back of the Fountain Inn I employed Ernest Lucas to drive me out & we left at 2:55 PM crossing the Conemaugh River into Westmoreland Co & going out through Derry Tp to Salem Church g.y. which Lucas thought was still in Derry Tp, I found the Church was just ack of a great high knob or sugar loaf with another almost as high, just beyond & Lucas said they called them Round Tops. The graveyard which is right by the church runs well up along the side of the hill & was not easy to cover by reason of the steep grade. I reached the church at 3:15 PM which has a stone in front over the door "Salem Church, built A.D. 1848". I first took what was below the church & then commenced back of & above the church going up the hill at right end & back & forth up & down.

Salem Church, Derry Tp, Westnd Co Pa Aug 12, 1922 3:15 PM 1. James Ralph, son of R.E. & L.B. Dunlap 1891 - 1892

2. Margaret, wife of Samuel Barnett, died Feby 28, 1876 aged 52 yrs

Willie C., son of S & M Barnett died June 8, 1877 aged 4 yrs 6 mos 15 days.

Wallie J., son of S & M Barnett died Oct 8, 1856 aged 9 mos & 25 days

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3. Oliver B. Fulton died April 14, 1874 in his 41st yr

A lot of old Reeds buried here.

4. John Irvin died Feby 20, 1854 in his 69th yr

Mary, wife of John Irwin died in LaCrosse, Wis July 11, 1863 in her 7th yr

5. Thomas Dunlap died May 16, 1842 aged 77 yrs

Jemima Dunlap died Mch 1, 1848 in her 78th yr.

Thomas Dunlap Jr died Jany 6, 1837 in his 32nd yr. This is a big flat slab.

Sarah, wife of Archibald Dunlap & daughter of Elias Peterson died May 9, 1878 in her 50th yr

Thomas Dunlap died Apr 25, 1863 by the cars running over him at Pittsburgh Pa aged 16 yrs 7 mos 12 days.

6. Capt. William Culbertson, big flat slab, died Feby 13, 1814 aged 34 etc.

Samuel Culbertson died Feby 16, 1814 aged 78 yrs

7. Andrew Kincaid Esqr born Sept 28, 1751, died Feby 5, 1821 aged 69 yrs.

Elizabeth Kincaid died Apr 20, 1834 in her 75th year.

Mary Kincaid, died 1814 aged 16

Jane Kincaid died Mch 28, 1820 in her 28th yr.

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Jane, wife of George Kincaid died Oct 9, 1842 aged 62 yrs

George Kincaid died Oct 26, 1859 aged 79 yrs

Jane Lytle died Dec 14, 1814 aged about 80 yrs

8. Joseph Welsh died Apr 17, 1876 in his 68th yr

Violet, wife of Joseph Welsh died June 22, 1864 aged 49 yrs 7 mos 27 days.

9. Isabella, daughter of Alexander Wilson & consort of William Gray died June 5, 1839 aged 22 yrs

10. Elizabeth, wife of James Fulton died May 21, 1875 in her 71st yr. Alongside is a stone lettering almost gone.

11. William Bell died Nov 21, 1828 in 73d yr

Rosannah Bell, consort of Wm Bell died Feby 20, 1834 aged 80 yrs.

12. Moses Stuert, born 1722, died July 28, 1790 an old crude stone.

13. Thomas Anderson, died Apr 30, 1828 aged 103 years. Fine stone & fine lettering.

14. Rachel, consort of John Barnett Esq died Mch 28, 1833 aged 84 yrs.

John Barnett, died Apr 24, 1885 aged 89 yrs 7 mos 5 days

Nancy M., wife of John Barnett died May 29, 1876 aged 77 yrs 2 mos 20 days.

Some Hosacks buried here.

15. James Welsh Born Nov 24, 1810 aged 50 yrs 11 mos 17 days

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16. Dunlap monument back in far lower corner

Wm R. Dunlap 1829 - 1919

Nancy J. Dunlap 1839 - 1883

Emory E. son of Wm R & N.J. Dunlap died Aug 14, 1877 aged 3 yrs 10 mos 10 days

17. Robert Thompson died Nov 20, 1847 aged 76 yrs

18, John Welch died Mch 15, 1858 aged 81 yrs 8 mos 29 days

Isabella, wife of John Welch died May 6, 1850 aged 65 yrs 6 mos 5 days

19. James Fulton died Mch 8, 1848 aged 65 yrs.

Finished 4:55 PM

Lucas was a fast driver & he rushed me in & he caught the 5:15 PM train which goes to the Intersection to connect with the train going east, but instead of having to wait an hour, I was just in time to catch the west bound train which was a half hour late & that landed me at Greensburgh Pa five minutes before our 6:14 PM train to Uniontown Pa was due & taking it, I reached town at 7:42 PM, stopped & told Minnie I would be in at 5:30 PM tomorrow & calling up Oak Hill, found Pallini had just come in town, so I went to writing pages 545 to 548 inclusive until he turned up & came out home & have written up 549 to 552 inclusive.

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I had gone first on arriving in West Newton Pa at 10:30 AM Thursday to Eben Baughman's but just took pencil mem, which should have been entered first at Page 510, but I got busy at once at Lillie Highberger's & have had no let up or chance to transcribe it & my recollections of our talk & visit until now, so am recording it out of order.

At residence of Eben Baughman's West Newton Pa Aug 10, 1922 10:55 AM

I was driven up to this attractive home site by Chambers taxi. It is a frame house with spacious grounds around it & on a slightly elevated plateau, the former home of Sheriff John Niccolls, I think Mr B's father Jacob Baughman bought it from the Niccolls heirs. Mr B said the boards were driving over logs, it being an old log house built in 1776 by Joseph VanKirk. Mr B is a well preserved slender thoughtful man & said he was the youngest of 13 children of Jacob Baughman. He said C.P. Markle was worth three quarters of a million dollars but that "Cas" spent it rapidly having spent $10,000 on his trip to the Centennial in 1876. He said Cousin Cyrus would have been Governor had he not taken

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sick about the time the campaign started. He said the development of the coal & running the sulphur water in the Yough River damaged the paper Mill plant & they spent large sums drilling to try to get water. He said he was a good friend of Sam, Rob, & Joe Carothers & furnished Sam with milk to his hotel at McKeesport for 10 yrs. He said Sam had the most attractive beaming countenance & smile he ever knew & spoke in the highest terms of Joe's intellectual ability. Said his father used to take Joe on behind him, horseback & go to the spelling schools round about & Joe always spelled the school down. He said Uncle Wm E. Caruthers & his father were warm friends & that Uncle Will used to deplore to him about Sam & Rob going in the hotel business & selling whisky which he did not approve. Said they tried too, to get Joe in the hotel business which he prevented. In the Ellis History of Westmoreland Co is an article on pages 668 & 669 on Jacob Baughman which gives the dates of birth & names of all his children & from which it appears that his father Adam Baughman married a daughter of Peter Rugh & thus making all his descendants our relatives. He had forgotten all about the relationship, but recalled his father speaking of it & had a

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faint recollection of hearing of Mrs Rugh's escape from the Indians & return home.

He said he did not have the old Bible records, but thought his brother Sam the only other one of the 13 living, who lives at Parkersburgh WVA might have gotten the old bible records & advised me to write him. He said Sam knew me having had a dry goods store in Uniontown Pa with his brother-in-law Baker.

He thought first that his sister, Martha, childless & who married Wm Hayworth, might have it, but concluded Same got it. Hayworths lived in Iowa. Hayworth died first & left his wife $10,000. He said Mrs H stripped the house of many things. After her husband died, she came back & her niece Edith Fritchman took care of her. After Hayworth died, she married Peter Soters, an educated Greek who lives here & runs a moving picture house in Monessen. Says he is a resourceful man & was educated for a lawyer. Made a lot of money but lost it dabbling in Oil about here. Mrs B's brothers address is:

Samuel Baughman 1306 Market St, Parkersburgh WVA

Mr B says he & M.F. Scholl are great friends, went to school together

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& he got his father to loan him $1000 & started him in the planing mill business. He said Millard was worth $75,000 once, but lost $15,000 by his son Joe who was short $4000 in bank & which Millard paid. Mr B s'd that Henry Cronshore & him were 1st cousins. Mr B's grandfather Adam Baughman married Magdalene, daughter of Peter Rugh who was born near Greensburgh in 1779. Her Uncle Jacob Rugh was in the Legislature & there were 14 children, 6 sons & 8 daughters. Six went to Ky & bals stayed in Westnd Co Pa. He says Josiah Pore aged abt 80 living on Main St corner 8th ST in a fine yellow brick house, married a young wife, a Painter, who is related to Mr Baughman & has a "lot of young kids running around". He says Pore is very rich. He, Eben Baughman, has 60 acres. He says the Niccolls line is just above the house & the balance is the Douglas tract. He said Lillie Highberger was in poor health & that her husband, Theo J. Highberger sold the Robb farm within the past year to M. Lee Painter for $10,000 for 50 odd acres. He kept 3 acres along the road & they live now on Vine Street just across through Mr B's barn yard. I was ready to leave at 12:05 PM, but Mr B. said dinner was just ready & he kindly had me remain. I met his

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two sons & a daughter & daughter-in-law. His wife had just been buried a few days before.

At Belle Markle's Friday morning 11th, they had "Biographical & Historical Cyclopedia of Westnd Co Pa by John M. Gresham & Co, Sam'l T. Wiley, Chief Asst, Phila 1890" which I should get & had also "Old & New Westmoreland 4 Vols by Jno N. Boucher, published by American Historical Soc NY 1918" which I should also get & of which "Genealogical & Personal History was under supervision of Capt Fenwich Y. Hedley

It is now 1:15 AM 13th & I have brought this up to date & will go to bed after eating some fruit as I had no supper. JVT

Mr Baughman gave me a copy of the cost book published in May 1910 a pamphlet of 11 pages & nine pages of appendix in which much of the Baughman family record appears.

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Oak Hill Aug 15, 1922 10:35 PM

We started from here this morning at eleven minutes before eight in Thos B. Seman's Rolls-Royce Auto for Pgh Pa to bring up cousin Kate Smith with Claude Mechling driving & accompanied by James Hustead Semans & Barton Beeson, his friend, fine handsome boys. We reached Wm Penn Hotel at 10:22 AM & I transacted my business with Sam'l McClay & Mellon Natl Bank, but did not make the progress desired with Fred Sesler & R Hugh Jarvis. We left Wm Penn Hotel 2:30 PM Pgh time & crossing Point Bridge, went around through Banksville to Dormont arriving about 3 Pm or 2 Pm my standard time. I met two McCandless sisters, both school teachers earning $200 per month each at Cousin Sallie's & abt 2 PM, my time started with cousin Kate Smith now in her 91st yr, cousin Sallie Brown her niece & Cousin Emily Brown, Sallie's daughter coming through Carnegie, Bridgeville, Canonsburgh, Washington & Brownsville & arriving here at 4:25 PM having stopped 20 minutes just beyond Robt G. Lytton's farm to buy a bushel of home grown peaches from farmer James Neill, half of which I gave to James to give his mother, Virginia B. Semans. As we came through Brownsville Pa, cousin Kate said her grandfather, Peter Rothermel used to come there sometimes to buy goods. Tonight after dinner, all four of us in Cousin Kate's room.

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I told them about seeing Peter F. Rothermel Jr, Attorney at his office in Phila on July 31 last & of his being the son of Peter F. Rothermel, the artist, who painted the Battle of Gettysburgh Pa. Speaking too of the daughter of John Rothermel, brother of great grandmother Markle who refused to proceed with her wedding at Braddock Pa to Calhoun, Kate said that Uncle Joe Markle visited her in the west once & gave her $5 saying she had been twice married in the west & was then living with a widowed daughter. She didn't know the name of any of the husbands saying Uncle Joe just called her "Polly Rothermel". She said too that a brother of hers whose name was David Rotharmel, a cripple visited here for some months once & stayed more at her grandfather's that at Markels. Said the Genl put him to work & he came to their house to escape the work as he was so lazy & great grandmother Markle speaking of his laziness said he was a disgrace to the Rothermel name. He had on such shabby clothes when he came that the Markles bought him a new suit of clothes & when he came to leave the five Markle brothers, her grandfather & her Uncle Wagner each gave him $5 & the womenfolks gave dresses, blankets etc for his wife & children & Kate said that "Leah Markle (grandmother) said she wished he would go home & quit begging

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& never come back. So that fixes the time somewhere between 1813, the date of Peter Rothermel's coming to Westnd & 1818 the date of grandmother's marriage & departure on horseback on her wedding trip to Kentucky unfortunately never to return, dying there six years later. Cousin Kate & the Browns retired about 10 PM & it is now 11 PM JVT

Aug 16, 1922 6 AM

Telling Cousin Kate last night that Eben Baughman had said he was a first cousin of Henry Cronshore, she said, "Yes, he was" & asking her how she said she thought Henry Cronshore's mother was a sister of Jacob Baughman.

Nat Breading at the Mellon NBK yesterday said his father John C. Breading was still very sick from hardening of the arteries & was reduced to 130 lbs, his old weight being 230 lbs. He has been delerious [sic] & out of his head, he said, since the first of the year.

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Oak Hill Aug 24, 1922 7:33 AM

I left home on last Friday evening 18th inst on the 5:31 PM B&O train which was 40 minutes late & changed at Connellsville to the express going west which was also late. R. Hugh Jarvis came to the train in the B&O Sta at Pgh & reported about the RR matter. The train was more than 2 1/2 hrs late reaching Lodi O where they stopped the train for me to get off under orders I had taken the precaution to obtain at 4:55 AM. Walking over town, I turned to the left & walked to the edge of the town where a man sitting out on his porch said the Taylor Inn was the other direction, so I turned around & reached it at 5:10 AM & went to bed, got up early & got my breakfast & got shaved & about 9 AM, Clinton W. Markel came & took me out to his home in his auto & I was

At the residence of Clinton W. Markel, Harrisville Tp (near edge of Homer Tp) Medina Co O Aug 19th, 1922 9:33 AM

The house was full of people gathered to attend the eleventh Markel reunion & I met Clinton's wife & his father who now says he was born Aug 4th, 1827 also H.A. Markel & his brother Sam, Mr & Mrs Guy Troutman, & hosts of others, among them Samuel Richard (he pronounced it Rei'-card) a first cousin of H.A. Markel who said that his mother was:

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Nancy Markel, daughter of Jacob Markel & sister of Israel Markel. She was married in Wayne Co O to Daniel Richard. She died in 1872 or 1873 & he died 38 yrs ago & both are buried in Erb [best guess] graveyard in the Western part of Orange Tp, Ashland Co O & have tombstones to their graves.

Mr Samuel Richard, my informant lives now at New London, O in Huron Co 12 miles distant. He said their children in the order of their ages were:

1. Jacob Richard, died aged 18 yrs & is buried in Homes Co O on the farm.

2. Sarah Richard married Chauncy Fair, both dead & buried at Savannah, Ashland Co O in Clear Creek G.y. & have markers. Had large family.

3. Margaret Richard, still living & is in her 90th year married Samuel K. Fair. He is dead & is buried in Savannah O & she lives among her children. They had 7 children he said of whom two are dead & he named: 1. Frank, 2. Albert, 3. A daughter, 4. Arthur, the youngest boy. The mother was living with Arthur at last reports one mile south of Savannah.

4. Elizabeth Richard, married Alfred McFadden both dead & buried in Nankin (formerly Orange) Ashland Co O. He said there were five children & named: 1. Diana, 2. Pierce, 3. Esther & 4. Oliver

5. Israel Richard Born Mch 31,_____died abt 6 yrs ago & is buried in Ashland Cem, Ashland O married Agnes Shopbell who is still living aged 80 yrs or more. Lives with her daughter & only child, Jennie Moore in Ashland O.

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6. Daniel D. Richard married Jane Murray. She is living in Richland Co O. He is dead & buried at Adorio in Butler Tp, Richland Co O, had three children:

1. Clement Vallandigham

2. Israel Hugh

3. A daughter

7. Solomon Richard, died aged 22 months

8. Nancy Richard, died unmarried & is buried at Savannah O

9. Mary Richard married Geo W. Singer. Both dead. She is buried where her parents are buried. He married a second wife, went to Kansas & is buried there. She had two children:

1. Venie & 2, a boy died an infant

10. Samuel Richard, my informant, born Apr 10, 1849 in Homes Co O near Farmerstown & said his parents moved to Ashland Co o when he was 3 yrs old. He now lives in Ruggles Tp, Ashland Co O, but P.O. is New Longdon O. He is 6 ft 1 inch in height, same as was his father & weighs 160 lbs.

Augustus Markle said he met Santa Anna who was 6 ft 3 in tall & said that Samuel Richard reminded him of him being very similar in appearance. He said Santa Ana called him to him (he was a drummer boy) & said: "young man, aren't you small to go to war" & Augustus replied "Oh, I guess not". Santa then turned around, took a 50 ct gold piece from his purse & gave it to him. He carried it for years.

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& gave it to his wife & he don't know what she did with it. In the Civil War, he marched once 317 miles pursuing the enemy who were in flight, but occasionally stopped or were overtaken & engaged in battle. This was from Bowling Green, Ky through the Gap to Red River & on this march were two days & one night without a bite to eat, would fight & then drive the Rebels forward. He said he was the only officer left except the General & Colonel. He started as first lieutenant on this march & when the captain was killed, he took his place. It was in this campaign that the drum of his right ear was broken. Saw Lincoln before he went to the theatre & was at his funeral services. Was in the Mexican War 2 yrs as a drummer boy & was in the Civil War 3 yrs. He says he was born Aug 4, 1827 in Chanceford Tp, York Co, Pa

Samuel B. Markle, brother of Henry A. & son of Israel & grandson of Jacob says he was born in Orange Tp, Richland Co O on Aug 9, 1844 & said he was next oldest to Augustus of those attending the reunion.

Perry Ohio Van Meter who I met at the reunion said his brother William Van Meter, who lives near Overton 5 miles from Wooster O & whose P.O. is Wooster RFD has the bible of their grandfather George Markel. He said his mother Phoebe got it & says to write his brother Wm & he will meet me at Wooster O. Mrs Perry O. has come

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out of the house & says they have the old bible but there is no record in it. She says however that they have the family bible of his mother Phoebe & will write me & give the full record. They live 8 miles from here in Chatham Tp, Medina Co O. Post office Spencer O Route 2.

I also met:

George Julian Frank, a robust, smooth faced fine looking man with a good face, son of Mary Markle, who was a daughter of Peter Markle, the one armed man, an older half brother of Augustus & her husband, William Frank. Says she had six children & that he, the youngest was born Mch 10, 1875 & was married July 23, 1894 to Amelia ("Millie") Ody of Cleveland O who says she was born June 25, 1876 & their children are:

1. Arthur George Frank, born Apr 14, 1896 married June 12, 1920 to Luella Deidrich who was born Sept 23, 1898. He is a Chauffeur & lives in Elyria O.

2. Alice Grace Frank, born July 10, 1907. Mr & Mrs Frank live in Elyria O at 355 Kenyon Ave & he is a carpenter by trade.

Mr Frank's sister, Jennie Trask living at Strongsville, Cuyahoga Co O, he says, can give the record of their mother's family & Mrs Frank thinks she has her mother's family bible.

She, Mrs Trask arrived later & gave me the following information:

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Mary Markle, daughter of Peter Markle, one armed man, married William Frank. There is a stone at their grave in the cemetery at Strongsville O. She died about 1910 & was aged she s'd 64 or 65 yrs. She had six children:

1. Jennie, my informant, named for her mother's sister, born in Ashland O on Mch 1,1865 M.1. June________ to William Gawne & were divorced. He

died 3 1/2 yrs ago. M.2. Mch 1898 to William N. Trask. Her children were:

1. Sadie Belle Gawne born Aug 11, 1886 married May 2,1906 to Roy Sprague & lives at Strongsville O & have children:

A. Trissa, born Aug 26, 1907

B. Charles born Jany 26, 1919

C. Carl born Jany 26, 1919

2. Leonard Charles Trask, born Aug 19, 1899 unmarried.

2. Frederick Frank, Born Feby 11, 1867 married Apr 8, 1890 to Margaret Gawne sister of William above who was born June 21, 1866 & have issue:

1. Ralph William Frank Born May 30, 1892 married June 1, 1915 to Clementine Porter & have two children:

A. John Morgan, born May 21, 1916

B. Ralph William born Mch 11, 1922

2. John Albert Frank born Feby 20, 1898 married Feby 20, 1921 to Nellie Porter, a sister of Ralph's wife. No issue yet.

3. Charles Frank, born June 1868 died unmarried in Apr, 1913

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4. Wm Arthur Frank, born June 1870 married Tressa Kaatz & both are living in Elyria O. No issue.

5. John Albert Frank, born Jany 1873 unmarried. Lives at Strongsville O with Mrs Frank

6. George Julian Frank Born Mch 10, 1875 see page 565 Lines 10 to 28 inclusive.

Henry A. Markel says that his father then told him that his (Israel's) father (Jacob) was 2d cousin of Gen'l Joseph Markle.

Wm Penn Hotel Lobby Aug 19, 1922 10:44 PM

Standing on the lawn by the tables where a bountiful dinner was served from the baskets brought in at the home of Clinton M. Markle I read the ancient Markle History & also copies of the wills of Christian & his wife & their son George, which I got from the York Co Pa wills in Aug 1920 & I gave the skeleton drafts of these three wills to H.A. Markel Esq. H.A. Markel then introduced Rev Edgar Thompson, a Methodist minister from H.A's town of West Salem O who made a good address, covering principally his own & some of his family experiences. I sat beside Augustus while he spoke. Augustus's head dropped on his chest & he slept through most of Rev Thompson's address, which dwelt on honest home fireside training. I left at 3:50 PM first contributing $10 for exps & was driven in to Lodi by Frank Markel

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of Ashland O, a smoothfaced, sharp faced, undersized man, very sensible, but a little odd, but kindly & well disposed. He is a son of George Markle, a brother of Henry A. who died 6 yrs ago & whose father Israel was a son of Jacob. Israel said his father, this Jacob was a second cousin of Gen Joseph Markle. The question then arises of what they term second cousins. If exact 2d cousins ie being removed same distance from a common ancestor, the above Jacob would have to be a grandson of Jacob ( the brother of our emigrant ancestor Christian) who settled near Kutztown Pa but I incline to think that he is Jacob the son of Christian who was the eldest son of Peter, the elder brother of my great grandfather Casper & that his Jacob was brother of George, the grandfather of Augustus & being the same Jacob mentioned in the wills of Christian Merckle & his wife Catharina in York Co Pa wills 1800 & 1806 respectively & figured the way I believe they would count viz: Christian the son of Peter would the the 1st cousin of Uncle Joe Markle the son of Casper & I believe they would count Christian's son Jacob a 2d cousin when in fact he is a 1st cousin once removed. Driving into Lodi, Frank found a train on the RR in Lodi O obstructing the road 2 or 3 minutes & then a road scraper another minute & when he let me out at the street car sta it was 4:10 PM & I got my ticket to Wooster O & the street car came at 4:11 PM

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& I boarded it & it tarried not even one minute to 4:12, the schedule time. It was the Cleveland Car & I changed at Seville O where we waited ten minutes or more & got to Wooster at the Court House Sta at 5:30 PM, the same place where I took the car to Lodi O Nov 13, 1919 when I got off, I met a small lame man who s'd he was lamed by a street car accident, a Russian named Shapiro from Pgh Pa who buys leaf tobacco in that section where much of it is grown. He says he pays 12 to 15 cts per pound & frequently transportation charges increases the cost to 20 cts. We walked down street, Lincoln, I believe abt 4 or 5 blocks to the Penna RR Co depot where after waiting 20 minutes, we got the 6:05 PM train which came in on time. Shapiro asked me where I was from & when I told him, Uniontown Pa, he asked if that First Natl Bank had ever opened & I told him it had not. He said that the man at the head of it was a wonderful man, which he several times repeated when I told him the depositors had all been paid in full with 6% interest & last week a dividend of 350% was paid to the Stockholders & the assets would permit further Divs of 500%. I did not give him my name or disclose my identity, but had him take dinner with me on the train. I then went forward to the coach car & reached Pgh at 10:05 PM & got lower & car F on Broadway Ltd for NY tonight which R Hugh Jarvis had reserved for me last night & Geo Cowell

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tells me the train gets to NY at 9:40 in the morning leaving here 12:05 AM. I came here & they tell me Jarvis has checked out. It is now 11:20 PM & I will walk up to the Union Sta.

Waldorf-Astoria NY Room 205 Aug 21, 1922 12:40 AM

I recall that Augustus Markle born Aug 4, 1827 was talking with me to Samuel B. Markle born 1844 brother of Henry A. whose hand was shaking & Augustus whose hand was perfectly steady & without a tremble, asked Samuel why his hand shook so & Sam s'd he had been hurt which caused it, whereupon Augustus s'd he had never had a hurt in his life, except the breaking of his right ear drum in the Civil War & his fall abt two yrs ago breaking his left arm which knit & was well in five weeks, much to the astonishment of the doctors.

Talking to one of the women relatives, he said: "Don't keep back a sneeze, sneeze every day if you can, if you want to live long."

Waldorf-Astoria NY Room 205 Aug 22, 1922 1 AM

Augustus Markel has all the marks of a very old man. He was stooped over from his hips & was round shouldered & his face is very swarthy, but he walks with a firm strong step & is not the least bit feeble. His son Clinton is of exactly

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the same build & same swarthy face which is shaped the same.

Oak Hill Aug 24, 1922 12:35 PM

I have written up now what notes I took at & about the Markel reunion on the 19th. I left NY at 7 AM yesterday morning & reached Broad St Sta at 9:05. There, I found at 9:40, Mrs Minnie Rothermel McDowell, but she could not come out with me because Emma Rothermel could not leave because her sister's husband, Mr Batdorf was sick. Mrs M's daughter Margaret who works for the Provident Life Assurance & Trust Co & has charge of 17 girls gets her vacation Saturday, so she & her mother are coming Saturday. I left then at 10:25 AM, got the connection at Gbg & reached home at 7:40 PM got my mail & came out & shortly thereafter, Fred Sesler & R. Hugh Jarvis came out & talked for abt two hours on the RR matter. I then wrote up my cash account book opened my mail & some books & got to bed at 2:35 AM & got up this morning at 6:35 AM & have written up this Book to date & am now ready to go to work with cousin Kate abt the records I have taken since she was here a year ago.

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Oak Hill Friday Aug 25, 1922 8:50 AM

Mrs Sarah A. Hoop & her daughter Delia M. (see pages 105 to 110 inclusive this book) called at my office room 522 yesterday between 2 & 3 PM & Delia gave me the dates of some of the family record on a card which I am filing & record of births & marriages & change of spelling as given to Delia by Bessie Younkin Murphy. I have entered on page 110 of this book.

A letter from Annie Hess of Morgantown WVA wife of Eliza Hess & daughter of William Carothers, brother to Mrs Hoop's father, John gives some data which I will note further at another time as cousin Kate is now ready & I will continue reading over my records to her, which I took up yesterday afternoon commencing at first record after she left last year. Said record being just a year before viz Aug 24, 1921. She says Gen Joseph Markle told her mother that Rev Wm Olden (Billy Olden as he called him) was one of the very first pastors at Sewickly Church. I am commencing this morning at Aug 30th, 1912 (which was 99th anniversary of Father's birth) at record taken at residence of John Gaut.

Book 5 page 163 Cousin Kate says Samuel Fullerton bought the Schwartz farm in South Huntingdon Tp adjoining her grandfather's farm from her Uncle Peter Rotharmel who was settling the estate of Schwartz, an old German whose name she thinks was Frederick & whose widow

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went to live with a daughter at Louisville Ky & came back on a visit. Samuel Fullerton was a widower when he bought & moved on the Schwartz farm which was when Kate was a little girl, with two boys, his only children as named at record noted above & a girl who had a boy kept house for him & her boy was treated as one of the family. Samuel Fullerton's wife, Mary Kilgore was a sister of Wm J. Robertson's wife, the mother of Anna Gaut. Kate says Samuel Fullerton gave this farm, which had an old tumble down log house on it to his son William & bought from her Uncle Ben Rotharmel about a year before he came to Fayette Co, his farm adjoining & along the road as you go from Markle g.y. to Sewickly church. This farm has a big frame house on it which her Uncle Ben built after his mother's death. Samuel Fullerton gave this farm to his son John. The Schwartz farm was back of it & not on the road.

Kate says Samuel Fullerton, son of John, who died Feby 17, 1895 in his 24th year, was unmarried & died away from home, but was brought back for burial. she says too that Clara born Jany 15, 1874 ran away from home & wrote her father that she was in trouble & he sent for his daughter Martha (Mrs Blackburn to come home & also Clara & they both came home & Mrs B. stayed until after Clara's boy was born. Kate says Painter, a brother of Margaret's husband, went to see Clara for years & everyone thought they

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would be married when he went off & she said "you can't trust a Painter" & it was thought he was the father of her child. Her father left John Gaut Jr to settle his estate & left the farm to Clara & her children & also gave her $10,000 in money, so Lizzie Rothermel, the wife of John Gaut Jr told cousin Kate.

1:22 PM 25th, a man named Korns who says his wife was a Lecky has phoned from my office & I am going in to see them.

Room 522 Aug 25, 1922 2:11 PM

Mr & Mrs Charles Harvey Korns, passing through Uniontown Pa in their automobile to their home No 62 Evans Ave, Ingram Pa have stopped in & are giving me the record of the father of Mrs Korns viz Theodore B. Lecky, see page 155 & 156.

Theodore B. Lecky was born Apr 1, 1853

Mina Todd was born She was the daughter of John & Rebecca Moorehead Todd of near Hopewell Church, Holmes Co O. They were married & she died Feby 5, 1885 at the birth of her second child. He married 2nd in Aug 1901 to Luna Williams daughter of Martin Williams of near Hopewell Church. No issue by her.

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They live at No 25 Spruce St, Wooster O. His children by first wife are:

1. Cora Lecky born Oct 23, 1876

2. Minnie Todd Lecky born Jany 24, 1885.

1. Cora Lecky married on Sept 7, 1898 near Holmesville O to Charles Harvey Korns, son of Charles William Korns & Anna Elizabeth Knight, his wife, who was born in Monroe Tp, Holmes Co O July 24, 1876 & they have two children viz:

1. Virgil Even Korns born June 6, 1899 & he married Aug 10, 1922 at San Diego Calif to Wilhelmina Calloway. He graduated at Annapolis Naval Academy June 6, 1919 & is now an ensign & has passed examinations for a Lieut. She is daughter of Wm & Ada Calloway of San Diego Calif

2. Dorothy Marguerite, born Apr 20, 1908. She is down in the auto with her parents.

2. Minnie T. Lecky married Harry L. Antram, son of Henry & Elizabeth Metz Antram of Alliance O. Mrs Korns says their people came from Penna. They live at No (2000 or something) Cherry St near Mt Union College, Alliance O & have one child.

1. Myron Antram Born

Mr Korns says I look like his wife's grandfather, Thos Lecky. They left at 2:40 PM

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Oak Hill Aug 25, 1922 7:42 PM

I commenced this evening with cousin Kate in Book 5 page 206 & read to 236 but there was nothing she had knowledge of but I made many memorandums of places to go & parties to write to & Mrs Pallini is now assisting cousin Kate to bed it being 11 PM.

Oak Hill Aug 26, 1922, 12:18 PM

Cousin Kate said today that her brother Sam said that Nancy Hough told him it was down the Ohio River where Barrett took the Jack girls, but she didn't name the town or county, when Sam came in telling this as great news, his mother said she had known that since she was 9 yrs old.

Book 5 Page 278 Reading to Cousin Kate of the John P. Rothermel, I found in St Joe MO & that his father, Jacob, came from Darmstat, Germany, she said her grandmother Rothermel's mother, whose maiden name was Anna Catherine Bender, the wife of Conrad Stenger came from there. It is now 12:55 PM & I must go in town. Have read this morning from page 236 to 281 both inclusive & there was not much that cousin Kate was familiar with & I must now go in town.

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Oak Hill Aug 27, 1922 3:08 PM

Mrs Minnie Rothermel McDowell of Narberth Pa & her daughter who came at 8 PM last night are here & have just gone to look at the flowers, grounds & garden. Last night, Mrs McDowell weighed 200 lbs, Margaret 101 & myself 195.

Mrs McDowell says her father Samuel Hunter Rothermel was born in Oley Tp, Berks Co Pa Mch 11, 1809 & died in Narberth, Montgomery Co Pa in the last days of Feby 1897. She says that his father, Abraham Rothermel moved when her father was a boy to Hunter's Sta Northumberland Co Pa & died & is buried there about the year 1827 when her father was 17 or 18 yrs old & when he, Abraham, was aged between 50 or 60 nearer she thought to 50 yrs. She says the record is on his tombstone. She says her father inherited the old Rothermel Bible which had been brought over from the old country & which she thought was dated 1614 & she says it had Martin Luther's picture in it & they called it the Luther Bible. This bible was burned in 1892 when their house at Narbeth was burned a couple of years after it had been built & its loss caused her father untold grief. he often talked to his children, telling them things about the family which he told them they must remember but none of them

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did & none of them wrote it down & she says he did not leave any written record about it. From the data gotten from her Aug 8, 1922 entered in this book at page 498 & from the wills copied at Reading Pa in Aug 1898 & recorded in Book 1 pages 140 & 141 particularly, we can with accuracy determine that Abraham Rothermel who made his will Sept 12, 1777 was Mrs McD's great grandfather born 1749 & died 1777, a brother of great grandmother Mary Markle born in 1753. He was only 28 yrs old when he died, leaving but two young children, Abraham, the grandfather of Mrs McDowell & Catharine & this accounts for her father not having any Rothermel first cousins. Mrs McD never heard of Catharine. Abraham names his wife as Barbara & his brother Jacob in his will above names their two children as step son & step daughter so that he has married the widow Barbara probably two or three yrs after Abraham died say in 1779 or 1780 as his oldest child, Joseph was born 1781 see page 498 line 24. She no doubt died after John or Esther were born & he married a second wife Magdalena mentioned in his will dated Apr 1, 1828

From the Book of Biographies of Berks Co Pa published at Buffalo NY in 1898 on page 671, an article on Prof Amos C. Rothermel, son of Lewis W. Rothermel

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says his grandfather was David Rothermel which see on line 24, page 498 as son of Jacob of John (my great great grandfather) & this David is buried at Fleetwood Pa where I took record of his & his wife's tombstone inscriptions on Aug 18, 1898 see book 1 page 235 lines 5 to 9 inclusive. Reading of his marrying a Weyandt, cousin Kate told again of the bad Weyandt who married a daughter of Paul Rothermel, the elder brother of Christian & that he treated her so badly that her father took her home & Weyandt brought an action against him & got her back & Weyandt then moved out to Westmoreland Co Pa near to the Fultons near the John Robertson farm where he was a terror to the neighbors & who in an April when snow was on the ground drove his wife & son John out one night & they climbed a tree where they remained until morning in their night clothes & they both died from this exposure within a week of each other shortly thereafter & when her grandfather Peter Rothermel was moving to Westnd Co he met the funeral of this John Weyandt. A son of Paul Rothermel was out on a visit to Westd Co & going to Weyandts found another son at the house, the father being away & the daughter at some neighbor's serving. He was accompanied by Barney Wagner, cousin Kate's Uncle & Rothermel arranged to give him

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money to enable the boy whose shoulder was out of place from his father's abuse & the girl to get back to Berks Co Pa. Accordingly, Wagner went when the boy was working at a neighbor's & the girl was also serving at a neighbor's & started them off & the father did not learn of their departure until a week later when he stormed & swore. Kate s'd he married again & got a wife who was a match for him. Reading about this, David Rothermel having married Barbara Weyandt who was born at Pgh in 1801, cousin Kate thought she might be the serving girl that is referred to above & who went to Berks Co with her brother. She says that Weyandt came west long years before her grandfather came out.

Mrs McDowell says that Peter F. Rothermel was the only son in the family of his father & he had three sisters, one being Lydia Rumble who lived in Phila Pa & left children, another being Mrs Pell, who also lived in Phila & had but one child, Amanda, an old maid, who lived with her Uncle P.F. Rothermel, the artist at Linfield Pa near Pottstown Pa, the other was married & lived at Manch Chunk Pa, her name was Mrs Shorts. Mrs Rumble left children, Minerva Green, Sarah Rumble & 2 sons. Mrs McD will get names & addresses

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of these people. Mrs McDowell says her father Sam'l H. Rothermel left home when 17 or 18 yrs old & went to Pottsville Pa & went into a general store of an old man named Miller & after a year or so, there, went in the coal business in Pottsville Pa & from there went to Phila Pa continuing there in the coal business & both mining & shipping & was located at No 318 Walnut St for 50 yrs prior to 1891 when he retired. He died late in Feby 1897 & would have been 88 had he lived until Mch 11. He was born the same year as Lincoln of which he was always very proud. About 4:30 PM, Emily Brown, blew in with her friends, the two Misses McCandless who I met at her house on 15th inst & Mr & Mrs Orlando Strong who came in an auto. Orlando is son of Joel S. Strong & grandson of Henry Strong. It was abt 7 o'clock when they left. Cousin Kate & Mrs & Miss McDowell went to bed abt 10:30 PM & I have made out in the table on page 506 the record of Samuel Hunter Rothermel of Wm & his descendants & the table on pages 582 & 583, so far as the records already taken go & will get data from Mrs McDowell tomorrow of her brothers & sisters families & of her father's brothers & sisters other than William. It is now 2:08 AM 27th & I will get ready for bed.

V7 Page 582 & V7 Page 583

[Descendant Chart]

John Rotharmel born at Wachbach, Jany 21, 1722. Landed at Phila Pa Aug 29, 1730. Died in Berks Co Pa 1785. He married Mary or Elizabeth Siegfried born July 4, 1726 being the first child born in Maxatawney Tp Berks Co Pa who died in 1809 & both buried on their farm in Windsor Tp which in 1898 was owned by Lewis Schaffer


John Rothermel, B 1747 married Catharine Merckel, daughter of Peter Merckel of Christian. He moved to Braddock Pa & then to the State of Indiana.

Abraham Rothermel, Born 1749 died Oct 1777 married Barbara______ She married 2d his brother Jacob Rothermel.

[25]__ I have noted on pages 459 to 469 inclusive the informatio

96 [26]hours that is_ä_╖ä_H___(not noted. I think she said that her Northumberland Co Pa & died & is buried there. He weighed 325 lbs. He is not the Abraham who had the children below. [last sentence obviously added later. CW]

2. William Rothermel, see pages 506 & 507 B Aug 14, 1807

3. Samuel Hunter Rothermel, Born Mch 11, 1809 obit Feby 28, 1897 Mar Dec 27, 1843 to Louisa Chapin Abbott who was born Apr 27, 1824 & died Mch 1892. Their children all born in Phila Pa. He was a strong Republican.

James Abbott, B Oct 5, 1844 ob Feby 1868. He was accidentally shot & killed at Ft Boise Idaho. Unmarried. He ran off & went to Civil War & was a Lieut. in Regular Army when killed.

Mary Emma, B Feby 10, 1847 m.1. Col James Bruce Sinclair, a native of Scotland who died & M.2. John L. Thomson of Phila, Pa, a "Mason", a son of John Thomson also a "Mason" of an old Phila family. He died in Phila. She is living at Hamilton Court 39th & Chestnut West Phila Pa opposite Sam'l Castner a first cousin of Mrs McD's mother. No issue by either husband.

Louise Chapin, B. Oct 29, 1849 ob. M. Henry P. Darlington of Phila Pa. Both dead. She buried Mt Vernon Cem Phila, He was cremated. No issue.

Anna Wagner, B Sept 29, 1852 m.1. Albert Miller & divorced M.2. Erwin H. Smith of Phila. He dead & she living See page 584.

Minnie Castner, B July 22, 1855 m. Nov 22, 1882 to Sam'l Rothermel McDowell who was born Apr 2, 1854, son of Wm Lytle & Mary Abbott McDowell. She a sister of Louisa Chapin Abbott.

Helen Rothermel, B Nov 13, 1883 at Phila Pa m. Nov 22, 1913 to Sylvester J. Megargee Of Phila. Both living 933 S. St Bernard St Phila Pa where he is in analine dye business.

Sylvester John, B Feby 1915

Louise Rothermel, B Dec 29, 1918

Fanny Borner, B Sept 16, 1886 at Phila Pa m. June 11, 1913 to Guy Albert Luberg of Phila Pa who was born Is a mechanical engineer & both living No 40 Hillside Ave Freeport, Long Island, NY

Robert Guy, Born Feby 1915

Margaret Caster, B July 4, 1889 at Narberth Pa With Provident Life & Tr Co Phila Pa & lives at the home & is unmarried.

Samuel R. Jr, B Nov 22, 1890 at Narberth Pa Road tester for Auto Car Co of Ardmore Pa & lives at home & is unmarried.

Katharine Dalrymple, B Apr 20, 1894 at Narberth Pa, Private Secy to A.D. Warnock, Real Estate Phila & lives at home unmarried.

Lewis McDowell, B Sept 1, 1861 ob & buried Mt Vernon Cem Phila unmarried.

Samuel Hunter Jr, B Sept 8, 18674 M. Allene Scott of Phila Pa. Both living in Stockton Calif where he is a wholesale lumber dealer.

Eleanor Louise Rothermel, B M. Howard Latournette & live in Portland Oregon.

Allene, aged abt 7

Nancy Latourette, aged abt 2 yrs

Alice Maud, B Feby 13, 1868 ob Dec 30, 1920 & is buried in Mt Vernon Cem Phila. Was unmarried. She got the coat of arms of the family on one of her 7 trips to Europe

7. Daniel H. Rothermel [son of Abraham] born June 23, 1818 ob See Page 584

8. Joel H. Rothermel, Born Dec 24, 1821 ob see page 585

9. Lewis Rothermel, Born July 19, 1826 obit June 8, 1889 married Mary George of Phila. She survived him & both are buried at Mt Vernon Cem Phila. No issue.

10. Reuben Rothermel, Born Nov 12, 1828 obit July 19, 1874 married Mch 11, 1859 to B. Ellen Hibbish [best guess] see page 585.

4. Anna Rothermel, m. Samuel Wagner went to Freeport Ill. Both dead there. 4 descendants live there. B July 26, 1812 see bk 21 p 160.

Maria Rothermel, Born Nov 18, 1814 ob Mar Eisenhart. She was slender & very tall & they lived at Samokin Pa where both died. Had a big family.

5. Susan Rothermel, Born Nov 18, 1814 obt Dec 29, 1893 mar John D. Hensyl. They lived on a farm between Treverton & Hunter Pa see B 11 p 93 see B 21, P 160.

A son, a doctor lived at Howard, Pa Dr William, lives in Berwick Pa. Write to him.

Dr George, lives at Tarnaqua

Louise, dead unmarried

Essie, married

Annie, married.

Lewis, has a drugstore in Shamokin Pa

Louise, married a Van Zandt

Sallie, married Cyrus, an engineer on Reading RR


1. Catharine Rothermel, Born May 14, 1806 ob June 27, 1843 mar Solomon Dunkelberger Mrs McD thinks she was older than her father. They lived out Shamokin way & he married a second wife.

Annie, m. Ruff She died in Phila abt 3 yrs ago aged 93 or 94 yrs & buried in Phila Pa. Had 11 child. She was born June 24, 1826 & died in Phila Mch 2, 1919 see bk 16 p 542, 619 & 623-7.

William, B Feby 14, 1849 married & lives in Phila Pa see him. See bk 16 p 619

Samuel, single & lives in Phila aged 70 or more. See him.

Ida, single lives 5th & Green with Samuel see her B Apr 25, 1860.

Annie? married & is a widow with several children in Phila Pa. See her Born Apr 4, 1867 see book 16 p 623-6

A daughter, married. Sarah m. John Humble see b 16 p 542 & 538.

Col Isaac Rothermel, was in Civil War & was regular army. Went to Los Angeles Calif was postmaster there where he died. Had a host of children, a daughter, Mrs Orem lives in Phila Pa. B. May 4, 1832 ob Dec 5, 1904 in Los Angeles Calif See Bk 9, P 135

a daughter 6. a son, died aged 20 yrs Isaac B Feby 16, 1817 D.y.

Jacob Rothermel [son of John B. 1722] B 1751 m.1 Barbara Rothermel widow of his bro Abraham abt 1780 m.2 Magdalena______. Lived at Richmond Tp, was in Rev. War.

Joseph, B 1781 see book 12 p 46

John, B 1785

Esther, B 1791

Jacob, B 1798






John Susan, b 1799

Hannah, B 1802

David, B Dec 31, 1803 ob Dec 3, 1885 m. Barbara Weyandt who was born Sept 27, 1801 ob May 11, 1881.

Simon, B 1805 owned farm in Oley Tp

Elizabeth, Born 1812

Daniel Rothermel

Mary Rothermel, Born 1753 married in 1776 to Casper Markle & removed with him to Mill Grove Westnd Co Pa. My great grandparents.

Joseph Rothermel, Born 1755 Starved to death by the English in the Revolutionary War & is buried in the Soldiers cemetery at Phila Pa.

Peter Rothermel, born 1757

Madeline Rothermel, married a Dreibelbiss. She was born 1759. Mrs McD. says she knows nothing about them although she says it was one of their lines of entering the D.A.R.

A daughter, married a Baughman

Corley Baughman

A daughter, married Hayes

V7 Page 584 & V7 Page 585

[Descendant Chart]

Anna Wagner Rothermel daughter of Sam'l H. Rothermel see page 582 3 children by 1st husband none by second. She lives 435 S. St Bernard St Phila Pa.


Albert Rothermel Miller, born________, m. Maud_____ from Detroit, Mich. No issue.

Louise Rothermel Miller, m. Charles Merrill of Exeter N.H. & both living there. Retired gentleman. No issue.

Dorothy McDowell Miller, born May 1889 m. Harry Hall. He died abt 2 yrs ago & she lives at Virginia City, Montana.

Nancy Dalrymple Hall

[Descendant Chart]



Daniel H. Rothermel, see page 582. He lived in Phila, was in the Coal trade & had an office S.W. corner Broad & Arch Sts & is buried in Mt Vernon Cem Phila Pa. He & all his brothers were strong Republicans.

He married Charlotte_________. She survived him many years. The children that have died are all buried in Mt Vernon Cem Phila Pa.

Agnes, died unm

Katherine, married. Husband dead. No issue

Sallie, married & is a widow. No issue

John, married & lives in Phila & has several children.

Abraham Lincoln, died unmarried

Eva, dead, married & left two children

Gertrude, She is dead m. Cope. He is living. Left three girls. one is Alice.

George Washington, single & lives in Phila Pa.

Joel H. Rothermel, see page 582. He lived in Phila Pa & was in coal trade at Port Richmond, Phila Pa & is buried in Cedar Hill Cem North Phila Pa between Kensington & Frankford. He married Caroline Rebecca Nice of Frankford. She is dead also one year after his death about 1869. Both died in 1868. Caroline Rebecca Nice was born Dec 16, 1828. Her ancestors came from France where the name was Du Niece. Nicetown Phila Pa was named for the family. Their 4 children born in Phila. [last added later CW]

David Nice, he was in coal trade at Providence R.I. Died abt 3 yrs ago. Aug 1, 1927. His forethought in copying the old record from the Rothermel Bible before it burned saved the records given in Book 21 p 158-161.

William Edwin, Born May 12, 1855 & married Julia Watson of Phila & both living in Chicago where he "sells soft coal lands" Hunt him & ask abt the Rothermel he met. See B 8 p 180-3 & B21 P 154 - 161.

Florence, married & died in the west & left a daughter.

Clara Rebecca, died unmarried & buried in Cedar Hill Cem.

Curtis Joel, lives in Phila M. Minnie Van Hart from New Hope Pa? See B 16 P 617. B Dec 17, 1861 he mar Sept 20, 1887. She the dau of Michael A. Van Hart & wife Anna Worthington.

Josephine Anne Rothermel, single, born July 22, 1888 in New Hope Pa. She is a teacher & lives at home.

Reuben Rothermel, see pages 582 & 583. He was in the coal trade in Phila Pa & later went in the lumber trade at Lewisburg Union Co Pa. His wife survived him but both are buried at Mt Vernon Cem Phila Pa. He was 6 ft 1 in in height. His wife was Barbara Ellen Hilbish See Book 21 P 161

Lewis Rothermel, the youngest B Feby 24, 1866 m. Katharine Blair of Lewisburg Pa (where Bricknell University is & both live there. Had one child. She born in Lewisburg Pa Mch 4, 1873 mar Dec 20, 1907. She was dau of Dr Samuel Blair & his wife Catherine Scott Hancock.

Lewis Blair Rothermel died aged 5 yrs. Born in Lewisburg Pa Oct 1, 1909. & died Aug 23, 1913.

Theodore Burkhart [twin] B Oct 10, 1861 ob Apr 3, 1873 died aged 12 or 14 yrs in Lewisburg Pa.

William Hilbish [twin] B Oct 10, 1861, single & lives in NY where he is Traffic Agt for cable & conduit Co of Hastings on the Hudson Florence, B July 21, 1863 m. Robert F. Halfpenny of Lewisburg Pa a grocer. Both living. Born Jany 21, 1862 son of Mark Halfpenny & wife Christiana Foster mar Feby 15, 1887.

Mary Ellen, Born Jan 23, 1888 m. Percy Chester Andrews of New Bethlehem Pa where they both live on Mch 28, 1912

A daughter

A daughter

Robert Foster Jr, married a girl from Hendricks WVA & are living west somewhere

V7 Page 586

Oak Hill Aug 28, 1922 11:35 PM

What is recorded on Pages 582 to 585 inclusive of the descendants of Abraham Rothermel & his wife Marie Emma Hunter has been give to me by their granddaughter, Mrs Minnie Castner McDowell, we were at my sister Ruth A. Shepler's tonight 6 to 9 for dinner with her & Eva, Mary Jasper & his wife, Ruth. I will quit for the night. Cousin Kate has gone to bed but she & Mrs & Miss McDowell & Mrs Pallini are talking away at a lively rate. It is 11:44 PM

Oak Hill Aug 29, 1922 9:40 AM

This morning at breakfast Mrs McDowell said her sister Mary Emma had a military wedding which she thought was in 1872, but thought she was 12 yrs old which would make it 1867. She said Gen'l Meade was at the wedding & that his son George was groomsman, also that Gen Wm Tecumseh Sherman was there & that his wife who was a Catholic persuaded her sister Alice to sing the choir of the Catholic Church. Col Sinclair went west & was stationed at Fort Boise Idaho.

Mrs McDowell says Samuel Castner who owned a farm near Norristown Pa which has since been taken in to the Insane Asylum's grounds was her great grandfather & he lived to be 80 or 90 & she has his picture in her hall which was painted when he was

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about 90 yrs old. He married Lydia Rhoads. He was an Orthodox Quaker & was buried at Plymouth Meeting near Norristown or possibly at Gwynedd. His son Ezekiel had a flouring mill at Penn You Pa & a painter he got to paint a sign on his mill left out the T. & spelled it "Casner" & he was so close he wouldn't have it painted anew & he & his children always after spelled their name Casner. This elder Samuel had a son Samuel who married Julia Brady, who was a Catholic & their only child, Samuel was not born until 19 yrs after they were married & he lives now opposite Mrs McD's sister Mary E. Thomson's at 39th & Chestnut St West Phila Pa & he got up a pamphlet of the Castner family a copy of which she has. She is going to see if she cannot get an extra copy from him for me. This elder Samuel's daughter Lydia named for her mother, married James Abbott whose mother was a Methodist & she was turned out of Quaker Church for marrying out of the church. Her daughter, Louisa Chapin Abbott married Samuel Hunter Rothermel & they named their fifth child Lydia Castner Rothermel for her mother & Mr Rothermel spoke of her as Lydia in his will, but she never liked Lydia & being somewhat of a tomboy, was called "Lyd" when a girl but when she came to be confirmed in the Episcopal Church, she said she wouldn't be Lydia & gave her name as Minnie which she has ever since used. She never saw her g.g. father Sam'l Castner. The present Samuel Castner is upwards of 75 yrs old & a fine man. It is now 11:11 AM & I am going in town.

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[Descendant Chart

John? Rothermel kept a hotel in Phila Pa told me July 31, 1922 as told me by his grandson P. Fred Rothermel Jr Esq at his office in the Flanders Bldg Phila Pa. He used to get very impatient with his son who spent much of his young life with paintbrushes & would tell him to go to work. This page given to me by Mrs McDowell Aug 29, 1922 9 to 10 PM


Peter Frederick Rothermel, the artist, painter of the Battle of Gettysburg Pa. M. Caroline________. he died at Linfield Pa & she died later & are buried in Woodland Cem Phila Pa.

John Rothermel, eldest, m. Sarah Toby of Phila. She dead & he living a widower in Phila Pa. Interested in Wagner Institute & the Academy of Science. Had 3 daughters, one died unmarried aged abt 21 yrs the other two are married & living.

Blanche Rothermel, died June? 1922 aged abt 76 yrs m. James Macdowell not related to S.R. He died many yrs ago.

Caroline R. McDowell, single & lives at home of her grandfather P.F.R. at Linfield Pa.

Peter Frederick Rothermel Jr, the youngest aged abt 70 m. Josephine Bryant. Both living on Walnut St Phila Pa above 21st ST & also have a home at Ventnor NJ. He is a very able & successful lawyer, Atty for John Wanamaker & many corporations

Peter Frederick Rothermel III, Attorney at Law Phila Pa m. Elliott from Phila Pa. Have two or three girls.

A daughter, m. Shorts & lived at Manch Chunk Pa. Had a daughter Kate Ely see page 580.

A daughter, m. Pell & had a daughter Amanda who never married see page 580.

Lydia Rothermel, m. Rumble see page 580.

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Oak Hill Aug 30, 1922 10:46 AM

This is the 100th anniversary of Father's birth & how happy he would have been to have known the many interesting things I have been able to gather up of his ancestors & their descendants. Reading to cousin Kate this morning from Book 5 page 297 about Ella Markle, sister of Sam'l M. Markle of St Joe, MO marrying John Bender, she said again that that was the name of her grandmother Rothermel's (nee Stenger) mother before she married Conrad Stenger.

Reading from page 305 book 5 cousin Kate said: "I will tell you now who Margaret Lowrey was. Her father, Judge Lowrey married a full blooded Indian & Margaret Lowrey was half Indian". She said her Aunt Kate had told her this often saying she had been told on several times by Charles J. Scholl. She said Joseph Peairs Plumer was born with only the thumb & forefinger on one hand, the remainder of the hand being gone at birth. Sept 26/22 she says her mother called him Joe.

The B&O train from WVA was reported 1 hr 40 min late at 8:10 this morning so Pallini took our guests Mrs & Miss McDowell. Starting at 8:33 AM to Connellsville Pa where he arrived abt 9:15 AM in time for them to get the 9:58 AM train there for Phila Pa where it should arrive at 8:04 PM. Yesterday's afternoon papers reported the death, in England of Geo M. Baily on 15 or 16th inst thus occurs the second death (Dr A.P. Bowie

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was first) of our party of five to the Centennial at Phila June & July 1876, the survivors of our party being Wm H. Cooke, Chas T. Cramer & myself.

Book 5 page 312. Fulton table. Cousin Kate says John Fulton who went to Calif son of Uncle Henry Fulton, married Eliza Jane Linn, daughter of William Linn, a blacksmith of West Newton Pa who was a soldier in the War of 1812. He had other children viz James, oldest, Thomas, Sarah, who married Dr McGrew practicing across the river somewhere perhaps at Elizabeth, Mary married a farmer across the river named Davis & they went west & Amanda, the youngest, who also married a doctor, but she don't recall his name.

She says John Fulton & his wife Eliza Jane Linn had a daughter Alice & also another daughter or possibly a boy or so. Says that when Leah Robb & her husband John N. were coming home through San Francisco Calif. she said to Robb: "I must hunt up Eliza Jane Fulton". He said "Oh let them go", but she persisted & meeting a boy, she asked him: "Can you tell me where John Fulton's tannery is". He said: "No, but I can tell you where his stink house is". She then went & found them & Eliza Jane gave her a message to her father William Linn, but travel being slow at that early period they found he had died while they were on their way from San Francisco home. I was called at 1 PM to go in town.

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Oak Hill Aug 31, 1922 8:54 AM

Page 339 Book 5. Speaking of Alexander Robinson, cousin Kate said there were none of Mrs Frease's family right except her, Mrs Baer & the Doctor John Q. said that Alex, Oliver, James & she thinks Patterson were all deficient mentally.

Book 5 Page 375. Cousin Kate says that the Col Shriver that Mrs Hornish here refers to was the engineer for building a long plank road & came in her father's store with James Gardner a storekeeper at West Newton Pa soliciting subscriptions for the plank road. Her father did not approve of it, but they persuaded him to take on share which he lost as they later took up the plank road. She says he brought the singing bird cousin Martha refers to to her father & he repaired it for Col Shriver.

It is now 1:44 PM & I must get ready to go in town again.

Oak Hill Aug 31, 1922 7:11 PM

Cousin Kate said the last time she was out at Genl Jos Markle's was when her, Kate's two youngest sisters were little girls & she had them with her & the Gen'l told her about his trip out to Indiana to the John Rothermel family section & said there were only five of the Rothermel men (or five of the name) left as some disease had carried off so many of them.

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She spoke of Polly whom he had seen, the one that would not go through the marriage ceremony with Calhoun before they went west. it is now 11:13 PM. Cousin Kate went to bed at 11 Pm & I will go in my room & continue reading up in Book 5. I started at Page 330 this morning & am now to page 422.

Oak Hill Sept 1, 1922 9:14 AM

Book 5 Page 423 Cousin Kate says Thos Robertson Plumer M.D. 1830-1920 used to come to West Newton Pa to visit his father William Plumer & would always come to their house to see them. She said his second wife, Henrietta Porter was a bad woman, would have other men come to see her & that her husband did not live long with her, but took her back home to her father, who he told about her having men come to see her & her father told him that he had had the same trouble with her. Cousin Kate says they got his information from the widow of Wm Plumer, the stepmother of Dr Thos R. Plumer. Reading to Cousin Kate of Dr G.M. Miller, some of whose family I saw Sept 28th last, she says she remembers his coming with his family to the funeral of his father at West Newton Pa from McClellandtown Pa where he was then living.

Book 5 Page 464 Cousin Kate says the first wife

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of John Niccolls viz Amanda Smith was a daughter of old Doctor Smith & a sister of Micajah, the father of Harmer D. & Amanda whom I knew. When Amanda Smith Niccolls died (Kate thinks she was buried at Rehoboth) her mother old Mrs Dr Smith took her boy Eben Smith Niccolls & cared for it until John Niccolls married the second time, when she had to give the baby to him, much against her desires as she wanted to keep him.

Kate says there was a Niccolls came from the west & married a Malinda Clemons of about West Newton whose father was a school teacher but she don't know whether it was Eben or not. Another Niccolls who was reading medicine with Dr Hasson married a Moore girl

Book 5 page 472. Reading to cousin Kate about Wm H. Drum's statement about the death of his grandfather John Markle & the statement of the receipt of the letter being a year or two before Elizabeth Jack Markle died. There is some confusion in dates here but cousin Kate seems to be so very sure but I think she has gotten the dates of the death perhaps of John Markle & his mother-in-law Eleanor Jack confused. Cousin Kate says most positively that John Markle died before her grandfather Peter Rothermel did & that her Uncle Ben Rotharmel brought his trunk from Greensburgh & set it on the porch at the Markle home. She said there was a man fr Westnd Co Pa with John Markel in NY when he died & he shipped the trunk to

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Gbg Pa. She said when her grandfather Peter Rothermel was sick, friends from Greensburgh, Mt Pleasant & from across the River & also Mr Bowman (she thought it was Jacob) from Brownsville Pa were there & two or three doctors there to see him. Her mother Julia who had always been delicate from a child was pretty bad then & they thought she was going into consumption & Mr Bowman & several other of the friends said they would take her home with them during her father's illness, but Uncle Gen Joe Markle who then lived across the creek said he would take her home with him which he did & she stayed at his home until the cherries were ripe. Then she went from there (it was Mch or Apr 1823 that she went to Gen'l Markles) on horseback with Cousin Cyrus P. Markle also on horseback for a two weeks visit at Mr Bowmans in Brownsville Pa. Cousin Kate said she was 19 as she says she was born Feby 17, 1804. Arriving at Brownsville Pa they asked where Mr Bowman's store & house was & they were shown it right by. There was some building going on near & a lot of big stones covered the street & Cyrus's horse - he had wanted a spirited one - jumped over the stones & pitched him off & someone caught her mother's horse & Mr Bowman came out & carried her in the store & she said to not tell Mrs Bowman, but she appeared & said "Why Julia, where did you come from" &

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took her in the house & they went to look for Cyrus & found him covered with blood but Julia explained they need not be alarmed as he was subject to nose bleeding of which he had had an attack the day before. The Bowmans had a daughter Anna, a year older than Kate's mother & they were chums. There were two doctors in Brownsville who both had sons & also a hatter with whom Kate's Uncle Wagner dealt who had a son & Cyrus stayed at nights with these boys the two weeks they were there. Julia had intended to make a visit to Frederick Shearer's while there, but instead, she & Anna & Cyrus & the boys above with others went out to Shearers to pick cherries & all got their buckets full, Julia climbing the highest trees. It was consumption that Peter Rothermel had & from which he died & Kate said his brother Martin, also died from consumption. It is now 2 PM & I must go in town.

Oak Hill Sept 1, 1922 7:50 PM

Asking Cousin Kate if she ever heard her mother speak of the Bowmans being related to the Elliotts, she couldn't just recall that she had. She said the Elliotts, Haslers, & Brownellers all came out from Franklin Co "east of the mountains" before her grandfather came & he used always to stop & visit with

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them when up in that Country, said they came long before her grandfather but that Frederick Shearer came when her grandfather did & he, Peter Rothermel went with him to select or pass on the farm in Fayette Co when he went up to buy it. Kate said that Frederick Shearer's mother was a Markle & when she was the widow Shearer, she married Conrad Stenger brother of her grandmother. She says her name was Christina & she had a daughter Christina Shearer who married Peter Stenger, a son of her second husband Conrad & a daughter of Conrad's either Hannah or Betsy married a son of his second wife by her first husband Shearer. She says Paul Grosscup who went to Ohio, the son of Paul Grosscup & Sibilla Rothermel, daughter of Christian & the grand father of Peter S. Grosscup, the judge married a Shearer a sister of Frederick & she thinks her name was Susan. She says the mother of Mrs Shearer later Mrs Conrad Stenger as above married an Uncle of her grandmother ie a brother of Capt Conrad Stenger but this was not the drinking Markle widow. Her sister-in-law who did get drunk, also married an uncle of her grandmother ie a brother also of Capt Conrad Stenger. She says her grandmother's brother Conrad Stenger who lived at London with his wife the above mentioned Christina Shearer

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who was a large heavy woman came out once on horseback to Westmoreland Co Pa to visit her grandmother, but they said they would never make the trip again as Christina was too heavy for such a long ride. Kate says cousin Maggie L. Markle, her neighbor asked her if she ever heard that her Maggie's father, Gen'l Joseph Markle came near losing his farm once & she said "Yes I did". Maggie then asked "How did you hear it?" & she replied saying "Cyrus P. told Uncle Peter & he told mother & Rugh came to his rescue & saved it for him."

Kate said that her mother said that her brother Sam A. Rotharmel who was 18 months old when they moved here was about the same age as Jane Markel Drum. This makes it look like they came in 1814 & not 1813. Kate says tonight that they left Franklin Col Pa either on Apr 1, or 2d which every day of the two was Monday. See Jane Markle's birth as Dec 19, 1812 on page 476 book 5. Look up Sam A. Rodarmel's tombstone record. She says her mother always said that Sam Drum was three weeks old when his mother was married to Henry Drum & that Maria Markle, her sister had been married but three months when her oldest child Harmar D. Smith was born & knowing of these troubles, Kate says her father made her mother go over & see

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Maria who was in the family way & she, Maria, told Mrs Smith that Jane was in the same trouble she was. Mrs Smith was pregnant then with Hannah who was next younger than Kate. Kate says Sam Drum told her himself that Harmer D. Smith & himself were born in the same month & the same year which is July 12, 1834, see their own bible record book 5 page 476. Kate says that's "Han", her sister Hannah, was born the same month they were & her birth was the last of July 1834. She says their brother Gasper got the hired girl in the same kind of trouble & she was sent to her home away out in the country & had a baby, but she doesn't know whether it lived or what became of it.

Kate says the Drums had 13 children & that two were stillborn at different births & that her mother was there when they were born & that they as well as Christian & Susan were buried out at Sewickly making four buried there & that Harmer D. was buried in the West Newton Cem being the only one buried there. There is five yrs between Susan & John & that is evidently where the stillborn children came in as her mother said one followed the other.

Kate says Mariah Susan Drum Book 5 page 478 was married in West Newton Pa

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when only 17 or 18 to David Smith, a tailor who boarded with the Drums. They slipped out & went to the Lutheran preacher & were married & Mr Drum didn't find it out for some days. He was then going to make a fuss with the preacher for marrying her under age, but was persuaded to do nothing. Kate said they had one child, a little boy, Harmer, when they left which was on Apr 1, 1857.

Reading Book 5 Page 479, when I read the names of Wm H. Drum's two daughters, Kate said those were the girls that Sam Drum had with him on a visit to their house in West Newton Pa 14 or 15 yrs ago. it is 11 PM & we will quit & let Kate go to bed as she has fallen to sleep. Am up to page 488 book 5 to the Rotharmel table.

Oak Hill Sept 2, 1922 9:40 AM

Cousin Kate Speaks again of a son of John Rothermel the brother of great grandmother Markle, who came home with the Markles once when they had taken a boat load of flour down the River & stayed over winter & went back when they took the next boat load of flour. He was very poor & also very lame, but very strong & very lazy. She thinks his name was "Dave". he was a married man & had children. This visit was shortly after Peter Rothermel came to Westnd Co Pa probably 1814 to 1816. This Dave had

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been married before Peter Rothermel visited 7 yrs before say 1806 or 1807 & he said his wife was a serving girl.

I commenced at Page 488 Book 5 this morning & am now to page 523 & it is 2 PM & I must get ready to go to the funeral of Geo M. Baily from the residence of his sister's M. Fannie & m. Lizzie Baily, Ben Lomond St, City.

Oak Hill Sept 2, 1922 8 PM

was on the Whitesell family records all evening & am up to page 547 & it is 11:22 Pm & I have rung for Mrs Pallini to help cousin Kate to bed. There was not much that she knew of in my Whitesell quests in Indiana. Got a letter from Mrs McDowell this evening, enclosing one from Mrs Abbott who says she has a paper signed by Peter Frederick Rothermel the artist saying his father was John & his grandfather Peter Rothermel etc. Today at the funeral of Geo M. Baily, I stood outside in the yard, throughout the services, alongside Dr A.E. Crow, who also stood & asking him about his cousin Dr John H. Finley of NY whose mother was a McCombs also, he said he went from the Presidency of Knox College, Galesburg ills, my dear Mary's alma-mater, to the chair of Political Economy at Princeton NJ & from that to the Presidency of Columbia University NY which he gave up to prose---[rest of this line & one following cut off]

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connected with the NY times in some capacity speaking of Dr John H's father, James G. Finley late of Grand Ridge Ills he said he prayed faster than anyone he ever heard, in fact, so fast that you could not distinguish a word he said & that he had the same prayer for every occasion. I told him that made no difference if no one could tell what he was saying. I told him he certainly patterned after his father, Ebenezer Finley Esq who prayed faster than anyone I ever heard.

Oak Hill Sept 3, 1922 1 PM

Reading to Cousin Kate about Uncle George Markel, book 5 pages 572 & 573, she said he was back to West Newton Pa on a visit when she was a baby & before his stepmother, great grandmother Markle died & she said her death occurred when she was 6 mos old ie in July 1832 so his visit was between Jany 3d & July 1832. He came to the River & asked if there were any Markle's in town & being told there was not, he asked for Rothermels & was told Mrs Smith a daughter of the old gentleman lived just up the street, so he went there & stayed all night. Kate says when a baby she was so shy that she wouldn't let people who came look at her, but would hide her face. When her Uncle Peter came in, he knew George & took him out home with him & he stayed there during his visit of two weeks & didn't go to the Markles. His mission was to get a wife & he asked Kate's aunt Polly (Maria Catherine Rothermel) to marry him, but she wouldn't leave her mother. Polly had before leaving Franklin Co Pa refused to marry Dr Saintsue (is it Senseny) of Chambersburg Pa who came to visit her & Polly said she wouldn't' marry a man so much older than herself. She said her mother said George Markle was a large man & a very pleasant friendly one.

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[Descendant Chart]

James Thompson 1738 - 1830 see page 200 this book


Jacob Thompson Born Sept 17, 1781 died Oct 24, 1855 see page 200

Susannah Thompson, the 10th child born [27]d_z(_]{_(_(__ in Guernsey Co O & died July 12, 1890 & is buried as is her husband at Solsberry, Ind. She married in 1852 in Ohio & in Oct 1854 they moved to Indiana & settled on a farm near Solsberry where five last children were born, the first two being born in Ohio. She married James Law, who was born in Ohio June 24, 1822 & died in Indiana Jany 9, 1892. He was son of Robert Law & his wife Sarah Wendell.

1. Homer Law, born in Ohio Mch 11, 1853 & died Jany 9, 1923 in Oklahoma City Okla. See Book 9, P 384 m. June 11, 1876 to Edith Jane Johnson who was born in Guernsey Co O May 13, 1852 dau of Wm Johnson & his wife Jane Maria Moore.

Fay Marie Law, Born July 15, 1890 at Linton Ind. M. Aug 10, 1915 Earl P. Bryan who was born May 11, 1890, son of Thomas & Nellie Bryan. They live at 3086 15th ST Oklahoma City, Okla.

Thomas Law Bryan, Born Mch 16, 1918

Robert Earl Bryan, B Nov 2, 1919

2. Laura Elanore Law, B in Ohio May 2, 1854 & died in Bloomfield Ind Nov 14, 1916 m. May 1, 1879 near Solsberry Ind to James Harrel. Children born in Bloomfield Ind.

Cary Law Harrel B Apr 27, 1880 m. June 1903 Lida Abbott & live at Jasonville, Ind.

Louise, B 1912

James Abbott B 1919

Tenrice E. Harrel, B June 28, 1885 ob June 28, 1907 m. Aug 5, 1903 to Ralph Freeland. He was born in Bloomfield Ind & died July 19, 1922 at Linton, Ind, son of John Freeland & wife Mary Sullivan both natives of Indiana

Mary Jo, B Feby 17, 1904 in Bloomfield Ind

Helen, B Mch 23?, 1904 at Linton, Ind.

3. William Gooddell, B Oct 2, 1856 & died Mch 14, 1919 in Starke, Florida M. Aug 28, 1889 at Terre Haute Ind to Alpinia Railback who was born Mch 5, 1859 near Terre Haute, Ind in Vigo Co Dau of Nathan Railback & his wife Sarah Franklin both of Ky. The widow & 2 children live at New Smyrna Florida P.O. Box 1203

Wendall Wm, B June 28, 1892 ob July 19, 1892 born & died in Petersburgh Ind.

Blanchard Dwight, B Aug 28, 1893 in Petersburgh Ind M. Aug 25, 1920 to Miss Ellen Hammel of Wachula, Fla, who was born at Circleville O June 9, 1894, dau old Col Lee M. Hammel & his wife Anna May Lewis. He is pastor of

1st Baptist Ch, New Smyrna Fla. No issue.

Lois Louise Alpina Law, B Sept 26, 1896 at Petersburg,

Ind ob Dec 29, 1901 at Vincennes Ind.

Doris Law, b Jany 25, 1900 at Bicknell Ind. A teacher at New Smyrna, Fla.

4. Sarah E. Law, B Apr 2, 1858 ob Feby 18, 1913 at Vincennes Ind. M. Sept 30, 1888 to James Garten

Nellie, B at Bloomfield Ind July 15, 1890 m. Dec 30, 1905 at Terre Haute Ind Charles Elmer Chambers born May 7, 1879 at Bedord Ind. Lives Kokomo Ind at 116 1/2 S. Washington St. He died Jany 19, 1923 son of James Chambers & wife Martha James.

Betty Louise Chambers, Born at Vincennes Ind Aug 11, 1906.

Charles Donald Chambers, born at Michigan City, Ind June 11, 1919.

Morrel, B at Bloomfield Ind Nov 28, 1896 ob Oct 6, 1918 unmarried & buried at Vincennes Ind.

5. Eliza A., B Sept 2, 1859 m. Aug 7, 1879 Wm B. McKee who was born Aug 26, 1856 & died June 18, 1885 son of Wm McKee Sr & his wife Julia Stropes & lives at Apt 8 No 3007 N. Delaware St, Indianapolis, Ind.

Homer McKee, B Aug 16, 1880, m. Sept 5, 1903 at Logansport Ind to Mary Gray who was born Feby 14, 1880 in Cass Co near Logansport Ind, dau of Samuel Gray & his wife Campbell. Live at Indianapolis Ind where children were born.

Robert Gray, B Aug 19, 1904

Mary Elizabeth, B July 17, 1906

Rudyard, B Sept 29, 1912

7. Martha, born & died June 1, 1867

6. Robert Oscar Law, B Feby 13, 1866 m. Oct 12, 1885 to Birdie Cook who was born Feby 11, 1867 at Solsberry Ind dau of Thomas Cook & wife Harriet Gibbons both natives of Ohio

Frank Robert, B July 29, 1893 m. Jany 17, 1918 to Mary Watt who was born at Valparaiso Ind, dau of John Watts. Live at Indianapolis, Ind.

John Robert Law, B. Oct 10, 1918.

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[Descendant Chart]

James Thompson born Nov 25, & died Nov 7, 1886 see page 197. He was son of Jacob who was son of James 1758-1835 married June 25, 1835 Sarah Tullis who was born Nov 15, 1817 & died May 6, 1920. She was daughter of Judge David Tullis & his wife Elizabeth Secrest. They had but four children all born in Guernsey Co O. James & his wife were both born in Ohio. He died in Salem Oregon & she in Portland Oregon & both are buried at Salem Oregon. He was miller & grain merchant.


Gamaliel Thompson, Born Feby 27, 1836 died May 10, 1906 mar Apr 6, 1855 Seenora Shipley who was born Feby 1839 in Maryland, daughter of Perry Shipley & his wife DeLander. She died in Oakland Calif Oct 23, 1911. He died at Concord, Calif. He was a miller & grain merchant, was once Miller for Ezra T. Benson, son-in-law of Brigham Young at Salt Lake City fr 1864 to 1866.

Clara Alvah Thompson, Born on a farm in Guernsey Co O. Born Mch 30, 1858. mar Aug 4, 1874 to Jacob Arbogast, who was born in Freeburg Pa Nov 1844 son of Wm Arbogast, a native of Freeburg Pa & his wife Elizabeth Bussler. They were divorced 1893 & he is living in Pa. she lives 1409 9th St, Alameda Calif.

1. Eleanor Mabel, Born June 22, 1976 m. 1898 William H. Smith of Salt Lake City, Utah. No issue. Eleanor M. Was born in Wheatland, Calif. They were divorced & he died at Santiago Calif abt 1920. She divorced him in 1899.

3. Melissa Irene, Born June 2, 1882 at Jefferson Oregon m. 1901 Dr John Duncan Millikin who was born Nov 15, 1877 in San Jose Calif son of Samuel Milliken & wife Christinia Duncan. No issue. Samuel Milliken built the first board or wooden building in San Francisco Calif. Dr M. is a graduate of College of Penna & pres of Western Div of Dental Association.

2. Harrold Arbogast, B June 1, 1879 ob Sept 10, 1879.

Jessie Kate Thompson, Born at Greenwood O Feby 18, 1861 & died Apr 26, 1896 mar Jany 20, 1882 to David H. Looney who was born Dec 9, 1849 son of John Looney & his wife Ruby. D.H. Looney was member 30th Legislative Assembly of Oregon, fr Jefferson Oregon & was on ways & means mining & other coms.

Addie Bell, B Dec 16, 1885 ob Oct 25, 1913 aged 27 mar Sept 2, 1903

Harold, B Jany 9, 1888 m. Feby 19, 1909 to Eugenia Smith

Harry Francis Thompson, Born Sept 26, 1869 at Shawnee Run [best guess] mar Dec 1, 1887 to Alice Blackwell who was born Nov 20, 1875 in NC dau of B.F. Blackwell & wife Ruth M. Case. Lives at 5607 Holway St Darsland Calif. Children born at Jefferson Oregon.

Jessie Fay, B. July 10, 1898 ob Nov 2, 1900

Ruby Camille, [twin] Born July 24, 1901

Ruth Estelle, [twin] born July 24, 1901

Frank Gustavus, B Aug 10, 1871 at [unreadable] Calif ob Dec 18, 1922 mar June 5, 1905 Millie West who was born July 23, 1886 of [unreadable] Calif. dau of _____________ & wife Mary Louise Rotteling [best guess] born 1857 in Austin Texas [unreadable word] name was [unreadable] m. West.

2. Thelma, B Oct 23, 1908 near Paslico, Calif

1. Zella, B Dec 15, 1906 at Richmond, Calif.

William Spencer, B July 6, 1876 mar Sept 20, 1911 Nellie Haily. Lived together but a few days & he divorced her. No issue. He was born at Wheatland Calif Lives 1409 9th St Alameda Calif.

Archibald V. B Nov 15, 1879 mar Aug 5, 1899 Mabel Thornton who was born Sept 27, 1884 Dau of Jesse V. Thornton & wife Martha Jane Sprag. She was born at Cottage Grove Oregon. He was born at Jefferson Oregon & lives at 1141 Viola Ave Glendale Calif.

Eleanor Avenell, Born Mch 13, 1906 at Cottage Grove Oregon Mar Wm Edwin Hambley who was born Nov 5, 1899 at Saranac Lake NY. son of Wm John Hambley & his wife Jeannie Sanderland.

William Edwin Hambley Born Dec 7, 1922 in Glendale Calif.

Jack Vinton, B Dec 6, 1917 at Cottage Grove Oregon

Cora Thompson, Born Dec 6, 187- at Wheatland Calif. Is between Frank & Wm. She married & joined Catholic Church.

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[Descendant Chart]

Jacob Thompson, born Jany 16, 1813 & died Nov 30, 1872 see pages 197, 200, & 201. He was son of Jacob who was son of James 1758-1835. Married Aug 28, 1851 Mary Corwin who was born Apr 23, 1826 at Belle Vernon Pa & died Oct 17, 1903 at Worthington Ind. He died at Solsberry, Ind & was born in Noble Co O.


William E. Thompson, Born Sept 26, 1852 in Noble Co O M.1. Sept 28, 1879 at Solsberry Lizzie Torrance. She died Jany 18, 1880 m.2. Mch 31, 1892 at Worthington Della Gaskell. They live at Worthington Ind. Her correct name is Ludilla O.

Parker Torrance Thompson, born Jany 16, 1880 at which time his mother died. Unmarried. Lives at home with his father.

Susannah J., Born Oct 11, 1854 died Feby 19, 1882 at Solsberry Ind She was born at Solsberry.

Robert P. B Jany 27, 1857 at Solsberry Ind. M. Esther Hannum. They live at Bloomfield, Ind.

Orland, lives at Chicago, Ills

Ernest, lives at Indianapolis

Irvin, lives at Indianapolis

Neva, Lives at Bloomington, Ind

Mary, lives at home.

Jacob L. Born Jany 14, 1859 died Nov 30, 1872 at Capoma Kansas, was born at Solsberry

Sarah E., Born Sept 7, 1861 died at West Liberty, Ills Born at Solsbery Ind m. to Robt Sample

Mary Edna, Born Nov 27, 1864 died Sept 25, 1865. Born & died at Solsberry Ind.

Edwin Ivan Thompson, Born Sept 15, 1866 died Apr 2, 1868 Born at Solsberry, Ind.

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[Descendant Chart]

Joseph Finley Born July 30, 1832 ob______ See page 227 son of Samuel of Ebenezer of Rev James mar Mch 14, 1854 Jane Johnson Had 12 children all born in Guernsey Co O.


1. Mary Adaline, B Dec 1854 ob Mch 1890 M. Isaac William Moore of Guernsey Co O. They had 3 chil all living.

Charles, m.

Marion M. Moore, m. Lives at Kimberly Idaho. Have 3 sons & 1 day

Ida O. Moore, single, teacher at Leavenworth, Kan.

2. Samuel Vincent, B May 1856 ob 1922 m.1. Susan Shuster b ob & had 5 chil m.2. & has a number of children.






3. Jesse Johnson, B Mch 1858 Living in Brewster Kan. M. Charity Warner, sister of Grace. No issue.

4. John Duncan, B Mch 1860 ob Jany 28, 1888. No issue M.

7. Ezra Newton, B Apr 8, 1866 living Hardy Ark. M.1. to Grace Warner ob May 13, 1904 m.2. Have 3 chil.

Leonard, m.

Floyd, m.

Glen, single

5. Joseph Marshall, B Feby 14, 1862. Living Sharon Springs Kan. m. Mary Richards.




10. William Thomas, B Jan 4, 1872 Living Sharon Springs Kans M. Adaline Giesen B__________ ob_________

Dessa, m.1. to Geo Clinkenbeard




Zelma, B. adopted by the Nichols

11. Harry Lincoln, B Aug 1874 ob Oct 1896 d.y. unmarried

6. Nancy Jane, B Nov 1863 Living at Okla m. Chas Fuller, ob________-

Chester, B. ob in infancy


8. Emma Elizabeth, B Apr 16, 1868 m. Frank R. Nichols Lives Chester VT.

Zelma Elizabeth, adopted being her niece

9. Alice Maria, B May 14, 1870 Living Seattle Wash. M. L.L. Kaylor, ob.

Bernice Kaylor M. to Ivan W. Burnham. Live at Morrisville VT

13. Hattie May, B May 15, 1876 ob Sept 1894 d.y. unmarried.


*1 See Page 194

*2 By letter dated Oct 9, 1922 filed away, he gave me the reocrd of births, marriages, & deaths fr the family Bible of his grandparents in the tables Pages 24 & 28 this book JVT Feby 10, 1923.

*3 He is a great grandson

*4 William was a tanner & had but a few acres.

*5 See bottom of Page 125 for bals their record 4/25 JVT [Two asterisks, one footnote. CW]

*6 Sept 17, 1922. This might be 1784, see line 13 this page JVT [That is the Samuel Thompson listed above following #35. CW]

*7 See B 23 p 285 for correct dates.

*9 Dau of Andrew J. McLandsborough & his wife Mary Asbaugh.

*8 She the daughter of John H. Reeves Decd & his wife Mary Louisa Bennett Decd. JVT

*1 She died Oct 21, 1909. Had but one child, her husband Janes L. Van Fleet was born Apr 28, 1840, son of Simon Van Fleet & wife, Jane Meyers. He died in Whiteside Co, Ills.

*2 Geo McIlvaine Slaymaker was born July 18, 1841 in Lancaster Co Pa & died

May 5, 1915 at Erie, Ills. He was son of George Slaymaker & wife Elizabeth Roskey. They were married Mch 17, 1870 at Newton, Ills & had but one child.

*3 She was Sarah Myers & married 1st Christopher Houseman & 2d Joseph Kelley, see letter of Anna B. Goff see her letter small env July 1924.

*4 This is certainly a wrong date, may be 1815

*5 She is daughter of Benj Arnold of Washington Co O.

*6 This is son of Robert S. Thompson

*1 Mrs H. thinks she married a Valentine

*2 Mrs H. says she was his 2d wife. She raised his 2 children. Says she always liked "Uncle Joe, a dear old Penna Dutchman".

*3 Miss Dora Kieffer of Wooster O. She is living.

*4 Mch 23, 1924. I believe now that he is grandson See Book 11 page 410 & 411. JVT

*5 P.O. address is "Hilliard Ohio Route 2"

*6 He & his wife Lucinda McCune both. His first wife died in Hillsboro & Carrie Florence Kate & Charles & a youngest boy John scattered west & by 2d Carrie Elliott left 2 daughters, Jennie & Annie, both married says her sister can tell about them.

*1 These dates are wrong. Wrong presumption. Jany 25, 1924. These dates are correct & she was right too in the name of her great grandfather who was the [unreadable] Peter. [Two unreadable words] JVT

*2 See Book 18 P 20

*3 Sept 6, 1923, Cornelia Tinstman Markle died Aug 27, 1923 of Pneumonia JVT

*4 This is Aaron's g.f & f.

*5 [from] this mark on [information] is wrong as that attaches to Abraham's son of Peter of orig John & should be put in Peter's line proven by dates Bk 11 p 87 & R.H. statement Bk 8 P 86.

*6 Mch 27, 1923 this date is correct. See letter of Mch 24, 1923 fr Mrs Eliza A. McKee No 3007 N. Delaware St, Indianapolis Ind, Small env filed. JVT


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