The Association for Positive Behavior Support (APBS) is announcing the 14th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support (PBS), The Expanding World of PBS: Science, Values, & Vision to be held in Denver, CO, March 1-4, 2017 at the Sheraton Downtown Denver. As you know, the use of positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) is a provision of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act that addresses the support of children with disabilities and challenging behavior in public schools. This provision arose from extensive and successful research for the past two decades.

APBS evolved from the ideas of some of the most prominent researchers in the field who passionately believed in the advancement of positive behavior support. Thus, APBS strives to expand the application of this approach internationally across culturally and ethnically diverse children, adolescents, and adults with problem behavior.

APBS believes that exhibitors will continue to significantly benefit from participating in this conference. Over 1500 conference participants attended the 2016 conference in San Francisco at the Westin St Francis. That is an astounding number of attendees for a young organization. We expect our numbers to exceed this for the 2017 conference in Denver, CO, March 1-4, 2017.

The exhibit package includes; A draped six foot table, one full conference registration, and the opportunity to provide an electronic flyer to be inserted in our conference mobile app and on the APBS conference website. Each flyer must be no larger than 10MB, and it due to Ilene Page ( no later than February 17, 2017.

Tables at the conference are available on a first come, first serve basis and are $850 per table for the entire conference. All that is needed to take advantage of this offer is to fill out the attached Table Top Application and return it to me ASAP.

Ilene Page

APBS Meeting Planner

4051 Verdosa Drive

Palo Alto, CA 94306

14th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support

March 1-4, 2017

Sheraton Downtown Denver

Exhibitor Schedule

Wednesday, March 1

11:00 am – 6:00 pm Conference registration including exhibitor registration

6:00pm Exhibitor Set-up (earlier dependent upon space availability)

Thursday, March 2

7:30 am – 5:00 pm Exhibits Open

Friday, March 3

8:00 am – 4:00 pm Exhibits Open

4:00 pm – Midnight Exhibitor Dismantling

NOTE: All tabletop displays should be set up prior to 7:30am Thursday.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

11:00 am – Registration Soft Opening for Wednesday Workshop Attendees

1:00 pm-5:00 pm – Wednesday half day workshops

11:00am – 6:00pm Registration/Information

Thursday, March 2, 2017

7:00 am - 6:00 pm Registration/Information

7:30 am – 5:00 pm Exhibits Open

8:00 am - 9:15 am Welcome/Opening/Keynote

9:30 am – 5:45 pm Breakout Sessions

12:15 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch on Your Own

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Reception/Poster Session

Friday, March 23, 2017

8:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration/Information

8:00 am – 4:00 pm Exhibits Open

8:30 am – 4:45 pm Breakout Sessions

12:45 pm- 2:00 pm Lunch on Your Own

Saturday, March 26, 2016

8:00 am – 10:00 am Registration/Information

8:30 am – 12:30 pm Morning Workshops

8:30 am – 4:30 pm Full day Workshops

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Afternoon Workshops

Please note: This is a preliminary agenda and it is subject to change.

APBS Policy and Agreement on Sponsorship

The Association for Positive Behavior Support (APBS) is an international organization dedicated to the advancement of positive behavior support. APBS strives to expand application of this approach with children, adolescents, and adults with problem behavior. The mission of APBS is to help individuals improve their quality of life, and reduce problem behaviors, by advancing the development and use of positive behavior support.

The Association is made up of professionals, family members, trainers, consumers, researchers, and administrators who are involved and interested in PBS. APBS, as a unifying home for these individuals from various communities and backgrounds, is a multidisciplinary association, seeking members from all fields with interests in positive behavior support. APBS encourages collaboration among individuals, disciplines, and organizations and welcomes participation with and support of its activities and conferences.


APBS is committed to the advancement and well being of persons with challenging behavior through positive behavior support and, as such, seeks to promote through sponsorship agreements only those services, products, organizations, and businesses which are guided by goals and principles that are consistent with this mission. Decisions regarding sponsorship are guided by the degree to which the applying company/organization or the proposed material/activity conforms with a commitment to positive approaches and to practices which support the dignity and quality of life of all people. Some of the guidelines that are considered include the extent to which organizations/materials/activities:

➢ Promote the full participation of people with challenging behavior in supportive environments and roles;

➢ Promote an optimal quality of life for people with challenging behavior;

➢ Promote the provision of high quality inclusive education and other services;

➢ Use people-first language that emphasizes the humanity of people with challenging behavior;

➢ Promote the dissemination of research findings and practical applications for the support of people with challenging behavior; and,

➢ Facilitate the effective sharing of experience and expertise.

APBS does not participate in sponsorship agreements with individuals, companies or organizations that engage in discriminatory practices or punitive, stigmatizing or exclusionary approaches for controlling challenging behaviors.

APBS reserves the right to refuse the opportunity to sponsor, advertise, publish, exhibit, reprint/disseminate material, or rent our mailing list to any individuals, companies or organizations whose practices are not in keeping with APBSs mission or values. APBS may terminate such relationships at any time if such practices become known.

I certify that the ____________________________ complies with the APBS policy on sponsorship as stated above

(name of company or organization)

and does not provide products or promote practices which would make it ineligible for sponsorship as described above.

____________________________________ ________________________________ _______________

Officer or Director Signature Print Name Date

If APBS is required to initiate collection efforts, the customer shall be responsible for all court costs and reasonable collection fees computed at 20% of all monies owed. In the event the collections effort needs to be resolved in court, Pennsylvania will serve as the state of jurisdiction.

Adopted 11/06


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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