Introducing your new Board of Directors

Introducing your new Board of Directors!

|[pic] |Mark Cade, CFP, CFS, RHU, President: President - Cade |[pic] |Steve Ritz, CFP, Chairman: President – Newport Pension |

| |Group, Inc. President of Riverview Hospital Foundation | |Management. Served on board as Education Coordinator, |

| |in Noblesville. Securities Principle & Registered | |President, & President-Elect. President of Northwestern |

| |Investment Advisor. Member of the Estate Planning | |University Club of Indianapolis. Chairman of Kiwanis |

| |Council of Indianapolis. | |Club of Indianapolis. |

|[pic] |Brent Emerick, CFP, President -Elect: President |[pic] |Chris Hirschfeld, Secretary: VP Investment Banking – |

| |Comprehensive Financial Planning Services Corp. 29 | |Goelzer & Company. Over 10 years of Financial |

| |years of experience. Securities Principle and | |Experience. President, VP of Public Relations, & Board |

| |Registered Investment Advisor. Local ICFP (’86 | |Member of IAFP, Indianapolis Chapter. BA Government & |

| |founding) Chairman/Pres./ Govt. Relations Dir. BSEE | |Business Admin.- Notre Dame. MBA for Finance-Univ. of |

| |from Valparaiso Tech. | |Chicago. |

|[pic] |Doug Ehlen, CPA, Treasurer: Ehlen Heldman & Co., PC. |[pic] |Judith Sauers, CFP, |

| |Graduated from IU School of Business. Member of | |Newsletter Editor: Senior Financial Advisor – American |

| |American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. | |Express Financial Advisor’s Inc. Securities and |

| |Professional Services include Income and Estate Tax | |Insurance Licensed. Member of American Business Women’s |

| |Planning and Compliance for businesses and individuals.| |Association and National Association for Female |

| | | |Executives. |

| |Jeff Heck, General Counsel: |[pic] |Brian Martin, CFP, Education Director: President – |

| |Estate Planning Attorney. Partner of Robinson & Heck, | |Cambridge Financial Consultants, LLC. Served 3 years on|

| |Attorneys-at-law. President 1999-2000 of Broadripple | |board as Education Director. BS in Business |

| |Kiwanis Club and Foundation. | |Administration and Economics from University of |

| | | |Indianapolis. On the Alumni Board of Directors for U of |

| | | |I. |

|[pic] |Richard Bousum, CFP, Membership Director: President – |[pic] |Rhoda Israelov, CFP, CLU, MS, Corporate Relations |

| |Capital Planning Associates. ICFP Member for over 12 | |Director: First Vice President - Investments of Salomon |

| |years. Served as Membership Director for over 6 years. | |Smith Barney. Degrees in Secondary English Ed & Hebrew |

| |Received his BA from Purdue University and BS from | |Language Ed. MS in Financial Planning. Writes financial |

| |Butler University. Was a Teacher at Ben Davis High | |columns for Indianapolis Business Journal and Senior |

| |School for 11 years. | |Beacon. |

|[pic] |Scott Fergeson, CFP, |[pic] |David Yearwood, CFP, Chairman of Finance Committee: Vice|

| |Government Relations Director: Vice President – | |President – Charter Advisory Corp. CIS ICFP Treasure |

| |Investment Management. 30 years. investment experience.| |over 3 years. President of Brownsburg Public Library. |

| |A founding director of the Build Indiana Council. | |Parish Council Officer. |

| |Graduate of the College of William and Mary. | | |

|[pic] |John Guy, CFP, Director at Large: Started Wealth | |Karen Kane, Director at Large: Financial Advisor – |

| |Planning and Management, LLC in 1997. Account Exec. w/| |Waddell & Reed Financial Services. |

| |Morgan Stanley Dean Witter from 1970-97. Was local | | |

| |president & National Director of the IAFP. Authored | | |

| |“How to Invest Someone Else’s Money.” | | |

|[pic] |Shirley Mueller, M.D, |[pic] |Lisa Nordhoff, ACS, RFC, Director at Large: Vice |

| |Director at Large: Investment Representative – New | |President of Annuity Marketing, Conseco Companies. With |

| |England Financial. Enrolled in CFP curriculum from | |Conseco for over 10 years in Marketing & Sales |

| |Denver. Neurologist prior to 1996 at St. Vincent’s | |Positions. Registered Financial Consultant. Holds life &|

| |Hospital. Holds her Series 7, Series 65, & Insurance | |health insurance licenses & NASD Series 6 & 63. |

| |License. | | |





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