Teacher Leadership

TLC in our school Talking PointsWhat is Teacher Leadership & Collaboration? (Slide 2)Teacher Leadership & Collaboration is a teacher leadership model that has been successfully implemented in 71 schools across DPS over the past three years and is continuing to expand this year. This model allows highly effective teachers to share their knowledge and expertise with fellow teachers, extending a great teacher’s impact to multiple classrooms and helping more students grow. Teachers are organized into teams guided by a senior team lead and supported by additional leadership roles. Senior team leads provide the teachers on their teams with one-on-one coaching and real-time feedback that helps improve teaching and learning every single day. Team leads also facilitate collaborative team time so that teachers can share ideas and learn from each other.What does this mean for you? On average, you’ll be working with a team lead an hour a week. 30-40 minutes for regular meetings and 30 minutes of coaching. This is not an additional ask. For example, instead to having whole school professional learning for an hour, you’re now spending it with a team lead. Why are we designing and reorganizing our school through this model? (Slides 3-4)Teacher Leadership & Collaboration is an equitable and sustainable model that will make our school better and positively impact school leaders, teachers and students. (Slide 3) This new way or organizing our school (Slide 3):Supports teacher growth by providing more frequent and actionable feedback and coachingStrengthens leadership teams in our schools Helps us attract and retain strong teachers through innovative leadership roles that bring new life to a teacher’s practice and keep great teachers in the classroom and profession. Contributes to stronger instruction in every classroom: as schools commit to structures that provide teachers the opportunity to lead and grow, they are able to retain and develop great teachers in every classroom and ultimately create schools where all children succeed.<<Insert school based/ additional why here>>What have been other schools experiences with Teacher Leadership & Collaboration?The Teacher Leadership & Collaboration model has been successfully implemented throughout DPS with positive reactions from almost all who have participated. (Slide 4)Teachers are receiving feedback that’s immediate and actionable. A lesson can get better from one class to the next. (Slide 4)Teachers are improving in their practice through the one on one relationship with their team lead and the exchange of knowledge and ideas with their teams. (Slide 4)Teachers believe in their team leads and their ability to coach, observe and evaluate them. (Slide 4)Team leads are embracing their leadership role and find it extremely fulfilling. (Slide 4)Team leads are impacting every classroom and growing the voice teachers have within their school. (Slide 4)How does the model work? (Slides 5, 6, 7)In a traditional school structure, teachers must choose: work directly with kids in their classroom or content area, or step into a leadership opportunity—such as a principal role—that reduces their classroom-level impact. The “hybrid” senior team lead role allows great teachers to advance their careers by developing leadership skills—including coaching and evaluation, collaborative planning and building a strong team culture—while continuing to work directly with students every day.A senior team lead spends about half their team teaching and half of their time working with the teachers on their team. Senior team leads receive the same LEAP training as principals and extensive training before they take on these leadership roles. Schools hire for these positions and there is a specific eligibility criteria that must be met before teachers can apply.Other leadership roles include: Resident Mentor, Team Specialist, Regional Team Specialist, and New Teacher AmbassadorWhere is our school in the Teacher Leadership & Collaboration process? (Slide 8)Schools participate in a yearlong design and transition process in order to create a model that will best serve the needs of its teachers and students. Our model will be implemented in the 2016-17 school year. October –Dec 2016: Ongoing design process which involves attending webinars, workshops, and work with design partnersDec 1-15 2016: Feedback from all teachers on our school’s modelJanuary 2017: We receive funding notifications to support our model for 2016-17Feb-April: Schools hire for teacher leadership rolesApril-May 2017: Schools finalize their models<<Update on current design status and progress relevant to your specific school>> ................

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