STATE OF ARIZONA - Colorado Department of Education




Name District

School Date

We are conducting a needs assessment for the ADE Migrant Education Program. We would like to ask what you think about a number of services, activities or information sources related to Migrant Education Programs. Of course, your responses will held strictly confidential. Please describe the availability of the following services, activities, or information sources for migrant students in your school setting by checking the appropriate boxes. Please indicate how helpful more information, training, or technical assistance would be to you in each of the following areas related to helping the Migrant Students you serve meet Arizona State Standards.

|Area |Definitely not |Not helpful |Helpful |Definitely very |

| |very helpful | | |helpful |

|1. School & community health services | | | | |

|2. Identification and Recruitment (ID&R) | | | | |

|3. School nutrition programs | | | | |

|4. Initial school enrollment services | | | | |

|5. Migrant Student Records | | | | |

|6. Academic and educational services for students | | | | |

|7. Extended day, summer school and intersession programs | | | | |

|8. Adult educational services | | | | |

|9. Parent involvement at school | | | | |

|10. State testing for migrant students | | | | |

|11. Family literacy issues | | | | |

|12. Preschool services | | | | |

|13. Overcoming barriers to contacting the school | | | | |

|14. School/Parent relationships | | | | |

|15. Language barriers and services | | | | |

|16. Transportation | | | | |

|17. Tutoring | | | | |

|18. Technology in the classroom | | | | |

|19. Technology for records management | | | | |

|20. Recommendations for improving school/parent relationships | | | | |

|21. Clarifying the role of teachers and the role of | | | | |

|paraprofessionals | | | | |

|22. Professional development | | | | |

Please answer as many of the following questions as possible. We intend to use your judgment when making program decisions. (The following chart explains the codes used for the following questions.

|Role |Code |

|Migrant Coordinators |C |

|Home/School Liaisons (Version 1) |L1 |

|Home/School Liaisons (Version 2) |L2 |

|Teachers of Migrant Students |T |

|Parents of Migrant Students |P |

|Migrant Students |S |

Meeting State Standards

C Are migrant students meeting state standards? Why or why not?

C Which groups of migrant students are meeting state standards? Where are they located?

C How well do migrant students perform on state assessments? Does disaggregation of test items reveal any particular strengths or weaknesses?

C,T What kinds of information about migrant student mastery of standards do school personnel collect?

T,C,S What recommendations can be made with regard to improving migrant student academic performance?

C,L To what degree are migrant students ready for school? Why or why not?

P What preschool services are provided for migrant students? What is the nature of those services? How should services be expanded or improved?

Community Services

L,C What community services are being made available for migrant students, such as health care, nutrition and social services?

L,P,S What migrant student needs are unmet?

C,L What sorts of family literacy efforts are underway?

C,L What sorts of adult education offerings are made available to parents of Migrant Students?

Overcoming Barriers at the School

L,C What barriers exist to migrant student mastery of state standards at the school?

L,C,P What barriers to enrollment exist?

C,L,P,S What barriers to exchange of student academic and health records exist?

P,L What barriers to parent involvement in the education of their children exist?

ALL What should be done to overcome barriers?

School-based Services

C,L What strategies do you use for identification and recruitment (ID&R) of Migrant Students?

C,L What is the nature of school-based services at the schools?

C,L How is enrollment of migrant students handled?

C,L What forms of transportation are available for students and their families?

C,T,S Does the school offer special programs for migrant students designed to help them meet state standards? Which of the following are offered?

(y/n) tutoring (y/n) intersessions

(y/n) extended day programs (y/n) summer school

C,T,L What strategies are used to assist English Learners?

C,T What sorts of professional development would be helpful?

C,T How are teachers used to help Migrant Students? How are Paraprofessionals used to help Migrant Students?

ALL What programming is needed to help migrant students be successful?


C,T,L Is technology being used in ways that will help migrant students meet standards?

C Are migrant students using distance learning technologies to complete coursework?

C,L How are student achievement records being transferred between districts and other states?

C,L How are student health and dental records being transferred between districts and other states?

High School Graduation

C,T,S How are migrant students progressing toward high school graduation?

C,T,L,S What are the issues with regard to credit accrual?

C,L What efforts are underway to encourage Migrant Students who are no longer in school to pursue the GED?

C,L What efforts are underway to encourage other Migrant adults who are no longer in school to pursue the GED?

Postsecondary Outcomes

C,T,S Are Migrant Students prepared for college?

S,T What do they need for postsecondary education and training?

P,S In what types of employment do they engage?

State Support

ALL What are the three greatest needs of migrant families in the state of Arizona?

T,C,L What are the three most important services that can be provided by the Arizona State Department of Education?




Name District

School Date

We are conducting a needs assessment for the ADE Migrant Education Program. We would like to ask what you think about a number of services, activities or information sources related to Migrant Education Programs. Of course, your responses will held strictly confidential. Please describe the availability of the following services, activities, or information sources for migrant students in your school setting by checking the appropriate boxes. Please indicate how helpful more information, training, or technical assistance would be to you in each of the following areas related to helping the Migrant Students you serve meet Arizona State Standards.

|Area |Definitely not |Not helpful |Helpful |Definitely very |

| |very helpful | | |helpful |

|1. School & community health services | | | | |

|2. Identification and Recruitment (ID&R) | | | | |

|3. School nutrition programs | | | | |

|4. Initial school enrollment services | | | | |

|5. Migrant Student Records | | | | |

|6. Academic and educational services for students | | | | |

|7. Extended day, summer school and intersession programs | | | | |

|8. Adult educational services | | | | |

|9. Parent involvement at school | | | | |

|10. State testing for migrant students | | | | |

|11. Family literacy issues | | | | |

|12. Preschool services | | | | |

|13. Overcoming barriers to contacting the school | | | | |

|14. School/Parent relationships | | | | |

|15. Language barriers and services | | | | |

|16. Transportation | | | | |

|17. Tutoring | | | | |

|18. Technology in the classroom | | | | |

|19. Technology for records management | | | | |

|20. Recommendations for improving school/parent relationships | | | | |

|21. Clarifying the role of teachers and the role of | | | | |

|paraprofessionals | | | | |

|22. Professional development | | | | |

Please answer as many of the following questions as possible. We intend to use your judgment when making program decisions. (The following chart explains the codes used for the following questions.

|Role |Code |

|Migrant Coordinators |C |

|Home/School Liaisons (Version 1) |L1 |

|Home/School Liaisons (Version 2) |L2 |

|Teachers of Migrant Students |T |

|Parents of Migrant Students |P |

|Migrant Students |S |

Meeting State Standards

C Are migrant students meeting state standards? Why or why not?

C Which groups of migrant students are meeting state standards? Where are they located?

C How well do migrant students perform on state assessments? Does disaggregation of test items reveal any particular strengths or weaknesses?

C,T What kinds of information about migrant student mastery of standards do school personnel collect?

T,C,S What recommendations can be made with regard to improving migrant student academic performance?

C,L To what degree are migrant students ready for school? Why or why not?

P What preschool services are provided for migrant students? What is the nature of those services? How should services be expanded or improved?

Community Services

L,C What community services are being made available for migrant students, such as health care, nutrition and social services?

L,P,S What migrant student needs are unmet?

C,L What sorts of family literacy efforts are underway?

C,L What sorts of adult education offerings are made available to parents of Migrant Students?

Overcoming Barriers at the School

L,C What barriers exist to migrant student mastery of state standards at the school?

L,C,P What barriers to enrollment exist?

C,L,P,S What barriers to exchange of student academic and health records exist?

P,L What barriers to parent involvement in the education of their children exist?

ALL What should be done to overcome barriers?

School-based Services

C,L What strategies do you use for identification and recruitment (ID&R) of Migrant Students?

C,L What is the nature of school-based services at the schools?

C,L How is enrollment of migrant students handled?

C,L What forms of transportation are available for students and their families?

C,T,S Does the school offer special programs for migrant students designed to help them meet state standards? Which of the following are offered?

(y/n) tutoring (y/n) intersessions

(y/n) extended day programs (y/n) summer school

C,T,L What strategies are used to assist English Learners?

C,T What sorts of professional development would be helpful?

C,T How are teachers used to help Migrant Students? How are Paraprofessionals used to help Migrant Students?

ALL What programming is needed to help migrant students be successful?


C,T,L Is technology being used in ways that will help migrant students meet standards?

C Are migrant students using distance learning technologies to complete coursework?

C,L How are student achievement records being transferred between districts and other states?

C,L How are student health and dental records being transferred between districts and other states?

High School Graduation

C,T,S How are migrant students progressing toward high school graduation?

C,T,L,S What are the issues with regard to credit accrual?

C,L What efforts are underway to encourage Migrant Students who are no longer in school to pursue the GED?

C,L What efforts are underway to encourage other Migrant adults who are no longer in school to pursue the GED?

Postsecondary Outcomes

C,T,S Are Migrant Students prepared for college?

S,T What do they need for postsecondary education and training?

P,S In what types of employment do they engage?

State Support

ALL What are the three greatest needs of migrant families in the state of Arizona?

T,C,L What are the three most important services that can be provided by the Arizona State Department of Education?




Name District

School Date

We are conducting a needs assessment for the ADE Migrant Education Program. We would like to ask what you think about a number of services, activities or information sources related to Migrant Education Programs. Of course, your responses will held strictly confidential. Please describe the availability of the following services, activities, or information sources for migrant students in your school setting by checking the appropriate boxes. Please indicate how helpful more information, training, or technical assistance would be to you in each of the following areas related to helping the Migrant Students you serve meet Arizona State Standards.

|Area |Definitely not |Not helpful |Helpful |Definitely very |

| |very helpful | | |helpful |

|1. School & community health services | | | | |

|2. Identification and Recruitment (ID&R) | | | | |

|3. School nutrition programs | | | | |

|4. Initial school enrollment services | | | | |

|5. Migrant Student Records | | | | |

|6. Academic and educational services for students | | | | |

|7. Extended day, summer school and intersession programs | | | | |

|8. Adult educational services | | | | |

|9. Parent involvement at school | | | | |

|10. State testing for migrant students | | | | |

|11. Family literacy issues | | | | |

|12. Preschool services | | | | |

|13. Overcoming barriers to contacting the school | | | | |

|14. School/Parent relationships | | | | |

|15. Language barriers and services | | | | |

|16. Transportation | | | | |

|17. Tutoring | | | | |

|18. Technology in the classroom | | | | |

|19. Technology for records management | | | | |

|20. Recommendations for improving school/parent relationships | | | | |

|21. Clarifying the role of teachers and the role of | | | | |

|paraprofessionals | | | | |

|22. Professional development | | | | |

Please answer as many of the following questions as possible. We intend to use your judgment when making program decisions. (The following chart explains the codes used for the following questions.

|Role |Code |

|Migrant Coordinators |C |

|Home/School Liaisons (Version 1) |L1 |

|Home/School Liaisons (Version 2) |L2 |

|Teachers of Migrant Students |T |

|Parents of Migrant Students |P |

|Migrant Students |S |

Meeting State Standards

C Are migrant students meeting state standards? Why or why not?

C Which groups of migrant students are meeting state standards? Where are they located?

C How well do migrant students perform on state assessments? Does disaggregation of test items reveal any particular strengths or weaknesses?

C,T What kinds of information about migrant student mastery of standards do school personnel collect?

T,C,S What recommendations can be made with regard to improving migrant student academic performance?

C,L To what degree are migrant students ready for school? Why or why not?

P What preschool services are provided for migrant students? What is the nature of those services? How should services be expanded or improved?

Community Services

L,C What community services are being made available for migrant students, such as health care, nutrition and social services?

L,P,S What migrant student needs are unmet?

C,L What sorts of family literacy efforts are underway?

C,L What sorts of adult education offerings are made available to parents of Migrant Students?

Overcoming Barriers at the School

L,C What barriers exist to migrant student mastery of state standards at the school?

L,C,P What barriers to enrollment exist?

C,L,P,S What barriers to exchange of student academic and health records exist?

P,L What barriers to parent involvement in the education of their children exist?

ALL What should be done to overcome barriers?

School-based Services

C,L What strategies do you use for identification and recruitment (ID&R) of Migrant Students?

C,L What is the nature of school-based services at the schools?

C,L How is enrollment of migrant students handled?

C,L What forms of transportation are available for students and their families?

C,T,S Does the school offer special programs for migrant students designed to help them meet state standards? Which of the following are offered?

(y/n) tutoring (y/n) intersessions

(y/n) extended day programs (y/n) summer school

C,T,L What strategies are used to assist English Learners?

C,T What sorts of professional development would be helpful?

C,T How are teachers used to help Migrant Students? How are Paraprofessionals used to help Migrant Students?

ALL What programming is needed to help migrant students be successful?


C,T,L Is technology being used in ways that will help migrant students meet standards?

C Are migrant students using distance learning technologies to complete coursework?

C,L How are student achievement records being transferred between districts and other states?

C,L How are student health and dental records being transferred between districts and other states?

High School Graduation

C,T,S How are migrant students progressing toward high school graduation?

C,T,L,S What are the issues with regard to credit accrual?

C,L What efforts are underway to encourage Migrant Students who are no longer in school to pursue the GED?

C,L What efforts are underway to encourage other Migrant adults who are no longer in school to pursue the GED?

Postsecondary Outcomes

C,T,S Are Migrant Students prepared for college?

S,T What do they need for postsecondary education and training?

P,S In what types of employment do they engage?

State Support

ALL What are the three greatest needs of migrant families in the state of Arizona?

T,C,L What are the three most important services that can be provided by the Arizona State Department of Education?


We are conducting a needs assessment for the ADE Migrant Education Program. We would like to ask what you think about a number of services, activities or information sources related to Migrant Education Programs. Of course, your responses will held strictly confidential. Please describe the availability of the following services, activities, or information sources for migrant students in your school setting by checking the appropriate boxes. Please indicate how helpful more information, training, or technical assistance would be to you in each of the following areas related to helping the Migrant Students you serve meet Arizona State Standards.

|Area |Definitely not |Not helpful |Helpful |Definitely very |

| |very helpful | | |helpful |

|1. School & community health services | | | | |

|2. Identification and Recruitment (ID&R) | | | | |

|3. School nutrition programs | | | | |

|4. Initial school enrollment services | | | | |

|5. Migrant Student Records | | | | |

|6. Academic and educational services for students | | | | |

|7. Extended day, summer school and intersession programs | | | | |

|8. Adult educational services | | | | |

|9. Parent involvement at school | | | | |

|10. State testing for migrant students | | | | |

|11. Family literacy issues | | | | |

|12. Preschool services | | | | |

|13. Overcoming barriers to contacting the school | | | | |

|14. School/Parent relationships | | | | |

|15. Language barriers and services | | | | |

|16. Transportation | | | | |

|17. Tutoring | | | | |

|18. Technology in the classroom | | | | |

|19. Technology for records management | | | | |

|20. Recommendations for improving school/parent relationships | | | | |

|21. Clarifying the role of teachers and the role of | | | | |

|paraprofessionals | | | | |

|22. Professional development | | | | |

Please answer as many of the following questions as possible. We intend to use your judgment when making program decisions. (The following chart explains the codes used for the following questions.

|Role |Code |

|Migrant Coordinators |C |

|Home/School Liaisons (Version 1) |L1 |

|Home/School Liaisons (Version 2) |L2 |

|Teachers of Migrant Students |T |

|Parents of Migrant Students |P |

|Migrant Students |S |

Meeting State Standards

C Are migrant students meeting state standards? Why or why not?

C Which groups of migrant students are meeting state standards? Where are they located?

C How well do migrant students perform on state assessments? Does disaggregation of test items reveal any particular strengths or weaknesses?

C,T What kinds of information about migrant student mastery of standards do school personnel collect?

T,C,S What recommendations can be made with regard to improving migrant student academic performance?

C,L To what degree are migrant students ready for school? Why or why not?

P What preschool services are provided for migrant students? What is the nature of those services? How should services be expanded or improved?

Community Services

L,C What community services are being made available for migrant students, such as health care, nutrition and social services?

L,P,S What migrant student needs are unmet?

C,L What sorts of family literacy efforts are underway?

C,L What sorts of adult education offerings are made available to parents of Migrant Students?

Overcoming Barriers at the School

L,C What barriers exist to migrant student mastery of state standards at the school?

L,C,P What barriers to enrollment exist?

C,L,P,S What barriers to exchange of student academic and health records exist?

P,L What barriers to parent involvement in the education of their children exist?

ALL What should be done to overcome barriers?

School-based Services

C,L What strategies do you use for identification and recruitment (ID&R) of Migrant Students?

C,L What is the nature of school-based services at the schools?

C,L How is enrollment of migrant students handled?

C,L What forms of transportation are available for students and their families?

C,T,S Does the school offer special programs for migrant students designed to help them meet state standards? Which of the following are offered?

(y/n) tutoring (y/n) intersessions

(y/n) extended day programs (y/n) summer school

C,T,L What strategies are used to assist English Learners?

C,T What sorts of professional development would be helpful?

C,T How are teachers used to help Migrant Students? How are Paraprofessionals used to help Migrant Students?

ALL What programming is needed to help migrant students be successful?


C,T,L Is technology being used in ways that will help migrant students meet standards?

C Are migrant students using distance learning technologies to complete coursework?

C,L How are student achievement records being transferred between districts and other states?

C,L How are student health and dental records being transferred between districts and other states?

High School Graduation

C,T,S How are migrant students progressing toward high school graduation?

C,T,L,S What are the issues with regard to credit accrual?

C,L What efforts are underway to encourage Migrant Students who are no longer in school to pursue the GED?

C,L What efforts are underway to encourage other Migrant adults who are no longer in school to pursue the GED?

Postsecondary Outcomes

C,T,S Are Migrant Students prepared for college?

S,T What do they need for postsecondary education and training?

P,S In what types of employment do they engage?

State Support

ALL What are the three greatest needs of migrant families in the state of Arizona?

T,C,L What are the three most important services that can be provided by the Arizona State Department of Education?


Name District

School Date

We are conducting a needs assessment for the ADE Migrant Education Program. We would like to ask what you think about a number of services, activities or information sources related to Migrant Education Programs. Of course, your responses will held strictly confidential. Please describe the availability of the following services, activities, or information sources for migrant students in your school setting by checking the appropriate boxes. Please indicate how helpful more information, training, or technical assistance would be to you in each of the following areas related to helping the Migrant Students you serve meet Arizona State Standards.

|Area |Definitely not |Not helpful |Helpful |Definitely very |

| |very helpful | | |helpful |

|1. School & community health services | | | | |

|2. Identification and Recruitment (ID&R) | | | | |

|3. School nutrition programs | | | | |

|4. Initial school enrollment services | | | | |

|5. Migrant Student Records | | | | |

|6. Academic and educational services for students | | | | |

|7. Extended day, summer school and intersession programs | | | | |

|8. Adult educational services | | | | |

|9. Parent involvement at school | | | | |

|10. State testing for migrant students | | | | |

|11. Family literacy issues | | | | |

|12. Preschool services | | | | |

|13. Overcoming barriers to contacting the school | | | | |

|14. School/Parent relationships | | | | |

|15. Language barriers and services | | | | |

|16. Transportation | | | | |

|17. Tutoring | | | | |

|18. Technology in the classroom | | | | |

|19. Technology for records management | | | | |

|20. Recommendations for improving school/parent relationships | | | | |

|21. Clarifying the role of teachers and the role of | | | | |

|paraprofessionals | | | | |

|22. Professional development | | | | |

Please answer as many of the following questions as possible. We intend to use your judgment when making program decisions. (The following chart explains the codes used for the following questions.

|Role |Code |

|Migrant Coordinators |C |

|Home/School Liaisons (Version 1) |L1 |

|Home/School Liaisons (Version 2) |L2 |

|Teachers of Migrant Students |T |

|Parents of Migrant Students |P |

|Migrant Students |S |

Meeting State Standards

C Are migrant students meeting state standards? Why or why not?

C Which groups of migrant students are meeting state standards? Where are they located?

C How well do migrant students perform on state assessments? Does disaggregation of test items reveal any particular strengths or weaknesses?

C,T What kinds of information about migrant student mastery of standards do school personnel collect?

T,C,S What recommendations can be made with regard to improving migrant student academic performance?

C,L To what degree are migrant students ready for school? Why or why not?

P What preschool services are provided for migrant students? What is the nature of those services? How should services be expanded or improved?

Community Services

L,C What community services are being made available for migrant students, such as health care, nutrition and social services?

L,P,S What migrant student needs are unmet?

C,L What sorts of family literacy efforts are underway?

C,L What sorts of adult education offerings are made available to parents of Migrant Students?

Overcoming Barriers at the School

L,C What barriers exist to migrant student mastery of state standards at the school?

L,C,P What barriers to enrollment exist?

C,L,P,S What barriers to exchange of student academic and health records exist?

P,L What barriers to parent involvement in the education of their children exist?

ALL What should be done to overcome barriers?

School-based Services

C,L What strategies do you use for identification and recruitment (ID&R) of Migrant Students?

C,L What is the nature of school-based services at the schools?

C,L How is enrollment of migrant students handled?

C,L What forms of transportation are available for students and their families?

C,T,S Does the school offer special programs for migrant students designed to help them meet state standards? Which of the following are offered?

(y/n) tutoring (y/n) intersessions

(y/n) extended day programs (y/n) summer school

C,T,L What strategies are used to assist English Learners?

C,T What sorts of professional development would be helpful?

C,T How are teachers used to help Migrant Students? How are Paraprofessionals used to help Migrant Students?

ALL What programming is needed to help migrant students be successful?


C,T,L Is technology being used in ways that will help migrant students meet standards?

C Are migrant students using distance learning technologies to complete coursework?

C,L How are student achievement records being transferred between districts and other states?

C,L How are student health and dental records being transferred between districts and other states?

High School Graduation

C,T,S How are migrant students progressing toward high school graduation?

C,T,L,S What are the issues with regard to credit accrual?

C,L What efforts are underway to encourage Migrant Students who are no longer in school to pursue the GED?

C,L What efforts are underway to encourage other Migrant adults who are no longer in school to pursue the GED?

Postsecondary Outcomes

C,T,S Are Migrant Students prepared for college?

S,T What do they need for postsecondary education and training?

P,S In what types of employment do they engage?

State Support

ALL What are the three greatest needs of migrant families in the state of Arizona?

T,C,L What are the three most important services that can be provided by the Arizona State Department of Education?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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