New Data Warehouse for DOE

RFP 2020-081 DOE New Data Warehouse RFP

Section 1 ? Overview and Schedule

A. Executive Summary

The Department of Education (DOE) has identified areas of improvement for its "Next Generation" SLDS (State Longitudinal Data System) that would significantly improve the adaptability of the system while increasing the timeliness and ease of collection and access to educational data. Therefore, the DOE is looking for a local IT vendor who is knowledgeable and experienced in working with the DOE's databases, data warehouse, and SLDS. The vendor will be working on the CEDS (Common Educational Data Standards) or the Ed-FI unified data model that aligns with CEDS. The vendor will be mapping the current data warehouse tables to CEDS or the ED-FI data model as well as creating the necessary ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) code to extract the data from the old databases to the new CEDS or Ed-FI data models. In addition, the vendor will be creating reports using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and Tableau.

The engagement is expected to last one year. The vendor should have very strong SQL and database modeling skills, SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services), SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), and Tableau experience. DOE data knowledge would be a definite plus. Ideally, vendor staff will work on premise; however, an exception will be made if the ideal vendor is found and can only work remotely.

B. Schedule

The following table provides a Schedule of Events for this RFP through contract finalization and approval. The Agency reserves the right to amend this Schedule at its sole discretion and at any time through a published Addendum.


RFP Released to Proposers (Advertisement) Proposer Inquiry Period Ends Final Agency Responses to Proposer Inquiries Proposers Submit Proposals Estimate Timeframe for Proposer Oral Presentations and Interviews (if applicable) Estimated Notification of Selection and Begin Contract Negotiations


04/20/2020 05/01/2020 05/08/2020 05/15/2020 TBD


LOCAL TIME 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 2:30 PM TBD

4:00 PM

Section 2 - Description of Agency/Program Issuing the Request for Proposals

The Bureau provides support for the identification, collection, management, and analysis of student level and aggregated educational data to ensure that information is accurate, accessible, and supports department and stakeholder goals. The data collected needs to be in compliance with:

? The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ()

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( ? New Hampshire Privacy Regulation HP1612


The Bureau supports program areas within the Department of Education, outside researchers, and the New Hampshire Legislature by providing data analytics to facilitate research, decision making, and improve educational outcomes. Over the past decade, the DOE's data needs have shifted dramatically from merely fulfilling various federal and state legislative mandates for reporting to driving the decision-making process at the individual, family, school, state, and federal levels. Today the need for an adaptive data-warehousing model based on CEDS or Ed-FI is crucial in gaining added business insight, providing better access to key information, and facilitating reporting and analysis.

Section 3 ? Proposed Scope of Work

Deliverables months 1-8 ? Create a fully mapped CEDS or EDFI data model with scheduled extract-transform-load services from the Department's existing data structure to the CEDS or EDFI data model. o The Department plans to align all SLDS data elements with the CEDS or EDFI data model. If an element from our SLDS does not align with the CEDS or EDFI data model, the Department will extend the CEDS or EDFI data model to incorporate it. The mapping should be guided by the Common Education Data Standards found at or the ED-FI Unified data model at . o Windows Active directory will be used to maintain security to the new data warehouse. o DDL script to be used to create the initial CEDS or EDFI data model that will be completed by DoIT. o CEDS or EDFI data models to follow best practices procedures with backups and proper maintenance procedures. o Data dictionary aligns from current SLDS to the CEDS or EDFI data model saved in the Harvest repository. ? Ensure that the generated CEDS or EDFI data model element definitions are well documented to reflect our SLDS data use. o The goal from adopting the CEDS or EDFI data model is to benefit from the data dictionary services offered through the Align tool.

Deliverables months 9-12 ? Deploy the Generate tool. o Once the CEDS or EDFI data model is in place, the vendor is to work with staff to deploy the Generate tool to create all required regulatory EdFacts reports. ? Assist with transition to the new CEDS or EDFI data model. o Assist staff with any transformations needed to transition the new CEDS or EDFI data model to be the new primary SLDS to streamline operations. The current SLDS will serve as a staging area for the CEDS or EDFI data model. The vendor is to work with staff to initially run the old and new data models in parallel until the transition is completed and verified.

Deliverables throughout the project ? Create SSRS and Tableau reports. ? Document all system changes to support end-user knowledge. ? Document all the routines and processes used to generate reports and/or data tables and datasets. ? Harvest repository used throughout the project to store and version code. ? Participate in the Bureau and DOE meetings to share information as required.

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? Utilize the State of New Hampshire virtual private network/secure network internet access for communicating with the DOE's hardware.

? Work collaboratively with state information technology developers and database administrators, and other project team members.

? Provide the Administrator reports that document the work accomplished and a log of the time spent

every two weeks.

Section 4 ? Process for Submitting a Proposal

A. Proposal Submission, Deadline, and Location Instructions

Proposals submitted in response to this RFP must be received by the Department of Education, no later than the time and date specified in the Schedule section, herein. Proposals may be submitted by e-mail. Proposals must be addressed to:

State of New Hampshire Department of Education

c/o James.Kask@doe.

Proposals must be clearly marked as follows:


RESPONSE TO RFP 2020-081 2019New Data Warehouse for DOE

Unless waived as a non-material deviation in accordance with Section 6B, late submissions will not be accepted and will be returned to the proposers unopened. Delivery of the Proposals shall be at the Proposer's expense. The time of receipt shall be considered when a Proposal has been officially documented by the Agency, in accordance with its established policies, as having been received at the location designated above. The Agency accepts no responsibility for mislabeled email or email that is not delivered or undeliverable for whatever reason. Any damage that may occur due to shipping shall be the Proposer's responsibility.

All Proposals submitted in response to this RFP must consist of at least: a) One electronic copy (a pdf) of the Proposal with all Confidential Information fully redacted, as provided for in Section 7E of this RFP.

Proposers who are ineligible to bid on proposals, bids or quotes issued by the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Procurement and Support Services pursuant to the provisions of RSA 21-I:11-c shall not be considered eligible for an award under this proposal.

B. Proposal Inquiries

All inquiries concerning this RFP, including but not limited to, requests for clarifications, questions, and any changes to the RFP, shall be submitted via email to the following RFP designated Points of Contact:

TO: James.Kask@doe.

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CC: Dina.Rabuck@doe.

Inquiries must be received by the Agency's RFP Points of Contact no later than the conclusion of the Proposer Inquiry Period (see Schedule of Events section, herein). Inquiries received later than the conclusion of the Proposer Inquiry Period shall not be considered properly submitted and may not be considered.

The Agency intends to issue official responses to properly submitted inquiries on or before the date specified in the Schedule section, herein; however, this date is subject to change at the Agency's discretion. The Agency may consolidate and/or paraphrase questions for sufficiency and clarity. The Agency may, at its discretion, amend this RFP on its own initiative or in response to issues raised by inquiries, as it deems appropriate. Oral statements, representations, clarifications, or modifications concerning the RFP shall not be binding upon the Agency. Official responses by the Agency will be made only in writing by the process described above. Vendors shall be responsible for reviewing the most updated information related to this RFP before submitting a proposal.

C. Restriction of Contact with Agency Employees

From the date of release of this RFP until an award is made and announced regarding the selection of a Proposer, all communication with personnel employed by or under contract with the Agency regarding this RFP is forbidden unless first approved by the RFP Points of Contact listed in the Proposal Inquiries section, herein. Agency employees have been directed not to hold conferences and/or discussions concerning this RFP with any potential vendor during the selection process, unless otherwise authorized by the RFP Points of Contact. Proposers may be disqualified for violating this restriction on communications.

D. Validity of Proposal

Proposals must be valid for one hundred and eighty (180) days following the deadline for submission of Proposals in Schedule of Events, or until the Effective Date of any resulting Contract, whichever is later.

Section 5 - Content and Requirements for a Proposal

Proposals shall follow the below format and provide the required information set forth below: 1. Company Profile - Overview of the company including number of years in business, number of employees, location(s), expertise, local presence, etc. 2. Key Personnel - Resume of the individual assigned to work on the assignment. 3. References - Three or more client references from similar engagements. 4. Requirements - Describe how the individual assigned to this engagement utilized the following skills/knowledge in previous engagements. a. T/SQL, SQL Server Management Studio, and SQL server Agent b. Database Modeling Skills c. SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) d. DOE data knowledge 5. Cost - What is the hourly rate that will be charged? 6. Financial Strength/Stability - Ever file for bankruptcy?

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Section 6 ? Evaluation of Proposals

A. Criteria for Evaluation and Scoring

Each responsive Proposal will be evaluated and considered with regard to the following criteria:

If the Agency, determines to make an award based on these evaluations, the Agency will notify the selected Proposer(s). Should the Agency be unable to reach agreement with the selected Proposer(s) during Contract discussions, the Agency may then undertake Contract discussions with the next preferred Proposer and so on, or the Agency may reject all proposals, cancel this RFP, or solicit new Proposals under a new acquisition process.

The Agency will use a scoring scale of 100 points, a maximum of 80 points awarded for Qualifications and Experience, a maximum of 20 points awarded based on the Price, which will be distributed as set forth in the table below.

CATEGORIES QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE POINTS: ? T/SQL, SQL Server Management Studio, and SQL server Agent ? Database Modeling Skills ? SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) ? SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and Tableau ? DOE data knowledge


20 15 15 15 15 80





The Agency will select a Proposer based upon the criteria and standards contained in this RFP and from applying the weighting in this section. Oral interviews and reference checks, to the extent they are utilized by the Agency, will be used to refine and finalize scores.

B. Planned Evaluations

The Agency plans to use the following process: 1. Initial screening to ensure that the Proposals are in compliance with submission requirements; 2. Preliminary evaluation of the Proposals; 3. Oral Interviews and Product Demonstrations (if necessary); 4. Final Evaluation of Qualifications and Experience and scoring; 5. Select the highest scoring Proposer (s) and begin contract negotiation.

C. Initial Screening

The Agency will conduct an initial screening step to verify Proposer compliance with the qualifications and experience submission requirements set forth in the RFP and the minimum content set forth in Section 5 of this RFP. The Agency may waive or offer a limited opportunity to cure immaterial deviations from the RFP requirements if it is determined to be in the best interest of the State.

D. Preliminary Scoring of Proposals

The Agency will establish an evaluation team to initially score the proposals. This evaluation team will review the proposals and give a preliminary score under the guidelines set forth in Section 6. Proposers are

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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