Archaeological Education Resources - New Hampshire

Archaeological Education Resources

Compiled by Scott A. McLaughlin

Adomanis, J. F.

1990 Using Genealogy and Family History to Teach Immigration History. Magazine of History for Junior and Senior High School Teachers 4(4):52-55.

Agenbroad, L., J. A. Ezzo, L. Fratt, K. Henderson, J. McDonald, J. J. Reid, S. Whittlesey and L. Young

1995 Intrigue of the Past: Discovering Archaeology in Arizona. Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC.

Akansas Archeological Survey

2006 Prehistory and Early History of Arkansas: Educational Resources. Arkansas Archeological Survey, Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Andel, M. A.

1990 Digging for the Secrets of Time: Artifacts, Old Foundations, and More. Social Studies and the Young Learner 3(1):9-11.

Anslinger, C. M. and D. P. Thiel

1984 Archaeology for the Science Teacher: Interdisciplinary Applications. Hoosier Science Teacher 10(1):14-19.

Athearn, F. J., P. Walker-Buchanan, D. W. Bowman, B. A. Bradley, M. A. Heath, M. McBrin and T. Naranjo

1999 Intrigue of the Past: Discovering Archaeology in Colorado. Heritage Education Program, Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC.

Atwood, K. and G. Kramer

1998 Historic Cemeteries: Where Stones Talk; A Lesson Plan for Third and Fourth Grade Elementary Students. City of Medford Parks & Recreation Department and Jackson Education Service District, Medford, Oregon.

Backner, A. J.

1993 Making the Past Relevant for Today's Children. Social Science Record 30(1):27-36.

Barber, R. J.

1994 Doing Historical Archaeology: Exercises Using Documentary, Oral, and Material Evidence. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Barden, E. B.

1984 Curriculum Exchange: Digging. Curriculum Review 24(2):5-6.

Barrett, K., L. Bergmann, G. Dornfest, L. Lipner and C. Willard

2000 Investigating Artifacts: Making Masks, Creating Myths, Exploring Middens for Grades K-6; Teacher's Guide. Great Explorations in Math and Science (GEMS) Series. Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley, California.

Beall, P. E. (editor))

1985 People, Places, Power: An Invitation to Industrial Archeology; Teacher Guide. Society for Industrial Archeology, Washington, DC.

Bender, S. J. and G. S. Smith (editors)

2000 Teaching Archaeology in the Twenty-First Century. Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC.

Berrett, J. and J. Bjornstead

2005 Resources: Archeology in the Classroom. Technology and Children 10(1):19-20.

Black, M. S.

1998 Using Archaeology to Explore Cultures of North America through Time. Social Studies and the Young Learner 11(1):11-16.

2001 Maturing Gracefully? Curriculum Standards for History and Archaeology. Social Studies 92(3):103-108.

Black, M. S. and M. E. Blake

2001 Knitting Local History Together: Collaborating to Construct Curriculum. Social Studies 92(6):243-247.

Boutilier, B., P. Erickson, D. Hansen and D. Williamson

1992 Discovering Archaeology: An Activity Book for Young Nova Scotians. Nova Scotia Archaeology Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Brook, R. and M. Tisdale

1993 Mystery of the Mesa: A Science Detective Story. Science and Children 31(2):33-40.

Brown, S.

2005 Mystery Cemetery Project. Archaeological Institute of America, Boston, Massachusetts.

Buco, D.

1999 Poverty Point Expeditions: Activities for Students to Learn about Prehistoric Mound Builders. Louisiana Division of Archaeology, Office of Cultural Development, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Bureau of Land Management, O. S. O.

1994 Exploring Oregon's Past: A Teacher's Activity Guide for Fourth through Seventh Grades. Bureau of Land Management, Washington, DC.

Callum, K. E. and R. A. Sloma

2001 Rock River Valley: Pathway to the Past; Archeology Poster & Educator's Guide: A Vermont Standards-Based Unit of Study for Grade Levels 5-8. Vermont Gas Systems, Burlington, Vermont.

Cameron, C. M. and S. H. Lekson

1997 Intrigue of the Past: Discovering Archaeology in New Mexico. Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC.

Capelle, J. and M. Smith

1998 Using Cemetery Data to Teach Population Biology & Local History. American Biology Teacher 60(9):690-693.

Carroll, R. F.

1987 Schoolyard Archaeology. Social Studies 78(2):69-75.

Center for Gifted Education Staff College of William & Mary

1997 What a Find! A Problem-Based Unit. Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, Iowa.

Charles, S., L. DeBeer, P. Lewis and P. Monder

2000 From Wilderness to Fortress: Exploring the History of a Revolutionary War Site: A Resource Guide for Mount Independence State Historic Site, Orwell, Vermont. Vermont Division for Historic Preservation, Montpelier, Vermont.

Cherry, C.

2001 Reading/Language Arts: A Caldecott Archaeological Dig. School Library Media Activities Monthly 18(4):12-13.

Christensen, B. L.

1995 Science Comes Alive Through Archaeology. Science Scope 18(6):58-59.

Christensen, B. L. and C. Arzigian

2003 Discovering Past Lifeways. Science Activities 40(3):15-24.

Cleary, M. and M. J. Meister (editors)

1999 Cargoes from Three Continents: Ancient Mediterranean Trade in Modern Archaeology. Archaeological Institute of America, Boston.

Coan, J.

1999 Digging into Archaeology: Hands-on, Minds-on Unit Study. Critical Thinking Books & Software, Pacific Grove, California.

Cochran, J.

1999 Archaeology: Digging Deeper to Learn About the Past; A Middle School Unit of Study. Incentive Publications, Nashville, Tennessee.

Collie, G. L.

1908 Archaeology in the Schools. Wisconsin Journal of Education April:122-123.

Cooper, D.

2003 A Virtual Dig - Joining Archaeology and Fiction to Promote Critical and Historical Thinking. Social Studies 94(2):69-73.

2005 Design a Book: A Quest in Ancient Egypt. Social Education Supplement: Middle Level Learning 23:M9-M15.

Cotter, J. L.

1979 Archaeologist of the Future: High Schools Discover Archaeology. Archaeology 32(1):29-35.

Courtney, S.

2002 "The Dig": Distributed Cognition and the Postmodern Classroom. Journal of Interactive Learning Research 13(1/2):71-92.

Daehnke, J. D.

2002 Public Outreach and the "Hows" of Archaeology: Archaeology as a Model for Education. MA, Portland State University.

Danes, L. M. J.

1989 The Development of Cognitive Skills Through Archaeology. Social Studies Journal 18(Spring):43-45.

Daniels, S. and N. David

1996 The Archaeology Workbook. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.

David, N. and J. Driver

1989 The Next Archaeology Workbook. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Davis, M. E. and M. R. Connolly (editors)

2000 Windows into the Past: Crow Canyon Archaeological Center's Guide for Teachers. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa.

Davis, M. M.

2001 Archaeology in the Classroom: A Resource Guide by State for Teachers and Parents. Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, Iowa.

Deal, W. F., III

1993 The Secrets of the Iceman. Technology Teacher 52(4):34.

Demarest, A. B.

1997 This Lake Alive! An Interdisciplinary Handbook for Teaching and Learning about the Lake Champlain Basin. Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, Vermont.

Devine, H.

1991 The Role of Archaeology in Teaching the Native Past: Ideology or Pedagogy? Canadian Journal of Native Education 18(1):11-22.

Dick, R. G.

1984 The Garbage Box: An Exercise in Archaeology. History and Social Science Teacher 20(1):44-47.

Dickens, R. S., Jr. and J. L. McKinley

1979 Frontiers in the Soil: The Archaeology of Georgia. Frontiers Anthropology Series. Frontiers Publishing Company, Atlanta, Georgia.

Doherty, E. J. S. and L. C. Evans

1986 Stones and Bones: Archaeology. Synergetics, East Windsor Hill, Connecticut.

Dolph, G. E.

1989 Adventures in Ethnobiology. Science Teacher 56(1):57-59.

Dorling Kindersley Limited

2003 Pyramid: An Interactive Guide to the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt. Action Pack. D. K. Publishing, New York.

Driskell, B., S. W. Driskell, L. Derry, D. Graves and K. J. Laubenstein

2000 Intrigue of the Past: Discovering Archaeology in Alabama. Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC.

Easley, L. M.

2005 Cemeteries as Science Labs. Science Scope 29(3):28-32.

Eisenwine, M. J.

2000 Teaching Archeology in the Middle School: Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary Unit. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin.

2003 Archaeology in the Seventh Grade: An Interdisciplinary Unit of Study. Social Education 67(1):11-.

Elliot, R. F.

1992 Used Archaeology: Practical Classroom Ideas for Teachers, by Teachers. Early Georgia 20(1).

Endacott, J.

2005 It's Not All Ancient History Now: Connecting the Past by Weaving a Threaded Historical Concept. Social Studies 96(5):227-231.

Few, J. and K. C. Smith (editors)

1996 Teaching Archaeology: A Sampler for Grades 3 to 12. Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC.

Field, S. L., L. D. Labbo, R. W. Wilhelm and A. W. Garrett

1996 To Touch, To Feel, To See: Artifact Inquiry in the Social Science Classroom. Social Education 60(3):141-143.

Froschauer, L.

1988 Cemetery Science. Science and Children 26(2):27-29.

Gardner, C.

1997 Treasurers from the Past: Using Archaeology in Upper-Elementary Social Studies. Social Studies 88(2):83-86.

Geiger, B. F.

2004 Teaching about History and Science through Archaeology Service Learning. Social Studies 95(4):166-171.

Glendinning, M.

2005 Digging into History: Authentic Learning through Archeology. History Teacher 38(2)?

Grambo, G.

1996 Digging into Archaeology Projects. Gifted Child Today 19(3):12-13.

Grant, J., S. Gorin and N. Fleming

2002 The Archaeology Coursebook: An Introduction to Study Skills, Topics, and Methods. Routledge, New York.

Gregonis, L. and L. Fratt

1992 Archaeology: Window on the Past; A Guide for Teachers and Students. Tucson Unified School District, Tucson, Arizona.

Halporn, R.

1979 Lessons from the Dead: The Graveyard as a Classroom for the Study of the Life Cycle. Highly Specialized Promotions, Brooklyn, New York.

Hamscher, A. N.

2003 Talking Tombstones: History in the Cemetery. Organization of American Historians Magazine of History for Teachers of History 17(2):40-45.

Hart, A.

2001 Who Really Discovered America. A Kaleidoscope Kids Book. Williamson Publishing, Charlotte, Vermont.

Hart, A. and S. Gallagher

2002 Ancient Rome! Exploring the Culture, People, & Ideas of this Powerful Empire. A Kaleidoscope Kids Book. Williamson Publishing, Charlotte, Vermont.

Hart, A. and P. Mantell

1997 Pyramids! 50 Hands-on Activities to Experience Ancient Egypt. A Kaleidoscope Kids Book. Williamson Publishing, Charlotte, Vermont.

1998 Knights & Castles: 50 Hands-on Activities to Experience the Middle Ages. A Kaleidoscope Kids Book. Williamson Publishing, Charlotte, Vermont.

1999 Ancient Greece! 40 Hands-on Activities to Experience this Wondrous Age. A Kaleidoscope Kids Book. Williamson Publishing, Charlotte, Vermont.

Hart, L. P., K. W. Laumbach, L. A. Sanchez and Human Systems Research Inc.

2001 Capture the Past for New Mexico's Future: A Teachers' Manual for Interdisciplinary Studies in New Mexico's Cultural Heritage. Eastern New Mexico University Contributions in Anthropology 14(1).

Haslam, A., C. Doran and P. Chrisp

2001 Living History: The Hands-on Approach to History. Two-Can Publishing, Princeton, New Jersey.

Hatcher, B. A.

1992 History in My Hand - Making Artifact Kits in the Intermediate Grades. Social Studies 83(6):267-271.

Hawkins, N., S. South, T. Charles and M. Walden

1989 Can You Dig It? A Classroom Guide to South Carolina Archaeology. South Carolina Department of Education & South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Columbia, South Carolina.

Hawkins, N. W.

2004 Classroom Archaeology: An Archaeology Activity Guide for Teachers. 3rd ed. Louisiana Division of Archaeology, Office of Cultural Development, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Higgins, P. J. and K. A. Holm

1986 Archaeology and Precollege Education: A Literature Review. Practicing Anthropology 8(3/4):26, 28.

Hightshore, S.

1997 Sifting Through the Sands of Time: A Simulated Archaeology Dig. Social Studies and the Young Learner 9(3):28-30.

Holm, K. A.

1984 Can You Dig It? Science Teacher 51(4):48-49.

Honan, L.

1998 Spend the Day in Ancient Rome: Projects and Activities that Bring the Past to Life. Spend the Day Series. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

1999 Spend the Day in Ancient Egypt: Projects and Activities that Bring the Past to Life. Spend the Day Series. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Hutchinson, B.

1991 Technological Clues to Ancient Mysteries. Ties: Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship for Students (January/February):12-17.

Kantner, J.

1997 Intrigue of the Past: Discovering Archaeology in Wyoming. Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC.

Kincade, L.

1996 Resurrecting History in the High School Classroom. Social Studies Review 35(3):10-11.

Kingsley, R., W. Wilen and L. Greenbaum

1992 Hands-on History: An Archaeological Module for Social Studies Methods Courses. International Journal of Social Education 7(1):50-60.

Kopee, D. R.

1988 Discovering Maine's Prehistory through Archaeology: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum Unit for Grades 5-8. Draft ed. Maine Historic Preservation Commission, Augusta, Maine.

Kottak, C. P., J. J. White, R. H. Furlow and P. C. Rice (editors)

1997 The Teaching of Anthropology: Problems, Issues, and Decisions. Mayfield Publishing, Mountain View, California.

Krass, D. S.

1995 Public High School Teachers and Archaeology: Exploring the Field. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Labbo, L. D. and S. L. Field

1999 Journey Boxes: Telling the Story of Place, Time, and Culture with Photographs, Literature, and Artifacts. Social Studies 90(4):177-182.

Landes, R. S. and J. T. Moyar

1996 Archaeologists at Work: A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Archaeology. 2nd ed. Alexandria Archaeology Publications, Number 48. Alexandria Archaeology, Alexandria, Virginia.

Laney, J. D.

1986 Learning History from a Cemetery: Directed Discovery for the Intermediate Grades. Southern Social Studies Quarterly 12(2):14-26.

Laney, J. D. and P. A. Moseley

1990 Who Packed the Suitcase? Playing the Role of an Archaeologist/Anthropologist. Social Studies and the Young Learner 2(3):17-19.

Laubenstein, K. J. and R. E. King

1993 Intrigue of the Past: Discovering Archaeology in Alaska. Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC.

Lee, A. and R. Wagner (editors)

2002 Teaching Cultural Heritage Preservation: A Course Outline. National Park Service, Washington, DC.

Liepold, M. L. (editor))

1989 Jason Curriculum: Grades 4-6. National Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC.

1989 Jason Curriculum: Grades 7-9. National Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC.

1989 Jason Curriculum: Grades 10-12. National Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC.

Lindroth, L.

2004 How to.Create a Culture Study Guide. Teaching PreK-8 35(1):23-24.

Liu, C.-H. J.

1996 Ancient China: 2,000 Years of Mystery and Adventure to Unlock and Discover. Treasure Chests Series. Running Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Lowry, P. K. and J. H. McCrary

2005 Science and History Come Alive in the Cemetery. Science Scope 29(3):33.

MacDonald, F.

1997 The Vikings: 350 Years of Adventure to Unlock and Discover. Treasure Chests Series. Running Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Malone, B.

2000 Digging and Discovery: Wisconsin Archaeology Teacher's Guide and Student Materials. 2nd ed. State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.

Malone, B., J. J. Gray and A. Fajardo

2001 Working with Water: Wisconsin Waterways; Teacher's Guide and Student Materials. New Badger History Series. Wisconsin Historical Society Press, Madison, Wisconsin.

Mamola, C. and J. W. Bloodgood

2002 The Enticements of Archaeology: An Interdisciplinary Experience. Social Studies and the Young Learner 15(2):9-14.

Manosa, C.

2002 Exploring History in Your Own Backyard: The Ashland Estate; An Historical Archaeology Resource Guide for Elementary and Middle School Teachers (Grades 4-8). Report No. 59. Kentucky Archaeological Survey, Lexington, Kentucky.

Mathewson, R. D., III

1996 An Interdisciplinary Middle School Module in Marine Science and Archaeology: "If Shipwrecks Could Talk". Ph.D. dissertation, The Union Institute.

Mathis, M. A.

1986 Introducing Children to Archaeology. Education Digest 52(2):44-45.

1986 Mysteries and Relics of the Past Intrigue Kids. PTA Today 11(6):11-12.

Mattison, D.

2006 Digging Up the Virtual Past: The Archaeology of Ancient Greece and Rome. Searcher: The Magazine for Database Professionals 14(2):20-28.

McCarthy, P.

1998 Dig into Art and Culture. School Arts 97(7):18-19.

McLaughlin, S. A.

2005 Canalers Afloat: The Champlain Waterway's Unique Maritime Community, 1819-1940: An Education Curriculum for Grades PreK-8. Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, Vergennes, Vermont.

Milligan, B. A. and D. Trask

1970 A Cemetery Survey: Teachers Manual. Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Mitoraj, S. O.

2001 A Tale of Two Cemeteries: Gravestones as Community Artifacts. English Journal 90(5):82-87.

Morris, R. V.

1998 Using Artifacts as a Springboard to Literacy. Social Studies and the Young Learner 10(4):14-17.

2000 Teaching Social Studies with Artifacts. Social Studies 91(1):32-37.

Moyer, P. S. and W. S. Hsia

2001 The Archaeological Dig Site: Using Geometry to Reconstruct the Past. Mathematics Teacher 94(3):193-198, 206-207.

Nami, H. G.

1992 Knapping Knowhow. Science Teacher 59(2):14-18.

Neuman, R. A. and W. W. Thompson

1983 Sleuthing Through History: An Introduction to Archaeology. J. Weston Walch, Portland, Maine.

Nobles, C. H.

1999 Adventures in Classroom Archaeology. Louisiana Division of Archaeology, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Ostlund, K.

1993 Creating a Culture. Science Scope 16(6):20-24.

Ovoian, G. and D. Gregory

1991 Can You Dig It? Social Studies Review 30(3):83-88.

Panchyk, R.

2001 Archaeology for Kids: Uncovering the Mysteries of Our Past: 25 Activities. Chicago Review Press, Chicago, Illinois.

Paragraphics, I. (editor))

1997 The Wreck of the Henrietta Marie: Salvaging the Past. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Parren, L. K.

1987 A Teacher's Guide to 12,000 Years of Vermont's Past. Vermont Division for Historic Preservation, Montpelier, Vermont.

Parson, H. E. and I. A. McKay

1989 A Field Method for Investigating the Cultural Landscape. Journal of Geography 88(3):95-103.

Passe, J. and M. Passe

1985 Archaeology: A Unit to Promote Thinking Skills. Social Studies 76(6):238-239.

Patterson, T. C.

2005 The Theory and Practice of Archaeology: A Workbook. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Pearson, V. (editor))

2001 Teaching the Past: A Practical Guide for Archaeologists. Council for British Archaeology, York, England.

Plants, R. W.

1984 Projectile Point Classification. Science and Children 21(5):6-9.

Platt, R.

2003 Hieroglyphics: The Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Writing to Unlock and Discover. Treasure Chests Series. Running Press Kids, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Price, M., P. M. Samford and V. P. Steponaitis (editors)

2001 Intrigue of the Past: North Carolina's First Peoples; A Teacher's Activity Guide for Fourth through Eighth Grades. Research Laboratories of Archaeology, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Reddish, D. and C. McDermott

1993 Excavating Ancient History. Science Scope 16(6):26-29.

Reid, C. and R. Timmons

1994 Montana's Heritage: Bringing Archaeology into the Classroom. Kootenai National Forest, Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture, Libby, Montana.

Renacker, G. M.

2003 Editorial: Teacher Training in Archaeology: A Success Story. Science Activities 40(3):3-5.

Renoe, S.

2003 The Draw-an-Archaeologist Test: A Good Way to Get the Ball Rolling. Science Activities 40(3):31-36.

Resanovich, M.

1997 Back to the Future: An Archaeological Adventure. Science and Children 35(2):22-26, 45.

Rice, P. C.

1990 Introductory Archaeology: The Inexpensive Laboratory. Anthropology & Education Quarterly 21(2):167-172.

1998 Doing Archaeology: A Hands-on Laboratory Manual. Mayfield Publishing, Mountain View, California.

Ricklin, L. P. and S. Perfect-Miller

1993 A Dig That's Good Enough to Eat. Teaching PreK-8 23(February):50-52.

Rigby, C. K.

1990 A Guide for Teachers to the Historic Architecture of Rutland County, Vermont. Vermont Division for Historic Preservation, Montpelier, Vermont.

Riley, S. S.

1989 Pilgrimage to Elmwood Cemetery. Young Children 44(2):33-36.

Robinson, A.

2005 Can You Dig It? An Archaeology Unit Can Make Scientific Research Inviting and Fun. School Library Journal 51(3):33.

Rollans, M.

1990 A Handbook for Teaching Archaeology in Saskatchewan Schools. S.S.T.A. Research Report No. 90 - 08. The Research Centre, Saskatchewan School Trustees Association, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Romano, K.

2002 Great Digs. Teaching PreK-8 32(8):43-45.

Sabato, G.

1990 Touching a Moment in History. Social Studies Review 29(2):27-35.

Samford, P. and D. L. Ribblett

1995 Archaeology for Young Explorers: Uncovering History at Colonial Williamsburg. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Schermer, S. J.

1992 Discovering Archaeology: An Activity Guide for Educators. Special Publication. Office of the State Archaeologist, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.

Schlenker, J. A.

1980 The Cemetary [sic] Project: Making Local History Come Alive. Community College Social Science Journal 3(2):103-105.

Scott, S. and R. A. Sisk

1997 Montana Ancient Teachings. Montana Historical Society, Helena, Montana.

Sentelle, S. P.

1986 Digging to Learn: Teaching Science, History, and Social Studies Through Archaeology. Educational Leadership 44(2):10-12.

Shade, R. A.

1990 Grandma's Attic: Bringing Archaeology Closer to Home for the G/C/T Student. Gifted Child Today 13(3):10-12.

Simmons, P. E., M. Ruffin, J. Polman, C. Kirkendall and T. Baumann

2003 If Stones Could Talk. Science Teacher 70(5):52-54.

Sizemore, J.

2000 Ancient Fires at Cliff Palace Pond: A Companion Guide for Middle and High School Teachers. Kentucky Archaeology Episode One. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort, Kentucky.

2001 The Adena People: Moundbuilders of Kentucky; A Companion Guide for Intermediate and Middle School Social Studies Teachers. Kentucky Archaeology Episode Two. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort, Kentucky.

Smardz, K. and S. J. Smith (editors)

2000 The Archaeology Education Handbook: Sharing the Past with Kids. AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek, California.

Smardz, K. E.

1989 Educational Archaeology: Toronto Students Dig into Their Past. History and Social Science Teacher 24(3):148-155.

Smith, K. C.

1998 Pathway to the Past: Archaeology Education in Precollegiate Classrooms. Social Studies 89(3):112-117.

Smith, K. C. and A. Douglas (editors)

2001 History Beneath the Sea: Nautical Archaeology in the Classroom. Society for American Archaeology, Public Education Committee, Washington, DC.

Smith, K. C. and F. P. McManamon

1991 Archeology and Education: The Classroom and Beyond. Archeological Assistance Study Series (National Park Service) (2 (October)).

Smith, S., J. Moe, K. Letts and D. Paterson

1992 The Intriguing Past: Fundamentals of Archaeology: A Teacher's Guide for Fourth through Seventh Grades. Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC.

Smith, S. J., J. M. Moe, K. A. Letts and D. M. Paterson

1996 Intrigue of the Past: A Teacher's Activity Guide for Fourth through Seventh Grades. Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC.

Soldier, L. L.

1990 Making Anthropology a Part of the Elementary Social Studies Curriculum. Social Education 54(1):18-19.

Sopp, L.

1998 Gravestone Graphics. Arts & Activities 124(2):29.

South Dakota State Historical Society

2006 Archaeology in South Dakota: South Dakota State Historical Society Education Kit. South Dakota State Historical Society, Pierre, South Dakota.

Spence, B. S.

1996 The Arcs of Archaeology. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 1(9):688-693.

Spinner, C. M.

1980 The Cemetary [sic] and the Social Studies Class. Social Studies 71(4):175-177.

Stark, R.

1994 Archaeology: Teacher Edition. Educational Impressions, Hawthorne, New Jersey.

Sterling, M. E.

2004 Archaeology. Thematic Unit Series. Teacher Created Materials, Westminster, California.

Stewart, K.

1997 Archaeology. Intermediate ThemeWorks. Creative Publications, Mountain View, California.

Stone, P. G. and R. MacKenzie (editors)

1994 The Excluded Past: Archaeology in Education. Routledge, New York.

Stranix, E. L.

1974 The Cemetery: An Outdoor Classroom; A Student Workbook. Con-Stran Productions, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Sutton, M. Q. and R. M. Yohe, II

2006 Archaeology: The Science of the Human Past. 2nd ed. Allyn & Bacon, Boston.

Tanner, J.

1983 Archaeology: Self-Directed Study Units for Grades K-3 and 4-8, Gifted. Zephyr Press, Tucson, Arizona.

Thorp, C.

1997 Students Dig History: Here's What Happens When Sixth Grade Archaeologists Delved into the Past. Teaching PreK-8 28(November/December):56-57.

Trento, S. M.

1980 Weekdays in the Soil: Techniques for Using an Archeological Dig in an Earth Science Curriculum. Mid-Hudson School Study Council, New Paltz, New York.

Trimble, S.

1996 Artifacts and Archeology. Arts & Activities 120(1):31, 48.

Vermont Old Cemetery Association Education Committee

1996 Stones & Bones: Using Tombstones as Textbooks. Vermont Old Cemetery Association, Vermont.

Virginia Department of Historic Resources

2005 Solving History's Mysteries: The History Discovery Lab; Teacher Guide and Activity Book. Virginia Department of Historic Resources, Richmond, Virginia.

Wall, G., C. Crump, V. Del Grande and F. Squires

1992 Magic Day: Multi-Disciplinary, Multi-Sensory Awareness Gathered and Integrated into the Curriculum or "Plotting Among the Plots". Division of Education, Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, Indiana.

Wall, G. O.

1979 Curriculum Integration and Teacher Education with M*A*G*I*C. Journal of Teacher Education 30(3):31-33.

Watts, L. E.

1985 They Dig Archaeology. Science and Children 23(1):5-9.

Weatherly, M. S.

1985 Gone But Not Forgotten; Gravestones: Messages from the Past. Gifted Child Today (Sept/Oct):2-5.

Weaver, S. and C. Brown

2003 Dig into Archaeology. Science Activities 40(3):6-14.

Weitzman, D. and P. E. Beall

1985 People, Places, Power: A Workbook for Industrial Archeology. Society for Industrial Archeology, Washington, DC.

Welsh, C.

1994 Digging Through History. Gifted Child Today 17(1):18-20, 42.

Wheat, P. and B. Whorton (editors)

1990 Clues from the Past: A Resource Book on Archeology. Hendrick-Long Publishing, Dallas, Texas.

Wheeler, A. E.

1997 Excavating Science Education: Some Reflections from Archaeology. Science Education International 8(4):7-11.

Wheeler, D.

1996 On a Frozen Fellow and Melding Media. Art Education 49(2):6-15.

White, C. S. and K. A. Hunter

2000 Teaching with Historic Places: A Curriculum for Professional Training and Development of Teachers, Preservationalists, and Museum and Site Interpreters. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington, DC.

White, J. R.

1992 An Exercise in Field Archaeology for the Gifted: Fake Mound, Genuine Scholarship. Gifted Child Today 15(5):2-6.

1995 Empty Lots as Modern Classrooms: Using Archaeology to Enrich the Gifted Curriculum. Gifted Child Today 18(5):12-16, 42.

1998 Hands-on Archaeology: Explore the Mysteries of History through Science. Prufrock Press, Waco, Texas.

2005 Hands-on Archaeology: Real-Life Activities for Kids. Prufrock Press, Waco, Texas.

Whitham, S. A., G. H. Krockover, W. Burgess and B. Bayley

2004 Digging Up a Crime: An "Archaeology Dig" Provides the Catalyst for an Inquiry-Based Activity. Science Teacher 71(2):56-59.

Whiting, N. C.

1997 Presenting a Plural Past: Archaeology and Public Education. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota.

1998 Archaeology and Intercultural Education in the Elementary Grades: An Example from Minnesota. Social Studies 89(6):254-259.

Williams, C. D.

2002 A Case for Archaeology in Education: Simulating Archaeological Investigations in U.S. Secondary Schools. MA, University of Denver.

Willits, R. J.

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