PED-Professional Licensure Modernization Bureau Project ...

New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED)Professional Licensure Bureau ModernizationPROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN (PMP)Executive Sponsor – Ryan Stewart, Ed.L.D., Secretary Designate of EducationBusiness Owner - Seana Flanagan, Director, Educator Quality and Professional LicensureProject Managers – Mark DeCamp and Laura Eaton, Project Management Office, Information Technology BureauOriginal Plan Date: December 13, 2019Revision: 2.0 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Revision History PAGEREF _Toc27127909 \h 31.0Project Overview PAGEREF _Toc27127910 \h 41.1Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc27127911 \h 41.2Funding and Sources PAGEREF _Toc27127912 \h 41.3Constraints PAGEREF _Toc27127913 \h 41.4 Dependencies PAGEREF _Toc27127914 \h 51.5 Assumptions PAGEREF _Toc27127915 \h 61.6 Initial Project risks Identified PAGEREF _Toc27127916 \h 72.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure PAGEREF _Toc27127917 \h 82.1 Stakeholders PAGEREF _Toc27127918 \h 82.2 Project Governance Structure PAGEREF _Toc27127919 \h 102.2.1 Organizational Structure – Org Chart PAGEREF _Toc27127920 \h 102.2.2 The Role and Members of the Project Steering Committee PAGEREF _Toc27127921 \h 112.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, Interfaces and Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc27127922 \h 112.3 Executive Reporting PAGEREF _Toc27127923 \h 123.0 Scope PAGEREF _Toc27127924 \h 123.1 Project Objectives PAGEREF _Toc27127925 \h 123.1.1 Business Objectives PAGEREF _Toc27127926 \h 123.1.2 Technical Objectives PAGEREF _Toc27127927 \h 133.2 Project Exclusions PAGEREF _Toc27127928 \h 133.3 Critical Success Factors PAGEREF _Toc27127929 \h 134.0 Project Deliverables and methodology PAGEREF _Toc27127930 \h 144.1 Project Management Life Cycle PAGEREF _Toc27127931 \h 154.1.1 Project Management Deliverables PAGEREF _Toc27127932 \h 154.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations PAGEREF _Toc27127933 \h 194.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure PAGEREF _Toc27127934 \h 234.2 Product Lifecycle PAGEREF _Toc27127935 \h 244.2.1 Technical Strategy PAGEREF _Toc27127936 \h 254.2.2 Product and Product Development Deliverables PAGEREF _Toc27127937 \h 264.2.3 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations PAGEREF _Toc27127938 \h 274.2.4 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure PAGEREF _Toc27127939 \h 285.0 Project Work PAGEREF _Toc27127940 \h 295.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) PAGEREF _Toc27127941 \h 295.2 Schedule allocation - Project Timeline PAGEREF _Toc27127942 \h 305.3 Project Budget PAGEREF _Toc27127943 \h 305.4 Project Team PAGEREF _Toc27127944 \h 315.4.1 Project Team Organizational Structure (OS) PAGEREF _Toc27127945 \h 315.4.2 Project Team Roles and Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc27127946 \h 325.5 Staff Planning and Resource Acquisition PAGEREF _Toc27127947 \h 355.5.1 Project Staff PAGEREF _Toc27127948 \h 355.5.2 Non-Personnel resources PAGEREF _Toc27127949 \h 365.6 Project Logistics PAGEREF _Toc27127950 \h 365.6.1 Project Team Training PAGEREF _Toc27127951 \h 366.0 Project Management and Controls PAGEREF _Toc27127952 \h 366.1 Risk and issue Management PAGEREF _Toc27127953 \h 366.1.1 Risk Management Strategy PAGEREF _Toc27127954 \h 366.1.2 Project Risk Identification PAGEREF _Toc27127955 \h 376.1.3 Project Risk Mitigation Approach PAGEREF _Toc27127956 \h 376.1.4 Risk Reporting and Escalation Strategy PAGEREF _Toc27127957 \h 376.1.5 Project Risk Tracking Approach PAGEREF _Toc27127958 \h 386.1.6 Issue Management PAGEREF _Toc27127959 \h 386.2 Independent Verification And Validation - IV&V PAGEREF _Toc27127960 \h 396.3 Scope Management Plan PAGEREF _Toc27127961 \h 396.3.1 Change Control PAGEREF _Toc27127962 \h 396.4 Project Budget Management PAGEREF _Toc27127963 \h 406.4.1 Budget Tracking PAGEREF _Toc27127964 \h 406.5 Communication Plan PAGEREF _Toc27127965 \h 406.5.1 Communication Matrix PAGEREF _Toc27127966 \h 406.5.2 Status Meetings PAGEREF _Toc27127967 \h 416.5.3 Project Status Reports PAGEREF _Toc27127968 \h 416.6 Permformance Measurement (Project Metrics) PAGEREF _Toc27127969 \h 416.6.1 Baselines PAGEREF _Toc27127970 \h 416.6.2 Metrics Library PAGEREF _Toc27127971 \h 436.7 Quality Objectives and Control PAGEREF _Toc27127972 \h 436.7.1 Quality Standards PAGEREF _Toc27127973 \h 436.7.2 Project and Product Review and Assessments PAGEREF _Toc27127974 \h 446.7.3 Agency/Customer Satisfaction PAGEREF _Toc27127975 \h 446.7.4 Product Deliverables Acceptance Process PAGEREF _Toc27127976 \h 456.8 Configuration Management PAGEREF _Toc27127977 \h 456.8.1 Version Control PAGEREF _Toc27127978 \h 466.8.2 Project Repository (Project Library) PAGEREF _Toc27127979 \h 466.9 Procurement Management Plan PAGEREF _Toc27127980 \h 467.0 Project Close PAGEREF _Toc27127981 \h 467.3. Administrative Close PAGEREF _Toc27127982 \h 467.2 Contract Close PAGEREF _Toc27127983 \h 46Attachments PAGEREF _Toc27127984 \h 48A.1 Work Breakdown Structure Details PAGEREF _Toc27127985 \h 48A.2 Project Schedule DetailS PAGEREF _Toc27127986 \h 49Revision HistoryRevision NumberDateComment1.012/05/2019Original2.012/13/2019FinalProject Overview Executive Summary The capabilities required to support the Professional Licensure Bureau (Licensure) business processes were spread across a manual paper application process, a University of New Mexico maintained external facing web site TEACHNM, internal SharePoint reports, and portions of Hyland’s OnBase application for document management and their key application for many years has resided on an AS400. The AS400 is nearing IBM’s end of support life in 2019. NMPED and NMPED’s Information Technology Bureau (IT) is going to upgrade the application used by Licensure, aligning to the NMPED’s future state architecture before the AS400 end of support. The “Licensure System” was started in early 2019 to ward off maintenance costs, in excess of $300,000 a year. The Licensure team contracted with a state approved vendor to develop the replacement for the Professional Development Dossier (PDD) and On-line Portfolio for Alternative Licenses (OPAL) applications. These are the systems that teachers use to advance their licenses.This project will migrate additional Licensure features onto the PDD/OPAL platform adding Educator Licensing, license lookup capabilities for districts, background check verification, document/artifact collection and storage.The new Licensure System will replace paper licenses with digital, downloadable licenses, saving the State of New Mexico over $21,000 per year in costs to print and mail paper licenses. And will utilize responsive design capabilities to reach a broader audience of instructors. Funding and SourcesBelow are the funding sources for the project. SourceAMountAssociated restrictionsApproversFY20 LAWS of 2019, Chapter 271, Section 7(32)$258,100Constraints Below are the constraints that may restrict the project by scope, resources or schedule NumberDescription1New system must be in production for School Year 2020, June 30, 2020.1.4 DependenciesBelow are the mandatory, discretionary and/or external dependencies for the project. M - Mandatory dependencies are dependencies that are inherent to the work being done. D - Discretionary dependencies are dependencies defined by the project management team. This may also encompass particular approaches because a specific sequence of activities is preferred, but not mandatory in the project life cycle.E - External dependencies are dependencies that involve a relationship between project activities and non-project activities such as purchasing/procurementNumberDescriptionType M,D,E1New Mexico Department of Information Technology (DoIT) approval of simplified TARC (presentation in lieu of TARC System Design, Security Questionnaire, Business Continuity, Operations and Support documents).M2DoIT Project Certification Committee (PCC) approval of combined Planning/Implementation certification.M3Execution of New Mexico (NM) Statewide Purchase Agreements.E4Complete full draft of contract for Planning/Implementation.M5Complete DoIT e-review of contract for Planning/Implementation.M6NM State Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) contract approval for Planning/Implementation.M7Agile methodology will be used to implement the system.D1.5 AssumptionsBelow are the assumptions for the project. NumberDescription1The new Licensure System will be built on top of the existing OPAL/PDD system.2Support for about 80 different policy based business rules will be implemented.3The reporting deliverable to include approximately 10 medium complex reports without any drill down capabilities.4NMPED IT will provide optimal hardware to support concurrent users. 5Contractor will achieve optimal system performance by fine tuning program code and queries. 6Contractor will work with NMPED IT team to provide the recommendations based on the projected number of users.7NMPED business team will provide/discuss requirements in order for timely completion of the project.8The migration of data from AS400 and OnBase tasks will take up to 5 weeks to complete with 2 development resources.9Optimal time will be spent in meetings for effective utilization of the resources. 10Stakeholders remain fully engaged throughout the project life.11Decisions on any issues requiring approval will be made timely.1.6 Initial Project risks IdentifiedThis section identifies project risks and describes how each risk will be managed. Includes steps that will be taken to maximize activity that will result in minimizing probability and impact of each risk.Risk 1 Stakeholder ParticipationDescription: If NMPED Project Sponsor and subject matter experts (SME) are not active participants early in the development process it will add significant rework and impact the project schedule or quality.Probability: HighImpact: HighMitigation Strategy: Work with NMPED Project Sponsor to reinforce the significance of having active participation early and communicate the direction to the team. Contingency Plan: The project management team will document and reinforce active participation of critical SMEs.Risk 2 AS400 End of SupportDescription: If the project is not completed by the time AS400 support stops, there could be catastrophic outages for Licensure.Probability: Low Impact: High Mitigation Strategy: In the project planning phase, the data migrations from the current AS400 system to the new system will take place before the AS400 end of life.Contingency Plan: NMPED IT can maintain AS400 post end of life support.Risk 3 User adoptionDescription: User adoption of new work flow process.Probability: Low Impact: MediumMitigation Strategy: Involve team members early on, conduct meetings and demonstrations with the project team to plan for work flow changes.Contingency Plan: Work with NMPED business team to ensure buy-in strategies for new processes are established.Risk 4 Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) complianceDescription: If NMPED does not obtain PCI-DSS compliance, Licensure System cannot accept online credit card payments from applicants. Probability: Low Impact: HighMitigation Strategy: NMPED will submit a request to certify for compliance will be made to the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration’s State Board of Finance (SBOF) no later than January 2020. And will obtain and maintain PCI-DSS compliance so as to not negatively impact the Licensure System online payment capability and/or availabilityContingency Plan: Manual payments will still be accepted by NMPED Licensure.2.0 Project Authority and Organizational StructureThe Project Organization describes the roles and responsibilities of the project team. It also identifies the other organizational groups that are part of the project and graphically depicts the hierarchical configuration of those groups. It exists to clarify interaction with the project team.2.1 StakeholdersBelow is a list of major stakeholders along with their stake in the project. They are actively involved and/or may be positively or negatively affected as a result of project execution or project completion. And they may also exert influence over the project and its results. nameStake in ProjectOrganizationTitleRyan Stewart, Ed. L.D.Agency Head SponsorNMPED Cabinet Secretary-DesignateSeana FlanaganExecutive Sponsor/ Business OwnerNMPEDDirector, Educator Quality and Professional LicensureRebecca ReyesBusiness OwnerNMPEDDirector, Professional Licensure BureauRichard TrujilloActing CIO Technology OwnerNMPEDActing Chief Information Officer (CIO)Tomas AguirreSystems AdministrationNMPEDSystems and Network Administration ManagerMark DeCampProject Management Office (PMO) NMPEDPMO Manager Laura EatonPMONMPEDProject ManagerPED StaffEnd UserNM School Districts VariousNM EducatorsEnd UserNM School Districts VariousNM EducatorsEnd UserPrivate Schools, BIE SchoolsVariousNM ApplicantsEnd UserNM ApplicantsNew Mexico ApplicantsVendor staff VariousVendorVarious2.2 Project Governance Structure2.2.1 Organizational Structure – Org ChartBelow is the project governance organization structure. 2.2.2 The Role and Members of the Project Steering CommitteenameStake in ProjectOrganizationTitleRyan Stewart, Ed. L.D.Agency HeadNMPED Cabinet SecretaryAdan DelgadoExecutive Steering Committee MemberNMPEDDeputy SecretaryGwen Perea WarnimentExecutive Steering Committee MemberNMPEDDeputy SecretaryRichard TrujilloExecutive Steering Committee MemberNMPED Acting Chief Information Officer (CIO)Seana FlanaganExecutive Sponsor/Business OwnerNMPEDDirector, Educator Quality and Professional LicensureRebecca ReyesBusiness OwnerNMPED Director, Professional Licensure BureauMark DeCampProject Management Office (PMO) NMPEDPMO Manager Laura EatonPMONMPEDProject ManagerVendorVendor Project TeamVendorVariousNMPED ITIT Project TeamNMPEDVarious2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, Interfaces and ResponsibilitiesThe NPMED Project Manager will be the principal interface between the NMPED Steering Committee, NMPED Executive Sponsor/Business Owner, NMPED Project Team, and Vendor(s). Responsibilities for the NMPED Project Manager, NMPED and Vendor Project Teams are described below.Project ManagerThe NMPED Project Manager for this project is a member of the NMPED PMO and responsibilities include: Leading project planning, scheduling and execution to implement the chosen functionality;Establishing and managing project teams with the appropriate skills to complete the project;Reporting to the NMPED Executive Steering Committee and NMPED Executive Sponsor/Business Owner on project progress; risks, issues and matters requiring NMPED Executive Steering Committee action;Preparing and delivering any presentations and documentation required for a certified project, if applicable; andManaging, in conjunction with NMPED PMO Manager, procurements required to execute the project.Project TeamsThe NMPED Licensure Bureau, IT and Vendor Teams are the core project teams; and their responsibilities include:Providing subject matter expertise to execute project tasks, including defining requirements, workflow development, UAT, and deployment to successfully deliver the desired solution; and Working with the project manager to identify and mitigate risks, to identify and resolve issues, and to complete discrete project tasks as assigned.2.3 Executive ReportingThe Project Manager ensures regular and timely communications with the NMPED Executive Steering Committee and NMPED Executive Sponsor/Business Owner. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:Monthly Steering Committee Meetings to review project status, schedule, budget, risks/issues, and action items;Weekly Project Status Meetings with NMPED Executive Sponsor/Business Owner, NMPED PMO, NMPED IT and the Vendor; Monthly NMPED IT Project Status Report; Monthly DoIT Enterprise Project Management Office (EPMO) Project Status Reports; andImmediate notification for any issues that require escalation including schedule, budget, resource or risk items.3.0 Scope 3.1 Project Objectives3.1.1 Business ObjectivesNumberDescriptionBus. Objective 1 (BO1)Reduce paper dependencies and improve process throughput. Bus. Objective 2 (BO2)To improve teacher and applicant access to online information, applications and renewals.Bus. Objective 3 (BO3)To integrate related applications for more efficient use by Professional Licensure Bureau employees.Bus. Objective 4 (BO4)Ensure business continuity. 3.1.2 Technical ObjectivesNumberDescriptionTech. Objective 1 (TO1)Before 2020 retire AS400 (SY2020). Tech. Objective 2 (TO2)Implement a .NET, SQL application and eliminate dependency on the AS400 prior to end of support in 2020.Tech. Objective 3 (TO3)Reduce the agency dependency on OnBase, and externally supported website by end of FY2020.3.2 Project ExclusionsN/A3.3 Critical Success FactorsThis section identifies metrics and critical success factors for achieving success in this project. Metrics are key to understanding the ability of the project to meet the end goals of the NMPED Executive Sponsor and NMPED Business Owners, as well as the ability of the project team to stay within schedule and budget. See also section 6.7 Quality Objectives and Controls.NUMBERDescriptionto1 Quality MetricAS400 Retirement.to2 Quality MetricLicense Application suite available by start of SY2020. to3 Quality MetricReduce the agency dependency on OnBase, and externally supported website by SY2020.BO1 Quality metricFeatures for Teachers and Applications available on mobile devices.bo2 quality metricAll educators in New Mexico will be able to obtain licenses and renewals via digital download, eliminating paper licenses and the processes that were previously required to deliver paper licenses.bo3 quality metricReduce and improve the application mix for Licensure.BO4 QUALITY METRICBusiness continuity throughout the migration to the new systems.In addition to these quantifiable metrics, the Project Team has defined the following Critical Success Factors (CSF) for the Licensure Project:NumberDescriptionCSFo1 cRITCAL SUCCESS FACTORRegular communication cadence and clear communication channel.CSFo2 cRITCAL SUCCESS FACTOREarly and full engagement of NMPED Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on test case development with the help of Vendor.CSFo3 cRITCAL SUCCESS FACTORClearly defined test entry and exit criteria.CSFo4 cRITCAL SUCCESS FACTORClearly defined and agreed upon bug severity level.CSFo5 cRITCAL SUCCESS FACTORClearly defined change management process.CSFo6 cRITCAL SUCCESS FACTOROne time set up of needed environments based on sizing requirements4.0 Project Deliverables and methodologyNMPED’s PMO is within the Information Technology Bureau (IT) and in 2017 established an ITD Project Management Lifecycle, and PMO Project Guidebook. SCRUM backlog management will be used for work assignments for the iterative development process. The PMO Manager will work directly with the Project Manager on the management and oversight of all project deliverables.4.1 Project Management Life CyclePhaseSummary of PhaseKey DeliverablesInitiationFinalize high level requirements and determine the technical approach. Document wireframes from user requirements.Produce Solution Design Documentation.Produce the Project Schedule and Management Plan. Planning and Implementation Registration, Security and New Licensure Application (Release 1, Production)Implement Registration, Security and Application Modules. Minimal Viable Product in Production.Application Processing, Business Rules, Work Queue Management (Release 2)Implement Application Processing, Business Rules, Work Queue Management Modules.AS400/VisionLink Data Migration, Teacher Search and Reporting (Release 3)Implement AS400/VisionLink Data Migration, Teacher Search and Reporting ModulesCloseoutFinal ImplementationTransition to support4.1.1 Project Management DeliverablesBelow is list of project management deliverables. Deliverable 1 Project Charter Draft Version.Description – Project Charter.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by PCC.Standards for Content and Format – DoIT EPMO policy for project initiation phase and DoIT Project Charter template. Quality Review – DoIT EMPO eReview. Deliverable 2 DoIT Project Initiation Certification Form.Description – Project Initiation Request for Certification and Release of Funds Request Form.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by PCC.Standards for Content and Format - DoIT EPMO policy for project initiation phase and DoIT Project Initiation Request for Certification and Release of Funds form. Quality Review - DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 3 DoIT Project Initiation Presentation.Description – Project Initiation Request for Certification and Release of Funds Request Presentation.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by PCC.Standards for Content and Format - DoIT EPMO policy for project initiation phase and DoIT Project Initiation Request for Certification and Release of Funds form. Quality Review - DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 4 DoIT Independent Verification and Validation and Technical Architecture Review Committee (TARC) Exception Waiver Form.Description – Request to waive the requirement for an IV&V contractor for the project and DoIT TARC documents (System Design Document, Security Questionnaire, Business Continuity Plan and Operations and Support Plan).Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by DoIT.Standards for Content and Format – DoIT EPMO policy for exception waiver requests and DoIT Request for Project Certification Exception or Waiver form.Quality Review – DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 5 Professional Services Contract for Initiation Phase.Description – Professional Services contract less than $60,000 to document wireframes from user requirements, produce solution design, project schedule and management plan for the Implementation of the AS400 replacement for the Educator Quality and Licensure Bureau.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by DoIT, DFA, GSD.Standards for Content and Format – DoIT EPMO policy for IT Professional Services procurements and DoIT Information Technology Professional Services Contract Template for IT professional services less than $60,000.Quality Review – DoIT EMPO review. Deliverable 6 Project Charter Final Version.Description – Final project charter for Project Planning and Implementation Request for Certification and Release of Funds Request.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by PCC.Standards for Content and Format – DoIT EPMO policy for project planning phase and DoIT Project Charter template. Quality Review – DoIT EMPO review. Deliverable 7 DoIT Planning and Implementation Certification Request Form.Description – Project Planning and Implementation Request for Certification and Release of Funds Request.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by PCC.Standards for Content and Format - DoIT EPMO standards project planning/implementation phase and DoIT Project Planning and Implementation Request for Certification form. Quality Review - DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 8 DoIT Project Management Plan Draft Version.Description – Project Management Plan draft version.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by PCC.Standards for Content and Format - DoIT EPMO policy for project planning phase and DoIT Project Management Plan template.Quality Review - DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 9 DoIT Enterprise Architecture Request for Project Architecture Review Form.Description – request for TARC review of the technical planning on the project.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by DoIT. Standards for Content and Format - DoIT EPMO policy for project implementation phase and DoIT Enterprise Architecture Request for Project Architecture Review form.Quality Review - DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 10 Simplified TARC PowerPoint presentation. Description – TARC review of the technical planning on the project.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by TARC. Standards for Content and Format - DoIT EPMO policy for project implementation phase and NMPED TARC PowerPoint template.Quality Review - - DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 11 Professional Services Contract for Planning and Implementation Phase.Description – Professional Services contract greater than $60,000 to planning and implementation the Implementation of the AS400 replacement for the Educator Quality and Licensure Bureau.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by DoIT, DFA, GSD.Standards for Content and Format – DoIT EPMO policy for IT Professional Services procurements and DoIT Information Technology Professional Services Contract Template for IT professional services greater than $60,000.Quality Review – DoIT EMPO review. Deliverable 12 DoIT Project Management Plan Final Version.Description – Project Management Plan final version. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by PCC.Standards for Content and Format - DoIT EPMO policy for project implementation phase and DoIT Project Management Plan template.Quality Review - DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 13 DoIT Project Closeout Request Form.Description – Request to closeout project. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by PCC.Standards for Content and Format - DoIT EPMO policy for project closeout phase and DoIT Project Closeout Request for Certification form.Quality Review - - DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 14 DoIT Project Management Plan Updated VersionDescription – Updated DoIT-approved NMPED Project Management Plan. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by PCC.Standards for Content and Format - DoIT EPMO policy for project closeout phase and DoIT Project Management Plan template.Quality Review - DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 15 DoIT Lessons Learned Documentation.Description – Documents lessons learned from the project. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by PCC.Standards for Content and Format - DoIT EPMO policy for project closeout phase and DoIT Project Management Plan template.Quality Review - DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 16 DoIT EPMO Monthly Status ReportDescription – Monthly Report Excel document used to report project status to the DoIT EPMO. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by DoIT EPMO..Standards for Content and Format – DoIT EPMO policy for reporting monthly project status and DoIT Project Monthly Report Excel Template.Quality Review - DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 17 NMPED IT Project Status ReportDescription – Monthly Report Word document used to report project status to the NMPED Deputy Secretary.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by NMPED PMO.Standards for Content and Format – NMPED PMO policy for reporting monthly project status and NMPED Project Monthly Report Word Template.Quality Review - DoIT EPMO eReview. Deliverable 18 Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) Compliance Approval documentationDescription – Documentation showing agency / application is PCI-DSS compliant. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Approval by DFA.Standards for Content and Format – DFA New Payment Card Acceptance Application and process.Quality Review - DoIT EPMO eReview.4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority DesignationsThe following table identifies the deliverables this project is to produce, and to name the person or persons who have authority to approve each deliverable. Deliverable NumberDeliverableApprovers (Who can approve)Date ApprovedPRJ-DEL- Charter Draft Version.NMPED Project Sponsor 08/08/2019NMPED PMO Manager08/08/2019DoIT EPMO08/08/2019PCC08/22/2019PRJ-DEL- Project Initiation Certification Form.NMPED PMO Manager08/08/2019DoIT EPMO08/08/2019PCC08/22/2019PRJ-DEL- Project Initiation Presentation.PED Project NM Sponsor 08/08/2019NMPED PMO Manager08/08/2019DoIT EPMO08/08/2019PCC08/22/2019PRJ-DEL- Independent Verification and Validation and Technical Architecture Review Committee (TARC) Exception Waiver Form.NMPED PMO Manager09/03/2019NMPED CIO09/03/2019NMPED Cabinet Secretary09/03/2019DoIT EPMO09/03/2019DoIT Cabinet Secretary09/10/2019PRJ-DEL- Services Contract for Initiation Phase.NMPED PMO Manager11/01/2019DoIT EPMO11/01/2019Vendor11/01/2019NMPED Cabinet Secretary11/04/2019NMPED CIO11/04/2019NMPED CFO11/04/2019NMPED General Counsel11/04/2019Tax & Revenue Department11/05/2019DoIT Cabinet Secretary11/05/2019Contract Review Bureau11/12/2019PRJ-DEL- Charter Final Version.NMPED Project Sponsor 12/10/2019NMPED PMO Manager12/10/2019DoIT EPMO12/13/2019PCC12/19/2019PRJ-DEL- Planning and Implementation Certification Request Form.NMPED PMO Manager11/27/2019DoIT EPMO12/06/2019PRJ-DEL- Project Management Plan Draft Version.NMPED PMO Manager12/27/2019DoIT EPMO12/13/2019PCC12/19/2019PRJ-DEL- Enterprise Architecture Request for Project Architecture Review Form.NMPED PMO Manager11/22/2019DoIT EPMO11/26/2019TARC12/18/2019PRJ-DEL- TARC PowerPoint presentation.NMPED PMO Manager11/22/2019DoIT EPMO11/26/2019TARC12/18/2019PRJ-DEL- Services Contract for Planning and Implementation Phase.NMPED PMO ManagerDoIT EPMOVendorNMPED Cabinet SecretaryNMPED CIONMPED CFONMPED General CounselNM Tax and Revenue DepartmentDoIT SecretaryContract Review BureauPRJ-DEL- Project Management Plan Final Version.NMPED PMO Manager12/10/2019DoIT EPMO12/13/2019PCC12/19/2019PRJ-DEL- Project Closeout Request Form.NMPED PMO ManagerDoIT EPMOPCCPRJ-DEL- Project Management Plan Updated Version.NMPED PMO ManagerDoIT EPMOPCCPRJ-DEL- Lessons Learned Documentation.NMPED PMO ManagerDoIT EPMOPCCPRJ-DEL- EPMO Monthly Status Report.NMPED PMO ManagerDoIT EPMOPCCPRJ-DEL- IT Project Status Report.NMPED PMO ManagerDoIT EPMOPCCPRJ-DEL- Card Industry-Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) Compliance Approval documentation.NMPED PMO ManagerDoIT EPMODFA4.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance ProcedureProject Management deliverables will be reviewed and approved by the NMPED PMO Manager, DoIT EPMO and PCC. They have the authority to approve/deny all deliverables. 4.2 Product LifecyclePhaseSummary of PhaseKey DeliverablesPlanningGather requirements specifications, develop project scope and high-level project schedule with project activities, key dates, milestones and defined deliverables. Solution Design Documentation includes System Design, Business Continuity Plan, Security Survey, Operations and Support Plan and Data Migration Plan.Project Management Plan.Project Schedule.Groom backlogReview and provide feedback, clarifying requirements for acceptance by NMPED and Vendor.Backlog items identified for next sprint.DesignDocument wireframes and solution design from user requirements, performance and regression testing. Wireframes documentation.Solution design document.DevelopmentDevelop working software, provide demos in bi-weekly sprint meeting calls for user verification; verify knowledge and content for the next sprint. Working software.Demo(s).TestConduct UAT, integration testing and overall system testing. Provide leadership and support for managing UAT. Fully tested system module ready for production.DeploymentFully tested and operational module running production environment, supporting current and business transactions, satisfied internal and external users/stakeholders.Production deployment of system module. 4.2.1 Technical StrategyThis project will migrate the existing Licensure System from the current set of technologies (AS400 and OnBase) to the unified target technologies (Microsoft .NET/C# and SQL). At high level, the approach consists of three parallel transformations; data, code and screens.Data will be migrated in a one-to-one approach from AS400 to SQL Server. That means that all structures contained in the AS400 database are migrated to SQL Server wherever possible. And the application is developed from scratch using .NET/C# and SQL. The project team will use automated tools to assess the code quality and the new Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) build processes to coordinate delivery of functionality for testing and deployment. Screens are migrated similarly to render using HTML5 in a web browser.One of the key technical strategies for achieving success in this project was development an application to replace the Professional Development Dossier (PDD) and On-Line Portfolio for Alternative Licenses (OPAL). The PDD/OPAL application was completed and is in production. This project builds upon the production PDD/OPAL capabilities, and replaces the AS400 mainframe. It also adheres to the DoIT EPMO and State of New Mexico’s Project Management processes – initiation, planning, implementation, close-out. To ensure NMPED gets full value from the system, agile methodology will be used to implement the system and the project will be split into 3 major releases. The project life-cycle will be an iterative one, using agile sprints and enabling us to push releases to production when the minimal viable product is created and making functionality available to users. The project teams will be iterating planning and implementation for each sprint and each release. Each release will include gathering the requirement specifications; wireframes, design and project planning; development and quality assurance; data migration; deployment and user acceptance testing. This strategy enables NMPED to mitigate risks traditionally associate with software implementations by incorporating key quality assurance activities, advanced project management techniques and tools, remove configuration and data exchange testing in each release. This saves time, money, and provides the flexibility to make changes anytime during the development process. By combining planning and implementation project phases NMPED will be able to fully leverage the agile methodology and move through each release efficiently with minimal risk, lower cost and increased user satisfaction. Therefore, by subdividing into small, more manageable releases, at the end of which the vendor and NMPED will review the deliverables from one phase before commencing the next. This allows the project teams to closely monitor the progress of a project and to ensure the needs and expectations of our customers are met. Licensure System testing will include Batch Testing, System Integration Testing, Performance Testing, and finally User Acceptance Testing. NMPED staff will work with the Vendor’s developers in a collaborative approach. Once the system has been successfully completed, all applicable test cycles and training will commence for internal users and system administrators in the test environment.4.2.2 Product and Product Development DeliverablesProduct Deliverables are work products or artifacts that are driven by the product management methodology requirements and standard project management practices regardless of the product requirements of the project. Document wireframes from user requirements.Description – Contractor shall produce wireframe documentation from user requirements. Documentation to include changes to the Self Registration portion of the system, Security, Profile and New License Application changes.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Wireframe design documents reviewed and approved by PED Licensure and Project Management team.Standards for Content and Format – None. Wireframe design may include low fidelity wireframe, high fidelity wireframe and design. Quality Review – NMPED PMO Produce Solution Design DocumentationDescription – Contractor shall produce Solution Design documentation including System Design documents, Business Continuity Plan, Security Survey, Operations and Support Plan and Data Migration PlanDeliverable Acceptance Criteria – Solution Design Documentation reviewed and approved by Procuring Agency’s Licensure and Project Management team.Standards for Content and Format – State of New Mexico’s and DoIT EPMO processes, methodologies and standard templates for managing projects. Quality Review - NMPED PMO4.2.2.3 Produce the Project Schedule and Project Management PlanDescription – Contractor shall produce the Project Schedule and Project Management Plan.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Project Schedule and Project Management Plan reviewed and approved by NMPED’s Licensure and Project Management teams.Standards for Content and Format - State of New Mexico’s and DoIT EPMO processes, methodologies and standard templates for managing projects.Quality Review - NMPED PMO4.2.2.4 Registration, Security and New Licensure Application Modules Release 1Description – Contractor shall develop and deploy to the NMPED Production environment the Licensure Registration, Security and New Licensure Application Modules.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Modules are fully tested and running in the Production environment.Standards for Content and Format - State of New Mexico’s and DoIT EPMO processes, methodologies and standard templates for managing projects.Quality Review - NMPED PMO4.2.2.5 Application Processing, Business Rules, Work Queue Management Release 2Description – Contractor shall develop and deploy to the NMPED Production environment the Licensure Registration, Security and New Licensure Application Modules.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Modules are fully tested and running in the Production environment.Standards for Content and Format - State of New Mexico’s and DoIT EPMO processes, methodologies and standard templates for managing projects.Quality Review - NMPED PMO4.2.2.6 AS400 Data Migration, Teach Search and Reporting Release 3Description – Contractor shall develop and deploy to the NMPED Production environment the AS400 Data Migration, Teach Search and Reporting Modules.Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Modules are fully tested and running in the Production environment.Standards for Content and Format - State of New Mexico’s and DoIT EPMO processes, methodologies and standard templates for managing projects.Quality Review - NMPED PMO4.2.3 Deliverable Approval Authority DesignationsThe following table identifies the deliverables this project is to produce, and the person or persons who have authority to approve each deliverable. Deliverable NumberDeliverableApprovers (Who can approve)Date Approved4.2.2.1Document wireframes from user requirementsNMPED Licensure ProgramNMPED PMO4.2.2.2Produce Solution Design DocumentationNMPED Licensure ProgramNMPED PMO4.2.2.3Produce the Project Schedule and Project Management PlanNMPED Licensure ProgramNMPED PMO4.2.2.4Registration, Security and New Licensure Application Modules Release INMPED Licensure ProgramNMPED PMO4.2.2.5Application Processing, Business Rules, Work Queue Management Release IINMPED Licensure ProgramNMPED PMO4.2.2.6AS400 Data Migration, Teach Search and Reporting Release IIINMPED Licensure ProgramNMPED PMO4.2.4 Deliverable Acceptance ProcedureProject deliverables will be reviewed and approved by the NMPED Licensure and the NMPED PMO Manager. They have the authority to approve/deny all deliverables. 5.0 Project Work5.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)A WBS is a deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total work scope of the project. This section describes the work activities that comprise the WBS; identifies the WBS element, and provides a general description of the tasks or activities, the definition or objectives, and the milestones and deliverables of each work package. The chart below is the highest level presentation. See Attachments A.1 section of this document for a more detailed WBS of the project. 5.2 Schedule allocation - Project TimelineThe table below provides a high level view of the project time line. A more detailed project schedule is attached to this plan, see Attachment A.2 Project Schedule Details.IdentifierTask/Activity NameResource NameMilestone (Y/N)Effort/ DurationStartFinishDependent Task1.1Project Kick-offNMPED PMOY2 days11/18/1911/19/192.1Requirements and wireframesVendorY31 days11/20/191/1/ SetupVendor, NMPEDY23 days1/6/192/5/ 1 Vendor, NMPEDY32 days1/6/202/28/ 2 Vendor, NMPEDY15 days2/11/205/4/ 3 Vendor, NMPEDY10 days5/19/206/1/ Project BudgetBelow are the cost estimates applied to a phase or activity and the associated deliverables. Phase / ActivityAssociated DeliverablesEstimated BudgetInitiationSolution Design Documentation (System Design, Business Continuity Plan, Security Survey, Operation and Support Plan and Data Migration Plan).$21,445InitiationProject Management Plan, full project schedule and definitive cost estimate for future development based on wireframes and requirements. $6,787InitiationWireframes from user requirements documentation.$18,366InitiationHardware and Software estimate $11,500Planning/Implementation – Release IRegistration, Security and Application Release modules (includes NM Gross Receipts Tax 8.4135%).$69,008Planning/ Implementation – Release IIApplication Processing, Business Rules, Work Queue Management modules (includes NM Gross Receipts Tax 8.4135%).$63,921Planning/ Implementation – Release IIIAS400/VisionLink Data Migration, Teacher Search and Reporting modules (includes NM Gross Receipts Tax 8.4135%).$49,990TOTALS$241,0175.4 Project Team5.4.1 Project Team Organizational Structure (OS)Below is a hierarchical configuration defining levels of program management and identifies project personnel role names. 5.4.2 Project Team Roles and ResponsibilitiesList the team members, their role, responsibility and functional manager. Make sure to include a comprehensive listing including those from the organization managing the project, business members involved to ensure business objectives are met and the vendor members that may have a specific role.RoleResponsibilityNameFunctional AreaSubject Matter Expert (SME) / Business Owner - LicensureResponsible for providing a deep understanding of the current Licensure system and business processes, documenting new system requirements, answering inquiries Vendor Project Teams and NMPED IT Project Teams inquiries, recommending best practices, reviewing technical documentation, liaising with Licensure end users.Seana FlanaganNMPED Licensure ProgramSME - LicensureResponsible for providing a deep understanding of the current Licensure system and business processes, documenting new system requirements, answering inquiries Vendor Project Teams and NMPED IT Project Teams inquiries, recommending best practices, reviewing technical documentation, liaising with Licensure end users.Rebecca ReyesNMPED LicensureProgramPMO ManagerResponsible for overseeing the work of all project management office personnel, and takes ownership of the resulting quality of each project. Collaborates with other department Managers, reports to executive staff and supervises members of the NMPED PMO team.Mark DeCampNMPED PMOPMO Project ManagerUltimately responsible for the delivery of the project. Responsible for developing and managing all project deliverables. Ensures tasks and resources are managed to keep project on schedule. Accountable for overall completion and acceptance. Laura EatonNMPED PMOSME - Systems and Network AdministrationResponsible for systems and network administration management, provides a deep understanding of the NMPED IT technical architecture, IT systems hardware and software specifications and configurations; and IT security. Assists in documenting new system requirements, answers inquiries Vendor Project Teams and NMPED Project Teams inquiries, recommends best practices, reviews technical documentation and liaises with DoIT Enterprise Services.Tomas AguirreNMPED Systems and Network Administration ManagerVendor Project Manager Ultimately responsible for all contract project deliverables as stated in the contract statement of work. Responsible for developing and managing all contract, and sub project, project deliverables. Ensures tasks and resources are managed to keep project on schedule. Accountable for overall completion of contract deliverables. TBDProject ManagementVendor Technical Lead/ArchitectWork with NMPED SME - Systems and Network Administration on the technical architecture and ensure the architectural integrity is maintained. Ensure adherence to standards of best practice (e.g. source code control etc.). Co-ordinate the Vendor Project Team’s day-to-day technical activities. Mentor the other technical staff.TBDDesign, Development, Implementation, DeploymentVendor Business AnalystProvides business analysis services for the project.TBDDesign, Development Vendor DevelopersProvides design, development and implementation services.TBDDesign, Development, Implementation, DeploymentNMPED End UsersProvides UAT testing and other duties as assigned. TBDUAT5.5 Staff Planning and Resource AcquisitionThe chart below identifies the project team members and details concerning their project commitment. Project staff should include State, Contract, Customer (Business Owner), or Vendor team members5.5.1 Project StaffResource Cost EstimateEstimated HoursAvailabilitySkill SetWork Product/DeliverableSeana FlanaganN/A8 months40%SME / Business Owner – LicensureSME for Licensure application, requirements, UATRebecca ReyesN/A8 months40%SME - LicensureSME for Licensure application, requirements, UATMark DeCamp, PMO ManagerN/A8 months25%Project ManagementProject ManagementLaura Eaton, PMO Project ManagerN/A8 months40%Project ManagementProject ManagementTomas Aguirre N/A8 months25%SME - Systems and Network AdministrationHardware and application software infrastructure and configurationVendor Project Manager Per contractPer contractPer contractProject ManagementPer contractVendor Technical Lead/ArchitectPer contractPer contractPer contractTechnical Lead, Software Development, Systems and Network ArchitecturePer contractVendor Business AnalystPer contractPer contractPer contractBusiness AnalysisPer contractVendor DevelopersPer contractPer contractPer contractDeveloperPer contractNMPED End UsersN/A1 month (total time)100%UATUAT5.5.2 Non-Personnel resourcesBelow is a list of hardware and software needed for the project. Resource Cost EstimateEstimated units/hoursAvailabilitySourceWork Product/DeliverableHardware$5,9001100%Vendor (TBD)One (1) Network Access Storage (NAS)Software$5,6001100%Vendor (TBD)One (1) Microsoft Windows Standard license;one (1) SQL Server 2016 Enterprise licenseTotal$11,5005.6 Project Logistics5.6.1 Project Team TrainingResourceCost EstimateEstimated HoursAvailabilitySkill SetWork Product/DeliverableN/A6.0 Project Management and Controls6.1 Risk and issue Management6.1.1 Risk Management StrategyRisks will be tracked and monitored throughout the entire project life-cycle. Risks may be contractual or technological. Risks may also come in the form of specification ambiguity, technical uncertainty, technical obsolescence, or new technology. Technical risks often occur because a problem is harder to visualize or solve than we originally thought. This risk can be attributed to several factors such as the size and complexity of the project, resource issues, new software versions, client acceptance and management, subcontractor reliability, or problematic source materials. Risks are identified during status meetings organized by the Project Manager. Each risk identified will be tracked with a contingency plan or course of action and updated on a regular basis in the monthly status report. All tracked project risks will be maintained in a project risk and issues log, which will be updated as-needed through the life of the project, and version-controlled in the project repository. The Licensure Project Issues and Risks Log will be maintained on NMPED’s Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS).6.1.2 Project Risk IdentificationAt the beginning of the project, initial project risks were identified as part of upfront project planning and documented. Throughout the duration of the project, during weekly status meetings, project leadership (i.e., project managers and team leads) will identify risks that can negatively impact project outcomes. The Licensure Project Issues and Risks Log will be maintained on NMPED’s TFS. As risks are identified, the following information will be captured:Log Field NameField DescriptionRisk No. Unique identifier for the riskCreated ByName of user who created the riskCreated OnDate the risk was createdAssigned To (“risk owner”) Project team member responsible to develop and implement the risk mitigation strategyTypeRisk CategoryImpactOverall impact if the risk does occurDescription High-level description of the riskDue dateRisk mitigation target dateResponse PlanResponse Plan details required to close a riskRisk Contingency PlanDescription of the Risk Contingency Plan or Backup Plan 6.1.3 Project Risk Mitigation ApproachNMPED PMO will monitor the risk throughout the life of the project, for as long as the risk remains in active (i.e., “In Progress”) status. Their mitigation approach will include:Determining the appropriate new risk owner(s) if the risk assignment needs to change; Where necessary, updating the risk assessment, response, or other details; and Determining if or when a risk needs to be escalated to the next project level.6.1.4 Risk Reporting and Escalation StrategyActive risks will be tracked and published in the monthly NMPED IT Project Status Report. A risk that is realized will either: (1) Initiate the approved response plan defined for the risk; or (2) Be logged as a new issue to be addressed by the project’s defined issue management process.6.1.5 Project Risk Tracking ApproachThe following risk types will be used to categorize the risk in the project issues and risk log:Risk TypeDescriptionContractAny risk related to the contracts of the projectExternalAny risk related to environmental factors largely outside the control of the project (such as legal, or regulatory)FinancialAny risk related to the budget or cost structure of the projectFunctionalAny risk related to the overall function of the product being developed by the project.QualityAny risk related to the quality requirements of the project.ResourceAny risk related to project resourcesScopeAny risk related to project scopeTechnicalAny risk related to software or hardware, including infrastructure related to the project6.1.6 Issue ManagementIssues will be discussed during weekly status meetings and will be summarized in status reports. The project will track all issues in the Licensure Project Risks & Issues log, as noted in Section Internal Issue Escalation and Resolution ProcessThis internal process is provided for issues that involve project resources, processes, procedures, or methodology that will resolved within the NMPED PMO, who is responsible for managing the project, without affecting the overall project schedule, cost, or quality. This process will be used for improving project processes as the project is executed and where the implementation of such improvements will not be postponed to Lessons Learned during Project Close. Issues will follow an on-going monitoring process. Issues which cannot be resolved within the project teams, or which require external resources to close, will be escalated to the appropriate level of management within each respective organization. Issues which are unable to be resolved via a simple escalation to management will be escalated to the NMPED Executive Steering Committee for assistance, which may involve senior management, at its discretion. External Issue Escalation and Resolution ProcessThe external process is provided for issues that involve project resources, processes, procedures, or methodology that cannot be resolved within the NMPED PMO, who is responsible for managing the project, without affecting the overall project schedule, cost, or quality. Issue management and escalation will follow a similar escalation schema as described in Section Independent Verification And Validation - IV&VThe NMPED team has the experience and employs best practices for project management and Agile Develop. NMPED PMO submitted an Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) waiver from DoIT to proceed with the project without an IV&V vendor. Currently, pending DoIT’s approval of the waiver on December 18, 2019. 6.3 Scope Management PlanThe scope of the project negotiated with the Vendor and included in the professional services contract will be the responsibility of the NMPED PMO to ensure all deliverables are being completed and meet the appropriate standards to enable approval. The NMPED PMO and NMPED Business Owner will meet monthly to discuss project scope and determine if any changes will be necessary and require an amendment to the contract. Any change to the approved project scope will follow change control process described below. This will also address managing stakeholder expectations.6.3.1 Change ControlIf there are any changes that are requested to the project in terms of scope, time or cost, a change request will be issued. The NMPED Change Request form will be used by the Vendor Project Manager and provided to the NMPED Project Manager. Depending on the size and/or scope of the change it may be necessary to amend the contract. Changes requiring an amendment to the contract will require approval of the NMPED Executive Steering Committee and NMPED Project Sponsor. Change Control ProcessThe Vendor Project Manager(s) shall conduct an impact analysis to determine the impact of the change on scope, time and cost of the project. The change request and impact analysis will be used in determining if the change request can be achieved. If not, a new response date will be negotiated with NMPED’s Business Owner and NMPED PMO. For an approved change request, the Vendor Project Manager will deliver an initial response on the change request form that will include the following:Estimated date by which change will be completed if approvedChange request numberHigh level assessment of the impact of the change (anticipated price impact, anticipated schedule impact), and consequential changes to the Scope of WorkRequested approvals from specified project team members. Change Control Board (CCB)The project shall follow a two-level CCB schema. The NMPED Executive Steering Committee (ESC) will function as the CCB for the project, for any changes that may require an amendment to the contract(s). Less significant changes, including minor adjustments to deliverable timelines and content, may be approved by a CCB composed of the NMPED Business Owner and NMPED/Vendor Project Managers. - Any change which increases the overall cost of the project will require approval by the ESC-level CCB.- CCB discussion and decisions shall be documented in meeting minutes for the ESC-level CCB- Discussion and approval/disapproval of less significant changes by the NMPED Business Owner and NMPED/Vendor Project Managers shall be documented either in meeting minutes or via email- Changes to downstream documentation, requirements and training docs and schedule, for example, shall be made once a change is approved.6.4 Project Budget Management6.4.1 Budget TrackingThe budget will be tracked by the NMPED Project Manager and budget tracking updates will be provided on a monthly basis utilizing excel spreadsheets and the SHARE financial system. 6.5 Communication Plan6.5.1 Communication MatrixCommunication TypeObjective of CommunicationMediumFrequencyAudienceOwnerDeliverableProject Team MeetingsReview status of the project with the team.Conference CallWeeklyProject TeamsProject ManagerAgendaMeeting Minutes Project ScheduleProject Status ReportsReport the status of the project including activities, progress, costs and issues.EmailWeeklyPMO- Project TeamProject ManagerProject Status ReportProject Schedule6.5.2 Status MeetingsNMPED will host a one-hour weekly project status call via teleconference with the Vendor Project Manager. During the call, the Vendor Project Manager and NMPED will discuss the project progress, and proposed resolution to issues and action items. At certain times in the project when the level of activity requires it, the frequency of meetings will be bumped up to a weekly cadence, to ensure tracking and coordination of tasks. This need will be identified by the Project Managers and a revised invite sent to the core project team.6.5.3 Project Status ReportsThe project status reports will be delivered to DoIT electronically on a monthly basis and to NMPED PMO on a monthly basis. 6.6 Permformance Measurement (Project Metrics)The project will be measured by Vendor’s timely completion of each Deliverable as defined in the Professional Services Contract Statement of Work.6.6.1 BaselinesProject AreaCategoryMeasureSchedule Project tasksDegree to which project tasks are completed according to established project schedule.MilestonesDegree to which project milestones are reached according to established project schedule.DeliverablesDegree to which project deliverables are delivered and accepted according to established project schedule.ScopeNeed AnalysisDegree to which needs analysis and use cases reflect the actual needs/expectations of project stakeholders.DesignDegree to which application design addresses all needs/use cases identified in the needs analysis.ImplementationDegree to which the final product provides all of the functionality and features called for in the application design document.QualityDefectsSeverity and frequency of “bugs” encountered during the testing phase; number of iterations required to achieve a given application development task; number and severity of component integration plexityUser friendly design; presence of redundant features; parsimony of application database design.System PerformanceSystem response times under varying usage conditions; report generation; query responses; data import/export performance; degree to which application task are streamlined; number of user steps necessary to complete a given task.System StabilityStability of system under rigorous testing designed to emulate expected maximum usage; frequency and severity of “hung” processes; ease of recovery from any system performance issues.SecurityData SecurityEffectiveness of data security measures at protecting confidential data and preventing intrusionsSystem SecurityEffectiveness of system backup & recovery measures; ease of performing partial and total system restores6.6.2 Metrics LibraryThe library will be developed and maintained on NMPED PMO SharePoint site. The library will be reviewed during the implementation phase of the project.6.7 Quality Objectives and ControlQuality Management includes the processes required to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. It includes all activities of the overall management function that determine the quality policy, objectives, quality assurance, quality control, and quality improvement, within the quality system. 6.7.1 Quality StandardsQuality Management is an important aspect of any project to ensure that the product delivered is accepted and works as designed. Each functional organization is responsible for the quality of its contribution to the project and will apply its internal quality standards to project products and services. The project team will assess the projects products and services based on the standards established by the functional organizations represented on the project. There are a number of ways that quality has been built into this project. The first is the integrated project control process and change control process, which assure that any changes that are made to the project are executed in a structured manner. The most important of these is the change control process to minimize the change of scope to the project and if scope does change, it is done knowing the impact to the project. The third process for quality management is the risk management plan, which measures, mitigates and includes contingency plans for each risk. The project team will also create lessons learned at the end of each phase of the project. These lessons learned will be incorporated into the next phase of the project and be part of the project library that will be available for future projects to use. All of these processes combined will create a product that has quality that is built in not tested in after the fact. This will provide an environment that maximizes opportunities to control quality.No.Quality StandardTracking Tool or Measure1Project is completed by completed by established finish date; project meets established milestones and deliverable dates.Project ScheduleProject Status Reports2Project is completed within budget.Project CharterProject Status ReportsBudget Spreadsheets3Project completed based upon original scope of work and approved scope changes.Project Plan (Design Document)Contract Scopes of Work4Solution streamlines common workflows, meets all data requirements.User Acceptance Testing5Ease of use.User Acceptance Testing6.7.2 Project and Product Review and AssessmentsReview TypeQuality StandardToolsReviewerReportsRequirementsProject is completed within budgetContract deliverablesNMPED PMO, NMPED Project ManagerProject status reports; closeout reportPlansAll plans must meet contract deliverablesContract scopes of workNMPED PMO, NMPED Project ManagerProject status reports; closeout reportMilestonesProject completed by established finish date; timely achievement of project milestones and deliverables Project schedule; Contract scopes of workNMPED PMO, NMPED Project ManagerProject status reports; closeout reportTestingExecution of User Acceptance TestingTesting plan (deliverable with design document)NMPED PMO, NMPED Project Manager, Project Work GroupProject status reports; closeout report6.7.3 Agency/Customer SatisfactionThe NMPED Project Manager will assess the on-going sense of NMPED Professional Licensure Bureau’s satisfaction with the project including how they feel the project is going, and how team members are acting on the project. This feedback will be helpful to the success of the project and the professional growth of the project team members.Areas of feedbackWhenHow OftenAgency awarenessBusiness Owner meetingsWeeklyQuality of communicationsSteering Committee meetingsMonthlyManages project tasksSteering Committee meetingsMonthlyProductive MeetingsSteering Committee meetingsMonthly6.7.4 Product Deliverables Acceptance ProcessThe table below describes the deliverables, final approval process and customer acceptance criteria for each deliverable. Deliverable #DeliverableFinal Approval ProcessCustomer Acceptance Criteria4.2.2.1Document wireframes from user requirementsVendor submits documentation to NMPEDNMPED reviews for accuracy and completeness4.2.2.2Produce Solution Design DocumentationVendor submits documentation to NMPEDNMPED reviews for accuracy and completeness4.2.2.3Produce the Project Schedule and Project Management PlanVendor submits documentation to NMPEDNMPED reviews for accuracy and completeness4.2.2.4Registration, Security and New Licensure Application Modules Release 1Vendor deploys to NMPED Test environmentAll modules meet requirements and pass UAT4.2.2.5Application Processing, Business Rules, Work Queue Management Release 2Vendor deploys to NMPED Test environmentAll modules meet requirements and pass UAT4.2.2.6AS400 Data Migration, Teach Search and Reporting Release 3Vendor deploys to NMPED Test environmentAll modules meet requirements and pass UAT6.8 Configuration ManagementThe following section discusses configuration management for the project. It defines project information (files, reports, designs, memos, documents, etc.) will be managed (tracked, approved, stored, secured, accessed, version control, etc.) and owned by (e.g., Agency managing the project or the Customer).6.8.1 Version ControlNMPED’s Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) will be used for source code version control, and SharePoint will be used for document version control.6.8.2 Project Repository (Project Library)TFS will be used as the repository for all project code, and SharePoint will be used as the repository for all project documents.6.9 Procurement Management PlanAll procurement for project goods and services will be performed under the guidance and direction of New Mexico State Procurement.7.0 Project CloseThe NMPED Project team (NMPED PMO Manager, NMPED Project Manager and NMPED Business Owner) will perform closeout activities that include, at a minimum: Verify all work and deliverables required under the vendor contract were received and accepted; Ensure all vendor invoices were received, verified, corrected and paid; Conduct a lessons learned discussion with the entire stakeholders to capture lessons learned that can be referenced for subsequent projects and that will be part of the DoIT PCC Closeout certification documentation; Ensure an accounting of all project funds is complete; and Confirm all required project-related documentation is archived to the PMO SharePoint repository for the project.7.3. Administrative CloseAn Administrative Close will take place at both the end of each milestone and at the end of the project. This closure consists of verifying project tasks were completed and deliverables were met. Acceptance and milestones are administratively closed out as they occur via Weekly Project Status Meetings.7.2 Contract CloseContract close will be very similar to administrative close in that it involves product and process verification for contract close. Verifications will be completed to ensure contractors have fulfilled all contractual obligations and have released all claims in connection with work performed. AttachmentsAttachments are included for additional information, A.1 Work Breakdown Structure DetailsIdentifierWork Package DescriptionDefinition/ObjectiveMilestone/Deliverable1.1Initiation Phase1.1.1Project Team SetupProject team setup1.1.2Kickoff ProjectKick-off meeting with NMPED and Vendor1.2Requirement SessionsRequirements review and sign-off on the scope2.1Planning PhaseTechnical ArchitectureTechnical Presentation for TARC Certification2.2PCC CertificationProject Management Plan for PCC2.3System DocumentationDesign documentation 2.4Initial WireframesWireframes for Registration and Profile3.1Implementation Phase3.1.1Environment SetupHardware Setup3.1.2Release 1Design, Development and User Acceptance Testing and Go-Live3.1.3Release 2Design, Development and User Acceptance Testing and Go-Live3.1.4Release 3Design, Development and User Acceptance Testing and Go-LiveA.2 Project Schedule DetailS ................

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