
|Department/School: |Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, University of Ottawa |June 1, 2013 |


|A. |NAME: |

| |Graham Mayeda |

| |Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, University of Ottawa, member of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and |

| |Research |

|B. |DEGREES | | | |

| |Barrister & Solicitor |Law Society of Upper Canada |Law |2005 |

| |J.D. |University of Toronto |Law |2004 |

| |Ph.D. |University of Toronto |Philosophy |2001 |

| |M.A. |University of Toronto |Philosophy |1998 |

| |B.A. (Hon.) |University of Toronto |Philosophy and Japanese |1996 |

| | | |Studies | |


| |2009-present |Associate Professor |Law |Faculty of Common Law, University of Ottawa |

| |2005-2009 |Assistant Professor |Law |Faculty of Common Law, University of Ottawa |

| |2004-2005 |Law Clerk |Law |Hon. Louise Charron, Supreme Court of Canada |

| |2004 (summer) |Independent Research |Law |University of Toronto Summer Research |

| | | | |Fellowship |

| |2002-2003 |Researcher |Law |Ontario Provincial Government "Role of |

| | | | |Government" Panel |

| |2003 (summer) |Researcher |Law |Profs. Ronald Daniels and Michael Trebilcock, |

| | | | |University of Toronto |

| |2003 (summer) |Law Summer Student |Law |Goodmans LLP |

| |2002 (fall) |Researcher |Law |Prof. Ronald Daniels, University of Toronto |

| |2001-2002 |Researcher |Law |Prof. Ernest Weinrib, University of Toronto |

| |2000-2001 |Course Instructor |Philosophy |Dept. of Philosophy, University of Toronto |

| |1996-2001 |Teaching Assistant |Philosophy |Dept. of Philosophy, University of Toronto |

|D. |HONOURS: | |

| |None. | |


| | | |

| |2013 |Conference co-organizer: “Symposium Celebrating the Contributions of Justice Louise Charron.” Held|

| | |at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa in March, 2013. |

| |2012 |Invited speaker: Colloque international à l’Université Laval, 10 et 11 octobre 2012. Title of |

| | |presentation : « De la Nature à la Technique : Perspectives de la pensée et de la philosopihe |

| | |japonaise contemporaine.» |

| |2012 |Consulting work: Presentation of draft of Integrating Sustainable Development Into International |

| | |Investment Agreements: A Guide For Developing Country Negotiators: A Guide For Developing Country |

| | |Negotiators (see publications) to a group of international experts in the field (London, UK). |

| |2012 |Consulting work: Co-leader of experts’ workshop in Colombo, Sri Lanka as part of consultations |

| | |with developing country members of Commonwealth in regard to international investment agreements. |

| |2012 |Consulting work: Co-leader of experts’ workshop in St. Lucia, as part of consultations with |

| | |developing country members of Commonwealth in regard to international investment agreements. |

| |2011 |Invited speaker: International Law Group Brown Bag Lunch Speaker Series, University of Ottawa, |

| | |February 3 2012. Paper title: “Legal Aspects of the Security-Development Nexus: International |

| | |Administrative Law as a Check on the Use of Development Assistance in the War on Terror.” |

| |2011 |Invited speaker: Hauser Scholars Forum, November 29, 2011, NYU Law School. Paper title: “Legal |

| | |Aspects of the Security-Development Nexus: International Administrative Law as a Check on the Use |

| | |of Development Assistance in the War on Terror.” |

| |2011 |Hauser Senior Global Research Fellow, NYU: Awarded a fellowship at NYU Law School to conduct |

| | |research for one semester. |

| |2011 |Consulting work: Co-leader of experts’ workshop in Kampala, Africa, as part of consultations with |

| | |developing country members of Commonwealth in regard to international investment agreements. |

| |2011 |Invited speaker: Lauterpacht Centre for International Law: Investment Treaty Forum, May 7, 2011: |

| | |“Sustainable Development in World Investment Law.” |

| |2010 |Invited Speaker: Presentation to students at University of Toronto Law School in regard to legal |

| | |aspects of resistance to uranium mining in Ontario. |

| |2010 |Consulting work: Co-leader of experts’ workshop in South Pacific (Vanuatu) as part of |

| | |consultations with developing country members of Commonwealth in regard to international |

| | |investment agreements. |

| |2010 |Invited speaker: Presentation to students of the Environmental Law Clinic at the University of |

| | |Ottawa on the implications of costs awards for clients litigating environmental law issues. |

| |2010 |Invited speaker: Joint Social Justice and Environmental Law Lecture Series, February 10, 2010, |

| | |University of Ottawa. Title: “Protesting Mining in Ontario: Legal Aspects of Resistance by |

| | |Environmental Groups and First Nations.” |

| |2009 |Legal consultant: Consultant for Ecojustice case: Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital v. |

| | |Director, Ministry of the Environment. |

| |2009 |Invited conference presentation: Workshop on Human Rights in the Canadian Mining Sector, November |

| | |20-21, 2009, University of Ottawa. Title: “The impact of uranium prospecting on First Nations and |

| | |non-First Nations residents in the Kingston area.” |

| |2009 |Invited conference presentation: Duke Center for International and Comparative Law, Duke |

| | |University, Durham, NC, Nov. 5-6, 2009. Title: “Pushing the Boundaries of International Law: |

| | |Rethinking International Law in Light of Cosmopolitan Obligations to Developing Countries.” |

| |2009 |Invited conference presentation: Symposium in Honour of Michael Trebilcock, Faculty of Law, |

| | |University of Toronto, October 1-2, 2009. Title: “Deconstructing Trebilcock’s Development |

| | |Discourse.” |

| |2009 |Consultant for Ecojustice on a case involving a client appealing a permit to take water for a |

| | |development on the Leitrim wetland in the Ottawa area. |

| |2009 |Invited conference presentation: Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Ontario, |

| | |Congrès 2009 : Kingston et ses multiples facettes, 25-27 June, 2009, Kingston. Title: « Quelques |

| | |développements récents en droit autochtone et leurs impacts sur la région de Kingston. » |

| |2008 |Conference presentation: Four Societies’ Colloquium on International Law and Democratic Theory, |

| | |Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, 11-13 September, 2008. Title: “Investing in Development: |

| | |The Role of Democracy and Accountability in International Investment Law.” |

| |2008 |Conference presentation: “Thinking With(Out) Borders: International Political Theory in the 21st |

| | |Century,” University of St Andrews, Scotland, 12-13 June, 2008. Title: “Spheres of Obligation: |

| | |Global Justice and Proximity in East Asian Philosophy.” |

| |2008 |Consultant for Ecojustice regarding costs for public interest litigants who were challenging two |

| | |municipal by-laws of the City of Ottawa that permit development on a provincially-protected |

| | |wetland. |

| |2008 |Conference presentation: Canadian Law and Society Association, May 28-31, 2008, Montreal. Title: |

| | |“Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Judging in the Space Between Community and the Individual” |

| |2008-present |Consultant with Prof. Penelope Simons for the Commonwealth Secretariat for a project directed by |

| | |Prof. Anthony VanDuzer designing a template for an international investment agreement for |

| | |developing country members of the Commonwealth (April 2008-January 2011). |

| |2008 |Co-counsel with Linda McCaffrey in Frontenac Ventures Corporation v. Sheila Macdonald et al., |

| | |University of Ottawa Environmental Law Clinic. |

| |2008 |Co-counsel with Linda McCaffrey in Frontenac Ventures Corporation v. Frank Morrison, University of|

| | |Ottawa Environmental Law Clinic. |

| |2006-present |Board Member, Income Security Advocacy Centre |

| |2007-2008 |Consultant with Prof. Penelope Simons for the Commonwealth Secretariat for a project directed by |

| | |Prof. Anthony VanDuzer on the impact of international investment agreements for developing |

| | |countries. |

| |2008 |Invited panellist, Conference for Young Leaders in Social Justice and International Development: |

| | |Perspectives on Global Citizenship, University of Ottawa, spring 2008 |

| |2007 |Invited Speaker, Ottawa-Centre Community Legal Clinic, Fall 2007 |

| |2007 |Invited panellist, Sustainable Development Law Conference, panel on Urban Development, Sept. 29, |

| | |2007. |

| |2007 |Invited panellist, Canadian Lawyers Abroad Conference: “Democracy and Development: Which comes |

| | |first?", Feb. 23, 2007 |

| |2007 |Invited Conference Presentation; Conference title: “The Kyoto School: Neglected Themes and Hidden |

| | |Variations,” McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Paper title: “Leaving Ethics to Chance: The |

| | |Ethical Significance of Contingency in the Philosophy of Kuki Shūzō.” |

| |2007 |Conference presentation: Young Scholars Conference, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Paper |

| | |title: “Zen Legal Theory? A Phenomenological Approach to Critical Legal Theory.” |

| |2006 |Invited speaker, Ontario Justice Education Network: Ottawa Summer Law Institute for Secondary |

| | |School Teachers. |

| |2006 |Colloquium steering committee member, The Human Rights of Anti-Terrorism: A Colloquium, Faculty of|

| | |Law, University of Ottawa |

| |2004 |Conference co-organizer; Making the Mosaic Work; Faculty of Law, University of Toronto |


| |1.) Graduate Examinations |

| |Caroline Poisson (LL.M.) : « Enfants policiers.» |

| |Lise Lussier (Ph.D.) : « L’odeur de l’encre, exploration ethnoheuristique de la pratique de la calligraphie japonaise.» |

| |Fabio Carneiro Cunha (LL.D.): “The WTO Legal Regime for the Actionability of Agricultural Subsidies after the Expiry of the |

| |Peace Clause.” |

| |Marie-Christine Monchalin (LL.M.): « L’Égalité entre les sexes dans le champ du développement international : Vers la |

| |réalisation de tous les droits des femmes? Une étude de cas des états de l’Afrique francophone. » |

| |Benoît Frate (LL.M.), « Gouvernements municipaux et droit international des droits de la personne : une analyse exploratoire |

| |de la pratique récente. » |

| | |

| |2.) Graduate Supervision |

| |Ongoing: |

| |Jonathan Pinkus (J.D./M.A. (NPSIA)): “Organized Crime and Political Terrorism: A New Model for Criminal Decision-Making” |

| |(ongoing). |

| |Pierre-Giles Bélanger, sujet proposé : Le développement juridique international durable en Amérique latine (supervisor). |

| |Ronald George (Ph.D.): proposed topic – Ethics, Conflict of Interest and First Nations Government (committee member, |

| |ongoing). |

| |Tom Jarmyn (Ph.D.): “Reforming solicitor-client privilege: a utilitarian search for justice” (co-supervision with A. Dodek, |

| |ongoing). |

| |Vicki Trerise (Ph.D.): proposed topic – Updating the doctrine of jurisdiction in the 21st century: the power of the state to |

| |‘protect’ and the recognition of the diversity and democratic character of Canadian society (co-supervision with Angela |

| |Cameron, ongoing). |

| |Completed: |

| |Igor Kapovskyy (LL.M.): “International Trade Law and Human Rights: The Possibility and Necessity of Integrating Observance of|

| |Civil and Political Rights into the World Trade Organization’s Framework and the Required Development” (April, 2012). |

| |Sara Gehbremusse (J.D./ M.A. (NPSIA)): “Promoting Effective Economic Development Through Trade in the Southern African |

| |Development Community” (completed January, 2012). |

| |Charles Murray (LL.M.): “A Bridge Too Far? Connecting Law and Logic Through Defeasibility” (completed, August 2011). |

| |Bei Yin (LL.M.): “Striking a Balance between the Rights and Obligations of Foreign Investors vis-à-vis the Host State in |

| |Response to the Liberalization of the Foreign Investment Regime” (completed, April 2011). |

| |Kristin Marie Barsoum (LL.B./M.A. (NPSIA)): “To Loot or Not To Loot? The Case of Alluvial Diamonds in Sierra Leone, the |

| |Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic” (Sept. 2007 to Sept. 2008). |


| |1.) Graduate Courses: |

| |Legal Methodologies (DCL8330) |2009-2010: half-year mandatory course for new graduate students; 3 hours per week; |

| | |enrolment 14; University of Ottawa |

| |Critical Legal Theories (DCL5337) |2008: half-year course for graduate students; 3 hours per week; enrolment 12; University|

| | |of Ottawa. |

| |Studies in Legal Theory I: Theories |2007; half-year course for graduate students; 3 hours per week; enrolment 12; University|

| |of Global Justice (DCL5303) |of Ottawa. |

| |International Law and Developing |2005-2009; half-year course for graduate students; 4 hours per week; enrolment: 20; |

| |Countries (DCL6121H) |University of Ottawa. |

| |Jurisprudence – Theories of Judgment |2010-2011; half-year course for graduate students; 4 hours per week; enrolment: 20, |

| |(DCL5309) |University of Ottawa |

| |Teaching Tune-Up |2012; seminar for graduate students on university teaching; 3 hours every two weeks; |

| | |enrolment: approx. 15; University of Ottawa |

| |2.) Undergraduate Courses |

| |Administrative Law (CML2312A) |2012-2013; half-year course; 4 hours per week; enrolment: approx. 60-75; University of |

| | |Ottawa. |

| |Dean’s Research and Writing Fellows |2010 – Orientation program for upper year course on legal research and writing skills. |

| |(CML3351) |Also included instruction on teaching and tutorial leadership (12 students selected |

| | |through a competitive selection process). |

| |Criminal Law (small group) (CML1223) |2006-2009; full-year course; required course for first year law students; 4 hours per |

| | |week; enrolment: 20; University of Ottawa. |

| |Criminal Law (large group) |2005-2006; 2009-2013; full-year course; required course for first year law students; 3 |

| |(CML1203/1103) |hours per week; enrolment: 60-70; University of Ottawa. |

| |Sentencing in Theory and Practice |2011; 2012-2014; half-year course; 4 hours per week; enrolment: 20; University of |

| |(CML3156) |Ottawa. |

| |Jurisprudence: Theories of Judgment |2010-2011; half-year course; 4 hours per week; enrolment 12-15; University of Ottawa/ |

| |(CML3241) | |

| |International Law and Developing |2005-2009: half-year course; 4 hours per week; enrolment: 20; University of Ottawa. |

| |Countries (CML4108H/3135) | |

| |Chinese Philosophies |2000: half-year course; 6 hours per week (condensed summer course); enrolment: approx. |

| | |60; University of Toronto. |

| |Environmental Ethics |2000: half-year course; 3 hours per week; enrolment: 45; University of Toronto at |

| | |Mississauga. |

| |3.) Directed Research | |

| |Mitch Koczerginski (J.D. directed research), “Response to R v Ward: A Concern Moving Forward” (Jan 2013). | |

| |Kenji Tokawa (J.D. directed research), “Law as a Technology of Spatial Exclusion” (Sept. 2012-April 2013) (UROP) | |

| |Rishi Dhir (J.D. directed research), “Drug Treatment Courts: A Comparative Normative Analysis of Competing Policy | |

| |Choices” (Sept. 2012-April 2013) (UROP) | |

| |Lidia Casas (Ph.D. directed research), “Assessing Employment Sexual Harassment in Chile through a Critical Race Theory, | |

| |Critical Legal Studies and Empirical Research Perspective” (Jan. 2010-April 2010). | |

| |Caitlin Dooley (LL.B. Directed Research), “Responding to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Call for | |

| |Intersectionality” (Jan. 2010-April 2010). | |

| |Jocelyn Kearney (LL.B. Directed Research), “Judicial Review of Export Development Canada: Making the Case for Oversight” | |

| |(Sept. 2008-April 2009). | |

| |John Siwiec (LL.B. Directed Research), “Bilateral Investment Treaties and Exceptional Circumstances: The Relationship | |

| |Between General Exception Provisions and Customary International Law” (Jan.-Mar. 2009). | |

| |Meagan Lepage (LL.B. Directed Research), “Privatization and the Human Right to Water: Conflicts in Development” (Jan. | |

| |2009). | |

| |Meghan Hanlon, “Forced Evictions and the Right to Adequate Housing: Violating Human Rights for Sake of ‘Sustainable’ | |

| |Development” (Jan. 2009). | |

| |Kyle Kirkup (LL.B. directed research): “Indocile Bodies: Gender Identity and Strip Searches in Canadian Criminal Law” | |

| |(Sept.-Dec. 2008). | |

| |Marnie Evans (LL.B. directed research): “Women and Development: A Feminist Critique of Microfinance and Women’s | |

| |Empowerment” (Jan.-May 2008). | |

| |Ruby Garcha (LL.B. directed research): “Decriminalization of Polygamy in Canada: The Constitutionality of Section 293 of | |

| |the Criminal Code” (Jan.-May 2008). | |

| |Kyle Kirkup (LL.B. directed research): “A Queer Critique of Hate Crime Legislation in Canada” (Sept. –Dec. 2007). | |

| |Amanda Fullerton (LL.B. directed research): “Issues in the Reform of a Healthcare System for Developing Countries” (Sept.| |

| |2006-May 2007). | |

| |Angel Drolet (LL.B. directed research): “From the Wrong Side of the Rice Paddy: The Hukou System and Legal Discrimination| |

| |in the Chinese Workplace” (January 2007-May 2007). | |

| |Sarah Jane Harvey, Ekua Quansah and Lina Rahman (LL.B. directed research): “Education Equity Project: A Comparison of | |

| |Equity Policies, Programs and Practices at Ontario Law Schools” (September 2006-June 2007). | |



|2011 |New York University |US$ 5,300 |Graham Mayeda |An Uneasy Balance: Development |

| |Law School | | |Policy as Anti-Terrorism Policy |

|2011-2012 |Law Foundation of |$2,000 + funding |Graham Mayeda |An Uneasy Balance: Development |

| |Ontario |from uOttawa for a | |Policy as Anti-Terrorism Policy |

| | |work-study student | | |

|2010-2011 |Law Foundation of |$2,000 |Graham Mayeda |The Significance of Social Science|

| |Ontario | | |Studies of International Tribunals|

| | | | |for International Law |

|2009-2010 |Law Foundation of |$2,000 |Graham Mayeda |Principled Reasoning at the |

| |Ontario | | |Supreme Court of Canada: The |

| | | | |McLachlin Years |

|2008-2009 |Law Foundation of |$2,000 |Graham Mayeda |Bilateral Investment Treaties, |

| |Ontario | | |Democracy and Human Rights |

|2007-2008 |Law Foundation of |$2,000 |Graham Mayeda |Theories of global justice from a |

| |Ontario | | |development perspective |

|2006-2007 |Law Foundation of |$2,000 |Graham Mayeda |Research on cultural defences in |

| |Ontario | | |Canadian, American and U.K. |

| | | | |criminal law |

|2001 |Deutscher Akademiker |$4410 |Graham Mayeda |Research on contemporary German |

| |Austausch Dienst | | |philosophy |

|1999-2001 |S.S.H.R.C. |$16,620 per year |Graham Mayeda |Research on contemporary Japanese |

| | | | |and German ethics |

|1999 |Monbusho (Japanese |(declined) |Graham Mayeda |Research on contemporary Japanese |

| |Ministry of Education)|$36,000 | |philosophy at Tokyo University |

|1999 |Ontario Graduate |(declined) |Graham Mayeda |Research on contemporary Japanese |

| |Scholarship |$11,859 | |and German philosophy |


|2006 |University of Ottawa |$9,770 |Graham Mayeda |Research on bilateral investment |

| | | | |treaties and developing counties |

|2004 |Faculty of Law, |$10,000 |Graham Mayeda |Research on law and development, |

| |University of Toronto | | |intellectual property law and |

| | | | |criminal law |

|2004 |Centre for Innovation,|$2,000 |Graham Mayeda |Project on research ethics and law|

| |Law and Policy | | | |

| |University of Toronto | | | |


| |1.) Life-Time Summary: | |

| |Books authored |2 |

| |Chapters in books |9 |

| |Book reviews |2 |

| |Articles in refereed journals |17 |

| |Articles under review by refereed journals |2 |

| |Government reports |1 |

| |Other reports |1 |

| |Articles in non-referred journals and publications |2 |

| |2.) Details |

| |Books authored: |

| |J. Anthony VanDuzer, Penelope Simons and Graham Mayeda, Integrating Sustainable Development Into International Investment |

| |Agreements: A Guide For Developing Country Negotiators (Commonwealth Secretariat, 2013) 572 pages. |

| | |

| |Graham Mayeda, Time, Space and Ethics in the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger, Watsuji Tetsuro and Kuki Shuzo (New York: |

| |Routledge, 2006). |

| | |

| |Chapters in Books: |

| | |

| |“Practice Makes Perfect? The Role of Principle and Practice in Judgment: A Hypothetical Engagement Between Immanuel Kant and |

| |Justice Louise Charron,” in Peter Oliver and Graham Mayeda (eds.), Louise Charron at the Supreme Court of Canada (Markham, |

| |ON: LexisNexis, forthcoming 2014). |

| | |

| |Invited contribution: “The TBT Agreement and Developing Countries” in Michael J. Trebilcock and Tracey Epps (eds.), Research |

| |Handbook: TBT Agreement (Edward Elgar, forthcoming). |

| |Invited contribution:“ Has Public Protest Gone to the Dogs? A Social Rights Approach to Social Protest Law in Canada,” in |

| |Martha Jackman and Bruce Porter (eds.), Reconceiving Human Rights Practice for the New Social Rights Paradigm (forthcoming). |

| |Invited contribution: “Between Principle and Pragmatism: The Decline of Principled Reasoning in the Jurisprudence of the |

| |McLachlin Court,” in Sanda Rodgers and Sheila McIntyre (eds.), The Supreme Court of Canada and Social Justice: Commitment, |

| |Retrenchment or Retreat (2010) 50 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 41-88 and Markham, Ontario: Lexis Nexis, 2010. |

| |Invited contribution: “Sustainable International Investment Agreements: Challenges and Solutions for Developing Countries |

| |Negotiating IIAs,” in Markus Gehring, Andrew Newcombe and Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (eds.), Sustainable Development in |

| |World Investment Law (Kluwer Law International, 2010) 541-561. |

| |Invited contribution: “Who Do You Think You Are? When Should the Law Let You Be Who You Want to Be?,” in Laurie Shrage (ed.),|

| |You’ve Changed: Sex Reassignment and Personal Identity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2009) 194-216. |

| |Invited contribution: J. Anthony VanDuzer, Penelope Simons and Graham Mayeda, “Modeling International Investment Agreements |

| |for Economic Development,” in Veniana Qalo (ed.), Bilateralism and Development: Emerging Trade Patterns (London: Cameron-May,|

| |2008). |

| |“Leaving Ethics to Chance: The Ethical Significance of Contingency in the Philosophy of Kuki Shūzō,” in Victor Sogen Hori and|

| |Melissa Curley (eds.), Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy 2: Neglected Themes and Hidden Variations (Nagoya: Nanzan Institute |

| |for Religion and Culture, 2008) 7-35. |

| |“Development Policy in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom – The New Anti-Terrorism Policy?” in Craig Forcese & |

| |Nicole LaViolette (eds.), The Human Rights of Anti-Terrorism (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2008) 385-424. |

| |Book reviews: |

| | |

| |Review of Daniel E. Lee and Elizabeth J. Lee, Human Rights and the Ethics of Globalization (New York: Cambridge University |

| |Press, 2010) in [2010] Canadian Yearbook of International Law 594-607. |

| | |

| |Review of David A. Dilworth, Valdo H. Viglielmo and Augustin Jacinto Zavala (eds.), Sourcebook for Modern Japanese |

| |Philosophy: Selected Documents, in (2000) 10:1 Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 125-127. |

| |Articles in refereed journals |

| | |

| |“Time for Ethics: Temporality and the Ethical Ideal in Emmanuel Levinas and Kuki Shūzō” (2012) 4:1 Comparative and |

| |Continental Philosophy 105-124. |

| | |

| |“Legal Aspects of the Security-Development Nexus: International Administrative Law as a Check on the Use of Development |

| |Assistance in the War on Terror” (2012) 13:1 Chicago Journal of International Law 71-121. |

| | |

| |“Pushing the Boundaries: Rethinking International Law in Light of Cosmopolitan Obligations to Developing Countries,” [2009] |

| |Canadian Yearbook of International Law 3-56. |

| |“Access to Justice: The Impact of Injunctions, Contempt of Court Proceedings, and Costs Awards on Environmental Protestors |

| |and First Nations,” (2010) 6:2 McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 143. |

| | |

| |“Taking Notice of Equality: Judicial Notice and Expert Evidence in Trials Involving Equality-Seeking Groups” (2009) 6(2) |

| |Journal of Law and Equality 201. |

| | |

| |“Investing in Development: The Role of Democracy and Accountability in International Investment Law” (2009) 46:4 Alberta Law |

| |Review 1009. |

| | |

| |“International Investment Agreements Between Developed and Developing Countries: Dancing with the Devil? A Case Commentary on|

| |the Vivendi, Sempra and Enron Awards” (2008) 4:2 McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy |

| |189-230. |

| |“Commentary on Fichte’s “The Illegality of the Reproduction of Books” – An Essay on Intellectual Property During the Age of |

| |the Enlightenment” (2008) 5:1&2 University of Ottawa Law and Technology Journal 141-197. Includes a translation of J.G. |

| |Fichte’s: “Proof of the Illegality of the Unauthorised Reprinting of Books: An Argument and a Parable.” |

| | |

| |“Playing Fair: The Meaning of Fair and Equitable Treatment in Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs)” (2007) 41(2) Journal of |

| |World Trade 273-291. |

| |“A Normative Perspective on Legal Harmonization: China and the WTO” (2006) 13(2) Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht 176-195 |

| |(reprint of my article in (2005) 38(1) U.B.C. Law Review 83-122). |

| |“Uncommonly Common: The Nature of Common Law Judgment” (2006) 19(1) Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 107-131. |

| |“Appreciate the Difference: The Role of Different Domestic Norms in Law and Development Reform – Lessons from China and |

| |Japan” (2006) 51(3) McGill Law Journal 547-598. |

| |“Re-imagining Feminist Theory: Transgender Identity and the Law” (2005) 17(2) Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 423-472. |

| |“A Normative Perspective on Legal Harmonization: China and the WTO” (2005) 38:1 U.B.C. Law Review 83-122. |

| |“Developing Disharmony? The SPS and TBT Agreements and the Impact of Harmonization on Developing Countries” (2004) 7:4 |

| |Journal of International Economic Law 737-764. |

| |“Where Should Johannesburg Take Us? Ethical and Legal Approaches to Sustainable Development in the Context of International |

| |Environmental Law” (2004) 15:1 Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy 29-69. (N.B., this article is |

| |in a student-reviewed law journal – S.S.H.R.C. practice is to consider this a refereed publication.) |

| |“Generosity and Representation: Making Sense of a Non-Representational Model of the Passions” (2002) 41:2 Dialogue 291-312. |

| |Articles Under Review in Peer-Reviewed Journals |

| |“They Promise They Won’t Be Evil . . . But Should Google Still Be Your Friend After R v Ward?” (in submission). |

| | |

| |«L’espace naturel et la responsabilité envers l’environnement dans la philosophie de Nishida Kitarō et Watsuji Tetsurō» (in |

| |submission). |

| |Government reports |

| | |

| |“Revitalizing Cities,” in Role of Government Panel Report (Director of Research: Michael Trebilcock; Chair: Ronald Daniels) |

| |(2003), pp. 84-118. |

| |Other Reports |

| | |

| |With J. Anthony VanDuzer and Penelope Simons, “Commonwealth Secretariat Template for International Investment Agreements” |

| |(contribution – 20%). |

| | |

| |Articles in non-refereed journals and conference proceedings |

| | |

| |“The Wisdom Behind the Law: The Implications of Yang-ming Philosophy for the Law,” in Vincent Shen and Willard Oxtoby (eds.),|

| |Wisdom in China and the West (Washington, D.C.: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2004), 235-256. |

| | |

| |“Time, Space and Ethics in the Philosophy of Nishida Kitaro and Watsuji Tetsuro,” (2000) 32:1 International Studies in |

| |Philosophy 147-155. |


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