Is this a scam? Investment episode - Consumer Affairs Victoria

Video transcript: Is this a Scam? Investment episode.

Title: Is this a Scam? Investment episode.

Music: Game show music plays in the background

Length: 1:33 minutes

Transcript begins

Description: [Video begins. Red curtain appears and the words ‘Is this a Scam?’ appear on the screen]

Male voiceover is heard: “Welcome to ‘Is this a Scam?’ the game show that tests your scam knowledge.”

Description: [The writing disappears and the curtain is lifted revealing an animated 60s style game show set. There is a female host on the left and animated screen on the right which displays: ‘Brought to you by Consumer Affairs Victoria’]

Female voiceover (Sally Awkins): “I’m your host Sally Awkins and tonight I’m going to make you rich… or am I?”

Female voiceover: “Let’s find out!”

Description: [We zoom in to the screen where an email appears. The email reads: ‘Hello from ShareTrader Elite, We are offering an exclusive risk-free investment opportunity, which will bring you guaranteed returns within the next month. We would like to invest on your behalf. Many thanks, Sally, Chief Trader’]

Female voiceover: “You receive this email from ShareTrader Elite offering an exclusive risk-free investment opportunity, with guaranteed returns within the next month. They’re asking to invest on your behalf.”

Description: [We zoom in on the words ‘exclusive risk-free,’ ‘guaranteed returns’ and ‘invest on your behalf’ as Sally mentions them]

Description: [We zoom back out to the game show set]

Female voiceover: “Ooh, sounds tempting… what do you do?”

Description: [We zoom back into the screen]

Female voiceover: “Do you: a) invest your money”

Description: [The text ‘a) invest your money’ appears on the screen]

Female voiceover: “b) get in touch with them and ask for more information, or”

Description: [The text ‘b) get in touch with them and ask for more information’ appears on the screen]

Female voiceover: “c) delete the email immediately and warn family and friends”

Description: [The text ‘c) delete the email immediately and warn family and friends’ appears on the screen]

Female voiceover: “You have three seconds to decide.”

Female voiceover: “The answer is… c!”

Description: [Options a) and b) are removed from the screen, and option c) remains on the screen]

Female voiceover: “Delete and warn family and friends.”

Description: [Animated email goes into an envelope]

Female voiceover: “Folks, this email was too good to be true.”

Description: [The envelope is then placed in a trash can]

Female voiceover: “If you receive an offer like this, delete it immediately. Never let anyone pressure you into making an investment decision.”

Description: [The word “pressure” appears and is then squashed between a thumb and a forefinger]

Female voiceover: “Always get independent financial advice.”

Description: [The screen returns to the ‘Is this a Scam?’ logo and we zoom out to the game show set, with the host on the left]

Female voiceover: “Thanks for tuning in, and remember: stay alert, because scams hurt!”

Description: [Host waves goodbye. Red curtain falls in front of the set]

Male voiceover is heard: “Today’s quiz is brought to you by Consumer Affairs Victoria.”

Description: [Gold podium appears in front of the red curtain, and the Consumer Affairs Victoria logo hovers above it]

Male voiceover is heard: “Head over to to claim your prize, which is… not being scammed.

Description: [The logo disappears and a frame displaying the website ‘’ appears. The website disappears and the words ‘Congratulations on not being scammed!’ appear]

Description: [Screen fades to black, music stops playing]

Description: [A black screen appears with the words ‘Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne. Spoken by D. Stoppa and J. Ashton. Video ends]

Transcript ends.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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