Department of Education

Department of Education

Charter School Accountability Meeting

July 8, 2009

Reach Academy for Girls

Prestige Academy

Attending Committee Members:

Dan Cruce, Joanne Reihm, Cliff Coleman, Mike Stetter, Mike Jackson, Amelia Hodges (proxy for Mike Owens)

Ex-officio Member:

Terry Whittaker

Mr. Cruce called the meeting to order. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the modification applications from Reach Academy for Girls and Prestige Academy. For the purpose of the record introductions were made:

Dan Cruce, Associate Secretary & Chief of Staff, Chair of Accountability Committee

Joanne Reihm, Education Associate, voting member of committee

Cliff Coleman, voting member of committee

Mike Stetter, Director of Curriculum, voting member of committee

Mike Jackson, Associate Secretary, Finance and Services, voting member of committee

Amelia Hodges, Director of Career & Technical and Consolidated Programs, serving as voting proxy for Mike Owens

Mary Cooke, Deputy Attorney General, counsel to committee

Terry Whittaker, ex-officio member, member of State Board of Education

Judi Coffield, Policy Analyst, State Board of Education, non-voting member

Scott Kessel, Education Associate, Charter School finance, non-voting member

John Marinucci, Director of Finances, non-voting member

Suzi Harris, Delaware Charter School Network, non-voting member of committee

Katie Gallup, ISDC

Julia Webster, Education Associate, Charter Schools Office, non-voting member

Karen Scaggs, Charter Schools Office

The committee discussed the modification application from Reach Academy for Girls.

Dr. Webster gave a brief overview of the school. The school was authorized in April, 2009 and is scheduled to open in August 2010 with 252 students in grades K-1 and 5-6. By year four the school hopes to have a total of 475 students in grades K-8. The school is seeking approval to move the location of the school, as identified in the original charter, to 3110 Philadelphia Pike, Claymont, Delaware. The school feels the new location would provide more space for growth, an on-site playground facility and off street area for buses.

Dr. Marinucci said from a facility perspective, he had operational concerns about the original site and expressed an interest in the new location.

Mr. Coleman asked what the impact would be on bus transportation, finances, and enrollment.

Dr. Webster said the new location is five minutes from the original site. She said a reason the school gave for the move was that the new site would have more technological support in the classrooms and there was room for growth.

Dr. Marinucci said from a facility perspective, he had operational concerns about the original site.

Mr. Kessel said the budget submitted with the application is basically the same as the budget submitted with the original charter. He said the new site would not need as much renovation.

The committee discussed the modification application from Prestige Academy.

Dr. Webster did a brief overview of the school. The school was originally authorized by Red Clay Consolidated School District but now the Department of Education is the school’s authorizer. The current year’s approved enrollment is 108 students in grade 5. Next school year’s approved enrollment is 216 students in grades 5-6. Dr. Webster said the school had a one year lease at the PAL Center in Wilmington and it was always in their plan to move after the first year. The school is seeking approval to move to the site of the former Marion T. Academy Charter School building on North Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware. A copy of a fully executed certificate of occupancy was provided by the school.

Mrs. Reihm asked if the school plans to use both of the buildings formerly used by Marion T. Mr. Kessel said Prestige is only purchasing the one building.

Dr. Marinucci said from a facilities perspective he does not need to view the site. He said he has no issues with the site.

Mr. Kessel said he reviewed the financial information submitted. He said everything in the budget looks good as long as the enrollment remains on target.

No further discussion.

Meeting was adjourned.


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