Agent Cashier Accountability Policy - U.S. Department of ...

[Pages:100]Department of Veterans Affairs Agent Cashier Accountability Policy

May 2014 Volume VIII ? Chapter 3

VA Financial Policies and Procedures Agent Cashier Accountability Policy


0301 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................... 3

0302 POLICIES ............................................................................................................. 4

0303 AUTHORITY AND REFERENCES ....................................................................... 7

0304 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................... 8

0305 PROCEDURES ................................................................................................... 10

0306 DEFINITIONS...................................................................................................... 29

0307 RESCISSIONS.................................................................................................... 31

0308 QUESTIONS ....................................................................................................... 31

0309 REVISIONS......................................................................................................... 32

APPENDIX A: AGENT CASHIER RELATED FORMS................................................ 33

APPENDIX B: AGENT CASHIER FUND ADVANCES................................................ 35

APPENDIX C: REPLENISHMENT VOUCHERS ......................................................... 39

APPENDIX D: CHECKS NOT FOR DEPOSIT ............................................................ 43

APPENDIX E: CASH REMITTANCES NOT FOR DEPOSIT....................................... 46

APPENDIX F: CREDIT CARD COLLECTIONS .......................................................... 56

APPENDIX G: PREPARING FOR DEPOSITS ............................................................ 59

APPENDIX H: DEPOSIT PROCEDURES ................................................................... 66

APPENDIX I: CASHIER FUND DISBURSEMENTS.................................................... 79

APPENDIX J: CONVENIENCE CHECKS ................................................................... 84

APPENDIX K: SALARY CHECKS .............................................................................. 89



Department of Veterans Affairs Agent Cashier Accountability Policy

May 2014 Volume VIII ? Chapter 3

APPENDIX M: LOSSES AND OVERAGES ................................................................ 94

APPENDIX N: UNANNOUNCED AUDITS .................................................................. 97


Department of Veterans Affairs Agent Cashier Accountability Policy

May 2014 Volume VIII ? Chapter 3


This chapter reflects the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) financial policies and procedures relating to the activities of the Department's authorized agent cashiers. Agent cashiers or any other designated employees (employees who have been designated to certify and disburse funds, including MCCF clerks, research clerks, PFOP clerks, travel clerks and other accounting support personnel) perform multiple roles, including managing disbursing funds and processing transactions that do not become part of these funds. This chapter prescribes required actions to maintain financial control and accountability over these activities. A list of Federal Government and VA standard and optional forms, used by agent cashiers, is contained in Appendix A.

The Department of the Treasury's (Treasury) Financial Management Service (FMS) published the Imprest Fund Policy Directive, dated November 9, 1999, requiring all Federal agencies to eliminate their use of imprest funds by October 1, 2001. This policy directive was issued in accordance with the requirements of the Debt Collection Improvement Act (DCIA) of 1996. DCIA requires most Federal payments made after January 1, 1999, to be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT), subject to the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury to grant waivers. Treasury implemented the DCIA by issuing its regulation known as the Treasury EFT Rule (31 C.F.R. Part 208).

030101 AUTHORITY FOR AGENT CASHIER. VA will designate certain employees to become disbursing officials, as authorized in 31 U.S.C. 3321, to expend public money (e.g., Principal Agent Cashiers). These funds are used to satisfy the cash needs of Veterans and/or to address declared or other emergency conditions. VA management will comply with Departmental guidance to ensure proper physical security controls are in place and provide effective protection over the Agent Cashier function, as specified in VA Handbook 0730, Security and Law Enforcement, Appendix B.

030102 FUNDING ACTIONS FOR AGENT CASHIER. VA will establish a single agent cashier disbursing fund per field facility. The size of the disbursing fund will be set at the minimum cash amount required to meet the needs of the Veteran population serviced by the facility. The field facility can process requests to increase/decrease the size of the fund, when necessary.

030103 RECEIPT ACTIONS FOR AGENT CASHIER. Agent cashiers will account for all cash and other undeposited collections prior to requesting fund replenishment, which will be by EFT. Agent cashiers will receive miscellaneous collections for processing, but such collections cannot be commingled with the assets of the agent cashier disbursing fund. Agent cashiers will examine all remittances for omissions and discrepancies before any deposits can occur.

030104 DISBURSEMENT ACTIONS FOR AGENT CASHIER. Agent cashiers will make legitimate disbursements on a wide range of financial transactions. Various negotiable instruments, such as Treasury benefit checks, will be accepted and cashed


Department of Veterans Affairs Agent Cashier Accountability Policy

May 2014 Volume VIII ? Chapter 3

for Veterans by agent cashiers. VA will adhere to the requirements of Volume XVI, Chapter 1, Government Purchase Card, on the use of convenience checks by agent cashiers.

030105 SPECIAL ACTIONS FOR AGENT CASHIER. Agent cashiers receive employee salary checks for distribution. Convenience checks will not be used to issue any salary-related payments, in accordance with Volume XVI, Chapter 1, Government Purchase Card. VA will adhere to GAO's Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, requirements in addressing agent cashier shortages. All fund shortages will be investigated and if necessary, turned over to local law enforcement. Overages of funds will be deposited in the General Fund Receipt Account. Unannounced audits or spot checks will be conducted, as described more fully in Appendix N, to verify the integrity of the agent cashier's disbursing funds. Regular fund reconciliations will be prepared to verify the status of any agent cashier fund at any given time.

030106 CERTIFICATION ACTIONS FOR AGENT CASHIER. Facility directors, or their designees, will ensure agent cashiers' accountability reports are forwarded to the Financial Services Center (FSC) on a monthly basis for facilities that have cash on hand.



A. VA will designate certain employees to become disbursing officials, as authorized in 31 U.S.C. 3321, for approved disbursement of funds (e.g., Principal Agent Cashiers) to expend public money for bona fide purposes.

B. All Principal Agent Cashiers and Alternate Agent Cashiers who issue convenience checks must complete the online Purchase Card training course and receive delegation of authority (VA Form 0242c) to issue convenience checks from the Head of Contracting Activity (HCA) or designee, in accordance with VA's Purchase Card policy, Volume XVI, Chapter 1, Government Purchase Card.

C. VA will establish agent cashier disbursing funds with fixed amounts, as necessary, to satisfy the cash needs of Veterans who require an immediate source of funds for bona fide purposes and/or to address declared or other emergency conditions. These agent cashiers will maintain effective control over fund resources.

D. VA will designate an approving official with the responsibility for appointing and/or revoking an agent cashier's authority as a disbursing official without having to obtain the advanced approval of Treasury's FMS.

E. VA will ensure an effective internal control environment exists surrounding the agent cashier's operations, including the implementation of adequate physical security controls, as required by VA Handbook 0730, Security and Law Enforcement, Appendix B.


Department of Veterans Affairs Agent Cashier Accountability Policy

May 2014 Volume VIII ? Chapter 3

F. VA will ensure that agent cashier operations are not interrupted by any foreseen or unforeseen absence of a Principal Agent Cashier. At least once every 12 months from the transfer date, there will be a complete transfer of responsibility and accountability to an Alternate Agent Cashier. VA facilities will prepare and forward an OF 211, Request for Change or Establishment of Imprest Fund (Request for Change form), to the FSC's Agent Cashier Accountability Activity whenever a transfer of funds is necessary. See Appendix B for additional information on the transfer of accountability of funds.


A. VA will generally establish and maintain only a single agent cashier disbursing fund per field facility for use by agent cashiers. Advances from Treasury will be processed into VA's approved agent cashier disbursing funds. Purchase cards or convenience checks will not be used to establish, maintain or replenish such funds.

B. VA will limit the size of the agent cashier disbursing fund for the agent cashier's use to the minimum amount of cash required to meet normal operating needs of the Veteran population serviced by the facility. The field facility can process requests to increase/decrease the size of the fund, when necessary. Refer to Appendix N, page 95, for possible calculations to determine the proper fund size.

C. The Principal Agent Cashier (either Class "A" cashier or Class "B" cashier) with legal accountability will advance funds to other designated employees (e.g., Alternate Agent Cashier) or receive prior advances back upon the revocation of any designation. VA will ensure the proper approvals are obtained when designating a new appointment or revoking an existing appointment of an agent cashier position, including preparing and forwarding an OF 211, Request for Change or Establishment of Imprest Fund (Request for Change form) to the FSC.


A. Agent cashiers will perform a complete verification of the cash accountability and undeposited collections prior to requesting fund replenishment, which will occur daily if necessary. Replenishment will be by EFT. The Chief of the Finance Activity will perform a monthly reconciliation of the account established and maintained at the financial institution. In order to avoid a conflict of interest and maintain segregation of duties agent cashiers will never perform the reconciliation.

B. Agent cashiers will receive miscellaneous collections from various sources in the form of cash, checks, bank drafts, traveler's checks, money orders and credit card collections. The agent cashiers will ensure that such collections are not commingled with the assets of the disbursing fund. These miscellaneous collections will be deposited to the proper VA account at an approved Treasury General Account (TGA) bank, a Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), or returned to Treasury.


Department of Veterans Affairs Agent Cashier Accountability Policy

May 2014 Volume VIII ? Chapter 3

C. Agent cashiers will examine all remittances for omissions and discrepancies before any deposit can occur and take the necessary steps to resolve any problems that would preclude the timely processing of fund deposits.

D. Agent cashiers will complete the proper standard forms in preparation for any deposits. The frequency of deposits will be determined by the daily dollar volume of funds received at an individual VA facility. When deposits are shipped, the possibility exists that losses may occur. The agent cashier will report such losses to the proper authority for investigation. Uncollectible checks will be charged against the account of the U.S. Government by the specific depositary. See Appendix H for additional information on the frequency of depositing collections and the proper standard forms.


A. Agent cashiers will make legitimate disbursements on a wide range of financial transactions. In addition, the agent cashier will accept and make payment on a variety of negotiable instruments, including Treasury benefit checks.

B. Agent cashiers will use convenience checks to pay for goods and services in support of official Government business, in accordance with Volume XVI, Chapter 1, Government Purchase Card. Convenience checks are a payment and/or procurement tool intended only for use with merchants that do not accept purchase cards and for other authorized purposes where charge cards are not accepted. Convenience checks should be used as a payment method of last resort, only when no reasonable alternative merchant is available who accepts the charge card.

C. During an emergency/disaster when a Veteran is unable to use a selected financial institution, the agent cashier should use the proper procedures in place to increase the agent cashier funds to make funds available to the Veteran.

For additional information on emergency/disaster, refer to Appendix I, Paragraph B, Disbursement of Funds During Declared Emergency.


A. Agent cashiers will arrange for the delivery of any employee salary checks that have been forwarded to him or her for processing. Any such check that cannot be distributed and has been determined to be undeliverable will be returned to the appropriate issuing Disbursing Office within five days after receipt by the agent cashier. When it can be determined an employee is on leave, the check may be held for up to 30 days after receipt by the agent cashier.

B. VA will adhere to the requirements in GAO's Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, Volume II, Chapter 9, Liability and Relief of Accountable Officers, in addressing any agent cashier shortages. Fund shortages will be investigated by the Chief of the Finance Activity or designee, for resolution including notifying the FSC. If necessary,


Department of Veterans Affairs Agent Cashier Accountability Policy

May 2014 Volume VIII ? Chapter 3

the matter will be turned over to local law enforcement for further investigative action. See Appendix M for additional information on losses to the agent cashier funds.

C. Agent cashiers will, in the case of any overages, deposit the excess funds in the General Fund Receipt Account 36_1060, Forfeitures of Unclaimed Money and Property.

D. Facility directors, or their designees, will ensure that unannounced audits or spot checks are conducted of the Agent Cashier's advance and undeposited collections at least quarterly sometime within the four annual 90-day cycles to maintain the integrity of the agent cashier's disbursing funds, and twice a year for cashless Agent Cashier Activities. These periodic checks will be conducted at a frequency determined appropriate by VA and any audit findings. Any irregularities discovered by the auditor will be addressed in a timely manner by officials responsible for disbursing fund activities. Facility directors will modify the level of cash advances to the disbursing funds as a result of these audits.

E. Reconciliations of fund activities will be prepared by the facility director, or designee, to verify the status of any agent cashier disbursing funds at any given time. In addition, accountability reports will be prepared by the FSC Agent Cashier Accountability Activity and forwarded to the FSC on a monthly basis.

F. VA will ensure that certain types of transactions involving funds not handled by the agent cashier, such as volunteer organizations paying for insufficient postage on beneficiaries' incoming mail, funds received by the Veterans Canteen Service activities, and sealed contract bids, are not delivered to agent cashiers prior to initial processing.

G. Paper Check Coversion Over The Counter (PCC OTC) ? Treasury's FMS announced the establishment of the Paper Check Conversion Over the Counter (PCC OTC) to incorporate the PCC OTC processes into VA's existing internal operating procedures. The PCC OTC process is an automated system that improves the collection, reconciliation, research and reporting processes associated with Federal Agency check collections. The PCC OTC increases customer service while improving agency financial management and cost reduction. For additional information on PCC OTC requirements and procedures, refer to Appendix L.


Facility directors, or their designees, will ensure that monthly accountability reports, indicating the status of the agent cashier disbursing fund, are prepared and forwarded to the FSC as part of their annual internal controls reviews.


030301 31 U.S.C. Chapter 33 - Depositing, Keeping and Paying Money

030302 31 U.S.C. 3527, General authority to relieve accountable officials and agents from liability


Department of Veterans Affairs Agent Cashier Accountability Policy

May 2014 Volume VIII ? Chapter 3

030303 31 C.F.R. 202, Depositaries and Financial Agents of the Federal Government

030304 31 C.F.R. 208, Management of Federal Agency Disbursements, Final Rule

030305 Treasury Financial Manual (TFM), I TFM 4-1100, Delegations and Designations of Authority for Disbursing-Related Functions

030306 I TFM 5-2000, Checks and Cash Received in Collections

030307 I TFM 5-3000, Deposit Ticket

030308 I TFM 5-4000, Making Deposits

030309 I TFM 5-4500, Deposits to Treasury through the Fedwire Deposit System

030310 I TFM 5-4700, Plastic Card Collection Network

030311 Treasury Manual of Procedures and Instructions for Cashiers

030312 Treasury's Imprest Fund Policy Statement

030313 GAO Principles of Federal Appropriation Law, Volume II, Chapter 9, Liability and Relief of Accountable Officers

030314 Comptroller General Decision, B-309267, Relief of Accountable Officer at Veterans Affairs Medical Center, January 15, 2008

030315 Comptroller General Decision, B-243749, October 1991 Decision of Socolar

030316 Federal Reserve Banks' Cash Operations Manual of Procedures

030317 VA Directive 0730/1, Appendix B, Physical Security Requirements and Options


030401 The Assistant Secretary for Management/Chief Financial Officer (CFO) oversees all financial management activities relating to the Department's programs and operations, as required by the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 and 38 U.S.C. 309. Responsibilities include the direction, management and provision of policy guidance and oversight of VA's financial management personnel, activities and operations. The CFO establishes financial policy, systems and operating procedures for all VA financial entities and provides guidance on all aspects of financial management.

030402 Under Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, Chief Financial Officers, Fiscal Officers, Chief Accountants and other key officials are responsible for ensuring compliance with the policies and procedures set forth in this chapter.



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