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CURRICULUM VITAEJessica L. Muilenburg, Ph.D.Department of Health Promotion and BehaviorCollege of Public HealthThe University of Georgia331 Wright Hall100 Foster Road, Athens, GA 30602Phone: (706) 542 - 4365E-mail: jlm@uga.edu EducationPhD2004University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Public Health Concentration - Health Education and Health PromotionDissertation: Antecedents and outcomes of self-identification of smoking status in adolescent smokersMPHEmory UniversityRollins School of Public HealthConcentration – Behavioral ScienceThesis: Homeless women veterans and their perception of mental healthcare services within the VAABJUniversity of Georgia, Grady College of Journalism, Public RelationsAcademic Positions2012 – PresentGraduate Coordinator, Health Promotion and Behavior2011 – PresentAssociate Professor, University of Georgia, College of Public Health, Department of Health Promotion and Behavior 2006 – 2011Assistant Professor, University of Georgia, College of Public Health, Department of Health Promotion and Behavior2004 - 2006Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Department of Preventive MedicineFellowships2000 – 2004Cancer Prevention and Control Training Program, Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, National Cancer Institute, University of Alabama at BirminghamAwards and Honors2017College of Public Health, Excellence in Service Award2013Delta Omega2012Early Career Award, American Public Health Association, Public Health Education and Health Promotion Section2010 – Present Fellow, Institute for Behavioral Research2009College of Public Health Excellence in Teaching Award2008 – 2010Lilly Teaching Fellowship, University of Georgia2007 – 2008Service Learning Fellowship, University of Georgia2006 – 2008Institute for Behavioral Research, University of Georgia, Research mentoring programExternally Funded Grants and ContractsR01AA025954Muilenburg/Kershaw (PIs)2018-2023Understanding Relapse and the Impact of Social Networks and Geographic Settings During Treatment for Alcohol-Related Problems. The goal of this study is to investigate the intersection of social networks and environments on those entering treatment for alcohol related problems. Role: PINIH/National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism$3,990,112Tobacco Free School PolicyMuilenburg (PI)2017-2018This study used the current Georgia Tobacco-Free School Policy evidenced-based strategy for preventing youth tobacco use to develop and champion a pre-adoption education campaign that would educate key decision makers about the science behind the policy, as well as the community benefits of its adoption.Role: PI Georgia Department of Public Health$35,893R01DA028188Muilenburg/Eby (PIs)2010 – 2016Improving Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation Interventions and Programs in Low Income Adult Populations.This study investigated the adoption, implementation, and sustainability of evidence-based smoking cessation services and how these services are implemented by counselors. Role: PI NIH/National Institute on Drug Abuse$3,332,078R01DA026291Eby (PI)2009-2014Understanding the adoption and implementation of tobacco-free regulation in substance abuse treatment centers. This project studied the effects of the OASAS Tobacco-Free regulation by collecting data from a convenience sample of treatment provider programs in New York State.?Role: InvestigatorNIH/National Institute on Drug Abuse$1,290,625Evaluation Study Harnish (PI)2008-2010Evaluation of Abstinence Education and Mentoring Programs in 18 Georgia Middle & High Schools. This study collected information on abstinence based education in the state of Georgia and the impact on sexual behaviors in middle and high school students. Role: Investigator U.S Department of Health and Human Services$2,100,000 Adolescent WorkforceMuilenburg (PI)2007 – 2008Adolescents in the Workforce: An Investigation of the Prevalence and Correlates of Risky Behaviors of Working Teens. This study investigated differences in risky behaviors of teens that work versus those who do not. Role: (PI)University of Georgia Research Foundation$11,217Epidemiological OutcomesMeydrech (PI)2006-2008State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroups Program. Investigated substance use across the state of Mississippi. Role: InvestigatorMississippi Department of Mental Health$600,000Adolescent SmokingMuilenburg (PI)2004-2006Correlates of smoking behavior in African American adolescents. This study investigated the correlates of smoking behavior in African American youth living in Mississippi. Role: PIAmerican Cancer Society/University of Mississippi Medical Center $25,000PublicationsLauckner, C., Desrosiers, A., Muilenburg, J., Killanin, A., Genter, E., & Kershaw, T. (in press). Social media photos of substance use and their relationship to attitudes and behaviors among ethnic and racial minority emerging adult men living in low-income areas.?Journal of Adolescence.Johnson JM*, Naeher LP, Yu X, Rathbun SL, Muilenburg JL, Wang JS. (2018). Air Monitoring at Large Public Electronic Cigarette Events. International Journal of Hygiene Environmental Health. 222 (3): 541-547. Lima AC*, Davis TL, Hilyard K, deMarrais K, Jeffries WL, Muilenburg JL. (2018) Individual, Interpersonal, and Socio Structural Factors Influencing Partner Nonmonogamy Acceptance among Young African American Women. Sex Roles. 78 (7-8): 467 – 481. Johnson JM*, Muilenburg JL, Rathbun SL, Yu X, Naeher LP, Wang JS. (2018). Elevated Nicotine Dependence Scores among Electronic Cigarette Users at an Electronic Cigarette Convention. Journal of Community Health. 43 (1): 164-174.Lima A*, Hilyard K, Davis T, deMarrais k, Jeffries WL, Muilenburg JL. (2018). Protective Behaviours among Young African American Women with Non-Monogamous Sexual Partners. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 20 (4): 442-457. Jashinsky J*,?Gay JL,?Hansen N,?Muilenburg J. (2016). Differences in TV Viewing and Computer Game Playing’s Relationships with Physical Activity and Eating Behaviors among Adolescents: An NHANES Study, American Journal of Health Education. 48 (1). 41-47.Muilenburg JL, Laschober TC, Eby LT, & Moore ND* (2016). Prevalence of and Factors Related to Tobacco Ban Implementation in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. March; 43 (2): 241-9.Muilenburg JL, Laschober TC, & Eby LT (2015) Substance Use Disorder Counselors’ Reports of Tobacco Cessation Services Availability, Implementation, and Tobacco-Related Knowledge. Journal of Adolescent Health. 57 (3): 327 – 333.Laschober TC, Muilenburg JL, & Eby LT (2015). Factors linked to substance use disorder counselors’ (non)implementation likelihood of tobacco cessation 5 A’s, counseling, and pharmacotherapy. Journal of Addictive Behaviors Therapy & Rehabilitation. 4(1).Muilenburg JL, Laschober TC, & Eby LT (2015). Relationship Between Low-Income Patient Census and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs’ Availability of Tobacco Cessation Services. Journal of Drug Issues. Jan – Feb; 45 (1): 69-79.Eby LT, Laschober, TC, & Muilenburg, JL (2015). Sustained, new, never, and discontinued tobacco cessation services adopters. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. Feb; 49, 8 – 14.Eby LT, Laschober TC, & Muilenburg JL (2014). Understanding counselors’ implementation of tobacco cessation services with patients. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. Nov - Dec; 47, 314-320.Muilenburg JL, Laschober TC, & Eby LT (2014). Organizational factors as predictors of tobacco cessation pharmacotherapy availability in addiction treatment programs. Journal of Addiction Medicine. Jan – Feb; 8 (1): 59-65.Muilenburg JL, Laschober TC, & Eby LT (2014). Climate for innovation, 12-step orientation, & tobacco cessation treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. April; 46(4): 447-55.Namageyo-Funa A*, Muilenburg J, and Wilson M. (2013) “The role of religion and spirituality in coping with type 2 diabetes: A qualitative study among Black men.” Journal of Religion and Health. Dec 20.Knudsen HK, Muilenburg JL, Eby JT. (2013). Sustainment of Smoking Cessation Programs in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Organizations. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. June; 15(6): 1060-8.Barnett JA*, Muilenburg JL, Johnson CW, Miracle J. (2013) It’s not to be discussed: Safety, Acceptance, and Professional Development for LGBTQ Faculty at a Large Southeastern University. Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs. 52-63.Proctor CP*, Barnett JA*, Muilenburg JL. (2012). Investigating race, gender, and access to cigarettes in an adolescent population. American Journal of Health Behavior. 36 (4): 513-21.Muilenburg JL, Legge JS, Burdell AC*. (2010). Indoor Smoking Bans and Public Support in Bulgaria, Croatia, Northern Cyprus, Romania, and Turkey. Tobacco Control. 10 (5): 417-20.Hofmeister EH*, Muilenburg JL, Kogan L, Elrod SM. (2010). Over the Counter Stimulant, Depressant, and Nootropic Use in Veterinary Students. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 27(4): 403-16.Annang L, Muilenburg JL, Strasser S. (2010). Virtual Worlds: Taking Health Promotion to New Levels. American Journal of Health Promotion. 24 (5). 344-6.Muilenburg JL, Latham T*, West SJ*, Clayton DL*, Burdell AC*, Johnson WD, Annang L. (2009). The Home Smoking Environment: Influence on Behaviors and Attitudes in an African American Adolescent Population. Health Education and Behavior. 36 (4). 777-793.Muilenburg JL, Legge JS. (2009). Investigating Adolescents’ Sources of Tobacco Information and the Resulting Impact on Attitudes Towards Public Policy. Journal of Cancer Education. 24(2), 148-53.Muilenburg JL, Legge JS. (2008) African American Adolescents and Menthol Cigarettes: Smoking Behavior among Secondary School Students. Journal of Adolescent Health. 43 (6); 570-5.Muilenburg JL, Johnson WD, Usdan SL, and Annang L, Clayton DL (2007). Prevalence of impaired driving behaviors in a rural middle school. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Nov; 39 (6). 1080-7. Muilenburg JL, Johnson WD (2006). Inhalant use and risky behavior correlates in a sample of rural middle school students. Substance Abuse. 27 (4). 21-25.Muilenburg JL, Johnson WD, Kohler CL (2006). Self-identification of smoking status in a middle school population: Assessing smoking behaviors through students’ personal perceptions. Journal of Cancer Education. 21(4). 258-62. Cheney LC, Kohler CL, Muilenburg JL (2006). “A Woman in Transition: ”Can drama deliver a cancer awareness message? Journal of Cancer Education. 21(3). 129-32.Muilenburg JL, Johnson WD, Annang L, Strasser SM (2006). Racial disparities in tobacco use and social exposure in a rural middle school. Journal of School Health.?76?(5); 195-200. Annang L, Strasser SM, Muilenburg JL (2005). Visual communication: A preparatory guide for using posters as a medium for scientific dialogue. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. 3(1); 66-69.Strasser SM, Annang L, Muilenburg JL, Etienne MO (2005). Strategic insight on gaining admittance to graduate study. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. 3(1); 56-59.* Student AuthorInvited Speaker at a Scientific National Conference 2012American Psychological Association, Smoking cessation programs in substance abuse treatment facilities: A closer look, Strengthening APA's Role and Collaborations in Reducing Tobacco Use in Health Disparity Populations, Washington D.C.Presentations at Scientific National Conferences Lima AC*, Hilyard K, Davis TL, deMarrais K, Jeffries WL, Muilenburg JL. (2017). A qualitative exploration of protective behaviors among young African American women with non-monogamous sex partners. American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA. Truszczynski N*, Newbold J, Hill MI, Coffman R*, Muilenburg JL. (2017). We’re here, we’re queer, help us too: LB women’s experiences of interpersonal violence, mental health, and social support. American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA. Evans D* Hou SI, Davis M, Kim SH, Kleiber D, Muilenburg JM (2017). Assessing Chronic Illness's Relationship to Breast Cancer Mammography for Older African American Women: Instrument Development & Validation. American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA.Muilenburg JL, Lauckner C. (March 2016). Parental Approval of Alcohol Consumption in Teens: A Cause for Alarm? Society of Behavioral Medicine. Washington DC.Laukner C, Desrosiers A, Muilenburg JL, Killnin A, Genter E, Kershaw T. (March 2016). Alcohol, Drugs, and Instagram: Participant and Social Network Influences on Substance Use. Washington DC.Moore ND*, Lima A*, Hill MI*, Muilenburg JL. (Nov 2015). How young women make decisions about condom use. American Public Health Association, 143rd meeting, Chicago, IL.Muilenburg JL, Eby LT. I'm not a smoker, but can I have a light? Self-identification of Smoking Status in adult smokers. American Public Health Association, 143rd meeting, Chicago, IL.Downey R*, Proctor C*, Muilenburg JL. (Nov 2015) Effects of school connectedness: Changing substance use behaviors in rural Black communities. American Public Health Association, 143rd meeting, Chicago, IL.Hill MI*, Muilenburg JL, Herbert N*. (Nov 2015). Money talks: Worksites as potential transformative environments for adolescent health. American Public Health Association, 143rd meeting, Chicago, IL.Coffman R*, Proctor C, Muilenburg JL. (Nov 2015). Teens and Tobacco: Exploring the relationship between smoking refusal efficacy, perception of peer's attitudes towards smoking, and smoking status among rural adolescents. American Public Health Association, 143rd meeting, Chicago, IL.Laschober TC, Eby LT, & Muilenburg JL. (2015, October). Relationship between perceptions of workplace leadership and counselors’ implementation of tobacco cessation services. Paper presented at the Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) Conference, Marina del Ray, CA.Abraham AJ, Eby LT, Johnson JA, Laschober TC, Muilenburg JL. (Oct 2015). The influence of market factors on the adoption of tobacco cessation services in hospital-based treatment programs. Paper presented at the Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) Conference, Marina del Ray, CA.Muilenburg JL, Moore N*, Eby L. (Nov 2014). I can't smoke here? An investigation of smoke free polices and practices in substance abuse treatment facilities. American Public Health Association, 142st meeting, New Orleans, LA. Proctor C*, Muilenburg JL. An Overview of Substance Use and Protective Factors in Rural Adolescents. American Public Health Association, 142st meeting, New Orleans, LA. Proctor C*, Muilenburg JL. (Nov. 2014). Direct effects and interactions of individual characteristics, peers, parents, schools, and community influences on rural adolescent substance use and school connectedness. American Public Health Association, 142st meeting, New Orleans, LA. Barnett J*, Muilenburg JL, Johnson C, Hou S. (Nov 2014). Successful smoking cessation: Does quitting for good mean sacrificing LGBTQ identity? American Public Health Association, 142st meeting, New Orleans, LA. Moore N*, Lima A*, Muilenburg JL. (Nov 2014). Influence of the “sex talk” on sexual perceptions. American Public Health Association, 142st meeting, New Orleans, LA. Lima A*, Moore N*, Muilenburg JL. (Nov 2014). “Oh, baby like it raw”: Hip-hop culture, contemporary representations of African American women, and HIV. American Public Health Association, 142st meeting, New Orleans, LA. Hill MI*, Herbert N*, Downey R, Muilenburg JL. (Nov 2014). Between the blurred lines of sex education: Formal versus informal sex information & the sexuality of emerging adults.“ American Public Health Association, 142st meeting, New Orleans, LA. Laschober TC, Eby LT, & Muilenburg JL (2014, October). Counselors’ decisions (not) to implement tobacco cessation 5A’s, counseling, or pharmacotherapy with patients who smoke. Paper presented at the Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) Conference, Boston, MA.?Eby LT, Muilenburg JL, & Laschober TC. (2014, October). Counselor, organizational, and policy-related predictors of longitudinal changes in tobacco cessation services adoption and implementation. Paper presented at the Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) Conference, Boston, MA.Namageyo-Funa A*, Muilenburg JL, and Wilson M. (March 2014). Integrating religion and spirituality in disease management: the experiences of black men with diabetes. Seventh Health Disparities Conference. New Orleans, LA.Muilenburg JL, Eby LT. (March 2014). Adolescents vs. adults: Differences in access to smoking cessation services in substance abuse treatment centers. American Academy of Health Behavior, Charleston SC.Lima A*, Serieux E*, Walters D*, Muilenburg JL. (2014, March). Them, not me: College students’ sexual risk perceptions along a social continuum. American Academy of Health Behavior. Charleston, SC.Lima A*, Serieux E*, Walters D*, Muilenburg JL. (2014, March). Characteristics of college students who are not currently having sex: Implications for programming opportunities. American Academy of Health Behavior. Charleston, SC.Iverson M*, Moore N*, Lima A*, Muilenburg JL. (NOV 2013). Wrap it up or wait?: Gender differences in attitudes regarding sex initiation and condom use. American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA. Walters D*, Lima A*, Wilson E*, Hein K, Muilenburg JL. (NOV 2013). What is consent?: Considering the implications of persuasion and coercion. American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA. Proctor C*, Barnett JA*, Muilenburg JL, Conway KM, Eby LT. (NOV 2013). Examining counselor training and knowledge of evidence based treatments for smoking cessation.?American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA. Proctor C*, Muilenburg JL, Barnett JA*, Conway KM, Eby LT. (NOV 2013). An examination of smoking quit methods used by program administrators at substance abuse treatment centers. American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA.Barnett JA*, Proctor C*, Conway KM, Muilenburg JL, Eby LT. (NOV 2013). Knowing those who help others: Characteristics of substance abuse counselors across the United States. American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA. Barnett JA*, Proctor C*, Conway KM, Muilenburg JL, Eby LT. (NOV 2013). Smoking cessation's impact on sobriety: Directors' beliefs link to treatments offered in substance abuse centers. American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA. Conway KM, Muilenburg JL, Proctor C*, Barnett JA*, Eby LT. (NOV 2013). How much accessibility do patients in substance abuse treatment centers really have of pharmacological and behavioral treatments for smoking cessation? American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA. Muilenburg JL, Eby LT. (NOV 2013). Attitudes towards smoking cessation programs offered to adolescents receiving treatment for alcohol and other substances. American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA. 2013.Proctor C*, Muilenburg JL, Barnett JA*, Conway KM, Eby LT. (NOV 2013). Beliefs about tobacco policies at substance abuse center: Does smoking status influence acceptance? American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA. Proctor C*, Barnett J*, Muilenburg JL, Conway KM, & Eby L. (2013, November). Examining counselor training and knowledge of evidence-based treatments for smoking cessation.?Poster presented at the American Public Health Association Conference (APHA), Boston, MA.Moore N*, Powell R*, Barnett JA*, Proctor C*, Hein K, Muilenburg JL. (NOV 2013). Let’s talk about sex: The impact of relationship type on sexual communication. American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA. Powell R*, Moore N*, Proctor C*, Hein K, Muilenburg JL. (NOV 2013). Oral and anal sexual behaviors among religious and non-religious college students in the “bible belt.” American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA. Barnett JA*, Proctor C*, Moore N*, Powell R*, Charlery SA*, Muilenburg JL. (NOV 2013). Anal sex VS vaginal sex only: A pilot study comparison of college students' behaviors American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA. Proctor C*, Moore N*, Powell R*, Barnett JA*, Muilenburg JL. (NOV 2013). An examination of oral and anal sex and protective barrier use in college students. American Public Health Association, 141st meeting, Boston, MA. Eby LT, Laschober TC, & Muilenburg JL. (2013, October). The adoption extensiveness of tobacco cessation treatments: does climate for innovation and twelve-step treatment orientation matter? In I. Krull (Chair), Dissemination, implementation and systems transformation. Symposium conducted at the Addiction Health Services Research Conference, Portland, OR.Muilenburg JL, Laschober TC, & Eby LT. (2013, October). Climate for innovations indices as predictors of tobacco cessation pharmacotherapy adoption extensiveness. In J. L. Muilenburg (Chair), Adoption and utilization of medication assisted treatments. Symposium conducted at the Addiction Health Services Research Conference, Portland, OR.Namageyo-Funa A*, Muilenburg J, and Wilson M. (OCT 2013). Overcoming diabetes: The experiences of Black men in Atlanta, Georgia. Poster presentation at the American Diabetes Association – 6th Diabetes Disparities Partnership Forum, Arlington, Virginia. Namageyo-Funa A*, Muilenburg J, and Wilson M. (March 2013). Coping with type 2 diabetes: the experiences of Black men living in Atlanta, Georgia. Oral presentation at the Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy 6th Health Disparities Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.Eby LT, Laschober TC, & Muilenburg JL. (April 2013). Rumination propensity and work-nonwork conflict: Can recovery experiences help? Symposium paper presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Houston, TX.Nurmala I*, Moore ND*, Powell R*, Barnett JA*, Proctor C*, Magruder S, Muilenburg JL (Oct 2012). What are we teaching, what are they doing? American Public Health Association, 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Muilenburg JL, Eby LT, Conway KM, Barnett JA*, Proctor C*, Coffman RM* (Oct 2012). Counselor attitudes towards evidence-based treatments in drug and alcohol treatment centers. American Public Health Association, 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Conway KM, Muilenburg JL, Barnett JA*, Proctor C*, Coffman RM*, Eby LT, (Oct 2012). How do substance abuse counselors treat smoking addiction in drug or alcohol addicted patients. American Public Health Association, 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Barnett JA*, Proctor C*, Muilenburg JL, Conway KM, Coffman RM*, Eby LT, (Oct 2012). Substance abuse counselors and tobacco knowledge: The more they smoke the less they know? American Public Health Association, 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Proctor C*, Barnett JA*, Muilenburg JL, Conway KM, Coffman RM*, Eby LT, (Oct 2012). Perpetuating a problem: Smoking behaviors of counselors in recovery. American Public Health Association, 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Moore ND*, Powell R*, Barnett JA*, Proctor C*, Muilenburg JL (Oct 2012). Defining sexual relationships in college students: Impact on attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs. American Public Health Association, 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Powell R*, Moore ND*, Proctor C*, Barnett JA*, Muilenburg JL (Oct 2012). “OMG! Did you get that sext?!?”: Sexting behaviors and influence in an undergraduate student population. American Public Health Association, 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Proctor C*, Barnett JA*, Moore ND*, Powell R*, Muilenburg JL (Oct 2012). It Won't Happen to Me: College Students' Perceived Susceptibility of Contracting STIs. American Public Health Association, 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Moore ND*, Powell R*, Proctor C*, Barnett JA, Muilenburg JL (Oct 2012). Initiation of sexual practices in college students and the modes of protection. American Public Health Association, 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Muilenburg JL, Eby, LT (OCT 2012). “Counselor attitudes towards smoking cessation programs and the correlates of assisting patients with quitting smoking in drug and alcohol treatment centers.” The Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) Conference. New York, NY.Muilenburg JL, Eby LT (March 2012). Smoking cessation programs in substance abuse treatment facilities: What are we doing? Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 18th Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.Muilenburg JL, Eby LT, Conway KM (Oct 2011). Substance abuse counselor beliefs and barriers about smoking cessation programs within drug abuse treatment facilities. American Public Health Association, 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.Motley M*, Muilenburg JL, Eby LT (Oct 2011). Determining the role of organizational policy in smoking cessation services and attitudes about smoking culture among staff at addiction treatment centers. American Public Health Association, 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.Vashisht S*, Coffman R*, Motley M*, Barnett J*, Proctor C*, Conway KM, Eby LT, Muilenburg JL (Oct 2011). Impact of smoking programs in substance abuse treatment facilities: Do we practice what we preach? American Public Health Association, 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.Coffman R*, Motley M*, Vashisht S*, Barnett J*, Proctor C*, Conway KM, Eby LT, Muilenburg JL (Oct 2011). Perceived social norms of smoking culture in substance abuse treatment facilities. American Public Health Association, 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.Conway KM, Barnett J*, Proctor C*, Coffman R*, Motley M*, Vashisht S*, Eby LT, Muilenburg JL (Oct 2011). Smoking cessation within substance abuse treatment centers: Does a staff dedicated to smoking cessation really make a difference? American Public Health Association, 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.Proctor C*, Barnett J*, Muilenburg JL, Conway KM, Motley M*, Coffman R*, Vashisht S*, Eby LT (Oct 2011). An Examination of Smoking Cessation Programs in Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities. American Public Health Association, 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.Barnett J*, Proctor C*, Muilenburg JL, Conway KM, Eby LT, Motley M*, Coffman R*, Vashisht S* (Oct 2011). Influences of Financial Resources on System-Level Support of Smoking Cessation in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. American Public Health Association, 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.Barnett JA*, Muilenburg JL, Johnson CW, Miracle J (Oct 2011). An Analysis of Safety, Acceptance, and Professional Development of LGBTQ Faculty at a Large Southeastern University. American Public Health Association, 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.Barnett JA*, Muilenburg JL, Johnson CW, Miracle J (Oct 2011). A Comparative Analysis of Trends in Campus Climate for LGBTQ Students at a Large Southeastern University, 2001-2010. American Public Health Association, 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC. Strasser SM, Annang L, Muilenburg JL, Steward J, Noini Y, Hooker M, Gallashaw C. (Nov 2010). Building a New Vision for South Atlanta: Starting with Resident Concerns. American Public Health Association, 138th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.Strasser SM, Annang L, Muilenburg JL, Swahn MH. (Nov 2010). Responsible Alcohol Sales Training Sessions in Georgia. American Public Health Association, 138th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.Muilenburg JL, Eby LT. (Oct 2010). Smoking Behaviors of Counselors Working in Smoke Free Addiction Clinics. 2010 International Cancer Education Conference, San Diego, CA.Proctor CP*, Barnett JA*, Muilenburg JL. (October 2010). Did you get carded? Investigating race, gender, and access to cigarettes in an adolescent population. 2010 International Cancer Education Conference, San Diego, CA.Barnett JA*, Proctor CP*, Muilenburg JL. (Oct 2010). Race and Gender Differences in Smoking Behaviors and Exposures; Its Not Just Black and White. 2010 International Cancer Education Conference, San Diego, CA.Neslund S*, Muilenburg JL (June 2010). Race and gender difference in substance use and abuse: Implications for cultural and gender awareness in intervention programming. The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Annual Conference, Portland, OR. Muilenburg JL, Annang L, Gibbons AG* (Nov 2009). Parental approval of alcohol use in an adolescent population: Prevalence and correlates of risky behaviors. American Public Health Association, 137th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.Muilenburg JL, Dejoy DM (Nov 2009). Adolescent workers and risky behaviors: Implications for health promotion. American Public Health Association, 137th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.Prather AS*, Amyx MM*, Dean AJ*, Sparano JL*, Burdell AC*, Vogt MP*, Stein AW*, Muilenburg JL (Nov 2009). Correlates of Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes of College Students Engaging in One Night Stands. American Public Health Association, 137th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.Amyx MM*, Dean AJ*, Sparano JL*, Burdell AC*, Vogt MP*, Stein AW*, Prather AS*, Muilenburg JL (Nov 2009). Definitions of sexual intercourse among college-aged students: Implications for beliefs and practices. American Public Health Association, 137th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.Sparano JL*, Burdell AC*, Vogt MP*, Stein AW*, Prather AS*, Amyx MM*, Dean AJ*, Muilenburg JL (Nov 2009). Correlates of condom use at last intercourse among college students. American Public Health Association, 137th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.Muilenburg JL, Legge JS (Oct 2009). African American Adolescents and Menthol Cigarettes: Smoking Behavior among Secondary School Students. The Second Conference on Menthol Cigarettes hosted by the American Legacy Foundation, Washington DC. Muilenburg JL, Annang L, Burdell A*, Rimando M*, Parmer J*, Evans D*, Johnson WD, Usdan S (Oct 2008). Do you want to quit smoking cigarettes? Correlates of intent to quit smoking in an adolescent population. American Public Health Association, 136th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.Muilenburg JL, Annang L, Usdan S (Oct 2008). African American adolescent smoking behaviors: Social norms as correlates of smoking status. American Public Health Association, 136th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.Parmer J*, Rimando M*, Wilkerson D*, Annang L, Usdan S, Johnson WD, Burdell A, Muilenburg JL (Oct 2008). Parental conversations in an African-American community: Effect on attitudes toward tobacco use. American Public Health Association, 136th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.Annang L, Johnson SD, Washington MP, Muilenburg JL, Gary LC (Oct 2008). Examining the context of sexual risk among African American female college students: Addressing the border between knowledge and behavior. American Public Health Association, 136th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.Muilenburg JL, West SJ*, Clayton DL*, Bland LV*, Johnson WD, Annang L (Nov 2007). Smoking behaviors and attitudes in adolescents: Role of gender on racial differences. American Public Health Association, 135th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.Muilenburg JL, West SJ*, Clayton DL*, Bland LV*, Johnson WD, Annang L (Nov 2007). Smoking identity in African American adolescents: How do current smokers view their behavior? American Public Health Association, 135th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.Clayton DL*, Bland LV*, West SJ*, Muilenburg JL, Johnson WD, Annang L (Nov 2007). “Smoking is dangerous to my health:” The impact of the perception of health messages on smoking behavior in a southern city. American Public Health Association, 135th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.Bland LV*, Clayton DL*, West SJ*, Muilenburg JL, Johnson WD, Annang L (Nov 2007). Mealtime conversations: Does one family meal a week make a difference in the prevention of and attitudes concerning smoking behaviors? American Public Health Association, 135th Annual Meeting, Washington DC. Annang L, Muilenburg JL, Srasser SM (Nov 2007). Three-dimensional online virtual worlds: An opportunity to expand the horizons of health promotion. American Public Health Association, 135th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.Muilenburg JL, Legge JS (March 2007). Investigating Adolescents’ Sources of Information Concerning Tobacco and the Resulting Impact on Attitudes Towards Public Policy. Presented at the American Association of Health Behavior in Savannah, GA.Muilenburg JL, Clayton DL*, West S*, Davis M (March 2007). Correlates of smoking susceptibility in adolescents living in a southern city: Implications for interventions. Presented at the American Association of Health Behavior in Savannah, GA.King D, Henegan C, Rosenberg T, Muilenburg JL, Stewart J, Glisson J, Wilburn A, Rockhold R ( 2007). Health Food Stores and Recommendations for Hypertension Management. American Heart Association, 47th Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention in association with the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism, Orlando, FL.Muilenburg JL, and Johnson WD (Nov 2006). Home smoking environment: Influence on behaviors and attitudes in an urban adolescent population. Presented at the American Public Health Association, 134th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.Muilenburg JL, Johnson WD, Usdan SL, and Annang L (Nov 2006). Correlates of impaired driving behaviors in a rural middle school. Presented at the American Public Health Association, 134th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.Annang L, Madani M, Rhodes S, Strasser SM, Muilenburg JL, and Grimley DM (Nov 2006). Women's reproductive health practices as a public health priority. Presented at the American Public Health Association, 134th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.Annang L, Rhodes S, Madani M, Muilenburg JL, Strasser SM, and Grimley DM (Nov 2006). Expressed acceptability of microbicide use among family planning clinic patients in the southern US. Presented at the American Public Health Association, 134th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.Muilenburg JL, Kohler CL, Grimley DM, Davies SL, Windle M, and Snyder SW (Dec 2005). Does identifying oneself as a regular smoker influence an adolescent's reasons for entering a smoking cessation program? Presented at The American Public Health Association, 133rd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Muilenburg JL, Annang L, Howell A, Usdan SL, and Johnson WD (Dec 2005). Prevalence of risky behaviors relating to unintentional injuries in a middle school population in the rural south. Presented at the American Public Health Association, 133rd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.Muilenburg JL, Howell A, Annang L, Usdan SL, and Johnson WD (Dec 2005). Racial differences in prevalence of tobacco use and social exposure to tobacco use among middle school students in the rural South. Presented at the American Public Health Association, 133rd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.Muilenburg JL, Howell A, Annang L, Strasser SM (Sept 2005). Rural middle school smokers and their self-identification of smoking status. Presented at the American Association for Cancer Educators, Cincinnati, OH. Kawamura Y, Kohler CL, Muilenburg JL, Shackleford LE, Coley H, Michael M (Nov 2004). Development of "BODYLOVE:" An example of Entertainment-Education (E-E) to reduce health disparities among African Americans. Presented at the American Public Health Association, 132nd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Annang L, Grimley DM, Muilenburg JL (Nov 2003). Predictors of douching behavior among African American women attending an urban STD clinic. Presented at the American Public Health Association, 132nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Jenkins CL, Muilenburg JL, Dignan M, and Coombs D (Nov 2003). Housing, neighborhood, and health status in an urban African-American population. Presented at the American Public Health Association, 132nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Muilenburg JL, Jenkins CL, Dignan M, and Coombs D (Nov 2003). Level of neighborhood deterioration as an indicator of participation in cancer screening. Presented at the American Public Health Association, 132nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Muilenburg JL, Coombs D, Jenkins CL, Dignan M (Oct 2003). Self-reported cancer screening behavior of African-American women in a southeast urban setting. Presented at the American Association of Cancer Education, 37th Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AR.Muilenburg JL, Kohler CL, and Annang L (Feb 2003). What factors increase motivation to quit smoking among adolescents? Presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 9th Annual Meeting, New Orleans. LA.Cheney L, Kohler CL, Legge JM (April 2002). Can a one-woman play effectively deliver a cancer screening message? Presented at the Association of Teachers of Preventative Medicine, 59th Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA.Etienne MO, Strasser SM, Annang L, and Legge JM (Nov 2001). Assessment of Alabama’s WIC clients and early childhood caries: An ecological perspective. Presented at the American Public Health Association, 130th Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.* Student AuthorCourses taught 2018- present HPRB 8500, Research Writing in Public Health2014 - presentFreshman Odyssey, Exploring Sexual Health Expectations in Society2015 – 2018Research Methods in Health Behavior, (HPRB 8010, HPRB 8020)2014 – 2015Research Seminar in Health Promotion (HPRB 8990), required for all PhD students2007 – 2011Social and Behavioral Foundations in Public Health (HPRB 7050), required for all MPH students.2006 – presentHuman Sexuality in Public Health, (HPRB 7069, HPRB 7060)2006 – presentEducational Strategies in Human Sexuality, (HPRB 5060)2004 – 2005Preventive Medicine and Public Health (PM 623)2004Introduction to Epidemiology, (PM 767)2003Human Sexuality (HE 423/523)2003 Health Communications: Theory and Practice (HB 630), Graduate Teaching Assistant2003Personal Health, (HE 141), Graduate Teaching AssistantStudy Aboard2017 – present Program Director, Japan Study Abroad Program at UGA Doctoral Committees Chaired Robert Coffman2019Smoking and HIVMarcie McClellan Dumolga2019SIDS in the African American CommunityDanielle Lambert 2019Juvenile justice system and SITsLindsay White2019Behavioral Cues and Physical Activity Habit Formation in College WomenEva Ninette Cleveland2018Investigating preparedness level, threat perception and preferred disaster communication strategies of older adults in rural GeorgiaAnne Marie Schipani2018Be a Watch Dawg: Using a Sexual Violence Campaign to Increase Prosocial Bystander Behavior Courtney Parker2017Modern versus traditional and complementary health service providers for Latino immigrants in Georgia: a comparative survey on botánicasNatasha Underwood2017Attitudes about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine among parents of rural adolescentsElizabeth Serieux2017Raising health one day at a time: using text messaging to improve dietary risk behavior for obesity in Saint LuciaDeanna Walters2016Exploring connections between college male sexual violence risk factors, attitudes and behaviors with responses to sexual violence vignettesMargo Kamel2016A qualitative examination of colorectal cancer screening utilization in an urban populationNancy Daley Moore2015"We can do it": the design, implementation, and evaluation of sexual empowerment program for college womenAshley Lima2015Partner Concurrency Acceptance Among African American Women: Model Scale and Message Development.Ira Nurmala2014The relationship of the dimensions of the learning culture and participation in professional development of public health professionals.Christina Dawn Proctor 2014Direct effects and interactions of individual characteristics, peers, parents, schools, and community influences on rural adolescent substance use and school connectedness.Jessie Anne Barnett 2013A sequential exploratory examination of successful smoking cessation among LGBTQ individuals.Apophia Millie Namageyo Funa 2012Management of type 2 diabetes: the experiences of black men living in Georgia.Teaniese Latham Davis 2012A mixed methods examination of sexual partnerships among African American women.Marylen Cataquiz Rimando2010Patient experiences with hypertension in the Georgia Stroke Heart Attack Prevention Program.Doctoral Committee Member Kevin Dumolga 2019E Health in GhanaMiranda Iverson Hill2019PREP use in Transgender womenJona Ogden2017An exposure assessment of electronic cigarettes: users? nicotine dependence and nonusers? secondhand exposures?Donoria Evans2016The relationship between co-morbid conditions, contextual factors, and breast cancer screening mammography amongst older African-American womenIsrael Terungwa Agaku2016Prevalence, determinants, and impact of menthol cigarette smoking among US adolescentsAfekwo Mary Ukuku, 2015Family togetherness: examining the impact of parental processes, religiosity, and spirituality as protective factors against risky sexual behaviors among African American adolescentsLorna McLeod English2014Addressing the tobacco epidemic in low and middle income countries: best practices that reduce the impact of tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorshipKristin Marie Holland2014"iConsent": evaluation of a universal dating and sexual violence prevention program for college studentsDiadrey-Anne Tiffy Sealy2012A salon-based cervical cancer education project: a mixed-methods study conducted in Trinidad and Tobago.Leslie Marie Rodriguez 2010The effect of a social marketing campaign on the sales of healthy refreshments in park and recreation facilitiesShawna Harris2009Spicing up the bedroom: understanding communication messages for initiating new sexual behaviorKathy Perry Houston2007Are there differences in bullies?: an analysis of bullying and social skillsThesis Committee Chair Erik Hofmeister, 2008, Over-the-counter stimulant, depressant, and nootropic use in veterinary medical studentsMasters Committee Member Teresa Bashaw Kaley, 2007, Evaluation of the east central Georgia teen peer educator training programMasters CommitteesJonathon Peters, M.ED., 2007 Evan Goff. M.ED., 2007Beth Preston, M.ED., 2007Jonyshia Scruggs, M.ED., 2014Service to the ProfessionGrant Study Sections2019NIH Small Business Innovation Research Panel 201905 ZRG1 RPHB-Z (10) B Business “Disease Prevention and Management, Risk Reduction and Health Behavior Change”2018Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers Special Emphasis Panel,?National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention2017National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute, Special Emphasis Panel, NCI Program Project II, P01 Meeting2016Chair, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Special Emphasis Panel (SEP), SIP 16-004, State Quitline Reimbursement for Smoking Cessation Services Provided to Current Smokers Eligible for Lung Cancer Screening2016RFA-CA-15-011, Smoking Cessation within the Context of Lung Cancer Screening (R01)2015Chair, Investigating New Approaches for Tobacco Surveillance Systems, Special Emphasis Panel, Center for Disease Control and Prevention2015Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers: Special Interest Project (SIP) Competitive Supplements, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention20132009Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers Special Emphasis Panel,?National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and PreventionHealth Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers Special Emphasis Panel,?National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and PreventionUniversity of Georgia Service2018 - 2019Administrative Committee, Graduate School2018-2019Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, Graduate School 2017Search Committee Member, Associate Dean UGA Graduate School 2017 – 2018Appeals Committee, Graduate School2016 – PresentGraduate Council Member2014 – 2015Social and Behavioral Science Faculty Research Grant Review Panel2014 – 2015Chair, Administrative Committee, Graduate Council2014 – 2015Program Committee, Graduate Council2013 – 2014Chair, Admissions and Retention Committee, Graduate Council2012 – 2015Graduate Council2012 – 2014Admission and Retention Committee, Graduate Council2011 – 2014President’s Faculty Advisory Committee2012 – 2014Profile Action Team2010 – 2013Executive Committee, The University of Georgia Center for Health and Risk Communications (CHRC)2007, 2009Harry S. Truman Scholarship Selection Committee2008 – 2014William Moore Crane Leadership Scholarship Program Selection Committee2007 – 2009Teaching Academy’s Academic Affairs Faculty Symposium2007 – 2009Research Administration and Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee2009Child and Family Policy Initiative Symposium Meeting Conference Planning Committee2006African American Families Conference planning committee memberCollege of Public Health Service201820182017Search Committee, Dean of the College of Public HealthSearch Committee, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Public HealthChair, Search Committee, MSW/MPH Clinical Faculty Position2017MPH Core Curriculum Committee2014 – 2015College of Public Health Tenure and Promotion Guidelines Subcommittee, Health Promotion and Behavior Representative2013 – PresentMPH/MSW Committee2012College of Public Health Dean’s Review Committee2012 – PresentCollege of Public Health Research Committee2012Associate Dean for Research Search Committee Member2011 – 2017Chair, Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee 2010 – 2017Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee2006 – 2010Faculty Advisor, College of Public Health Graduate Student Association 2006 – 2009Accreditation Work GroupDepartment of Health Promotion and Behavior Service2017Chair, Search Committee, Assistant Professor2012Member, Environmental Health Assistant Professor Search Committee2012Chair, Health Promotion and Behavior Assistant Professor Search Committee2012Member, Department Head Search Committee2011Chair, Health Communications Assistant Professor Search Committee2010Member, Instructor Search Committee2006 – 2014Member of the Undergraduate Committee2006 – PresentMember of the Graduate Committee ................

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