Frequently asked questions about the Coronavirus (COVID-19 ...

Frequently asked questions about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) impact on funding arrangementsThe following questions and answers have been developed by the Department of Social Services (the department) to assist funded service providers (and prospective organisations) in service delivery arrangements in light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). There will be evolving information and guidance provided by government and we encourage you seek up to date information.Please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager in the first instance to discuss your individual circumstances and to find a flexible solution. You can contact them using the emails below:State / TerritoryEmail address Queenslandqldperformance@.auNew South Australian Capital Victoria vicperformanceDSS@.auTasmaniatasperformance@.auSouth AustraliaSAPerformance@.auWestern AustraliaWAPerformanceDSS@.auNorthern Territory ntperformance@.auIf you are unable to contact your Funding Arrangement Manager, please contact the Community Grants Hotline via telephone 1800 020 283 (option 6), or TTY 1800?555?677.Questions and Answers TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u General questions PAGEREF _Toc52356192 \h 2Funding arrangements already in place PAGEREF _Toc52356193 \h 3Staff and client health and safety PAGEREF _Toc52356194 \h 6Grant applications in progress PAGEREF _Toc52356195 \h 7Available resources PAGEREF _Toc52356196 \h 8General questionsWhat is the government’s response to coronavirus?The latest coronavirus updates, information, advice and resources are available on the government’s coronavirus website at .au/. The website includes how to download the official government Coronavirus Australia app to stay informed of news and updates.This website includes key updates and information on health and prevention, information for travellers, receiving financial support, information for education providers, information for businesses and employees, supporting the community, and links to state and territory government information.The Department of Health website .au is updated regularly with public health information, prevention strategies and resources. Service providers should refer to the website on a regular basis for up to date advice. The Department of Health also has a National Coronavirus Helpline (phone 1800 020 080), which is available 24?hours a day, seven days a?week. Local advice can also be sought through your state/territory government departments of rmation on the COVIDSafe app and how to download it is available on the Department of Health website at . This app aims to slow the spread of coronavirus by containing outbreaks quickly.For information on the Australian Government’s economic response to coronavirus, including support for individuals, households and businesses and supporting the flow of credit, visit the?Treasury website: . The Australian Taxation Office (.au) also has support measures for businesses and not for profit organisations experiencing financial difficulty as?a?result of rmation on coronavirus is available in multiple languages on the Department of Home Affairs website at is the Department of Social Services’ response to coronavirus?The department continues to operate as normal and functions such as administering grants continue. This includes continuing to accept and assess grant applications, offering grant agreements and administering the grants already in place.The department also supports flexibility in the use of grants where funding has been provided to cover a workshop, event, travel or similar, which can no longer proceed due to current health advice. In this situation, funding may be used to cover non-refundable costs or the grant agreement may be extended to allow the event to be rescheduled and used as originally intended. Please speak with your Funding Arrangement Manager if this situation applies to you or your organisation.In the event that your organisation cannot operate either due to staffing impacts from coronavirus, or your clients or customers have been impacted, the department will work with you to consider other viable options. It is important that services are in place throughout this period, where possible, but also standing ready to operate when this period of?uncertainty is over.To discuss your circumstances please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager to work with you to find a flexible solution.Funding arrangements already in placeHow can I find out what restrictions are in place for my service?You can check restrictions in all states and territories using the COVID-19 Restriction Checker available on the government’s coronavirus website at .au/.What should I do if I cannot meet the deliverables and/or milestones in my funding agreement?Service providers should take note of key impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on?service provision, including details such as changes in client numbers, and/or particular cohorts, and the services and support offered.These matters should be reported to the department, through your Funding Arrangement Manager, in accordance with the requirements set out in Funding Agreement grant conditions, at the appropriate time.The department is committed to being as flexible as possible to ensure that organisations can continue to operate.The department supports flexibility in the use of grants where funding has been provided to cover a workshop, event, travel or similar, which can no longer proceed due to current health advice. In this situation, funding may be used to cover non-refundable costs or the grant agreement may be extended to allow the event to be rescheduled and used as originally intended. Please speak with your Funding Arrangement Manager if this situation applies to you.Please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager to discuss your individual concerns and talk through the available options.If coronavirus causes a spike in clients wishing to access my service, how do I manage with funding?Please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager to discuss your individual concerns and talk through the available options.Some programs have been provided with additional funding to meet demand.Can my non-service delivery deliverables and reporting obligations be postponed?Please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager to discuss your individual concerns and talk through the available options.Will there be extensions to Data Exchange reporting obligations?The next Data Exchange milestone remains at 30 January 2021.What should service providers do if their service delivery sites and or partner sites are closed?The department is aware that site availability is based on a range of key factors such as client demand, location, suitability and operational hours. In some instances a service provider will no?longer be able to operate an activity/activities because a site is closed by a third party.Alternative service delivery options should be considered where practicable. This may include service providers relocating the activity to other appropriate premises (pending any new restrictions in your state or territory, having appropriate insurances, and considering staff and client safety). Please notify your Funding Arrangement Manager of the revised operating location.Advice from the Department of Health (.au) and your state or territory government on current restrictions (links are available are at .au/) should be taken into account.If you have any concerns about your organisation’s capacity to deliver activities in your grant agreement, please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager as soon as practicable so they can work with you to find a flexible solution.How do I know what department-funded services have changed their operating hours?The DSS Grants Service Directory, at , is being updated regularly on known closures to department-funded services. This may assist you when referring clients to other relevant services in your local area.Some of our clients are unable to access online services. Can they still access face-to-face services?Face-to-face service can be provided, as long as they meet the health and safety requirements for staff and clients.You may wish to consider what other services might be available in your area that could help clients in the short term.The department understands there will be circumstances that are unique to your organisation that you will need to take into account. Talk to your Funding Arrangement Manager to discuss available options.My organisation offers programs within Aged Care facilities. Should we cease these services? What would be the impact on our organisation for not meeting the grant agreement?Please refer to the Department of Health website .au for current advice on?accessing aged care services during coronavirus.Should your service temporarily cease, or be delivered in another location, please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager to talk through the available options.My service is temporarily unable to operate. Can we divert grant funding to other funded DSS programs still operational?No. Departmental grant funding is provided to deliver a specific activity to address government policy.Please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager to discuss your individual circumstances and talk through the available options.Should staff continue to be paid if my service is not being delivered?It is important that services are in place throughout this period, where possible, but also standing ready to operate when this period of uncertainty is over.Where staffing costs are an eligible cost under your grant agreement, you may continue to pay staff if the service is temporarily not being delivered due to the coronavirus pandemic.Service providers should take note of key impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on?service provision, including details such as changes in client numbers, and/or particular cohorts, and the services and support offered.These matters should be reported to the department, through your Funding Arrangement Manager, in accordance with the requirements set out in Funding Agreement grant conditions, at the appropriate time.What should I consider in a coronavirus business continuity plan?You may wish to consider in your business continuity plan how your organisation will manage throughout the pandemic, including:Interim staffing arrangements and workforce issues, including options for flexible work arrangements for staff and communication mechanisms.Alternate options to deliver services such as over the phone or online technology (or?providing referrals to other phone and web-based supports) and how access to?these services will work for clients with low English and/or technical skills.How your clients would communicate to you if they need to self-isolate.Ensuring the safety of your staff and clients, including staff knowing the symptoms of?coronavirus, appropriate actions should staff or clients appear unwell, and what resources and support services are available for those concerned about the impact of coronavirus.Whether you are able to operate from your existing premises or need to consider alternate location/s.Do I need to provide the department with a copy of our organisation’s preparedness plan or business continuity plan?Generally you do not need to provide the department with a copy of your organisation’s preparedness plan or business continuity plan, however some Client Agencies that use the Community Grants Hub for the administration of their grants may specifically request this information from you. We encourage you to ensure your staff are familiar with the plan.Who do service providers contact if there are concerns regarding service delivery and or implementation of business continuity plans?If you have any concerns about your organisation’s capacity to deliver activities in your grant agreement, please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager to work with you to find a?flexible solution.We provide a service in remote and or regional Australia. The Lands Council has advised that certain communities are now closed until the threat of coronavirus has passed. Who do I communicate the impacts to service delivery? What would be the impact on our organisation for not meeting the grant agreement?Please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager to talk through the available options.The National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) provides up to date information on remote travel restrictions on the website at .au.Staff and client health and safetyHow do I keep staff and clients safe?Service providers should be guided by current advice available from the Department of Health (.au) and local state or territory departments of health on a regular basis.This includes guidance regarding physical distancing and hygiene protocols.The Department of Health has developed a range of resources and training for support workers, including those in disability and aged care, available at .au. The?training includes infection control for coronavirus.Safe Work Australia (.au) also has information about work, health and safety considerations for managing staff in relation to the current pandemic.Consider options for alternate service delivery (such as via the phone or online technology) and?how access to online or telephone information will work for clients with low English and/or technical skills.Should service providers continue to hold group activities for clients?Keep up to date with and follow health advice warning from the Department of Health (.au) and local state or territory departments of health. This includes information regarding physical distancing and nonessential gatherings (.au/).The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee advises maintaining 1.5m physical distancing between individuals.You could also explore alternate options to group activities.Please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager to discuss your circumstances.What should I do if a client presents unwell?Contact your state or territory health authority to seek advice about management of any possible exposure to coronavirus, and act in accordance with advice provided.The latest advice, information and resources are available from the Department of Health (.au).You may wish to advise clients that medical practitioners and pharmacies have access to the Free Interpreting Services to assist in communicating with people who have limited or no English language proficiency.Consider options for alternate service delivery (such as via the phone or online technology) and?how access to online or telephone information will work for clients with low English and/or technical skills.Safe Work Australia (.au) has information about work, health and safety considerations for managing staff in relation to the current pandemic.Should service providers advise the department of confirmed cases of coronavirus among their staff or clients?It is not necessary to contact the department about confirmed cases of coronavirus unless you have been specifically advised by the department to do so, including through your funding agreement or by your Funding Arrangement Manager. However, please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager if you have any concerns about service delivery or your organisations capacity to deliver activities in your funding agreement due to a confirmed contact with coronavirus.Service providers should contact their state or territory health authority to seek advice about management of any possible exposure to coronavirus, and should act in?accordance with advice provided.Pending health authority advice, service providers should exercise caution to limit further possible exposure, which may include temporary closure of the office and self-isolation of staff or?participants present.Safe Work Australia (.au) has information about work, health and safety considerations for managing staff in relation to the current pandemic.My organisation provides services to clients at high risk of serious infection. Should we cease these services? What would be the impact on our organisation for not meeting the grant agreement?You should make an informed decision based on information from the Department of Health (.au) and local state or territory departments of health.Once you have made an informed decision, please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager to advise details of decision made and talk through the available options.Grant applications in progress What will happen if I cannot submit an application within the required timeframe, or I need to update my application?If you are unable to apply by the application close date, you should complete the Late Application request form available on the Community Grants Hub website .au/information/information-applicants/timing-grant-opportunity-processes.If you wish to revise information you can contact the Community Grants Hub (, telephone 1800 020 283 (option 6) or TTY 1800 555 677), to discuss your individual concerns and talk through the available options.Available resourcesWhat resources are available to assist all Australians with their mental health during this time?Beyond?Blue’s Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service is available to address the growing mental health impact of the pandemic, including fear about the virus, financial stress, family stress, anxiety and loneliness. The?support service can be accessed via telephone 1800?512?348 or through the website coronavirus information and support page on the department’s website, at .au, provides a range of information. This includes emergency assistance and support such as finding local Emergency Relief providers, financial counselling support and no interest loans, support for those experiencing domestic violence, and other personal crisis support services.What resources are available to support Australians with disability?A Disability Information helpline is available to provide information and referrals for people with disability who need help because of coronavirus. You can contact this free Helpline by phoning 1800?643?787. If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can also call the National Relay Service on 133 677. If you require support in another language, you can use the Translating and Interpreting Service by asking for an interpreter when you contact the helpline.Further information, supports and accessible resources are available on the Disability and Carers coronavirus information and support page on the department’s website at .rmation and support for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) providers and participants is also available on the NDIS website at .au. This website includes a link to a planning resource for people with disability to plan for how they will manage the impact of coronavirus.What resources are available to support older Australians during the pandemic?My Aged Care provides a range of information and specific advice for older Australians, including support with food and shopping, home support services, the impact of coronavirus on aged care services, contact with family and friends and help using the computer. Further information is available on the My Aged Care website at resources are available to support Indigenous communities and businesses during the pandemic?The National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) provides a range of safety and wellbeing information to support Indigenous communities and businesses, including travel restrictions and keeping remote Indigenous communities safe, access to free flu vaccination, financial supports for Indigenous businesses and communities. Further information is available on the NIAA website at .au.Indigenous Business Australia has also developed a range of resources to assist Indigenous businesses during the pandemic, including a video series. These can be found on the website at resources are available to support volunteers during the pandemic?Volunteering Australia continues to provide advice and guidance to volunteers and volunteer involving organisations as the situation evolves.This includes information on adapting volunteering programs, safeguarding volunteers and contractual obligations.If you are seeking volunteers for your service, state and territory peak organisations, Volunteer Management Activity organisations and GoVolunteer may be able to rmation for volunteers in relation to coronavirus and links to state and territory peak organisations and GoVolunteer are available on the Volunteering Australia website at currently funded under the Volunteer Management Activity are listed on the DSS Grants Service Directory at addition, people wishing to become a volunteer to support people impacted by coronavirus can register their details on the Emergency Support Volunteering website at do I find out more about support for not for profit and charity organisations?The Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC) provides a range of advice for charities operating during the pandemic.This includes information on complying with obligations, undertaking meetings and AGMs and financial considerations. Further information is available on the ACNC website at support is available for people seeking support paying bills or buying food?Emergency Relief supportClients seeking support can contact Emergency Relief organisations, which provide immediate financial and/or material support to people in financial crisis. The type of assistance offered by each organisation varies, however may include one-off assistance such as:food, transport or chemist voucherspart-payment of utility account/sfood parcels or clothingbudgeting assistance and/orreferrals to other services that help to address underlying causes of financial crisis.You can find an Emergency Relief organisation near you through the DSS Grants Service Directory at can view all organisations delivering Emergency Relief services by clicking on the Emergency Relief organisations, which pre-fills the search criteria.You can also access the AskIzzy online service directory at . AskIzzy connects people in?need with essential services such as shelter, food, clothing and health care. This website is free and anonymous, with over 370,000 services listed across Australia.The department recommends calling organisations before attending in person to seek support. Some organisations may be able to provide home delivery of assistance such as food hampers or vouchers, however this can vary from organisation to organisation.Priority Home Delivery Services for NDIS participantsAll NDIS participants are able to purchase grocery items online and have them delivered to their home under the Priority Home Delivery Services. Further information on the service, and participating supermarkets are available on the NDIS website at .au/coronavirus/. ................

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