Treasury Fleet Compliance for FY 2010 - U.S. Department of ...

U.S. Department of the TreasuryAlternative Fuel Vehicle Program ReportFiscal Year 2010This report summarizes the Department of the Treasury Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 fleet performance in meeting the requirements of the Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992 (Public Law 102-486), section 705 of the EPAct of 2005 (Public Law 109-58) and compliance with Executive Order (E.O.) 13423, “Strengthening Federal Environmental Energy, and Transportation Management” of January 24, 2007.Authority/MandatePerformance MeasureGoal/RequirementPerformance in FY 2010EPActAlternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) acquisitions75 percent of the 73 covered light-duty vehicles (LDV) acquired in FY 2010 must be AFVs.Acquired 53 covered AFVs, which equates to 73% performance. E.O. 13423Alternative fuel useIncrease the total fuel consumption that is non-petroleum-based by 10% annually.The Department used 58,749 gallons of alternative fuel which is 92% of the target requirement (i.e., 64,083 gallons) for FY 2010; our Ethanol (E-85) use is below target compliance compared to our 2005 base line of 39,791 Gasoline Gallon Equivalent (GGE).E.O. 13423Petroleum consumptionReduce the fleet's total consumption of petroleum products by 2% annually through the end of FY 2015.Petroleum consumption decreased by16% compared to 2009; the Department is above target compliance compared to the 2005 baseline of 483,983 GGE.E.O. 13423Acquire Plug-in HybridsUse Plug-In Hybrid (PIH) vehicles when they are commercially available at a cost reasonably comparable, on the basis of life-cycle cost, to non-PIH vehicles.Plug-In Hybrids were not available in FY 2010. However, the Department is acquiring alternative fueled (E-85) hybrid electric vehicles in FY 2011.Figure 1. Department of the Treasury Performance in Meeting EPAct and E.O. 13423 requirementsList of AcronymsAcronymPhraseAFVAlternative Fuel VehicleB100Biodiesel (100 percent, neat)B20Biodiesel (20 percent biodiesel, 80 percent petroleum diesel)CNGCompressed Natural GasDOEU.S. Department of EnergyE-85Ethanol (85 percent ethanol, 15 percent petroleum)E.O.Executive OrderEPActEnergy Policy ActFFVFlexible Fuel VehicleFRFederal RegisterFYFiscal YearGGEGasoline Gallon EquivalentGHGGreen house gasGVWRGross Vehicle Weight RatingHDHeavy-DutyINLIdaho National LaboratoryLDLight-DutyLDVLight-Duty VehicleLNGLiquefied Natural GasLPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas (Propane)LGHGLow Green House GasLSEVLow Speed Electric VehicleMDMedium-DutyMSA-CMSAMetropolitan Statistical Area/Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical AreaSUVSport Utility VehicleEPAct Compliance (Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Acquisitions)In FY 2010, the Department did not meet the EPAct requirement that 75% of the covered fleet acquisitions be Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs). As a result of its AFV acquisitions, the Department earned AFV acquisition credits amounting to 53 of its covered vehicle acquisitions and an overall EPAct compliance percentage of 73% (Appendix A). Although law enforcement vehicles may be exempt from acquiring AFV vehicles, the Department has implemented policy which requires law enforcement vehicles to be AFVs in areas where alternative fuels are available; however, unlike in previous years, the substantial number of AFVs (i.e., 143 of 288 law enforcement vehicles) acquired by our Department’s law enforcement components are no longer credited towards the 75% compliance requirement. To improve future compliance, consistent with agency budget constraints, our Department will more strategically replace gasoline vehicles with hybrid electric or plug-in vehicles in locations which lack AFV fueling infrastructure and for which AFV credit will be received. Treasury Fleet Compliance for FY 2010Figure 2 is a graphical depiction of AFV acquisitions by the Department’s covered fleet in FY 2010 and projections for FY 2011 and FY 2012. Of the 73 EPAct covered light-duty vehicles (LDVs) acquired in FY 2010, 53 (73%) were AFVs. Figure 2. Summary of Department of the Treasury’s FY 2010 AFV AcquisitionsIn FY 2010, for normal fleet replenishment, the Department acquired 288 law enforcement vehicles that were not “covered” vehicles under EPAct and E.O. 13423 -- 143 of these were alternative fuel vehicles; and four were hybrid electric vehicles. The Department of the Treasury Total AFV Inventory As depicted in Figure 3 below, flexible-fuel vehicles (FFVs) that run on E-85 (85 percent ethanol, 15 percent gasoline) were the AFV choice in FY 2010. However, the Department did acquire 19 hybrid electric vehicles and placed them in locations where the AFV fueling infrastructure is notsupportive. Figure 3. Department of the Treasury’s Total AFV Inventory (457 total AFVs)E.O. 13423 -- Total Covered Fuel Use: Increase the total fuel consumption that is non-petroleum-based by 10% annuallyThe Department did not meet this E.O. 13423 requirement to increased alternative fuel consumption (e.g., Ethanol (E-85) fuel) by 10% annually. As shown in Figure 4 below ((fuel use data for the Department fleets from FY 2005 through FY 2010), for FY 2010, total fuel use for the covered fleet was 238,123 GGE, of which 58,749 GGE (25%) was Alternative Fuel and 296,872 GGE was petroleum (i.e., Diesel and Gasoline) fuel. The 58,749 GGE total for alternative fuel used is 92% of the target requirement (i.e., 64,083 GGE) for FY 2010. Fuel Use2005 (GGE)2006 (GGE)2007 (GGE)2008 (GGE)2009 (GGE)2010 (GGE)Alternative FuelBiodiesel - B10000--00CNG0468105756182LPG00--00E-8539,79136,43781,24682,67365,72758,567Electric00--00Total Alternative Fuel Use39,79136,44181,31482,77866,48358,749PetroleumDiesel32,31431,38222,9284,1965,67510,428Gasoline451,669384,643346,003246,659277,378227,695Total Covered Petroleum Use483,983416,025368,931250,855283,053238,123Figure 4. Department of the Treasury’s Total Covered Fuel UseWhile we had a favorable increase in the number of AFVs (53 covered and 143 EPAct exempt law enforcement vehicles), based on the fuel consumption data, AFV drivers were not using alternative fuel 100% of the time. Dan Tangherlini, Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer, will soon send a letter to Treasury Bureau Heads requiring stronger compliance.E.O. 13423 -- Petroleum consumption: Reduce the fleet's total consumption of petroleum products by 2% annually through the end of FY 2015The Department of the Treasury met the E.O. 13423 requirement to reduce the fleet's total consumption of petroleum products by 2% annually. As shown in Figure 4 above, Petroleum consumption for FY 2009 was 283,053 GGE, and for FY 2010 it was 238,123 GGE which is a decrease of 44,943 (16%) compared to FY 2009. Planned Actions for Increased Compliance with EPAct and E.O. 13423 (FY 2011 - FY 2012)The Treasury Department requires its bureaus and offices to comply with these requirements to the maximum extent, including exempt vehicles. As part of the Agency Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan required by E.O. 13514, the Department is working to achieve more strategic placement of AFVs in locations where alternative fueling (E85) infrastructure is available within the 15 minute drive time or 5 mile radius specified by DOE. This will also help increase the use of alternative fuels and eliminate additional cost of having AFVs in locations where there is no alternative fuel (E85). Although Figure 2 on page 3 reflects projections of less than 75% EPAct compliance for FY 2011 (i.e., 60%) and FY 2012 (53%), these projections are based on current lack of availability of AFV fueling infrastructure in locations where vehicles are projected to be replaced. New ordering controls put into place by the Department will -- consistent with agency budget constraints – allow the Department to more strategically replace gasoline vehicles with hybrid electric or plug-in vehicles (which have higher incremental costs) in locations which lack AFV fueling infrastructure and for which AFV credit is received for EPAct compliance. Recent data on Treasury GSA vehicle orders for FY 2011 reflect more than 75% EPAct compliance. In addition to the letter the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer will send to Treasury Bureau Heads requiring greater accountability for compliance with the alternative fuel use requirement, the Department also continues to work with Federal and State government and private organizations to gain better access to their alternative fueling stations across the United States. As this occurs and new infrastructure comes on line, more alternative fuel will be available for use by the Department’s alternative fuel vehicles. However, the current lack of consistent industry coding at fueling locations also contributes to inaccurate type of “fuel use” data. Additional challenges which may affect agency progress in meeting these goals include:Acquiring hybrid electric vehicles through GSA at an affordable cost.The Treasury fleet is dependent on commercial facilities for refueling; and Ethanol (E-85) fuel is not consistently on hand at local stations to support regular refueling demand; and Gaining access to government (e.g., secure federal and state) facilities is often difficult. Petroleum ReductionOur Department continued to right-size the fleet in 2010. However, the Department’s fleet is projected to increase due to an increase in mission requirements for the Internal Revenue Service’s Tax Enforcement Program and others. The Department’s strategy will be to increase its alternative fuel (E-85, CNG) vehicle inventory where the fuel is available and to acquire more hybrid electric vehicles for locations where the electric technology can be maximized. Special Projects The Department has committed to participate in GSA’s Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicle Pilot Program, in Washington, DC, and California to encourage the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles, as authorized under Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, Section 131. IRS Agency-Wide Shared Services (AWSS) is working with GSA to install plug-in electric infrastructures in federally owned buildings for which IRS has Delegated Operations and Maintenance responsibility.Treasury is participating in the Department of Homeland Security Law Enforcement Working Group regarding the development of Law Enforcement Vehicle Definitions.Treasury is working with GSA and the Department of Commerce on a new Car Sharing Initiative.Treasury Fleet SuccessesIn FY 2010, the Department:Effectively implemented the President’s Executive Order 13513 on “Reducing Text Messaging While Driving” and associated training requirements.Submitted to the White House Council on Environmental Quality our Department’s first Agency Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan (with specific fleet related goals) which aligns crosscutting program goals and serves as a model for other Federal agencies.Doubled the number of agency Fleet Managers attending the GSA Annual FedFleet Conference and training sessions in Phoenix, AZ, in July of 2010, from the prior year. Converted from the Citibank Commercial Credit Card Program to the Wright Express (WEX) Fleet Card Program which provides more specialized servicing, increased internal controls and transparency with respect to fleet expense and fuel cost accounting. This change should also enhance the accuracy of GSA FAST System reporting and accounting for use of alternative fuels. Began to convert a total of 130 commercial leased to GSA leased vehicles (to include a combination of AFV, gasoline and hybrid electric vehicles) for increased fleet program economy and efficiency. Strengthened relationships and ordering review requirements with GSA for improved processing of non-Green House Gas (GHG) compliant orders for ASM/CFO approval and consideration under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 and alignment with GHG reduction goals. As shown in Figure 5 below, Treasury also took advantage of an opportunity provided by GSA to convert our Washington, DC, headquarters executive fleet from a mostly commercial gasoline to a GSA leased, hybrid electric vehicle fleet (one of which is used by the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury). With GSA paying the higher incremental cost, our Department also acquired 19 Ford Fusion hybrid electric vehicles on a more nation-wide basis. They not only deliver great fuel economy (e.g., 41 city/36 highway), they also have the highest current EPA GHG scores for carbon dioxide (CO2) of 10. Figure 5Treasury Capitalized on a GSA Program to help covert the Executive Motor Pool Fleet to Ford Fusion Hybrid Electric VehiclesIn addition, to further the Department’s leadership status on the Transportation Scorecard issued by the Office of Management and Budget and ensure continued improvement of the Department’s fleet management program, Treasury recently held a “Strategic Fleet Management Program Summit.”The summit was facilitated by Dan Tangherlini, Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer (ASM/CFO), and attended by more than 60 bureau fleet and program managers. Representatives from GSA and the Department of Energy provided information to advance program goal performance. As shown in the photographs below (Figures 6 through 10), the summit served to (a) increase stakeholder involvement, (b) align bureau program initiatives, (c) share best practices, and reinforce Secretary Geithner’s commitment to reduce agency GHG emissions by 33% by FY 2020. The ASM/CFO also highlighted the need for improved economy and efficiency and heightened expectations effective program leadership to achieve program goals. Figure 6 Daniel Tangherlini (ASM/CFO)andAl Runnels, Deputy Chief Financial OfficerSet Forth Fleet Management Program Improvement Goals Figure 7 Bureau Fleet and Program ManagersDiscuss Program Initiatives and Ways toImprove Agency Program PerformanceBill Webster (Assistant Commissioner for GSA Travel, Motor Vehicle and Card Services) and Lander Allin (Director, GSA Vehicle Acquisition and Remarketing Division) discussed GSA auto industry partnership initiatives and ways to improve program effectiveness and efficiency. Figure 8 Lander Allin, Discusses Industry Partnerships/GHG Initiatives and GSA Vehicle Consolidation and Electric Vehicle Plug-in Pilot Programs Holly McCann Stuart Burns Program Manager, IRS-Fuel Compliance Program Director, IRS-AWSSFigure 9 Sallie Cooper, Deputy Director Operations Policy & SupportIRS Criminal InvestigationandPhyllis Smith, Agency Fleet ManagerBureau Fleet and Program Managers discussed their Strategic Sustainability Performance Plans, best practices, and forward looking initiatives to:Reduce GHG emissions;Right-size fleets;Decrease fleet related cost savings;Increase use of AFVs and use of alternative fuels;Improve accuracy of FAST data; andEnhance performance, education and training of fleet program personnel.Amanda Sahl Amanda Sahl (Program Lead for the Federal Fleet Management Program) and Navid Ahidieh of DOE shared information and tools to improve Federal Fleet Management and agency compliance with the President’s Executive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance. Figure 10 From left to right: Al Runnels, Bill Webster, Dan Tangherlini, Lander Allin, Amanda Sahl and Navid Ahidieh Wrap up the half-day Summit SummaryOur Department remains focused on meeting and exceeding the requirements of Executive Order 13423 (Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management). As detailed in this report, the Department has successfully acquired AFVs in accordance with the EPAct for FY 2010 and is working to ensure full compliance in FY 2011. We continue to implement a robust strategy and are committed to complying with the requirements of the EPAct and Executive Orders 13423 and 13514 by: alternative fuel usage, and procuring low GHG emitting vehicles by: Acquiring low GHG emitting vehicles with hybrid technology, that are flex fuel and more fuel-efficient;Ensuring vehicle body and engine sizes are consistent with essential mission requirements; Reporting fleet status and progress quarterly at bureau level, with respect to: (1) reduction of total consumption of petroleum, (2) increases of total consumption of non-petroleum-based fuels (E-85, CNG), and (3) the acquisition of hybrid electric, plug-in-hybrid, and flex fuel vehicles; and Urging that the number of miles driven be reduced by:Consolidating trips,Using federal shuttles (once available) or public transportation to the maximum extent possible,Using technology based alternatives (e.g., video teleconferences, telephone conferences and webinars) rather than face-to-face meetings, andUsing the GSA short-term rental contracts rather than an assigned vehicle; Working with GSA to implement a Department-wide fleet management information system that will allow for analysis of overall fleet data and trends, while providing opportunities for consolidations to enhance fleet and mileage efficiency; Overseeing motor vehicle fleet acquisitions (GSA, commercial lease, and agency owned) and assignments; andReducing commercial leases and converting to GSA leased vehicles.AppendicesAppendix A2010 AFV Report: Actual Data (FY2010)1. Actual Light-Duty Vehicle Acquisitions and Exemptions?Acquisitions?LeasedPurchasedTotalTotal Light-Duty Vehicle Acquisitions107256363?Fleet Exemptions: Fleet Size101?Fleet Exemptions: Foreign011?Fleet Exemptions: Geographic000?Fleet Exemptions: Non-MSA Operation000?Vehicle Exemptions: LE Vehicle33255288?Vehicle Exemptions: Non-covered Vehicle000?Vehicle Exemptions: Non-MSA Operation000?Total EPAct-Covered Vehicles73073?2. Actual Alternative Fuel Vehicle Acquisition DetailVehicle TypeFuelLEAcquisitionsEPActCreditsLeasePurchaseTotalLight Duty VehiclesSedan/St Wgn CompactE85 FFNo2402424Sedan/St Wgn CompactE85 FFYes067670Sedan/St Wgn CompactGAS HY3No1401414Sedan/St Wgn CompactGAS HY3Yes2130Sedan/St Wgn LargeE85 FFNo1011Sedan/St Wgn LargeE85 FFYes2240Sedan/St Wgn MidsizeE85 FFNo4044Sedan/St Wgn MidsizeE85 FFYes1434480LD Minivan 4x2 (Passenger)E85 FFNo4044LD Minivan 4x2 (Passenger)E85 FFYes1010LD SUV 4x2E85 FFNo1011LD SUV 4x2E85 FFYes1450LD SUV 4x2GAS HY3No1011LD SUV 4x4E85 FFNo1011LD SUV 4x4E85 FFYes113140LD SUV 4x4GAS HY3No1011LD SUV 4x4GAS HY3Yes0110Medium Duty VehiclesMD Van (Cargo)E85 FFNo2022Totals:74122196533. Actual EPAct Acquisition Credits SummaryBase AFV Acquisition Credits:53Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Credits:0Dedicated Light Duty AFV Credits:0Dedicated Medium Duty AFV Credits:0Dedicated Heavy Duty AFV Credits:0Biodiesel Fuel Usage Credits:40Total EPAct Credits:53Overall EPAct Compliance Percentage:73?%Appendix B 2010 AFV Report: Planned Data (FY2011)1. Planned Light-Duty Vehicle Acquisitions and Exemptions?Acquisitions?LeasedPurchasedTotalTotal Light-Duty Vehicle Acquisitions241660901Fleet Exemptions: Fleet Size202Fleet Exemptions: Foreign437Fleet Exemptions: Geographic000Fleet Exemptions: Non-MSA Operation000Vehicle Exemptions: LE Vehicle21657678Vehicle Exemptions: Non-covered Vehicle000Vehicle Exemptions: Non-MSA Operation000Total EPAct-Covered Vehicles21402142. Planned Alternative Fuel Vehicle Acquisition DetailVehicle TypeFuelLEAcquisitionsEPActCreditsLeasePurchaseTotalLight Duty VehiclesSedan/St Wgn CompactE85 FFNo4204242Sedan/St Wgn CompactE85 FFYes41801840Sedan/St Wgn CompactGAS HY3No4044Sedan/St Wgn CompactGAS HY3Yes329320Sedan/St Wgn LargeE85 FFYes033330Sedan/St Wgn MidsizeE85 FFYes749560LD Minivan 4x2 (Passenger)E85 FFNo4044LD Minivan 4x2 (Passenger)E85 FFYes2350LD Pickup 4x2E85 FFNo2202222LD Pickup 4x2E85 FFYes1010LD SUV 4x2E85 FFNo3033LD SUV 4x2E85 FFYes1670LD SUV 4x2GAS HY3Yes0440LD Pickup 4x4E85 FFNo5005050LD Pickup 4x4E85 FFYes1010LD SUV 4x4E85 FFYes011110LD SUV 4x4GAS HY3Yes0660Medium Duty VehiclesMD PickupE85 FFNo1011MD SUVE85 FFNo1011MD Van (Passenger)E85 FFNo1011Totals:1473214681283. Planned EPAct Acquisition Credits SummaryBase AFV Acquisition Credits:128Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Credits:0Dedicated Light Duty AFV Credits:0Dedicated Medium Duty AFV Credits:0Dedicated Heavy Duty AFV Credits:0Biodiesel Fuel Usage Credits:40Total EPAct Credits:128Overall EPAct Compliance Percentage:60?%Appendix C2010 AFV Report: Projected Data (FY2012)1. Projected Light-Duty Vehicle Acquisitions and Exemptions?Acquisitions?LeasedPurchasedTotalTotal Light-Duty Vehicle Acquisitions110654764?Fleet Exemptions: Fleet Size101?Fleet Exemptions: Foreign044?Fleet Exemptions: Geographic000?Fleet Exemptions: Non-MSA Operation000?Vehicle Exemptions: LE Vehicle15650665?Vehicle Exemptions: Non-covered Vehicle000?Vehicle Exemptions: Non-MSA Operation000?Total EPAct-Covered Vehicles94094??2. Projected Alternative Fuel Vehicle Acquisition DetailVehicle TypeFuelLEAcquisitionsEPActCreditsLeasePurchaseTotalLight Duty VehiclesSedan/St Wgn CompactE85 FFNo3603636Sedan/St Wgn CompactE85 FFYes81781860Sedan/St Wgn CompactGAS HY3Yes329320Sedan/St Wgn LargeE85 FFYes034340Sedan/St Wgn MidsizeE85 FFYes458620LD Minivan 4x2 (Cargo)E85 FFNo2022LD Minivan 4x2 (Passenger)E85 FFNo8088LD Minivan 4x2 (Passenger)E85 FFYes0330LD SUV 4x2E85 FFNo2022LD SUV 4x2E85 FFYes0550LD SUV 4x2GAS HY3Yes0440LD SUV 4x4E85 FFYes011110LD SUV 4x4GAS HY3Yes0660Medium Duty VehiclesMD Van (Cargo)E85 FFNo1011MD Van (Passenger)E85 FFNo1011Totals:65328393503. Projected EPAct Acquisition Credits SummaryBase AFV Acquisition Credits:50Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Credits:0Dedicated Light Duty AFV Credits:0Dedicated Medium Duty AFV Credits:0Biodiesel Fuel Usage Credits:40Total EPAct Credits:50Overall EPAct Compliance Percentage:53?%Appendix D2010 AFV Report: Forecast Data (FY2013)1. Forecast Light-Duty Vehicle Acquisitions and Exemptions?Acquisitions?LeasedPurchasedTotalTotal Light-Duty Vehicle Acquisitions85647732?Fleet Exemptions: Fleet Size303?Fleet Exemptions: Foreign123?Fleet Exemptions: Geographic000?Fleet Exemptions: Non-MSA Operation000?Vehicle Exemptions: LE Vehicle9645654?Vehicle Exemptions: Non-covered Vehicle000?Vehicle Exemptions: Non-MSA Operation000?Total EPAct-Covered Vehicles72072??2. Forecast Alternative Fuel Vehicle Acquisition DetailVehicle TypeFuelLEAcquisitionsEPActCreditsLeasePurchaseTotalLight Duty VehiclesSedan/St Wgn CompactE85 FFNo4104141Sedan/St Wgn CompactE85 FFYes01781780Sedan/St Wgn CompactGAS HY3No2022Sedan/St Wgn CompactGAS HY3Yes329320Sedan/St Wgn LargeE85 FFYes032320Sedan/St Wgn MidsizeE85 FFNo1011Sedan/St Wgn MidsizeE85 FFYes655610LD Minivan 4x2 (Cargo)E85 FFNo1011LD Minivan 4x2 (Passenger)E85 FFNo1201212LD Minivan 4x2 (Passenger)E85 FFYes024240LD Pickup 4x2E85 FFNo1011LD SUV 4x2E85 FFYes0550LD SUV 4x2GAS HY3Yes0440LD SUV 4x4E85 FFYes011110LD SUV 4x4GAS HY3Yes0660Totals:67344411583. Forecast EPAct Acquisition Credits SummaryBase AFV Acquisition Credits:58Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Credits:0Dedicated Light Duty AFV Credits:0Biodiesel Fuel Usage Credits:40Total EPAct Credits:58Overall EPAct Compliance Percentage:81?% ................

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