Clause Types Worksheet .docx

Independent and Dependent ClausesLearning Goal: Identify and Define effective syntax techniques Apply effective syntax techniques in complex writing tasksPart 1: Matching Match the dependent clauses with the sentences. Write out each sentence, inserting and underlining the dependent clauses. Sentences:Dependent Clauses:1. ^, your readers will surely feel that you care nothing about them. Kurt Vonnegut, “How to Write”a. unless the insect happens to touch one of its legs.2. By passing through the heart, the electric current during the death penalty distorts normal ventricular rhythm into an ineffective wormlike wriggling called fibrillation, ^. Sherman B. Nuland, “Cruel and Unusual” b. that you have read actively 3. Tarantulas apparently have little or no sense of hearing, for a hungry tarantula will pay no attention to a loudly chirping cricket placed in it’s cage ^. Alexander Petrunkevitch, “The Spider and the Waspc. which has the same effect as cardiac arrest4. Five score years ago, a great American, in ^, signed the “Emancipation Proclamation.” Martin Luther King Jr. “I have a Dream”d. if you scribble your thoughts any which way5. If, when you've finished reading a book, the pages are filled with your notes, you know ^. Mortimer Adler, “How to Mark a Book”e. whose symbolic shadow we stand Part 2: Unscramble to Imitate In the model and the scrambled list, identify the independent and dependent clauses. Next, unscramble and write out the sentence parts to imitate the model. Finally, write your own imitation of the model and identify the independent and dependent clauses. MODEL: Over lunch Beattie talked about her older sister, who had lived with her since her retirement and who was addicted to the shopping network. Sue Miller, While I Was Gone a. and which was loved by the high school students b. which had grown with the addition of twenty storesc. Jeremy cruised by the shopping malld. after school YOU: Par 3: Combining to ImitateIn the model, identify the independent and dependent clauses. Next, combine the list of sentences to imitate the model. Finally, write you own imitation of the model and identify the independent and dependent clauses. MODEL: That I had come this far undetected as a changeling for their real son caused me no small satisfaction, but I was not completely satisfied. a. This sentence is about how I climbed the mountain.b. I had climbed it uninjured as a novice in this dangerous sport.c. How I climbed it made ,me feel a false confidence d. And I was too sure of myself YOU:Part 4: ImitatingIdentify the independent and dependent clauses in the models and sample imitations. Then write an imitation of each model sentence, one sentence part at a time. MODELS:1. I knew that I looked and felt and probably smelled like a cigar butt in a spittoon.Wallace Stegner, Crossing to Safety Sample: She regretted that he counted and organized and eternally straightened like a tidy cook in a kitchen.YOU:2. Before she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep, she just lay quiet, smiling at the ceiling. J.D. Salinger, Franny and Zooey Sample: After he dove into the clear, cold water, he just felt great, gliding like a dolphin. YOU:3. He shared a room for years with his older brother Jack, who was big, handsome, and wild. Tracy Kidder, Home Town Sample: She invented a story for others about her now dead father, who was wealthy, powerful, and adoring. YOU:Part 5: Expanding The clauses are omitted in the caret mark (^) in the following sentences. For each caret, add the indicated kind of clause (independent or dependent), blending you content and style with the rest of the sentence. 1. ^, which proudly advertised hot and cold running water. (add an independent clause)Michael Crichton, Travels 2. In the afternoon, when ^, Mary sometimes gave tea parties for the neighborhood cats. (add a dependent clause) John Steinbeck, Cannery Row3. As ^, a large amount of yellowish-green liquid burst forth, which ^. (add two dependent clauses)J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ................

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