Narcotics Anonymous



Subcommittee Policies

Updated: October 29, 2015

Table of Contents

Mission Statement……………….……………………………………………………..…………………..………………………………………….page 3

How It Works...………………..….………………………………………………………………..………..……………………………………… 3

How It Works, cont. and The Twelve Traditions of N. A.…………………………………….……………………………………… 4

The Twelve Traditions of N.A., cont.…..…………………..……………………………………………………………………………..……page 5

Twelve Concepts for NA Service..……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………….page 5

BCC INC. Guidelines…………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………… 6

Meeting Format & Board of Directors………………………………..…………..………………………………………………….……… 6

Meeting Format, cont.………..………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………..………page 7

Motions & Quorum Count/Voting Procedures…..…………………………………………………………………………….………… 7

Voting cont., Terms of Commitments and Administrative Committee……………….……………………………………… 8

Convention Schedule, Chairperson and Secretary Positions………………………..…………………………………………..……page 8

Treasurer & Subcommittee Positions……………………..…………………………………………………………………………………….page 9

Fundraising…………..……………………………………….………….……………………………………………………………………………… 9

Fundraising cont. & Programming…….…………………………………………..………………………………………………….……… 10

Registration…………………………….…………………………….……………………..………………………………………………….……… 10

Merchandise, Arts & Graphics……….………………………………………………………………………………………….……..……… 11

Transportation………………….…………………..………………………………………………………………………………….……..……… 11

Serenity Keepers & Hospitality………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………..……page 11

HIPIC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……page 12

Accountability………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………page 13

Conduct Clause and Removal Policy…………………………………….…………………………………………………………………… 13

Convention & Treasury……………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………page 13

Policy & Fundraisers By Groups………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….. page 14

Sub-Committee Policies

Fundraising……..……………………………….……………………………………..………………… 15

Programming…………..….………………………………………………………..…..………….pages 16-17

Registration…………….……………………………….…………………..……………………….pages 18-20

Merchandise……………...….…..……..………………………………………..…………..………….page 21

Arts & Graphics………....…...……..……..……….…………………………..…………..………….page 22

Serenity Keepers……….……..…..……..………………………………..………….………….pages 23-24

Hospitality……..……..….…………………..…………………………..………..…………..……..….page 25

HIPIC…………..……………....…..……..………………………………………..…………..….……….page 26

Transportation……….………..……..………………………………………..…………….………….page 27

Brooklyn Convention Committee Policy

Updated October 29, 2015

Mission Statement: The Brooklyn Convention Committee is incorporated as a 501©(3) tax-exempt corporation doing business under the name BCC INC. The purpose of the committee is to host a convention on behalf of Kings Bay Area Service Committee (KBASC) and Brooklyn Area Service Committee (BASC). Presently, the convention is held every two (2) years.

A commitment on the Convention Committee is service to the KBASC & the BASC. The purpose and objective of the Brooklyn Convention Committee is to encourage unity and celebrate recovery. It should always be remembered we gain strength through the diversity of the many people we serve. The committee’s purpose is to sponsor and conduct conventions of Narcotics Anonymous (“NA”) and other events of NA to promote and raise funds for the upcoming convention. The committee and the convention will carry the NA message to recovering addicts and to addicts who still suffer in accordance with our spiritual principles. The Committee will abide by the Corporation’s Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws.

How It Works:

1. We admitted we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable.

2. We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

3. We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

4. We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

5. We admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

6. We were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

7. We humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

8. We made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

9. We made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

10. We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong we promptly admitted it.

11. We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of his will for us and the power to carry that out.

12. Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

The Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous:

1. Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on N.A. unity.

2. For our group purposes there is but one ultimate authority – a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants, they do not govern.

3. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using.

4. Each Group should be autonomous, except in matters affecting other groups or N.A. as a whole.

5. Each group has but one primary purpose – to carry the message to the addict who still suffers.

6. An N.A. group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the N.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, or prestige divert us from our primary purpose.

7. Every N.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

8. N.A. should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centers may employ special workers.

9. N.A., as such ought never be organized, but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.

10. N.A. has no opinion on outside issues, hence the N.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.

11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotions; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films.

12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.

Twelve Concepts for NA Service:

1. To fulfill our fellowship’s primary purpose, the NA groups have joined together to create a structure which develops, coordinates, and maintains services on behalf of N.A. as a whole.

2. The final responsibility and authority for NA services rests with the N.A. groups.

3. The N.A. groups delegate to the service structure the authority necessary to fulfill the responsibilities assigned to it.

4. Effective leadership is highly valued in Narcotics Anonymous. Leadership qualities should be carefully considered when selecting trusted servants.

5. For each responsibility assigned to the service structure, a single point of decision and accountability should be clearly defined.

6. Group conscience is the spiritual means by which we invite a loving God to influence our decisions.

7. All members of a service body bear substantial responsibility for that body’s decisions and should be allowed to fully participate in its decision-making processes.

8. Our service structure depends on the integrity and effectiveness of our communications.

9. All elements of our structure have the responsibility to carefully consider all viewpoints in their decision-making processes.

10. Any member of a service body can petition that body for the redress of a personal grievance, without fear of reprisal.

11. N.A. funds are to be used to further our primary purpose, and must be managed responsibly.

12. In keeping with the spiritual nature of Narcotics Anonymous, our structure should always be one of service, never of government.

All properties, assets and/or obligations of the Incorporation shall be that of the BCC INC., for the objectives and purposes stated herein.

1. As a Not-For-Profit entity, no committee member may use any of the assets, property of the Committee or BCC INC. and/or its tax-exempt ID # for any use or purpose other than the exempt purposes as specified in Internal Revenue Code Section 501©(3). No committee member may use said assets, property or tax ID # for their own individual purpose benefiting themselves or others. Any use of same will be grounds for automatic dismissal from the Committee.

2. The Committee will follow the guidance of the Narcotics Anonymous Convention Guidelines (and any revision thereof). When conducting business, the Committee will use the NA guide to Local Service Sample Rules of Order (pages 104-111) when not otherwise in conflict with the Brooklyn Convention Committee Policy, or By-laws of BCC INC. Committee policy takes precedent unless they conflict with Corporation By-Laws.

3. The Brooklyn Convention Committee presently meets regularly on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at St. Finbars, 138 Bay 20th Street, in Brooklyn, beginning at 7:00PM. On the Thursday before the convention, the committee will meet at the Hotel site. Additional meetings will be scheduled as deemed necessary by the BCC INC. Chairpersons.

4. All committee members are required to attend all meetings unless otherwise excused. Any member failing to attend two consecutive meetings without legitimate excuse may attend the third meeting to show cause why they should not be removed. All Committees are required to follow the guidelines and use the methodology and forms prepared by the Treasurers when dealing with money. It is necessary to follow the accounting methods provided in order to effectuate an accounting in accordance with the needs of the Treasurers and further to ensure the accountability of all subcommittees.

5. The BCC INC. have six (6) Board of Director (BOD) seats: (2) Brooklyn Convention Committee members from Kings Bay Area, (2) Brooklyn Convention Committee members from Brooklyn Area, (1) from KBASC Admin. Body member and (1) from BASC Admin. Body member. The BOD meets one time per year and is welcome to attend any Convention meetings.

Meeting Format:

1. Opening with the Serenity Prayer

2. Reading of the Service Prayer, 12 Traditions & 12 Concepts of NA Service

3. Secretary Reads last month’s minutes, and motion to accept the minutes. If any information contained in the previous minutes is objected to or missing, it must be addressed at this time. The minutes will be accepted by a majority of all voting committee members.

4. Attendance and quorum call.

5. Chairperson’s Remarks and Agenda for meeting

6. Treasurer’s Report

7. Fundraising Report

8. Merchandise Report

9. Arts & Graphics Report

10. Registration Report

11. Programming Report

12. Serenity Keepers Report

13. Hospitality Report

14. Future Convention Site (when necessary)

15. Close of Motion or Agenda for meeting by Chairperson

16. Old Business

17. New Business

18. Scheduling and assignments of pending events

19. Motion to Close & Closing

A motion sheet will be made available at the start of each meeting, and will be closed by the Chairpersons before the start of old business. No new motions may be submitted afterwards unless in line with previously agenda items and recognized by the Chairpersons.

During new business, the motion maker is given the opportunity to read and speak to the intent of the motion and may be asked questions. After the motion is second by a different committee member, discussion will take place. Discussion, under the direction of the Chairs, is limited to five (5) minutes, including points of information and personal privilege, unless extended at the discretion of the Chairpersons. The Chairpersons will then entertain up to two (2) cons and two (2) pros to the motion, beginning with a con. If there are no cons the debate is closed. The motion is then voted on, by eligible committee members, (or their vice-chairs in their absence). Only Convention Committee members may make a motion. Interested parties can request a voice prior to the meeting by speaking to the Chairpersons.

At the beginning of each meeting, the secretary will determine if a quorum is present. A quorum is one-half the voting members plus one. Voting members are Executive Committee members and Subcommittee Chairs. A Subcommittee Vice Chair may vote in the absence of the Subcommittee Chair. A quorum is necessary to start any meeting where anything is voted upon. A majority vote is necessary to pass a motion. The secretary sets a number of the majority at the time of the attendance and quorum call. When determining a majority or 2/3-majority number for voting, the Chairs are not counted in the determination. The Chairs is counted to determine presence of a quorum. If any member leaves before the end of the meeting, it does not affect the quorum, and the majority number shall remain in the same as at the time of the quorum call. A 2/3 majority is necessary for a change in policy. A 2/3 majority is necessary to revisit a motion previously passed within sixty (60) days unless the Chairperson declares at his/her sole discretion that said issue is of concern to the Committee or new information develops making said revisit necessary in the interest of an efficient and/or spiritual convention. The Chairpersons will only vote to break a tie.

Members of the Convention Committee are simultaneously elected to the committee as a whole and additionally as Secretary, Treasurer, and Subcommittee Chairs of the Committee. The Chairpersons and Treasurers are elected by the KBASC and the BASC. All members will be required to act as a trusted servant and participate in all BCC INC. activities and the convention. It is understood that all committee members will be assigned roles in all activities and at the convention even where their specific committee has no other function. This service includes participating to carry out the purpose and the functions of the committee as a whole.


The admin committee consists of: 2-Chairpersons, 1-Secretary, 2-Treasurers, 2-Fundraising Coordinators and 2-Programming Chairs representing both Kings Bay and Brooklyn Areas.

**** All Admin-Committee members are expected to be present at all Admin-Committee meetings and at all Full Body meetings. Whenever an Admin-Committee member cannot be present, the Chair or Vice Chair must be notified in advance, and a written report, pertaining to their committee, must be submitted.

CONVENTION SCHEDULE: The first convention should be targeted 24 to 36 months from August 2011 and subsequent conventions should be no less than 12 months to 24 months after conclusion of the previous convention. The convention should be a 3-day event, if financially feasible.


All committee positions, both administrative committee and subcommittee, are for the duration of the fundraising period preceding the convention and during the convention dates and will terminate once the convention has been held and a final full-body meeting is conducted to finalize all business. In forming a new Brooklyn Convention Committee, a flyer, with place, date and time, will be distributed to both Areas, announcing the formation of this new Convention Committee at an initial Full-Body meeting. In keeping with the spirit of rotation of service, members cannot hold the same committee position for more than two (2) convention terms.


Chairperson: The Chairpersons are elected by the KBASC & the BASC (one from each Area). They are responsible for conducting Convention Committee meeting, preparing the agenda, and various administrative duties. They are co-signers on the BCC, INC. Convention checking account. Arranges and attends on-site visits and contract negotiations. Attends all their respective Area meetings, gives monthly reports, returns to admin committee with area concerns, comments and suggestions.

Requirements: 5 years clean time; 1-year prior service to KBASC or BASC, gainful employment, and access to a computer and e-mail.

Secretary: They take clear, concise minutes of the Convention Committee and prepare copies of the minutes for distribution at the next meeting. Maintains and stores all sub-committee reports and bids. The Secretary shall record all motions and votes including pros, cons, and abstentions. Keeps copies of all policies and updated copies at all meetings. Keep an archive of all flyers, minutes and other literature produced for the convention. Attend on-site visits and contract negotiations for record keeping purposes.

Requirements: 2 years clean time, access to a computer and email.

Treasurer: The Treasurers are elected by the KBASC and the BASC (one from each Area). They receive all funds, administer and keep accurate records of the Convention Committee’s bank account and other properties. They report on the financial conditions of the Convention Committee at every meeting and monitor all sub-committee funds. They reimburse expenses with proper receipt; pay the rent for the Committee and Sub-committee meetings. They are co-signers on the BCC INC. Convention checking account. They keep financial records of the Convention and the Convention Committee. They manage funds at all BCC INC. events. They coordinate financial responsibilities to properly make financial reports to the BCC INC. accountant. They provide proper documentation including but not limited to balances, schedules and substantive backup for all expenses. They track all ticket and registration sales and any other money related activities that the Convention Committee has. They meet with the BCC INC. accountant to adequately prepare and file annual tax returns. They make sure that all expenditures appropriately reflect the BCC Corporations purpose and comply with the IRS rules to maintain a 501 © (3) corporation. They report on the status of convention and convention activities to the KBASC and the BASC at the monthly Area meeting.

Requirements: 5 years clean time and one year prior service to KBASC or BASC, accounting and bookkeeping skills, gainful employment, access to a computer and email. Also, have the ability to use the Excel computer program.


All Committee members elected, as a Subcommittee Chairperson will be responsible to hold regular Subcommittee meetings and conduct the day-to-day operations of their Subcommittee, attend all Convention Committee meetings, regularly communicate with the Convention Committee Chairpersons and provide the Committee with regular written reports. Each Subcommittee Chair is responsible to develop and submit their subcommittee’s policy and budget. All subcommittee policy must reflect clean time requirements of its members, subject to guidelines below and approval of the Convention Committee. Note: All Subcommittee members responsible for money or property belonging to BCC, INC. must have a minimum of two (2) years clean time. Subcommittee Chairpersons will be elected at the BCC INC. Full Body meeting. All Subcommittee Chairpersons should be members of either Kings Bay Area or Brooklyn Area supported groups. After being elected, each Subcommittee Chairperson is responsible to set-up a subcommittee time and place and to produce a flyer to be distributed at the respective Area monthly meeting. Subcommittee Chairs are responsible for preparing the agenda for subcommittee meetings. The subcommittee descriptions and requirements are listed below:

Fundraising Coordinator: Administrates and organizes fundraising activities for the convention. Works with the Registration committee chair to ensure pre-registration is available at all fundraisers once a convention date has been established. Works with merchandise committee to ensure convention merchandise is available at all fundraisers. Works with Arts & Graphics to coordinate the production of flyers and tickets for fundraising events. Must have means of procuring transportation. Responsible for distributing event tickets and collecting all ticket funds from advance ticket sales prior to the event and turning proceeds over to the Treasurers. Ensures that all equipment necessary for the production of events scheduled is in place and working properly. They provide and coordinate the sale of all food and beverage at Convention Fundraisers.

Requirements: 5 years clean and previous E&A or fundraising experience.

Programming: The Programming Subcommittee selects appropriate speakers for all Fundraising events and Convention to be approved by the Convention Committee. Gives committee direction in choosing speakers, chairpersons and topics for both fundraisers and the convention, ensuring both diversity and a clear NA message. During meetings at all fundraisers, committee members will chair the meetings and the five (5) readings and clarity statement will be read. All voting members of the Programming Subcommittee will have a minimum of One (1) year NA street clean time. The Programming Subcommittee plans all the workshops and meetings at the convention and other Convention Committee activities. They are responsible to provide Arts & Graphics the meeting schedule for the production of the actual program to be distributed at the convention. The main speakers for the Convention will be selected and approved by the Convention. The main meeting speakers for the Convention will be selected and approved by the Convention Committee. All speakers chosen to speak at the Convention should pay for a registration. All airfare purchases must be done 120 days in advance. The Programming Committee will distribute a letter to each speaker with instructions and include the pre-registration form two months prior to the pre-registration cut-off date. All main meetings speakers will receive a written confirmation letter outlining exactly what they will receive (i.e. airfare, if needed, travel reimbursement, hotel room (if applicable), registration and convention event tickets). Must organize & supply all pertinent information to the taping contractor. At the convention, the Committee coordinates the speakers and ensures that all events are on time and set-up.

Requirements: 5 years clean and knowledge of the clarity statement. 

Registration: Coordinates registration and pre-registration activities. Works with Fundraising coordinator to assure pre-registration is available at all fundraising events once a convention date has been established. Works with merchandise committee assuring convention logo appears on registration packages. Works with Arts & Graphics to produce all registration flyers. All printed material will include the Brooklyn Convention Committee service symbol (logo). Works with HIPIC committee to provide free registration packages and day-passes for new comers from institution and treatment facilities.

Requirements: 5 years clean.

Merchandise: Works with admin committee and arts and graphic choosing convention logos, themes and artwork. Maintains continuous inventory of merchandise and receipts. Works with events and activities fundraising coordinator to ensure that convention merchandise is available at all fundraisers. Ensures that the words BROOKLYN, NY appears on all arts and graphics. All merchandise will include the Brooklyn Convention Committee service symbol (logo). Accepts bids and works with NAWS licensed vendors to ensure merchandise is available at all fundraisers.

Requirements: 5 years clean.

Arts and Graphics: Produces all fundraising event flyers and tickets, in coordination with Fundraising Committee. Works with Admin-Committee and Merchandise Committee, choosing convention logos, themes and artwork. Gets direction from Program Committee on meeting and workshop times and locations in order to produce posters and/or signs. Produces registration flyers in coordination with Registration Committee. Ensures that all printed material includes the Brooklyn Convention Committee service symbol (logo). Ensures all fundraising event flyers include an explanation as to the why money is needed.

Requirements: 3 years clean, no artistic background necessary.

Transportation: Works with the Admin committee to produce convention flyers and registration pamphlets, containing maps and directions. Works with program committee for directions and/or maps for out of town participants. Organizes transportation for invited speakers from out of town, whenever necessary and financially feasible. Organizes mass-transportation for convention participants when convention events are held at different locations. If necessary, make parking arrangements at convention venue.

Requirements: 3 years clean.

Serenity Keepers: Works with admin committee to ensure safe environment for convention participants. Gives committee direction ensuring that non-abusive, and non-abrasive, yet spiritual tactics are observed at all convention events. Arranges for radio type system of communication for admin and security committee for the duration of the convention. In the case of difficulty, they will be informed of the appropriate authority to contact.

Requirements: 5 years clean.

Hospitality: Organizes welcoming committee (huggers) at fundraisers and convention location. Works with program committee organizes hospitality rooms. Provides and/or coordinates the sale and/or distribution of water, food and coffee. Ensures sufficient inventory of food and beverage items at fundraisers.

Requirements: 3 years clean.

HIPIC: Works with registration committee to provide free registration packages and day-passes for newcomers from institutions and treatment facilities. Produces invitations to treatment facilities offering their clients a one-day (Saturday) pass to the convention as well as fundraising events prior to the convention. Responds to and organizes registration for these participants. Sets up booth providing information to hotel staff and other members of the public. Provides meeting lists for out of town members. Have press packages available in case members of the press are present. Works with admin committee to ensure availability of a private space to meet with members of the press, if necessary.

Requirements: 3 years clean & one year PI experience.


Taping will utilize a three (3) bid process and be voted upon by the admin committee.

Merchandise at Fundraisers & Convention

* All convention merchandise must be approved by the admin, prior to production.

* All merchandise must include the words BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. All merchandise and printed material will include the Brooklyn Convention Committee service symbol (logo).

* The only merchandise to be sold at convention fundraisers should be the convention merchandise, with the exception of NAWS licensed vendors.

* Any vendors used during the convention, or at fundraisers must be licensed by NAWS and have that license in plain view at all times.

* All merchandise should be Narcotic Anonymous merchandise

* The admin committee must approve any exceptions, including sales by other areas or regions.

Some admin committee members will gather bids and contracts with hotels and/or other venues with regard to convention dates, times, and locations. The Admin committee makes all executive and/or time frame decisions whenever necessary. The Admin committee oversees all sub-committee activities and assists all sub-committee when they need assistance.


* All Committee meetings including Admin, Subcommittee and Full Body meetings must be open to all members of NA at all times.

* Committees should focus on open communication, teamwork, accessibility and accountability.

* All members involved with the convention will be held to the highest standards and principles, adhering to the 12 traditions & 12 concepts for NA Service.

* Any misappropriation of funds, including theft, will be subject to the due process of law.

Conduct Clause and Removal Policy:

* Conduct Clause: That all elected participants voted in by the committee (or the groups) will conduct themselves in a manner conducive of our 12 steps, 12 traditions and 12 concepts remembering to place "principles before personalities". Character assassinations, acts of aggression and verbal abuse will result in the removal of that elected participant. That elected participant will be given the opportunity to redress the removal At the Admin Committee meeting and brought back to the convention committee for a final vote before the full-body Convention committee

* Recall, Removal or Resignation: Officers may be recalled or removed from office due to interruption of abstinence, gross negligence, incapacitation, or violation of convention committee policies that call for removal. All convention committee officers who miss two consecutive convention committee commitments or any four meeting during their term will be subject to removal. Any convention Committee officer in violation of this policy, must be allowed to orally answer said allegations before ANY action is taken


After the FINAL accounting, including payment of all outstanding bills, BCC INC. will make the FINAL decision on the following:

1. The amount that will be kept in the bank account for the next Convention and expenses for filing tax returns.

2. The amount of bills to be paid on behalf of Kings Bay and Brooklyn Areas. The amount to be donated to the Greater New York Regional Service Office (GNYRSO).

3. If the BCC INC. fails to hold a convention, the Committee will decide on the amount of bills to be paid on behalf of Kings Bay and Brooklyn Areas.


The BCC INC. policy will be discussed and/or revised, as needed, every year.

Fundraisers By Groups

Any NA group, regardless of Area or State, that wants to hold a fundraiser & donate the funds to the convention committee are welcome to do so and the convention committee will accept the funds, however, these groups should be notified, in advance, not to use the BCC INC. name or logo on their flyers or to promote their event.

Fundraising Policy



PURPOSE: This subcommittee will provide all entertainment activities for the Convention itself, as well as other Fundraisers. No less than 4 events per year shall be scheduled.

ACTIVITIES: Fundraisers should spark interest, encourage fellowship participation, and generate support for the Convention, in a fiscally prudent manner.


✓ Recruit members for their subcommittee.

✓ Provide a written Budget of committee activities, financial state after and other pertinent information

✓ Plan and arrange dates, times, and locations throughout Brooklyn for activities.

✓ Work closely with Arts & Graphics Subcommittee Chair to assist in the creation of Activities’ flyers as needed.

✓ Submit flyers to the Administrative Subcommittee for approval.

✓ Retain all vendors, leading up to and including participants

✓ Responsible for ticket sales with report to Treasure.

✓ Provide the Administration with a recommendation on the selection of special workers for all events.

✓ Manage facility set up and clean up after each activity

✓ Work closely with the Program Subcommittee in planning all activities throughout the convention year.

✓ In planning all activities, invite and encourage all areas within the Tri-State Region to participate.

✓ Arranges venues, times and types of appropriate fundraisers for CRCNA. These functions should be announced by flyer a minimum of one month prior to the event and should not conflict with any area or regional event if possible.

✓ Ensures flyers and a schedule of all events are distributed to entire fellowship in a timely manner.

✓ Have sufficient members to handle any site clean up, arranging to keep events in accordance with our spiritual principles while we are out in the community.

Programming Policy








Must have minimum of 5 years clean time and has convention experience as a programming Representative. Will chair all programming committee meetings (unless in their absence, responsibility will fall on the vice-chair. Should have some computer skills and access to a computer.

SECTION #2: VICE-CHAIRS: In the absence of either programming chairpersons, the vice-chair will fulfill all the responsibilities assigned to the programming chairs


• Constant communication with vice-chairs

• Attend all programming sub-committee meetings (scheduled and unscheduled)

• Required to find a suitable meeting space and meeting time (it’s a violation to hold a meeting in

a private residence)

• Required to set a agenda for each meeting and a copy for each rep at the meeting

• Conduct the meeting in a spiritual organized fashion

• Required to prepare worksheets for topics for convention:

Topics rating sheet (all topics must be voted in)

(All topics should be solution based and spiritual in nature)

• Required to keep an accurate written log of all CD’s and Tapes

• Required to prepare a speakers rating sheet

• Required to hand in a complete (topic, speaker, and time slot) spreadsheet to the convention administrative body


The chairperson is ultimately responsible for every meeting.


























• OPENING THE MEETING WITH Serenity Prayer, Twelve Concepts of Narcotics Anonymous, Service Prayer








Registration Policy

Brooklyn Convention Committee Registration Policy


The Registration Sub-Committee is comprised of the Chairperson and members from N.A. The Registration Sub-Committee is one of the busiest Committees of every Convention. Usually the first people Convention attendees meet are those members staffing the registration tables. How well they are greeted in many ways sets the tone for how well the Convention comes off. Smooth, prompt, orderly and hospitable services are key ingredients to successful registrations. Therefore, organization and planning by the Committee is very important. Although it’s most intensive work is completed in the weeks prior to and during the Convention, its responsibilities begin with the advance planning.

Duties and Responsibilities

1. The first task is to design a registration flyer, which must be done well in advance (at least 8 months prior to the Convention) and approved by the Brooklyn Convention Committee.

2. The registration form should be written with clarity, organization, and ease of understanding in mind. All information that could possibly be needed must be considered and included on the registration form. The cutoff date for pre-registration should appear on all registration forms.

3. Once approved by the Brooklyn Convention Committee it is the responsibility of the registration chair to ensure that the flyers are produced and distributed throughout the fellowship as soon as possible. (The RSO should be used for production and distribution unless more effective measures are found. The Brooklyn Convention Committee shall also be used as a resource for distribution of flyers to the Brooklyn and Kings Bay area.) Other recipients are to include: all the known fellowship websites, WSO News lines, NA Way and Greater New York Region and any other known interested groups or members.

4. From past experience, it is suggested that a minimum order of 10,000 flyers to be purchased for the first printing.

5. The procedures for handling registration money can be found in the Brooklyn Convention Committee policy.

6. Another important task is assembling a registration packet.

7. The Brooklyn Convention Committee, as a whole, shall determine the contents of the packet based on the average budget line item.

8. The budget set for the registration packet shall include any and all items that are associated with the packet, including envelopes, badges, tickets, small trinkets, ribbons, and anything else the Committee wishes to put in the packets. After this is done, prices for items to be included in the packet should be obtained. Bids for prices should be solicited from at least three (3) different vendors. After this is done and the Brooklyn Convention Committee approves the items, the items will then be ordered.

9. Final preparation for the Convention includes buying all supplies for the registration table, assembling packets, ordering banquet & committee ribbons, and having all records of pre-registrations up-to-date. A number of indigent packets must be made for NA members who cannot afford to register. No person should be turned away.

10. Volunteers are required to sit at the registration table. A suggested shift for a team to work is two (2) hours. The Registration Time Schedule in this Policy Package will be followed.

11. A member of the Registration Committee will attend all fun-raisers to sell registrations.

12. Attendance is required at the convention site prior to the Convention for set-up.

The following work is handled by the Registration Committee:

• As each registration is received, a record shall be made indicating information about the registration and all money received. If free registrations are given out at fundraisers, the Committee must be careful records of what is provided and to whom, and provided this info to the Brooklyn Convention Committee.

• A record system must be established to record all pre-registrants. A record of registrations, banquets, clean time and area or state must be kept. A record of registrations of those individuals who are non-addicts must be kept also.

• Once a month and then weekly, beginning six (6) weeks prior to the Convention, the registration chair shall contact the Brooklyn Convention Committee to be apprised of the registration status.

Registration Policies

• All individuals, including program presenters, attending the convention, must pay a registration fee.

• Payment must accompany the registration form. Postmarked date of payment will determine the registration rate if payment is sent after the registration is submitted.

• Registrants with a one-day pass are permitted to upgrade to a full registration. Registrations are transferable.


To cancel a registration and request a refund, a written email must be sent to the Registration Chairperson. Cancellations will be accepted in writing only and must be received by the stated cancellation deadline. All refund requests must be made by the attendee or credit card holder. Telephone request will not be honored. Please enter “Convention Refund” in the subject line and the body of the email, include the name of the registered attendee and/or transaction number for a reference.

Registration Schedule/Brooklyn Convention Committee

Duties and Responsibilities:

• Check returned check log before presenting registration packet.

• Check returned check log before accepting any payments.

• If name or registrant appears on list contact committee member.

• Place all voided register slips in the register; do not throw away.

• If you are managing a register, do not leave your station.

• If you are unable to complete your scheduled time, please contact the Chair. Do not allow anyone to substitute for you.

• Do not leave your register until the next person scheduled arrives. If that person fails to show within 20 minutes, please contact the Chair or Vice Chair.

Registration Hours and Days of Operation

Friday: 8:00am until 11:30pm

Saturday: 8:00am until 10:00pm

Sunday: Pre-registration for the next Brooklyn Convention Committee

9:00am until 10:00am

Merchandise Policy

The committee is responsible for generating funds to ensure the success of the convention and to provide commemorative items for the convention attendees. The committee is responsible for planning, purchasing, and sales of merchandise. The committee is also responsible for working with the Fundraising committee. The committee should ensure that merchandise is available at as many NA functions as possible. All funds generated must be turned over at the next BCC meeting, immediately following sales. The committee is also responsible for working with the Arts & Graphics committee, working to come up with designs for new saleable items.


❖ The Merchandise Committee should be fairly business minded and have an understanding of the 12 Traditions, especially those pertaining to the sales of NA related items.

❖ Prepares a budget consisting of the item to be sold and expenses incurred. All merchandise must be approved by the Admin-committee prior to manufacturing.

❖ The Admin-committee must be informed as to the total number of items being purchased, dollar amount being spent, and retail value, all of which must be submitted in writing prior to purchasing. The entire Merchandise committee must vote on items to be purchased and then approved by the Admin-committee.

❖ The committee is also responsible for creating a working schedule prior to the convention, so that the sale of merchandise will be supervised at all times by responsible people. Only members with one year or more clean time are entitled to work cash registers at the convention. No one person is to be in the merchandise room alone at the convention.

❖ The committee is responsible for the storage of all items in a secure place and delivery of all receipts promptly to the BCC treasurer, along with an approximate list of remaining items in inventory.

❖ The chairperson must provide a paper trail (receipts, packing slips, invoices, inventory sheets, etc.) to enable the tracking from the point of purchase, how many items have been sold and how much money has to be turned over to the treasurer as a result of these sales, and how many items are left in the inventory. The chair is expected to submit in writing a full inventory in possession to the BCC Chair for inclusion in the BCC minutes, one week prior to the BCC full-body meeting. This inventory must show the total number of each item, times the amount in hand, the wholesale cost of each item, and the total wholesale value of all items in the committee’s possession. A copy of the previous inventory, minus sales should be kept to help with this report.

❖ Merchandise is to be kept in the storage unit until needed for each event.

❖ The Merchandise Chair determines what time other areas may sell their merchandise, so as not to interfere with the committee’s merchandise sales. A letter must be accompanied to allow other areas to sell their merchandise.

❖ The Merchandise committee must bring a letter of intent, signed by the BCC chair, to other areas when selling BCC merchandise.

❖ Gas and tolls to events, if cost effective and approved by the Admin-committee prior to the event, will be reimbursed, only with proper receipts.

❖ The Merchandise Chair and Vice-chair are the only ones to hold monies at NA events.

Arts & Graphics Policy

Arts & Graphics Policy

This sub-committee is responsible for assisting all sub-committees in producing all required graphic material. This sub-committee has the responsibility for maintaining consistency and professionalism in all graphic materials.

Chair’s requirements: Two years clean; past convention experience; regional service along with area or group service experience; working knowledge of the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions & 12 Concepts for NA Service; knowledge of graphic design; access to a computer.

Chair and sub-committee’s Responsibilities:

❖ Attend all regular Convention Committee meetings and events.

❖ Develop an action plan, including a financial impact.

❖ Recruit members for the sub-committee.

❖ Provide a written report of committee activities, financial activities, and other pertinent information.

❖ Receive submitted logos and hold in safekeeping until selection process.

❖ Conduct logo selection through a process of elimination at the Convention Committee meeting, explaining the concepts, themes and production issues that pertain to each potential logo.

❖ Develop or obtain camera-ready artwork of the Convention logo for use by other sub-committees.

❖ Work closely with other sub-committees and assist in the creation of flyers as needed.

❖ Work with the Programming sub-committee regarding layout and design of program booklet, readings, etc.

❖ Solicit sealed bids for the Convention banner, to be submitted to the Admin-committee for review.

❖ Work with the selected bidder to ensure correct colors, shades and dimensions are used for the banner.

❖ Safely transport all banners and signs to and from the Convention site.

❖ Present a final report at or before the Convention Committee meeting that will consist of the sub-committee’s detailed yearly progress, along with recommendations for the next year’s committee.

Serenity Keepers Policy

Serenity/Security Committee Policy

Purpose: To ensure a safe and spiritual setting for all convention and fundraiser participants to hear the message of recovery.

Objective: To fulfill the purpose in a spiritual and serene manner.


Chair: Elected by the full convention committee. To guide the serenity/security keeper committee in fulfilling it’s stated purpose. To assist in setting agenda for the sub-committee meetings. To guide and assist in the mentoring of trusted servants with less experience. Minimum 5 years clean.

Vice-Chair: Elected by the serenity keeper committee. Must have the ability to step in for the chair in case of absence. To assist the chair in fulfilling the stated purpose of the sub-committee. Minimum 3 years clean.

Secretary: Elected by the serenity keeper committee. Have the ability to take notes of the sub-committee meetings and archive all written material. Will work with the chair or vice-chair in compiling minutes and reports to be submitted to the full committee. Will have access to a computer. Minimum 1 year clean.

Serenity Keeper: Will be trusted servants of the sub-committee. Have the ability to speak with people in a non-confrontational manner. Will be able to handle any situation in a spiritual manner and when unable to resolve in this manner, will call for assistance. Minimum 1 year clean.


The sub-committee will meet monthly until there are 6 months remaining until the convention, at which time the frequency will increase dependent upon need. The sub-committee will assist in ensuring that all fundraisers and convention functions begin and end on time. The sub-committee will help to ensure that all functions of the BCC occur with a minimum of controversy, and that there is an orderly movement of people at all functions. Ensure that all rules and guidelines of host facilities are followed. Will have the ability to remove from any event any person not following established rules and guidelines. Will at no point escalate any situation into a possible altercation.

Removal Policy of Members of the Serenity Keepers Sub-committee

Any member except the chair can be removed by two-thirds majority of the sub-committee. The chair can only be removed by the BCC full-body. During an event, if the chair and the vice-chair agree that there are grounds, a serenity keeper member will be asked to leave the event, and be subjected to a vote for removal at the next serenity keeper sub-committee meeting.

Hospitality Policy



Hospitality Committee’s Goals: To successfully carry the message of recovery to addicts old and new, by way of, warm greeting, pleasant presentation of food and service s as well as correct instruction at Functions & Convention.

This committee is comprised of 2 representatives (Chair and Co-Chair) elected from Brooklyn Convention Committee meeting (B.C.C.). All other position will be filled at Hospitality Sub Committee meeting (H.S.C) and will not have voting power at B.C.C. full body meeting

Hospitality will have no treasurer at the suggestion of B.C.C. for chairpersons are responsible for all funds given to Hospitality by B.C.C. treasurer for food purchases and other such item need to carry out their service commitment


MORE OVER- Hospitality Committee Chair will be held accountable for said funds, proper recordkeeping and receipts, reimbursement of lost, stolen or unaccountable funds. In acceptance of this commitment, the Chairperson accepts these terms and agrees to uphold the In the Spirit of Recovery.

Hospitality Duties & Responsibilities:

1. Greet and welcome convention & function quorum.

2. Hug and distribute lifesavers.

3. Provide information upon request.

4. In conjunction with the serenity Keepers and their policies, the hospitality committee will monitor the room for inappropriate behavior such as gambling, sex, storage of personal effects, smoking, fighting, rough housing, unsupervised children, etc.

Provision of Hospitality;

1. This committee will provide hospitality room that may be open 24-hours each day for entire convention if hotel allows and hospitality members are available.

2. The hospitality suite will provide coffee, snacks and fruit during various hours of the day.

3. The committee shall get at least (3) bids for the snack supplies and fruit, taking the lowest price which is within our budgeted amount for convention.

4. Provide such games as backgammon, cards, chess, checkers and board games.

5. Good communication between this committee, the host hotel, and other subcommittees is essential for a convention to run smoothly.

Note: If changes are required, the committee should be allotted ample time to regroup.

HIPIC Policy

HIPIC Policy

Guidelines and Policy Purpose

To give the still sick and suffering addict an opportunity to experience recovery at our convention and fundraisers.

Definition and Responsibility

Works with registration committee to provide free registration packages and day-passes for newcomers from institutions and treatment facilities.

❖ Produces invitations to treatment facilities offering their clients a one day (Saturday) pass to the convention.

❖ Responds to and organizes registration for these participants.

❖ Sets up booth providing information to hotel staff and other members of the public.

❖ Provides meeting lists for out of town members.

❖ Have press packages available in case members of the press are present.

❖ Works with the Admin-committee to ensure availability of a private space to meet with members of the press, if necessary.

❖ Provides limited amount of free passes, to those fitting newcomers’ criteria, at all fundraisers.


Sub-committee consists of Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and eligible members.

The Committee

HIPIC Chair: Shall be elected by full-body BCC meeting. All other commitments are determined by HIPIC sub-committee.


Chairperson: 3 years clean

Vice-chair: 3 years clean

Secretary: 1 year clean

Committee member: 6 months clean


Chair: See definition and responsibilities.

Vice-Chair: Helps chairperson run an orderly meeting and acts as chairperson in the chairperson’s absence.

Secretary: Attends all HIPIC sub-committee meetings, keeps accurate minutes at the sub-committee meeting, and helps with correspondence and logistics with qualifying treatment facilities.

Voting participants

Vice-chair, secretary, and committee members.

Voting Procedure

Two-thirds majority to pass any motion. (Consensus based decision)

Removal from Sub-committee

A. Relapse

B. Continued failure to attend HIPIC sub-committee and BCC fundraisers

Transportation Policy


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