ACHS Math Department Teacher: McCarty Class: Data & Measurements | |

|DATE |LEARNING TARGET |Topic |Assignment/Activity/Formative Assessment |

|5/6 |I can find the probability of mutually exclusive and nonmutually |Mutually Exclusive |Bell Ringer |

| |exclusive events. |Events & Independent |Discuss Homework Solutions |

| |I can find the probability of independent and dependent events. |and Dependent Events |Taste the Rainbow Activity |

|5/7 |I can find the conditional probability of an event A given B. |Conditional |Bell Ringer |

| | |Probability |Discuss Homework Solutions |

| | | |Notes: Conditional Probability |

| | | |Practice 11-4 Conditional Probability |

|5/8 |I can find the conditional probability of an event A given B. |Conditional |Bell Ringer |

| | |Probability |Discuss Homework Solutions |

| | | |Conditional Probability Worksheet |

|5/9 |I can use counting principles to count the number of ways an event |Probability Test |Bell Ringer |

| |can happen. |Review |Discuss Homework Solutions |

| |I can use permutations and combinations to find the probability of a| |Probability Tic-Tac-Toe |

| |compound event and to solve problems. | |Probability Test Review |

| |I can find the probability of mutually exclusive and nonmutually | | |

| |exclusive events. | | |

| |I can find the probability of independent and dependent events. | | |

| |I can use unions, intersections, and complements to find | | |

| |probabilities. | | |

| |I can find the conditional probability of an event A given B. | | |

| |I can find simple probability. | | |

|5/10 | |Probability Test |Bell Ringer |

| | |Review |Discuss Homework Solutions |

| | | |The Staple Game |

|5/13 | |Probability Test |Probability Test |

|5/14 |On Demand Testing 10th and 11th | | |

|5/15 |I can represent data on a scatter plot. |Scatter Plots Line of |Bell Ringer |

| |I can, using a scatter plot, describe how two variables are related.|Best Fit |Discuss Homework Solutions |

| |I can fit a linear function for a scatter plot that suggests a | |Notes: Linear Models |

| |linear relationship. | |Worksheet 1 |

| |I can interpret the meaning of the slope and intercept of a linear | | |

| |model in the context of the data. | | |

| |I can define “positive, negative”, and “no correlation”. | | |

|5/16 | |Linear Models |Bell Ringer |

| | | |Discuss Homework Solutions |

| | | |Calculator Notes |

| | | |Dirt Bike Worksheet |

|5/17 | |Linear Models |Bell Ringer |

| | | |Discuss Homework Solutions |

| | | |Scatterplots Worksheet |

|5/20 | |Linear Models |Bell Ringer |

| | | |Discuss Homework Solutions |

| | | |Scatterplots Worksheet |

|5/21 | |Linear Models |Bell Ringer |

| | | |Discuss Homework Solutions |

| | | |Quiz Review |

|5/22 | |Linear Models |Bell Ringer |

| | | |Discuss Homework Solutions |

| | | |Quiz |

|5/23 |I can pass the final exam. |Final Exam Review |Bell Ringer |

| | | |Final Exam Review |

|5/24 |I can pass the final exam. |Final Exam Review |Bell Ringer |

| | | |Final Exam Review |

|5/27 |NO SCHOOL | | |

|5/28 |I can pass the final exam. |Final Exam |1st, 3rd, & 5th |

| | | |Final Exams |

|5/29 |I can pass the final exam. |Final Exam |1st – Trimester Awards |

| | | |2nd & 4th |

| | | |Final Exams |


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