City University of New York

Refined and elegant things—snow, white, pale, egg, soft—delicate things. Elegant flowers (wisteria)Sentence fragments=like bullet points. “very young son in beautiful family…” (sentence fragment) “an enchanting little child…” (full sentence) “Dispiriting things”—first P, random things in the town, not happy things. Also frags: “ox keeper,” “birthing hut” “scholar with daughters”(more sentence fragments—separated by period, not commas).Our own: describe sad things: you get to the train station but your train is delayed. A cloudy day on your way to school. As you keep going…it becomes more like a typical reading: easy read. It gets more detailed as it goes on—more colloquial language (details, straight to the point). “Thing that give you pleasure”—addresses the reader directly=YOU. “I” and first person too. Repetition with a word—word pleasure is used a lot. “pleased” “pleasure” “pleasing”Dispiriting—“dispiriting” is repeated. Builds to the end, says this word more.Starts with most depressing things to her. Then falls into disappointment. Repetition of seasons, summer and winter. Scenarios—make sense for you to be writing the pillow book. Shonagan: Might have been written for someone to pick it up and think she’s intellectual; might do something similar. Writing “as if” private, but want someone to find and read it. Example: Internship, want to seem different, notepad to plan day, but use it to write thoughts and observations throughout the day. Want someone higher up to find it, manager, who you’re working for. Accidentally/”accidentally” email it to someone; accidentally/“accidentally” post to social media. General day but something small happens. Write about everyday commute: but everyday something new on the subway happens. Something crazy that happens. Separate paragraphs by new list (different entries). Structure=repetition. Describe a holiday, always using the same color (red, green, white). Adjectives (descriptive). Describing, notice (notice holiday, season, by describing weather, how people are dressed).Seasons—decorations for Christmas. Winter=January, snow on the ground, people wearing hats and scarves. Music played on the radio. Compares and contrasts—dispiriting vs pleasing.Robe in both.(Robes=something she likes, wears…). In our version: having to wear specific clothing to work. Example: if you’re at an internship, you have button ups (button down) on dress pants (pleasing thing=dress pants). Flexibility and comfort (unpleasant thing=not as comfortable to wear). ................

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