College of Science

PART VI: Extension and Community Involvement

A. Priorities and Relevance

How the University is viewed by community stakeholders is through the lens of extension. It is the University’s community involvement that the knowledge generated within the academe is transformed into practicality and into forms understandable to clienteles. As an equal function with instruction and research, extension initiates, catalyses and sustains the development of various communities, using their experience and available resources. Likewise, it delivers impacts based on needs and solicits participation among various stakeholders towards community empowerment.

Through the years, Bicol University has embarked on multifarious extension undertakings, helping out and reaching target clients from farmers, fishermen, out-of-school youths, women and other sectors both in rural and urban areas. These activities vary according to the multiple expertise and fields of specialization being offered by the University. On its part, BU College of Science has a pool of experts in the fields of information technology, natural sciences, both physical and biological, and mathematics.

Our present global, national and local communities pose challenges for academes and other stakeholders to address. Not only have these challenges grown in size, their complexities have spiraled making it imperative for partnerships to push through. These challenges are the following:

1. The global challenge of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of eradicating poverty by 2015 with the fact that the country is signatory to the MDGs and with three years left to contribute to its accomplishment.

2. The global concern of Climate Change and consequences it brings to different sectors of society and the threats to global biodiversity and local endemism

3. The National challenge of renewed and principled leadership in government, NGOs, businesses and academes taking active and participatory roles in the development agenda of its service areas.

4. The local challenge of reducing and managing risks and casualties and economic losses to business, agriculture and other sectors in times of natural calamities.

5. The local challenge of being a model community for environmental initiatives, educational and academic ingenuities and entrepreneurial modalities.

In response to the challenges posed, BU College of Science commits to uphold its vision of being a center of excellence in the sciences, which is relevant and responsive to the needs of the Bicolanos. Likewise, it will endeavor to continue its mission, along extension, of providing scientific and technical services in the region to contribute to a sustained regional and national growth and development. It is the belief of the college that science and technology plays a pivotal role in strengthening resiliency and pushing forward developmental agenda.

BU College of Science, thus, has conceptualized a five-year development action plan incorporating the learning from its previous extension engagements and from the best practices of fellow extension practitioners in the region and in the country. These inputs will better facilitate the conduct of extension within the logical framework of the University’s planning, monitoring, implementation, and evaluation processes.

BUESC Vision: A dynamic and responsive model university extension organization that builds capacities and transforms lives in Bicol and beyond.

BUESC Mission: To bring the University closer to the community by engaging in unified extension undertakings, providing access to science and technology to clienteles thus building capacities and transforming lives in Bicol and beyond for sustainable development.

BUESC Thrusts Education to build resilient communities

Environmental protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation

Entrepreneurial development and social responsibility (consumer education)

Promotion of national and regional identity through communication, culture and the arts and preservation of Bicol Culture identity

Science and technology promotion and communication

People’s organization and community development

Promotion of supply chain orientation on local product

Improved information communication technology

Moral Development

Promotion of good government

Promotion of optimum fitness and healthy lifestyle

The College of Science shares this vision and mission with the target clientele tailoring its own service vision and mission of:

CS Extension Service Vision:

A functional, practical and participatory CS Extension program aimed at uplifting the people’s lives of depressed communities in the Bicol region.

CS Extension Service Mission:

To bring the professional expertise of the Faculty and students to depressed areas of the Bicol Region by enhancing competencies and widening opportunities for growth to attain individual, community, national and global goals.

CS Extension Service Area:

The depressed communities which the college intends to adopt may have conditions that may be characterized as:

Social - Majority of families live below the poverty line

- Adults have low level of education, majority reaching elementary levels;

- Majority of the children and youth who have stopped schooling finished elementary and sought employment outside the community either as domestic helpers, laborers or construction workers.

- People are religious and still adhere to religious practices;

- Families are paternalistic and maintain strong family kinship;

- The practice of the values “Bahala na” and “May awa ang Dios” seem very strong,

Economic - The Barangays are economically poor

- Sources of income come from farming, fishing, handicraft making, employment and weaving;

- Main agricultural products are coconut, corn, root crops

- Most families rely on local markets for their daily consumption

Political - Leaders who have reached high school run the Barangays or College levels

- Majority of the officers are active decision makers rather than paternalistic.

- Barangays officials meet at least once a month to discuss community problems;

- Projects are usually short-ranged with minimal participation from the constituents.

Cultural - people are fond of social gatherings: fiestas, festivals, weddings, baptism are well celebrated;

- Public dancing is held almost every week

- Cockfighting is rampant and jueteng still exist

These conditions remain to be challenges to the local efforts of the BU College of Science extension service. Owing to its strong academic disciplines and expertise, the college offers itself for the improvement, progress and development of the adopted communities. Activities to be undertaken are in collaboration with the local government units and other government and non-government entities and in close coordination with the different colleges and units of Bicol University.

Extension Program Objectives:

1. To provide technical support services to depressed barangays in line with advocacy and education on the various disciplines of the college and of the University;

2. To conduct various activities that will improve the barangays residents and the community as a whole economically, socially, spiritually and morally;

3. To coordinate with the concerned LGUs, government and non-government agencies, the different colleges and units of Bicol University for sustainable projects in depressed communities.

4. To undertake researches in line with the community’s development, impact of the activities and other related studies.

Over-all Extension Program Goal:

To uplift the quality of life of the residents of depressed communities and of schools across the Bicol region through the conduct of sustainable activities and the provision of technical support by the academe towards community empowerment


With the revision of the manual of operations of the Bicol University Extension Service, the component strategies of the college have been revised from its previous development plan to better provide quality services to its clienteles. These are as follows:

Continuing Education

This component refers to the upgrading of particular skills through seminars, trainings and workshops. This also includes techno-transfer activities such as demo farms and techno-exhibits. The college, with its vast technology potential, is committed to train community stakeholders of both the basic and advanced science and technology that suits the needs and the future plans of the community. The college offers packaged trainings or may tailor trainings specific to a requesting clientele. Some of the packaged technologies include the following:

|Trainings |Duration |

|Adopt a School Program | |

|- Legazpi Port Division |2010 – to date |

|- Albay Central School |2013 – to date |

|Computer Enhancement and Literacy Training Program |2012 |

|ACS Web Development |2013 |

|Web-Dev in Action |2012 – to date |

|PADAGOS Project |2011 |

|Zero-Basura Project (Waste Management) |2010 |

|Sagip-Ilog (Sagumayon Project) |2010 |

|CICT Training |2010 |

| | |

Likewise, the college can provide tailored seminars/trainings on the following topics:

a. Medicinal flora

b. Ecological waste management

c. Biodiversity and implications

d. Environmental protection

e. Computer Systems

f. Programming and data-base generation

g. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

h. River Management

i. Science and Technology Subjects

Communications media technologies

These include reproduction of print and non-print media, the production, packaging and promotion of information and education materials and the ICT component of extension for timely provision of the best technical advice and increased access to data and information. The college will continue to disseminate its rich compendium of knowledge through bulletins and pamphlets, being true to its commitment of making the best of science and technology useful and practical to the community. Included in this component is the publication of instructional materials.

Consultancy, Linkages and other related support

Given the academic backgrounds and professional experience of the faculty and student of the college, the extension service provides a diversified pool of experts ready to answer requests from clienteles for speaking engagements, consultants, team leaders and accreditors. To name a few, the following are the technical expertise that the college could provide.

a. Coastal resource management

b. Biodiversity assessment / ecological assessment

c. Waste management

d. Medicinal flora

e. Experimental research proposal / SIP

f. Statistical Analysis

g. Data Base generation

h. Coaching and advisory functions

i. Technology sharing

j. Common laboratory / analysis / evaluation

k. Technical assistance in proof-reading, editing and upgrading instructional materials in math, information technology and sciences.

Knowledge Management

This is the generation, retrieval, storage of knowledge and constitutes the information system of the extension service as a repository of vital science and technology which can improve the delivery of extension services to the clienteles in terms of access and utilization. Included in this component is the move of the college to the Information Center of the Sagumayon River Management Council. Thus, all researches on the river shall be housed in the College of Science and will be cascaded to community members.

Development and Action Research

This component is concerned with undertaking development and action research projects with the aim of generating and innovating approaches and methodologies for extension to answer the needs of the communities. It also includes built in monitoring and evaluation schemes to ensure smooth, effective and efficient implementation of the programs and projects.


The college is now ripe for a new phase of extension delivery. Our strength as an academic unit lies along:

a. A pool of experts in the math, science and information technology

b. Completed and on-going researches relevant to the developmental needs of the community

c. Rich manpower in terms of student involvement through the NSTP and socially oriented courses.

d. Highly diversified networks and linkages profile willing to collaborate to advance developmental agenda

e. Successful alumni who share the passion to serve

With the closing of the extension program at Albay Central Elementary School, BU College of Science seeks to forge new partnerships to replicate success stories in previous extension engagements. In the next five years, the college extension targets to disseminate accumulated knowledge gained from various faculty and student researches which are useful for community development. The extension agenda seeks to adopt the following:

1. Provincial Government of Sorsogon through the Public Awareness and Development Assistance for the Government of Sorsogon (PADAGOS Project)

2. Mayon Volcano Natural Park through the Mayon – BU HAnayan Project (MABUHAY Project)

3. Schools within the Legazpi City District through adopting the entire district

4. Sagumayon River communities with BU College of Science acting as the Information Center of the Sagumayon River Management Council

Likewise, the College will continue to strengthen its faculty experts and increase student volunteerism to better deliver extension to clienteles.

5. Continued consultancy services

6. Increased packaged technologies and information and techno-transfer

7. Improved interaction of research and extension and renewed interfacing of instruction and extension

8. Increase externally-funded programs and projects to augment the college extension budget

9. Be able to increase instructional materials submitted by faculty and published by the extension service center

10. Be able to benchmark the University and the College to schools and communities through career guidance orientations, student exchanges and the likes.

Extension Program/Agenda for the Program under survey


|Program / Project |Objectives |Specific Project/Activity |

|1. Administration | |approved activities |

| |Adopt-a-School Project | |

| |- Legazpi Port Division | |

| |- Albay Central School | |

| | | |

| |Adopt-a-Province Project | |

| |(Sorsogon Province) | |

| | | |

| |Web Dev in Action | |

| |- Legazpi Port Division | |

| |- SDNHS | |

| |- Bical NHS | |

| |- San Fernando HS | |

| |- PagAsa NHS | |

| | | |

| |PADAGOS Project | |

| |In-Service Extension Seminar-Workshop | |

| |Team Building Planning Workshop | |

| |Consultative Meeting extension activity | |

| |BU Resilient Community Program | |

| |Career Orientation Program | |

| |Handog Pamasko | |

| | | |

|2. Faculty | |act as resource speakers, facilitators, coordinators |

|3. Students | |support/assist the activities |

|4. Stakeholders | |as stipulated in MOA per program |

B.2. Extension Projects implemented by Computer Science and Information Technology (CS/IT) Department

The Computer Science and Information Technology (CS/IT) department implemented various extension and other related extension activities pursuant to the goals, objectives, and activities of the college.

Extension Projects Implemented by CS/IT Department

|Name of Project |Faculty Involved |Students Involved |Others Involved |Clientele / Beneficiaries |Duration / |

| | | | | |Time Frame |

|Adopt-a-Province Project |Elizabeth Abalon |BUCS Organizations |BUESC |Province of Sorsogon |June 12, 2012 |

| |Marlyn Nerbes | | | | |

| |Maria Karina Discaya | | | | |

| |Anne Dioneda | | | | |

| |Ma. Teresa Mirandilla | | | | |

| |Jonathan Guerrero | | | | |

| |Benedicto Balilo Jr. | | | | |

|Technology Appreciation Skills Training on Food |All CS/IT Faculty |CS Student Org |LGU Sto. Domingo |LGU Sto. Domingo, Albay |Jan. 17, 2012 |

|Processing | | |BUESC | |March 19, 2012 |

|Web Development |CS/IT Faculty |Circuits, ComSoc |BUCS |Pag-Asa National High School, |February 29, 2012 |

|“Web in Action | | | |Legazpi City | |

|- Albay Central School | | | | | |

|- SDNHS | | | | | |

|- BNHS | | | | | |

|- SFHS | | | | | |

|- PagAsa NHS | | | | | |

|Literacy Training on Multimedia/Software |Franklin Miranda |Circuits |ACS, DepEd |ACS faculty |March 11, 2011 |

|Presentation |Romulus Callos | | | | |

|Conservation Farming Villages (CFV) |Lany Maceda | |BUCAF |Ligao City |February 24, 2011 |

|(Sakip-Saka Project) | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Community Outreach |All C/IT faculty |BSCS, BSIT, CSC |Brgy San Isidro Council |San Isidro, Sto. Domingo, Albay |Dec. 2011 |

| | |San Isidro, Sto. Domingo Elementary |DepEd | | |

| | |School | | | |

|Ecological Solid Waste Management Program (Zero |BUCS faculty |BUCS Students |Legazpi City ESWM |BU personnel and Students |August 13, 2010 |

|Basura Project) Orientation | | |BUESC | | |

|iSchools Project |All CS/IT Faculty |None |CICT Quezon City |Province of Albay |2010 |

|Act as Speaker/Resource Speaker/Subject Matter |Christian Sy | | | | |

|Specialist/Consultants/Lecturer/ Adviser to |Rodel Naz |Various clientele of the University |BUCS | |On-going |

|various clientele of the University and the |Ariz Ordonez |and the community |BU | |As requested |

|community |Evan Paje | | | | |

| |Lea Dela Rama | | | | |

| |Michael Brogada | | | | |

| |Jean Llovido | | | | |

| |Lany Maceda | | | | |

| |Benedicto Balilo Jr. | | | | |

| |Franklin Miranda | | | | |

| |Ryan Rodriguez | | | | |

|Computer Enhancement-Literacy Training |Franklin Miranda |Albay Central School Elementary |BUCS Laboratory Legazpi | |March 3 & 10, 2012 |

| |Evan Paje |Teachers | | | |

| |Benedicto Balilo Jr. | | | | |

| |Aris Ordonez | | | | |

| |Lea Dela Rama | | | | |

| |Davie Balmaldrid | | | | |

|Educating to Build Resilient Communities: BU |All BUCS faculty | |BUESC |LGU, Sto. Domingo, Albay |2 year program |

|Global Actions | | |LGU, Sto. Domingo, Albay | |Start 2012 |

B.3. Research results Utilized/Adopted as Extension Inputs

The results of the Rapid Resource Assessment of DICOREMAP was already presented in the BU 18th In-house Review and the Partner agencies, the results where taken as bases for the trainings that will be conducted. An inception report was prepared which was distributed to the different partner agencies of DICOREMAP.

|Research Title |Researcher/s |Technology / Knowledge |Extension Project / |Location /Site |No. of Clientele |

| | |Generated |Activity / Where | | |

| | | |Applied | | |

B.4. Pool of Consultants/Experts on-Call

|Expert |Specialization |Specific Expertise Extended |Extension Project/Activity |Location |

| | | |Served | |

| |Specialist Support |Laboratory Assistant |iSchools Project(Computer and|Banquerohan National High |

|Austero, Lea D. |Services | |Internet Literacy Course) |School |

| | |Speaker |Bicol University College of |ICT Progress Impact on IT |

| | | |Science, CS/IT Dept. |and its Sociological |

| | | | |Viewpoint. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Computer Literacy |Computer Literacy |

| | | | |Enhancement Program |

| | | | | |

| | | | |ICT Progress: Impact on IS|

| | | |IT week |and its Sociological |

| | | | |Viewpoint |

| | | | |BU Auditorium |

| | | | |Aug 31, 2012 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Component Extension Team |Adopt-a-school program |Legazpi Port Division |

| |Specialist Support |Leader | | |

|Balilo, Benedicto Jr. B|Services | | | |

| | |Speaker |Philippine Normal Univ. |International YES(Youth & |

| | | |Asian Network of Youth |Educators Summit) on |

| | | |Volunteers |Transformative Education |

| | | | | |

| | | |Computer Literacy | |

| | | | |Computer Literacy |

| | | | |Enhancement Program |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Albay Central School |

| | | | | |

| | | |Web Digital Training / Web | |

| | | |Development |1st TechTalk |

| | | | |2nd TechTalk |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Investigatory Project |

| | | | |Preparation |

| | | |ACS |Seminar-Workshop |

| | | |DepEd | |

| | |Laboratory Assistant |iSchools Project(Computer and|Alimsog Integrated High |

| | | |Internet Literacy Course) |School, Sto. Domingo, |

| | | | |Albay |

| | |Laboratory Administrator/ |Computer Skills Test |Bicol University |

| | |Assistant | | |

| |Work |Organizer/ Facilitator |Livelihood Training |Sto. Domingo, Albay |

| |Community | |(Chocolate, Banana Chips and | |

| | | |Salabat) Workshop | |

| |Consultancy |Consultant |LGU Sto. Domingo, Albay |LGU Sto. Domingo, Albay |

| | | |(General Administration, ICT |2010 - 2013 |

| | | |and Education) | |

| |Specialist Support | | | |

|Balmadrid, Davie B |Services | | | |

| |Specialist Support | | | |

|Colle, Rey Jonuel |Services | | | |

| |Specialist Support |CILC Trainer |iSchools Project(Computer and| |

| |Services | |Internet Literacy Course) | |

|Llovido, Jennifer | | | | |

| | |Resource Speaker |CICT |Computer and Internet |

| | | | |Literacy Course |

| | |Resource Speaker |CICT |Computer and Internet |

| | | | |Literacy Course |

| | |Resource Speaker |BU |2nd Batch of the |

| | | | |Continuing Program on |

| | | | |“Computer Literacy |

| | | | |Training Program for the |

| | | | |Employees of Bicol |

| | | | |University” |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Website Development |

| | | | |Training |

| | | |Central Bicol State | |

| | | |University of Agriculture | |

| | |Planning Officer |BUCS |Bicol University |

| |Specialist Support |CILC Trainer |iSchools Project(Computer and|Bombon High School, Libon,|

| |Services | |Internet Literacy Course) |Albay |

|Lucila, Noli | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Banguerohan Nat’l HS |

| | | | |Legazpi City |

| | | | |Sep 2-4, 2011 |

| | | | |Sep 23-25, 2011 |

| | |Trainer/Laboratory Assistant |iSchools Project(Computer and|Labnig National High |

| | | |Internet Literacy Course) |School, Malinao, Albay |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Coach/Trainor |International Programming |Manila, Oct. 2011 |

| | | |Competition | |

| |Specialist Support |Assistant Trainer |iSchools Project(Computer and|San Jose Pili National |

| |Services | |Internet Literacy Course) |High School |

|Maceda, Lany | | | | |

| | |Organizer |Zero-Basura Project |Bicol University |

| | | | |Legazpi City |

| | |Laboratory Administrator/ |Computer Skills Test |Bicol University |

| | |Assistant | | |

| | |Resource Person |Bataan Peninsula State |End-User Training on the |

| | | |University |Responsible Use of ICT |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Recruitment |

| | | | |Campaign/Career Guidance |

| | | |Divine Word College of | |

| | |Speaker |Legazpi |DWCL Community Extension |

| | | | |Service |

| | | |Computer Literacy Program | |

| | | | | |

| | |Speaker |Philippine Normal Univ. |International YES(Youth & |

| | | |Asian Network of Youth |Educators Summit) on |

| | | |Volunteers |Transformative Education |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Computer Literacy |

| | | |Computer Literacy |Enhancement Program |

| | | | | |

| | | | |E-Commerce: Past and |

| | | | |Future |

| | | |IT week |Bicol University |

| | |Laboratory Assistant |iSchools Project(Computer and| |

| | | |Internet Literacy Course) | |

| | |Laboratory Administrator/ |Computer Skills Test |Bicol University |

| | |Assistant | | |

| |Specialist Support |Developer |Computer Technology |LGU Juban Sorsogon (web |

| |Services | | |site) |

|Michael Angelo D. | | | | |

|Brogada | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Specialist Support | | | |

| |Services | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Organizer, Contest Director |Computer Programming |The Lewis College |

| | | | |Programming Challenge 2011|

| | | | |– 1st Sorsogon Wide, |

| | | | |Inter-collegiate Computer |

| | | | |Programming Competition |

| | | | |The Lewis College |

| | | | |November 25, 2011 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |2nd Bicol Youth Congress |

| | | | |for IT, CSPC Nabua, |

| | | | |November 18, 2011 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Seminar-Workshop on Topic |

| | | | |PHP and MYSql |

| | | | |SSC Bulan, Sorsogon |

| | |Speaker / Guest Speaker |Computer Technology |November 5-6, 2011 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Speaker / Guest Speaker |Computer Technology |1st STI IT Congress |

| | | | |(PHP-MySQL) |

| | | | |STI Nag Campus |

| | | | |March 17, 2012 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Ateneo Programming |

| | | | |Challenge 2011 |

| | | | |Ateneo de Naga |

| | | | |March 11, 2011 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |PHP & MYSQL Development |

| | | | |Course |

| | | | |Bicol University Gubat |

| | | | |Campus |

| | | | |August 28 – 29, 2011 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Seminar Workshop in |

| | | | |Database using MYSQL |

| | | | |Veritas College of Irosin |

| | | | |Sorsogon |

| | | | |October 8 – 9, 2011 |

| | | | |Seminar Workshop on |

| | | | |2010 and MYSQL |

| | | | |Sorsogon State College |

| | | | |Bulan Campus |

| | | | |October 16-17, 2011 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Seminar Workshop on |

| | | | |Blogging |

| | | | |Sorsogon State College |

| | | | |Graduate School |

| | | | |March 17, 2011 |

|Naz, Rodel |Administrative |Study leave | | |

|N. | | | | |

|Ordones, Ariz |Specialist Support |Member |RQAT Evaluator |Naga College Foundation |

| |Services | | |Aug. 15, 2012 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |AMA Computer Learning |

| | | | |Center |

| | | | |Aug 23-24, 2012 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Forbes College Legazpi |

| | | | |Feb. 14, 2012 |

| | |Speaker |Computer Literacy |Computer Literacy |

| | | | |Enhancement Program |

| |Specialist Support |Project Manager |iSchools Project(Computer and|Albay Province |

| |Services | |Internet Literacy Course) | |

|Pancho, Laarni D. | | | | |

| | |Lab Manager |iSchools Project(Computer and|Albay Province |

| | | |Internet Literacy Course) | |

| |Specialist Support |CILC Trainer |iSchools Project(Computer and|Barcelona NCHS |

| |Services | |Internet Literacy Course) |Poblacio Norte |

|Paje, Rommel Evan | | | |Barcelona, Sorsogon |

| | |Trainer/Laboratory Assistant |iSchools Project(Computer and|Barayong National High |

| | | |Internet Literacy Course) |School, Libon, Albay |

| | | | | |

| | | | |San Miguel High School |

| | |Speaker/Proponent |Computer Literacy |Computer Literacy |

| |Specialist Support | | |Enhancement Program |

|Penetrante, Felix R. |Services | | | |

| | |CILC Trainer |iSchools Project |Alimsog, Integrated High |

| | | |Computer and Internet |School, Sto. Domingo, |

| | | |Literacy Course (CILC) |Albay |

| | | |iSchools Project |Estancia High School, |

| | | |Computer and Internet |Malinao, Albay |

| | |Trainer/Laboratory Assistant |Literacy Course (CILC) |Barayong National High |

| | | | |School, Libon, Albay |

| | | | |San Miguel High School |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Bicol University |

| | | | |Apr. 20-23, May 4-6, May |

| | | |iSchools Project |17-20, 2010 |

| | | |Computer and Internet | |

| | | |Literacy Course (PC | |

| | | |Recycling) | |

| | |Coach |Ateneo De Naga University |2nd Ateneo Programming |

| | | | |Challenge |

| | | | | |

|Rodriguez, Ryan A. | | | | |

| | |Coach |Ateneo De Naga University |Ateneo Programming |

| | | | |Challenge 2012 |

| | |Coach |UP ITTC, Quezon City |2011 ACM ICPC Asia Manila |

| | | | |Regional Contest |

| | |Adviser |BUCS |Circle of Unified |

| | | | |Information Technology |

| | | | |(CirCUITS) |

| | |Laboratory Assistant |CICT / Bicol University |iSchools Project |

| | | | |Laboratory Management |

| | | | |Training |

| | |Coordinator |CICT |PC Recycling 1st Cut |

| | |Training Manager | | |

|Satuito, Arlene A. |Study leave | | | |

| | |Coordinator |CICT |PC Recycling 2nd Cut |

|Sy, Christian Y. |Specialist Support |Training Manager | | |

| |Services | | | |

| | |Coordinator |CICT |PC Recycling 3rd Cut |

| | |Training Manager | | |

| | |Resource Speaker |Bicol University College of |BUCS Enhancement |

| | | |Science |Activities |

| | |Resource Speaker |Elderly Summit |LGU SDA |

| | |Coordinator |Bicol University College of |BUCS Student Activities |

| | | |Science |Coordinator |

| | |Resource Speaker |BU ESC |Elderly Summit |

| | |Research Adviser |BUCS |Best Poster Presenter: |

| | | | |“Instant Messaging with |

| | | | |Embedded AI Secretary |

| | | | |(BOT) |

| | |Trainer | |Computer Literacy for the |

| | | | |Employees BU |

| | |Vote Canvasing Program |NAMFREL |NAMFREL Volunteer Quick |

| | |Developer | |Count |

| | |Tabulating System | |Search for Miss Daragang |

|Vibar, Jayvee |Specialist Support |Administrator | |Magayon |

|Christopher N |Services | | | |

| | |IT Consultant |Purplezone Internet Café |Purplezone Internet Café |

| | |Assistant Manager | | |

| | |Assistant Trainer |Bicol University |Computer Literacy for the |

| | | | |Employees of Bicol |

| | | | |University |

| | |System Developer/ Programmer |Bicol University |Web-based Payroll System |

| | | | |for Bicol University |

| | | | |(E-Payroll) |

| | |System Developer/ Programmer |Bicol University Tabaco |Mr. & Ms. BUTC Search |

| | | |Campus |E-Tabulation System 1.0 |

| | |System Developer/ Programmer | |Web-Based Payroll System |

| | |Laboratory Assistant |iSchools Project(Computer and| |

| | | |Internet Literacy Course) |Alimsog Integrated High |

| | | | |School, Sto. Domingo, |

| | | | |Albay |

| | | | | |

| | |Speaker |Computer Literacy Program |Albay Central School |

| | | |(Adopt-A-School) | |

B.5. List of Packaged Technologies

|Title of Technology |Mode of Delivery (primer, brochure, film, |Authors/Production Team |

| |etc) | |

|CILC(Computer Internet Literacy Course) |pdf file/powerpoint presentation/module |CICT |

|Module | | |

| | | |

C. Funding and Other Resources

C.1. Fund 101 (income of University) and Fund 164 (Subsidy – National Budget). Budgetary allocation for the Academic Unit’s Extension Program in the last 3-5 years.

|Item |Amount |

|Fund 101 | |


| |CY 2010 |CY 20011 |CY 2012 |CY 2013 |CY 2014 |

|2. Supplies and Materials |10,000.00 |20,000.00 | | | |

|3. Travel and Fuel |20,000.00 |20,000.00 | | | |

|4. Acquisition of Equipment |10,000.00 |- | | | |

|5. Repair of Facilities |- |- | | | |

|6. IEC Materials printing |8,000.00 |10,000.00 | | | |

|7. Others |2,000.00 |4,000.00 | | | |

|TOTAL |60,000.00 |64,000.00 | | | |

|Item |Amount |

|Fund 164 | |


| |CY 2010 |CY 20011 |CY 2012 |CY 2013 |CY 2014 |

|1. Capability Building |10,000.00 |10,000.00 |15,000.00 |150,000.00 |150,000.00 |

|2. Supplies and Materials |25,000.00 |20,000.00 |15,000.00 | | |

|3. Travel and Fuel |25,000.00 |20,000.00 |20,000.00 | | |

|4. Acquisition of Equipment |- |10,000.00 |- | | |

|5. Repair of Facilities |- |- |- | | |

|6. IEC Materials printing |10,000.00 |10,000.00 |25,000.00 | | |

|7. Others |1,379.50 |3,529.61 |25,000.00 | | |

|TOTAL |70,379.50 |73,529.61 |100,000.00 | | |

C.2. List of Extension Linkages

|Agency or Institution |Address |Nature of Linkage |Fund/Assistance Generated |

|Legazpi City Port Division |Albay |Regional | |

|Provincial Capitol of Sorsogon |Sorsogon |Regional | |

|DENRO-PENRO, Masbate |Mainland, Masbate |Regional | |

|DAR, Masbate |Mainland, Masbate |Regional | |

|LGU-Sto. Domingo, Albay | | | |

|LGU-Legazpi City |Sto. Domingo, Albay |Local | |

| |Legazpi City | | |

|DTI, Albay |Legazpi City |Regional | |

|NEDA, ALbay |Legazpi City |Regional | |

|Department of Science & | | | |

|Technology | | | |

| |Metro Manila |National | |

|PHIVOLCS |Legazpi City |Regional | |

|Office of Civil Defense – NDCC |Camp Ola, Legazpi City |Regional | |

|R5 | | | |

|Bureau of Fire Protection |Legazpi City |Regional | |

|National Police College – Off |Regional Training School, Camp |Regional | |

|Campus |Ola, Legazpi City | | |

|Philippine Society of |Metro Manila |National | |

|Information Technology | | | |

|Department of Tourism Region V |Legazpi City |Regional | |

|Bicol Consortium for Agriculture| | | |

|& Research Development |Legazpi City |Regional | |

|National Computer Center |Metro Manila |National | |

|Department of Tourism Region V |Legazpi City |Regional | |

|Environmental management |Metro Manila |National | |

|Programme for Industry | | | |

|Competitiveness (EPIC) | | | |

|Philippine Association for | | | |

|Tertiary Level Educational | | | |

|Institution in Environmental |Metro Manila |National | |

|Protection and Management | | | |

|(PATLEPAM) | | | |

|Com mission on Higher Education | | | |

|Region 5 | | | |

| |Legazpi City |Regional | |

|University of the Philippines | | | |

|Information Technology Training |Metro Manila |National | |

|Center | | | |

|Provincial Capitol of Albay | | | |

| |Legazpi City |Regional | |

|Regional Development Council RV | | | |

| |Legazpi City |Regional | |

|Department of Education Region 5| | | |

| |Legazpi City |Regional | |

|Naga Foundation College | | | |

| |Naga City |Regional | |

|Aquinas University of Legazpi |Legazpi City |Regional | |

|Department of Labor & Employment|Legazpi City |Regional | |

|LGU-Legazpi City |Legazpi City |Local | |

|Department of Labor & Employment|Legazpi City |Regional | |

|Philippine Council for Industry |Manila |National | |

|and Energy Research & | | | |

|Development | | | |

|Insitute of Graduate Studies, | | | |

|Central Luzon State University |Nueva Ecija |National | |

D. Community Involvement and Participation in the Institution’s Extension Activities

Extension and community service is one of the four functions of Bicol University along instruction, research and production. Through the years, the university has embarked on multifarious extension activities, helping out and reaching target clients from farmers, fishermen, out-of-school youth, women and other sectors both in rural and urban areas.

The community therefore being served by the department / college offers the following challenges to the institution where instructions are generally anchored:

1. the call of the national leadership for state universities and colleges (SUCS) in the Philippines to become Universities for Development, taking active role in the development efforts of its service areas;

2. the growing threat to our local and global ecosystem that needs to be given priority and serious attention;

3. the imperative of strengthening and local capabilities and altitudinal orientation in the planning, implementing and monitoring development, undertakings in the light of local government code and the Philippine Digital Strategy (Philippine ICT Roadmap).

E. Extent of Compliance with the Team Recommendations on Area VI (Extension and Community Involvement) in the last survey visit

|Preliminary Survey Recommendations |Action Taken(Compliance) |Percentage of Compliance |Evidence of Compliance |

| | |100% |community needs assessment |

|a. Operational plan of the Extension |Revisit benchmark and designed| |survey |

|Program |the 2013 and 2014 operational | | |

| |plan aligned with the needs of| | |

| |the community | | |

| | | | |

|b. Evidence of transfer of |Documentation of e-payroll and| |pictures and documented |

|appropriate technology |e-portal |100% |reports |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|c. copy of budgetary allocation for |Requested budgetary allocation| | |

|the Extension |from concern department |100% |Extension Budgetary allocation|

| | | |document |

| | | | |

|d. evidence of outsourcing funds and |Requested MOA from concern |100% |MOA, documents |

|technical assistance and service |agencies | | |

|inputs from other agencies | | | |

F. Summary of the findings and recommendations of the Self-Survey:

F.1. Strengths

F.2. Areas needing improvement

F.3. Recommendations

1. Operational plan of the Extension program

2. Evidence of transfer of appropriate technology

3. Budgetary allocation for the Extension Program per department

4. Evidence of outsourcing funds and technical assistance and service inputs from other agencies

Prepared by:


CS/IT Department CS/IT Department

Extension Task Force Extension Task Force

Noted by:


Dean, BUCS




Media Specialist (2)

Consultancy and Linkages

Knowledge Management

Continuing Education

Communication Media Technologies

Development and Action Research

CS Extension Services

2011 - 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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