State (Department of)
302 North Office Building
401 North Street, Harrisburg 17120-0500
Executive Office 787-6458
FAX 787-1734
Personnel Information 787-6374
Press Information 783-1621
Election Information 787-5280
Toll Free 877-868-3772
Corporate Information 787-1057
Toll Free 888-659-9962
Executive Offices
Schmidt Albert 736-7635
Executive Deputy Secretary
Baylson Mira 736-7635
Administrative Officer
Palmer Helen 736-7635
Deputy Secretary for Elections and Commissions
Marks Jonathan 736-7633
Deputy Secretary for Regulatory Programs
Johnson K Kalonji 736-7633
Administrative Officer
Albert Leah 736-7633
Intergovernmental Affairs Director
Bendesky Danie 214-6679
Digital Modernization
Morgan Allison 736-7633
Office of Communications and Press
307 North Office Building
401 North Street, Harrisburg 17120-0500
FAX 772-4175
Director of Communications
Gulli Amy 783-1621
Press Secretary
Heckel Matt 783-1621
Deputy Communications Directors
Walters Mark 783-1621
Lyon Ellen 783-1621
Digital Director
Parker Scott 783-1621
Digital Outreach Director
Montalvo Michelle 772-8512
Office of Legislative Affairs
302 North Office Building
401 North Street, Harrisburg 17120-0500
Chmielewski Michael 346-4392
Deputy Director
Pantoja Piri 736-7633
Office of Policy
309 North Office Building
401 North Street, Harrisburg 17120-0500
McDonald Michael 787-3796
Deputy Policy Director
Beecher Robert 346-0468
Deputy Policy Director
LaFratte Andrew 783-7194
Office of Agency Operations
301 North Office Building
401 North Street, Harrisburg 17120-0500
Bennett Richard 783-7214
Deputy Director
Stauffer Theodore 775-8147
Operations Center
North Office Building 214-7434
Bureau of Finance and Operations
308 North Office Building
401 North Street, Harrisburg 17120-0500
Information 787-3945
FAX 783-2724
Mattis Kimberly 772-5193
Deputy Director
Snader Julie 783-9196
Division of Fiscal Management
Richards Amanda 787-2792
Division of Procurement
Roadcap Sara 425-5446
Revenue processing unit
Behler Kelly 503-1202
Employment, Banking and Revenue
IT Delivery Center
13th Floor, Labor and Industry Building
Harrisburg 17121
HELP Desk 833/723-2773
Employment, Banking and Revenue
HR Delivery Center
14th Floor, Labor and Industry Building
Harrisburg 17121
HR Service Center 866/377-2672
Office of Chief Counsel
FAX 214-9899
Chief Counsel
Kotula Kathleen 783-0736
Executive Deputy Chief Counsel
DeLaurentis Carolyn 783-0736
Deputy Chief Counsel
Hartzell John 783-0736
Legal Office Administrator III
Fuhrman Rebecca 783-0736
Administrative Officer
El Haddad Lisa 783-0736
Assistant Counsels
Boyd Trista 783-0736
Brown Martha 783-0736
Darr Gregory 783-0736
McMurry Jason 783-0736
Mullen Kathleen 783-0736
Agency Open Records Officer
Hawthorne Janelle 783-0736
Office of Hearing Examiners
Penn Center
2601 North Third Street, Harrisburg 17110
FAX 772-1892
Chief Hearing Examiner
Rand Debra S 772-2686
Hearing Examiners
Anderson Travis 772-2686
Batson Monty 772-2686
Blackburn Thomas 772-2686
Foerster Michael 772-2686
Giurintano Jason 772-2686
Goldhaber Hope 772-2686
Jayman Shawn 772-2686
Kovach Peter 772-2686
Rivera Carmen 772-2686
Dodson Linda 772-4081
Legal Office
Penn Center
2601 North Third Street, Harrisburg 17110
FAX 787-0251
Executive Deputy Chief Counsel (306 North Office)
DeLaurentis Carolyn 783-7200
Deputy Chief Counsel – Prosecution
Smith Carlton 783-7200
Senior Prosecutors-in-Charge
Geschwindt J. Karl 783-7200
Jarabeck Paul 783-7200
McCarthy Heather 783-7200
Michalowski Ray 783-7200
Newport William 783-7200
Deputy Chief Counsel – Counsel Division
Montgomery Cynthia 783-7200
Senior Counsel
Clarke Smith Carole 783-7200
Picarella Dean 783-7200
Regulatory Counsel
Farrell Marc 783-7200
Wolfgang Jacqueline 783-7200
Deputy Secretary FOR Elections and COMMISSIONS
Marks Jonathan 736-7633
Assistant Deputy Secretary
House Kori 736-7633
Administrative Officer
Albert Leah 736-7633
Bureau of Campaign Finance
and Lobbying Disclosure
500 North Office Building
401 North Street, Harrisburg 17120-0500
Election Information 787-5280
Toll Free 877/868-3772
FAX 705-0721
Robinson Trisha 787-1512
Berkowitz Sarah 214-1268
Bureau of Elections
210 North Office Building
401 North Street, Harrisburg 17120-0500
Election Information 787-5280
Toll Free 877/868-3772
FAX 705-0721
Director of Elections
Mathis Jessica 772-4507
Division of Election Administration
Hadrick Rachel 409-3242
Division of Election security and technology
Ramachandran Sindhu 525-5743
Bureau of Notaries, Commissions, and Legislation
201 North Office Building
401 North Street, Harrisburg 17120-0500
General Information 787-5280
Toll Free 877/868-3772
FAX 705-0721
Director of Notaries, Commissions, and Legislation
Peña Julio 787-5280
Deputy Secretary FOR
Regulatory Programs
Johnson K Kalonji 736-7633
Administrative Officer
Albert Leah 736-7633
Bureau of Corporations and
Charitable Organizations
206 North Office Building
401 North Street, Harrisburg 17120-0500
Corporation FAX 783-2244
Corporation Gen. Info/Customer Service 787-1057
Corporation Toll Free 1-888-659-9962
Charities FAX 783-6014
Charites Toll Free 1-800-732-0999
Charities Registration 783-1720
Caputo Nicolas 772-1616
Administrative Officer
Rago Elizabeth 783-9210
Administrative Assistant
Hamman Ashleigh 772-2709
Division of Business Processing, Certification, UCC, and Charitable Registrations
Klinger Meredith 772-2149
Legal Assistant Supervisor
Jones Jannine 772-2147
Supervisor of Charitable Registration and Compliance
Miller Jessica 783-3077
Supervisor of UCC & Certification
Lemajic Jamie 772-1844
Division of Operations and Support
Butler Lyndelle 783-3584
Cash Management Manager
Donley Erin 772-2708
Supervisor of Customer Service
Gibbs Pamela 772-0821
Bureau of Enforcement and Investigation
11th Floor Market Square Plaza
17 North Second Street Suite 1100 Harrisburg 17101
FAX 783-0823
Rosenberry Michael 783-7228
Deputy Director of Investigations
Morrissette Richard 783-7228
Deputy Director of Enforcement
Snyder Micah 783-7228
Administrative Assistant
Clemens Emily 783-7228
Operations Officer
Kunselman Kristy 783-7228
Regional Offices
11th Floor Market Square Plaza
17 North Second Street Suite 1100 Harrisburg 17101
FAX 772-2682
Regional Director
Johnson Timothy 783-7240
7000 Geerdes Boulevard, 1st Floor, Suite 103
King of Prussia 19406
FAX 610/768-3066
Regional Director
Dusak Lorraine 610/768-3070
11 Stanwix Street, Room 340
Pittsburgh 15222
FAX 412/565-3640
Regional Director
Medeiros Julio 412/565-5026
321 Spruce Street Room 525
Scranton 18503
FAX 570/963-3417
Regional Director
Zelenski James 570/963-4864
Charities Investigations Unit
11th Floor Market Square Plaza
17 North Second Street Suite 1100 Harrisburg 17101
Rosa Luis 736-8213
Bureau of Professional and
Occupational Affairs
2525 N 7th Street, Harrisburg 17110
Complaints Against Licensed Professionals
Toll Free 1-800-822-2113
FAX 705-2882
FAX 783-0510
General Information 265-7764
Commissioner (Acting)
Claggett Arion 772-2244
Deputy Commissioner
Vacant 787-6061
Administrative Officer
Smith Molly 772-8377
Executive Secretary
Vacant 346-5661
Division of Professional Health Monitoring
FAX 772-1950
TOLL FREE 1-800-554-3428
Program Manager
Knipe Kevin 783-4857
Operations and Support
Eaton Matthew 214-2794
Business Licensing Boards
FAX 705-5540
Thompson Sparkle 772-8536
Accountancy Board 783-1404
Architects Licensure Board 783-3397
Auctioneer Examiners Board 783-3397
Barber Examiners Board 783-3402
Crane Operators Board 783-1404
Certified Real Estate Appraisers Board 783-4866
Cosmetology Board 783-7130
Funeral Directors Board 783-3397
Landscape Architects Board 772-8528
Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors &
Geologists Board 783-7049
Health Licensing Boards
FAX 787-7769
Townley Christina 783-4862
Chiropractic Board 783-7155
Dentistry Board 783-7162
Massage Therapy Board 783-7155
Nursing Home Administrators Board 783-7049
Occupational Therapy Education &
Licensure Board 783-1389
Optometry Board 783-7155
Pharmacy Board 783-7156
Physical Therapy Board 783-7134
Psychology Board 783-7155
Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists
& Professional Counselors Board 783-1389
Speech-Language & Hearing
Examiners Board 783-1389
Veterinary Medicine Board 783-7134
Medical, Osteopathic & Podiatry Boards
FAX 787-7769
Wray Nichole 772-8543
Medicine Board 783-1400
Osteopathic Medicine Board 783-4858
Podiatry Board 783-4858
Nurse Board
FAX 783-0822
Executive Secretary
Miller Wendy 783-7142
Nurse Board 783-7142
Real Estate Commission and Vehicle Board
FAX 787-0250
Purcell Linda 772-8377
Real Estate Commission 783-3658
Vehicle Board 783-1697
Navigation Commission
Li Amanda 783-7129
State Athletic Commission
Central Administration Office – Harrisburg
Penn Center
2601 North Third Street, Harrisburg 17110
FAX 783-0824
Toll Free 877/868-2068
Executive Director
Kunkle Ed 787-5720
Battle Rudy 787-5720
Frank Joel L 787-5720
Steigerwald Richard 787-5720
ALBERT LEAH DOS 302 NOB 736-7633
Anderson Travis DOS Penn Ctr 772-2686
Batson Monty DOS Penn Ctr 772-2686
Baylson Mira DOS 302 NOB 736-7635
Beecher Robert DOS 309 NOB 346-0468
Behler Kelly DOS 308 NOB 503-1202
Bendesky Danie DOS 302 NOB 214-6679
Bennett Richard DOS 301 NOB 783-7214
Berkowitz Sarah DOS 500 NOB 214-1268
Blackburn Thomas A DOS Penn Ctr 772-2686
Boyd Trista DOS 306 NOB 783-0736
Brown Martha H DOS 306 NOB 783-0736
Butler Lyndelle DOS 206 NOB 783-3584
Caputo Nicolas DOS 206 NOB 772-1616
Chmielewski Michael DOS 302 NOB 346-4392
Chubb Kimberly DOS CoPA HUB 783-4857
Claggett Arion DOS CoPA HUB 787-6061
Clarke-Smith Carole L DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
Darr Gregory DOS 306 NOB 783-0736
DeLaurentis Carolyn DOS306 NOB 783-7200
Dodson Linda DOS Penn Ctr 772-4081
Donley Erin DOS 206 NOB 772-2708
Dusak Lorraine DOS Phila Reg Office 610/768-3070
Eaton Matthew DOS CoPA HUB 783-7229
El Haddad Lisa DOS 306 NOB 783-0736
Farrell Marc DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
Foerster Michael A DOS Penn Ctr 772-2686
Fuhrman Rebecca DOS 306 NOB 783-0736
Geschwindt J Karl DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
Gibbs Pamela DOS 206 NOB 772-0821
Giurintano Jason DOS Penn Ctr 772-2686
Goldhaber Hope DOS Penn Ctr 772-2686
Goril Toni DOS 210 NOB 346-0461
Gulli Amy DOS 307 NOB 783-1621
Hadrick Rachel DOS 210 NOB 409-3242
Hamman Ashley DOS 206 NOB 772-2709
Hartzell John DOS 306 NOB 783-0736
Hawthorne Janelle DOS 306 NOB 783-0736
Jarabeck Paul DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
Heckel Matt DOS 307 NOB 783-1621
Jayman Shawn DOS Penn Ctr 772-2686
Johnson K. Kalonji DOS 302 NOB 736-7633
Jones Jannine DOS 206 NOB 772-2147
Joseph Annique DOS B-04 NOB 783-1912
Klinger Meredith DOS 206 NOB 772-2149
Knipe Kevin DOS CoPA HUB 783-4857
Kocher Terrie DOS CoPA HUB 783-4865
Kotula Kathleen DOS 306 NOB 783-0736
Kovach Peter DOS Penn Ctr 772-2686
Kunkle Edward DOSCoPA HUB 214-8401
Kunselman Kristy DOS MSP 783-7228
LaFratte Andrew DOS 309 NOB 775-4022
Li Amanda DOS CoPA HUB 783-7129
Lyon Ellen DOS 307 NOB 783-1621
Marks Jonathan DOS 302 NOB 736-7633
Mathis Jessica DOS 210 NOB 772-4507
Mattis Kimberly DOS 308 NOB 772-5193
McCarthy Heather DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
McDonald Michael DOS 302 NOB 787-3796
McMurry Jason DOS 306 NOB 783-0736
Medeiros Julio DOS Pitt Reg Office 412/565-5026
Michalowski Ray DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
Miller Jessica DOS 207 NOB 783-3077
Miller Wendy DOS CoPA HUB 783-7142
Montgomery Cynthia K DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
Morrissette Richard DOS MSP 783-7228
Newport William DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
Palmer Adrenna DOS 302 NOB 736-7635
Parker Scott DOS 307 NOB 783-1621
Peña Julio DOS 201 NOB 787-7346
Petula Sue DOS CoPA HUB 783-7142
Picarella Dean DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
Purcell Linda DOS CoPA HUB 772-8377
Rago Elizabeth DOS 206 NOB 783-9210
Ramachandran Sindhu DOS 210 NOB 525-5743
Rand Debra S DOS Penn Ctr 772-2686
Richards Amanda DOS 308 NOB 787-2792
Rivera Carmen DOS Penn Ctr 772-2686
Roadcap Sara DOS 308 NOB 425-5446
Roberts Michelle DOS CoPA HUB 783-4861
Robinson Trisha DOS 500 NOB 787-1512
Rosenberry Michael DOS MSP 783-7228
Schmidt Albert DOS 302 NOB 736-7635
Sirb Gregory DOS Penn Ctr 787-5720
Smith Carlton DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
Smith Molly DOS CoPA HUB 214-1891
Smith Shawn W DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
Snader Julie DOS 308 NOB 783-9196
Snyder Micah DOS MSP 783-7228
Stauffer Ted DOS 301 NOB 775-8147
Suter Ken DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
Swanger Zane DOS 210 NOB 409-3251
Thompson Sparkle DOS CoPA HUB 772-8536
Townley Christina DOS CoPA HUB 783-4862
Wolfgang Jacqueline DOS Penn Ctr 783-7200
Wray Nichole DOS CoPA HUB 772-8543
Yohe Joan DOS 308 NOB 783-7216
Zelenski James DOS Scranton Reg Office 570/963-4864
Zimmerman Melanie DOS CoPA HUB 783-7155
76 State (Updated December 2023)
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