2000-01 ESTIMATES FORMS - Ontario


The 2010-11 financial statements forms that are provided in Excel consist of four segments:

1. Schedules (1 to 22)

The schedules reflect financial information on the operations of the School Authority (Isolate Board), and include enrolment data in respect of the schools operated by the board.

2. Sections (1 to 19)

These sections calculate the allocations and grants entitlement of the board in accordance with the 2010-11 legislative grants regulation.

3. Appendices (B to H)

The appendices include additional supporting information relating to the financial statements and the calculation of the grant allocations. The appendices also capture certain data used by the ministry for statistical and detailed analysis purposes.

An error message report is included in the package. Boards are required to clear all error messages on file before submitting their financial statements to the ministry. The application will not allow boards to submit their financial statements to the ministry where there are error messages on file.

Warning messages are to be reviewed before submission; any uncleared ones will be reviewed by Ministry Finance Officers and may be referred back to boards for adjustments and financial statement resubmission.

Boards are required to send two signed copies of:

• Schedule 1

• Schedule 1.1

• Schedule 1.2

• Schedule 1.3

• Section 1

These forms are to be printed out from the Excel submission of the 2010-11 Financial Statements, including two copies of the audited financial statements including the auditors report and notes by December 30th, 2011 to:

Ms. Diane Strumila

Project Manager, Grant Services

Financial Analysis and Accountability Branch

17th Floor, Mowat Block, 900 Bay Street

Toronto, Ontario

M7A 1L2

Boards are required to send hard copy print-outs of their full submission.

Publication and Notice

Boards are required under S252(2) of the Education Act to publish their audited financial statements. As a minimum this would include the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, Consolidated Statement of Operations, Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow, Consolidated Statement of Change in Net Debt, the Auditor’s report, and the notes to the financial statements. In addition boards are required to publish their annual report.

This information is the minimum to be published or made available under clauses 252(2)(a) or (b) of the Education Act; however a board may wish to publish further details.

As an alternative to publishing, a board may choose to meet the requirements of clause 252(2)(c) instead. For the purposes of this clause, a board may make the above information available to its supporters by publishing a notice in local newspaper(s). Such notice shall include the following minimum components:

- That copies of the financial statement package, auditor’s report, notes to the financial statements and the board’s annual report are available upon request,

- The board’s website address where the package etc. will be posted, and

- The school board office address and a phone number to call for requests for the information.

Where possible, the notice should state other locations where the above information may be obtained (e.g. at schools).

Boards are required to send an electronic copy of the financial statements, notes to the financial statements, Auditor’s Report and Board Annual Report as published to their Ministry Finance Officers.

Reporting under PSAB for local government

District school boards and school authorities are required to adopt Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) recommendations for local government as their financial standard and publish financial statements that accord with this standard. The exact presentation of these statements may vary from board to board, however, based on the individual board’s circumstances.

The Ministry of Education also requires boards to submit annual financial forms (Ministry Forms) in addition to publishing their audited financial statements. These Ministry Forms have been designed so that they accord with PSAB recommendations and provide reconciliations that comply with the funding requirements of the Education Act. Except for form of presentation, the figures in the Ministry Forms must correspond with the audited financial statements.

These instructions have been prepared to help boards and school authorities to understand how to complete the Ministry Forms.

Suggested Order of Entry

• Enrolment Schedules, Taxation Schedules & Grant Sections

• Long Term Debt - Section 12

• Employee Benefits – Schedule 10G 

• Tangible Capital Asset Continuity Schedule – Schedule 3C

• Detail of Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit) opening balances – Schedule 5

• Deferred Revenues – Schedule 5.1

• Operating Exp. - Schedules 10, 10ADJ, 10.1 and 10.2

• Capital Expenditures – Schedule 3

• Revenues – Schedule 9

• Schedule 14 – School Generated Funds

• Assets & Liabilities – Schedule 7

• Other Schedules – 1, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3

For user assistance on the Excel Forms, contact:

Tim Kielman

Tel: (800) 461-9570, ext. 6892

E-mail: Tim.Kielman@ontario.ca

Summary of changes

NOTE: For the 2010-11 Financial Statements, Isolate Boards are not required to report deferred capital contributions according to the changes to PSAB sections.

• Schedule 1 – Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

The name of this form has been changed from the Statement of Financial Position, to Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. The presentation of the form has been changed to conform to public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) section PS-1200 and guideline PSG-4 with respect to the presentation of funds and reserves. As per PSG-4, paragraph 7, when a government chooses to provide information about any funds or reserves, it does so only in the notes and schedules and not on the statement of financial position. Therefore the following changes have been made.

• The name of the difference between liabilities and financial assets (item 3) has been changed from Net Financial Asset (Liabilities), to Net Debt

• The name of the sum of Net Debt (item 3) and Non-Financial Assets (item 4.4) has been changed from Net Assets, to Accumulated Surplus (Deficit)

• Fund balances and Amounts to be recovered have been removed

In addition, the schedule will now include a line for Tangible Capital Assets under Non-Financial Assets (item 4.3) due to the implementation of TCA as of September 1, 2009. An additional item, Temporary investments (item 1.2) has also been added. Temporary investments are transitional or current in nature, such as short-term investments made to obtain a return on a temporary basis (> 90 days and < 1 year). Due to the addition of the temporary investments account, Item 1.5 has been renamed to Long-Term Investments. Long-Term Investments are investments greater than one year from date of acquisition in organizations that do not form part of the government reporting entity.

• Schedule 1.1 – Consolidated Statement of Operations

The name of this form has been changed from Statement of Financial Activities to Consolidated Statement of Operations. The presentation of the form has been changed to conform to public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) sections PS-1200 and PSG-4 with respect to the presentation of funds and reserves.

As per PSG-4, paragraph 7, when a government chooses to provide information about any funds or reserves, it does so only in the notes and schedules and not on the statement of financial position. The creation of, addition to or deduction from funds and reserves does not create a revenue or expense, and would therefore not be reported on the statement of operations.

• Schedule 1.2 – Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow

The name of this form has been changed from Statement of Financial Position to Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow. The presentation of the form has been changed to conform to public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) sections PS-1200. Due to the presentation change, some of the terminology has changed and an additional classification has been added.

• Item 1.1 has been changed to Annual Surplus (Deficit) which is forwarded from Schedule 1.1

• A new item 2.1 has been created to add back the non-cash items (including amortization, write downs and gain/loss on disposal) which are now included in the Annual Surplus (Deficit)

• New items 2.9 and 2.10 have been added to include the (increase) decreases in prepaid expenses and inventories of supplies.

• Capital Transactions classification has been added to conform to PS-1200. New items 3.1 (Proceeds on sale of TCA) and 3.2 (Cash used to acquire TCA) have been created to include the capital cash flows.

2010-11 Actual Changes:

Two new input cells created under the 2010-11 Actuals are for Long-term liabilities issued (item 5.1) and Debt repaid and sinking fund contributions (item 5.3). In prior years these amounts were calculated however boards are required to input the balances in the current year.

See instructions below for amounts to input.

• Schedule 1.3 – Consolidated Statement of Change in Net Debt

This form has been added to conform to public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) sections PS-1200. Per PS1200.031, Financial statements should include a statement of financial position, a statement of operations, a statement of change in net debt, and a statement of cash flow.

The statement of change in net debt reports the acquisition of tangible capital assets in the accounting period as well as other significant (prepaid expenses and supplies inventories) items that explain the difference between the surplus or deficit for the accounting period and the change in net debt in the period. The schedule will track the Tangible Capital Asset activity as well as the other non-financial asset activity.

There is a requirement that budget comparatives be reported in this statement. However, given that this is the first year of implementation and that budget numbers are not readily available for proper disclosure, boards would not be required to report numbers under that column in the EXCEL forms.

As per PSG-4, paragraph 7, the creation of, addition to or deduction from funds and reserves does not create a revenue or expense, and would therefore not be reported on the statement of operations. As a result, all revenues will be recorded on Schedule 9 (Revenues) and all expenses will be recorded on Schedule 10 (Expenses).

• Schedule 3 - Capital Expenditures

The name of this form has been changed from Capital Fund – Expenditures and Financing to Capital Expenditures. The purpose of the form is to capture total capital expenditures (capitalized) incurred during the year. The schedule will help the ministry determine the capital expenditures on the different expenditure categories within the functional areas.

• Schedule 3C – Tangible Capital Asset Continuity

This schedule has been revised for the full implementation of tangible capital assets reporting in the 2010-11 financial statements.

The 2010-11 forms include the following changes:

▪ All cells for column ‘Adjustments to Opening Balance’ have been made available this year. This includes the adjustment to opening balances for Capital Leased Assets. This change enables boards to enter any required adjustments to the pre-populated opening balances.

▪ A new column has been added to the forms in both the Cost and Accumulated Amortization screens.

▪ Leasehold Improvements: A new section has been added to report assets under the Leasehold Improvement category.

▪ Gains / losses are calculated from information provided in this schedule relating to disposals and proceeds of disposition.

• Schedule 5 – Detail of Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)

This schedule was formerly known as Reserve Funds (Internally Restricted) – Statement of Continuity. It has been deleted to conform to Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) sections PS-1200 and PSG-4 with respect to the presentation of funds and reserves. As per PSG-4, paragraph 7, the creation of, addition to or deduction from funds and reserves does not create a revenue or expense, and would therefore not be reported on the statement of operations. As a result, all revenues will be recorded on Schedule 9 (Revenues) and all expenses will be recorded on Schedule 10 (Expenses).

Schedule 5 will now be called Detail of Accumulated Surplus/Deficit. PS 1200, paragraph 37, requires boards to report, on their statement of financial position, their accumulated surplus or deficit. This amount is defined as the residual interest in assets after deducting liabilities.

Another way to express this is that the accumulated surplus (or deficit) is the sum of all prior annual surpluses (or deficits).

The schedule tracks the portion of the accumulated surplus/deficit that is:

(i) Available for Compliance – Unappropriated

(ii) Available for Compliance - Internally Appropriated

(iii) Unavailable for Compliance

This information is required for the determination of the board’s compliance with the Balanced Budget provision of the Education Act, section 231.(1), which is effective September 1, 2010.

Unfunded Liabilities – Accrued Vacation

Vacation accruals are included in expenses under PSAB. This expense is the amount that should be recorded on Schedule 10. To the extent that this amount differs from the amount paid, the offsetting difference is included in the Increase/(Decrease) in Unfunded Liabilities - Vacation Accrued column on Schedule 10ADJ (Adjustments for Compliance Purposes) in Column 15. If the PSAB expense is greater than the amount paid in cash, the unfunded liability has increased, which is recorded as a positive number on Schedule 10ADJ.

Starting in 2011-12, 50% of this amount will no longer be excluded from compliance and the remaining 50% will be excluded from compliance in 2012-13. As vacation accruals are determined by boards’ vacation policy, boards have been encouraged to look at options to address this expense.

• Schedule 5.1 – Deferred Revenue Continuity

The title of this form has changed from Deferred Revenue (Externally Restricted Reserves) – Statement of Continuity, to Deferred Revenue Continuity.

Lines have been added to this schedule to have a comprehensive list of deferred revenues, under both the Operating and Capital sections (now categorized as Legislative Grants, Other Ministry of Education Grants, Other Provincial Grants and Third Party Grants). All deferred revenues are to be recorded on this schedule.

• Schedule 7 – Detail of Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

The name of this form has changed from Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Non-Financial Assets, to Detail of Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. The presentation of the form has been changed to conform to public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) section PS-1200.

The schedule will now include a line for Tangible Capital Assets under Non-Financial Assets (item 4.3) due to the implementation of TCA as of September 1, 2009.

The schedule will now also include a line for Temporary Investments (item 1.2). Temporary investments are transitional or current in nature, such as short-term investments made to obtain a return on a temporary basis, in government financial statements. Examples would be treasury bills or investment certificates. Temporary investments are carried on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position at the lower of cost or market value.

Due to the addition of the temporary investments account, Item 1.4 has been renamed to Long-Term Investments. Long-Term Investments are investments greater than one year from date of acquisition in organizations that do not form part of the government reporting entity. Long-term investments are carried on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position using the cost method.

• Items 2.5.4 and 2.5.5: Capital Loans and Leases are now split on Schedule 7. Capital Loans (item 2.5.4) is forwarded from Section 12, Col. 7, items 12.21.1 & 12.23 and Capital Leases is forwarded from Section 12, Col. 7, item 12.24

• Item 2.6: Deferred Revenues are now on a single line. The amounts are being forwarded from Schedule 5.1, item 3, Col. 5

• Schedule 9 – Revenues

The name of this form has changed from Operating Fund – Revenues to Revenues.

Since funds will no longer be presented under PSAB (as per PS – 1200), all of the operating revenues that were previously recorded in the funds (operating, capital, reserve and school activities) will now all be recorded on Schedule 9.

This schedule has been reorganized to align the headings in Schedule 9 with the summary categories presented on Schedule 1.1 (Consolidated Statement of Operations).

• Schedule 10 – Expenses

The name of this form has changed from Operating Fund –Expenditures, to Expenses.

Information will continue to be entered on an expense (accrual) basis.

Since funds will no longer be presented under PSAB (as per PS-1200), all of the expenses that were previously recorded in the funds (operating, capital, reserve and school activities funds) will now all be recorded on Schedule 10.

Since TCA is being capitalized per PSAB (PS-3150), capital spending that meets the capitalization threshold per the TCA Guide will not be expensed on Schedule 10; they will be recorded on Schedule 3 – Capital Expenditures. Only the amortization related to TCA will be recorded on Schedule 10. Amortization will be split into five categories:

(i) Instruction

(ii) Administration

(iii) Transportation

(iv) Pupil Accommodation

(v) Other

Capital expenses that do not meet the capitalization criteria per the TCA Guide will continue to be recorded in column 5 (Supplies and Services). Any expenses related to the replacement furniture and equipment that does not meet the capitalization criteria will also be recorded in column 5.

Also included in Supplies and Services are "Other Capital" items (formerly included in column 0.1.2 on Schedule 3) which would be considered operating and would not fall within the criteria for asset capitalization per the "School Board & School Authority Tangible Capital Assets Provincial Accounting policies & implementation guide". Items that meet the criteria for TCA or mTCA must be included on Schedule 3C and items which do not must be included on Schedule 10 in "Supplies and Services" (column 05).

An additional line for Loss on Disposal of TCA has been added for the 2010-11 Financials Statements. As mentioned above, only the gain from proceeds of disposition from TCA will be included in deferred revenue for the 2010-11 financial statements and not the full proceeds as was done in the past; this is due to the implementation of TCA.

In prior years, Schedule 1.1 (Statement of Financial Activities) had an adjustment for in-year increases/decreases in Prepaid Expenses and Inventories of Supplies and boards entered the cash amount on Schedule 10. Due to PSAB presentation changes (PS1200), prepaid expenses and inventories of supplies will no longer be separated out on the Statement of Financial Activities. Boards will now record the expenses (not cash amount) resulting from the use of a non-financial asset (prepaid expenses and inventories of supplies) on Schedule 10 under the appropriate expense category (ex. Instruction, Administration, etc.).

• Schedule 10ADJ – Adjustments for Compliance Purposes

Column 14 (Increase / (decrease) in Unfunded Liabilities – Interest Accrued continues to exclude interest accrual on approved debt from compliance. Column 15 (increase / (decrease) in Unfunded Liabilities – Vacation Accrued remains the same approach for 2010-11; however, starting in 2011-12, this amount will no longer be excluded from compliance. As vacation accruals are determined by boards’ vacation policy, boards are encouraged to start looking at options to address this expense.

• Schedule 10.1 and 10.2 – School Based Expenses – Elementary and Secondary

The name of this form has changed from Elementary/Secondary School Based Expenditures, to Elementary/Secondary School Based Expenses. Information will continue to be entered on an expense (accrual) basis.

To be consistent with the changes made on Schedule 10, column 6 (Replacement furniture and equipment) was deleted. Amounts that were previously entered in column 6 that do not meet the capitalization threshold per the TCA Guide will now be entered in column 5 (Supplies and services). Any replacement furniture and equipment that does meet the capitalization threshold will be recorded on Schedule 3 Capital Expenditures.

Also included in Supplies and Services are "Other Capital" items (formerly included in column 0.1.2 on Schedule 3) which would be considered operating and would not fall within the criteria for asset capitalization as stated in "School Board & School Authority Tangible Capital Assets Provincial Accounting policies & implementation guide". Items that meet the criteria for TCA or mTCA must be included on Schedule 3C and items which do not must be included on Schedule 10.1/10.2 in "Supplies and Services" (column 05).

• Schedule 10.3 – Text Books, Classroom Supplies and Equipment Expenses

The term ‘expenditure’ was changed to ‘expense’ throughout.

• Schedule 10.4 – Supplementary Information on Salary and Benefits Expenses

The name of this form has changed from Supplementary Information on Salary and Benefits Expenditures, to Supplementary Information on Salary and Benefits Expenses. The term ‘expenditure’ was changed to ‘expense’ throughout. Information will continue to be entered on an expense (accrual) basis,

• Schedule 10 A and B – Special Education Expenses, Elementary and Secondary

Column 6 (Replacement furniture and equipment) has been deleted. Amounts previously recorded under this column will now be recorded under column 5 (Supplies and services). Column 7 (Capital funded from operating) has been deleted to conform to Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) sections PS-1200 and PSG-4 with respect to the presentation of funds and reserves. The title of column 8 has been changed from ‘Interest charges on long term debt’ to ‘Interest charges on capital’. The amounts recorded in this column remain the same.

• Schedule 10C – School Operations and Maintenance Expenses

The name of this form has changed from School Operations and Maintenance Expenditures, to School Operations and Maintenance Expenses. The term ‘expenditure’ was changed to ‘expense’ throughout. Information will continue to be entered on an expense (accrual) basis.

• Schedule 10F – Supplementary Information on Employee Benefit Expenses

This form has been changed to obtain sufficient information from the boards to accommodate additional reporting requirements.

In the 2010-11 public accounts, the province implemented line by line consolidation, which requires detailed disclosure of the benefit expenses. As a result of this change, the ministry requires more detailed information for the employee benefit expenses in the 2010-11 financial statements.

• Schedule 10G – Supplementary Information on Retirement Benefits, Post-employment Benefits, Compensated Absences and Termination Benefits

Similar to 10F, this form has been changed to obtain sufficient information from the boards to accommodate additional reporting requirements.

• Section 17 – Other grants

This is the approved amount preloaded from a Grant reg. Table and detailed in memorandum 2009:SB45.


Schedule 1: Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

PSAB presentation (PS 1200) requires that the Statement of Financial Position (SFP) highlight four key figures that describe the financial position at the financial statement date

a) The cash resources – cash and cash equivalents

b) The net debt position – difference between liabilities and financial assets

c) The non-financial assets – assets that are, by nature, normally for use in service provision and include purchased, constructed, contributed, developed or leased tangible capital assets, inventories of supplies, and prepaid expenses

d) The accumulated surplus or deficit – the sum of the net debt and non-financial assets

PSAB presentation also requires that the Statement of Financial Position (SFP) report Financial Asset, Liabilities and Non-Financial Assets segregated by major classifications (cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable, tangible capital assets, etc.)

Financial Assets:

• Financial Assets does not include prepaid expenses, inventory of supplies and tangible capital assets. See Non-Financial assets below

• For further details on the financial assets classifications (cash and cash equivalents, temporary investment, etc.) see Schedule 7


• These include current liabilities as well as net long-term borrowings. (Note: there is no requirement to separate out the current portion of long-term debt.)

• Deferred revenues:

o Many of the current accountability and compliance mechanisms of the grant regulations and other regulations require boards to set aside unspent grant allocations until they are spent on their intended purpose. Additionally, sometimes third parties impose a restriction on how amounts can be spent. Under PSAB standards, amounts put aside due to an external restriction are required to be treated as deferred revenues (a liability) until such time as they are used for the purposes intended. (Section 3100.07 - 3100.13 of the PSA Handbook).

“External restrictions are stipulations imposed by an agreement with an external party, or through legislation of another government, that specify the purpose or purposes for which resources are to be used.” (Section 3100.04).

o The externally restricted amounts for school boards include Legislative Grants, Other Ministry of Education Grants, Other Provincial Grants and Third Party Grants. The amounts will be included on the SFP as Deferred revenues and are reported on in detail in Schedule 5.1(Deferred Revenues Continuity)

• Employee benefits payable

o This represents the accumulated liabilities for Retirement benefits and Post-employment benefits, Compensated Absences and Termination Benefits (as covered in Sections 3250 and 3255, PSA Handbook).

o Any increase in the employee benefits liability from one year to the next represents the amount by which the expenditure/expense recognized in the current year (the accounting expenses, as determined by the PSA Handbook recommendations) exceeds the amount funded by the board through their annual Surplus/Deficit for compliance purposes.

o The liability is the amount that must be provided in the board’s operating budget in future years to provide for the benefits already earned by employees as determined by actuarial calculations. (Note: Additional information regarding this item is provided in the instructions relating to Schedule 10G.)

• Vacation and interest accrual

Under PSAB, both vacation and interest expenses must be calculated using the accrual basis of accounting, not cash payments. The accruals are included as part of Accounts payable & Accrued liabilities.

Vacation accruals are included in expenses under PSAB. This expense is the amount that should be recorded on Schedule 10. To the extent that this amount differs from the amount paid, the offsetting difference is included in the Increase/(Decrease) in Unfunded Liabilities - Vacation Accrued column on Schedule 10ADJ (Adjustments for Compliance Purposes) in Column 15 (See error message on line 91, column 15). If the PSAB expense is greater than the amount paid in cash, the unfunded liability has increased, which is recorded as a positive number on Schedule 10ADJ.

Starting in 2011-12, 50% of this amount will no longer be excluded from compliance and the remaining 50% will be excluded from compliance in 2012-13. As vacation accruals are determined by boards’ vacation policy, boards have been encouraged to look at options to address this expense.


Net Debt:

• The net debt position is calculated as the difference between its liabilities and financial assets

Non-Financial Assets:

• Under PSAB, prepaid expenses, inventories of supplies and tangible capital assets are non-financial assets

• Tangible Capital Assets - assets having physical substance that:

i) Are held for use in the production or supply of goods and services, for rental to others, for administration purposes or for the development, construction, maintenance or repair of other tangible capital assets;

ii) Have useful economic lives extending beyond an accounting period;

iii) Are to be used on a continuing basis; and

iv) Are not for sale in the ordinary course of operations

▪ Examples of tangible capital assets would be land, buildings, equipment, vehicles

▪ Note: Additional information regarding tangible capital assets is provided in the instructions relating to Schedule 3C

• Prepaid expenses – claims to goods and services

• Inventories of supplies – consumable goods

Accumulated Surplus (Deficit):

• The accumulated surplus (deficit) is calculated as the sum of the net debt and non-financial assets.

• Note: Additional information regarding this item is provided in the instructions relating to Schedule 5)

Schedule 1.1: Consolidated Statement of Operations

The Consolidated Statement of Operations shows the revenues and expenses on a consolidated basis. The revenues less the expenses is the annual surplus or deficit. This schedule also shows the accumulated surplus/deficit continuity.

The presentation of the form has been changed to conform to public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) sections PS-1200 and PSG-4 with respect to the presentation of funds and reserves.

As per PSG-4, paragraph 7, when a government chooses to provide information about any funds or reserves, it does so only in the notes and schedules and not on the statement of financial position. The creation of, addition to or deduction from funds and reserves does not create a revenue or expense, and would therefore not be reported on the statement of operations.

As per PSG-4, paragraph 10, consistent with FINANCIAL STATEMENT PRESENTATION, paragraph PS 1200.074, the residual amount of the statement of operations is the ending accumulated surplus /deficit unless a separate statement reconciling the beginning and ending accumulated surplus / deficit with surplus / deficit for the period is provided. In this case, the residual amount for the statement of operations is the accumulated surplus / deficit at the end of the period.

Relationship to other schedules:

• All amounts on this schedule come from the revenue (Schedule 9) and expense (Schedule 10) schedules.

• Additional information on the recording of revenues and expenses are included in the instructions relating to the detailed schedules

Schedule 1.2: Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow

The Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow shows how a board generated and used cash and cash equivalents in the accounting period and the change in cash and cash equivalents in the period. It also shows the cash and cash equivalents at the beginning and end of the accounting period.

The presentation of the form has been changed to conform to public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) sections PS-1200.

The only input cells on this Schedule under the 2010-11 Actuals are for Long-term liabilities issued (item 5.1) and Debt repaid and sinking fund contributions (item 5.3). Theses amounts would come from Section 12, Column 2 (Debt issue/(retirement)), Column 3 (Principal), Column 5 (Sinking fund contributions) and Column 13 (Interest earned on Sinking Fund Assets). Note that item 5.1 would be a positive amount and 5.3 would be negative.

Item 5.1 would be the sum of all positive amounts (debt issue) from Col. 2 on Section 12 that are permanently financed and item 5.3 would be the sum of all the negative amounts (retirement) from Col.2 that are permanently financed plus the negative values Col. 3, items 12.25, Col.5, item 12.25, and Col. 13, items 12.30.1 and 12.30.2.

Note that the sum of items 5.1 and 5.3 from Schedule 1.2 should equal the sum of permanently financed amounts (item 12.25) for Debt issue/(retirement) (Col. 2), less the sum of permanently financed amounts (item 12.25) for Principal (Col.3) and Sinking fund contributions (Col. 5) and Interest earned on Sinking Fund Assets (Col. 13, items 12.30.1 and 12.30.2) on Section 12.

Relationship to other schedules:

• All amounts on this schedule are calculated from Schedule 1 (Consolidated Statement of Financial Position), Schedule 1.1 (Consolidated Statement of Operations) and Schedule 3C (Tangible Capital Assets Continuity).

2009-10 (Restated) Changes:

Due to changes to the Financial Statements boards are required to restate a number of prior year cash flow balances.

• Item 2.1 – Non-cash items: This is a new line for the 2010-11 Financial Statements so boards did not have an amount in prior year. Boards are to enter the total amortization, write downs and losses from prior year’s Schedule 3C (2009-10 Financial Statements).

• Item 2.9 - (Increase) Decrease in prepaid expenses: This is a new line for the 2010-11 Financial Statements so boards did not have an amount in prior year. Boards are to enter the amount from item 4.1 (Increase/Decrease in Prepaid Expenses), under the 2009-10 Actual Column from the 2009-10 Financial Statements.

• Item 2.10 - (Increase) Decrease in inventories of supplies: This is a new line for the 2010-11 Financial Statements so boards did not have an amount in prior year. Boards are to enter the amount from item 4.2 (Increase/Decrease in Inventories of Supplies), under the 2009-10 Actual Column from the 2009-10 Financial Statements.

• Item 3.1 – Proceeds on sale of TCA: This is a new line for the 2010-11 Financial Statements so boards did not have an amount in prior year. Boards are to enter the proceeds of disposition from prior year’s Schedule 3C (2009-10 Financial Statements).

• Item 3.2 – Cash used to acquire TCA: This is a new line for the 2010-11 Financial Statements so boards did not have an amount in prior year. Boards are to enter the additions from prior year’s Schedule 3C (2009-10 Financial Statements).

• Item 2.7 - (Increase) Decrease in deferred revenue: In prior year deferred revenues were separated into 2 lines. Boards would therefore enter the sum of the prior year’s lines.

• Item 5.2 – Temporary borrowings: This is a new line for the 2010-11 Financial Statements so boards did not have an amount in prior year. PSAB requirements do not allow the netting of cash and temporary borrowing. Boards must enter difference from temporary borrowing (item 2.1) from prior year’s Schedule 1 (2009-10 Financial Statements).

Schedule 1.3: Consolidated Statement of Change in Net Debt

The statement of change in net debt reports the acquisition of tangible capital assets in the accounting period as well as other significant (prepaid expenses and supplies inventories) items that explain the difference between the Annual Surplus (Deficit) (item 1) and the change in net debt in the period (item 4).

2010-11 Actual

The amounts pre-populated for Tangible Capital Asset Activity (items 2.1-2.5) are forwarded from Schedule 3C (Tangible Capital Asset Continuity) and Schedule 5.4 (Proceeds of Disposition Calculation).

Items 3.1 to 3.4 (Other Non-Financial Asset Activity): Boards are required for PSAB purposes to record the inflows and outflows of prepaid expenses and inventories of supplies. In prior years only the net impact was required. Boards would obtain this information from their general ledger.

Schedule 3 – Capital Expenditures

This schedule reports what boards spent on capital (TCA) during the year in various expenditure categories.

Report the total capital expenditures and additions during the year in the expenditure categories as detailed in the Uniform Code of Accounts (Object codes 551 - 554 and 758 – 760, 762, 763). This column should equal what is reported as total additions and betterments on Schedule 3C.

Schedule 3C – Tangible Capital Asset (TCA) Continuity Schedule

This schedule summarizes amounts that are capitalized in accordance with the TCA Guide and are fully accounted for in the 2010-11 financial statements per Public Sector Handbook Section PS3150.

A new column has been added in the 2010-11 financial statements for boards to report transfers between asset classes. This would include any transfers from the Assets in Service category to Assets Permanently Removed from Service and vice-versa. All asset transfers from Capital Leased Assets to Assets Permanently Removed from Service and vice-versa would also be reported here. Please note that the amounts on this column should net to zero. Enter all transfers to and from Construction in Progress (CIP) under the Transfers to/from CIP column. Note that this column should net to zero, as all amounts out of CIP should go into Assets in Service.

Additions, betterments, disposals/deemed disposals and transfers should be entered in the appropriate columns.

For the 2010-11 TCA continuity, the total additions and betterments will equal the total capital expenditures for the year on Schedule 3 (Capital expenditure), column 0.1.1 distributed among the various functional areas.

In the Accumulated Amortization screen, enter the adjustments to opening balances. The amortization expense, write-downs and disposals and deemed disposals for the pooled assets, capital leased assets and leasehold improvements.

In the NBV screen, enter any proceeds of disposition (POD). Any gain or loss on disposal for all assets will be calculated based on disposal and proceeds of disposition data on this schedule. Note that the gains on disposal of restricted assets (land and buildings) are recorded as deferred revenue on Schedule 5.1, column 2, items 2.22 to 2.24 due to regulation 446/98 – Proceeds of Disposition Reserve Fund. Since the gain is deferred, a gain on sale is not recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Operations. However, a loss incurred is recognized on the Consolidated Statement of Operations. See instructions for Schedule 5.4 for details.

Relationships to Other Schedules:

▪ The total capital expenditures for the year on Schedule 3 (Capital expenditure), column 0.1.1 equal the total additions and betterments on Schedule 3C (Tangible capital asset continuity).

▪ The opening net book value (NBV) at September 1, 2010 on Schedule 3C, is carried forward to Schedule 5 (Detail of Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit), column 3, item 4.5.

Schedule 5 – Detail of Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)

PS 1200, paragraph 37, requires boards to report, on their statement of financial position, their accumulated surplus or deficit. This amount is defined as the residual interest in assets after deducting liabilities. Another way to express this is that the accumulated surplus (or deficit) is the sum of all prior annual surpluses (or deficits).

This schedule tracks the accumulated surplus/(deficit) into various components for budget compliance purposes.

The schedule tracks the portion of the accumulated surplus/deficit that is:

(i) Available for Compliance – Unappropriated

(ii) Available for Compliance - Internally Appropriated

(iii) Unavailable for Compliance

This information is required for the determination of the board’s compliance with the Balanced Budget provision of the Education Act, section 231.(1), which is effective September 1, 2010.

Available for Compliance – Unappropriated

This portion of the surplus is available to address any in-year deficit.

Available for Compliance – Internally Appropriated

This portion of the surplus is earmarked, through board decisions, for specific purposes. It is available to address any in-year deficit.

Unavailable for Compliance

This portion of the surplus is not available to address any in-year deficit.

Note 1: Boards must separately enter the portion of the pupil accommodation debt reserve that is related to School Renewal, Other and Special Approvals. The total of the three cells must equal the 2009-10 closing balance of the Pupil Accommodation Debt Reserve. The split is required for the appropriation calculation.

Note 2: Boards have been instructed in a previous period to eliminate their CPP and EI ATBR balance.

In-Year Increase/Decrease Column:

In the column called In-Year Increase/Decrease, items 1.2, 2.1 to 2.15, 4.6, 4.7 and 4.10, enter the portion of the annual surplus/deficit that you wish to allocate to each category. Any remaining annual surplus/deficit will be automatically populated at item 1.1. Note that item 4.10 is populated from the in-year increase/decrease column on Schedule 5.5.

Internally Appropriated: Other Purposes – Capital:

For Internally Appropriated: Other Purposes – Capital (item 2.11-2.15), boards may allocate the portion of the annual surplus/deficit that they wish to use in future years on specific capital projects. This would indicate that the surplus will be applied against the amortization expense of those projects in future years. The year that the board incurs costs on the projects, it will decrease the amount in Internally Appropriated: Other Purpose - Capital and will increase Unavailable for Compliance: Committed Capital Projects (item 4.10) by the same amount on Schedule 5.5 – List of Committed Capital Projects Funded by Accumulated Surplus. For more details, see instructions on Schedule 5.5.

Relationships to other schedules:

• The amount calculated as the in-year increase/decrease on Schedule 5 for Employee Future Benefits (item 4.1), Interest to be Accrued (item 4.2) and Vacation Accrued (item 4.3) comes from Schedule 10ADJ, item 90 columns 16, 14, and 15 respectively.

• The amount calculated as the in-year increase/decrease on Schedule 5 for School Generated Funds (SGF) (item 4.4) is the total revenue from SGF on Schedule 9, item 4.3 less the total expenses related to SGF on Schedule 10, item 79.

• The September 1, 2010 and August 31st, 2011 Net TCA balances on Schedule 5 (item 4.5) come from Schedule 3C (Tangible Capital Asset Continuity). The in-year increase/decrease is the change in the Net Book Value.

Schedule 5.1 – Deferred Revenue Continuity

Background and treatment under PSAB

Many of the current accountability and compliance mechanisms of the grant regulations and other regulations require boards to set aside unspent grant allocations until they are spent on their intended purpose. Additionally, sometimes third parties impose a restriction on how amounts can be spent. Under PSAB, these externally restricted amounts are reported as deferred revenue (a liability) until the restriction is fulfilled.

This schedule provides the information required to report on deferred revenue set up by regulation or legislation, as well as third party amounts. It reports the continuity information relating to the balance sheet account called Deferred Revenue.

This schedule contains a comprehensive list of deferred revenues, under both the Operating and Capital sections (now categorized as Legislative Grants, Other Ministry of Education Grants, Other Provincial Grants and Third Party Grants). All deferred revenues are to be recorded on this schedule.

Transfers to deferred revenue are the amounts put into (column 2) and transfers out of deferred revenue are amounts taken out of (column 4) the deferred revenue liability account. The decrease in deferred revenue is the amount recognized as revenue in the current year, and is automatically transferred to Schedule 9.

Any earnings on deferred revenue that are required to be used for the same purpose as the initial deferred revenue amount will be recorded in column 3. If earnings are not required to be used for the same purpose as the initial deferred revenue amount, then the earnings will be recorded on Schedule 9 as interest. The board will enter this amount on Schedule 9 at item 6.1.

Pupil Accommodation:

Earnings on Deferred Revenue (Col.3) and Transferred to revenues (Col. 4) that are related to School Renewal on line 2.3 and Pupil Accommodation on line 2.5.

Insurance Proceeds

As per Ontario Regulation 446/98, all proceeds of property insurance on property of the kind referred to in clause (1)(a) of O.Reg. 446/98 shall be restricted for the purposes specified in clause (1) of O.Reg. 446/98. For specific details, see O.Reg. 446/98; however, in general, this means that any insurance proceeds received related to real property are restricted for use on school building, fixtures and sites. This means that insurance proceeds will be put in deferred revenue until they are used for their intended purpose.

Schedule 7: Detail of Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

This schedule provides information that is then summarized on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (Schedule 1)

Financials Assets:

• Cash and cash equivalents – cash balances or investments with a maturity of < 90 days.

• Temporary Investments - transitional or current in nature, such as short-term investments made to obtain a return on a temporary basis. Investment with maturity > 90 days and < 1 year as permitted by regulations

• Accounts Receivable: Government of Ontario-Approved Capital – includes the account receivable from the Province and amounts of NPP allocation previously flowed to the boards by the Province for current and prior eligible capital expenditures.

• Long Term Investments – Long-term investments with maturity > 1 year as permitted by regulations.


• Borrowings should be reported as either

o Temporary – short-term in nature, to finance temporary cash needs of an operating or capital nature; or

o Long-term – debentures or other long-term loans or instruments to finance qualifying capital expenditures as permitted by regulations.

o No requirement to report separately the current portion of long-term debt.


• Deferred revenue

• Employee benefits payable and

• Non-Financial Assts

Note: The information entered in the open cells (items 1.1 through 2.4, items 4.1 and 4.2) should tie to the boards Audited Financial Statements.

Schedule 9: Revenues

This schedule is designed to collect Operating Fund revenue information on a PSAB basis. As per public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) section PSG-4, paragraph 7, the creation of, addition to or deduction from funds and reserves does not create a revenue or expense. As such, movement in and out of funds will not impact the revenue or expenses of the board. Since funds will no longer be presented under PSAB (as per PS-1200), all of the revenues that were previously recorded in the funds (operating, capital, reserve and school activities funds) will now all be recorded on Schedule 9.

▪ All revenues of the board are recorded on this schedule (including all legislative grants, federal grants, third party revenues, etc.).

▪ Amounts coming from deferred revenues increase grant revenues. The amounts to Schedule 9 are carried forward from Schedule 5.1 and pre-populated onto lines 1.2, 2.8, 2.21, 2.24, 5.5 and 8.15.

▪ Report any interest on sinking fund assets at item 6.2.

▪ Any interest earned on debentures raised by boards to prefinance project costs should be reported as revenue.

▪ Tuition fees from Ontario residents on tax-exempt land (S4 of Tuition Fee Regulation) are to be reported under item 8.2.

▪ Item 3.4 is to be used to accrue tax revenue adjustments (write offs and supplementary taxes) relating to 2010, where there are significant variances from adjustments boards experienced in the past. It is expected that this cell will have limited use and will only be used in extraordinary circumstances. Any amount of revenue accrued on this line will have an offsetting amount recorded at item 2.32 to reflect the grant impact.

▪ All payments to school boards other than grants should be reported on line 8.14 – Government of Ontario: Non-grant payment. One example of such payments is disbursement for employees of the board seconded to the ministry.

▪ Gains reported on Schedule 3C incurred from the disposal of pooled assets and non-restricted assets will be pre-populated under item 8.16.

Some Ministry of Education grants have been provided to boards that are to act as “banker boards” who will further distribute the money to other boards ("recipient boards"). For boards to whom those situations apply please report as follows.

Banker Boards

When the funding is received from the Ministry, the banker board should record the amount in Other Grants - Ministry of Education revenue (Schedule 9, items 2.1 to 2.16) (or Deferred Revenues where applicable)

When the banker board flows the money to the other board or sets up the payable to the other board - they will record the expense as a "Transfers to other Boards" expense (Schedule 10, column 11).

Recipient Boards

Amounts received or receivable from the banker board should be recorded as "Other revenue - Other school boards (Schedule 9, line 7.5 of 7.6) or as deferred revenues where applicable.

Data Entry and Relationships to other schedules:

▪ All amounts on this schedule are to be recorded on a PSAB basis and will be input except:

o Local taxation amount which comes from Section 14.

o Total current year legislative grants from Section 1A and the amounts from deferred revenues, which come from Schedule 5.1.

Schedule 10 - Expenses

This schedule is designed to collect expense information on a PSAB basis by expenditure category and object. As per public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) section PSG-4, paragraph 7, the creation of, addition to or deduction from funds and reserves does not create a revenue or expense. As such, movement in and out of funds will not impact the revenue or expenses of the board. Since funds will no longer be presented under PSAB, all of the expenses that were previously recorded in the funds (operating, capital, reserve and school activities funds) will now all be recorded on Schedule 10.

Since TCA is being capitalized per PSAB (PS-3150), capital expenses that meet the capitalization threshold per the TCA Guide will not be expensed; they will be recorded on Schedule 3(Capital Expenditures) and on 3C, TCA continuity schedule. Only the amortization related to TCA is recorded on Schedule 10. Amortization is split into five categories:

(i) Instruction (item 72, Amortization and Loss on disposal column)

(ii) Administration (item 73, Amortization & Loss on disposal column)

(iii) Transportation (item 74, Amortization & Loss on disposal column)

(iv) Pupil Accommodation (item 80, Amortization & Loss on disposal column)

(v) Other (item 81, Amortization & Loss on disposal column)

Capital expenses that do not meet the capitalization threshold as per the TCA Guide will continue to be recorded in column 5 (Supplies and Services). Any expenses related to the replacement furniture and equipment that do not meet the capitalization threshold (previously recorded in column 6) will now be recorded in column 5.

Also included in Supplies and Services are "Other Capital" items (formerly included in column 0.1.2 on Schedule 3) which would be considered operating and would not fall within the criteria for asset capitalization as stated in "School Board & School Authority Tangible Capital Assets Provincial Accounting policies & implementation guide". Items that meet the criteria for TCA or mTCA must be included on Schedule 3C and items which do not must be included on Schedule 10 in "Supplies and Services" (column 05).

Loss on Disposal of TCA

An additional line for Loss on Disposal of TCA has been added for the 2010-11 Financials Statements. As mentioned above under Schedule 5.4 (Proceeds of Disposition Calculation), only the gain from proceeds of disposition from TCA will be included in deferred revenue for the 2010-11 Financial Statements and not the full proceeds as was done in the past. This is due to the implementation of TCA as at September 1, 2010 (PS-1200).

Prepaid expenses and Inventories of Supplies

In prior years, Schedule 1.1 (Statement of Financial Activities) had an adjustment for in-year increases/decreases in Prepaid Expenses and Inventories of Supplies and boards entered the cash amount on Schedule 10. Due to PSAB presentation changes (PS1200), prepaid expenses and inventories of supplies will no longer be separated out on the Statement of Financial Activities. Boards will now record the expenses (not cash amount) resulting from the use of a non-financial asset (prepaid expenses and inventories of supplies) on Schedule 10 under the appropriate expense category (ex. Instruction, Administration, Transportation, Pupil Accommodation, Other).

The data entry on this schedule is extensive and users may wish to use the import data function provided in the application to complete this schedule.

• Debt principal payments and sinking fund contributions are not recorded as expenses under PSAB. They are shown on the Schedule 1 (Consolidated Statement of Financial Position) as a reduction of the debt liability.

• Actuarially determined amounts for retirement benefits, post-employment benefits, compensated absences and termination benefits are recorded in expenses as required by Sections 3250 and 3255 of the PSAB Handbook. To the extent that this amount differs from the amount paid, the offsetting difference is included in the Increase/(Decrease) in Unfunded Liabilities - Employee Benefits column on Schedule 10ADJ (Adjustments for Compliance Purposes) in Column 16. If the PSAB expense is greater than the amount paid in cash, the unfunded liability has increased, which is recorded as a positive number on Schedule 10ADJ.

• Interest expenses include the accrual amount to year-end, not just the cash payment during the year. This is the amount that should be recorded on Schedule 10. To the extent that this amount differs from the amount paid in cash, the offsetting difference is included in the Increase/(Decrease) in Unfunded Liabilities - Interest Accrued column on Schedule 10ADJ (Adjustments for Compliance Purposes) in Column 14. If the PSAB expense is greater than the amount paid in cash, the unfunded liability has increased, which is recorded as a positive number on Schedule 10ADJ.

• Vacation accruals are included in expenses under PSAB. This expense is the amount that should be recorded on Schedule 10. To the extent that this amount differs from the amount paid in cash (i.e. vacation used during the year), the offsetting difference is included in the Increase/(Decrease) in Unfunded Liabilities - Vacation Accrued column on Schedule 10ADJ (Adjustments for Compliance Purposes) in Column 15. If the PSAB expense is greater than the amount paid in cash, the unfunded liability has increased, which is recorded as a positive number on Schedule 10ADJ.

• Amounts going into deferred revenues are not expenses.

• Expenses include capital purchases that do not meet the capitalization threshold in the TCA Guide.

The entry data relating to this grid has been organized into two screens. The first screen captures expenses for cols. 02 to 07 of the grid and the second screen captures the remaining columns. Column headings may not be visible on the screen as users scroll down the screen; therefore users should exercise care in ensuring that expenditures are reported in the appropriate input cell. Column numbers have been incorporated on the last row and in the middle row to assist users.

Item 70 (School Operations and Maintenance), item 71 (School Renewal) and item 77 (Other Cap./Appr. Debt) do not contain any amounts of a capital nature that meet the capitalization threshold per the TCA Guide; these amounts must be recorded on the Capital Continuity schedule, Schedule 3C.

Item 77 (Other Cap./Appr. Debt) includes operating-type expenses regarding pupil accommodation, mostly interest on debt on capital programs.

Expenses to be reported on this schedule are gross expenses except for HST rebates. Salary recoveries are not netted and any recoveries are to be reported on schedule 9 in the Other Revenue section. The reporting of expenses to the various categories should be in accordance with the Uniform Code of Accounts definitions and mapping except where specifically noted below.

Columns on Schedule 10 should include the following object codes:

Salaries & Wages object codes 101 – 195

Employee Benefits object codes 201 – 295

Staff Development object codes 315 – 318

Supplies & Services object codes 320 – 463, 551-553, 661, 760, 762

Interest charges on long term debt object codes 752, 754 and 761

Rental Expenses object codes 601 – 630

Fees & Contractual Services object codes 651 – 655 and 662 - 682

Other object codes 701 – 715, 722 and 725

Transfers to Other Boards object code 720

Amortization object codes 781-798

Funding has been provided to boards under the learning opportunities grant for a board leader for the implementation of the funding initiatives for students at risk. For some boards this duty may be assigned fully or partly to a supervisory officer. Boards are required to report the associated salary cost at item 59, Coordinators and Consultants.

Interest cost for long term debt and any interest costs relating to capital not permanently financed (including interest on short term borrowing on capital programs that are waiting for long term financing from OFA) are to be included in col 7 lines 54, 62, 66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76, or 77; and short-term borrowing costs for operating purposes is to be included at col 10 line 66.

Other non-operating expenses at line 78 are to include only the extraordinary expenses as referred to in the Uniform Code of Accounts, restructuring fund expenses or expenses that are non-educational and for which the board receives offsetting revenues. Payment that the board is required to place in a trust fund as a result of the financing arrangements of the NPF debt are to be reported on this line.

Data Entry and Relationships to other schedules:

▪ All amounts input on this schedule (or the Elementary and Secondary School Based Expense schedules) are to be recorded on a PSAB basis.

▪ The amortization entered on Schedule 10 in the Amortization & Loss on disposal column, items 72, 73, 74, 80 and 81 should equal the total 2010-11 amortization on Schedule 3C (TCA Continuity), screen 2.

Schedule 10ADJ: Adjustments for Compliance Purposes

This schedule is designed to show the adjustments required to arrive at Adjusted Expenditures for compliance purposes. This is the amount that must be included as expenditures in the Financial Statements of the board under Section 231 of the Education Act.

Principal Payments and Increase in Sinking Funds on Long-term Debt:

▪ Principal payments on long-term debt and contributions to sinking funds are not included as Operating Fund expenditures under PSAB accounting standards. However, boards are required to include these charges when calculating the surplus/deficit and expenditures for compliance purposes. Therefore they are added to the expenditures for compliance purposes.

▪ In the past, interest on sinking fund assets was not recorded as part of the revenue fund and not included in expenditures. Under PSAB, this revenue is recorded as part of the Operating Fund revenues and must therefore be offset here for compliance purposes in arriving at the operating surplus/deficit.

This column must equal:

Debt principal payments +

Sinking fund contributions +

Increase in sinking fund assets from interest

Amortization and Loss on TCA

The capital expenses reported on Schedule 10 as amortization expenses and as capital losses incurred will be populated on Schedule 10ADJ to be deducted as adjustments for compliance purposes. This will include the amortization expenses incurred for the year as well as any losses incurred as a result of a TCA disposal that has been reflected on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Operations. The amortization expenses incurred for the year will be reported under the respective expenditure categories under column 17. The loss on disposal of TCA will be pre-populated on column 17 under the Pupil Accommodation category on line 80.1.

The amortization expenses on Schedule 10 represent the amortization from the tangible capital assets for the year broken down by the various expense categories. This amount should be excluded for compliance purposes under the modified cash compliance model applicable to 2010-11. The same applies to losses incurred as a result of disposals of tangible capital assets reported on Schedule 10.

Unfunded Liabilities – Accrued Interest:

Interest expenses include the accrual amount to year-end, not just the cash payment during the year. This is the amount that should be recorded on Schedule 10. To the extent that this amount differs from the amount paid, the offsetting difference is included in the Increase/(Decrease) in Unfunded Liabilities - Interest Accrued column on Schedule 10ADJ (Adjustments for Compliance Purposes) in Column 14. If the PSAB expense is greater than the amount paid in cash, the unfunded liability has increased, which is recorded as a positive number on Schedule 10ADJ.

Unfunded Liabilities – Accrued Vacation:

Vacation accruals are included in expenses under PSAB. This is the amount that should be recorded on Schedule 10. To the extent that this amount differs from the amount paid, the offsetting difference is included in the Increase/(Decrease) in Unfunded Liabilities - Vacation Accrued column on Schedule 10ADJ (Adjustments for Compliance Purposes) in Column 15. If the PSAB expense is greater than the amount paid in cash, the unfunded liability has increased, which is recorded as a positive number on Schedule 10ADJ.

Starting in 2011-12, 50% of this amount will no longer be excluded from compliance and the remaining 50% will be excluded from compliance in 2012-13. As vacation accruals are determined by boards’ vacation policy, boards have been encouraged to look at options to address this expense.

Unfunded Liabilities – Employee Benefits:

Actuarially determined amounts for retirement benefits, post-employment benefits, compensated absences and termination benefits are recorded in expenses as required by Sections 3250 and 3255 of the PSAB Handbook. To the extent that this amount differs from the amount paid in cash, the offsetting difference is included in the Increase/(Decrease) in Unfunded Liabilities - Employee Benefits column on Schedule 10ADJ (Adjustments for Compliance Purposes) in Column 16. If the PSAB expense is greater than the amount paid in cash, the unfunded liability has increased, which is recorded as a positive number on Schedule 10ADJ.

Enter in the amount by which expenses were increased (i.e. unfunded liability increased) or decreased (i.e. unfunded liability decreased), due to the application of Section 3250 and 3255 of the PSA Handbook, over the amount required to be included for compliance purposes (the cash payout during the year).

Example 1:

|Expense included in Schedule 10 based on actuarial studies and PSAB Sections 3250 and |$6 M |

|3255 | |

|Cash payout |$4 M |

|Increase/(Decrease) in Unfunded Liabilities – Employee Benefits |$2 M |

Example 2:

|Expense included in Schedule 10 based on actuarial studies and PSAB Sections 3250 and |$5 M |

|3255 | |

|Cash payout |$8 M |

|Increase/(Decrease) in Unfunded Liabilities – Employee Benefits |($3 M) |

Changes to Employee Benefit Liability Due to Plan/Benefit Enhancements

By recording the increase/(decrease) in unfunded employee benefit liabilities in column 16, boards

have effectively been measured for compliance in this category on a cash basis. Starting in 2010-

11, this changed. As a result, column 17 was added (Change to Employee Benefit Liability Due to

Plan/Benefit Enhancement). Effectively, boards are now responsible for any changes to the PSAB

benefit liability that arises due to net enhancements to benefits. This definition will be in place for

2010-11 and 2011-12, consistent with the labour framework agreements that call for benefit levels

to remain unchanged, with the exception of the introduction of the $33 million enhancement. A

longer-term solution will be developed addressing funding and compliance in connection with

future labour and benefit discussions. When determining the impact of the $33 million

enhancement (and any other enhancements), it is important to cost out the PSAB expense, not just

the cash requirements. If the PSAB expense is higher than the enhancement funding, boards will

have to fund this pressure from other sources.

In column 17, record the increase or decrease to the PSAB benefit liability that is attributable to any

net enhancements to benefits. If the PSAB liability increased, record a positive number on

Schedule 10ADJ. Similar to how boards determine the amount to enter in column 16 for the

increase or decrease in the unfunded employee benefit liability, boards will also determine the

amount entered in column 17. Boards that negotiate plan changes should do so in consultation with

an actuary, so that the board will be aware of the impact of the plan change on the PSAB liability

School Generated Funds

The expenses related to school generated funds reported on Schedule 10 are populated here to be deducted from the total adjustments for compliance purposes. This is pre-populated on line 79 on Schedule 10ADJ.

School Generated Funds are not considered as part of provincial funding. As a result, the expenses associated with it are not required to be included in the adjustments for compliance purposes.

Schedules 10.1 and 10.2 – school based expenditures – Elementary and Secondary

These schedules are identical to Schedule 10 with an elementary/secondary breakdown of expenses on a PSAB basis. Boards are not required to produce the adjustments on Schedule 10ADJ on an elementary/secondary basis.

Boards are required to report their school-based expenses by panel. The data reported on these schedules constitute the source entries for the purpose of compiling the school based expenses for the board on schedule 10. They are to include special education expenses reported in schedule 10A and 10B.

Line 51, col. 05 of the school based expense grids should only include expenses relating to travel of personnel for instruction purposes. Line 61, col. 05 of the school based expense grids relate to travel expenses of principals/VPs.

To be consistent with the changes made on Schedule 10, column 6 (Replacement furniture and equipment) was deleted. Amounts that were previously entered in column 6 that do not meet the capitalization threshold per the TCA Guide will now be entered in column 5 (Supplies and services). Any replacement furniture and equipment that does meet the capitalization threshold must be recorded on Schedule 3 Capital Expenditures.

Also included in Supplies and Services are "Other Capital" items (formerly included in column 0.1.2 on Schedule 3) which would be considered operating and would not fall within the criteria for asset capitalization as stated in "School Board & School Authority Tangible Capital Assets Provincial Accounting policies & implementation guide". Items that meet the criteria for TCA or mTCA must be included on Schedule 3C and items which do to not must be included on Schedule 10.1/10.2 in "Supplies and Services" (column 05).

Schedules 10.3 – Textbooks, Classroom Supplies and Equipment Expenses

This schedule provides a more detailed breakdown of the textbook and classroom supplies expenses reported on Schedule 10. All expenses are to be reported on a PSAB basis.

Lines 2.1 to 2.2 are to report expenditures related to the library book funding provided

through Education Programs Other (EPO). Line 2.1 populates the amount of EPO funding that the board received for 2010-11. Boards are required to report the amount of library book expenditures spent in 2010-11 under this initiative on line 2.2.

Schedules 10.4 – Supplementary Information on Salary and Benefits Expenses

This schedule captures supplementary information at the elementary and secondary panel level on salary and benefits for library teachers, guidance teachers, library technicians and other information that is required for policy review and analysis. All expenses are to be reported on a PSAB basis.

Boards are required to provide details of the school administration expenses in this schedule.

Principal and Vice-Principal expenses (item 9.3) should equal total expenses for Principals and Vice-Principals on Schedule 10, item 61, column 12.

Secretaries and other expenses (item 10.3) should equal total expenses for School Office on Schedule 10, item 62, column 12.

Total salary and benefits of library teachers, library technicians and guidance teachers (item 12.4) must agree to the sum of item 57, column 2 and column 3 on Schedule 10.

Schedule 10A and 10B – Special Education Expenditures

The purpose of this schedule is to provide special education expenditures for enveloping compliance purposes. Elementary special education expenditures are to be reported in schedule 10A and secondary special education expenditures in schedule 10B.

▪ Expenditures are to be provided on an adjusted compliance basis only – not on a PSAB basis. This means that expenses will be recorded in a manner consistent to the recording of expenditures on Schedule 10 ADJ.

▪ Therefore boards should not include the additional expenses for (and do not have to make the adjusting entries by program for)

o Interest accrual, vacation accrual, employee benefits and prepaid expenses.

o Expenditures that have a corresponding school generated fund revenue should also be excluded.

o And an additional column has been included for any principal payment or sinking fund contribution relating to special education capital (Col 13).

Include expenditures (including S23 programs in approved facilities) that fall within the classroom and non-classroom categories, except for those expenditures which, although related (directly or indirectly) to special education pupils, fall under other funding categories e.g. transportation, administration, supervisory officers and school operations.

Boards are required to refer to the instructions provided in the Uniform Code of Accounts in the section ‘costing for special education’ in reporting data on these schedules. The Uniform Code of Accounts is available on the ministry’s extranet site for users as a reference in completing this schedule.

The revenue relating to the foundation and other allocations for special education pupils in self-contained classes is distributed under column 15 to classroom teachers, supply teachers and teacher preparation time expenditure categories. Net expenditures in column 16 of the special education expenditures grids are used to proportionally distribute the special education allocation within the expenditure categories in data form B and C.

Boards are to report total expenditures for classroom teachers and supply teachers related to special education self-contained classes. It should be noted that where a class has been determined by the board to be a self-contained special education class and the related expenditures have been reported as special education expenditures on schedules 10A and 10B, then the class is not part of the primary class size (PCS) calculation or the board’s average class size calculation.

Schedule 10C – School Operations and Maintenance Expenses

This schedule provides a more detailed breakdown of the school operations and maintenance expenses reported on Schedule 10.

All expenses are to be reported on a PSAB basis.

Schedule 10F – Employee Benefits

This schedule is for boards to provide a detailed breakdown of the benefit expenses (reported on Schedule 10) by benefit type. The total employee benefits expenses on Schedule 10F – line 18, column 13 should be equal to the total employee benefits expenses reported on Schedule 10 – line 90, column 3.

Please refer to PSA Handbook Sections 3250 and 3255 for definitions of various terms related to this schedule.

Schedule 10G – Supplementary Information on Employee Benefit Obligations

This schedule provides a detailed breakdown of the benefit obligations by benefit type. The total liability as of August 31, 2010 on Schedule 10G – line 10, column 4 should be equal to the total Employee Benefits payable reported on Schedule 1 – line 2.6, column 1.

Schedule 10G reports information relating to the actuarially determined liabilities and expenses of retirement benefits, post-employment benefits, compensated absences, termination benefits and pension benefits as outlined in Section 3250 and 3255 of the PSA Handbook. Defined benefit plans to be included here include retirement gratuity plans; retirement health, dental, and life plans for retirees, post employment benefits and some types of pension arrangements. Self-insured benefit obligations that arise from specific events that arise from time to time (ie. Event driven benefits), such as obligations for worker’s compensation payments and long-term disability benefits are also reported on this schedule.

Exclude from this schedule any defined contribution plans (Section 3250.095) and OMERS, as it is a multi-employer defined benefit plan, which is treated as a defined contribution plan. Also exclude from this schedule any short-term employee benefit plans (i.e. health and dental benefits to current employees). The accounting for these plans is generally straightforward because no actuarial assumptions are required. Please note however that information on any defined contribution plans and OMERS are still required to be disclosed in the Notes to the Financial Statements (PS 3250.100).

All amounts reported in this table should follow the accounting guidelines provided in PS 3250 and PS 3255 and should agree to the liabilities and expenses reported in the audited financial statements.

(Please refer to PSA Handbook Sections 3250 and 3255 for definitions of various terms related to this schedule.)

Column 02: Benefits Expenses 2010-11

For retirement benefits, post-employment benefits and compensated absences that vest or accumulate, the amount reported in this column should include:

▪ All components of the retirement benefits expenditure/expense as described in PS 3250.019 including the current period benefit cost; cost of plan amendments; various other recognized amounts or amortized gains and losses as described in the section less any employee contributions during the period PLUS

▪ The retirement benefits interest expenditure/expense as described in PS 3250.020

(Note: Expenses related to post-employment benefits and compensated absences that vest or accumulate follow the guidelines set out in Section 3250.19 and Section 3250.20 of the PSA Handbook).

For event driven benefits such as worker’s compensation or self-insured long-term disability payments and for termination benefits– the amount reported in this column should include:

▪ The expense recognized in the current year as per PS Section 3255.21-.34.

Column 03: Benefits Payments 2010-11

Report the cash payments made in respect of the plans such that Opening Liability + Benefit Expenses – Benefits Payments = Closing Liability.

Column 05: Unamortized Actuarial Losses/(Gains) as of August 31, 2011

Periodically actuarial gains and losses arise from changes in the accrued benefit obligation and the plan assets resulting from: (a) experience different from that assumed; or (b) changes in an actuarial assumption.

To the extent that these actuarial gains and losses have not yet been amortized there will be a difference between the liability reported on the Statement of Financial Position (Col 04 on Schedule 10G) and the “Accrued Benefit Obligation”.

Report the unamortized amount of these gains and losses in Col 05.

Column 06: Accrued Benefit Obligation as of August 31, 2011

The accrued benefit obligation comes from the latest actuarial report and is “the value of retirement benefits attributed to services rendered by employees and former employees to the accounting date” (PS 3250 Gloss).

Columns 07–12: Estimates of Expenses and Payments in Future Years

Provide estimates of the benefit expenses and payments (as described in columns 2 and 3 above) that will be incurred by the board over the next three years. This information should be based on the estimates provided to the boards in the actuarial report.

Schedule 11A and 11B - Tax revenue for the calendar year 2010 and 2011 respectively

Municipalities for the board are automatically populated on this schedule. Where the populated list is incomplete, the board is required to contact the ministry to request an update of the municipality reference table. Once updated, a recalculation of the submission will update schedule 11A on the screen allowing the board to proceed with further input.

Information on this schedule is used in the calculation of tax revenues for 2010-11 in section 14. The residential and business taxes should reflect the revenue based on the most recent 2010 assessment data and mill rates.

Col. 3, residential taxes include:

- residential/farm tax revenue

- Farmlands and managed forests tax revenue

- Amounts distributed under part XXII.1 of the municipal Act

Col 4, business taxes include:

- Commercial and industrial tax revenue

- Pipeline, railway and power utility lands tax revenue

- Amounts distributed under part XXII.1 of the municipal Act

Note that the tax revenue information reported for calendar year 2010 in the 2009-10 financial statements is not populated at the detailed municipality level in EXCEL on schedule 11A page 3. The calculation of the prior year adjustment resulting from the 2008 calendar year tax revenues reported in the 2009-10 financial statements is done on a total basis; for a comparison of tax revenues at the municipality level boards may access an excel based report through the reports menu on the main EXCEL menu. This report compares schedule 11A of their board submission to schedule 11B data in the board’s 2009-10 financial statements and unmatched municipalities and related data are listed in an exception report.

Schedule 12

Report enrolment data for continuing education and summer school (including remedial programs on literacy and numeracy) programs on this schedule. The ADE in respect of the programs are estimated by school boards in the case of revised estimates submission; for financial statements, they are calculated by school boards from the course lists provided by the ministry and filled out by boards. These course lists and corresponding registers must be retained for audit purposes.

Exclude enrolment in respect of pupils to whom the board charges fees per section 8 of the Calculation of Fees Regulation.

Include in item 1.2.1 enrolment in a continuing education credit program that begins after the end of the day school instructional program and before 5 p.m., and where the majority of the pupils enrolled are day school pupils. Enrolment reported in this row should not be included in item 1.2.

ADE for transfer courses and cross-over courses reported at items 1.5 and 1.6 respectively (and 2.3 and 2.4 if taken during the summer) generate funding to allow students to move from one stream to the other in accordance with the Ontario Secondary School Grades 9 – 12: Program and Diploma Requirements, 1999.

ADE for Literacy and Numeracy programs reported at items 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 (and 2.6, 2.7 for those programs delivered in the summer) generate the Literacy and Math for grades 7 to 10 component of the Learning Opportunities funding (calculated in section 13).

Day school pupils 21 and over (reported in schedule 13), students enrolled in summer school programs and in continuing education credit courses offered during the day (including the after school credit referred to above) are eligible for school operations and school renewal funding under the Pupil Accommodation Grant.

Assessment and completed challenges data required to calculate the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) allocation for mature students in section 6 are captured in this schedule. Only one assessment per student is eligible for funding under PLAR.

Schedule 13

Enrolment data for day school programs that have been reviewed and confirmed for financial statements purposes are loaded on this schedule. Independent study ADE in respect of pupils of the board under 21 years old are part of the enrolment confirmation and top up/distant schools calculation process and are therefore populated in schedule 13. Board would however be required to input on this schedule the independent study ADE for other pupils and for pupils 21 years and over. Input data relating to FTE and ADE are to be reported to two decimal places.

FTE (Full Time Equivalent) enrolment is as defined in section 5 of the Grant Regulation.

Where a board offers a combined JK/SK program, the FTE enrolment of pupils on the program are to be reported under ‘FTE of part time pupils’ and the number of pupils enrolled are to be reported under ‘Number of part-time pupils’.

Secondary day school enrolment is reported separately for pupils who are under 21 years of age on December 31 and those who are 21 years of age or over on December 31.

1. Pupils of the board

Pupils of the board are defined under section 4 of the Grant Regulation. They are pupils enrolled in schools operated by the board except for the following:

- pupils to whom S49(6) of the Act applies

- pupils whose parent or guardian does not reside in Ontario

- pupils in respect of whom fees are receivable from the crown in right of Canada or a band, council of a band or education authority.

2. Other pupils

Pupils who are not pupils of the board defined above are reported as other pupils in section 2 of this schedule. The school reports (October and March) require schools to report pupils of the board by grade groupings. However, other pupils are reported by sources rather than by similar grade groupings. To enable compilation of enrolment data from the school reports to this schedule at financial statements stage, and to maintain consistency in format from revised estimates to financial statements forms, this section of the schedule requires boards to report other JK/SK pupils enrolled on full time JK or SK programs as half time under the column ‘Number of half-time pupils’.

Schedule 21F GRE Inter-Entity Revenues and Schedule 21G GRE Inter-Entity Expenditures for the 12 months period ending August 31, 2011

Boards are required to provide the Ministry information on the Government Reporting Entity (GRE) Inter-Entity Revenues and Expenditures from September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011, which will be used by the Ministry to obtain the 5 months period numbers for provincial consolidation. In both schedules, boards are asked only to report activities relating to colleges, hospitals and government agencies.


Please keep in mind that when we are asking for information on betterments to (investments in) assets, the province has set a capitalization guideline as set out below. Therefore any amount greater than the capitalization threshold shall be capitalized (and reported on schedules 22 and 23). Assets with a dollar value lower than what is set out below may be capitalized at school authority discretion, if there is a benefit in doing so and the asset meets the criteria for capitalization:

Buildings - $10,000

Land – all

Land Improvements - $10,000

Construction in Progress – all

Capital Leases: Buildings – all

Capital Leases: Land – all

Operating Leases: Buildings – all

Operating Leases: Land – all

Schedule 22 – Capital Asset Activities (Betterments and Disposals)

On this schedule, the school authorities are asked to report any betterment (investments in) to their capital assets or any disposals of capital assets. From your general ledger, analyze your capital expenditures incurred during the period of September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011. If the activity relates to land or building assets AND they should be capitalized in accordance with PSAB Handbook Section 3150, please enter the expenditure in the appropriate section.

There are four capital asset types for which we are collecting information:

Buildings – these include school buildings, residential homes, administration buildings, etc.

Land – this includes the land that the buildings are typically located on

Land Improvements – this comprises of improvements made to the land asset. Land improvements with limited lives such as driveways, walkways, fences, light posts, landscaping and parking lots should be reported in the land improvement asset class. Land improvements with infinite lives (such as ponds) should be reported in the land asset class.

Construction In Progress – refers to new tangible capital asset construction projects that are not completed and not ready to be put into service as of August 31, 2008. New school construction, addition of a gym to an existing school and similar expenditures would qualify as examples of construction in progress. Betterments made to an existing building are not construction in progress assets, but are better classified under the building asset class.

Section 1.1 – Pupil Foundation allocation

The elementary Pupil Foundation allocation is divided into two allocations, for JK to Grade 3, and Grade 4 to Grade 8 to align funding more clearly with elementary class size standards.

The Grade 4 to 8 class size reduction amount is dropped because of this alignment.

In the case of English Public school boards, the base amount per pupil for JK to Grade 3 is $5,231.64 and for Grade 4 to Grade 8 is $4,317.65.

The base amount per pupil for secondary is changed from $5,387.19 to $5,589.60

Section 1.3 – School Foundation

This allocation provides for in-school administrative costs.

The funding benchmarks reflect 3 % salary increase for principals, vice-principals and secretaries. The new funding benchmarks are:

Elementary Secondary

Principal salary including benefits $ 122,660.44 $ 133,771.59

Vice-Principal salary including benefits $ 116183.11 $ 122,571.33

Secretary salary including benefits $ 50,461.89 $ 53,157.46

Each qualifying school with enrolment greater than 50 receives funding for one principal. A school with enrolment less than 50 receives funding for 0.5 FTE of a principal.

School facilities that are on the same site will be combined to one qualifying school for the purpose of this allocation.

Where elementary and secondary facilities are on the same site, they are treated as a combined qualifying school and the combined school will be funded as a secondary school. Where the total day school ADE in the elementary facilities of the combined school exceeds 300 and the total day school ADE in the secondary facilities of the combined school exceeds 500, 2.0 FTE principals will be provided for the combined school.

Where multiple facilities of the same panel are on the same site, they are treated as one elementary (or secondary) qualifying school.

Schools facilities reported under the same BSID number are treated as one elementary (or secondary) qualifying school (facilities that are already combined under the same site rule will however not be part of this combination)

The school foundation amounts are calculated for each qualifying school in Appendix C excel file provided. The Ministry has pre-populated the school combination applying the rules above and using information in SFIS. For any questions on the combination of the schools pre-populated in the form, contact your Ministry Finance Officer.

Section 2 - Special Education

The SEPPA amounts are as follows

JK to Grade 3 $783.65

Grade 4 to 8 $603.26

Secondary $406.18

High Needs

The high needs calculation is incorporated in this section under item 2.3. A per pupil amount is determined by the Ministry for each board based on the board’s prior year Total High Needs allocation excluding SIP.. (Table 4)

Boards should provide a breakdown of the net new needs allocation between the Elementary and Secondary panel based on the proportion of its Elementary and Secondary high needs pupils.

The Section 23 Facilities amounts are entered directly in this section.

The Behavioural Expertise Amount, previously funded under EPO, is now funded through GSN and provides $10.8M funding for boards to build capacity by hiring staff with Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) expertise. This funding will be provided to the Moose Factory Island DSA Board and will be used to administer the program for the four remaining Isolate Boards.

Section 3 – Language Allocation

The following benchmark increases have been incorporated in this section:

FSL Elementary pp amounts

20 – 59 minutes gr. 4 - gr.8 $281.77

60 – 149 minutes gr.4 – gr.8 $321.03

Immersion JK to gr.8 $359.13

FSL secondary pp credit amounts

Gr. 9 & 10 French $73.28

Gr11 &12 French $96.92

Gr. 9 & 10 Other subjects taught in French $120.56

Gr11 & 12 Other subjects taught in French $187.95

ESL per pupil amount $3,726

2. ESL and PDF

Item 3.12 is applicable to English language boards and captures data to calculate the first component of ESL which is based on the number of immigrant pupils born in countries where English is not a first or standard language. Boards should report number of pupils of the board (excluding pupils 21 and over) enrolled in the board’s schools as of October 31 who entered Canada during the previous four school years and September/October of the current year. The factors applicable to the amount per pupil of $3,682 depend on the year of entry and are as follows (In the case of English Public School boards, the per pupil amount for Elementary is $3,618):

Year of entry Factor

Sept.01, 2009 to Oct. 31, 2010 1.0

Sept. 01, 2008 to August 31, 2009 0.85

Sept. 01, 2007 to August 2008 0.5

Sept. 01, 2006 to August 2007 0.25

Schools are required to retain appropriate records for verification of year of entry into Canada and country of birth for audit purposes.

Item 3.13 represents the second component of ESL which is based on Statistics Canada data on the number of children aged 5 to 19 whose language spoken at home is neither English nor French. The data being populated reflect Table 2 of the Grant Regulation and is a proxy measure for ESL needs not provided for in the first component. The amount has been revised to reflect the impact of the School Authority amalgamation.

Section 4 – Learning resources for Distant Schools allocation

Supported schools are, in the case of elementary schools, 20 km away from the nearest elementary school within the same board, and in the case of secondary schools, 45 km away from the nearest secondary school within the same board. The definition of schools used is consistent with the definition used for school foundation purposes. Where a school consists of more than one facility, the facility with the largest capacity (OTG) will be used to measure distance to the nearest school.

The following new benchmarks have been incorporated in this section:

Elementary Supported School Size (2010/11 ADE) Funding

ADE greater than 1 and less than 50 $67,182.80 + (ADE x $6,564.79)

ADE equal to or greater than 50 and less than 150 $580,933.65 + (ADE x $3,710.23)

ADE equal to or greater than 150 $24,399.21

Secondary Supported School Size (2009/10 ADE) Funding

ADE greater than 1 and less than 50 $58,029.74 + (ADE x $16,337.72)

ADE equal to or greater than 50 and less than 200 $1,105,788.88 + (ADE x $4,617.46)

ADE equal to or greater than 200 and less than 500 $269,601.86 + (ADE x $436.52)

ADE equal to or greater than 500 $51,340.20

The calculation of funding is school based and is done in the excel based appendix C.

The learning resources component of the distant schools allocation calculated for the board in 2003/04 (adjusted for closed and opened schools) continues to be provided in respect of schools that do not meet the supported schools criteria.

Where the funding (on a board aggregate basis) for schools that meet the supported schools criteria is lower than the learning resources calculated in 2003/04 (adjusted for new and closed schools) of distant schools that meet the supported school criteria, boards will receive the amount calculated in 2003/04 (adjusted for new and closed schools). This is calculated at item 4.4.5.

The 2003/04 learning resources component of the distant school allocation now also includes the amounts from School Authorities, where applicable.

Section 5 – Remote and Rural

The small board amount equals the total of the day school ADE of pupils of the board by panel multiplied by the small board per pupil amount for each corresponding panel. The small board per pupil amount is calculated as follows:

Small board per pupil amount where total ADE < 4000:

[$315.22 - (2010/11 Total day school ADE of the Board, Item 5.1.1 X $0.01712)],

Calculated per pupil distance amount:

• If Item 5.2.1, distance from major city, is less than 151, 0

• If Item 5.2.1, distance from major city, is greater or equal to 151, but less than 650, (Item 5.2.1 - 150) X $1.07550).

• If Item 5.2.1, distance from major city, is greater than or equal to 650 but less than 1,150, [(Item 5.2.1 - 650) X $0.14447] + $573.70.

• If Item 5.2.1, distance from major city, is greater than or equal to 1,150, $610.07.

The dispersion amount is calculated from the average school dispersion for the board listed in Table 6 of the grant regulation. The dispersion factor used in the calculation of dispersion amount is $5.70232.

Section 5A – Rural and small community allocation

This allocation is based on Statistics Canada’s Rural and Small Community Measure (RSCM). The RSCM uses Statistics Canada population data to represent the proportion of a school board’s population residing in rural areas or small communities.

When RSCM < 25%, the allocation is zero

When 25% = 75%, the allocation is $21.05 x 2010/11 ADE

Section 6 – Continuing Education

Adult Education, Continuing Education and Summer School

The funding calculated under this component supports the provision of adult day school programs, continuing education programs, summer school programs as well as crossover and transfer courses under the secondary school program.

The funding is $3,243 per ADE for continuing education and $3,133 per ADE for adult education and summer school.

The day school ADE of pupils aged 21 and over at item 6.1 is derived from item 3.12 pupils of the board, schedule 13.

The continuing education ADE at item 6.2 reflects the total continuing education ADE reported in schedule 12, item 1.7. This includes the ADE relating to the after school credit program referred to in schedule 12.

The 2010 Summer School ADE item 6.3 reflects the total summer school ADE, excluding literacy and numeracy reported in schedule 12, item 2.5.

International Languages

This funding provides for classes for international languages instruction in a language other than English or French for elementary pupils. Funding is based on $51.62 per classroom hour for average class sizes of 23 or more. Where the average class size is less than 23, the classroom hour rate is reduced by $1 for every pupil less than 23.

Boards are required to maintain enrolment registers provided by the ministry for this program and retain them for audit purposes.


The allocation for PLAR for mature students is calculated in this section using data reported in schedule 12.

PLAR equivalency assessment amount is $117.

PLAR completed challenge for Grade 11 & 12 credit amount is $342.

Section 7 – Cost adjustment and Teacher Qualification and Experience

The following benchmarks are reflected in this section:

Teacher Q&E allocation per pupil – JK to Grade 3 $4,696.10

Teacher Q&E allocation per pupil – Grade 4 to 8 $3,782.11

Teacher Q&E allocation per pupil – secondary $4,909.70

Grade 4 to 8 Class Size Reduction – Q&E component is added to this section. It is calculated as follows:

(Average elementary teacher experience – 1) x benchmark pp amount $13.77

The change in Table 11 amounts in the Grant regulation reflects a 3% salary increase impact for non teachers.

Qualification categories

Boards are required to choose from the drop down list the method of qualification categories applicable to them.

Where a qualification category of a teacher is changed after October 31 and the change for salary purposes is retroactive to October or earlier, the changed category is to be reported on the grid.

Teacher distribution grid

Number of full years of teaching experience immediately before the start of the school year are to be

reported, rounded to the nearest whole number (S40(6) of Grant Regulation). Principals and VPs

reported on the grid are deemed to have 10+ years of experience, qualification category A4/GP4.

The board’s teacher distribution grid should reflect the FTE of active teachers as of October 31 of the

school year. The FTE should be reported to one decimal place. In general, teachers who are assigned a

regular timetable as of October are included on the grid with the following exceptions:

- Exclude continuing education teachers and teachers providing instruction in respect of programs funded under Care and Treatment and Correctional Facilities amount.

- Include teachers on leave of absence with pay for which the board is not reimbursed (S38(2) of Grant Regulation).

- Include occasional teachers if the teacher being replaced is not expected to resume instructional duties during the school year

- Include Library/Guidance teachers

- Include Teachers assigned to instruct for part of their time (S40(2) of Grant Regulation)

- Include Principals or vice-principals assigned to instruct for part of their time (S40(4) para.4 of Grant Regulation)

The following teachers on leave should be excluded:

- teachers on leave of absence without pay

- teachers on leave of absence with pay for which the board is reimbursed

- teachers on leave of absence resulting from participation in a deferred salary leave plan

- teachers receiving benefits from a long term disability plan

- occasional teachers if the teacher being replaced is expected to return to a teaching position during the school year. In such case, the teacher being replaced should be reported.

Experience factors

Total experience factors at item 7.5 reflect the total (by panel) of the product of teachers reported on the

grid and the following instructional salary matrix (Table 10 of the Grant Regulation)


|Qualification & |D |C |B |A1 |A2 |A3 |A4 |

|experience | | | | | | | |

|0 |0.5825 |0.5825 |0.5825 |0.6178 |0.6478 |0.7034 |0.7427 |

|1 |0.6185 |0.6185 |0.6185 |0.6557 |0.6882 |0.7487 |0.7898 |

|2 |0.6562 |0.6562 |0.6562 |0.6958 |0.7308 |0.7960 |0.8397 |

|3 |0.6941 |0.6941 |0.6941 |0.7359 |0.7729 |0.8433 |0.8897 |

|4 |0.7335 |0.7335 |0.7335 |0.7772 |0.8165 |0.8916 |0.9418 |

|5 |0.7725 |0.7725 |0.7725 |0.8185 |0.8600 |0.9398 |0.9932 |

|6 |0.8104 |0.8104 |0.8104 |0.8599 |0.9035 |0.9881 |1.0453 |

|7 |0.8502 |0.8502 |0.8502 |0.9013 |0.9475 |1.0367 |1.0973 |

|8 |0.8908 |0.8908 |0.8908 |0.9435 |0.9919 |1.0856 |1.1500 |

|9 |0.9315 |0.9315 |0.9315 |0.9856 |1.0356 |1.1344 |1.2025 |

|10 |1.0187 |1.0187 |1.0187 |1.0438 |1.0999 |1.2166 |1.2982 |

Section 9 - Transportation

Transportation expenditures are derived from Appendices F1 to F4.

Report at line the home-to-school and school-to-school transportation recoveries anticipated during the year.

At line 9.2.3, the board is required to report the expenditure for board, lodging and weekly transportation of eligible students attending schools outside of the board’s jurisdiction.

A base amount of $1,000 per board-owned or contracted van or bus will be provided to assist in the first aid training of bus drivers. Report at line 9.5.1 the number of board-owned or contracted van or buses. If the van or bus is being shared, report only the board’s share of the van or bus. Report at line 9.5.3, the expenditures related to the training of the bus drivers.

Section 10 – Administration and Governance

This allocation provides for all board based staff and expenditures, including supervisory officers and their secretarial support.

The trustee funding component covers trustee honoraria, expenses, meeting costs and professional development (for example conferences). Dues to stakeholder organizations and secretarial costs for trustees are to be funded where necessary from board administration. The honoraria are frozen at the December 1, 1996 amount. (Table 13)

The SO component is intended to cover salaries and benefits of the Supervisory officer of the board and also recognizes the higher administrative costs borne by boards based on circumstances reflected in their Remote and Rural and Learning Opportunities allocations.

The board administration component provides funding for the business and other administrative functions of a board and the costs of operating and maintaining board offices.

Section 11 – Pupil accommodation

Except for contract leases, no data input is required for this section

School operations

The allocation for school operation offsets the costs of operating schools. The funding for school operation is based on the actual area of the school.

Item 11.85.1 on Section 11A populates the funding for the community use of schools that was announced in July 2004. (Table 20)

School Renewal

The benchmark area requirement for elementary school renewal remains at 9.7 sq. m to take into account the primary class size initiative. The allocation for school renewal offsets the costs of repairing and renovating schools.

Contract Leases

Ministry approved contract lease arrangements for school facilities are reported on lines 11.15 and 11.16.

Section 12 – Teacherages

Boards must report their inventory of teacherages for the prior, and current coming years and note the purpose for which each of the teacherages is used.

Section 13 – Learning Opportunities

Demographic component

The basic allocation provides funding to school boards for pupils with a higher risk of academic difficulties. The funding is based on a tabled amount (Table 21) and is applied to all day school students enrolled in the board, except for pupils 21 and over.

Literacy and Numeracy assistance

The Grade 7 to 10 Literacy and numeracy programs component provides additional support to enhance the literacy and numeracy skills of students at risk of not meeting the new curriculum standards and the requirements of the Grade 10 literacy test.

These courses or programs can be provided during the summer, and during the regular school year outside the regular school day and are classes or courses for pupils in grade 7 and higher grades for whom a remedial program in literacy and numeracy has been recommended by the principal of the day school.

Item 13.2.1 - ADE for courses provided in the summer is the ADE from schedule 12, lines 2.6 to 2.8.

Line 13.2.2 - ADE for literacy and numeracy courses for adults is the ADE from schedule 12, line 1.9. These are classes or courses in literacy and numeracy established for adults who are parents or guardians of pupils in all grades for whom the principal of the day school has recommended a remedial course in literacy and numeracy.

Line 13.2.3 - ADE for literacy and numeracy remedial courses provided during the school year outside of the regular school day the total of the ADE from schedule 12, lines 1.10 and 1.11.

Assistance for Student Success

Line 13.3.7 provides funding to the following board: James Bay Lowland SSB to administer the program for the four remaining Isolate Boards. Funding includes components for a student success coordinator, for travel and for the school.

Assistance for School Effectiveness

Line 13.4.6 provides funding to the following board: Moosonee DSA Board to administer the program for the four remaining Isolate Boards. Funding includes components for a student success coordinator, for travel and for the school.

Section 14 – Tax revenue and territorial district adjustments

This section calculates property tax revenues for the school year, using calendar year data reported on

schedule 11. Items 14.1.2 and 14.1.3 are only applicable to the estimates and revised estimates cycle.

Since school boards report on a school year basis, tax revenue is based on two calendar year tax revenue

and the conversion to school year is made using a 38% 62% split. These percentages were determined in

1998 when the province introduced the Student Focused Funding model and also introduced a transitional short year funding.

Tax revenues at item 14.1.1 and tax adjustments at items 14.1.5 to 14.1.7 are populated from the totals

compiled in schedule 11A.

Item 14.1.9 represents the tax revenue adjustment relating to the prior year in the calculation of tax revenue – this item is only applicable in Financial Statements and is calculated in Schedule 11A, Page 3.

Section 15 – Special Approvals

A special approval is issued to a school authority based on an estimated cost for an approved special circumstance expenditure. A school authority will receive recognition for funding based on the lesser of the approved amount and the actual cost.

Where a school authority has underestimated the special approval expenditure in its initial application, it may make a supplementary request. The request for the supplementary amount should be recorded on a separate line item.

Special approvals issued during the year are pre-loaded in the form.

Where a school authority has surplus funds either in a reserve or as a result of current year operations, the school authority must first pay for these exceptional expenditures from surplus funds. Please refer to the Funding Guidelines for School Authorities (Isolate Boards) - section on Special Approvals.

Capital expenditures for major capital projects will be approved as Capital Program Grants. Capital expenditures must be approved by the Ministry prior to undertaking construction of the project.

Capital Program Grants reported in Section 15.3 will be funded as the expenditures are incurred by the board. The board will need to submit monthly claims for reimbursement including supporting documentation.

Section 16 – Declining Enrolment Adjustment (DEA)

The calculation of DEA is modified in 2010-11 as follows:

• the scaling factor (that adjusts the DEA based on the specific percentage enrolment decline) is eliminated so the calculation of the allocation is based on revenue change;

• 13 percent of the revenue change in the Pupil Foundation Grant is recognized;

• 100 percent of the revenue change in the other grants that are used in the calculation of DEA (SEPPA, Remote and Rural and Board Administration) is recognized;

• funding in the third year of transitional support is 5 percent of the 2008-09 amount.

The 2009-10 operating revenues for Pupil Foundation, SEPPA, Remote and Rural and Board Administration are preloaded at items 16.1.1 to 16.1.8, Col. 1. Page 2 in this section show the calculation of 2009-10 amounts for all the eligible allocations.

These items are calculated using the 2009-10 ADE from Ministry reviewed Financial Statements and applying the 2010-11 benchmarks and calculations.

Item 16.5.1 – 2009/10 declining enrolment adjustment before phase in amount based on the 2009/10 Ministry reviewed Financial Statements submission is preloaded.

Item 16.5.2 – 5% of the 2008/09 declining enrolment adjustment before phase in amount at item 16.5.2 is calculated.

Section 17 – Other Grants

Program enhancement funding provided in 2010-11 which supports programs and activities such as art, music, physical education, and outdoor education:

Number of schools of the board X $9,650

The same definitions of schools as the ones used in the school foundation determination are applicable to this section.

It should be noted that, while each board’s level of funding is based on its number of schools, boards have flexibility to decide how to use this funding within their jurisdiction.

Section 18 – First Nation, Métis and Inuit Supplement

Native Languages Elementary pp amounts

20 – 39 minutes $1,936.45

40 minutes or more $2,904.67

Native Languages Secondary pp credit amounts

Gr. 9 & 10 $1,645.52

Gr11 & 12 $1,645.52

Native Studies Secondary pp credit amount $1,645.52

Native Studies Demographic component $174.28

Aboriginal amount – a weighted incidence factor for each board, derived from census based data is listed in the 2010-11 grant regulation. Funding for this component is $174.28 pp x weighted incidence factor. The weighting factor directs more funding to boards with a higher estimated proportion of First Nation, Métis and Inuit students.

Section 19 – Safe Schools

These are pre-populated amounts from Table 28.

Data Form E – Supplementary information on Community use of Schools

Report allocation, expenditures and other relevant information on parent involvement and community use of schools.

Appendix B – Calculation of Fees

This appendix calculates tuition fees chargeable in respect of pupils for whom fees are receivable from the crown in right of Canada, a band, a council of a band, or education authority and the maximum fee chargeable to out-of-province students

The declining enrolment adjustment is included in the determination of tuition fee per pupil.

Tuition fee revenue negotiated under separate arrangement between the school authority and a fee-paying agency are reported in this section. Examples of negotiated services include Native language programs, educational assistants, counselors, etc.

The tuition fee revenue calculated on this form is automatically populated to Schedule 9, lines 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4

Appendix B1 – Calculation of Tuition Fees – Continuing Education/Literacy & Numeracy/Summer School

Appendix B1 calculates the tuition fees chargeable in respect of Continuing Education, Literacy and Numeracy and Summer School Programs. The tuition fee revenue calculated on this form is automatically populated to Schedule 9, line 1.5

Appendix F1 – Transportation – Contracted and Board-Owned Vehicles

This appendix is used to collect information relating to expenditures incurred transporting board pupils. The total contracted amount and estimated costs are carried forward to section 9.

Appendix F1.1 – Transportation – Board-Owned Vehicles

This appendix is used for the collection of information relating to vehicles owned by the board.

Appendix F2 – Board, Lodging and Weekly Transportation

Boards are to report on this appendix information respecting students for whom the board is reimbursing parents for board, lodging and weekly transportation. The total expenditures from this appendix are carried forward to section 9.

Appendix F3 – Transportation to/from Provincial Schools

On this appendix, boards are to report the number of students and the projected expenditure that is approved by the Minister for the transportation of pupils to and from provincial schools. Prior year information is also required on this form. The total expenditures from this appendix are carried forward to section 9.

Appendix G – Board Teacher Salary Grid – 2009-10

This appendix is supplementary information to be provided by all boards and is used to review average salaries.

Report the salary grid applicable to the most recent agreement. Where this grid has multiple increases scheduled during the year, the average salary grid for the year should be reported. Where a board’s teacher salary grid identifies teachers with 13 years of teaching experience or more, report the average on line 13+.

APPENDIX H – 2009/10 Staffing

This form has been simplified consistent with the removal of program reporting.

The staffing form requests information on staffing categories for the following programs:

- Regular program

- Special Education program

- Continuing Education and Summer School

The staffing is reported on a panel basis (elementary & secondary).

Specialist teachers are certified classroom teachers with rotating, regularly scheduled, full or partial teaching assignments in subject areas such as literacy and numeracy, physical education, music, arts, drama, French, and anglais.

Teachers hired to support the student success initiatives (which is measured by increased credit accumulation in Grades 9 to 12, improved graduation rates, and decreased dropout rates should be reported under the line ‘Student Success Teachers’ for the regular secondary day school program and/or under additional support for students.

Administration, transportation & school operations Staffing are to be reported on a board total basis.

Child and Youth workers (CYW) excludes any CYW who are hired as teaching assistants (these should be reported under the teaching assistants line). They would include CYW reported under the professional and paraprofessional grouping, including those hired under the safe schools initiative.

Library technicians are to be reported separately from the other staff – Library/Guidance.


Include all staff hired on a regular basis and report the FTE as of October 31 to one decimal place. Do not include hours relating to temporary assistance and overtime.

Full-time staff currently on secondment, unpaid sabbatical leave or other leave of absence without pay should not be reported.

FTE (Full-time equivalent)

For all personnel covered by a teachers collective agreement, use the full-time equivalent prescribed by the agreement.

For Principals and Vice-Principals use the standard full-time equivalent definition in use by the board.

For Teacher Assistants use the full-time equivalent prescribed by the applicable collective agreements or in use by the board.

For Clerical and Secretarial staff, use the full-time equivalent prescribed by the applicable collective agreements whether 10-month or 12-month. Therefore a full-time 10 month elementary school secretary will be 1.0 FTE and a 12 month board administration secretary will be 1.0 FTE.

For all other staff – use the full-time equivalent prescribed by the applicable collective agreements or policy or translate all full-time equivalents using a standard 1,820 Hours (based on 35 hrs. per week x 52 weeks)


Classroom Teachers (including Preparation Time)

Classroom Teachers – Include all classroom teachers including special education self-contained classes (except Approved Treatment facilities teachers). Ensure that the special education classroom teachers are included under Special Education Program and that elementary teachers in French extended and immersion programs are included separately under the JK to grade 3 and Gr. 4 to Gr. 8 columns.

(Code of Account references – Function 10 and Object 170 all Programs except 305 (Care & Treatment & Correctional facilities programs).

Other School Based Teachers, specialist teachers & Resource Teachers – Include all teachers within a school that are not specifically assigned a class. Examples would include itinerant French teachers, specialist teachers as defined above, special education resource teachers and home instruction teachers. Remember to include them under the appropriate Program category. (Code of Account reference – 10-171, 10-173 and 10-192)

Care & Treatment Facilities Teachers – Include all classroom teachers in Care & Treatment & Correctional facilities programs. (Code of Account reference – Function 10, Object 170, Program 305)

Teacher Assistants

Teacher Assistants – General – Include all teacher assistants except those included below under Care & Treatment & Correctional facilities programs, Student Support, Library/Guidance or Continuing Education. Ensure that all special education teacher assistants are reported under the special education program section. (Code of Account reference – Function 10, Object 191 except Program 305).

Care and Treatment and Correctional Facilities Assistants – Include all teacher assistants in Care & Treatment & Correctional facilities programs. (Code of Account reference – Function 10, Object 191, Program 305).

Student Support Services – Professionals, Paraprofessionals and Technicians

The FTE of professional, paraprofessional and technical staff is to be prorated between the regular program, the special education program and other programs on a rational, defensible basis consistent with the services being offered to the student population.

Please ensure staffing numbers are reflective of the appropriate percentage of time each staff member

or category spends on regular programs vs. special education services and programs and other

programs and are consistent with the prorating of expenditures within these categories.

A new line is added for school boards to report the Child and Youth workers (CYW) hired by the boards separately. These would exclude any CYW who are hired as teaching assistants (these should be reported under the teaching assistants line). They would include CYW reported under the professional and paraprofessional grouping, including those hired under the safe schools initiative.

As a result of the changes made in 2009-10 to the Uniform Code of Account (2007:SB31), an additional line has been added to allow boards to report the FTE of Clerical/secretarial staff providing support to this function.

Library and Guidance

Do not report any Library and Guidance staff under the Special Education program except for specific situations as described in the “Special Education Expenditure Reporting Instructions for DSBs for 2003-04”. In those cases, report breakdown between regular & special education on a basis consistent with the prorating of expenditures.

Technicians and Other Staff – Library/Guidance (Code of Account References - 23-136, 24-136, 23-135, 24-135, 23-191, 24-191). Use 10-month FTE conversion.

Teacher Support Services – Coordinators & Consultants

Coordinators & Consultants – Includes teachers, vice-principals or principals acting in a teacher support role as a coordinator or consultant. Also includes the board coordinator for students at risk programs. (Code of Account References – 25-161, 25-170, 25-151, 25-152)

As a result of the changes made in 2009-10 to the Uniform Code of Account (2007:SB31), an additional line has been added to allow boards to report the FTE of Clerical/secretarial staff providing support to this function

School Administration

Vice-Principals – Administrative Time – also include here any regularly scheduled teacher-in-charge time and exclude it from classroom teachers above.

Dept. Head Release Time – Convert FTE at a rate of # periods per school year/8 and ensure the applicable FTE is NOT included in classroom teachers above.

Clerical/Secretarial/Admin – School Administration– (Code of Account References – 15-112, 23-112, 24-112, 15-103).

Continuing Education

Principals, VP’s, Teachers - Record any contract teaching staff assigned to positions within continuing education. Do not include any hourly or part time continuing education teachers or instructors.

Admin and Governance

Other Academic Staff – Teachers, Vice-Principals, Principals - Include any academic staff with central administration responsibilities. (Code of Account References – 32-151, 33-151, 34-151, 35-151, 32-152, 33-152, 34-152, 35-152, 32-170, 33-170, 34-170, 35-170)

Managerial/Professional – (Code of Accounts References – 21-103, 22-103, 32-103, 25-103, 33-103, 34-103, 35-103, 44-103)

Clerical/Secretarial/Technical & Specialized – (Code of Accounts References – 33-110, 34-110, 35-110, 44-110, 21-112, 25-112, 31-112, 32-112, 33-112, 34-112, 35-112, 44-112).


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