[Pages:1]2nd April, 2015


Beside the dynamic expansion of the 4G network, resulting from the developments of Telekom the high speed broadband internet becomes available to about 440,000 households by year end 2015, with the company implementing capital expenditure worth billions of HUF. During the network expansion a total of 2500 kilometers optical fiber network is built.

Resulting from the recently launched developments, the high speed fix line internet coverage of Telekom increases from the current 1.8 million to 2.2 million households in 2015. Telekom targeted to establish the most optimal model for building the broadband optical network, taking into consideration the local conditions of less densely populated regions.

Christopher Mattheisen, CEO of Magyar Telekom said: ,,We are committed to build a modern infrastructure also in Hungary that connects with the European broadband network. Our objective is that high speed broadband internet becomes available to all Hungarian households. With the comprehensive "all-IP" solution we can replace outdated technologies, making network operation much more efficient and providing better quality and customer experience. In the field of mobile development we continue the expansion of the 4G network, which by now is available to 80 percent of the population".

According to Telekom objectives, the development improves the broadband service coverage of rural regions, hence decreasing the difference between internet service levels in urban and rural areas. Newly connected households can also capitalize on advantages offered by broadband internet, improving the life quality of the population and increasing the competitiveness of locals enterprises. Consequent to these developments a number of digital cities and settlements can be established, enabling even higher standard services based on cutting edge infocommunication solutions, and supporting communal activities. The construction of Telekom progresses systematically, the company intends to fully inform local residents about the fix network construction related works in all relevant settlements.

Appropriate digital competencies are inevitable for using digital services available on modern broadband networks. Telekom has always been spearheading this field. In the frame of the SmartDigital education program, the volunteers of Telekom educated tens of thousands of students about the conscientious and safe use of internet. Expanding the program, this year they educate parents and teachers. In the course of the network development, Telekom organizes separate education programs on settlements where the network construction is complete. The next free SmartDigital education program will be held in April, in the elementary schools of Monor and Szigetszentmikl?s.

During the developments Telekom also cooperates with partners like Huawei Technologies, the Chinese global enterprise. The cooperation of the two companies is not totally new, since they have already worked together on the development of IPTV solutions and previous optical networks in the past years.


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