
CBCSCOMMERCEFOURTH SEMESTERBCOM/4/EC/14 : QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUEChoose the correct answerUnit - 1Statistics can be best considered asan artscienceboth art as well as scienceart and philosophyThe mid point of a class is obtained byadding upper and lower limitdeducting upper limit from the lower limitdividing the diference of upper and lower limit by 2ading upper and lower limit and dividing by 2In inclusive class intervals of frequency distributionupper limit of each class interval in excludedlower limit of each class interval is excludedboth (a) and (b)NoneThe algebraic sum of the deviations of a set of a n values from their arithmetic mean is n0 1-1In a series of values if one value is zero, the geometric mean is 01between -1 and +1indeterminateThe measuresof variation that is least affected by extreme observation is rangemean deviationstandard deviationQuartile deviationStandard deviation is absolute measurerelative measurebothnoneCoefficient of variation is a relative measure of meanstandard deviationrangedispersionIn a business house, statistics decreases the: (a) risk(b) uncertainty(c) profit(d) salesCartograph is a: (a) line diagram(b) bar diagram(c) map(d) circleStatistical results are all the time: (a) qualitative one(b) an average(c) an exact result(d) an isolated numberEconomics cannot be a successful subject without: (a) business(b) commerce(c) statistics(d) managementThe arithmetic mean between 5 + 3 and 5 - 3 is:(a) 3(b) 3(c) 5(d) 5The geometric mean of two numbers is 16. If one number is 32, the other number is: (a) 4(b) 6(c) 8(d) 10The harmonic mean of 4 and 6 is: (a) 4.5(b) 4.8(c) 5(d) 5.5Difference between highest and lowest value called: (a) standard deviation(b) Mean Deviation(c) Quartile Deviation(d) RangeStatistics deals only with (a) quantitative characteristics(b) qualitative characteristics(c) both (a) and (b)(d) none of the aboveOpen-end classes are those in which (a) lower limit of the first class and the upper limit of the last class are known(a) lower limit of the first class and the upper limit of the last class are not known(c) only lower limit of the first class are known(d) none of the aboveRelationship of mean, median and mode according to Karl Pearson is(a) mode = 2median – 3mean(b) median = 2mode – 2mean(c) mode = 3median – 2 mean(d) none of the aboveThe sum of the squares of the deviations of the values of a variable is least when the deviations are measured from(a) harmonic mean (b) geometric mean(c) arithmetic mean(d) none of the aboveMean deviation is (a) a relative measures(b) an absolute measures(c) both (a) and (b)(d) none of the aboveInterquartile range is the difference between(a) the highest value and the lowest value(b) median and mean (c) the third quartile and the first quartile(d) none of the aboveThe measures of dispersion can never be(a) positive(b) negative(c) zero(d) none of the aboveWhich of the following is least when deviations are taken from the median rangequartile deviationmean deviationstandard deviationWhich average is affected most by extreme observation?ModeMedianGeometric meanNone of the aboveA geometric mean of two numbers 12 and 27 is9121821The positional measure of central tendency isGeometric meanMedianArithmetic meanNone of the aboveStatistics can be best considered asAn artScienceBoth art as well as scienceNone of the aboveThe total of all the observations divided by the number of observations is calledArithmetic meanGeometric meanMedianHarmonic meanLowest value of variance can be1-120Standard deviation is always calculated fromMeanMedian ModeGeometric meanThe standard deviation and variance are _______ of origin?MultipliedVarianceIndependentNone of the aboveStatistics can be best considered as:a sciencean artboth science as well as artneither science nor artStatistics is helpful in:formulating and testing hypothesispredictionformulation of suitable policiesall of the aboveA set of vertical bars whose areas are proportional to the frequencies represented is known as:HistogramFrequency polygonOgivenone of the aboveThe value in a series of observations which occurs with the greatest frequency is called:medianmean deviationstandard deviationmodeWhat is the median of the sample 5, 5, 11, 9, 8, 5, 8?5689Karl Pearson has expressed the relationship between Mean, Median, and Mode as:Mode = Mean – 3 [Mean – Median]Mode = 3 Median – 2 MeanMedian = Mode + 2/3 [Mean – Mode]All of the aboveThe average difference between the items in a distribution and the median or mean of that series is known as:RangeMean deviationInter-quartile rangeStandard deviationIf all the scores on examination cluster around the mean, the dispersion is said to be:SmallLargeNormalSymmetricalUnit- 2If two events cannot occur simultaneously at the same trial then they aredependent eventsindependent eventsmutually exclusive eventssimple eventsIf two events A and B are independent, the probability that they will both occur is given byP (A) + P (B)P (A) x P (B)P (A) – P (B)P (A) + P (B) – P (AB)Those in which the occurence or non occurence of an event in any one trial affects the probability of other event in other trial. This is known as dependent eventindependent eventcomplementary eventexhaustive eventIf the probability of drawing a spade from a well shuffled pack of playing card is 14 then the probability that of the card drawn from a well shuffled pack of playing card is ‘not a spade’ is 1 121434The probability that a card drawn at random from the pack of playing cards may be either a queen or an ace is2/1311/139/132/52If both the variables are varying in the same direction, the correlation is said to bepartial correlationsimple correlationpositive correalationnegative correlationThe coefficient of correlation has no limitshould be less than 1should be more than 1varies between -1 and +1Coefficient of determination is defined asr3r21 – r21 + r2In a box, there are 8 red,7 blue and 6 green balls. One ball is picked up randomly. What is the probability that it is neither red nor green?1/33/47/199/21Probability sampling and random sampling areAnonymousDifferent termsSynonymousNone of the aboveCoefficient of correlation will be alwaysMore than 0More than -1Less than -1Between -1 and +1We can measure the cause and effect relationship by the help ofTime series analysisCross-sectional analysisCorrelation analysisRegression analysisThe total events to throw three dice simultaneously is61821216Which of the following cannot be the probability of an event?1.53/525%0.3When the two regression lines are parallel to each other, then their slopes areZeroDifferentSamePositive?In scatter diagram, if most of the points lie in the first and third quadrants, then coefficient of correlation is:NegativePositiveZeroAll the aboveWhat is the probability of having 53 Mondays in a non-leap year?(a) 67(b) 17(c) 1365 (d) 53365A card numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and a card is drawn at random. What is the probability that the card drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5?(a) 12 (b) 620 (c) 420 (d) 920A dice is thrown. Find the probability of getting an even number?(a) 23 (b) 1 (c) 56 (d) 12When events cannot happen together in a single trial, they are called(a) Independent events(b) Mutually exclusive events(c) Dependent events(d) Impossible eventsRank correlation coefficient is also known as(a) Pearsonian Correlation Coefficient(b) Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient(c) Random Correlation Coefficient(d) Spearman’s Correlation CoefficientCorrelation does not imply(a) negative correlation(b) cause-effect relationship (c) relativity(d) correction relationshipThe value of the correlation coefficient ranges from (a) 0 to 1(b) -1 to 0 (c) -1 to 1(d) 0 to 10The regression lines cut each other at the point of (a) average of X and Y(b) average of X only(c) the median of X and Y(d) None of the above If both the variables are varying in the same direction, the correlation is said to bePositive correlationNegative correlationPartial correlationNone of the aboveWhen two events cannot occur simultaneously in a single trial it is calledMutually exclusive eventsCollectively exclusive eventsMutually exhaustive eventsNone of the aboveWhen the outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of the other it is said to beDependent eventIndependent eventMutually exclusive eventEqually likely eventsWhen the outcome of one event affects the outcome of the other it is said to beEqually likely eventsMutually exclusive eventsIndependent eventDependent eventA box contains 8 red, 7 blue and 6 green balls. One ball is picked up randomly. What is the probability that it is neither red nor green? 13340None of the aboveThe geometric mean of the two regression coefficient?βYX?and?βXY?is equal to:r2rr30Regression coefficient is independent ofOriginScaleBoth origin and scaleNone of the aboveThe slope of regression line of Y on X is also called the Correlation coefficient of Y on XCorrelation coefficient of X on YRegression coefficient of X on YRegression coefficient of Y on XTwo events that cannot be happened simultaneously is known as:Exhaustive eventsIndependent eventsMutually exclusive eventsnone of the aboveIf two events A and B are mutually exclusive the probability of the occurrence of either A or B is the sum individual probability of A and B. This theorem is called:Multiplication theoremAddition theoremClassical probabilitySubtraction theoremOne card is drawn from a standard pack of 52. What is the probability that the card drawn is a king?4/521/41/5252/4A dice is thrown. Find the probability of getting an even number?2/63/64/65/6If both variables are varying in the opposite direction, it is called:Partial correlationPositive correlationHigh degree of correlationNegative correlationIn perfect positive correlation:r = 0r = -1r = +1r = +/- 1In regression analysis, the variable that is being predicted is theexplained or dependentvariableindependent variableintervening variableis usually xThe coefficient of correlationis the square of the coefficient of determinationis the square root of the coefficient of determinationis the same as r-squarecan never be negativeUnit-3The total current year prices for the various commodities in question is divided by the total of base year prices and the quotient is multiplied under simple aggregative methodsimple average of relative methodweighted aggregative methodLaspeyres’ methosFishers’ index number is The median of Laspeyres’ and Paasches’ index The arithmetic mean of Laspeyres’ and Paasches’ indexThe geometric mean of Laspeyres and Paasches’ index The harmonic mean of Laspeyres’ and Paasches’ index Symbolically time reversal test is given asPo1 x P10Po1 x P10 = 1Po1 x P10 ≠ 1Po1 x P10 = ?p?q??p?q?The technique of changing the given base period of a series of index numbers and recasting them to form a new series with reference to a new base period is known assplicing deflatingbase shiftingcost of living indexA component of time series used for short term forecast istrendseasonalcyclicalirregularA forecast that projects company’s sale is the economic forecasttechnological forecastdemand forecastfinancial forecastThe sales of wool and umbrella are associated with the components of which of the time seriesseculaar trendseasonal variationirregular vatiationcyclical variationIf the slope of the trend line is positive, it showsrising trenddclining trendstagnationuncontrollable Index numbers are expressed in: (a) Ratios (b) Squares (c) Percentages (d) CombinationsIndex for base period is always taken as: (a) 100 (b) One (c) 200 (d) Zero Another name of consumer's price index number is: (a) Whole-sale price index number (b) Cost of living index (c) Sensitive (d) Composite Laspeyre's index = 110, Paasche's index = 108, then Fisher's Ideal index is equal to: (a) 110 (b) 108 (c) 100 (d) 109 An orderly set of data arranged in accordance with their time of occurrence is called: (a) Arithmetic series (b) Harmonic series (c) Geometric series (d) Time series Increase in the number of patients in the hospital due to heat stroke is: (a) Secular trend (b) Irregular variation (c) Seasonal variation (d) Cyclical variation In time series seasonal variations can occur within a period of: (a) Four years (b) Three years (c) Two years (d) One yearIn a straight line equation Y = a + bX; b is the: (a) Y-intercept (b) Slope (c) X-intercept(d) TrendIn business and economics, index numbers can be classified as(a) price index numbers(b) quantity index numbers(c) value index numbers(d) All of the above__________ ignore(s) the relative importance of the commodities being measured.(a) Simple Aggregative Method(b) Weighted Aggregative Method(c) Neither methods(d) Both methodsPaasche price index in calculated as(a) P01= ?p1q1?poq1 x100(b) P10= ?p1q1?poq1 x100(c) P01= ?p0q1?poq1 x100(d) P01= ?p1q1?p1q1 x100Marshall- Edgeworth Method calculates price index numbers as(a) P01= p1q0 + p1q1 p0q1 + p0q1 x100(b) P01= p1q0 + p1q1 p0q0 + p0q1 x100(c) P01= p1q0 + p1q1 p1q1 + p1q1 x100(d) P01= p1q1+ p1q1 p0q0 + p0q1 x100Laspeyres’ quantity index number is given by(a) Q01 = q1p0 q0p0 x100(b) P01 = q1p0 q0p0 x100(c) Q01 = q1p0 q1p0 x100(d) Q01 = q1p1 q0p1 x100The time reversal test is not satisfied by(a) Laspeyres’ Method(b) Paasche’s Method(c) Neither of the above(d) Both of the aboveThe circular test is satisfied by(a) Laspeyres’ Index(b) Paasche’s Index(c) Fisher’s Ideal Index(d) None of the aboveThe components or a time series are(a) Secular trend(b) Irregular variation(c) Cyclical variation(d) All of the aboveThe coefficient of correlation Has no limitCan be less than 1Can be more than 1Varies between + 1From a pack of 52 cards, two cards are drawn together at random. What is the probability of both the cards being kings11525571221None of the above Index number are expressed in RatiosSquaresPercentagesCombinationsIndex for base period is always taken as1000200None of the aboveSymbolically time reversal test is given asPo1 x P10Po1 x P10 = 1Po1 x P10 ≠ 1None of the aboveConsumer price index indicatesRiseFallBoth (a) and (b)None of the aboveFisher’s ideal index number is the geometric mean of the Laspeyre’s and Marshall Edgeworth indicesLaspeyre’s and Paasche’s indicesBoth (a) and (b)None of the aboveA time series consists of Short-term variationLong-term variationIrregular variationAll the aboveAn index which is constructed from a group of variables is considered as:Composite indexUnivariate indexMultiple indexNone of the abovePurchasing power of money can be accessed through:Simple indexFisher’s index Consumer price index Volume indexIf the price of commodity’ X’ is 4 in the year 2003 and 5 in the year 2004. Then, the price index for the year 2004, used 2003 as base year is:100125130135Laspeyres index = 110, Paasche's index = 108, then Bowley’s index is equal to:110 108100109A time series consists of:Seasonal variationsCyclical variationsIrregular variations All of the aboveChanges that have taken place as a result of such forces that could not be predicted like floods, earthquakes, famines, etc is known as:Secular trendSeasonal movements Irregular variationsCyclical variationsIn semi averages method, the given data is divided into:Two equal parts Three equal partsFour equal partsDifficult to tellThe additive model of the time series is:Y = T + S + C + I Y = TSCI Y = a + bXY = a + bX + cXUnit - 4Two matrices A and B are multiplied to get AB ifBoth are rectangularBoth have same orderNo of columns of A is equal to columns of BNo of rows of A is equal to rows of BTranspose of a column matrix isZero matrixDiagonal matrixColumn matrixRow matrixThe determinant of identity matrix is :10Depends on the matrixNone of the aboveThe matrix?[6]?isSquare matrixRow matrixColumn matrixAll of the above?If matrix?A?is of order?m×n then the matrix of order?n×m?is calledTranspose of AInverse of AMain diagonal of AEchelon form of AIn the determinant 206-143159 find minor of element 3:10202430If 2x-142=3021 then x is32/33/2-1/4If A = 11-221-354-9 , find A012-1Which of the following is a diagonal matrix?122112(c) 001010100100010001(d) 011101110Which of the following is a square matrix?12342(c) 1472583692321789456(d) 121212 Which of the following is the transpose of A = 100010001A’ = 100010001 (c) A’ =011101110A’ = 001010100 (d) A’ = 110101011Which of the following is correct?1231 + 1321 = 3434(c) 1231 + 1321 = 25521231 + 1321 = 3344(d) 1231 + 1321 = 1324Which of the following is the correct formula for Inverse of a Matrix?A-1 = |A|1 . Adj A(c) A-1 = |1|Adj A . AA-1 = |1||A| . Adj A(d) A-1 = Adj AAWhich of the following is the determinant of A = 1234560(c) 2821(d) 6Which of the following matrix Multiplication is valid?1231 . 123456789(c) 1231 . 1235461231 . 123456(d) 1231 . 100010001Which of the following is true?A.B = A’.B(c) A.B = A.B’(AB)’ = B’.A’(d) (A=B)’ = A’. B’If A = 2 1 94 6 3, the order of matrix A is: (a) 3X2 (b) 2X3 (c) 1X3 (d) 3X1Mention the type of the matrix A = 1-2 4-2 3 5 4 5 8(a) Symmetric Matrix (b) Skew symmetric Matrix(c) Null Matrix(d) Identity MatrixIf A = 3-62-4, then |A| =(a) -12 (b) 12 (c) 0 (d) None of the aboveIf B = 2-31 6, then transpose of B is(a) 2136 (b) 21-36 (c) 2-31 6 (d)2316 1001 is matrix of the type(a) Zero matrix (b) Unit matrix(c) Row Matrix (d) Column MatrixTwo matrices A and B are multiplied to get AB if,(a) both are rectangular(b) both have the same order(c) number of columns of A is equal to number of rows of B(d) number of rows of A is equal to number of columns of BA matrix having ‘m’ rows and ‘n’ columns with m≠n is said to be a(a) Scalar Matrix (b) Identity Matrix(c) Square Matrix (d) Null Matrix463 is a (a) Row Matrix (b) Column Matrix (c) Identity Matrix (d) Square MatrixIncrease in the number of patients in the hospital due to stroke is Secular trendIrregular variationSeasonal variationCyclical variationDamages due to floods, droughts and strikes fires are associated with the components of which of the time seriesSecular trendCyclical variationSeasonal variationIrregular variationTranspose of rectangular matrix is aRectangular matrixDiagonal matrixSquare matrixScaler matrixTwo matrices A and B are multiplied to get AB ifBoth are rectangularBoth have same orderNumber of columns of A is equal to columns of BNumber of rows of A is equal to columns of BTranspose of row matrix is a Zero matrixDiagonal matrixColumn matrixRow matrixIf |A| = 0, then A isZero matrixSingular matrixNon-singular matrixNone of the aboveCramer’s rule fails forDeterminants > 0Determinants < 0 Determinants = 0None of the aboveCramer’s Rule is not suitable for which type of problems?Small systems with 4 unknownsSystems with 2 unknownsLarge systemsNone of the aboveThe element residing in the 3rd column and 4th row is represented by:(a)a12(b) a43(c) a34NOTAA matrix that has elements in the horizontal line only is known as:Square MatrixDeterminantRow MatrixColumn Matrix245-1-34 + 3-21-213-1 is4-71152-5800-25-47-1261NOTAMatrix multiplication is possible if and only ifThe number of columns in the first row is similar with the number rows in the second matrix.Number of rows are equal in the two matricesNumber of columns are equalNOTAThe value of a determinant 23-40-421-15 is-36-4646NOTAFor the equations 2x-y=5;3x+2y=-3; The values of x and y are-1 and 31 and -32 and 3NOTAFor the equations 2x+y-z=3; x+y+z=1; x-2y-3z=4. We havex=2,y=-1,z=0x=-2,y=1,z=1x=1,y=2,z=3NOTAInverse of a Matrix A, A-1=Adjoint of A 1|A| xTranspose of A1|A|xAdjoint of AA X Minors X CofactorsUnit - 5If?f(x) = (x???a)2?(x???b)2, then?f(a?+?b) is:aba + ba - ba2b2Function f(x) is exist when:LHL = RHLLHL ≠ RHLLHL > RHLLHL < RHLIf x2 +y2=5, then dydxis:xy- xyx + yx – yddx of a5x isa5xlogea5xa5xlogeaxa5xlogea5a5xlogeaIf y = logx, d2ydx2 is:1x- 1x1x2-1x2dx is:1 + c0x + cy + c02(x3 + 2) is: 6789If revenue function R = 3x and cost function C = 100 + 0.015x2, where x is the units produced, what is the profit maximizing output?50100150200Which of the following is the derivative of y=(3x+1)7213x+16(c) 321x+76212x6(d) 73x+16Which of the following is correct integration of 3x2 (x3+5)7 dx ?(x3)88+c(c) (x3)87+c(x3)63+c(d) (x3)77+cWhich of the following is the correct derivative of f(x) = x4+2x3- x2+4x-1 ?f'x=4x4+6x3-2x2+4x(c) f'x=4x4-6x3+2x2-4xf'x=4x3+6x2-2x+4(d) f'x=4x3-6x2+2x-4Which of the following is correct answer fpr limx→1fx= x2-1x-1 ?3(c) 20(d) 1Which of the following is correct differentiation with repect to x when y= 5x+2 ?lnx . 5x+2(c) (lnx . 5x+2 ) / 5lnx . 52x(d) lnx2 . 52Which of the following is correct about derivation of total cost function and average cost function from the marginal cost function?MC xdx=ACx+c(c) MC x=TCx+cMC xdx=TCx+c(d) MC x=ACx+cWhich of the following is correct about derivation of total revenue function and average revenue function from the marginal revenue function?TCx= MR xdx=TC'x+C (c) TRx= MC xdx=TC'x+CTCx= MR xdx=TRx+C (d) TRx= MR xdx=TR'x+CWhich of the following is the integration of sin x ?-sinx(c) -cosxcosx(d) 1cosxA function expressed directly in terms of the dependent variable is an _________ function, where one variable is dependent on the other.(a) implicit(b) fixed(c) variable(d) explicitIn the equation y = f (x), y is the __________variable and x is the ____________variable.(a) dependent; independent(b) independent; dependent(c) first; second(d) explicit; implicitThe limit of a constant function limx→afx=c is(a) x(b) c(c) a(d) f(x)The derivative of x3 is(a) 3x(b) 3(c) 3x2(d) x The derivative of (5x - 2)3 is(a) 15(5x - 2)2(b) 5x - 2(c) 15(5x - 2)3(d) 15x - 2 The derivative of 2x+3 is(a) x(b) 3(c) 2(d) 17. dx is equal to(a) 1(b) x (c) y(d) 0The integration of 1x dx is (a) 2x(b) 1(c) 2(d) 0A square matrix in which every non-diagonal is zero and all diagonal elements are equal is calledScaler matrixSquare matrixColumn matrixRow matrixIf rows are changed into column and column are change into rows, the n the value of determinants Remains unchangedChangedBecomes zeroNone of the aboveDifferential calculus helps to find theRate of change of a quantityQuantity when the rate of change is knownQuantity when the rate of change is unknownNone of the aboveIntegral calculus helps to find the Rate of change of a quantityQuantity when the rate of change is knownQuantity when the rate o change is unknownNone of the abovex1dx =1x + C2 x+C2x+CNone of the aboveA function expressed directly in terms of the dependent variable is said to be anExplicit functionOne valued functionTwo valued functionNone of the aboveWhen the dependent variable increases with an increase in the independent variable, the function is calledAlgebraic functionsRational functionsMonotonically increasing functionNone of the aboveThe limit of the ratio of the increment in the function corresponding to a small increment in the argument as the latter tends to zero ismatrixlimitfunctionderivativeThe value of limx->3((x2-9)/(x-3)) is3-66NOTADerivative of x3-3x2+7x-4 with respect to x is3x2-6x+7x2-5x+73x2+6x+70.ddx(sin2x+cos2x) is2sinx+2cosx2cosx-2sinxcosx-sinx0Maxima of a function is determined bydydx=0 and (d2y/dx2)>0dydx=0 and (d2y/dx2)<0dydx>0 and (d2y/dx2)=0NOTAIntegration is also known asAnti-derivativeDisintegrationDifferentiationIntegral. exdx isex+cxex + cxex+1NOTA logxdxis1logxlogx +cxlogx-x +cNOTA(tan2x)dx istanx+xtanx – x +c(tan3x)/3 +cNOTAFill in the blanksUnit - 1______________ is the reciprocal of the AM of the reciprocal of observations____________ always lies in between arithmetic mean and modeFor the purpose of comparison between two or more series with varying zero or no. of items, varying central values or units of calculation, ony ______________ measures can be usedThe number of observations corresponding to a particular class is known as the ________________ of that classStatistics relates to the collection, classification, presentation, analysis and _________________ of numerical data.Statistics deals only with __________________ data.Highest time occurring observation called _____________.Standard deviation is having effect in change of ______________ but not change in origin.____________ divides the data into four equal parts. _________________ is a positional average._____________________ is also known as root mean square deviation.The average of squared deviations from mean is called_______________.Statistics is applicable only to ____________ data. In the recruitment of right type of personnel for a job, the aptitude and efficiency of candidates are statistically determined by using ____________. ____________ statistics takes data from a sample and makes inferences about the larger population from which the sample was drawn. ________ is the simplest means of dispersion.In ____________sense, the word ‘statistics’ refers to numerical data. ___________are the data that are collected for the first time by an investigator for a specific purpose. ___________refers to the middle value in the distribution. The degree to which numerical data tend to spread about an average value is called __________Unit - 2According to ______________ theorem, if two events A and B are mutually exclusive, the probability of occuraence of either A or B is giveb by P (A) + P (B)Two or more events are said to be ______________ when the outcomes of one does not affect the other.If the sum of the product of deviations of x and y series from their means i.e. ?xy is zero, the coefficient of correlation shall be _____________If the amount of change in one variable tends to bear a constant ratio to the amount of change in the other variable, then the correlation is said to be ______________The correlation coefficient is the ……………….of two regression coefficientsThe graph showing the paired points of (Xi, Yi) is called…………In the regression equation Y = a +bX, a is called………..Probability of a sure event is...........Two or more events are said to be ____________ if the outcome of one does not affect and is not affected by the other.According to ___________ theorem, if two events A and B are independent, the probability that both will occur is equal to the product of their individual probabilities.If the value of Y decreases as the value of X decreases, there is __________ correlation between the two variables.If the variables are _____________ , the regression lines are at right angles.___________ theorem states that if two events A and B are mutually exclusive the probability of the occurrence of either A or B is the sum of the individual probability of A and B. The process by which we estimate the value of dependent variable on the basis of one or more independent variables is called ___________. ________eventsare those in which the occurrence or non-occurrence of one event in any one trial affects the probability of other events in other trials. Correlation is said to be ________if both variables are varying in the same direction. If we tossed a single coin, the probability of getting head is ___________ In multiplication theorem of probability, P (A and B) = _________________________ is an analysis of the covariation between two or more variables.The variable which is used to predict the variable of interest is called ____________Unit - 3The factor reversdal test is only satisfied by _______________________The method of combining two or more overlaping series of index numbers into one continuous series is called ________________A type of periodic movement where the period is not longer than one year is _____________In least square method for measurement of trend, the straight line trend is represented by the equation _______________Price relatives are a percentage ratio of current year price and ____________.Purchasing power of money can be accessed through ____________.The most commonly used mathematical method for measuring the trend is __________.A time series has __________ components.Index numbers measure ____________ in a group of variables over a period of time. Changing the reference base period is known as ________ the base.A time series is a set of statistical observations arranged in __________ order.Changes that occur as a result of booms and depressions are _________ variations.Index number can be used for ___________. An orderly set of data arranged in accordance with their time of occurrence is called ______. Fishers ideal index is calculated by using the equations __________. __________ is the method of combining two or more overlapping series of index numbers into one continuous series. ___________index compares the levels of prices from one period to another.In time reversal test, P01 X P10 = _______________________is a set of statistical observations arranged in chronological order.Changes that have taken place during a period of 12 months as a result of change in climate, weather conditions, festivals, etc are called ______________variation.Unit – 4If any Matrix?A?has different numbers of rows and columns, then matrix?A?is…………..If 56-3-432-4-73 , then cofactor of the element a21 is ………………….The matrix k234 has no inverse, then the value of k is equal to…………The sum of the products of elements of any row with the co-factors of corresponding elements is equal to……………….The determinant of identity matrix is _________________________If determinant of a matrix A is Zero than matrix A is a ______________________If the order of matrix A is m×p. And the order of B is p×n. Then the order of matrix AB is _____________________Idea of matrices was introduced by Arthur Caylet in ____________ century.Division of a unit matrix by any square matrix can be accomplished by a process known as _____________.A ____________ is the determinant of a square matrix formed by deleting one row and one column from some larger square matrix.If we interchange rows and columns of a matrix, the new matrix obtained is known as ____________.A matrix in which there is only one row and any number of columns is said to be __________ matrix.A square matrix in which all elements except at least one element in diagonal are zeros is said to be ______________ matrix. Matrices obtained by changing rows and columns is called _________. A matrix in which numbers of rows is equal to the number of column is called ______ matrix. A square matrix in which every non-diagonal is zero and every diagonal element is 1 is called a ______ matrix. A matrix having the same number of rows and columns is called____________.A matrix [aij]2x5 has ____________ number of elements.Interchanging rows and columns of a Matrix is known as __________.If two rows or columns of a determinant are identical or proportional to one another, the value of that determinant is __________.Unit – 5Limit is called _________ hand limit, whenlimx →a-f(x).When the value of a function is equal at LHL, RHL and at the point called ____________ at that particular point of x.d2ydx2 is called the ____________ order derivative of a function.1xdx is ____________.The derivative of cosx is _______________If f(x) = g(u) and u = u(x) then __________________The derivative of [g(x)] 2 is equal to [g '(x)] 2 _______________ (True / False)sec2x dx= _________________If a symbol x denotes any element of a given set of numbers, then x is said to be a _______The _______ of a function is that fixed value to which a function approaches as the variable approaches a given value.A function f(x) is said to be at its minimum value at x=a if the function ceases to _________ and begins to increase at x=a.A function f(x) is said to be at its ________value at x=a if the function ceases to increase and begins to decrease at x=a.A matrix having only one row is called __________. A matrix having only one column is said to be ________. When a function has only one value corresponding to each value of the independent variable, the function is called a ___________. When a function has two values corresponding to each value of the independent variable, the function is said to be __________. The rate of change of velocity or a change in the rate of change is known as ____________If the function first decreases and then stop decreasing. After which the function starts increasing. The point at which the function stops decreasing is called ____________The value of xndx is _____________Integration is a branch of Mathematics formulated by a scientist named _____________KEY ANSWERChoose the correct answetUnit - 1 (c) both art as well as science (d) ading upper and lower limit and dividing by 2 (c) both (a) and (b) (b) 0 (a) 0(b) mean deviation (a) absolute measure(d) dispersion(b)(c)(b)(c)(c)(c)(b)(d)(a) quantitative characteristics(a) lower limit of the first class and the upper limit of the last class are known(c) mode = 3median – 2 mean(c) arithmetic mean(b) an absolute measures(c) the third quartile and the first quartile(b) negative(c) mean deviation(b) Median(c) 18(b) Median(c) Both art as well as science(a) Arithmetic mean(d) 0(a) Mean(c) Independent(c) (d)(a)(d)(c)(d)(b)(a)Unit - 2(c) mutually exclusive events (b) P (A) x P (B)(a) dependent event (d) 34(a) 2/13(c) positive correlation(d) varies between -1 and +1 (b) r2(a)(c)(d)(d)(d)(a)(c)(b)(b) 17(d) 920(d) 12(b) Mutually exclusive events(d) Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient(b) cause-effect relationship(c) -1 to 1(a) average of X and Y(a) Positive correlation(a) Mutually exclusive events(b) Independent event(d) Dependent event(a) 13(b) r(a) Origin(d) Regression coefficient of Y on X(c)(b)(a)(b)(d)(c)(a)(b)Unit - 3 (a) simple aggregative method (c) The geometric mean of Laspeyres and Paasches’ index (b) Po1 x P10 = 1 (c) base shifting (a) trend (c) demand forecast (b) seasonal variation (a) rising trend (c)(a)(b)(d)(d)(c)(d)(b)(d) All of the above(a) Simple Aggregative Method(a) P01= ?p1q1?poq1 x100(b) P01= p1q0 + p1q1 p0q0 + p0q1 x100(a) Q01 = q1p0 q0p0 x100(d) Both of the above(d) None of the above (d) All of the above(d) Varies between +1 and -1(c) 1221(c) Percentages(a) 100(b) Po1 x P10 = 1(c) Both (a) and (b)(b) Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s indices(d) All the above(a)(c)(b)(d)(d)(c)(a)(a)Unit - 4(c)(d)(a)(d)(a)(b)(d)(a)(b) 100010001(b) 321789456(a) A’ = 100010001(c) 1231 + 1321 = 2552(b) A-1 = |1||A| . Adj A(a) 0(c) 1231 . 123546(b) (AB)’ = B’.A’(b) 2X3 (a) Symmetric Matrix(c) 0 (b) 21-36 (b) Unit matrix (c) number of columns of A is equal to number of rows of B(a) Scalar Matrix(a) Row Matrix(c) Seasonal variation(d) Irregular variation(a) Rectangular matrix(c) Number of columns of A is equal to columns of B(c) Column matrix(b) Singular matrix(c)Determinants = 0(c) Large systems(b)(c)(c)(a)(b)(b)(a)(c)Unit - 5(d)(a)(b)(d)(d)(c)(c)(b)(a) 213x+16(a) (x3)88+c(b) f'x=4x3+6x2-2x+4(c) 2(a) lnx . 5x+2(b) MC xdx=TCx+c(d) TRx= MR xdx=TR'x+C(c) -cosx(d) explicit(a) dependent; independent(b) c(c) 3x2(a) 15(5x - 2)2(c) 2(b) x(a) 2x(a) Scaler matrix(a) Remains unchanged(a) Rate of change of a quantity(b) Quantity when the rate of change is known(b) 2 x+C(b) Explicit function(c) Monotonically increasing function(d) derivative(c)(a)(d)(b)(a)(a)(c)(b)Fill in the blanksUnit - 1HMmedian relativefrequencyinterpretationquantitativemodescalequartilesmedianstandard deviationvarianceQuantitativeTest scoreInferentialRangePlural Primary dataMedianDispersion/variationUnit - 2additionindependentzerolinearGeometric meanScatter diagramY-intercept1 independent MultiplicationpositiveindependentAdditional theoremRegressionDependentPositive1/2P (A) X P(B)CorrelationIndependent variable or explanatory variableUnit - 3Fishers’ index numbersplicingseasonal variation Yc = a + bX base year price Consumer Price Index Least Square MethodfourchangesshiftingchronologicalcyclicalForecastingTime series√L+P x 100Fishers’ index numberPrice1 (one)Time seriesSeasonalUnit - 4Rectangular Matrix33/2Value of determinant1Singular matrixm × n19th centuryInversion of matrixminortransposerowDiagonalTransposeSquareUnique or identitySquare matrix10Transpose Zero(0)Unit - 5 leftcontinuous secondlogx-sinxf '(x) = g '(u) . u '(x)False. The derivative of [g(x)] 2 is equal to 2 g '(x) . g(x)].tan2x+1variablelimitdecreasemaximumRow matrixColumn matrixOne valued functionTwo valued function AccelerationMinima (xn+1)/(n+1)Isaac Newton ................

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