Indicative Reading List - University of Exeter Business School

Indicative Reading List for MASTERS students

(excluding MBA)

Please note: Recommended text books may change prior to the commencement of courses if, for example, a new edition is published. You are advised to be cautious in purchasing any textbooks prior to enrolment. Where there is more than one text and for Term-2 modules we would advise you to check with the lecturer at the start of teaching.

BEAM024 Advanced Financial Accounting (Term 1) – Prof Jo Horton

There is no one core module text but the following books are relevant to various sections of the module:

Beaver, W. (1998), Financial Reporting: an Accounting Revolution, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall

Bromwich, M. (1991), Financial Reporting, Information and Capital Markets, Pitman

Hopwood A and Miller P. (eds) 1994, Accounting as Social and Institutional Practice, Cambridge University Press

Parker, R., Harcourt, G. and Whittington G. (1986), Readings in the concept and measurement of income, Philip Allan

Belkaoui, A. (2004), Accounting Theory, 5th edition, Cengage Learning (formerlyThomson Learning)

Scott, W. (2006), Financial Accounting Theory, 4th edition, Prentice Hall

Watts, R. and Zimmerman, J. (1986), Positive Accounting Theory, New York: Prentice Hall

BEAM025 Advanced Management Accounting – Prof John Burns

To be confirmed

Core Text (used extensively):

Taha, H. A. (2007), Operations Research: An Introduction, 8th Ed., Pearson

Prentice Hall.

+ a selection of Journal Articles:

BEAM026 Corporate Governance and Reporting – Prof David Gwilliam

To be confirmed

A selection of book parts, including readings from:

Solomon, J and Solomon A (2004), Corporate Governance and Accountability, Wiley,

Bebchuk, L.A. and Fried, J. M. (2004), Pay without performance: The unfulfilled promise of executive compensation, Harvard University Press, Harvard

A selection of web-based materials, including:

The Revised Combined Code on Corporate Governance and other materials via

FTSE4GOOD materials at,

The International Corporate Governance Institute at

+ a selection of Journal Articles

BEAM031 Financial Instruments (Term 1) – Rajesh Tharyn

To be confirmed

Reilly, F.K., and K. C. Brown Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 9th edition, (Dryden, 2008)

Solnik, B., and D. McLeavey, 2004, International Investments, 5th ed., Addison Wesley

BEAM032 Investment Analysis 1 (Term 1) – Dr Christina Dargenidou

Required reading:

K. Palepu, P. Healy, V. Bernard, and E. Peek (2007), Business Analysis and Valuation, IFRS edition (1st edition), text only; Cengage Learning Business Press.

Supplementary reading:

Penman S.(2006): Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, McGraw-Hill, 3rd edition.

Lundholm R. and R.Sloan, (2007): Equity Valuation and Analysis, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2nd edition.

Robinson T., Van Greuning H., Henry E. and M.A. Broihahn (2008): International Financial Statement Analysis (CFA Institute Investment Series)" Wiley.

BEAM033 Banking & Financial Services –

To be confirmed

Core text: Mishkin, F. S., and Eakins, S. G. 2007, Financial Markets and Institutions. 8th Edition. Addison Wesley Longman.

Recommended texts: Howells, P., and Bain, K. 2005, The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance. 3rd Edition. Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Kohn, M. 2004, Financial Institutions and Markets. Second Edition. Oxford University Press.

BEAM034 Corporate Finance – Claire Lavers

Required reading: Brigham, E. F. and Houston, J. F. 2009, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise 6e, South Western. Older editions of this book (either the Concise version or the standard version) can also be used.

Additional reading Arnold, G. 2008. ‘Corporate Financial Management’. 4th ed. Financial Times/ Prentice Hall.

Benninga, S. 2008. ‘Financial Modeling’. 3rd ed., Cambridge

BEAM035 Derivatives Pricing – Dr Stanley Gyoshev

Required texts: Don M. Chance, Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA® Program, 2003

Frank J. Fabozzi, Fixed Income Analysis for the CFA® Program, 2007

Additional reading: Hull, J., 2000, Options, Futures and other derivatives, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall

Kolb, R. W., 2002, Futures, Options and Swaps, 3rd ed., Blackwell Business

Chance, D., 1997, Introduction to Derivatives, Thomson Learning

Wilmott, P., 2001, Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance, 2nd edition, John Wiley

Wilmott, P., S. Howison and J. Dewynne, 1995, The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives: a Student Introduction, Cambridge University Press

Clewlow, L. and C. Strickland, 1998, Implementing derivative models, John Wiley

Haug , Espen Gaarder, 2007, Derivatives: Models on Models, John Wiley & Sons

Taleb , Nassim Nicholas, 1997, Taleb on Risk: Dynamic Hedging, John Wiley & Sons

Taleb , Nassim Nicholas, 2001, Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets, Penguin

Taleb , Nassim Nicholas, 2007, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, John Wiley & Sons

Das, Satyajit, 2006, Traders, Guns and Money: Knowns and Unknowns in the Dazzling World of Derivatives, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall

Partnoy, Frank, 1998, FIASCO: Blood In the Water on Wall Street: Guns, Booze and Bloodlust - The Truth About High Finance, Profile Business

Osband, Kent, 2001, Iceberg Risk: An Adventure in Portfolio Theory: An Adventure in Portolio Theory, Texere Publishing,US

Lowenstein, Roger, 2002, When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long Term Capital Management, Fourth Estate

Bernstein, Peter L., 1998, Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, John Wiley & Sons.

BEAM036 Domestic & International Portfolio Management – Dr Zhenxu Tong

To be confirmed

Required reading: Solnik, B., and D. McLeavey, 2004, International Investments, 5th ed., AIMR, Addison Wesley

Additional reading: Reilly, F.K., and K.C. Brown, 2006, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 8th ed., Thomson South-Western

Hull, J.C., 2003, Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 5th ed., Prentice Hall

BEAM037 Investment Analysis Project – Jamie Stevenson

To be confirmed

K. Palepu, P. Healy, V. Bernard, 2003, Business Analysis and Valuation using Financial Statements, 3rd ed, Thomson South Western;

G.I. White, A.C. Sondhi and D. Fried, 2003, The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements, 3rd ed, Wiley;

M. Fridson and F. Alvarez, 2002, Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner’s Guide, 3rd ed, Wiley;

Simon Benninga, Financial Modeling, 2000, Second edition, MIT Press.

BEAM038 Investment Analysis 2 – Prof Alan Gregory

To be confirmed

Required reading: Alan Gregory, Strategic Valuation of Companies, 2nd Edition., Financial Times

K. Palepu, P. Healy, V. Bernard, and E. Peek (2007), Business Analysis and Valuation, IFRS edition (1st edition), text only; Cengage Learning Business Press.

Additional reading: T Copeland, T Koller, J Murrin, McKinsey & Co Inc, 2005, Valuation-Measuring and Managing Value of Companies, 4th ed., Wiley

John D. Stowe, Thomas R. Robinson, Jerald E. Pinto, Dennis W. McLeavey, Analysis of Equity Investments: Valuation (Hardcover), Aug 2002, AIMR

BEAM039 Principles of Finance – Dr Grzegorz Trojanowski

To be advised

BEAM042 International Financial Management – Dr Jane Shen

To be confirmed

Alan C. Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management, 8th ed. Wiley, 2006. OR

Jeff Madura, International Corporate Finance, 8th ed. Thomson, 2006

BEAM043 Portfolio Investment Game - Dr Grzegorz Trojanowski

To be advised

BEAM045 Accounting for International Managers (Term-1) – Dr Chen Lim

One of:

Gowthorpe, C. (2005), Business Accounting and Finance for Non-specialists, 2nd ed., Thomson Learning, London.

Jones, M. (2006), Accounting, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester.

McLaney, E. and Atrill, P. (2005), Accounting: An Introduction, 3rd ed., Pearson Education Limited, Harlow.

Peter Atrill and Eddie McLaney (2010) Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists, 6/E Pearson Education Limited, Harlow. (preferably with MyAccountingLab as a package)

BEAM046 Financial Modelling (Term 1) – Dr Jane Shen

To be confirmed

Simon Benninga, Financial Modeling (third edition), MIT Press, 2008

BEAM047 Fundamentals of Financial Management (Term-1) – Prof Richard Harris

Brigham, E., and J. Houston, 2010, Fundamentals of Financial Management (Custom Edition). South Western Cengage Learning. ISBN 9781408039137. Please note that this book is only available in the University bookshop.

BEEM100 Macroeconomics (Term-1) – Prof Quong Le Van

To be confirmed

The main text is Romer, D (2006) Advanced Macroeconomics, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill.

Students will also find Press very useful the material in:

"Blanchard O. and Fischer S. (1989) Lectures on Macroeconomics, MIT press.

"Ljungqvist L. and Sargent T.J. (2000) Recursive Macrorconomic Theory, MIT press

However, neither text covers all topics, and students will be expected to read extensively from the reading list on particular topics.

BEEM101 Microeconomics (Term-1) –Professor Zvi Safra

To be confirmed

H. Gravelle and R. Rees (2004), Microeconomics, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall. (Main text)

Supplementary reading:

1. Kreps, D (1990), A course in Microeconomic Theory, Harvester Wheatsheaf.

2. Dixit, A.(1975) Optimization in economic theory, Oxford University Press.

BEEM103 Optimisation Techniques for Economists (Term-1) – Prof Dieter Balkenborg

To be confirmed

A web-site with a complete script for the lecture, as well as exercises and test exams is provided. However, the following textbooks can support the learning.

Knut Sydsaeter and Peter J. Hammond, Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2006. Recommended for students with A-level mathematics.

Teresa Bradley and Paul Patton, Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business, Wiley, 2002.

Geoff Renshaw, Maths for Economics, Oxford, 2005

Jacques Ian, Mathematics for Economics and Business, Addison-Wesley 2002Preferred by students without A level mathematics, but less comprehensive.

BEEM102 Quantitative and Research Techniques 1 (Term-1) – Dr Andrea Halunga

To be confirmed

1. W.Greene, Econometric Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1999.

2. Johnston & DiNardo, Econometric Methods, McGraw-Hill, 1997.

BEEM104 Quantitative Methods for Finance (Term-1) - Prof James Davidson

To be confirmed

1. Gary Koop, The Analysis of Financial Data (Wiley 2005)

2. Robert S Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubenfeld, Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts (4th Edition) (Irwin McGraw-Hill Boston 1997)

3. G.S.Maddala Introduction to Econometrics (3rd Edition) (Macmillan New York 2001)

BEEM106 Growth and Development – Prof Quong Le Van

To be advised

BEEM107 Public Economics – Prof Gareth Myles

To be confirmed

1. G.D.Myles (1995) Public Economics, Cambridge University Press

2. N. Hashimzade, J Hindriks and G.D.Myles (2006) Solutions manual for intermediate public economics MIT Press

3. J Laffont (1987) Fundamentals of Public Economics MIT Press

BEEM109 Experimental Economics and Finance – Prof Dieter Balkenborg

To be confirmed

1. D Begg, S. Fischer and R. Dormbusch: Economics, 8th Edition, McGraw Hill 2006;

2. T.C. Bergstrom and J.H.Miller: Experiments with Economic Principles, McGraw Hill 1997;

3. J.D, Hey, Experiments in Economics, Blackwell 1991;

4. J.H. Kagel and A.E. Roth, Handbook of Experimental Economics, Princeton University Press 1997;

5. C. Camerer: Behavioral Game Theory, Experiments in Strategic Interaction , University Press 2003

6. R.H. Thaler, Advances in Behavioral Finance, Russel Sage Foundation 1993;

7. R.M. Miller, Paving Wall Street, Wiley 2002.

BEEM110 Advanced Macroeconomics and Economic Modelling – Dr Tatiana Kirsanova

To be confirmed

1. C.Leith, S.Wren-Lewis, Interactions between monetary and fiscal policy rules, The Economic Journal, 2000, 110 (462): 93-108

2. T.Kirsanova, J.Stehn and D.Vines, The Interactions Between Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2005  21(4)

3. Clarida, Gali Gertler The Science of Monetary Policy. Journal of Economic Literature 1999

BEEM111 International Macroeconomics and Finance – Prof Quong Le Van

To be confirmed

1. Obstfeld, M. and K. Rogoff (1996) Foundations of International Macroeconomics, MIT Press

2. Eichengreen, B. (2003) Capital Flows and Crises, MIT Press

BEEM112 Quantitative and Research Techniques 2 – Dr Paulo Parente

To be confirmed

1. W.Greene, Econometric Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1999.

2. Johnston & DiNardo, Econometric Methods, McGraw-Hill, 1997.

3. W.Enders, Applied Econometric Time Series, Wiley, 1995.

BEEM113 Advanced Econometrics – Prof James Davidson

To be confirmed

1. James Davidson, Econometric Theory, Blackwell Publishers 2000.

2. James Davidson, Stochastic Limit Theory, OUP 1994.

3. James Hamilton, Time Series Analysis. Princeton UP 1994

4. Russell Davidson and James MacKinnon,Econometric Theory and Methods. OUP 2002

BEEM114 Advanced Finance Theory – Prof Gareth Myles

To be confirmed

1. Kolb, R.W. (2003), Futures, Options and Swaps (Blackwell)

2. Duffie D (2001), Dynamic Asset Pricing Theory,3rd edition (Oxford: Princeton UP)

3. Danthine, J.-P. and Donaldson, J.B. (2002), Intermediate Financial Theory (Prentice Hall)

BEEM115 Research Design and Dissertation – Prof Todd Kaplan

Students will develop a bibliography/reference list relevant to their particular topic, under the guidance of their supervisor. The literature varies from topic to topic and will include textbooks and recent research articles.

BEEM116 Financial Econometrics – Dr Andrea Halunga

To be confirmed

1.Brooks, Chris (2008) Introductory Econometrics for Finance, Second edition, Cambridge University Press.

2.K. Cuthberston and D. Nitzsche (2004), Quantitative Financial Economics, 2nd edition, Wiley

3.J. Y. Campbell, A. W. Lo and A.C. MacKinlay (1996), The Econometrics of Financial Markets, Princeton University Press.

4.T. C. Mills (1999), The Econometric Modelling of Financial Time Series, 2nd edition, Cambridge

BEEM117 Economics of Corporate Finance – Dr Miguel Fonseca

To be confirmed

1. J. Tirole, The Theory of Corporate Finance, MIT Press, 2005.

2. G. M. Constantinides (Editor), et al. Handbook of the Economics of Finance, North Holland Amsterdam.

BEEM118 Research Design and Dissertation – Prof Todd Kaplan

Students will develop a bibliography/reference list relevant to their particular topic, under the guidance of their supervisor. The literature varies from topic to topic and will include textbooks and recent research articles.

BEEM119 Economics of Banking – Dr Surajeet Chakravarty

To be confirmed

1. Freixas, X. and Rochet, J.  Microeconomics of Banking, MIT 1997. (E)

2. Greenbaum, Stuart I., and Anjan Thakor,  Contemporary Financial Intermediation. Dryden Press (October 1994) (R)

3. Heffernan, Shelagh.  Modern Banking, Wiley (2005). (R)

BEEM120 Macroeconomics of Money and Financial Markets (Term 1) – Prof Yiannis Vailakis

To be confirmed

The main text is Frederic S. Mishkin, The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 8th Edition, Pearson Press

Students will also find very useful the material in:

"R. G. Hubbard, Money, The Financial System, and the Economy, 8th Edition, Pearson Press.

"O. Blanchard, Macroeconomics, 4th Edition, Pearson Press.

However, neither book covers all topics, and students will be expected to read extensively from the reading list on particular topics.

BEEM121 Game Theory and Economic Applications – Prof David Kelsey

To be confirmed

1. J Tirole, The Theory of Industrial Organisation, MIT Press 1988

2. J Eichberger, Game Theory for Economists, Academic Press 1993

BEFM010 Investment Research Methods 1 (Term 1) – Erina Konstantinidi

To be confirmed

Quantitative Methods for Investment Analysis, Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. Runkle (AIMR, 2001) 2nd Edition

Economics: Private and Public Choice, 10th edition, James D. Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup, and Russell S. Sobel (South Western 2003) 12th Edition

+ assigned papers and articles

BEFM011 Financial Statement Analysis (Term-1) – Dr Christina Dargenidou

Financial Statement Analysis, CFA PROGRAM CURRICULUM (2009)

Assigned articles and papers

BEFM013 Investment Instruments (Term-1) – Rajesh Tharyn

To be confirmed

CFA curriculum set plus:

Reilly, F.K., and K. C. Brown Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 9th edition, (Dryden, 2008)

+ selected articles and papers.

BEFM014 Investment Research Methods 2 – Jamie Stevenson

CFA Curriculum set plus:

Quantitative Methods for Investment Analysis, Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. Runkle (AIMR, 2001)

The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements, 2nd edition, Gerald I. White, Ashwinpaul C. Sondhi, and Dov Fried (Wiley, 1998)

+ selected articles and papers

BEFM015 Portfolio Management & Asset Allocation – Dr Zhenxu Tong

CFA Curriculum set plus:

Solnik, B., and D. McLeavey, 2004, International Investments, 5th ed., AIMR, Addison Wesley

Additional reading:

Reilly, F.K., and K.C. Brown, 2006, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 8th ed., Thomson South-Western

Hull, J.C., 2003, Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 5th ed., Prentice Hall

Fixed Income Analysis for the Chartered Financial Analyst Program, Frank J. Fabozzi (Frank J. Fabozzi Associates, 2000)

Standards of Practice Handbook, 8th edition (AIMR, 1999), Standards of Practice Casebook (AIMR, 1996)

BEFM016 Equity Valuation Models & Issues – Prof Alan Gregory

CFA curriculum set plus:

Required reading: Alan Gregory, Strategic Valuation of Companies, 2nd Edition., Financial Times

K. Palepu, P. Healy, V. Bernard, and E. Peek (2007), Business Analysis and Valuation, IFRS edition (1st edition), text only; Cengage Learning Business Press.

Additional reading: T Copeland, T Koller, J Murrin, McKinsey & Co Inc, 2005, Valuation-Measuring and Managing Value of Companies, 4th ed., Wiley

John D. Stowe, Thomas R. Robinson, Jerald E. Pinto, Dennis W. McLeavey, Analysis of Equity Investments: Valuation (Hardcover), Aug 2002, AIMR

BEFM017 Credit Instruments & Derivatives – Dr Stanley Gyoshev

CFA Curriculum set plus:

Required texts: Don M. Chance, Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA® Program, 2003

Frank J. Fabozzi, Fixed Income Analysis for the CFA® Program, 2007

Additional reading: Hull, J., 2000, Options, Futures and other derivatives, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall

Kolb, R. W., 2002, Futures, Options and Swaps, 3rd ed., Blackwell Business

Chance, D., 1997, Introduction to Derivatives, Thomson Learning

Wilmott, P., 2001, Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance, 2nd edition, John Wiley

Wilmott, P., S. Howison and J. Dewynne, 1995, The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives: a Student Introduction, Cambridge University Press

Clewlow, L. and C. Strickland, 1998, Implementing derivative models, John Wiley

Haug , Espen Gaarder, 2007, Derivatives: Models on Models, John Wiley & Sons

Taleb , Nassim Nicholas, 1997, Taleb on Risk: Dynamic Hedging, John Wiley & Sons

Taleb , Nassim Nicholas, 2001, Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets, Penguin

Taleb , Nassim Nicholas, 2007, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, John Wiley & Sons

Das, Satyajit, 2006, Traders, Guns and Money: Knowns and Unknowns in the Dazzling World of Derivatives, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall

Partnoy, Frank, 1998, FIASCO: Blood In the Water on Wall Street: Guns, Booze and Bloodlust - The Truth About High Finance, Profile Business

Osband, Kent, 2001, Iceberg Risk: An Adventure in Portfolio Theory: An Adventure in Portolio Theory, Texere Publishing,US

Lowenstein, Roger, 2002, When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long Term Capital Management, Fourth Estate

Bernstein, Peter L., 1998, Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, John Wiley & Sons

BEMM102 International Business (Term-1) – Julie Whittaker

Hill, Charles W. L. (2009), Global Business Today 6th ed. Boston, Mass.: Irwin/McGraw-Hill.

BEMM103 Advanced Marketing Seminars (Terms 1&2) – Lindsay Stringfellow

Research papers provided by speakers

BEMM107 Crisis, Change and Creativity in Organisations – Majella O’Leary

A full reading pack is supplied to students for this module.

BEMM108 Entrepreneurship: New Venture Development –Prof Marc Cowlin and Dr Alan Benson

To be confirmed

There is no set book for the NVD module nor is their any specific pre-reading required before the course. However, students are strongly encouraged to look at one or more of the following comprehensive texts at some stage as a backup source of reference during the course:

1. Paul Burns 2007. Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2nd ed. Palgrave.

2. Timmons and Stephen Spinelli 2007 New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century

3. David Stokes and Nicholas Wilson 2006. Small Business Management & Entrepreneurship 5th ed. Thomson

Also students are strongly advised to read both The Economist and the business sections of a quality broadsheet newspaper regularly to keep abreast of contemporary business activity. During the course, extensive materials will be put on the WebCT at Exeter. Professor Murray will also use and cite several academic papers from journals including Small Business Economics, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.

BEMM109 Ethical Issues in Marketing – Jackie Bagnall

Larry May, 1992, Sharing Responsibility, University of Chicago Press

(NB: the book is a monograph, not a text book)

BEMM111 Internet Marketing in the Information Society – Elena SImakova

To be confirmed

Emarketing Excellence by Chaffey and Smith 2008 Butterworth Heineman

BEMM110 Consumption, Markets & Culture (Terms 1&2) – Dr Alex Thompson

Potential texts include:

1. Arnould, Eric J., Craig J. Thompson (2005). Consumer Culture Theory (CCT):  Twenty Years of Research, Journal of Consumer Research, 31, 868-882.

2. Arnould, E. J. & Price, L. L. (1993). River Magic: Extraordinary Experience and the Extended Service Encounter. Journal of Consumer Research, 20(1): 24-46.

3. Arnould, Eric J. and Melanie Wallendorf (1994)."Market-Oriented Ethnography: Interpretation Building and Marketing Strategy Formulation, Journal of Marketing Research, 31 (4), 484-504.

4. Belk, Russel (ed.), (2006). Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd. ISBN: 1847209580

5. Bengtsson, Anders, Jacob Ostberg, Dannie Kjeldgaard (2005). Prisoners in Paradise: Subcultural Resistance to the Marketization of Tattooing.  Consumption Markets and Culture, 8(3): 261-274.

6. Berger, John (1990). Ways of Seeing. London: Penguin Books.  ISBN: 0140135154.

7. Borgerson, J. L. and Schroeder, J. E. (2003) The Lure of Paradise: Marketing the Ultimate Consumer Experience, in Time, Space and Place: the Rise of Retroscapes, S. Brown and J. F. Sherry (eds.), New York: M.E. Sharpe, 219-237.

8. Brace-Govan, Janice, Helen de Burgh-Woodman, (2008). Sneakers & Street Culture:  A Post-Colonial Analysis of Marginalized Cultural Consumption.  Consumption Markets and Culture, 11(2): 93-112.

9. Brown, S., Kozinets, R.V., Sherry, J.F. (2003), Teaching old brands new tricks: retro branding and the revival of brand meaning, Journal of Marketing, 67(3): 19-33.

10. Canniford, Robin. (2005). Moving Shadows: Directions for Ethnography in Globalized Cultures. Qualitative Market Research, 8(2): 204-218.

11. Dandaneau, Steven, Robin Dodsworth, (2008).  A Consuming Passion:  An Interview with George Ritzer. Consumption Markets and Culture, 11(3): 191-201.

12. Drewett, Michael (2008), Developing a Retro Brand Community: Re-releasing and marketing anti-apartheid protest music in post-apartheid South Africa. Consumption Markets and Culture, 11(4): 287-305.

13. Gayá-Wicks, Patricia, Anges Nairn, Christine Griffin, (2007). The Role of Commodified Celebrities in Children’s Moral Development:  The Case of David Beckham. Consumption Markets and Culture, 10(4): 401-424. 

14. McCracken, G. (1986). Culture and Consumption: A Theoretical Account of the Structure: A Theoretical Account of the Structure and Movement of the Cultural Meaning of Consumer Goods. Journal of Consumer Research, 13(1): 71-84.

15. Peñaloza, Lisa (2000). The Commodification of the American West: Marketers' Production of Cultural Meanings at the Trade Show, Journal of Marketing, 64 (4), 82-109.

16. Peñaloza, L. (2001). Consuming the American West: Animating Cultural Meaning and Memory at a Stock Show and Rodeo. Journal of Consumer Research, 28(3): 82-109

17. Ritzer, George (2008). The McDonaldization of Society (5). Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press.  ISBN: 1412954304

18. Samuel, B. (2009). "Colonial images in Global Times: Consumer Interpretations of Africa and Africans in Advertising." Consumption, Markets and Culture, 12(1): 1-25.

19. Schlosser, Eric (2002). Fast Food Nation: What the All-American Meal Is Doing to the World. London: Penguin.  ISBN:  0141006870

20. Schouten, J. W. & McAlexander, J. H. (1995). Subcultures of Consumption: An Ethnography of the New Bikers. Journal of Consumer Research, 22(1): 43-62.

21. Schroeder, J. E. (2002). Visual Consumption. London Routledge.

22. Schroeder, J. E. (2006). Critical Visual Analysis. In R. W. Belk (Ed.), Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

23. Schroder, J. E. (2006).  Aesthetics Awry:  The Painter of LightTM and the Commdification of Artistic Values.  Consumption, Markets and Culture, 9(2): 87-99.

24. Schroeder, J. E. and Borgerson, J. L. (2009), Packaging Paradise: Organizing Representations of Hawaii, in A. Prasad, ed., Against the Grain: Advances in Postcolonial Organization Studies.

BEMM112 Macroeconomics for International Business( Term-1)

It is likely this module will be replaced with an Applied Microeconomics module

Indicative Reading list - to be advised.

BEMM113 Brand Communication – Prof Merlin Stone

To be confirmed

Douglas Holt (2004) How Brands Become Icons, Harvard University Press.

Schroeder J & Salzer-Morling (2005) Brand Culture London Routledge

BEMM114 Managing Operations (Term-1) – Prof Roger Maull

Slack, N and Chambers, S, J (2004). Operations Management (4th Edition). Prentice Hall Financial Times, Harlow

BEMM115 Marketing Analysis and Research (Term-1) – Dr Alex Thompson

Saunders, Mark, Lewis, Philip, and Thornhill Adrian (2009), Research Methods for Business Students, London: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0273716867

BEMM116 Principles of International Business (Term-1) – Julie Whittaker

Hill, Charles W. L. (2009), Global Business Today 6th ed. Boston, Mass.: Irwin/McGraw-Hill.

BEMM118 Strategic Innovation Management – Prof John Bessant

Core text: Tidd, J, and J Bessant (2009). Managing Innovation (4th edition) Wiley.


1.     S. Thomke and E. von Hippel (2002): “Customers as Innovators” Harvard Business Review

2.     Christensen, Jens Frøslev (2002): “Corporate strategy and the management of innovation and technology” Industrial & Corporate Change, April, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p263-288

3.     Goldenberg, J.; Mazursky, D.; Horowitz, R.; Levav, A. (2003): “Finding Your Innovation Sweet Spot” Harvard Business Review, March, Vol. 81 Issue 3, p120-129

4.     Chesbrough, Henry W (2003): “The Era of Open Innovation” Sloan Management Review, Spring2003, Vol. 44 Issue 3, p35-41.

5.     Hamel, G. “Innovation” (2006): Harvard Business Review, Feb., Vol. 84 Issue 2, p72-84

6.     J. Bessant, (2003), ‘High involvement innovation’, Wiley

BEMM119 Strategy – Dr Alex Janes

Core Texts for the Module: Angwin, D., Cummings, S., and Smith, C. (2009) The Strategy Pathfinder, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing

Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B. and Lampel, J.B. (2008) Strategy Safari, London: Financial Times

Supplementary Reading: Barney, J.B. and Hesterly, W.S. (2009) Strategic management and competitive advantage, Harlow: Pearson Higher Education

De Wit, B. and Meyer, R. (2010) Strategy Synthesis, Andover: Cengage

Johnson G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2008) Exploring Corporate Strategy: text and cases, London: Financial Times Press

Thompson, A.A., Strickland, A.J. III, Gamble, J.E. (2010) Crafting and Executing Strategy, The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases, Boston: McGraw-Hill

BEMM120 Understanding Consumer Behaviour – Dr Emingul Karababa

Solomon, Michael, Gary Bamossy, Soren Askegaard, Margaret Hogg (2006), Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective, 3rd ed., London: Prentice Hall. 

BEMM121 People and Organisations – Dr Carol Woodhams

To be confirmed

Primary Text: Dowling, P., Festing, M., & Engle, D.E., (2008) International Human Resource Management 5th Edition, Andover: Cengage Learning.

Secondary Text: Price, A (2007) Human Resource Management in a Business Context, 3rd edition, London: Thompson Learning.

BEMM130 Multinational Finance for Managers – Prof Simon James

Alan Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management, 9th ed. Wiley, 2010

BEMM147 Service Operations and Marketing – Dr Harry Maddern

The core texts for this module are

• Fitzsimmons, J. A. and Fitzsimmons, M.J. (2006), Service Management, McGraw Hill

• Johnston, R. and Clark, G. (2008), Service Operations Management, Prentice Hall and Fitzsimmons

BEMM148 Marketing Strategy (Term-1) – Lindsay Stringfellow

To be confirmed

Kotler, P., Keller, K., Brady, M., Goodman, M., and Hansen, T. (2009), Marketing Management, 1st European Edition, Pearson Education Inc.

BEMM157 Advertising & Consumer Psychology – Dr Brian Young

1. Bagozzi, R. P., Gürhan-Canli, Z., and Priester, J. R. (2002). The social psychology of consumer behaviour. Buckingham: Open University Press.

2. Franzen, G. and Bouwman, M. (2001). The mental world of brands. Henley-on-Thames. Admap Publications

3. Jansson-Boyd, C. V. (2010). Consumer psychology. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

4. Marshall, D. (Ed.) (2010). Understanding children as consumers. London: Sage.

5. Sutherland, M.  and Sylvester, A. K. (2000). Advertising and the mind of the consumer: what works, what doesn’t and why.  London: Kogan Page.

6. Webley, P. et al. (2000). The economic psychology of everyday life. International Series in Social Psychology. Hove, East Sussex: Routledge.

7. Young, B. M. (1990). Television advertising and children. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

BEMM358 Readings in Services Marketing – Dr Lindsay Stringfellow

A scholarly reading list based on topical journal articles in the research area will be supplied.

BEMM370 Tourism Sector Dynamics (Term-1) – Dr Adrian Bailey

Indicative reading:

1. Coles, T.E. and Hall, C.M. (2008) (eds.) International Business and Tourism. London: Routledge.

2. Ioannides, D. and Debbage, K. (1998), The Economic Geography of the Tourist Industry: a Supply Side Analysis, London: Routledge.

3. Mak, J. (2004) Tourism and the Economy : Understanding the Economics of Tourism. Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press

4. Tribe, J. (2005) The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Travel. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

5. Vanhove, N. (2005) The Economics of Tourism Destinations. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

BEMM371 Tourist Behaviour: Theory and Practice (Term-1) – Prof Gareth Shaw

To be confirmed

Indicative reading:

1. J.L. Crompton (1993) ‘Choice set propositions in destination decisions’ Annals of Tourism Research 8(2): 461-477

2. G. Dann (1996) The Language of Tourism, Oxford, CAB International

3. C. Ryan (ed.) (2002 ) The Tourist Experience, Mansell, London (2nd ed)

4. G. Shaw & A. Williams (2002) Critical Issues in Tourism, Oxford, Blackwell (2nd ed)

5. G. Shaw and A. Williams (2004) Tourism and Tourism Spaces London, Sage

6. J. Urry (2001), Consuming Places, Routledge, London (2nd ed)

BEMM373 Tourism, Policy and Strategy – Dr Claire Dinan

Indicative reading:

1. Bramwell, B. and Shurma, A. (1999), 'Collaboration in local tourism policies', Annals of Tourism Research 26(2): 392-415.

2. Bull, P. (1999), 'Encouraging tourism development through the EU structural funds', International Journal of Tourism Research 1(3): 149-66.

3. Greenwood, J. (1992), 'Producer interest group in tourist policy: case studies from Britain and the European Community', American Behavioural Scientist 36(2): 236-56.

4. Greenwood, J. (1993), 'Business interest groups in tourism governance', Tourism Management vol 14: 335-43.

5. Hall, C.M. (1999), Tourism Planning: Policies, processes and relationships, Harlow: Prentice Hall. Especially, chapters 1,5,6.

6. Shaw, G. and Williams, A.M. (2004), Tourism and Tourism Spaces, London: Sage.

BEMM374 Tourism and Marketing – Prof Gareth Shaw

To be confirmed

Indicative reading:

1. Beirman, D. (2001) Restoring tourism destinations in crisis: a strategic marketing approach.

2. Fyall, A. and Garrod, B. (2005), Tourism Marketing: a collaborative approach Middleton, V.T.C.

(with Clarke, J) (2001) Marketing in Travel and Tourism (3rd edition)

3. Pender, L. and Sharpley R. (eds.) (2005) Tourism Management

4. Briggs, S. (2001) Successful tourism marketing: a practical handbook (2nd ed.)

BEMM375 Sustainable Tourism Management (Term-1) – Dr Claire Dinan

To be confirmed

Indicative reading:

1. Bahaire, T. & Elliot-White, M. (1999) ‘The application of Geographical Information Systems in sustainable tourism planning: a review’. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 7(2): 159-174

2. Butler, R. (1999) ‘Sustainable tourism: a state-of-the-art review’. Tourism Geographies 1(1): 41-55

3. Fennell, D.A. (1999) Ecotourism: an introduction. London, Routledge.

4. Fennel, D.A. & Malley, D.C. (1999) ‘Measuring the ethical nature of tourism operators’. Annals of Tourism Research 26(4): 928-943

5. Haralambopoulos, N. & Pizam, A. (1996) ‘Perceived impacts of tourism: the case of Samos’. Annals of Tourism Research 23(3): 503-526

6. Holden, A. (2000) Environment and Tourism. London, Routledge.

7. Khan, M. (1997) ‘Tourism development and dependency theory; mass tourism vs. ecotourism’. Annals of Tourism Research 24(4): 988-991

8. Mowforth, M. & Munt, I. (1998) Tourism and sustainability: new tourism in the Third World. London, Routledge.

BEMM376 Independent Study/Work Based Learning – Sarah Rose

Indicative reading:

1. Boud, D. & Garrick, J. Eds (1999) Understanding Learning at Work. London, Routledge.

2. Eraut, M. (1994) Developing Professional Knowledge and Competence. Washington DC, Falmer Press.

3. Moon, J. (2004) A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning: Theory and Practice. London, RoutledgeFalmer.

4. Stephenson, J. Laycock M. (1993) Using Learning Contracts in Higher Education. London, Kogan Page.

BEMM377 Critical Readings in Tourism and Management – Dr Adrian Bailey

Indicative reading:

1. Ayikoru, M., Tribe, J. and Airey, D. (2009) ‘Reading Tourism Education: Neoliberalism Unveiled’ Annals of Tourism Research 36: 191–221

2. Butler, R.W. (ed.) (2005) The Tourism Area Life Cycle. Volume 2: Conceptual and Theoretical Issues. Clevedon: Channel View Publications

3. Coles, T.E. (2004) ‘Tourism and leisure: reading geographies, producing knowledges.’ Tourism Geographies 6(2): 135-142

4. Coles, T.E., Hall, C.M. and Duval, D.T. (2005) ‘Mobilising tourism: a Post-disciplinary Critique’ Tourism Recreation Research 30(2): 53-63

5. Echtner, C. and Jamal, T. (1997) ‘The disciplinary dilemma of tourism studies.’ Annals of Tourism Research 24(4): 868-883

6. Franklin, A. and Crang, M. (2001) ‘The trouble with tourism and travel theory’ Tourist Studies 1(1): 5-22.

7. Hall, C.M. (2005) Tourism: Rethinking the Social Science of Mobility. Harlow: Pearson Education.

8. Ioannides, D. and Debbage, K. (1997) The Economic Geography of Tourism: A Supply-side Analysis. London: Routledge.

9. Leiper, N. (2000) ‘An emerging discipline.’ Annals of Tourism Research 27(3): 805-809.

10. Page, S.J. (2003) ‘Evaluating research performance in tourism: the UK experience.’ Tourism Management 24: 607-622

11. Tribe, J. (1997) ‘The indiscipline of tourism’ Annals of Tourism Research 27(3): 809-813.

12. Tribe, J. (2003) ‘The RAE-ification of tourism in the UK’ International Journal of Tourism Research 5: 225-234.

13. Urry, J. (1990) The Tourist Gaze. London: Sage.

14. Urry, J. (2002) Sociology Beyond Societies: Mobilities for the Twenty-first Century. London: Routledge.

BEMM378 Qualitative Methods in Research – Donna Pode

Indicative reading:

1. Finn, M., Elliott-White, M. & Walton, M. (2000) Tourism & Leisure. Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation. Harlow, Longman.

2. May, T. (1997) Social Science Research: issues and methods. Buckingham, OU Press.

3. Phillimore, J. and Goodson, L. (2004) Qualitative Research in Tourism. Ontologies, Epistemologies and Methodologies. London: Routledge.

4. Ritchie, B.W., Burns, P. and Palmer, C. (2005) Tourism Research Methods. Integrating Theory with Practice. Wallingford: CAB International.

5. Ryan, C. (1995) Researching Tourist Satisfaction. London, Routledge.

6. Walle, A.H. (1997) ‘Quantitative versus qualitative tourism research.’ Annals of Tourism Research 21(3): 524-536.

BEMM 379 Quantitative Methods in Research (Term-1) – Dr Adrian Bailey

To be confirmed

Indicative reading:

1. Bryman, A. And Cramer, D. (2001) Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS 11.0. London, Routledge.

2. Finn, M., Elliott-White, M. & Walton, M. (2000) Tourism & Leisure. Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation. Harlow, Longman.

3. May, T. (1997) Social Science Research: issues and methods. Buckingham, OU Press.

4. Ryan, C. (1995) Researching Tourist Satisfaction. London, Routledge.

5. Shaw, G. & Wheeler, D. (1994) Statistical Techniques in Geographical Analysis. Fulton, London.

6. Walle, A.H. (1997) ‘Quantitative versus qualitative tourism research.’ Annals of Tourism Research 21(3): 524-536.

BEMM380 Event Management – Paul Barton

To be confirmed

Indicative reading:

a. Bowdin, G. et al (2006) Events Management. Oxford: Elsevier, 2nd edition

b. Dwyer, L. Forsyth, P. and Spurr, R. (2005) ‘Estimating the Impacts of Special Events on an Economy’, Journal of Travel Research 43: 351-359

c. Emery, P.R. (2002) ‘Bidding to host a major sports event –a local organising committee perspective’, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 15(4): 316-335.

d. Getz, D. (1997) Event Management and Event Tourism. New York, USA. Cognizant.

e. Getz, D. (2007) Event Studies: A Multi-disciplinary Approach (Events Management). Oxford: Elsevier

f. Gursoy, D. & Kendall, K.W. (2006) ‘Hosting mega events: modelling locals’ support’, Annals of Tourism Research, 33(3): 603–623.

g. Shone, A. (2001) Successful Events Management. London, UK. Continuum Books

h. Wood, E.H. (2005) ‘Measuring the economic and social impacts of local authority events’, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 18(1): 37-53

i. Yeoman, I. et al (2004). Festival and Events Management – an International Arts and Culture perspective. Oxford, UK. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann


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