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Departamento: Inglés

Asignatura: Inglés

Curso: 1er año – Nivel A

Año: 2014

I- Objetivos: que los alumnos desarrollen las habilidades necesarias para

• Comprender textos escritos y orales del material propuesto que incluyan los contenidos correspondientes al nivel A.

• Reconocer y producir el vocabulario presentado.

• Producir textos cortos escritos y orales con fluidez con fines comunicativos.

• Adquirir las estructuras básicas de la lengua inglesa para construir un discurso que le permita comunicarse en forma eficaz a un nivel elemental en situaciones cotidianas.

• Adquirir confianza en sus capacidades y elevar su autoestima para desenvolverse con seguridad e independencia en el trabajo y ante situaciones que se presenten en el mundo actual.

II- Contenidos:

1er año :


Beginners son los alumnos que inician el curso con escasos o nulos conocimientos de Inglés y que deben familiarizarse con su fonología, léxico, estructuras y unidades discursivas del nivel y adquirir las competencias propias de las cuatro macrohabilidades: 1) escucha, 2) habla, 3) lectura y 4) escritura de ese nivel.

Contenidos: Presentación personal e interacciones sencillas con pares y no pares. Ubicación en el plano. Preposiciones. Verbos auxiliares básicos. Presente Simple: acciones habituales y rutinas. Pasado Simple. Narración de historias sencillas. Vocabulario según centros de interés pautados con los alumnos.

A1 (Unidades 1 a 3, inclusive)

A2 (Unidades 1 a 5, inclusive)


Grammar: “To be”. Subject (Personal) and Object Pronouns. Imperatives. Can / Can’t. This / That / These / Those. Possessive ’s. Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns. Have / Has Got.

Vocabulary: Personal information. Instructions. Abilities. Things; Adjectives; Colours. Family; Appearance. Subjects; Times.

Listening: Classroom extracts. Interview about family.

Speaking: Classroom dialogues. Description of objects. Talking about families.


Grammar: Present Simple (all forms) – like for examples. Adverbs of frequency.

Grammar Alive: Talking about habits and interests. Meeting people.


Vocabulary: and / or. People’s interests. Traditional lifestyle.

Reading: Article about super-rich teenagers; article about traditional lifestyle; interview about modern technology.

Reading / Writing: An informal letter (to a friend).

Listening: Dialogue about people’s interests. A talk about the Martu people.

Speaking: Introductions (Role-play).


Grammar: There is / There are. Some / Any / No / A lot of. Prepositions of place: in – on – at. Countable and uncountable nouns. How much? / How many?

Grammar Alive: Describing rooms. Talking about quantity.

Vocabulary: Homes. Multi-part verbs. Feelings.

Reading: A questionnaire about rooms. Article about a Japanese smart home. Interview about a micro home.

Listening: Descriptions of homes and rooms.

Culture Choice 1: Story: Short Story by O. Henry.

Writing: Descriptions of rooms. Description of a house.

Speaking: Making, accepting and refusing suggestions.


Grammar: Comparatives and Superlatives. Prepositions of time: in – on – at.

Grammar Alive: Comparing objects and places.


Vocabulary: and / but. Going out.

Listening: Favourite places. Two cafés. London attractions. The UK’s best city.

Speaking: Talking about towns or cities. Asking for and giving information. Pronunciation: silent “r”. Information about concerts.

Reading: Forum about clubs for teenagers. Tourist information website. Article about skateboarding on the Southbank.

Reading / Writing: Short notes and replies.


Grammar: Past Simple (all forms). Adverbs. Time linkers.

Grammar Alive: Excuses. Questioning.

Vocabulary: Birthday memories.

Reading: A school memory. Article about family memories. Interview about a burglar.

Listening: Three descriptions of birthdays. Excuses.

Speaking: Talking about memories. Pronunciation: Dates.

Writing: Describing a memory.

III- Bibliografía Obligatoria:

❖ CHOICES - Elementary, by Michael Harris and Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson. From GET READY to Unit 5 (Fitness).

- Students’ Book

- Language Choice

- Workbook

Según lo indicado por el/la docente del curso


❖ Mystery in London, by Helen Brooke. (Crime & Mystery – Interactive). Oxford Bookworms Starters. OUP.

❖ Robin Hood, by John Escott.

(Human Interest – Comic Strip). Oxford Bookworms Starters. OUP.

❖ The Phantom of the Opera, edited by Jennifer Bassett. (Fantasy & Horror). Oxford Bookworms Library. Stage 1. OUP.

❖ Libros de lectura: L.A. Detective.

❖ The Last Photo.

❖ Lucky Number.

❖ Blue Fins.

❖ The Missing Coins

❖ Sally’s phone.

❖ The wrong man.

❖ Between two worlds.

❖ Tinkers Farm.

❖ Selección de textos y ejercicios de:

❖ Maris, Amanda (2006) New Opportunities Beginner. Students´ Book. Ed.Pearson-Longman. New York.

❖ Maris, Amanda (2006) New Opportunities Beginner. Language Powerbook. Ed.Pearson-Longman. New York.


IV- Bibliografía de consulta y/o complementaria:

• New Opportunities – Beginner, by Michael Harris and David Mower. Pearson Longman. Students’ Book. Language Powerbook. Mini-Dictionary.

• The Heinemann Elementary English Grammar, by Digby Beaumont.

• Essential Grammar in Use, by Raymond Murphy. Cambridge University Press.

• English Sketches 1 – Elementary, by Doug Case and Ken Wilson. Heinemann.

• Grammar Time 1, by Sandy Jervis. Longman.

• Grammarway 1, by Jenny Dooley and Virginia Evans. Express Publishing.

• “Elementary Language Practice”, Michael Vince. Heinemann (selected units).

• “English File” (Clive Oxenden & Paul Seligson). Oxford University Press (selected exercises).

• “L.A Ride”, by Philip Prowse. Heinemann Guided Readers - Beginner Level. Heinemann.

• “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare before Christmas”, by Daphne Skinner. Penguin Active Reading - Level 2 (Elementary). Pearson Longman.

• “Oxford Bilingual Dictionary”. Oxford University Press.

• -Kay, J and Gelshenen, R “Discovering Fiction”. St´s Book 1. (1997) Cambridge U P. Cambridge. UK.

• -Silvia Romani. “Songs for Debate and Fun” (1998). Editorial Romani. Buenos Aires.

• - .

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• -The Beatles. Children´s Press . (1997) A Division of Grolier Publishing. London

• -Mignani, A. “Sweet and Sour”. ( 2001) Black Cat Pusblishing - imprint of Cided Editrice. Canterbury.

• -English Grammar at .

• -


Departamento de Inglés 

Programa 2014

1º Año , B1


• Que los alumnos sean capaces de comprender frases y expresiones de uso frecuente en las áreas de experiencia que le son especialmente relevantes

• Que los alumnos puedan comunicarse a la hora de llevar a cabo tareas simples y cotidianas que requieran intercambios directos de información.

• Que los alumnos desarrollen la habilidad de lecto-comprensión mediante la utilización de material proveniente de diversas fuentes, y en relación a los temas de interés de los alumnos de

• Que los alumnos puedan desarrollar las cuatro habilidades en forma de comprensión o expresión logrando una competencia lingüística acorde a su nivel.

• Que los alumnos puedan abordar textos literarios acorde a su nivel, extrayendo el sentido general de los mismos y el sentido particular del vocabulario para incrementar su léxico y cultura general.

• Que los alumnos encuentren en la lengua inglesa una herramienta de comunicación y expresión, teniendo en cuenta sus aspectos lingüísticos y culturales.

Unit 1: People & Places. Revision Period

Talking about habits and routines. Talking about likes and dislikes. Talking about the frequency of activities. Talking about Activities happening now.

Grammar: Present Simple (affirmative - negative - interrogative). Like, love, hate + -ing.

Possessive ´s, whose or who´s.

.Vocabulary: school activities, things to do.

Prepositions: in, on (time);

Pronunciation: genitives /s/, /z/, /iz/


Linking: also

.Reading and Listening: a letter to a friend

.Speaking: about school activities

.Writing: A letter to a friend, A description of routines.

Unit 2: Memories

.Grammar Focus: Past Simple. Excuses. Past Simple Questions

.Vocabulary: Birthday memories.

Time linkers: adverbs.

Pronunciation: Intonation.

Listening: Excuses. Descriptions of birthdays.

.Reading and Listening: A school memory.

.Reading: interview about a burglar. Article about family memories. (T/F)

.Speaking: Talking about memories. making excuses.

.Writing: describing a memory.

.Extensive reading: David Copperfield ( by Charles Dickens).

Unidad 3 Fitness

. Grammar Focus: Present continuous. Describing a scene. Arrangements.

Sentence builder: too/ not enough. Linkers: because and so.


.Vocabulary: Exercise. Multi-'part verbs

. Reading and Listening: dialogue about an unusual athlete . Dialogue about fitness.

.Reading: adverts for fitness activities.

.Speaking: talking about arrangements/ accepting and refusing. Requests and replies. Talking about your exercise

.Writing: an invitation.

Project: biography of a famous person. Commas, spelling, Linking words: after, and, because, before, when then.

Unit 4: Age

Grammar: Present simple and Continuous. Talking about activities. Questions about subject/object

Vocabulary: Modifiers. People. Talking about activities. Sharing personal information.

Pronunciation: words ending in schwa.

Function: advice on good/healthy food

Listening: descriptions of people: occupations, personality.

Reading & Listening: a quiz about age. Article about teen´s rights. Article about teenage brains.

Speaking: Talking about activities. Sharing personal opinion. describing people in photos. Talking about a photo. Talking about family members.

Writing: Describing a school friend.


Unit 5: Cinema

Grammar: be going to, talking about intentions. Like and would like. Ed -'ing adjectives. Modals. have to / don´t have to . Talking about obligations. Agreeing and disagreeing.

Prepositions: in, into, on, over, to, with ( + verbs)

Vocabulary: My films. sports / physical activity; games & activities; opposites. Adverbs

Function: Describing sporting events

Reading & Listening: favourite films. Interview with a film maker. Dialogue with a film fan. (matching). Article about film festivals. (matching). Interview with a camera operator.

Speaking: about favourite films. Agreeing and disagreeing. Discussion about films.

Writing: A formal email. Formal expressions.

Unit 6: Food and Drink

Grammar: will/won´t. Predicting the future. Present Conditional. Talking about habits.

Vocabulary: My food. Confusing words, because/because of.

Function: describing people

Reading & Listening: Food from the sky. Nutrition tips. Predictions. Interview with a food expert.

Speaking: dialogue at a cafe ( role play). Talking about your eating habits.

Writing: Describing eating habits. punctuation. Linking words: either or. A description of a person. Review of a film

Unit 7: Countries

Grammar: A/an/the. Asking about places. Someone, anyone, everyone, no one

Vocabulary: My country. Nationality adjectives.


Function: making suggestions. Directions

Reading & Listening: Dialogue between two tourists. Article about a travel website. Student life in the USA. Descriptions of countries.

Speaking: directions. Asking for and giving directions. To for purpose. Talking about your country.

Writing: A postcard.

Unit 8: Gadgets

Grammar: Present Perfect. Talking about achievements. Indirect objects. Present Perfect Questions. Use of ever/never. Experience.

Vocabulary: shopping. My gadgets.

Function: making suggestions

Reading & Listening: Interview with a gadgets inventor- Article about internet use. Opinions about gadgets. Favourite gadgets.

Speaking: dialogue in a shop (role-'play). Talking about technology. Talking about experiences.

Writing: a notice.

IV. Bibliografía:

- “Choices”, Elementary, Students’ Book. Michael Harris & Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson.

- ““Choices”, Elementary, Work Book. Michael Harris & Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson.

- “Oxford Bilingual Dictionary”. Oxford University Press.

- Websites: /



- Harris, M. y Sikorzynska, A. (2012). New Opportunities Pre- Intermediate. Pearson Longman. England, UK.


- The Girl with green Eyes (from One-Way Ticket Stories by Jennifer Bassett (Oxford Bookworms Library)

- David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens

- A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens

- A Midsummer Night´s Dream, by William Shakespeare (Macmillan Readers)


- Gilchrist, C. (1998). Anne Frank. Penguin Educated Limited. England, UK.

- Nobes, P. (1989). Frankenstein. Oxford Bookworms Library. Oxford, USA

Frankenstein 1931. Disponible en

- The Diary of Anne Frank. Disponible en

- Vince, M. (2003). Pre- Intermediate Language Practice. MacMillan Education: Oxford.

- The picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde

- Hamlet (abridged version), by William Shakespeare

- Way up to Heaven, by Roal Dahl


1er Año, B2

- Unidad 1: Module 1 : Identity

- Topic: identity and personality

- Grammar Highlights: revision of simple present, present continuous, simple past, past continuous.

- Vocabulary: personality traits, adjectives to describe physical appearance

- Writing: write a short text introducing yourself. Write a story about personal growth.


- Module 1. Lesson 2. Languages

- Topic: language as part of our identity

- Grammar Highlights: present perfect simple, adverbs used with present perfect: for, since, recently, so far, already, yet, still, just

- Vocabulary: languages around the world

- Writing: interview

- [pic]


- Unidad 2 : Module 4: Houses.

- Lesson 10: An African Village

- Lesson 11: Floating Homes

- Topic: our home

- Grammar Highlights: present perfect continuous, contrast between present perfect simple and continuous, prepositions and adverbs of place and movement, revision of comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, modifiers/intensifiers of comparative adjectives, connectors (reason, contrast, addition, sequence)

- Vocabulary: housing features, types of houses, adjectives to describe places

- Writing: argumentative essay (advantages and disadvantages)

- Unidad 3 : Module 2: Big Events.

- Lesson 4:The Wall

- Topic: memories and anecdotes

- Grammar Highlights: revision of simple past and past continuous, past perfect simple, connectors of sequence (next, afterwards, after that, later, after + noun or +verb-ing), prepositions of time and adverbs of time (in, on, at, yesterday, last, ago)

- Vocabulary: personal events, sporting events, accidents, natural disasters, political or historical events, dates,

- Writing: a story about a personal account of a historical event you have witnessed

- Unidad 4: Module 3: Taste.

- Lesson 8: Ice-cream and sorbets

- Topic: food and health


Grammar Highlights: passive voice

- Vocabulary: types of food, health, dishes, adjectives connected with taste and texture.

- Writing: opinion pieces

- .

- III- Trabajos Prácticos:

- Escritos utilizando diferentes estilos y tipos de texto: narraciones, artículos de opinión,entrevistas, artículos discursivos


- IV- Bibliografía Obligatoria:

- Libro de Texto:

- Harris, Michael and Sikorzynska, Anna (2012). Choices (intermediate). Pearson Educated Limited, England, UK.

- Material de Lectura:

- Dahl, Roald (1999). Taste and Other Tales. Penguin Readers. England, UK

V- Bibliografía de consulta y/o complementaria:

- Roald Dahl’s official website:

- Roald Dahl’s fans’ website:

- The picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde

- Hamlet (abridged version), by William Shakespeare

- Way up to Heaven, by Roald Dahl




Que la/os estudiantes:

- reconozcan y comprendan comunicativamente las estructuras gramaticales y el vocabulario desarrollado en las diferentes unidades de trabajo, tanto en instancias escritas como auditivas.

- interaccionen utlizando dichos items gramaticales y de vocabulario comunicativa y fluidamente, tanto de manera oral como escrita.

- aborden textos sin adaptación y de diferentes fuentes pudiendo obtener información general y específica de los mismos.

- desarrollen paulatinamente estrategias que les permitan el seguimiento de una exposición, la participación en la clase y la toma de apuntes durante la misma.

- conformen y participen activamente en un grupo de estudio virtual.

- generen vínculos positivos de trabajo en el grupo y con el docente.


CHOICES - Upper-Intermediate (Michael Harris & Anna Sikorzynska). Pearson. Student’s Book & Workbook.


▪ UNIDAD 1 - REVISION and EXTENSION. RELATIONSHIPS (“New Opportunities, Education for Life”- Upper Intermediate. Students’ Book: Module 1 - Identity & lesson 4 (“Communication Workshops”) / CHOICES - Upper-Intermediate. Module 1 - Relationships.

. Grammar Focus: general revision of verb tenses / past and present tenses / present perfect (all notions) / present perfect progressive / quantity.

. Vocabulary: personality adjectives, relationships / linking words / multi-part verbs.


. Reading: An article about social media / Advice column / An article about modern parenting.

. Extensive Reading: “The Way Up to Heaven”, by Roald Dahl.

. Listening: Richard’s Presentation / interviews and dialogues about relationships / an interview about family life.

. Speaking: sharing personal information / asking and answering questions / giving information about you (“a presentation about myself”) and realationships in your life / re-telling experiences / expressing views and opinions about the social media / a presentation: describing trends.

. Writing: “A presentation about myself”.

. Proyect: Talking about security in the web, netiquette and digital identity / “This is Me” - a presentation online (video, photo-presentation, photo-album) (group work).

▪ UNIDAD 2 - CAMPAIGNS. CHOICES - Upper-Intermediate. Module 2.

. Grammar Focus: past perfect / past perfect progressive / simple and progressive tenses / telling stories (narrative tenses).

. Vocabulary: big issues / linking prepositions, text organizers / as / multi-part verbs (2).

. Reading: Website about Random Acts of Kindness campaign / Extracts from books about protests / Article about a campaign related to body image.

. Extensive Reading: “Galloping Foxley”, by Roald Dahl.

. Listening: Discussion about big issues / An anecdote / A radio programme about animal’s rights.

. Speaking: Talk about issues you care about / Tell the story of a resistance movement / Expressing views and ideas on readings.

. Writing: A “for and against” essay.

. Project: Researching in the web, selecting and sharing information / A poem / “A Civil Rights Campaign in our Country” (group work) (Culture Choice 1


. De lectura para el alumno / de trabajo en clase:

- “CHOICES” - Upper-Intermediate (Michael Harris & Anna Sikorzynska). Pearson. Student’s Book.

- “CHOICES” - Upper-Intermediate (Michael Harris & Anna Sikorzynska). Pearson. Workbook.

- “New Opportunities, Education for Life”, Upper-Intermediate. Students’ Book. Michael Harris, David Mower & Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman.

- “New Opportunities, Education for Life”, Upper-Intermediate. Language Powerbook. Michael Harris, David Mower & Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman

- “Intermediate Language Practice”. Michael Vince. MacMillan Heinemann.

- “The Best of Roald Dahl”. Vintage Books.

- Web page articles.

Szlatcha, Emma.Choices Intermediate.Student´s Book. (2012) Ed.Pearson-. New York

- -Vicary, Tim. “ Chemical secret”

- -Conan Doyle. “ The speckled band and other stories”


- IV- Bibliografía de consulta y/o complementaria:

- -Szlatcha, Emma.Choices Intermediate. Activity Book. (2012) Ed.Pearson-. New York

- -Vince, Michael. “Intermediate Language practice”

- Longman’s Learners Dictionary of Contemporary English. Advanced. New Edition. Longman.

- “Oxford Bilingual Dictionary”. Oxford University Press


1er año, C2

I- Objetivos

Se espera que los alumnos logren:

• Comprender textos orales y escritos en lengua inglesa provenientes de diversas fuentes, especialmente literarias y académicas.

• Producir textos orales y escritos según su tipo textual, el propósito comunicativo y la audiencia.

• Usar recursos gramaticales y lexicales correspondientes al nivel.

• Desarrollar una actitud crítica frente a los materiales presentados en tanto representantes de ciertas características de la sociocultura anglosajona.

II- Contenidos

Unidad 1: Fashion Matters

• Vocabulary for describing people: physical and personality traits

• Phrasal verbs

• Adverbs of degree and comparison

• Gramática: Revisión de Tiempos Verbales (Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple and Continuous, Simple Past, Past Continuous, Will, going to, Past Perfect) Formulación de Preguntas

• Uso de Artículos


• Vocabulario: Multi-part Verbs - Adjetivos que describen Personalidad - Word-building (nouns and adjectives): Prefixes and Suffixes - Expresiones que indican Preferencia (wouldn’t mind, to be into/keen on, etc.

Unidad 2: Only for Nerds?

• Review of present tenses

• -ly adverbs

• Positive and negative adverbs

• Compound nouns

• Gramática: Past Perfect Continuous -

• Vocabulario: Multi-part Verbs – Humour – Laughter – Jokes – Connectors (despite, although, since, on the one hand, all in all, however, after +-ing, etc) -

Unidad 3: Going Places

• Using modals

• Collocations: words that go together -adjective + noun; verb + noun

• Expressions with do

• Text cohesion: linking paragraphs

• Paragraph purpose

• Gramática: Relative and Participle Clauses - Comparatives Revision

• Vocabulario: Opinion Adjectives

• Multi-part Verbs

• Expressions and Collocations with Make – Get - Have

• Description of People and Places


• So and Such

Unidad 4: Our Four-Legged Friends

• As and like

• Expressions with time

• Animals and pets

• Synonyms, near synonyms, antonyms

• Compound adjectives

• Gramática: Passive Voice (passive infinitive, passive perfect infinitive, passive gerund)

• Revision of Pronouns (personal, reflexive, possessive, etc)

• Vocabulario: Expresiones Idiomáticas (feel like a fish out of water, let the cat out of the bag, etc)

• Multi-part Verbs (Turn)

• Prefixes and Suffixes

• Agreeing and Disagreeing

Unidad 5: Fear and Loathing

• Review of past tenses: simple, continuous and perfect

• Irregular verbs

• Fear

• Pronunciation: past forms


Unidad 6: What If?

• As and like

• Expressions with time

• Animals and pets

• Synonyms, near synonyms, antonyms

• Compound adjectives

Unidad 7: Life’s Too Short

• Gerunds and Infinitives 1

• Question Tags

• Phrases for expressing likes and dislikes

Unidad 8: Downshifting

• Used to and would

• Jobs

• Word formation

• Expressions and phrasal verbs with get

III-Trabajos Prácticos:

• Guión de un video que incluya las estructuras y funciones dadas durante el año.

IV- Bibliografía Obligatoria

• Capel, A. & Sharp, W. (2013). Objective First Certificate, Student’s Book (pp. 10-65, units 1-9). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

• Louisa May Alcott, “The Hare and the Tortoise”

• Dora Bona, “A Fractured Fable - Cinderella, the Untold Story”

• Guy de Maupassant, “The Necklace”


• Harris, Mower, Sikorzynska, New Opportunities – Upper Intermediate,– Pearson Education Limited

Novelas en sus versions originales

• Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl

• The Ocean at the End of the Lane, Neil Gaiman


Universidad de Buenos Aires

Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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