Qualitative Data Analysis Assignment

Qualitative Data Analysis Assignment.

There are several sections as follows. Please download this and print it out and use it to guide your answers, which should be typed in the blank spreadsheet and submitted to Assignments under blackboard. Then do the assignment, which involves creating two documents, one a Word or Wordperfect document which has the answers to the below questions. And the other a spreadsheet with your raw data and analysis. Post both as attachments to the Assignment under Blackboard. To facilitate this, following are the subject headings for the word processing document:

1. Criteria of selection (include labeled subsections A-F).

A. It is important to select a method of measurement that is all inclusive, so that the qualitative data is accurately represented.

B. “What do kids think love means?” is the main question being asked.

C. Is the meaning of love different to children than it is to adults?

D. “What does love mean?” is the actual question asked to the children.

E. The criteria for selection will be what children view love as, in terms of senses and actions.

F. The findings will be investigated using manifest content (the specific, visible data) rather than latent content (more subjective, overall findings) because children’s definitions of love are not very scientific.

2. Unit of Analysis:

I plan to use words to analyze the answers because it will keep the findings specific and objective.

3. Hypothesized In Vivo Codes:

Smell Taste Feel Touch Kiss Hug

See Hear Listen Watch Run Walk

Food Drink Play Eat Perfume Cologne

4. Open Coding of In Vivo Codes consistent with criteria of selection and unit of analysis.

|Perfume |7 |

|Cologne |4 |

|Smell |3 |

|Eat |5 |

|Taste |8 |

|Kiss |1 |

|Kiss |1 |

|Kissing |1 |

|Listen |6 |

|Watching |9 |

|See |2 |

|Kissing |1 |

|Sees |2 |

|Smelly |3 |

|Sees |2 |

5. Axial Coding/Coding Frames (the sorting of In Vivo Codes into either Frames or Themes suggested by the In Vivo Codes or based upon a hypothesized qualitative typlogy of frame/themes.)

|1 Kiss |

|2 See |

|3 Smell |

|4 Listen |

|5 Taste |

6. Analysis of the codes and cases based upon which frames they fall into.

For each of the below, write a paragraph describing the results of your spreadsheet analysis.

6A. Smell had the most variety of terms used to describe smells, such as perfume or cologne. “Kiss” had the most words total and did not have any alternate words used to describe the action.

6B. The top three words used by the children were kiss, see, and smell. The rest of the terms only had one use.

6C. Kiss, see, and smell still had the most words or words similar to a match (a three way tie), but taste was the second most used with two words.

7. Conclusions: What does your analysis say about the answer to the research question posed?

It appears that the most common way to describe love, in terms of senses and actions, is to kiss, see, or smell it. It is most apparent that love, according to these findings, is something that you can recognize most often through kissing someone, seeing someone, or smelling something. Listening and tasting are not as commonly used to describe love as a sense or action.


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