Letters 1, 2, 3, and 4 - Amazon Web Services



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1. To whom is Robert Walton writing in all four of his letters? How are they related to one another?

2. What country (not in England) is Walton in when he writes letter number 1? Where is he headed after that?

3. In letter 2 what seems to be Walton's opinion of the sailors he has been hiring? What reason does he give for feeling unsatisfied in spite of that?

4. During the one month gap between letters 3 and 4, what is the "strange accident" that Walton describes has happened?

5. What condition is Victor in when Walton's crew finds him? What reason does Victor give for being there?

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Letters 1, 2, 3, and 4

Save Assignment 6. What sorts of assumptions does Walton make about Victor while describing him to Margaret?

7. On August 13, after eight days of recovering his health, how does Victor react when Walton comments that "one man's life is a small price to pay for the knowledge I seek..."?

8. According to Walton, what need must be fulfilled for a man to boast of true happiness?

9. Why does Victor finally decide a week later to tell Walton what has happened to him? What effects (if any) does Victor think telling his story could have for Walton, and separately for himself?

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Chapters 1 through 5

Save Assignment 10. Victor's story begins here. Where is he from, according to the label he gives himself?

11. How does Victor's father, Alphonse Frankenstein, meet Caroline Beaufort? Why is there such a large difference in age between the two of them?

12. What is Victor's childhood like?

13. Who is Elizabeth Lavenza? Explain how she ended up with the poverty-stricken family in Italy, and where she goes to live after that. Why was this new arrangement made?

14. Who is Henry Clerval?

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Chapters 1 through 5

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15. Describe the interests of each character --Victor, Elizabeth, and Henry. What is each of them most passionate about?

16. Who is Cornelius Agrippa, and what leads Victor to find out about him? How does his father react when he finds Victor at age thirteen reading Agrippa's works?

17. What happens when Victor at age fifteen sees an oak tree destroyed by lightning and hears an explanation? What does Victor then begin to study?

18. Who or what does Victor say is responsible for changing his focus of studies? Who or what does he blame for his "utter and terrible destruction"?

19. What happens to Victor's mother as a result of Elizabeth's scarlet fever? What does Caroline direct Elizabeth and Victor to do for the sake of "future happiness" and to console Alphonse?

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Chapters 1 through 5

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20. Why does Victor's father send him to the University of Ingolstadt in Germany? How old is Victor then?

21. Describe Professor Krempe's reaction when he first meets Victor and hears which natural philosophy authors Victor has been self-studying. How does Victor feel about Krempe as a result?

22. How does Victor feel about the teachings of his chemistry teacher, Professor Waldman? What does Victor say he will now do as a result of what Waldman says about modern science?

23. How much time passes while Victor stays in Ingolstadt and makes no visits home to Geneva? What is he so interested in during that time, and what does he discover about human bodies?

24. What reason does Victor suddenly give to Walton while telling this tale, for not wanting to give Walton too much information too early?

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