Lab #5: Cellular Respiration

Lab #5: Cellular Respiration

Ananya, Bonnie, Jiaqi, Neha, and Susie

Purpose of this Lab

The purpose of this lab was to determine the rate of cellular respiration in germinating peas by measuring the consumption of oxygen at various temperatures.

How can the rate of cellular respiration be measured?

- By measuring the amount of glucose consumed - By measuring the amount of oxygen consumed - By measuring the amount of carbon dioxide produced

How did you measure rate of cellular respiration in this lab?

- The rate of cellular respiration of germinating peas was found by measuring the oxygen that was consumed over time

Relevance of the Lab to Class Content

Cellular Respiration

CHO + 6O 6CO + 6HO + Energy (ATP + energy)

Plants use cell respiration when there is a lack of light to perform cell work

The rate of cellular respiration accelerates as enzymes begin using the stored food supply to generate ATP.

Other concepts within the Lab

- Gas Law: PV = nRT - Respirometer works in accordance to the gas law:

Experimental Design Diagram

IV: Type of peas (germinating and dry)

Levels of IV: 1

DV: Pressure of gas

# of trials: 6

Control: Beads

Constant: Temperature, volume of peas, cotton balls


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