Murrieta Valley Unified School District

States of Consciousness Worksheet

1. Define consciousness:

2. What part of the brain controls your biological clock?

3. How would evolutionary psychologists answer the question “Why do we sleep?”

4. Describe four biological rhythms.

5. What is circadian rhythm?

6. What is an example of something that can disrupt our circadian rhythm?

7. List and describe the different sleep stages.

8. Why is sleep deprivation dangerous?

9. What are four theories for why we sleep?

10. What is narcolepsy?

11. Describe two sleep disorders that children experience more than adults.

12. Freud believed that dreams were the “royal road to the unconscious.” He described manifest content and latent content. Explain these terms and give examples.

13. Are the majority of dreams marked by positive or negative emotions?

14. Discuss four theories of why we dream.

15. Explain the relationship between hypnosis and pain management.

16. Discuss the divided (dissociated) consciousness and social influence theories as they relate to hypnosis.

17. Psychoactive drugs are chemicals that pass through the blood/brain barrier into the brain and do what?

18. What is the difference between physical and psychological dependence?

19. Explain tolerance and withdrawal.

20. What do depressants do? List and describe three depressants.

21. What do stimulants do? List and describe two stimulants.

22. What do hallucinogens do? List and describe two hallucinogens.


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