Imagery Worksheet




Imagery Worksheet

Imagery – concrete details that appeal to the senses. By using specific images, authors establish mood and arouse emotion in their readers.

|Touch |Taste |Smell |Sight |Sound |

|What do things feel like?|What do things taste |What do things smell |What do things look like?|How do things sound? |

| |like? |like? | | |

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|Prickly |Rotten |Stinky |Rigid |Deafening |

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Describe the picture using 2 sensory words:

Use alliteration to describe picture:

Simile: Write a sentence using like or as to comparing fireworks to something else.

Describe picture using 2 sensory words:

Use alliteration to describe picture:

Onomatopoeia: Write a word Describe picture using sensory words:

Describe picture using 2 sensory words:

Use alliteration to describe picture:

Write a hyperbole (exaggeration) describing the fire.


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