IB Biology Summer Assignment

-113665-342265Name _______________________________________00Name _______________________________________IB Biology Summer AssignmentDue: September, 2016 (2nd week back) Check with Mr. BSummer AssignmentCourse Title: IB BiologyTeacher name: Mr. Jason Brodowski Teacher contact information: Jason.brodowski@apsva.usPurpose of Assignment: to develop necessary study habits beyond the school year that will promote an early start to academic thinking and skill application while fostering reading and vocabulary development that will familiarize students and enhance their understanding of essential molecular biology concepts.Estimated time to complete Assignment: 6 hrsDue date and method of assessment for Assignment: September, 2016. Each question is assigned mark points per IB grading scheme. Instructions for Assignment:Throughout the summer, Mr. Brodowski will be periodically checking their emails. If you have any questions please post them to Jason.brodowski@apsva.us This assignment will be considered equivalent to a test grade and is to be completed independently. Any collaboration, posting of answers or sharing of answers by any means will be considered cheating and will be treated as such. This assignment will not be accepted past the due date. Topic 7: Nucleic Acids (AHL)7.1 DNA Structure and Replication1. Use the following website to correctly label the structure of the bacteriophage found belowindicating where both the nucleic acids and amino acids are located (5 marks). What is the main purpose of a bacteriophage? (1 mark) 002. What is the main purpose of a bacteriophage? (1 mark) Watch the following animation, and outline the Hershey Chase Experiment below (6 marks). (specific):Conclusion:Explain Erwin Chargaff contribution to the discovery of the structure of DNA. (2 marks)Explain why diffraction was used to take Franklin’s picture below (3 marks)Explain how Franklin used the picture above as means to deduce the helical structure of DNA. (3 marks)Watch the following animation: supercoiling of DNA, when and how it is done. (3 marks, 2 points for a properly labeled picture)Define apoptosis (1 mark)Explain the function of DNAase and proteases when creating a gel electrophoresis. (2 marks)51435002794000Using the picture to the right answer the following questions. (page 349)Identify on the diagram the fragment that representsThe length of DNA between the two sections of linker dna on either side of one nucleosome (1)The length of DNA between two linker DNA regions with two nucleosomes between them (1)The length of DNA regions with three nucleosomes between them (1)b. Approximate the length of DNA associated with a nucleosome. (1)c. Suggest how the pattern in the left-hand column would change if very high concentrations of DNAase were applied to the cells (2) Use the book and watch the following animation to label the following figure: ReplicationLetterName FunctionABCDEFGHIExplain why replication results in a leading and lagging strand. (2 marks)Explain four functions of the non-coding region of DNA. (4 marks) 13. Explain how dideoxyribonucleic acid is used for gene sequencing. (2)Complete the Activity Questions found on page 352-353. (4)Fragment size (bp) Column 2Distance moved (mm)Column 2Fragment size (bp)Column 3Distance moved (mm)Column 36070701601302007.2 Transcription and Gene Expression1. Watch the video below and explain the function, location and common sequences of the DNA promoter. Also explain the significance of YRY. (3) . Explain the function of the following regulatory sequences: (1 mark each) a. Enhancer:b. Silencer:c. Promoter-proximal elements:3. Explain three examples where the environment has an influence on gene expression. (3)a. b. c. 4. Complete the Data-based questions: Identical Twin Studies (p. 356) (2 marks each – 6 total)1. 2. 3. 5. Complete the Data-based questions: Changes in methylation pattern with age in identical twins (p.358)1. (3)2. (1)3. (1)4. (3)6. Watch the video below and answer the following questions. is epigenetics and briefly summarize his grammar analogy. (2) Briefly differentiate between epigenetic and nucleosome gene regulation. (2)How is it possible for twins to have the same dna, but have different gene expression? (2)Explain the inheritance of epigenetic regulation. (2)Read the green Epigenetic section found on page 358 and 359. Explain four epigenetic tags. (4 marks) b. c. d. Watch the video below and draw a nucleotide correctly numbering the carbons.(2 marks) carbon bonds to the base? (1) ______________Which carbon bonds to the hydroxyl? (1) __________Which carbon bonds to the phosphate group? (1) __________Circle the ribose sugar below. (1)114300012763500What are the three stages of mRNA synthesis? (1) Where does it begin? (1)12. Explain three differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein synthesis. (3)a. b. c. List three post-transitional modifications that are made pre-mRNA. (3 marks) 14. Explain alternate splicing and provide an example. (3 marks)7.3 Translation1. Watch the video below. Draw a ribosome, labeling the small and large units, 5’ and 3’ mRNA. Label and annotate the A, P and E sites ( 5 )2. How do the tRna-Activation Enzymes relate to the amino acids and the tRNA (Orange section). (2)3. Watch the video below and describe the Initiation, Elongation and Termination process. (6) 4. Differentiate between free and bound ribosome. Noting their location, product and product destination. (4)5. Describe polysomes, and how they differ between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. (3) 6. Define bioinformatics and provide two uses (Green section 368). (2)7. Watch the video below. Describe and draw the primary structure of proteins. (2). What are the three parts of an amino acids and how are two amino acids bonded together? (2) how a secondary structure is formed. Provide two examples. (3)Describe how a tertiary structure is formed. (2)Describe where the hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acids are found in a tertiary structure. (2)Describe a quaternary structure and provide one example. (2)Watch the video below. Differentiate between fibrous and globular proteins, providing examples of each. (4) the Date-based Questions on p.371. (1 each, 4 total) b.c.d. e. ................

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