The Alumni Fellowship is a one -year work internship at Compassion International’s Global Ministry Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. For additional information, please, click here. Would you please help us by providing your honest assessment of the candidate? Please type inside the gray boxes; they will expand as you type. Your answers on this page are confidential and will not be communicated to the applicant.

Please fill out this form and return to Maggie Turner at mturner@us. as soon as possible- please do not give directly to the applicant.

Applicant’s Name:     

Your name:     

May we contact you by phone to review this reference? Yes No

If so, please provide your phone number     

Has the applicant worked for you?       If so, what were his/her dates of employment?      

What was/is the applicant’s position with your company and his/her primary responsibilities in that role?     

Did he/she require close supervision?     

How would you describe his/her working relationship with peers and management?      

How would you describe his/her:

a)   Personality:     

b)  Performance:     

c)  Integrity:     

d)  Attendance:     

e) Willingness to learn:      

f) Ability to get along with and relate to others:     

Why did he/she leave your company/area?

Would you rehire him/her? Yes No If No, Why not?      

How does the applicant handle conflict with others:      

What are his/her:

Outstanding strong points?     

Outstanding weak points?     


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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