
Scope and sequence – Stage 4 SpanishThis scope and sequence is an example only. Teachers modify according to student needs and school context.All outcomes referred to in this unit come from Spanish K-10 Syllabus ? NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2018.TermUnitFocus areasOutcomesTerm 1Week 1-5?Dónde en el mundo? – Where in the world?Learning goals – greet and introduce yourself to others and exchange personal information. Recognise and locate Spanish-speaking countries and develop awareness of phonological similarities and differences between Spanish and English. Final task – teach a younger student the Spanish you have learned so far. Create a five-panel comic strip (using Canva or hand-drawn) in which your characters introduce themselves and exchange simple personal information.Greetings and introductionsCountries and nationalityAlphabet and accented charactersSpanish-speaking worldNumbers 1-30Use of ser and estarLSP4-1C, LSP4-2C, LSP4-3C, LSP4-4C, LSP4-5U, LSP4-6U, LSP4-7U, LSP4-8UTerm 1Week 6-10La familia moderna – modern familyLearning goal – describe yourself, family members and pets and compare family customs in Australia and Spanish-speaking countries. Final task – research a famous Spanish-speaking celebrity and create a digital family tree poster using Piktochart and post it to your virtual classroom. Describing people (physical appearance and personality)Family members and petsDays, months and parts of the dayNumbers 31-100Spanish names and surnamesLSP4-1C, LSP4-2C, LSP4-3C, LSP4-4C, LSP4-5U, LSP4-6U, LSP4-7U, LSP4-8UTerm 2 Week 1-5?Seamos amigos! – Let’s be friends! (This unit is available on the Spanish Stages 4 and 5 section.)Learning goal – talk about what you do in your free time and express your likes and express agreement and disagreement with others. Final task – you have decided to join a new social media website for a Spanish-speaking online community. Create a profile in Fakebook and chat to 3 new friends telling them about yourself. (Note; This assessment task, with marking guidelines, is available on the Spanish Stages 4 and 5 section.)Sport and leisure activitiesExpressing preferences, likes and dislikesAgreement and disagreement (a mí también, a mí tampoco)Persuasive languageUsing connectives and qualifiersLSP4-1C, LSP4-2C, LSP4-3C, LSP4-4C, LSP4-5U, LSP4-6U, LSP4-7U, LSP4-8UTerm 2Week 6-10Las reglas del colegio – school rulesLearning goal – talk about school routines and communicate your basic needs in the classroom. Final task – your school website is being updated and your language teacher wants to promote Spanish at your school. Record your vlog in Spanish, subtitled in English, about a typical day in the life of a student. School subjects and classroom routines Telling the timeUseful classroom expressionsAsking for helpDifferences and similarities between school in Australia and Spanish-speaking countriesLSP4-1C, LSP4-2C, LSP4-3C, LSP4-4C, LSP4-5U, LSP4-6U, LSP4-7U, LSP4-8UTerm 3 Week 1-5Sobremesa – food for thoughtLearning goal – discuss your personal food preferences and order food and drink.Final task – there is a new Mexican restaurant in your neighbourhood. Download the menu and simulate a telephone conversation with the waiter ordering take away food and drink.Food and drinkExpressing likes and dislikesOrdering in a restaurantMealtimes in Spanish-speaking countriesRegular -ar -er -ir verb conjugations in present tense related to eating and drinkingLSP4-1C, LSP4-2C, LSP4-3C, LSP4-4C, LSP4-5U, LSP4-6U, LSP4-7U, LSP4-8UTerm 3 Week 6-10?Adónde vamos a ir? – Where to now?Learning goal – navigate your way around a Spanish–speaking city and use public transport.Final task – you have €150 and 24 hours in Barcelona. Plan and negotiate your stay through a messaging app with your travel buddy from Buenos Aires who will meet you there. Asking for and follow directionsPlanning an itineraryTransport and getting aroundImperative mood, giving instructionsFuture intentions (voy a visitar)LSP4-1C, LSP4-2C, LSP4-3C, LSP4-4C, LSP4-5U, LSP4-6U, LSP4-7U, LSP4-8UTerm 4 Week 1-5?Cuál es tu talla? – What’s your size?Learning goal – talk about clothing and fashion and complete a transaction.Final task – you’re off to Chile to visit Spanish-speaking friends. Showcase your Spanish by responding to a series of text messages about what the weather is like and what clothing you and your family will need to bring. ClothingFashionSizes and coloursShopping interactionsSeasonsLSP4-1C, LSP4-2C, LSP4-3C, LSP4-4C, LSP4-5U, LSP4-6U, LSP4-7U, LSP4-8UTerm 4Week 6-10Mi casa es su casa – my home is your homeLearning goal – describe your home and your room.Final task – your family is hosting a Spanish-speaking exchange student for 3 months and they will be sharing your room. Negotiate a room layout with them. Draw, label and describe the new room showing where all the furniture will be.Rooms of the houseFurniturePrepositions of placeAdjectivesExpressing preferencesLSP4-1C, LSP4-2C, LSP4-3C, LSP4-4C, LSP4-5U, LSP4-6U, LSP4-7U, LSP4-8U ................

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