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Executive Summary (write this last based on everything you write in the following sections)OpportunityProblemSolutionMarketCompetitionWhy Us?ExpectationsForecast, including Financial Highlights by YearFinancing NeededOpportunityProblem & SolutionProblem Worth SolvingDescribe the key problem or unmet need that you will address, or are addressing, for your customers. If you have a common business, such as salon, explain why your customers need your particular salon. Do you offer lower prices? More convenient hours? A better location? A specialty that is not otherwise available in your area?If your company is doing something new and different, explain why the world needs your innovation. What is it about the existing solutions that is subpar? For EMG application – if you will offer something new or different using the EMG funds, include the challenge or problem that your clients have that you will be addressing. Our SolutionExplain how your company will address the problem you identified above. What products or services do you offer, and how do they meet your customers’ needs?For EMG application – if you will offer something new or different using the EMG funds, describe what it is and how it addresses the challenge or problem identified above. Target MarketDescribe your target market. Who is your ideal customer? Who are the people who suffer from the problem that you are solving? How do they break down into segments — that is, recognizable customer types with similar demographics, needs, and expectations? How many potential customers does your research suggest there are in each segment? Are there enough to support your business?CompetitionCurrent AlternativesDescribe the competitive landscape for your products or services. Do you have direct competitors – that is, other vendors who provide the same sort of solution to the customer’s problem that you do? If so, describe who they are, what they offer, and why customers might choose them. If you do not have direct competitors yet, it is still important to discuss how your potential customers are solving their problems today.Our AdvantagesIdentify your key advantages over the other competitors and alternatives in your market. ExecutionMarketing & SalesMarketing PlanDescribe the major components of your marketing plan. What kind of marketing activities will you use to attract customers?Do you plan to invest in signage, physical or digital advertising, email newsletters, search engine optimization, social media outreach, TV or radio commercials? Have you developed a logo and branding? Choose the activities you think are right for your business, and make sure the related expenses are included in your forecast.If you plan on advertising, talk about your messaging. What is the unique value proposition or selling point — your pitch — that you expect to resonate with potential customers? Talk about how that pitch positions you relative to your competitors. Are you the no-frills, low-cost option for budget-conscious shoppers? Or a premium product that is superior to the others in a key way? Or are you differentiating yourself in another way — being faster, more convenient, better for the environment, locally sourced? Make sure this is aligned with the competitive advantages that you described in the Competition section.PricingWhat will your pricing be for each product/service? How does it compare to comparable services in the area/available elsewhere? If higher or lower, why and what message are sending to your clients? What margins do the prices reflect? Etc.OperationsLocations & FacilitiesDescribe your company’s physical location. How much space do you have available, and how well will it meet your current and future needs?Explain the benefits of where you are located. Do you get a lot of vehicle or foot traffic passing by? Is your target customer type heavily represented in your neighborhood's demographics? Are you close to other key resources, such as public transportation or convenient parking? TechnologyDescribe any important software, hardware, or other information technology that you use now or plan to use later to operate your business. That might include: a point-of-sale system to take payments, an e-commerce engine for your website, a CRM solution for managing your pipeline,marketing tools for generating leads, and so on. Equipment & ToolsList any specialty equipment that you have or plan to acquire to do your workMilestones & MetricsMilestones TableProvide a table or list of your milestones (target accomplishments) and the date(s) on which you expect to achieve them.DateTargetTarget Reached (Y/N)CommentKey MetricsExplain which performance metrics are most important for understanding how your business is doing. For example: How many customers do you expect to have by when? If you don’t meet your targets, think about what you might do to increase the panyOverviewUse this area to specify who owns your company and its legal structure. If there are multiple owners, describe each of them and how much of an ownership stake they have. Is your company a sole proprietorship — that is, just you working for yourself? Or a partnership, such as a limited-liability corporation (LLC) or partnership (LLP), where the profits pass through to the partners involved? Or a nonprofit organization? Or a proper S- or C-type corporation with its own tax obligations?TeamManagement TeamList the members of your team, including yourself. Describe each person’s skills and experience and what they will be doing for the company. How do they make your team stronger? Do they have specific expertise in your industry or subject matter? Do they have experience starting or managing other small businesses? Use this space to really emphasize the strengths of yourself and your team. Assuming you have identified a great market opportunity, why are you the right ones to capitalize on it?If you are a sole proprietor or otherwise working by yourself, just focus on your own skills, experience, and past successes. You may want to rename this section to avoid the "team" language.AdvisorsIf applicable, describe any mentors or people who are experienced in owning or running a business and how they are prepared to help you.Financial PlanHistorical FinancialsInclude historical financial statements for the past three years.If you have been in business less than three years, include financials statements for as long as you have been in business.If you are a start-up, skip this section. Include any commentary or explanations that may be needed to understand your financials (e.g., a significant increase or decrease in revenues or a particular expense)ForecastKey AssumptionsDescribe how you came up with the values in your financial forecast, specifically focusing on the impact that the Equity Match Grant will have. What assumptions did you make regarding how the grant will help?If it will increase your clientele, how? Specify the number of clients who would choose each of the services or buy your products. If it will reduce expenses or expand capacity, explain how.If these assumptions were based on research, explain what research you did. What kind of growth are you assuming and why? What are your expectations regarding operating expenses? (rent, supplies, marketing, professional services, loan repayments, etc.)FinancingUse of FundsList out in reasonable detail how you will use the money you estimate you need for your company (or project if applying for EMG). Sources of FundsWhere do you expect to obtain the money?How much will come from the EMG grant and how much from your own resources? ................

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