Describing Surroundings - Quia

Describing Surroundings

Characters can be developed through their homes and their belongings. Their surroundings say a lot about them. Writers often describe a character by focusing in on specific details around them.

Method 1

Zoom in from the whole picture to focus on smaller details. For example start with the whole room but then begin to focus on specifics like the mountain of lipstick smeared cigarette butts in the ashtray and the ancient coffee stain on the rug.

• Write about a female character’s kitchen and see if you can let your reader know some details about her character while you are creating atmosphere. No people are present in the room.

Method 2

This is similar to the way a camera pans a room in a scene from a movie. The writer describes what is seen within the room spatially, moving from side to side. For example, start with the entranceway within the door and move to the various objects in the room, like the artwork, the mantel, the couch, the entertainment unit etc.

• Write about a male character’s one room apartment as a stranger who has just entered the room. Try to give the reader some knowledge of his personality. No people are in the apartment.


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