Descriptive ESSAY Assignment – A Favorite Place

English 21: Illustration Essay

A Place or Community That Has Changed

To Begin:

Pick a place or community that has changed over time and, using illustration, show your audience both how it has changed and the significance of that change. You might choose a neighborhood you have lived in for many years, a school you used to attend, a place where you have vacationed, a city you used to live in, or any other community you are familiar with.

Writing the Essay:

Your essay should have a clear thesis statement with two parts: including your topic (your place/community) and your controlling idea (what you want to tell us about how the place has changed).

Your essay should have specific details that appeal to the senses and help your reader imagine the place you are describing. Our example essay “Los Chinos Discover El Barrio” has lots of details to help you understand the place and people that the essay is describing. Read it carefully as an example of how to use details as examples/illustration.

Finally, you should reflect on the reasons for or significance of the changes you are writing about. You might want to try looking at photographs or other pictures of your place, both old and recent, as you write and brainstorm.

Remember, communities are made up of people. Focus on how the changes you are describing affect the lives and the attitudes of the people who make up the community. Don’t limit yourself to describing physical changes.

Use the outline provided on the back to plan your essay before you begin to write.


Your essay must have at least five paragraphs, and each paragraph should have a focusing topic sentence. Your essay must be at least 600 words (about two pages long when correctly formatted).

Correct Format: 1 inch margins on all sides, 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced. Do not add any extra spaces. See the format example I uploaded to the class blog.

Due Dates:

Week 8 – Tuesday, October 21

• Illustration Essay: Rough Draft (typed and printed, three copies for Peer Review)

o If you want comments from me, you must upload a SECOND rough draft (revised based on your peer review) to by Thursday at 11:59PM.

Week 9 – Tuesday, October 28

• Bring your latest copy of the Illustration Essay for use during class activities.

Week 10 – Tuesday, November 4

• Final Draft of Illustration Essay. —before class, upload Essay to .

Outline of Illustration Essay

Thesis Statement/Intro: (Include the place/community you will describe and the specific change or changes you are focusing on.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Topic for Paragraph 1: (What is the first example of the change you are writing about?)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Supporting detail 1: _________________________________________________________________________

Supporting detail 2: _________________________________________________________________________

Supporting detail 3:__________________________________________________________________________

Topic for Paragraph 2: (What is the second example of the change you are writing about?)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Supporting detail 1: _________________________________________________________________________

Supporting detail 2: _________________________________________________________________________

Supporting detail 3:__________________________________________________________________________

Topic for Paragraph 3: (What is the third example of the change you are writing about?)


Supporting detail 1: _________________________________________________________________________

Supporting detail 2: _________________________________________________________________________

Supporting detail 3:__________________________________________________________________________

Conclusion: (What are the final thoughts that you will use to close the essay?)



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