Describing People - Lanternfish ESL

Describing People

|There are many ways to describe a person. One common way to describe somebody is based on appearance. Among other things, |[pic] |

|you can describe their build, their height, their hairstyle, their health, and their complexion. | |

|Appearance: What does he/she/look like? | |

|Build | |

|He/she is . . . |skinny |thin |average build |stocky |fat |obese |

| | |slim | | |overweight | |

| | |slender | | |chubby | |

|Height |

|He/she is . . . |short |average height |tall |

|Health |

|He/she is . . . |out of shape |in (good) shape |well-built |

| | |(physically) fit | |

|General Looks | | | | | |

|He/she is . . . |hot |good looking |plain |ugly |

| |sexy |handsome | |unattractive |

| | |pretty | |funny looking |

| | |beautiful | | |

| | |attractive | | |

|Hairstyle | | | | | |

|He/she has . . . |blond hair |straight hair |long hair |a ponytail |

| |brown hair |wavy hair |shoulder-length hair |pigtails |

| |red hair |curly hair |short hair |bangs |

| |black hair | |a shaved head |her hair in a bun |

| |gray hair | |long eyelashes |a beard |

| |dyed hair | |bushy eyebrows |a mustache |

| | | | |sideburns |

|He is . . . |bald |

|Complexion: |

|He/she has . . . |dark skin |pimples/zits |oily skin |

| |light skin |a wart |dry skin |

| |a pale complexion |a scar |freckles |

| |a rosy complexion |a mole/ a beauty mark |wrinkles |

|Other: |

|He has a tattoo. |He has braces. |

|She has a pierced ear/nose/lip/tongue. |He wears glasses/contacts. |

© 2007 Lanternfish ESL

Describing People Based on Appearance

Write a few sentence to describe each of the people below.

| |[pic] |

|Woman 1 | |

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|Woman 2 | |

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|Woman 3 | |

|[pic] | |

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| |Man 1 |

| | |

| | |

| |Woman 4 |

| |[pic] |

|Man 2 | |

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|Girl 1 | |

|[pic] | |

| |Woman 5 |

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| |Man 3 |

© 2007 Lanternfish ESL


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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