Falling in Line: The Power of Birth Order

Falling in Line: The Power of Birth Order

Laura Janecka

What makes us who we are? This is one of the big questions of our unit. This article attempts to argue that our identity is shaped by our birth order, that is, when we born in relation to our siblings. Complete the following exercises after reading the article and the following paragraph adding more information.

Only Children

Only children have traits similar to oldest children but usually to a greater degree. Only children need to be given plenty of opportunities to socialize with children their own age. Only children are often mature beyond their age. Only children tend to push themselves, demanding self-perfection. They often need to be reminded that it’s alright to make mistakes.

Describing Personality!

Complete the following chart with adjectives used by the author to describe each type of person. Once you have done this, think of more words that could be used. You may consult a dictionary, thesaurus or the list on the reverse of this page.

|First-Born |Middle-Born |

|Last-Born |Only Child |

Making Connections!

How accurately do the descriptions in the article apply to you, your family, and your friends? Do you think this is an accurate way of knowing someone’s personality? Write your response in your notes.

Go Further!

List three jobs you think a first-born would be good at, according to this author. Then, using the personality traits from the above chart, explain why you chose this one. Do the same thing for middle-born, last-born, and only children.


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