Dynamo 1 Module balschools.com

SCHOOL: YEAR:DATE: CLASS:Dynamo 1 Module 4 Ma vie de famillePoint de départ pp. 82–83Programme of Study (PoS)GV3 Developing vocabularyLC3 ConversationLC6 Reading comprehensionPearson Progression Step Coverage (PPS) 1st–3rd StepsLearning objectivesTalking about animalsUsing higher numbersGrammar and skills coverageForming the plural of nouns (–s and –x)Writing complex numbersFCSE linksLearning outcomes…Listening and responding 2nd StepListening to descriptions of pets and identifying the correct photosSpeaking 2nd–3rd StepsConducting a survey about petsCalculating and saying aloud the human age of differently-aged donkeysReading and responding 1st–3rd StepsMatching gapped descriptions of pets with photosReading higher numbers written out in wordsReading and completing a table detailing the human age of animalsWriting1st StepCompleting written number sequences in wordsKey languageAs-tu un animal?J’ai …un chatun chienun cochon d’Indeun hamsterun lapinun lézardun oiseauun poisson (rouge)un serpentJe n’ai pas d’animal.violet / rose / blanc / jaune / marron / noir / rouge / bleu / orange / gris / vertvingttrentequarantecinquantesoixantesoixante-dix / soixante-et-onze / soixante-douze / … quatre-vingts / quatre-vingt-un / quatre-vingt-deux / …quatre-vingt-dix / quatre-vingt-onze / quatre-vingt-douze / …centResourcesAudio, tracks 78–80Workbooks: Cahier d’exercices A & B, page 40ActiveTeach:p.082 Class game: Petsp.082 Flashcards: Petsp.083 Flashcards: Higher numbersp.083 Speaking skills worksheet: Pronunciation board gameActiveLearn:Vocabulary 1Vocabulary 2HomeworkNotesSCHOOL: YEAR:DATE: CLASS:Dynamo 1 Module 4 Ma vie de familleUnit 1 pp. 84–85 Décris-moi ta familleProgramme of Study (PoS)GV3 Developing vocabularyLC2 TranscriptionLC4 Expressing ideas (speaking)LC8 Writing creativelyPearson Progression Step Coverage (PPS) 1st–4th StepsLesson starterTo recognise different forms of the word ‘my’ in FrenchPlenaryTo consolidate family-related vocabulary and possessive adjectivesLearning objectivesDescribing your familyUsing the possessive adjectives ‘my’ and ‘your’Grammar and skills coverageG: Using possessive adjectives: mon, ma, mes and ton, ta, tesAgreement of adjectivesFCSE linksUnit 1 – Relationships, family and friends (Personal descriptions)Learning outcomes…Listening and responding 3rd StepsListening to a text about a family and filling in the missing agesListening to physical descriptions of family members and noting the correct features for each personSpeaking 3rd StepAsking and answering questions to describe the family picturedReading and responding 2nd–4th StepsReading and listening to sentences about different families and matching them with picturesTranslating the French words for family members into EnglishCopying and completing a text about a familyCopying a text describing a family member and choosing the correct words to complete itWriting1st–4th StepsCopying the vocabulary for family members and classifying each word as masculine, feminine or pluralWriting a description of the family pictured, including physical and character descriptionsKey languagela famillela famille d’accueille (beau-)pèrele grand-pèrele (demi-)frèrele filsla (belle-)mèrela grand-mèrela (demi-)s?urla filleles parentsIl/Elle est …petit(e)grand(e)de taille moyenneIl/Elle a les yeux …bleus / verts / marronIl/Elle a les cheveux …noirs / blonds / roux / gris / brunscourts / longs / mi-longs / bouclés / raidesune barbedes taches de rousseurdes tatouagesIl/Elle porte des lunettes.Grammar practiceGrammaire, page 100 ex. 1–3ResourcesAudio, tracks 81–83Workbooks: Cahier d’exercices A & B, page 41ActiveTeach:p.084 Grammar quiz: The possessive adjectives ‘my’ and ‘your’p.085 Class game: Describing someonep.085 Flashcards: Describing someonep.085 Translation worksheet: Translation into French (2) ActiveLearn:Listening AListening BReading AReading BVocabularyHomeworkNotesSCHOOL: YEAR:DATE: CLASS:Dynamo 1 Module 4 Ma vie de familleUnit 2 pp. 86–87 Où habites-tu?Programme of Study (PoS)GV2 Grammatical structuresGV4 AccuracyLC4 Expressing ideas (speaking)LC8 Translation into FrenchPearson Progression Step Coverage (PPS) 3rd–5th StepsLesson starterTo introduce language used to talk about where you livePlenaryTo listen for information about where someone livesLearning objectivesDescribing where you liveUsing the nous form of –er verbsGrammar and skills coverageChecking written work for accuracyG: Using the pronoun nous with regular –er verbsFCSE linksUnit 7 – Local area and environment (Home town / region)Unit 7 – Local area and environment (What it is like)Learning outcomes…Listening and responding 3rd–4th StepsListening to interviews about where people live and noting down the country, house or flat, and what the person thinks of it and why Identifying the rooms in a house from audio clues and then listening to the names of the rooms to checkSpeaking 3rd–5th StepsPupils guess which sentence their partner has written, based on the elements givenPupils prepare a presentation about where they liveReading and responding 3rd–4th StepsReading about where two people live and answering questions in EnglishReading a text about someone’s house and then completing the English translationWriting4th StepTranslating into French sentences about where people liveKey languageOù habites-tu?J’habite … / Nous habitons ...en ?cosse / en Angleterre / en Irlande du Nord / au pays de Gallesdans …un (grand / petit) appartementune (grande / petite) maison (traditionnelle)J’aime habiter ici.Je n’aime pas habiter ici.parce que …c’est ...tranquillegrandconfortabletrop petitIl n’y a pas de place.Il y a (six) pièces …le salonla cuisinela chambrela salle de bainsla salle à mangerle jardinGrammar practiceGrammaire, page 100 ex. 4ResourcesAudio, tracks 84–86Workbooks: Cahier d’exercices A & B, page 42ActiveTeach:p.086 Flashcards: Countriesp.087 Class game: Où habites-tu?p.086 Grammar video: habiterp.087 Thinking skills worksheet: Understanding a song ActiveLearn:Reading AReading BGrammarTranslationVocabularyHomeworkNotesSCHOOL: YEAR:DATE: CLASS:Dynamo 1 Module 4 Ma vie de familleUnit 3 pp. 88–89 Qu’est-ce que tu manges au petit déjeuner?Programme of Study (PoS)GV2 Grammatical structuresGV3 Developing vocabularyLC4 Expressing ideas (writing)LC6 Reading comprehensionPearson Progression Step Coverage (PPS) 2nd–4th StepsLesson starterTo introduce the names of some breakfast itemsPlenaryTo speak accurately about what you eat and drink for breakfastLearning objectivesTalking about breakfastUsing the partitive article (du / de la / de l' / des)Grammar and skills coverageG: Using the partitive articleG: The conjugation of manger (–er verb) and boire (irregular verb)FCSE linksUnit 5 – Healthy lifestyle (Healthy and unhealthy lifestyle)Unit 6 – Food and drink (Eating habits)Learning outcomes…Listening and responding 3rd–4th StepsListening and noting down what people eat for breakfastListening to check answers in a completed textSpeaking 2nd–3rd StepsPupils play a memory game, taking turns to repeat a sentence about what they eat and drink for breakfast, adding one more item each timeCarrying out a survey about what classmates normally eat and drink for breakfast and what they have at the weekendReading and responding 3rd–4th StepsCompleting a grid with what three people normally have for breakfast and what they have at the weekendChoosing the correct options to complete a text about balanced and traditional breakfastsWriting2nd–4th StepsPupils answer questions about what they and their family eat and drink for breakfastProducing a poster about either a traditional breakfast or a balanced breakfastKey languageQu’est-ce que tu manges au petit déjeuner?Je mange …un croissantun fruitun pain au chocolatdu pain (grillé)du beurredu bacondu yaourtune tartinede la confituredes céréalesdes ?ufsJe bois …du jus de fruitsdu chocolat chauddu laitde l’eauJe ne mange rien.un petit déjeuner équilibré / traditionnelGrammar practiceGrammaire, page 101 ex. 7–8ResourcesAudio, tracks 87–88Workbooks: Cahier d’exercices A & B, page 43ActiveTeach:p.088 Class game: manger and boire followed by the partitive articlep.088 Flashcards: Breakfast foods and drinksp.088 Grammar animation 1: mangerp.088 Grammar animation 2: boirep.088 Grammar quiz: manger, boire + partitive article p.088 Pronunciation quiz 4 p.088 Tongue twister videop.089 Thinking skills worksheet: Odd one outp.089 Video: Ma vie de famille (A video about breakfast, where the reporters have a cooking challenge)p.089 Video worksheet: Ma vie de famille ActiveLearn:Listening AListening BGrammarTranslationVocabularyHomeworkNotesSCHOOL: YEAR:DATE: CLASS:Dynamo 1 Module 4 Ma vie de familleUnit 4 pp. 90–91 On fait la fête! (Listening and Reading Skills)Programme of Study (PoS)GV2 Grammatical structuresLC6 Reading comprehension / Translation into EnglishPearson Progression Step Coverage (PPS) 3rd–5th StepsLesson starterTo introduce or revise infinitives used to talk about a celebrationPlenaryTo recognise first person plural and third person plural verbs in the present tense; to develop translation skillsLearning objectivesLearning about Bastille DayUsing the glossaryGrammar and skills coverageUsing strategies to work out the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary / Using the glossary to look up vocabulary / Looking up the infinitive of verbsThe nous form of –er verbsG: Using the ils and elles form of –er verbsListening out for pronouns and verb endingsPaying attention to pronouns (nous and ils/elles) in reading textsFCSE linksUnit 8 – Celebrations (Special occasions)Unit 8 – Celebrations (Festivals)Unit 8 – Celebrations (Likes / dislikes and opinions)Learning outcomes…Listening and responding 3rd StepListening to how a family celebrates Bastille Day and identifying the nous form verbsListening and identifying whether verbs are in the nous or ils/elles form Reading and responding 4th–5th StepsReading an illustrated text about how a family celebrates Bastille Day and translating key words into EnglishFinding nous form verbs within the textCorrecting errors in sentences about Bastille Day by referring back to the textCopying and completing a text by choosing the correct form of the verb (nous or ils/elles)Listing unfamiliar words and looking them up in the glossaryKey languagele 14 juilletla fête nationaleun jour de congéun défilé (militaire)un balregarder un feu d’artificefaire un pique-niquefaire la fêteGrammar practiceGrammaire, page 101 ex. 5–6ResourcesAudio, tracks 89–90Workbooks: Cahier d’exercices A & B, page 44ActiveTeach:p.091 Grammar video: regarderp.091 Grammar quiz: nous and ils/elles forms of regular –er verbs ActiveLearn:Reading AReading BGrammarPronunciationHomeworkNotesSCHOOL: YEAR:DATE: CLASS:Dynamo 1 Module 4 Ma vie de familleUnit 5 pp. 92–93 Une dr?le de famille (Writing Skills)Programme of Study (PoS)GV4 AccuracyLC6 Reading comprehension / Translation into EnglishLC8 Writing creatively / Translation into FrenchPearson Progression Step Coverage (PPS) 2nd–5th StepsLesson starterTo revise adjectives for describing people (from Module 1, Unit 4)PlenaryTo practise giving physical descriptions of peopleLearning objectivesCreating a cartoon familySubstituting words to make texts your ownGrammar and skills coverageAdapting texts by substituting words / Paying attention to verb forms and adjectival agreement when changing nouns and personal pronounsChecking written work for accuracy: verb forms, adjective agreement, spellingFCSE linksUnit 1 – Relationships, family and friends (Personal descriptions)Learning outcomes…Listening and responding 3rd StepListening to a description of a cartoon character and completing sentences in FrenchReading and responding 2nd–4th StepsReading and completing a text about a cartoon familyNoting down and translating adjectives from the textMaking notes about the family described in the textCorrecting French sentences containing an error in either the verb or the adjectiveWriting3rd–5th StepsAdapting a sentence to translate a range of sentences into FrenchPupils adapt a text to make up their own cartoon familyKey languagegrincheux(–euse)studieux(–ieuse)marrant(e)sévèremaigrefurieux(–ieuse)joli(e)il habiteelle habiteils habitentResourcesAudio, track 91Workbooks: Cahier d’exercices A & B, page 45ActiveTeach:p.093 Class game: Maze: sentence building and avoiding grammatical errorsp.093 Writing skills worksheet: Substituting words in a sentence ActiveLearn:Listening AListening BGrammarTranslationHomeworkNotes ................

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