ENG2D Persuasive Essay AssignmentYour task is to write a well-formed, persuasive essay. A persuasive essay offers and defends an opinion, here called a “thesis” (a statement or theory that is put forward as an opinion to be proved). You need to have or form an opinion on one of the topics given below and write an essay about it. Do not simply answer the ICSPlease choose ONE of the following sets of questions as a basis for your subject:What is the nature of evil? Are some people born evil or are all people born innocent? Is there evil within every person or only some? Do people make a society evil or does society make people evil?What is the best way to solve conflicts? Is war or violence ever the best method for solving conflicts? If yes, then when and why?You are expected to do research and find EXAMPLES or PROOF that support your argument. All of your sources must be listed at the end of your essay. You may use ONLY ENGLISH books and websites as sources. You must use references from Lord of the Flies to help you prove your argument.REMEMBER!! Any plagiarism (copying from a book or website without using quotation marks and giving a source) will result in a grade of zero.TO BE HANDED INYou need to hand in all of the following in order to receive complete marks:A 5-paragraph essay with approximately 600-650 words, typed, double spaced, with a title and a Works Cited page as the last page – use the MLA format, as shown in your guideYour thesis statement, as approved of by your teacherYour outline, as approved of by your teacherAny self/peer editing forms usedYour rough draft (upload this to Turn It In too) TIPSThis is a formal essay and should have a form tone to the language and be written in third person. DO NOT include any of the following:“I think” or “I feel” – third person does not use “I”“In my opinion” or “should” – do not give advice“This paper will be about” or “In conclusion” – don’t announce it, just do it“everyone” or “all people” or “no one” – do not use generalities – be specificDue Dates:Thesis statement:_______________________Outline: _______________________Rough draft: _______________________ENG2D Persuasive Essay Rubric – Nature of Evil OR Violence and War as a Way to Solve Conflicts (Lord of the Flies as Support)Name: ______________________________Knowledge and UnderstandingInsufficient6.0 8.0Level One10.4 11 11.6Level Two12.4 13 13.6Level Three14.4 15 15.6Level Four16.8 17.8 19 20K/U? Demonstrates knowledge of subject, facts, and text with an understanding of ideas, themes, and concepts? demonstrates insufficient knowledge of the subject, and ideas, themes, concepts? demonstrates limitedknowledge of the subject and ideas, themes, concepts? demonstrates adequateknowledge of the subject and ideas, themes, concepts? demonstrates considerableunderstanding of the subject and ideas, themes, concepts? demonstrates thoroughunderstanding of the subject and ideas, themes, concepts___20Thinking9.0 1215.6 16.5 17.418.6 19 20.421.6 22.5 23.425.2 26.7 28.5 30T? Formulates and refines a thesis that addresses the prompt? Integrates specific and compelling evidence to support thesis? Explains, analyses, andsynthesizes ideas, facts, themes, and concepts? thesis is inadequate and/or does not address the prompt? provides inadequate,inaccurate, and/ or irrelevant supporting evidence? insufficient explanation of ideas and/or mere summary? formulates a limited thesis that refers to the prompt? provides limited supporting evidence which is frequently vague or inappropriate? provides limited explanation of ideas? formulates a developing thesis that addresses the prompt? provides some supporting evidence, but is occasionally vague or inappropriate? provides explanation and shows some analysis of ideas? formulates a reasonable thesis that meaningfully addresses the prompt? integrates considerable and convincing supporting evidence? shows considerable analysis and synthesis of ideas? refines a thesis that addresses the prompt with insight? integrates substantial and compelling supporting evidence? shows thorough analysis and skillful synthesis of ideas____30Communication9.0 1215.6 16.5 17.418.6 19 20.421.6 22.5 23.425.2 26.7 28.5 30C? Organizes information and ideas with clarity and focus? Uses language and styleappropriate to purpose and audience (diction, voice, sentence structure, devices)? Uses correct language structures of Standard Canadian English and its conventions of grammar,usage, spelling, and punctuation? lacks clear sense of direction and/or has fewer than 600 words? demonstrates a lack ofcompetence in the use oflanguage and style and/or has fewer than 600 words? numerous major and minor errors interfere seriously with expression of ideas and/or has fewer than 600 words? frequent loss of focus and logical sequencing of ideas? language and style arefrequently ineffective and demonstrate limited sense of audience and purpose? errors frequently interfere with expression of ideas and/or frequently weaken impact of the essay? occasional lapse(s) in focus and/or logical sequencing of ideas? language and style areoccasionally ineffective, but demonstrate some sense of audience and purpose? errors occasionally interfere with expression of ideas and/or weaken impact of the essay? organization is clear, focused, and logical? language and style are effective and demonstrate a considerable sense of audience and purpose? errors do not significantly interfere with expression of ideas or weaken impact of the essay? organizes information and ideas with a high degree of coherence and unity? language and style aresophisticated, well-crafted, and engaging with a strong sense of audience and purpose? few errors do not interfere with expression of ideas or weaken impact of the essay____30Application6.0 8.010.4 11 11.612.4 13 13.614.4 15 15.616.8 17.8 19 20A? Transfers and appliesknowledge of persuasive essay form and MLA style to the prompt? insufficient application of essay form and/or MLA style to the prompt, or misunderstanding of the prompt, results in anineffective essay? limited application of the essay form and/or MLA style to the prompt results in an essay that is frequently ineffective? occasional lapse(s) in essay form and/or application of the MLA style to the prompt results in an essay that is at times ineffective? consistent application of essay form and MLA style to the prompt results in an effective essay? a thorough command of the essay form, MLA style, and prompt results in a masterful essay____20Comments:Total____100Editing Checklist Look at your draft, answer these questions, and revise.YesNeed to ReviseDo I have a short and interesting title?Do I have exactly 5 paragraphs?Do I have an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion?In the introduction, is the LAST SENTENCE a clear thesis with 3 clear ideas or points?Does each of my 3 body paragraphs contain one main idea or point from my thesis (in order) with supporting details, following the TIPAS structure? Does each body paragraph include at least one quotation, formatted using the MLA standard?Does my conclusion include a restatement of my thesis, and combine all my proof and discussion into a final, persuasive statement as the LAST SENTENCE?Is each paragraph indented? Did I use the tab button to leave a 1” space at the beginning of every paragraph?Do I have a “Works Cited” page as my last page and references in brackets “()” inside my essay?Do I have my last name and the page number in the top, right-hand corner of every page?In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, do I have my first and last name, my teacher's first and last name, the course code, and the date?Are my margins set to MLA standards and my essay is double spaced?Did I write using a formal tone (no slang, swearing, contractions, etc.)?Did I use spell check or check the spelling of all words I was not 100% sure of?Did I capitalize the first word in each sentence as well as all names and titles (proper nouns)?Did I vary my sentences? Are they different lengths with different beginnings?Did I check for grammar mistakes and made sure every sentence was a proper sentence and not a run-on sentence or sentence fragment?Did I use third person (no “I” or “we”, etc.)?Did I AVOID giving advice (avoid using “should”, etc.)?Did I AVOID making general comments about “everyone or “everything, etc.?Did I read through this assignment’s rubric and make sure that I included all the necessary components? ................

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