DepEd Mandaluyong

|Department of Education | | | |

| | | | |

| |POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE |PCP No. ______ |Revision Code: 00 |

| | | | |

|Position Title |Master Teacher I-IV |Salary Grade |18-20 |

|Parenthetical Title | | | |

|Office Unit | |Effectivity Date | |

|Reports to | |Page/s | |

|Position Supervised | | | |


Performs 30-50% teaching load; takes charge of curriculum enrichment, teacher coaching/mentoring, research, community linkages, professional development and provided at least 20% assistance to school head in program implementation


|CSC Prescribed Qualifications |

|Education | |

|Experience | |

|Eligibility | |

|Trainings | |

|Preferred Qualifications |

|Education |Masters Degree Graduate |

|Experience |3 years in service as Teacher III |

|Eligibility |Licensure Examination for Teachers |

|Trainings |Relevant trainings |


|Master Teacher I |

|Attends professional meetings, in-service trainings and related activities for self-growth and advancement. |

|Prepares daily logs and visual aids related to the lesson . |

|Conducts remedial episodes classes for slow learners |

|Updates parents on children’s progress and problems through dialogues, conferences and PTA meetings |

|Assists the guidance counselor in handling students with problems |

|Gets involved in community and civic-organization activities. |

|Maintains harmonious relationships with superiors, students, local and public oficials and co-teachers. |

|Observes proper decorum |

|Conducts echo seminars for co-teachers. |

|Mentors co-teachers in content and skills difficulties |

|Helps in the proper and accurate dissemination/implementation of school policies. |

|Assists principals in instructional monitoring of teachers. |

|Guides co-teachers in the performance of duties and responsibilities |

|Leads in the preparation and enrichment of curriculum; leads in the discussion of professional ideas, problems, issues and concerns |

|Initiates projects and programs that will enhance the curriculum |

|Makes the needed instructional materials available to teachers and students |

|Assists school heads in class monitoring |

|Conducts in-depth studies or action researches on instructional problems |

|Coordinates with the grade chairman in disseminating information about school problems, awards, promotion |

|Conducts demonstration teaching sharing effective techniques or strategies and helps identify potential demonstration teachers |

|Monitors the maintenance of discipline between and among teachers and learners |

|Assists in designing capacity development programs for teachers |

|Serves as trainer in school-based INSET |

|Evaluatyes teacher-made tests and interpret results |

|Checks regularly lesson plans of teachers in the assigned grade/subject area |

|Carries regular teaching load for the grade/subject area |

|Serves as a demonstration teacher |

| |

|Master Teacher II-III |

|Provides technical assistance to teachers to improve their competencies |

|Takes active participation in the planning and implementation of training programs in school, district and division levels |

|Initiates improvement in instructional programs |

|Leads in the preparation of instructional materials |

|Introduces innovative teaching approaches and strategies |

|Serves as demonstration teacher, facilitator or resource person at the school level |

|Performs regular class monitoring using process observation tools |

|Assists the school selection committee in the evaluation of credentials when hiring or promoting teachers |

|Represents the school in conferences or events as delegated by the school head |

|Conducts post conferences with teachers for feedback on teaching-learning process |

|Participates actively in school strategic planning process involving internal and external stakeholders |

|Carries regular teaching loads for the assigned grade/subject |

|Conducts at least one action research every year |

|Takes charge of the school reading recovery program |

|Teaches/Takes over the class if the assigned teacher is absent; works beyond official time |

|Enriches the curriculum of his/her field of specialization |

|Rates teachers’ performance twice a year |

|Serves as OIC of the school in the absence of the school head |

|Functions as head/coordinator of the department |

|Consolidates and interprets competency assessment results |

|Designs and validates training programs for teachers |

|Checks, improves and prepares sample lesson plans for the assigned grade/subject area |

|Interprets test results and utilizes them for improvement of instruction |

|Helps identify potential demonstration teachers |

|Gives demonstration to new/striving teachers |

| | | | |

|Major Final Outputs (MFOs) |Key Result Areas (KRAs) |Objectives |Outputs |

| |Professional Growth and Development |Participated in seminars, workshops, trainings within a |a. Seminars/workshops/trainings |

| | |year (division, regional or national) | |

| | |Received (division, regional or national) | |

| | |awards/recognitions within a year |b. Awards/recognitions for the year |

| | |Served as demonstration teacher | |

| | | |c. Documented demonstration teaching |

| |Instructional Competence | Handled teaching loads every year |a. Teaching load |

| | |Achieved at least 75% of the students performance at the |b. 75% annual student performance |

| | |end of the school year | |

| | |Attained 100% of the required learning competencies for the| |

| | |students in every quarter |c. 100% mastery of learning competencies |

| | |Increased NAT performance by 10% | |

| | | |d. NAT Performance increased by 10% |

| |Instructional Supervision |Conducted at least 3 mentoring/ coaching activities with |a. 3 documented mentoring/coaching activities per |

| | |teachers quarterly |quarter |

| | |Evaluated teachers’ performance twice a year. |b. Accomplished teacher’s evaluation report |

| |Research |Conducted at least an action research related to school or |Action Research |

| | |classroomconcerns/ problems during the year | |

| |Performance Indicators |

|Objectives |Outstanding |More than acceptable (4) |Acceptable or minimum standard (3) |Less than acceptable (2) |Poor |

| |(5) | | | |(1) |

|Performed teaching loads every year |100% required teaching load handled |At least 90% required teaching load |At least 80% required teaching load |At least 70% required | Below70% of required |

| |for year |handled for the year |handled for the year |teaching load handled for |teaching loads handled for |

| | | | |the year |the year |

|Served as demonstration teacher for |4 lesson demonstrations served |3 lesson demonstrations served |2 lesson demonstrations served |1 lesson demonstration |No lesson demonstration |

|school/division level trainings | | | |served |served |

|Achieved above 85% of the students | above 85% student peformance (in MPS| At least 80% sstudent peformance |At least 75% student peformance (in |At least 70% student |Below 70% student performance|

|performance at the end of school year |or GSA) |(in MPS or GSA) |MPS or GSA) |peformance (in MPS or GSA) |(in MPS of GSA) |

|Completed the required competencies |95-100% of the required competencies |87-94% of the required competencies|85% of the required competencies in |70% of the required |below 70% of the required |

|for the students in every quarter |in every quarter completed |in every quarter completed |every quarter completed |competencies in every |competencies in every quarter|

| | | | |quarter competed |completed |

|Increased NAT performance of school |10% increase |6% increase |5% increase |4 % increase |3% and below increase |

|Conducted mentoring/coaching program |5 and above teacher mentoring |4 teacher mentoring /coaching |3 teacher mentoring /coaching sessions|1-2 teacher mentoring |No teacher mentoring |

|to teachers in the school on quarterly|/coaching sessions were conducted in |sessions conducted in every quarter |conducted in every quarter (with |/coaching sessions |/coaching sessions conducted |

|basis |every quarter ( with report) |(with report) |report) |conducted in every quarter |in every quarter (with |

| | | | |(with report) |report) |

|Managed performance of teachers |Evaluated 100% teacher performance |Evaluated 90% teacher performance |Evaluated 85% teacher performance |Evaluated 70%of teacher |Evaluated below 70% of |

|following the RPMS cycle (planning and|following RPMS framework cycle |following RPMS framework cycle |following RPMS framework cycle |performance following RPMS |teacher performance following|

|commitments, coaching and monitoring, | | | |framework cycle |RPMS framework cycle |

|review and evaluation and development | | | | | |

|planning) | | | | | |

|Conducted action research related to |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|school concerns/problems within a year|Action research conducted and utilized|Action research conducted and |Action research conducted and utilized|Action research conducted |No Action research conducted|

| |division wide supported by the |utilized division wide with required|by the school/district wide with |but not utilized | |

| |following evidences: |evidences |required evidences | | |

| |Research proposal (in complete | | | | |

| |format) | | | | |

| |Research Report (in complete format | | | | |

| |highlighting findings and | | | | |

| |recommendations) | | | | |

| |Proposed learning interventions and | | | | |

| |programs | | | | |

| |Proposed M&E for results/outcomes | | | | |


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